#chapel of the royal palace
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Royal Chapel Versailles Palace
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artschoolglasses · 11 months
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The Royal Chapel
Versailles, France
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wolfephoto · 6 months
The Royal Chapel - Palace of Versailles, France
The Royal Chapel - Palace of Versailles, France by John Wolfe Via Flickr: La Chapelle Royale, Château de Versailles, France
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dlyarchitecture · 2 years
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lovifie · 9 months
Her Royal Highness Pt. 1
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The palace gardens.
Thousands of flowers, trees and weeds grow all together. Every one of them, their own use and their own mission. 
Growing delicious fruit, being used in medicinal infusions… decorating the burning chapel of the late Queen.
The hundreds of chrysanthemums that decorated her coffin is a sight you would never forget. On any regular funeral, the flowers would have been white. But not on your mum's, everyone from the kingdom who arrived to give their respect to the deceased royal brought flowers. Every flower of different colours, making it look like a rainbow, making it look like a painting. 
A gruesome painting.
But now, as the autumn winds circle your body in the garden; you look around for the chrysanthemums. As in trying to go back to that day, take another look at her face, and try to memorise her better.
But it's not her face the one you see, but of a man you have never seen before.
High in the tower, looking down on you through the window of your father's office. Blue eyes lock with yours, and a kind smile appears through his beard.
At that moment, Alissa, one of the maids, calls for you.
“Your Royal Highness, your father requested your presence in the Sun Room.”
The Sun Room, the stance where you would spend all those sleepless nights looking into the telescope. Visiting all those faraway galaxies, until the sun would come up. 
Now, it has been provisioned with a table and chairs, and it was your father's favourite spot to have breakfast. 
So you didn't think anything else of the request, making your way up to the Sun Room. Blue eyes already forgotten until you enter the run, and meet them again. But he was not alone. 
Five men were seated around the table, only one of them you know. 
Right in front of you was your father, smiling at you while pointing to sit on the chair opposite to his. 
On his right, was sitting the man you saw on the window. Around the same age as your father, with blue eyes, a beard and a smoking pipe on his lips.
Sitting on the left of your father, was a man wearing a hood and a veil-like fabric covering the lower half of his face leaving only his eyes exposed. You thought he was looking at you for a second, but when you tried to meet his gaze you realised he was looking at the man sitting next to the first mysterious man.
You follow his gaze, meeting bright blue eyes and an even brighter smile looking at you. A bit of stubble surrounded his mouth, only interrupted by the small scar on his chin. 
The last man on the table caught your eyes as he left the cup he was just using on the table. Tan skin, brown eyes and just as kind smile as everyone else on the table met your eyes. 
Everyone on the table except for your father quickly got on their feet as you entered the room, bowing to you as a sign of respect. 
You bowed back, almost on autopilot after so many years of training.
The brown-eyed man quickly makes his way towards you and moves your chair back to make it easier for you to sit, and once you do he pushes you closer to the table. 
“Thank you…” You say, a bit surprised by the action and follow him with your eyes until you look back at your father. “Morning, Father.”
“Morning, angel. Let me introduce you to King John Price, he has come all the way from his kingdom with his son and his two best knights just to meet you.” He says pointing to the older man on his right. 
“It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess.” The sudden deep voice from the foreign king quickly gains your attention as you smile at him courteously. 
“The pleasure is mine, your Royal Highness.” You answer by bowing with your head and picking up the cup of tea on your right. “May I ask the reason for such an odyssey?”
“Well, my son here, Prince Simon is still unmarried and as my only heir, I would like to meet my grandchild before my passing to die in peace. So when the news that the young princess was of age to marry, it sounded like the perfect opportunity. And now, having met you, I can rest assured that my grandchildren will be handsome.” The king jokes laughing softly but gets interrupted by the choking sounds that erupted from you. 
What news of you being of age? Marriage? Grandchildren? As you try to get back to breathing you cover your mouth with the napkin and try to figure out what is happening. But it is not hard to figure it out, your father is using you as spare change to keep the kingdom safe. A marriage between kingdoms means a bigger territory, a bigger army, and a bigger treasure to live in peace.
It quickly downsides to you how little your opinions matter to the kingdom affairs, it doesn't matter whether you want to get married or not, whether you like the prince, your soon-to-be husband, or not, any of that matter, because you are just like a horse being sold to a bigger farm.
Even though you can barely remember your mother's face, you can almost hear her screams of rage inside your head, the impotence flowing through your veins. She would have fought your father on this, completely against this interchange. Giving away her only daughter to the first man who knocks on the door, completely unaware of his real intentions. 
But your mother is dead, your father is getting old, and you are just a princess sitting between two royal knights of a foreign kingdom. 
So you do what you must, you stop coughing, get your breath back, stand up apologising for the rumble and excuse yourself by letting everyone know that there is a task that cannot wait to be done that you forgot to do this morning. 
You make your way out before any men in the room can say anything and walk to your room as fast as you can, hating more than ever living in such a big palace.
Once inside and with the door locked, you fall to your knees letting the tears flow. You should be ashamed really, of getting knocked out this easily after your first royal mission. 
But you can't help it, the fight that ignited inside your soul. You knew this would happen, ever since you were born your duty has always been to be married to some foreign prince, the easier way to make allies. But your poor romantic heart, which would keep you awake at night, dreaming of how a kind prince would appear to court you, how you would fall in love with each other, finally marrying and living happily ever after.
Those dreams get shattered in such a brutal way, leaving you no time to try and conceal your feelings. So you indulge in those feelings, suddenly taking notice of how little freedom you have left, you decide to not conceal your feelings. So you move onto your bed, and you cry. You cry until you no longer feel your mother's rage inside your heart.
The knock on your door wakes you up, not having noticed falling asleep. You make your way and unlock the door coming face to face with Alissa, who looks at you with a worried look.
“Your Royal Highness, your father requested your presence in his dormitory. You should come quickly.” She says as she starts to walk looking back to make sure you are following her.
“Did something happen? Why the hurry, Allisa?” You ask trying to get next to her and when she doesn't answer you grab her arm making her turn to you. “Allisa, what's wrong?”
“It's better for you to see yourself, Princess” Allisa says grabbing your hand back and walking with you to your father's room door. 
She opens the door and looks at you waiting for you to enter but without moving herself. She avoids your gaze almost as if she feels guilty about having you in the situation. 
Both the curiosity and anxiety of the moment make you enter the room without another thought.
The smell of chrysanthemums invades your nostrils, but there aren't any flowers in the room. But the sight brings you back to that grotesque painting of your mother's funeral.
Your father lays on his bed, breathing with difficulty and his eyes closed. He looks weak, a sight you thought was impossible now was right in front of you.
You run to your father's bed, kneeling at his side and grab his hand with your shaking fingers.
“Father? Please talk to me, what has happened to you?” You ask with your vision getting blurry with tears.
“Oh, my sweet bird.” Your father says opening his eyes and smiling weakly at you. “Why do you sound so worried? Don't you ever worry about me, it's my duty to worry about you. Something I ate must me fighting back, but it is nothing I can’t beat.” He caresses your cheek, feeling the cold of his fingers making a tear fall on top of his hand. “How are you feeling? You looked upset before when you left, do you not like the Prince?”
Like the Prince? The Prince you didn't hear say a word? The Prince you didn't even see his whole face? The Prince that didn't even look at you? That Prince? Did you even have a say in whether you like him or not?
“I was just… surprised.” You lie.
“They are nice people. They have a big kingdom, bigger than ours. They will take good care of you, birdie.” Your father says and you see him begin to close his eyes. ���I'm gonna try to sleep again, alright? I'm sure I will wake up feeling better. You should try as well, it's been a strange day, hasn't it?”
You smile at him as you see him close his eyes but you don't move. You stay put while holding his hand, and only look up when you hear the door open. 
The King Price enters accompanied by the brown-eyed knight, who is grabbing a tea set on a tray.
“Leave it on the nightstand, Kyle.” Says the king without noticing you are inside and when he finally does notice his expression changes. The more crude and stone-like expression he was using, changes into the kind one you saw before. “Oh, greetings, Princess. Your father requested some tea to ease his sleeping.”
Kyle, the knight, puts the tray on the nightstand and gives you a smile when you look at him. Feeling your throat dry after crying the whole day, you stretch your arm to grab the teacup but before you can do it, the knight grabs your hand.
“Apologies, Princess. But it is for your father.” He says while looking at you with a smile but without letting go of your hand.
“I'm sure my father wouldn't mind sharing a cup. I only want a sip.” I say trying again to grab it but meeting the same luck again. The knight moves his hand to grab my hand more softly instead of my wrist and moves it up to his lips leaving a kiss on my knuckles.
“Your Royal Highness, with all due respect… I wouldn't recommend drinking the tea.” A shiver runs down your spine and you feel the king put a hand on your shoulder making you look up at him.
“Princess, why don't you go back to your room? We will take care of your father, don't worry.” King Price says and you feel like screaming, shouting, hitting, biting, fighting them until they leave the palace and never come back. But you don't, you stay looking at them like a dumb child.
You look back at your father. His skin looks almost grey, a pained expression on his face and cold hands meeting yours. Just this morning, he was fine. Having breakfast with everyone, joking, talking about marriage with the other king. And now, this.
“This is your making, right? You have poisoned my father. You are trying to murder my father’’ You say with a shaking voice looking between them and you hear the king sigh.
‘‘Princess, you are far too young to understand. Your father's kingdom has way too much potential for it to go to waste under such a careless king. He is already too old, and he was never that bright to begin with. When your mother was alive this was a great kingdom, but it has only been getting worse. Is the best for everyone, once you and my son get married, you won't have to worry about anything anymore. You are clever like your mother, aren't you? So prove it, leave your father to rest and let me make everything easier for you.’’
You feel your head throb, so much information all at once. The shameless way he just admitted to the murder of your father, how he let you know that this has been his plan for years even knowing your late mother, the way he expects you to just accept this reality.
You know you need to fight, but you know you would never be able to fight them alone. You think about different things would be if you had any siblings, maybe an older brother that didn't need to get married in order to reign. How things would be different if you were not the next in line… and then you remember. Your uncle. Your mother's brother is the next in line to your throne after you. 
But only if anything happened to you…
What's more important? The kingdom? Or yourself?
The blade on Kyle's waist suddenly seems too close to ignore. And you don't fully register what you are doing until you see the fear in the knight's eyes.
The blade feels heavy on your hands when you raise it above your head, and Kyle jumps in front of the king to protect him of your attack.
But you are not aiming at the king, you are aiming at yourself. And before they can prevent it, the blade is already through your torso.
‘‘If there is no marriage, the kingdom is for my uncle not for you.’’ You say barely above a whisper, feeling cold. A wide contrast with the warm blood covering your hands.
Your ears feel stuffed and it is more and more difficult to stay kneeled without falling. You hear the King curse and order the knight to go for the sages.
You feel the cold floor against your temple, not having noticed being lying on your side. You never thought about dying in a battle, or poison, or murdered. You always thought that's how powerful people die, and unimportant princesses like you would most likely die of old age somewhere alone.
But dying in order to save the kingdom seems noble enough.
In your last moments, you think about your father. Lying on his bed behind you, still breathing but already being given up on by everyone. Even his only daughter. 
What would he think if he got better? If he woke up right now? And saw his child, lying on a pool of her blood inserted on the visiting knight’s blade by herself. 
You were supposed to help the kingdom and didn't even try to fight. Gave up before the fight started.
Leaving the job for your poor uncle, as if he was not already busy enough.
Since I uploaded the little something I did yesterday I couldn't stop thinking about it.
I hoped that you liked the first chapter <3
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world-of-wales · 2 months
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On 22 July 2013, Prince George was born to Catherine and William, then known as Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in St Mary's Hospital, at 16:24 BST weighing 8 pounds and 6 ounces. He was born during the reign of his paternal great-grandmother Elizabeth II and is the first child and eldest of Will & Cat.
The little prince's name was announced on 24 July as George Alexander Louis. George is one of his paternal grandfather King Charles’ middle names and was the regnal name of Queen Elizabeth's beloved father Albert. Alexander is the masculine version of Queen Elizabeth's middle name Alexandra and was also Catherine's top choice for a baby boy's name. Louis is in honour of his 3rd-great-uncle Earl Mountbatten of Burma - Louis, his father - Prince William and King Charles.
Georgie was was christened by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, on 23 October, in the Chapel Royal in St. James' Palace.
George spent the first few months of his life in Anglesey, Wales, before his family relocated to Kensington Palace in 2014. He started at West Acre Montessori School Nursery in 2016 when his family moved to Anmer Hall in Norfolk and then studied at at Thomas's School in Battersea. In 2022, George and his family relocated to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, after which he started at Lambrook School with his siblings.
Born as a Prince of Cambridge, he became HRH Princess George of Wales after his grandfather conferred his parents with the titles of the Prince and Princess of Wales. George was third in line to the throne upon his birth but is now second in line following hid dad taking over as the heir.
He made his official royal debut during the Cambridge tour of Australia & New Zealand in 2014. His first Palace balcony was in 2015 and has also joined his parents on official tours to Canada, Germany and Poland. Taking part in two royal weddings Georgie has also been a part of his great-grandmother's Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022 and was a page of honour at his grandfather's coronation in 2023.
George is a keen tennis and football player (a huge Aston Villa & England fan) and loves rugby, cricket & triathlons. He is adores AC/DC and Led Zeppelin & is learning to play the electric guitar. Georgie is known to love the military and wanted to join the air cadets when he was younger.
He also loves helicopters and police cars and was a fan of Fireman Sam. As per his mum, he likes thunderstorms, and when younger T-rex, the dinosaur fascinated him the most. George spends a lot of time outdoors, helping out with the farm animals & is quite a competitive gardener.
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theroyalsandi · 4 months
STATE VISIT BY THE EMPEROR AND EMPRESS OF JAPAN Tuesday 25th - Thursday 27th June 2024
Their Majesties The Emperor and Empress of Japan will pay a State Visit to the United Kingdom as guests of His Majesty The King from Tuesday 25th to Thursday 27th June 2024.
Their Majesties The King and Queen will host the State Visit at Buckingham Palace.
SATURDAY 22nd JUNE • The Emperor and Empress of Japan will arrive privately in the United Kingdom on the afternoon of Saturday 22nd June at Stansted Airport. • Their Majesties will be greeted by His Excellency Mr Hajime Hayashi, Ambassador of Japan. The Viscount Brookeborough KG, Lord-in-Waiting, will greet Their Majesties on behalf of The King.
SUNDAY 23rd JUNE AND MONDAY 24TH JUNE • Before the State Visit formally commences, the Emperor will conduct a private programme of engagements, including a visit to Japan House and the Thames Barrier.
TUESDAY 25th JUNE • His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales will greet the Emperor and Empress of Japan, at their hotel, on behalf of The King on Tuesday morning. • His Royal Highness will travel with the Emperor and Empress to Horse Guards Parade, where Their Majesties will receive a Ceremonial Welcome. • The King and Queen will formally welcome the Emperor and Empress at the Royal Pavilion on Horse Guards Parade. Presentations will be made, the Guard of Honour will give a Royal Salute and the Japanese National Anthem will be played. • The King and Queen will formally welcome the Emperor and Empress at the Royal Pavilion on Horse Guards Parade. Presentations will be made, the Guard of Honour will give a Royal Salute and the Japanese National Anthem will be played. • The Emperor, accompanied by The King, will then inspect the Guard of Honour, formed of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards with the Band of the Welsh Guards. Afterwards, the Emperor and Empress will join The King and Queen, and The Prince of Wales, in a carriage procession along The Mall to Buckingham Palace, where they will be met by a second Guard of Honour formed of the 1st Battalion Welsh Guards. • Following a lunch at Buckingham Palace, given by The King, His Majesty will invite the Emperor and Empress to view a special exhibition in the Picture Gallery of items from the Royal Collection relating to Japan. • In the afternoon, the Emperor and Empress will visit Westminster Abbey, where the Emperor will lay a wreath at the Grave of the Unknown Warrior. Their Majesties will take a tour of the Abbey, accompanied by the Dean of Westminster. • In the evening, The King, accompanied by The Queen and Members of the Royal Family, will give a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace for The Emperor and Empress of Japan. Speeches will be made by The King and the Emperor at the beginning of the banquet.
WEDNESDAY 26th JUNE • The Emperor will visit The Francis Crick Institute, the UK's flagship biomedical research centre. The Institute supports an innovative UK-Japan research partnership which covers a range of public health issues, including cancer, vaccines, and the role of genetics in infectious diseases. • That evening, The Emperor of Japan, joined by Their Royal Highnesses The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh, will attend a Banquet at the Guildhall given by the Lord Mayor and City of London Corporation. The Lord Mayor and The Emperor will both make speeches at the end of the banquet.
THURSDAY 27th JUNE • The Emperor and Empress of Japan will formally bid farewell to The King and Queen at Buckingham Palace on the morning of the final day of the official State Visit programme. • The Emperor and Empress will travel to Young V&A, part of the V&A family of museums dedicated to the power of creativity around the world, where the museum's Japan: Myths to Manga exhibition is currently on display. • The Emperor will privately visit St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, to lay a wreath on the tomb of Queen Elizabeth II, in the King George VI Chapel. The Garter Banners of the current members of the Order of the Garter, including the banner belonging to • His Majesty's father, Emperor Emeritus Akihito, are displayed in the Quire of St. George's Chapel. • Later that afternoon, His Majesty the Emperor will tour the historic Temperate House at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The Millennium Seed Bank, coordinated by Kew is the world's largest collection of over 2.4 billion wild plant seeds spanning 97 countries, preserving Japanese and international biodiversity. Bronze Bonsai sculptures by artist Marc Quinn are currently displayed in the Temperate House, surrounded by a display of Bonsai trees from Kew's collection.
FRIDAY 28th JUNE • On their final day in the UK, The Emperor and Empress of Japan will visit Oxford for a private programme of engagements including a visit to the colleges where Their Majesties studied. • At the conclusion of the visit, The Lord Chamberlain will bid farewell to the Emperor and Empress on behalf of The King, before they depart from RAF Brize Norton.
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faatxma · 1 year
Meadow Garden II
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Pairing: King George III x Reader
Synopsis: The desire to see him was stronger than knowing that it might not last after all
Warnings: Mature
Part III
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It has been a month since you discovered that the man you loved and which your heart was yearning for was to get married to a noble lady from Germany. It has also been a month since you called things of between you guys. You didn’t want to stand between his duties as a king and his duties to you as your lover.
So you made the cut yourself ending your relationship.
You heard that the wedding would take place at the Main Chapel in London. You knew he would stay at his new estate in Buckingham Palace with his servants and his right hand man Reynolds. And with the start of their Honeymoon it would be a month until you could catch a glimpse of him.
'Have you heard?' Your father asked you placing tonight dinner in front of you.
You frowned wanting him to continue. 'The King just arrived and it seems he’s alone, without his wife.’ You breathe hitched and you could hear your heart beating faster and faster.
Why was he here? Shouldn’t he be with his wife are they spending their time separately? You couldn’t find and answer and you wished your thoughts would stop looking for any.
'Why are you telling me this?' You asked ignoring the sad look he’s giving you. You loved your father dearly but he kept insisting you to speak to George at least open his letters.
There were at least 20 of them, he would make Reynolds deliver them to you ever other day. The first ones you were destroyed by you not wanting to read what he had to say. But the rest was kept hidden by your father.
To be honest you were thankful for him doing that. You wanted closure and maybe those letters would help you find it.
'I know you still love him despite everything that happened. I’m also pretty sure he still loves you just open the last letter Reynolds brought and decide for yourself. Married or not you can’t hide feelings.'
'We are to different,father' you mumbled.
'In what way? I see a you man loving a beautiful and smart young woman.' He said placing the letters in front of you, it was a whole box but the one that stood out the most was without Royal stamp.
'Royal or not royal those titles shouldn’t define anything.' He patted your head leaving you alone.
𝑀𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒,
𝒯𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝓎 𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊, 𝐼 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝓎 𝓉𝓎𝓅𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝓇𝑒𝓈𝓅𝑜𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔. 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓌𝒶𝓎𝓈 𝒷𝑒 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻 𝒶𝓇𝑜𝓊𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝐹𝒶𝓇𝓂𝑒𝓇 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒. 𝐼’𝓁𝓁 𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓎 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓌𝑒 𝓈𝓅𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓌𝑒 𝓈𝒽𝒶𝓇𝑒𝒹. 𝑀𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅 𝒸𝒶𝓁𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝓈𝓉𝑜𝓅 𝓊𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓁 𝓌𝑒 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝒷𝑜𝓃𝒹𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜𝑔𝑒𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝑔𝒶𝒾𝓃. 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑒𝓍𝒾𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓀𝑒𝑒𝓅𝓈 𝓂𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒹𝓊𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝓎 𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓊𝒷𝓁𝑒𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝐼 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝓎𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓃 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓈. 𝐼’𝓁𝓁 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓉𝒾𝓃𝓊𝑒 𝓁𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝒶𝑔𝑜𝓃𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝑜𝓅𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝑜𝓃𝓁𝓎 𝑜𝓃𝑒 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓎𝑜𝓊.
𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝒢𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒾𝑒
Your tear droplets started to blur out the ink on the letter. You didn’t bother wiping your tears away why couldn’t you love somebody else.
Why the King of Great Britain? You knew everything had a reason and you didn’t wish to live in agony any longer. You got up getting your cloak hastily. You blew out the candles in front of you not even telling your father that you are leaving.
But he didn’t have to them your father was standing near the window seeing your figure running out of the house. His face was plastered with a content smile, he knew you’d make a good decision.
It was getting darker but you could already see the Estate. You greeted the maids which passed you. You were in your thoughts that you didn’t see yourself running into the man you were looking for.
'Oh my god, I’m sorry Reynolds I didn’t see you' you said helping him up.
‘It’s fine, what are you doing here?' He asked surprised with a visible frown on his forehead. Before you could answer he saw the letter in your hand, and all he did was smirk happily.
‘You’ll find him in his Observatory’ you beamed happily, but before you could even pass him he grabbed your wrist.
'He was not himself so please don’t hurt him, I beg you.' He muttered releasing you from his grasp.
'I won’t Reynolds' you smiled sadly.
You made your way to the Observatory feeling utterly nervous. Each step felt heavier and heavier but you knew what to do. You saw that the door was open and stepping closer you saw his body leaning in front of several blueprints.
'Get out Reynolds' he said in a tone you never really heard from him.
‘It’s me' you said hesitantly.
You could see his body freezing when you voice echoed into the room.
'I must truly be turning into a mad man' he whispered to himself. You step closer Into the room until u stood right behind him.
'You aren’t turning into a mad man' you whispered placing your hand onto his right shoulder to turn him around so he could face you. His eyes were closed and you could see that he wasn’t taking your break up well.
You tugged the letter into your bust and placed your hands onto his cheeks. He didn’t dare to look up his eyes were closed tightly thinking if he opened them you wouldn’t be there anymore.
'Open your eyes for me my love' you whispered stroking his face gently. You saw his trembling hands reaching up to your face, and when he placed his hands onto you cheeks he finally opened his eyes. Realizing that you were were truly there made him break out in tears.
'It’s okey Georgie, I’m here' you muttered placing a kiss onto his forehead. You pulled yourself back wiping his tears away.
'I’m sorry that I left' you said placing a longing kiss onto his lips. He reacted immediately pressing you closer to himself like you’d vanish any minute.
He slipped his tongue into your mouth roaming around like a starved man. Who hasn’t been fed in days. You pulled back breathing heavily but you didn’t waste a second to smash you lips back onto his.
His hands started to roam around your body as you tugged onto his hair wanting to feel him all over you. George pulled back pressing his face onto your chest sucking heavily on them. He wanted to loosen your dress when he felt something poking out of your cleavage. He looked closely and recognized it immediately, it was the last letter he wrote to you.
'You read it' he said looking up to you. You nodded getting it out handing it to him. He opened it seeing all the your dried tears spots.
'Yes I did, that’s why I’m here Georgie'
'I never wanted to hurt you, believe me. This marriage is only political, to have better trading routes between Germany and Britain. I don’t love her and I’ll never love her my love. She is also not delighted about being sold off by her brothers. When I told Reynolds to hand you those letters I had hope, that you would come back to me. But which each letter my hope somewhat disappeared but I still held onto it. Because I knew that someday you’d come back to me. He said showing you the smile you loved the most.
'You truly love me' your said knowing the answer. 'If loved you from the moment I saw you walking through the meadow garden. All my heart wants is you.' He said pressing a kiss onto your lips.
But it was interrupted by loud steps coming closer and closer and a voice yelling.
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Taglist: @minaxcarter @lollulroofl @hueanhdang @omgsuperstarg
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royaltysimblr · 2 months
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Adelaide, Dowager Princess of the Isle
Princess Adelaide of Brichester was born in 1847 to Prince Willem-Maurits of Brichester and Infanta Antonia of Selvadorada. Her father was the second son of the reigning King of Brichester and her mother was a niece of King Felipe III of Selvadorada. Adelaide grew up at Emden Castle, a country estate of the Brichester Royal Family. Adelaide's father valued a high education, and thus had all of his daughters educated by tutors from the University of Brichester. Her mother Antonia was an affectionate mother who deeply cared for her children. However, she also had high ambitions, aiming to see her daughters become queens. Adelaide's sisters would become the Queen of Brichester and the Crown Princess of Brindleton through advantageous marriages. Adelaide and her sisters were often referred to as the Brichester Set, beautiful young princesses who became the most sought after brides in the continent.
Adelaide met her mother's cousins, the King and Queen of Selvadorada multiple times throughout her childhood. Before the Selvadoradian Royal Family traveled to San Myshuno for the wedding of Maria Christina to the Prince of the Isle, they visited Antonia and her daughters in Brichester. Maria Christina remarked that her cousin Antonia was "pleasant, but plain" and compared having 9 children to a "living hell". Adelaide was briefly courted by Maria Christina's older brother, Infante Fernando of Selvadorada in 1869, but he died later that year ending the courtship. That same year Maria Christina died in labor, leaving her husband a widower.
Queen Mary II believed that her granddaughters needed a mother figure in their life, and expected her son to give her a grandson who could inherit the throne of Windenburg and San Myshuno. Mary II employed her daughters to look for a bride for her widowed son. Mary's second daughter, Ophelia had met Adelaide at the wedding of her sister to Ophelia's step-son, the Crown Prince of Brindleton. Ophelia suggested to Queen Mary that Adelaide was very beautiful and kind, and being kin to Maria Christina, would make a wonderful mother to her children. Adelaide was invited to Statford Castle in 1870 along with her parents where they were introduced to the Queen and Prince Charles. Prince Charles was pleasant and kind to Princess Adelaide, however she was unimpressed. Prince Charles did not speak much and remained rather quiet, with his mother Queen Mary speaking for him. Adelaide initially wanted to reject Prince Charles, but her mother Antonia had other plans. Antonia manipulated her daughter into accepting the proposal by emphasizing the "shame" that would be brought on the family if she rejected him.
After two more meetings, Adelaide accepted the proposal and the couple became engaged. The wedding was a small intimate affair held at the San Myshuno Palace Chapel, with only close family in attendance. Charles and Adelaide's marriage broke down rapidly after the honeymoon. Charles left Honey House and never returned; instead, he stayed at his hunting lodge in Dunkeld. Adelaide was forced to become the sole parent in the lives of Princess Alexandra and Princess Charlotte, her two infant stepdaughters.
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inchidentally · 1 day
went truly unhinged and wrote an entire fic summary of mafia!carcar @__@ special thanks to the good ppl over at the carcar discord <3
as usual I worked google's p*ssy tired to put together the details so pls ignore/handwave anything erroneous
Okay, so for regional specifications let’s say that Carlos has worked for years to be vouched for in the mafia. He’s actually a spy and in an extremely dangerous position - he was plucked from law school in Spain to be trained up in the intelligence agency and was assigned to Sicily due to his fluency in Italian. So even though he’s only 26, he’s already highly skilled and has been living and working full-time as a secret agent and translator - as well as liaison for the mafia - in Sicily for years already.
Oscar is fresh off his A-levels and touring Italy with lofty dreams of becoming a race engineer for Ferrari but assuming he’ll end up back in the UK in some bland office where he’ll hope to make enough money to go to F1 races - and maybe one day take his rightful place on that pit wall.
Palermo is at the very end of his trip before he flies back to London and he books a tour of the Norman Palace. He’s enjoying the fusion of cultures in the art and architecture, totally unaware that his name had been noticed by one of the palace’s administration when he’d bought the ticket a week before. An untraceable number of emails and messages had brought his existence to the attention of mafiosi who had until that moment assumed that particular royal line had died out. 
They immediately scour what little exists of Oscar in the public domain and the even less available through government authorities (the boy is barely out of childhood and has done nothing of note except leaving his homeland to attend school in the UK and hasn’t even gotten so much as a speeding ticket). His social media however reveals a hunch that young Oscar is not unaffected by handsome men, possibly with a penchant for Spanish men in particular, and that he is an ardent Ferrari fanboy. A hastily put-together plot to snare the boy into the mafia by establishing him in his rightful royal position has all the promise of strengthening the mafia control of the region. 
Meanwhile, many consiglieri have long been suspicious of Carlos and see this as an opportunity for him to commit his oath for good - or to see him and the Oscar boy easily disposed of if the Spaniard was discovered to be a rat. They will install Carlos as a translator for Ferrari and he will then claim that he is also on holiday in Palermo when he “bumps into” Oscar at the palace. As they are marveling at the Palatine Chapel’s interior and Carlos is using Ferrari and himself to work every charm at his disposal, a royal scholar with ties to the mafia will approach and inform them of his suspicion that Oscar is of royal descent. He will then ask them back to the University of Palermo to confirm his suspicions (which had of course already been confirmed). By that point, Oscar will have been successfully wooed by both Carlos and the promise of taking his rightful place as a prince, so that the mafia can insinuate themselves into his life and eventually his reign.
Only Carlos’ training can prevent his dismay from being revealed to his bosses as the plan is described to him, but he’s horrified at dragging some poor, unwitting kid into all the danger and ruthlessness of organized crime. He decides to defy his bosses back at the intelligence agency and play the long game of making Oscar his husband and strategizing at every turn to keep the boy alive and hopefully at some point extricate him back to his normal life - or at least into a witness protection program. Anything else would certainly risk Oscar’s life and even if Carlos hadn’t become fond of the kid from a distance, he still wouldn’t sacrifice him for a shorter route to cutting off an entire arm of organized crime.
The plan proceeds as expected, with Oscar dazzled and blushing over Carlos’ attentions and the royal scholar having approached them. It all suddenly goes awry when an overzealous nephew of a mafiosi - fresh off a 12-hour drug bender - infiltrates operations, taking Oscar hostage in the chapel and insisting that the government immediately recognize Oscar as royalty and that the church marry them there in the chapel. He then turns the gun to dispatch an unarmed Carlos, only to be knocked unconscious by Oscar wielding an antique censer. 
The royal scholar - Andrea Stella - is a good man who now speaks urgently to Carlos in a peculiar coded language (they both have on wires) informing him that he knows of the mafia’s plans and that he too wants to see Oscar kept safe. Oscar surprises them by not only understanding the code but speaking it back - albeit brokenly - to them. The code is known only within the Ferrari elite and sounds identical to everyday Italian but with a sequenced pattern that carries a second meaning to every other word, something that amateur cryptography genius Oscar picks up on remarkably quickly.
Which is how Oscar learns that his claim to royal status is fully valid, his entanglement with the mafia is very real, but worst of all is that Carlos’ romantic interest in him was all a lie (or so he assumes).
The police and media attention that the hostage situation attracts results in the mafia’s plans proceeding as expected, except for all three men pivotal to their machinations being in cahoots to foil them. Oscar is granted status as a prince but without anointing or coronation by the church due to him taking Carlos for a husband. They are installed in a part of the palace now closed off to the public and begin their work ingratiating Oscar with said public and even winning them over to the idea of him being married to another man (Carlos not being Italian ends up being the biggest hurdle for them to get over). Oscar’s youth, beauty, shyness and sweet giggle work unexpected wonders, as does the promise of a return to all the regal romance of a pre-unified Italy while not actually returning to those times politically. 
Carlos and Oscar have a tense private relationship because Oscar is nursing a wounded heart as well as a stubborn attraction and love for Carlos - while Carlos feels ashamed of having tried to seduce Oscar for duplicitous purposes and is also struggling with an intense attraction and growing affection for him. Andrea is the architect of their whole counter-strategy and is both the heart and the brains: the brains because he has lain in wait for decades for the right opportunity to destroy the mafia’s power, but also the heart because he sees Oscar as a son and can also see the misunderstandings going on between Oscar and Carlos.
Oscar is a complete surprise package in having an iron-clad poker face and an uncanny ability to remain calm even as his life is turned upside down that rivals seasoned operatives. He even manages to dupe his own family when they visit for the wedding. When Carlos asks how he can so easily lie to them about it all, Oscar levels him with “I could do anything just to keep them safe.” To which Carlos replies that he knows what Oscar means and raises Oscar’s hand to kiss over the ring he now wears as prince. Then he kisses Oscar at one of the highest points of the palace with Mount Etna visible in the distance.
They begin an all-consuming sexual affair that they both privately claim is beneficial to confirming their relationship to the mafia while conveniently remaining in denial of their real feelings. Carlos pours all of his into kissing every inch of Oscar’s pale skin until he’s pink all over, and Oscar puts all his aching heart into taking Carlos down his throat just out of view of the public or forcing Carlos to handle meetings while Oscar is crouched between his ankles. A few lowly messengers of the mafiosi bring back stories of hearing the prince’s cries punctuated with the banging of furniture against palace walls. Carlos can’t keep his hands off his pretty husband either in public or private conclave with “officials” who are really mafiosi under different titles. 
Meanwhile, Oscar is still presumed by the mafia to be none the wiser about the criminal element of his reign and does such sleek work with his angelic face and adorably unassuming attitude that any lingering discussion of dispatching him is immediately shut down.
Which makes it all the more shocking four years later when a sudden mass assassination frames half the criminal element for the death of the other half and throws the whole of the syndicate in chaos that dissolves their control entirely. The ensuing months see Oscar, Carlos and Andrea sequestered - along with their court - inside the palace which is shut to the public amid fears of another hostage situation, while arrests and investigations take place. 
Tensions across the city are high in the wake of the ensuing widely publicized trials and Oscar insists that a public appearance from him outside the palace would reassure and distract the public - and that it would solidify his position as more than seemingly ceremonial. The palace officials agree to the plan but as they are deciding on the security detail, Carlos realizes his presence alongside Oscar has not been mentioned. 
Later that night in their bedchamber, Carlos raises his concern and states that he will be accompanying his husband during his appearance. Oscar attempts to shut him down by stating that Carlos would only represent a greater threat by seeming to taunt the mafia and encourage retribution. 
They argue until Oscar calmly pulls rank, to which Carlos responds by kissing him fiercely and forcing him onto the bed. They desperately make love and fall asleep in each other’s arms. 
The next morning, Carlos awakens in their room alone and with the sun at a suspicious slant through the windows. He realizes Oscar has stolen Carlos’ phone from its usual place by the bed to ensure that he slept in - clearly hoping Carlos would sleep through Oscar’s public appearance entirely. He realizes the little beast had baited him into fucking him so thoroughly that Carlos was exhausted and woke late.
He pulls on clothes and tears down the stairs to the courtyard with just enough time to compose himself and stand beside one of the guards. Oscar stood out in front with the selected media in a semi-circle and an enormous crowd at barriers set further out, many of whom were calling out affection and support for their prince. He does not see that Carlos has joined them and proceeds with his speech.
Carlos spots the gun at the same time as the guard next to him, but it is aimed at Oscar and not himself. 
As Etna smokes and rumbles what will be called a mild yet deadly eruption in the distance, two shots are fired after Carlos and the guard wrap their bodies around Oscar and force him to safety. The remaining guards - and a few members of the public - detain the gunman (none too gently) and Carlos and Oscar are bundled back to their rooms and the guards take up position outside.
Inside their bedchamber, Oscar frantically paws at Carlos, wildly suspecting that he’s been shot and doesn’t realize it. He tugs Carlos’ jacket and shirt off and gives a heartbreaking cry of relief when he doesn’t see a single mark on his husband’s body.
Oscar breaks down at last, releasing four years of stress and anxiety in a gust of tears and collapsing in Carlos’ arms. He pours out how he had contrived the mass assassination plan mere months after his life was altered forever in the Palatine Chapel - how he brought Andrea into it to help him with things like the details and movements of mafia members, members who would be willing to work against the family and the risk to innocents, even down to developing a seemingly arbitrary fascination with volcanology so that he could be made aware of Etna’s activity far enough in advance to take the admittedly wild final gambit of disposing the remaining members by having them conveniently perish in Etna’s next eruption. He realized that while conspiring half the local mafia against the larger organization would result in a certain amount of mutually assured destruction, as well as concealing forever Oscar’s role in it, he would have some stragglers to deal with who could regroup in retribution. A suggestion was therefore sent down via Oscar’s court officials to the police loyal to the palace, and then to remaining criminals-at-large (also those with the bloodiest histories in the mafia) of escaping arrest by scaling the crater during a period of high activity and therefore remaining undetected by officials, guides and the public. Their treacherous expedition was promised to take them to the other side of the volcano and then to the coast where boats and new identities would take them from their troubles. 
Oscar had reasoned that if Etna hadn’t taken them then their desire for escaping arrest would scatter them and effectively extinguish their power hopefully forever. Andrea had marveled at Oscar’s command over strategizing the whole plan mostly by himself and said that Ferrari would mourn missing out on hiring him if they knew what he was capable of.
Carlos cradles Oscar on the carpet, kissing his sweat-cold brow and begging to know why Oscar didn’t include Carlos in the plan? Does he still not trust him after all this time? Because if so then he wishes the bullet had found him and put an end to playing husband to the man he loves but who will never love him in return.
Oscar looks up into his eyes with a face full of wonder and brings a hand up to lovingly stroke Carlos’ cheek. Because he kept Carlos out of it precisely so that he wouldn’t do anything stupid like sacrifice himself and ruin Oscar’s hopes that when his plan was finished, perhaps they could start over and he could make Carlos love him the way he loves Carlos.
For the first time, they kiss knowing their love is mutual. And while they realize their positions will always involve some element of danger and their lives will never be “normal”, they admit that they’d never choose any other life if it meant not being together.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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The Royal Chapel of Versailles
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artschoolglasses · 1 year
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The Royal Chapel
Versailles, France
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4 June 2024
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warwickroyals · 6 months
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Sunderland's Royal Jewel Vault (18/∞) ♛
↬ Countess Wynn's Meander Tiara
The majority of the tiaras in the Sunderlandian collection were inherited through members of King Louis V's family, mainly previous queens Matilda Mary, Anne, and Katherine. This meander tiara however represents the current Wariwcks' French heritage, as it belonged to Queen Irene's mother, Marguerite Wynn. Countess Wynn was born in 1914 as Marguerite Delphine Lucie Chevrier. She was the eldest of four children born to industrialist  Phillipe Édouard Chervrier (1880 - 1950) and his El Salvadoran wife, Consuelo Romana Gomez (1892 - 1979). Margurite's family claims ancestry from both French and Spanish nobility, although the bulk of their impressive fortune was derived from Phillipe's ceramics factory in the south of France. Much of Margurite's early life was disrupted by the First World War, during which the Chevriers settled in Mexico City with Consuelo's sister. Following the war, Marguerite flourished in high Parisian society, becoming well-versed in the arts and fluent in several languages, including English and Spanish. Expected to marry into the French aristocracy, Marguerite made waves by instead marrying John Wynn (1911 - 1973), a career soldier from Sunderland whose great family had fallen on hard times following the deaths of John's three older brothers in the war. When the couple met in 1931, John was on a mindless trek across Europe, in search of a wealthy bride. Despite their differing backgrounds, Marguerite was smitten by John's optimism and good humour. The pair married a year later, with John even converting to Catholicism to appease Marguerite's parents. Their wedding was held at the Chapel of the Palace of Versailles, one of the last grand society affairs of interwar Paris. The tiara, which featured a Greek key design punctuated by a central emerald-cut yellow diamond, was among Marguarite's wedding gifts. The jewel is ambiguous in origin but is agreed to be an early twentieth-century creation, likely from Cartier. It became a useful tool in Margurite's arsenal as she erupted in Sunderland as one of the country's wealthiest society ladies. Pearlie, as she became known, was noted to be arrogant, intelligent, and ravishing. Pearlie is more "royal" than the rest of us combined. She drenches herself in jewels as if she were the ghost of the last Tsarina. — Queen Katherine, 1970
The Countess owned the tiara until 1968, when she gave it to her youngest daughter, Lady Irene, also as a wedding present. Irene's marriage to the future King Louis V was Pearlie's greatest life achievement and she became increasingly boastful. Maman Wynn, as she was called by the press and public, was known to meddle in royal affairs, especially the personal lives of her daughter and son-in-law. By the early 1980s, she was on bad terms with both. Irene was never seen wearing her mother's tiara, but she kept it in her own personal possession for almost thirty years. In 1997, Irene continued the tradition by gifting the tiara to her only daughter, Princess Jacqueline, ahead of her wedding to Lawrence Belmont. The wedding was coincidently the last public appearance of the old Countess Wynn. She died peacefully at Chester Palace the same winter. Since then, Jacqueline has worn the tiara regularly at state functions and in official portraits. It's among the princess's most cherished pieces.
The Countess Wynn wears the tiara in a portrait, circa October 1943, eight years before the birth of her youngest daughter, Queen Irene
HRH Princess Jacqueline wears the tiara while attending a gala dinner & dance in July 2026
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world-of-wales · 5 months
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On 23 April 2018, Prince Louis was born to Catherine and William, then known as Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in St Mary's Hospital, London, at 11:01 BST. He was born during the reign of his paternal great-grandmother Elizabeth II as the third child and second son of Will & Cat. The new prince's name was announced as Louis Arthur Charles in honour of his 3rd-great-uncle Earl Mountbatten of Burma - Louis, his father - Prince William and his paternal grandfather - Charles. The 11 week old little prince was christened by the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, on 9 July in the Chapel Royal at St James's Palace. He wore the handmade replica of the Royal Christening Robe, and the Lily Font and water from the River Jordan were used during the baptism. Louis spent the early years of his life at Apartment IA at Kensington Palace and Anmer Hall. He started at Willcocks Nursery School near Kensington Palace in April 2021. In 2022, the family relocated to Adelaide Cottage in Windsor, after which he started at Lambrook School along with his older siblings. Born as a Prince of Cambridge, he became HRH Prince Louis of Wales after his his grandfather conferred his parents with the titles of the Prince and Princess of Wales. Louis is currently fourth in line to the throne. He made his official royal debut at the Trooping of Colour in 2019 and since then has accompanied his parents and siblings for engagements and events including his great-grandmother's Platinum Jubilee in 2022 and his grandfather's Coronation in 2023. Louis, who enjoys being outdoors, is known to be mad about rugby and loves cricket and tennis. As per his mother, he's got the signature ballboy pose down perfectly. He is also 'very quick' on his scooter and loves gardening. The little cutie is very proud of his sunflowers.
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