#chapter 1078
curlybrow-kun · 2 years
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diversity win! the two child abusing scientists are gay!
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nature-nerd-sarah · 2 years
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Reiju and Ichiji turning their back, ashamed of their cringe dad and his cringe friend.
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calekinnieplus · 1 year
From what she knew, this gentleman had killed two demigods with his own hands, and he had only become a demigod for three months!
In the upper echelons of the seven Churches, they only have about ten demigods… Based on Mr. World’s progress, it will take him at most two years to wipe out the powerhouses of a Church…
Klein is just That good.
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fly-chicken · 2 years
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The curse of the nose. There can only be ONE
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Eh, 1078's worth it’s own post. We open with an interesting little exchange between Stussy & Sentomaru. The way they talk about the mission and the delicacy has me wondering if at least one big outcome is about to pop off. There’s another reason in this chapter I’m wondering, it’s not even that crazy of a theory. I definitely think it’d be a cool end, Wano’s time hops give the Grand Fleet a lot of time to move in assuming the awakening made Luffy’s vivre card act weird. Capturing Saturn would more than adequately fit the bill for historic proportions.
Of course, this pair having this conversation also is worth pointing out. Sentomaru & Stussy are both figures we’ve pointed out keeping that thematic bleedover from Wano firmly in Kiku’s territory. Look at em side-by-side, I’d say they each serve as a good representation of one of her halves standing alone. We’ll circle back to how that idea bookends.
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The fuck Luffy? Just deadass calling Kaku Usopp. Seriously bro...what a heads up move! I mean, gag aside it was quick thinking to both not leave himself 2v1 with CP0 and to account for Zoro’s big weakness. But it is also really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really funny he called Kaku Usopp and Kaku’s just grumbling about it. I couldn’t not mention it. Seriously though, this flashback.
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First off, it’s a great quick version of the big idea I’ve been on about. Does that make sense? We’ve had the little breadcrumbs hiding in plain sight. Just like Kanjuro by the end people had actually strung together a few good points about who it was. In essence, what we saw with York is a lot like the structure I laid out. What I’ll say is this though; I just don’t think it’s done. Too truncated. Same logic as getting Vegapunk’s big lore dump out of the way early. Mr. Narrator is coming in to make it very clear we’re not done yet. This is about to pop off into something much bigger. Egghead might be more Punk Hazard-length than Zou, who knows?
This panel is also why I’m excited for the Grand Fleet! Just...does it not feel like the iconic End-of-Dressrosa panel about their future exploits? For the here and now though, of course we do see the traitor plotline ended up being rather straightforward in an interesting way.
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Bookends. Much like the angle of starting through Sento/Stussy, York is someone interesting to end on. This last stamp here made her a foil. Oh, so it was the tall, cute unassuming one? The gluttonous, vulgar one who’s goal is the absolute antithesis of Kiku’s egalitarian ethos? I’ll take it.
One Piece is always hard to predict but that seems like an easy way for all of this to end. The scrum goes on a little longer, Robin is moving down to this basement with Chopper so we can confront York easy enough. Kizaru ratchets up the tension but now we are finally ready to face an Admiral. His plan to buy time is thwarted by the arrival of the Grand Fleet demolishing the reinforcements. If we want to, there is ample thematic territory to weave in a new quartermaster orchestrating that. We can see what happened just like we did this chapter or we can finally pull the trigger on the Chekov’s Gun of X Drake’s report. Either way, you have a defeated admiral and potentially a captured Gorosei to cement the Straw Hats as the cream of the crop in all of these worldwide rumblings. In a way that otherwise leaves a completely blank slate to set up whatever we get into from this island on.  
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mugiwaraluv · 1 year
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Zoro had never said it but Luffy has and don't blame Kaku 😂
But Luffy isn't good with names he isn't familiar so only features 😅
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
one piece spoilers (sanji): chapter 1078 (briefly)
Seeing as it just happened in the anime and was expanded upon, it's still fresh in my mind that Sanji could take hits from Queen that did no damage, or that he could restore himself from them very quickly (see this post from @rkgkaru ). He attributed this to gaining a body like "them", being his brothers, something he didn't want.
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screencap: rkgkaru
And seeing as his eyebrow has done the swirly switch-a-roo again (not shown in the anime yet, so not in the frame above), the scene below of Sanji taking a punch from Seraphim Jinbei (S-Snake) and declaring that it's the undying power of love, is understated in some ways, and hides the actual changes and possible intent of what Sanji has gone through and become.
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I saw some reviews not seeming to pick up on this. But, as said, I don't think the manga had him quite as invincible as the anime did. And, it is something Sanji would say too.
Also: I think this is totally Rob Lucci winding Luffy up (frame below).
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The Usopp joke (Luffy telling Usopp (Kaku) ) to help Zoro before he gets lost is golden too. As is the getting lost theme.
It's a great chapter and there's a lot in there, so I'll let others unpack it, because I've already read some great analyses. But wanted to isolate these two incidences. BTW, how did York get unpetrified? If she's controlling the seraphim, I guess she got a message to S-Snake somehow, and S-Snake unwove her magic.
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djampuuu · 2 years
The scientists on Egghead have no where to go now and Neo MADS was just established…their ranks are about to grow.
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fallensnowfan · 2 years
1078 is a neat chapter to mark my 200th since catching up to reading weekly. 878 had Luffy beginning his battle against Katakuri, and Pedro ensuring the Straw Hats could keep moving forward.
On to this chapter,
York has become the perfect foil for Miss Lingering Snow:
Both seem air headed at first glace, though have more to them than they initially let on. “This one is a samurai,” is still such a cool, to the point, way of introducing that side of Kiku. Kiku and York both have the hearts in their speech bubbles too.
Each of the Satellites use a different first-person pronoun in Japanese, watashi, washi, wai, boku, ore for Punks 1-5 respectively, and York is the last to use one, keeping a part of her personality to herself the longest.
I looked up the personal pronoun York uses and it is “atai.” A quick search tells me it’s a feminine first-person pronoun with a thuggish feminine "mess with me and I'll rip your head off" sort of connotation. It's rarely used outside of fiction, and is uncommon even there.
They both want more from life than the lot they were given, York due to her greed, Kiku because she wants to experience more than what Wano can offer.
York wants to join the ranks of those who represent oppression, Kiku served under a man who wanted nothing but freedom.
Onigashima had a duel of sizable women, with Brook lending support to Robin, Egghead could use one too. Especially if a team up element is introduced as well. Team up battles are few and far between in One Piece, though are usually by far the most interesting fights in the series. Either way, Kiku having a moment where she reveals her Kozuki clan tattoo could be cool. She has one, right? If not during a fight, then maybe to prove her identity to someone, should that be needed. Think York will go boobs out if this hypothetical fight breaks out, ala Black Maria?
For those curious which of the personal pronouns the remaining Satellite use, they are as follows.
Shaka uses watashi. It's usually fairly gender neutral though is more often used by women.
Lilith uses washi. Typically used by older men. The same that Jinbei and Akainu use.
Edison uses wai. A slang version of washi.
Pythagoras uses boku. About as polite as watashi, though typically more masculine. Cavendish uses boku.
Atlas uses ore. Same one Big Mom uses, less polite overall and more masculine.
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algumaideia · 3 months
Kkkkkkkk Luffy calling the big nose guy Usopp
It is a vegapunk I though they all shared the same brain
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roseniji2704 · 4 months
Salute to the sofa, the noblest sacrifice in this novel (터닝) 🫡
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Are you dying? I’m dying too 🫡
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curlybrow-kun · 2 years
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anyone with a long nose is just another Usopp in Luffy's eyes
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nature-nerd-sarah · 2 years
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I like how in the end, the Vegapunk was betrayed and Egghead will be destroyed, not by Lilith's pure evil, but by York's pure greed. Almost like Oda wants to make some sort of statement here.
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moonpaw · 2 years
god all the speculation about who was the traitor and it ended up being the vegapunk full of desire RIGHT after stella's "we owe everything to desire!" speech, like the irony of it all
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fly-chicken · 2 years
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Dartboard theory: Luffy kills the elder star who was dispatched (or at least that’s what the navy will report)
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tyler3273 · 2 years
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Robin ships Sanami?
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The power of love (talking about Nami)
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