#chapter 7 afterparty incoming
tortoisebore · 1 year
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jaxl-road · 5 years
Scar Tissue, chapter 7
You know that part of fancy dances where everyone weaves around the room switching partners until you eventually find your way back to your person?
Slash is getting dizzy. And he gets the feeling he’s not missing something so much as being left out of something.
Pairings: Slash/Duff, side Axl/Izzy, side Nikki/Tommy, side Steven/Vince
Warnings: ((not in this chapter)) Implied/discussed past abuse (non-explicit)
The show went by in a blur.
Slash felt like he couldn’t stop smiling, running and jumping around the stage more than usual just to get some of his excess excitement out, almost rivaling Axl’s antics. The energy was infectious, and all five boys found themselves in a feedback loop that carried over to the audience. By the time the show ended, Slash could barely remember what had even happened, but that didn’t stop him from being certain that it was one of their best shows to date.
And the second they made it back to the dressing room, Slash pulled Duff down for another kiss.
Steven cheered, throwing his arms in the air, “Fucking FINALLY!” As the new couple broke apart, the drummer threw his arms around both of them, turning to Duff with a grin, “I’ve been watching this idiot pine for MONTHS.”
“Excuse you, we’ve all been watching him pine, “Axl chimed in.
“I kept expecting him to bring some sad, lovesick song to rehearsal,” Izzy contributed.
“I hate all of you,” Slash pouted, Duff chuckling and ducking his head to hide his red face.
They all settled around the dressing room, coming down from the adrenaline of the show, alternating between teasing Slash and excitedly discussing the show. Axl walked back and forth, waving his arms as he rattled off the potential for their upcoming gigs.
Eventually, the door opened and the terror twins burst in, grinning mischievously. “I can’t believe you guys ripped off our look!” Tommy laughed.
“We still win though cause you don’t have heels,” Nikki declared, kicking out one foot to show off the platform boots dramatically.
Tommy snickered, “Still though, that was awesome!”
“Brace yourselves,” Mick drawled as he slunk in behind them, “Incoming in three, two-”
Vince shoved past his bandmates, pointing accusingly at the Guns drummer, “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about that bullshit two weeks ago! I’ve got a fucking bone to pick with you!”
Steven froze, staring wide-eyed as all eyes locked on the two blondes.
Just as Vince was taking a step forward, Tommy leapt forward, standing between the two and facing his singer, “Okay, alright, as much as I love a good fight, I distinctly recall telling both of you to just talk this shit out.”
“Fine,” Vince grit out, crossing his arms, “I’ll start: What the fuck, man?”
“Uh…” Steven glanced around nervously, Slash giving him a ‘go on’ motion encouragingly, “Right. Well,” he gathered himself and narrowed his eyes, “fine. I was high and drunk and you were being a dumb bitch.”
“Excuse me?” Vince screeched incredulously.
Slash sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Off to a great start there, Stevie.”
“Well, it’s true!” Steven snapped, “You tried to set me up with some random chick, of course I got pissed!”
“How is that a bad thing?” Vince exclaimed, “I was trying to help you get laid!”
“And I was trying to get laid by you!”
“Well I-... Wait, what?” Stuttering to a halt, Vince’s face was a mixture of confusion and surprise.
Steven threw his hands in the air in exasperation, “I’ve been flirting with you for months!”
“No you haven’t!”
“Yes I have!”
“Uh, Steven?” Slash raised a hand, cutting in, “Dude, I’m on your side, but you’re terrible at flirting. You literally don’t act any different than normal.”
There was a general murmur of agreement, Steven shooting a look of betrayal at his friends as Vince smirked in victory, “Hah! See!”
“Okay, well,” Steven glared, “even so, that night I was totally blatant! You said you needed someone to fuck and I told you I was available!”
“Ooooh, he’s got you there, Vinnie,” Nikki commented, he and Tommy snickering together in the corner as their singer glared.
“Well,” he was starting to look flustered, “I- you-... I thought you were straight!” he blurted out.
Steven’s jaw dropped, “Are you fucking kidding me?? Vince,” he gestured up and down at the singer and yelled, “no one is that straight!”
For a moment, the room is silent, Vince gaping as Steven’s hands curled into fists at his sides. Finally, the drummer sighed in frustration, “Fuck it, this is stupid. I’m sorry I punched you or whatever, let’s just-”
But before he could finish, Vince rushed forward and kissed him firmly.
There is only the briefest moment of surprised hesitation before Steven is wrapping his arms around the singer to pull him even closer.
Meanwhile, the other seven rockers in the room stared awkwardly. Eventually, Tommy started a dramatic slow clap. Unsure of what else to do, the rest of the group soon joined the applause.
“Fuck you guys,” Vince tried to look annoyed, but we was still grinning. He looked like he was going to say something else, but Steven pulled him back for another kiss.
“Wow. For a minute there I didn’t think this would end well,” Slash laughed.
“Apparently love is in the fucking air tonight,” Izzy mumbled, winking at Slash and Duff.
There was a soft thud, drawing their attention back as Vince pushed Steven up against the wall, and immediately the terror twins sprung into action, “Oh, oh boy, okay, time to go!” Nikki stated.
“Yup, trust us, Vince ain’t gonna slow down just cause he’s got an audience,” Tommy added, the two of them herding the group out of the room, managing to close the dressing room door just as the two blondes fell onto the couch together.
“I can’t decide if Vince is going to be more or less insufferable now,” Mick mused.
“Probably the same,” Nikki laughed, “But we are definitely late for the afterparty, so let’s get fucked up!”
The two bands (minus one singer and one drummer) once again made their way to Motley Crue’s apartment, and Slash found it funny how different this time was from the last time they partied together.
They were barely a block away when Nikki and Tommy honed in on Slash’s arm around Duff’s waist. Sharing quick look, the two quickly situated themselves on either side of the couple, Nikki next to Duff and Tommy next to Slash. It was a little absurd how tiny Slash felt next to the three of them.
“I can’t help but notice some PDA going on over here,” Nikki smirked.
“Don’t tell me today is couples day,” Tommy joked.
“Uh…” Duff stammered, glancing at Slash almost nervously.
Meanwhile, the guitarist puffed his chest out, grinning proudly as he tugged Duff closer, “You bet your ass it is. We beat Steven and Vince by a solid two hours,” he bragged.
“I didn’t realize it was a race,” Tommy said, “But in that case Nikki and I definitely win.”
“Damn straight,” Nikki high fived him behind Slash and Duff’s backs.
“I think the fuck not,” Axl snapped his head around, glaring, “Izzy and I left you slow burn fuckers in the fucking dust, thank you very much.”
“You tell ‘em, babe,” Izzy nodded.
“I hate being single,” Mick grumbled.
“I know Mick, I know,” Nikki patted his shoulder comfortingly, the guitarist swatting his hand away.
If Slash had been paying more attention, he might have noticed how Nikki and Tommy left him and Duff in favor of flanking Izzy and Axl, Nikki and Axl talking in hushed tones in a way that would have been suspicious. If Slash had been paying attention.
But he wasn’t. He was too busy walking on sunshine at getting to hold Duff so close, making the bassist blush as he complimented his playing at the show, kissing his cheek and the corner of his mouth every few minutes while Duff laughed and played with his curls as they walked. When he thought about it, part of him wanted to ditch the party- to just go home with Duff and have a few hours to themselves, to lay in bed and touch every inch of him, soft and slow.
As they approached the apartment, Slash opened his mouth to suggest to Duff that they split off. But before he got a chance, Tommy was sliding next to him, “Hey, Slash! I have a question,” he began cheerily, “You have a pet snake, right?”
“Um,” Slash blinked in surprise at the unexpected question, “I have a couple, yeah, but they’re back at my mom and grandma’s place.”
“Cool, cool,” Tommy nodded, throwing an arm around his shoulders, “I’m trying to convince the guys that we should get a pet, but Vince is allergic to cats, and Mick is allergic to dogs, so I was thinking a snake or something! What do you think?”
“Are you kidding me? No fucking way,” Slash laughed, “You guys can barely keep yourselves alive and you wanna add a pet? None of you should be responsible for any living thing ever. Just get a cactus or something.”
“But I can’t cuddle a cactus!” Tommy pouted.
“I mean, not with that attitude!”
“You’re unhelpful as fuck, dude.”
Slash’s laugh was cut off as Tommy guided him through the window into the apartment. He hadn’t even noticed them walking up the fire escape. Blinking, he suddenly became aware of the lack of bassist at his side.
Furrowing his brows, he glanced around, “Hey, where’d-”
“I am way too sober, all the adrenaline from the show burned through everything in my system,” Tommy interrupted, dragging Slash over to the coffee table as strangers started pouring into the apartment behind them. The drummer quickly kneeled down, pulling a bag of white power from his pocket and shaking it at Slash with a grin, “Care to join?”
Slash paused for a moment in consideration, but finally shrugged, “Sure,” he crouched down next to him. He’d just do a quick line or two and then he’d track down Duff and whisk him away.
It only took a few minutes for Tommy to cut a few lines and for each of them to snort them up, both laughing as they felt the initial rush to their system. Wiping at his nose, Slash stood and nodded at the drummer, “I’m gonna go find Duff.”
Tommy gave him a quick wave before turning to chat with some of the partiers. The apartment had filled quickly, people passing bottles and cigarettes and bags of coke, voices layering over each other and someone throwing on a record to add even more noise. Looking around the room, Slash saw no sign of the tall blonde. Glancing at the window he had come through, he was thrown back to the last time he had come to the Crue’s apartment- the last time he had lost track of Duff.
Walking over and glancing out the window, Slash blinked with deja vu as he spied Duff and Nikki standing at the bottom of the building, smoking and talking together. This time though, it looked almost like they were arguing. Not heatedly, but Nikki had his arms crossed, a serious look on his face while Duff gestured vaguely and seemed to ramble on about something with wide eyes.
Slash narrowed his eyes. He hated when Duff got that look of anxiety on his face, and he didn’t appreciate Nikki putting it there. He took the stairs two at a time, and by the time he hopped off the fire escape, the two bassists had become aware of his presence. Nikki sighed, and Duff shot him an almost guilty look.
“Hey guys!” Slash smiled tensely, “I was wondering where you ran off to,” he said to Duff, weaving their fingers together.
“Oh, yeah, sorry,” Duff gave a nervous laugh, “just got caught up in conversation.”
“Bassist bonding, y’know?” Nikki grinned, taking a long drag of his cigarette as he eyed Slash with a look the guitarist couldn’t identify.
“Yeah, I’m still trying to convince Mick to join me and Izzy for ‘guitarist get-togethers.”
“Oh, I definitely need to see that,” the strange look disappeared as Nikki laughed.
Leaning heavier against Duff, Slash turned to him, “I’m pretty beat from the show. I was thinking maybe we could get out of here…?” he suggested with a sly smile.
Duff looked away quickly, “Oh, yeah, sure, I-”
“Aw, don’t leave so soon!” Nikki cut in loudly, giving them exaggerated puppy eyes, “You only just got here,” sauntering around them, put his arms around them both, ducking his head between them, “At least stay for a few drinks.”
It wasn’t a question, the dark haired man already guiding both of them back to the apartment, his hands firm on their shoulders. Slash sighed, but figured it wasn’t the end of the world. After all, he wasn’t exactly going to complain about free booze. So the three of them made their way to the kitchen, where a variety of bottles had accumulated on the countertops.
“Pick your poison!” Nikki offered cheerfully.
Duff eagerly snatched a bottle of vodka, not even bothering with a glass, instead taking a swig straight from the bottle while Nikki cheered. Slash laughed and reached for the whiskey, while Nikki quickly mixed himself a jack and coke. They drank and chatted, practically yelling to be heard over the ruckus in the apartment.
Before long, Tommy bounded over, clearly having helped himself to more cocaine since Slash last saw him. Coming up behind Nikki and wrapping his arms around him, “Heya babe! Having fun with the lovebirds?” he giggled.
Slash barked out a laugh, “You’re calling us lovebirds?” he gestured at the other couple.
“Nikki, Slash said we shouldn’t get a snake,” Tommy pouted, ignoring Slash’s comment.
His boyfriend only raised an eyebrow, “Well duh, probably because we definitely shouldn’t get a snake.”
“But baaaaabe,” the drummer whined, “I want a pet!”
“I got a dog from a blacksmith once,” Duff blurted out, three sets of eyes snapping to him in confusion. He smirked slowly, “As soon as I got home he made a bolt for the door.”
While Slash and Tommy laughed in surprise, Nikki had unfortunately just taken a sip of his drink and proceeded to immediately snort it out his nose. Sputtering and coughing, his three friends howled with laughter as he glared and pulled himself together.
“God fucking dammit, Duff!”
“You get used to it,” Slash snickered, patting his back in faux sympathy as Nikki flipped him off.
Just then, two familiar blondes crawled into the apartment. Vince had love bites running from his neck down his chest, disappearing under the low neckline of his shirt, and Steven’s hair was even wilder than usual and as they got closer Slash could see his shirt was on backwards.
“What’s up, losers? Did you miss us?” Vince exclaimed, waltzing over to the group in the kitchen with Steven beside him.
“Not really,” Nikki responded sarcastically.
“You wound me,” Vince pouted, “Where’s the love? I was nothing but supportive when you fuckers finally banged.”
“You gave us shit for weeks!” Tommy cried.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Tommy,” Nikki rolled his eyes, “He still gives us shit.”
“We need new friends,” Sighing, Steven snaked his arm behind Vince’s back, too low for his hand to be anywhere but on the singer’s ass.
Slash fake gagged, “Oh God, I thought you both were bad individually, this is gonna be even worse.”
“At least get a room,” Duff mumbled into his vodka, looking away firmly.
Vince lit up, “That is an excellent idea,” he purred, Steven grinning as he was tugged further into the house.
As they disappeared into Vince’s room, Nikki shook his head fondly, “This is going to be interesting.”
“Yup,” Slash looked over at his own boyfriend, who was steadily draining the bottle in his hand, “Although, on the subject of getting a room-”
“There you fuckers are!”
Axl strutted into the room, Izzy close behind him, “Did you see Steven and Vince go by? I can’t believe this! I wanted to see Vince get punched and instead I have to watch them get all handsy with each other! It’s a fucking outrage!” he ranted.
“Unfortunately, love won this round,” Izzy deadpanned, smoking a cigarette lazily.
Huffing, the red-head crossed his arms petulantly. Nikki shook his head before changing the subject, “So, you guys have any more shows coming up?”
Perking up, Axl started talking about GnR’s upcoming gigs, Nikki and Tommy nodding along and commenting on the various venues. Meanwhile, Izzy turned to Slash.
“Speaking of, we should try to finish a couple of our new songs for the next show.”
“Oh yeah?” Slash nodded, “That’s not a bad idea. Any in particular you wanted to work on first?”
The two guitarists discussed which of their half-completed songs to work on first. Their conversation slowly shifted until they were discussing their favorite guitar riffs, from their own songs and from other bands.
“You guys should grab Mick,” Nikki suddenly chimed in, “I still want to see a ‘guitarist get-together’.”
“Oh my gosh, I’ll take pictures!” Tommy laughed.
“I wouldn’t mind,” Izzy shrugged, “Mick’s cool.”
“You’re only saying that because you don’t get scolded by him on a daily basis.”
“I mean… yeah.”
Looking around the circle, Slash frowned. He glanced over his shoulders, but the four of them were the only ones in the kitchen, “Where’d Duff and Axl go?”
The terror twins shrugged, “I dunno,” Tommy answered unhelpfully.
Sighing, Slash took another swig of whiskey, “I’m gonna go find ‘em.”
But before he could exit the kitchen, Izzy threw his arm around his shoulders, dragging him back to the circle, “Oh come on, they’ll be fine for a few minutes,” he argued nonchalantly, “let’s at least get back to figuring out which songs we want to work on next.”
Frowning, Slash wanted to say no. He just wanted to hang out with his boyfriend- (and oh boy did that thought make him giddy every time he thought it- Duff was his boyfriend)- but he figured Izzy wasn’t being unreasonable, so he nodded along. The discussion went longer than Slash expected- every time he thought they came to an agreement, Izzy would suddenly change his mind, or Tommy or Nikki would interrupt with a note, or comment, or line of coke.
Eventually though, when the whiskey bottle was nearly empty and he’d done two more lines, Slash insisted on finding Duff. He weaved his way out of the kitchen, the alcohol making him a bit unsteady. Luckily, the tall blonde was easy to find. He was sitting on the couch, Vodka still in hand (it looked more full than it had been before- was that a new bottle?) and Axl sitting beside him, the singer facing him as he gestured wildly, clearly ranting about something or other.
Duff brows were slightly furrowed, like he was confused, and Slash couldn’t help but smile fondly. He was familiar with the way Axl could sometimes just talk and talk, and it was almost cute seeing Duff try to comprehend whatever passionate speech he was caught up in.
He wasted no time making his way over, sitting on the arm of the couch to lean over Duff and place a kiss on the crown of his head, giggling as the bassist jumped, “Hey babe,” he sang, “I missed you!”
Across from him, Axl huffed, narrowing his eyes at having been interrupted, “Um, rude? We were clearly talking.”
Slash glared right back, resting his chin on Duff’s head and letting his arms drape over his shoulders, “Hey, he’s my boyfriend, so I get to call dibs.”
Before the red-head could argue, they were both cut off as their blonde drummer reappeared, face flushed and smiling contently, “Hey guys!" he drawled, "I am having the best night. You would not believe the things Vince can do with his tongue-”
“No no no!” Slash cried frantically reeling back and slapping his hands over his ears, “lalalalala I can’t hear you!”
“Oh come on!” Steven laughed, “We’ve described good fucks to each other before!”
“Yeah, but this is Vince,” Slash insisted with a shudder, “This is someone I have to look in the eye on a regular basis! Please, as your best friend, I am begging you to spare me the details just this once.”
The drummer sighed dramatically, “Oh, fine. But only because I fucking love you.”
“Thank you.”
“What about you, Tommy? Can you handle the dirty details? Cause I seriously need to get this out before I’m ready for round three.”
“Wait, what?” Slash snapped his head to the side, nearly losing his balance as he blinked drunkenly. The blonde bassist had been replaced by the Motley Crue drummer. Axl sat beside him, pointedly avoiding the guitarist’s gaze, although he couldn’t quite hide a cocky smirk.
Tommy shrugged, “Honestly, I’ve walked in on Vince enough that nothing can scar me anymore. Spill.”
Growling in frustration, Slash lurched to his feet, Steven swiftly taking his seat as he began to wax poetic about Vince’s bedroom skills. Stumbling away, Slash didn’t understand what was happening. Because something was happening. There was no other explanation for how Duff kept being swept away from him every time he turned his head. He didn’t even care about going home anymore- he just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend. It would be enough to just stand next to him and hold his hand for more than two minutes, maybe press a few kisses into his skin. He’d waited so long to get to this point. He just wanted to savor it.
Pressing through the crowd of people, he found Duff in a corner, leaning heavily against the wall with an empty vodka bottle held loosely at his side. Nikki was next to him, smoking a cigarette while Izzy stood in front of them and spoke quietly.
“Duff!” Slash cried excitedly. The three boys turned to look at him, Duff attempting to stand up straighter but only managing to pitch forward. Luckily, Izzy and Nikki quickly steadied him, Slash hurrying over and slinging the bassist’s arm over his shoulder to hold him up.
“H-hey, Slash,” Duff smiled, his eyes slightly glassy from the alcohol. He pressed himself closer to him, burying his face in messy curls with a sigh.
Despite his previous frustration, Slash couldn’t help but smile, bringing his free hand up to play with the ribbon around his neck, “Hey,” he drawled, “I keep losing you. Or, you keep getting stolen,” he raised an eyebrow at the two rockers in front of him. They both stared back evenly.
But Duff shuddered in his arms, reaching to clench his fingers in the front of Slash’s shirt, “‘m sorry,” he whispered into his hair.
He almost missed the way Izzy and Nikki’s eyes seemed to darken, but he didn’t have the energy to think about it, instead focusing on pulling Duff closer, “It’s fine, you’re fine, ‘m just messing,” he soothed.
There was a nod against the top of his head, and the blonde seemed to sink a little further against him. Behind his back, Slash heard a soft thud, turning his head to see that the empty bottle had slipped from Duff’s fingers. Rubbing his back softly, Slash decided that this time, it really was time to go.
“I think you and I are gonna head home now,” he declared, “I’m half wasted and you’re half past wasted.”
Duff laughed lightly, nodding in agreement, “Yeah, kay.”
“Thanks for the booze and shit,” Slash nodded at Nikki, turning and giving Izzy a quick wave, “I’ll see you guys at home.”
He barely processed their responses, if there were any, too busy keeping himself and the tall blonde upright as they left the apartment. The fire escape was a challenge, but both of them were laughing by the time they finally reached the bottom. Normally the walk between their apartment and Motley Crue’s wasn’t too long, but with both of them weaving and tripping over their own feet, the journey took twice as long.
Slash didn’t mind though. He welcomed any time spent with Duff- always had, but even more so now. Whenever Duff stumbled against him, he couldn’t resist pressing his lips to the side of his neck, feeling the bassist sigh against him as he mouthed at his collar bone. When they finally reached the Hell House, Slash ignored his keys in favor of gently pushing Duff against the door to press their lips together, kissing lazily and stroking his hand against the small of his back while Duff tangled his fingers in his hair.
Eventually, the chill of the night motivated them to pull away and unlock the door, making their way inside. They giggled as they fumbled in the dark towards their room. Slash didn’t bother turning the lights on, and after the briefest flash of hesitation, guided both of them towards his own bed.
What a strange day, Slash thought to himself. It had gone so fast but felt so long, and even though the two of them had shared a bed the night before, tonight was different. Because, despite all of his doubts and shyness, Slash and Duff were together now. He wondered if the giddiness would ever die down.
As he maneuvered Duff onto the bed though, he couldn’t ignore the way the bassist fell back onto the mattress like dead weight, limbs sprawled out and eyes fluttering open and closed, and Slash still tasted vodka on his lips.
So, smiling softly, he crawled on the bed and gently laid his body on top of Duff’s, resting his head against his chest and sighing contently.
“Mmmm… Slash?” Duff muttered, turning his head to try to look at the guitarist, “I-... ‘re you…”
Slash hushed him, wrapping his arms around his waist and rolling them onto their sides, tucking his head beneath Duff’s chin, “Long day,” he slurred with a smile, “Let’s just sleep now. I’ll take you on a date tomorrow,” he promised.
“...Oh,” Duff let out a breath, “Okay,” he laughed a little, bringing a hand up to smooth back Slash’s wild curls.
Pressing one last kiss to the bassist’s shoulder, Slash held Duff tighter, smiling even as the whiskey pulled him towards sleep.
He drifted off with Duff’s steady heartbeat under his ear.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
last line tag!!
ty for tagging me @behaveddestroyerrating 🤲💕✨💗💞 (p.s. i read your snippet at work and almost choked on my afternoon coffee omfg you monster ilysm <3)
chapter 7 is coming in all her sweet and (only kind of) smutty glory i promise pls bear with me while i make her pretty 🤲
“Sirius,” Remus said, voice low—quiet. Sirius was holding his breath, felt goosebumps flicker across his skin as Remus reached up and brushed his hair behind his ear, let his finger catch on one of the tiny silver hoops in his cartilage before it trailed slow and too-soft down the side of his neck. “Do you want to come home with me?”
Sirius nodded vehemently—fuck yes, he did, what kind of fucking question was that? He said as much, gave a breathy little “yeah,” that almost caught on the way out and stood transfixed, watched as Remus’ eyes went a little darker. He tilted his chin up a bit when he felt Remus' hand loop at the base of his neck, thumb settling at the hollow of his throat.
“If you come back with me, that’s it,” Remus warned. “No leaving, no taking it back—if you come home with me, I need you to stay.”
tagging @moonheavens and @plecotusauritus and everyone else who wants to do it! <33333
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tortoisebore · 1 year
can we have a little sneak peak😭😭
sorry this is late i was on a plane and then another plane and then a train and then a second train and now i’m in england
quick disclaimer (i’m sorry): chapter 7 won’t get many sneak peeks bc i don’t want to completely spoil the entire thing and pretty much every scene i could post would be spoiling it, so here’s one of the only unedited little snippets of chapter 7 that will be posted until it’s out!! 🫶🫶
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tortoisebore · 1 year
let me paint u a picture:
i’m in the office, hunkered over my laptop working on a 50-page publication, face no more than six inches from my monitor lining up text boxes to my grid, like full quasimodo ass posture, and i sit up so suddenly that my spine cracks like an old man and i gasp out loud because a piece of dialogue for chapter 7 i’ve been stuck on for like…..,two weeks just came to me like the archangel gabriel came to mary mother of jesus, so i lunge across my giant L-shaped desk for my phone to open to my google doc and get it down before it’s gone again
and it’s been silent in my office for so long and my officemate is so startled by the outburst that she also gasps out loud and jumps ten feet in the air and says “[my name, but terrified]???! 😨😰 what happened!!?;?;? 🫢😥” and i have to say “oh nothing!! 😁” like a liar while i frantically type a paragraph of dialogue for my gay fanfic into my phone
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i’ve done lots and lots and lots of writing today so as a special treat!!!! here’s chapter 7 LAST line 🤲
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tortoisebore · 1 year
ohhhhh you guys. you guys they’re being sweet. they’re being so sweet. i’m going to throw up.
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tortoisebore · 1 year
writing sirius pov is my favorite he’s so silly and goofy and funny and insane and so obsessed w his mans it’s almost concerning 🥰💗🤩✨🫶💞💫💕
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tortoisebore · 1 year
CLEANED UP hot garbage as a TREAT because we EARNED IT
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tortoisebore · 1 year
chapter 7 out of context 👹
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tortoisebore · 1 year
thursday snippet
better late than never 👹 thank u @behaveddestroyerrating for the tag <333 here’s a very (very!!!) rough cut of chapter 7. and when i say very rough i mean it will probably be unrecognizable compared to the final version hffhfhfhf
He didn’t know what to say, felt a bit of a flush crawl up his jaw, and when it didn’t look like Remus was in a hurry to do much other than stare adoringly at him, he kicked it off with a feeble, “Hi.”
A pretty smile tugged at Remus’ lips. “Hi,” he replied easily, tracing little shapes into Sirius’ skin that threatened to divert his attention entirely. Really, it was unfair to expect Sirius to keep even the most minuscule train of thought chugging along when the first flares of the sunrise were dancing over Remus’ skin like that, dousing him in all the shades of molten gold that liked to tease Sirius’ peripheral on sunny days, that flickered into his dreams at night and always had him waking up a bit too warm. He took a moment to feel overwhelmed, to commit the scene to memory—the ring of amber there in the center of Remus’ eyes bright in the hazy morning light, the diagonal line of three identical freckles on the bridge of his nose, the exact quirk of the corner of his lip.
“We talked last night,” Sirius tried to counter, something defensive and entirely too vulnerable snaking down his spine at the open adoration on Remus’ face. For a split second he considered the logistics of sinking through to the floor—melting himself down and existing from here on out as a solidified puddle in the cracks of the ancient, creaky wood below them.
“I know,” Remus gave him. “But that was yesterday.”
open tag!! if you see this you’re tagged!! even if it’s friday just pretend it’s still thursday!!
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tortoisebore · 1 year
final word count here she comes 🚨🚨🚨🚨
give me two seconds to add notes & update the rating/tags!!
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tortoisebore · 1 year
*updates AO3 every five minutes*
i'm on my very last read-through and then uploading to ao3!!! ✨✨
i was going to just post it last night but i figured my 12am brain wouldn't catch everything that it needed to during a final run-through and boy was i right jhgjkfhgdj there were a several little things that needed to be tweaked that last night me absolutely did not catch lmaoooo
but i'm reading through the final scene right now and then it's go time 👹👹👹👹👹👹 my next post will be the link!!!!
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tortoisebore · 1 year
sneak peek from the door scene maybe??🥲
only because i love u 👹
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tortoisebore · 1 year
i don’t want to make u all sit through a bunch of basketball so my guesstimate is that it’s going to be about 18k total 🤲
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tortoisebore · 1 year
can’t wait for that hot garbage😜 i miss them so muchhh
me too me too ugh i cant wait for u guys to read this one they just won’t WORK W ME 🤬🤬🤬🤬
((they rly are being sweet and precious and i love them sm they’re just being difficult in all the transitions and less important bits. like they just want to profess their love and fuck and that’s it they won’t just like…..take a walk. they’re so annoying))
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