#char: jaime lannister
From the Ashes Pt. 33
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Pairing(s): Pairing(s): Rhaegar Targaryen x Lannister!Reader, one-sided!Jaime Lannister x Lannister!Reader, Jaime Lannister x Cersei Lannister
Warnings: slow burn fic, changing povs, Cersei POV
Words: 3724
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 3.5  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 Part 24 Part 25 Part 26 Part 27 Part 28 Part 29 Part 30 Part 31 Part 32 Part 34 Part 35
Book Two of Dārilaros hen ōrbar se perzys (Heir of Ash and Fire)
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Her glare was unrelenting and if Ser Kevan Lannister hadn’t known her since the very day she was born, perhaps he would have been unnerved by the venom in her sharp green eyes. The eyes of his older brother Tywin. That’s what Cersei’s glare reminded him of. Out of all the children that Tywin sired, Cersei was the most like him without a doubt. Her abrasive demeanor as she refused to relax in the carriage that traveled to the port of Casterly Rock that led out to the Sunset Sea. It would be the only way to travel to Dorne at the moment. The land that led to the Dornish Marches was ravaged by war; scars from the wildfire and bloodstains soaking into the ground. Towns and estates alike were arming up, afraid of what Aerys may do next now that the threat of Rhaegar had subsided momentarily.
“Who even knows if Oberyn Martell is still alive.” Cersei spat, her elegant fingers gripping at her knees as she glares at her uncle who was in charge of transporting her safely to Dorne. “He could have died in the most recent wildfire episode. There still hasn’t been a body count of those who have perished.”
Kevan sighed at his niece’s belligerent cruelty and disregard for the man she was scheduled to marry. A valid question though: was Oberyn and the others still alive? No message had been sent from Rhaegar’s army to Tywin for help. “If Lord Tywin demands that I deliver you safely to Doran Martell, then I will humbly carry out that demand.”
“You’ve always been a spineless man with no original thought. As long as I can remember you’ve been at my father’s beck and call.”
She was trying to make him angry so that his guard would slide down. He knew her tricks though and had been warned thoroughly by Tywin to not listen too much to Cersei’s jabs. It was how she best manipulated people. Family didn’t matter to her as long as she got what she wanted from them. Kevan didn’t exactly know when his niece had changed from a sweet girl, the apple of everyone’s eye, to this calculating woman that watched his every twitch.
“He is my lord liege and even though he’s your father, he’s your lord liege as well. You must obey him.”
Of course women must be obedient to men. Cersei thought bitterly to herself and pursed her painted lips. She had to think of a way to get out of this. Originally she had agreed with her father’s plan to marry Oberyn, even if he was a philandering Dornishman. Even accepted her fate as long as the darkin completed his job. There was utter silence from the darkin’s end. It had been weeks since her last correspondence to him; he should have been able to kill (y/n) and get Jaime by now for Cersei had great suspicions that Jaime was with her. It couldn’t be a coincidence that Jaime disappeared the night Cersei set fire to (y/n)’s room. She knew her brother better than she knew herself. And Cersei was certain that following the days before the fire, he had fallen for (y/n). How stupid of Jaime to be attracted to his other sister. Cersei nearly laughed at the thought and the morbid irony of it. From one sister to another. His twisted affections would have lead him to saving (y/n) if he found her in danger. They never did find her body. Only the charred remains of (y/n)’s maid.
Internally Cersei scowls at the thought of the maid. Stupid girl. She could have lived if she had just walked away like Cersei told her to do. Of course she would have never really let the maid live if she had listened to Cersei and walked out of the room. There could be no witness to her sororicide.
“You think this is your victory?” The maid with short hair had bitterly smiled. “You are wrong, Cersei. You’ve always been wrong.”
She had been standing right in front of (y/n)’s bed that faced the door. For the life of Cersei she couldn’t remember her name, but in the long run it didn’t matter. Cersei had been forced to bludgeon the maid until she was a crumpled mess on the ground.
“I know the past year has been hard for you. With (y/n)’s death and Jaime vanishing-”
“I could care less about (y/n).” Her words were quick and ready on her tongue like a lashing. “Jaime might as well be dead with her.”
He couldn’t believe the remorseless words Cersei hissed out. Jaime and Cersei had been inseparable in their early years, even to the point where Cersei would pretend to be Jaime in order to do the things that he did like sword training. Kevan wanted to sum it up to trauma of all the events that had happened to her in a short amount of time. The wound of losing her mother at a young age hadn’t healed. All of her siblings were gone. She was the only child sired by Tywin Lannister left. And she was being forced to go to the desert land of Dorne.
Not looking forward to the sea voyage either, Kevan was aware that this would be a long journey for they had to travel along the coast of Westeros all the way to Sunspear. They couldn’t risk being spotted by any of Aerys’s allies for it would surely raise questions. Being with Cersei the entire time, it was by no means a vacation.
Slowly the carriage pulls to a stop and Cersei could hear the obnoxious squawks of seagulls who scavenged the harbor in search of food. A number of people were milling about, going on with their daily lives; completely ignorant of Cersei as she was helped down by another guard. All together her company amounted to five Lannister guards including her uncle. Luggage was being transported from the top of the cart to the ship waiting out on the water. Red sails billowed lazily against the breeze, every so often revealing the golden lion embroidered onto it. The smell of fish assaulted all of her senses as fishing boats docked and unloaded their day’s work.
If she ran now, maybe she could find a place to lay low until they stopped searching for her. Cersei’s mind was working fast to come up with a sure fire plot to escape.
Kevan Lannister, as if reading her mind, places a hand on her shoulder and steers her to the dock; ignoring her slightly dragging feet, trying to prolong her departure.
I’m not going to Dorne. By the might of the gods I WILL not go to Dorne. Cersei screamed to herself over and over again even as she walked down the wooden pier, her heels clicking roughly against the sea breeze warped wood.
Experimentally, Cersei glances over the dock and into the water to gauge how deep it was. She was fairly good at swimming, although her gown would cause issues and weigh her down. Her heart was pounding nauseatingly hard and she felt her stomach churning with uneasiness. If the darkin did complete his task, how would he find her?
The closer they approached the Lannister ship that Tywin had readied for her, the more anxious she grew. This couldn’t happen. They didn’t even know if Oberyn was alive! How could Tywin send her blindly without knowing her fiance's fate? Did he know something that she didn’t?
She hated it. Hated Tywin. Hated Oberyn. Hated (y/n).
Hated Jaime even. He abandoned her for (y/n).
She stops in her steps despite Kevan trying to pull her along. Digging in her heels she forces her uncle to look back at her. They were just a few inches from the plank that led up to the ship. Men were still milling around them with her chests filled with expensive clothes and part of her generous dowry that Doran had requested.
Cersei grits her teeth, eyes wild and slightly startling Kevan. “I’m not going to Dorne.”
There was little pity he felt for Cersei and her furocity. Mixed with a bit of admiration. Even now Cersei was too stubborn to admit defeat. “I’m afraid you are.”
Two Lannister guards have appeared behind Cersei so that the only way for her to escape was to jump into the water. Her weighty skirts would certainly drag her to a watery grave.
Rage and tears burned behind her eyes as she is forced up to the deck of the ship then led to her own personal room. It was small, dark, and utterly depressing with only a small porthole to look out of. It guaranteed no escape. Tywin would not risk losing his last child. Not that the room was all that terrible; there was a beautiful dark wood desk and plenty of oil lamps to light up the room. Her bed even had some of her own linens from her bed in Casterly Rock. Everything to make her cell comfortable. There was nothing that could comfort her though. It was the end of the line for her.
A lioness being backed into a cage. The panic was immediate in her when she put one step forward then another, but her face was calm. For even though panic had seized her, so did anger and with anger came the desire for retribution.
Deck hands were bumbling around above preparing to set sail to Dorne. The journey would be a long one and with the knowledge that she was not a willing occupant, Kevan made the wise choice to sequester Cersei off to her own room. “If you need anything, don’t be afraid to ask.” He stood at the threshold of her door, looking into her room at a safe distance.
“Release me, that’s what I need.”
Exasperated with his niece, Kevan shook his head and closed the door. Cersei could hear the click of a lock. They were definitely taking all necessary precautions for her.
She wanted to rage, to scream and bang her fists against the door. Spill every curse that she knew. That would be unbecoming for a lady of her tier. Instead she huffed out hot air and angrily sat at her small desk. The events that led up to her capture were replaying in Cersei’s mind. Tywin’s disappointed gaze as he basically said that (y/n) was better than Cersei for marrying Rhaegar all on her own without any schemes or planning.
How did they expect her to stay peacefully in her prison when her thoughts were running wild. She had lost her own father’s favor. His slight comment on (y/n) made it clear to Cersei that his opinion on the pitiful Lannister girl had brightened considerably after her supposed death. (y/n) stole everyone from her. The moment she was conceived had been the end for Cersei and her perfect family.
Out of frustration, Cersei swiped all of the contents that had decorated her desk off onto the floor in a loud clatter. Her life shouldn’t have taken this turn. Before (y/n) had been born, Cersei’s life had been going up and up. She was the center of her mother’s attention and the pride of her father. Yet no one had asked how she felt about Joanna having another baby. When her mother gave the family the news that she was with child once more, Cersei felt the indignation of not being consulted. She knew a six year old had little say in family decisions but it was still a hard truth to swallow for young Cersei; she who thought the whole world belonged to her.
Then came that squawking creature that should have died at birth. Tywin should have never tried to revive the child and just leave her be. Everything around her rotted; Jaime had Tywin’s favoritism due to him being the heir and future lord, and (y/n) had secured Joanna’s affections. Leaving nothing for Cersei.
The darkin was supposed to change things. All those late night rendezvous with a former member of the Golden Company who still had ties to the assassins. The gold she had stolen from her father’s own coffers to get the information she desired could buy an entire town. A sinister whisper had bugged her from the night where she thought (y/n) was finally dead. That whisper taunted her that (y/n) wasn’t dead, that the girl had somehow survived.
No, Cersei had thought to herself that was impossible. (y/n) would be burned beyond recognition. There was absolutely no way that (y/n) could have survived.
Yet there was that whisper that kept her up at night. It made her anxious and doubt herself. They hadn’t found her body. No remains, not even an article of clothing while the maid’s corpse was charred and difficult to scrape off of the ground.
Cersei put her head in her hands.
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The hours drummed against her skull, stretching to unbearable lengths that had Cersei knocking on her own door to be let out. A small stretch and the salty ocean air were all the entertainment that was offered to her. Her room had been slowly closing in on her and she needed out but there was no one to answer her. Perhaps her Uncle Kevan wanted her to be out of sight and out of mind. Compared to his older brother, Kevan was made of weaker material. The man even had a soft spot for her misshapen brother.
She hadn’t thought much of Tyrion, even when he disappeared from Casterly Rock. Ser Kevan had been concerned and sent a small search party to scour the surrounding areas big and small. Cersei had figured they would find his dead body fairly quickly, but much like with (y/n) nothing had been found.
It became clear after five more minutes of knocking that no one was going to answer her let alone allow her out of her cell. She would be forced to simmer in her anger which was never a good thing.
Always underestimated, no one ever expected the actual intelligence that Cersei possessed just because she was a woman. That was why she was smarter. Cersei found men easy to manipulate moreso.
Her mind had just started working when her door opened. Timidly, her uncle steps in with a tray of food. Was it already supper time?
Cersei glanced out of the dirty porthole to gauge the time of day but it was difficult with the grime that caked the glass. Ears trained on the noises behind her as Ser Kevan settled her tray down on her desk. He noticed the strewn items on the ground, some broken. “Dinner.”
“I can see that. Why didn’t anyone open the door when I knocked on it?” She snapped her face back toward him, her green eyes deadly slits.
“No one heard. Cersei, we must discuss your etiquette and behavior in Dorne. You can’t act like this when you meet Doran Martell. You will be representing not just your father, but all of Casterly Rock. His brother is risking quite a lot in this war. As is Tywin. . . There are certain expectations set for you.” Kevan stands tall trying to pass a formidable aura. “And remember that you did agree to this all.”
Partially. Tywin had told her that he had offered her hand in marriage to Oberyn Martell, he didn’t necessarily ask for her approval of the matter. All she could do was let the cards fall where they may. She was holding out hope that Oberyn did perrish in the deadly wildfire. Oberyn’s death may very well be her only way out of this mess.
Cersei was ready to utter her reply before the ship sharply leaned to the side making Ser Kevan take a tumble and nearly fall right into his niece who was trying to keep her balance. The boards that composed the ship shivered at the impact. An ear splitting banging reverberated in Cersei’s skull. Vaguely the sound of bells could be heard above. Bells and battle horns.
“Stay here!” Kevan hissed at her and rushed to the door, slamming it closed right in her face as she had tried to slip out.
What Cersei didn’t know at the time was that the cruel gods had smiled down upon her and granted her wish to never set foot in Dorne. Her answer came in the shape of pirates as they fought off the Lannister men. Smoke filled the sea and lungs of men. They had been laying in wait for the perfect prey. Patience paid off. Isn’t that what Tywin had always told Cersei?
Excitement above, Cersei stalked around her small room anxious. She couldn’t even see what was going on.
There was so much yelling and screaming she could hear; who was winning?
The scuffling of boots was growing closer to her room. Other nearby rooms were being broken into, hinges torn off or doors destroyed entirely with swords. Only a matter of time before they reached her.
Jumping away from her door as it’s kicked in violently, Cersei prepares herself for whoever it was attacking the ship.
“What treasure have we found here?” The sultry voice of a woman enters before the owner makes her appearance. Much to Cersei’s dismay, this stranger is incredibly striking with a wild mass of pitch black curls that frame a long, dark, face. In those curls were wilted flowers the hue of dried blood. They were scattered artistically in her hair. Her eyes, so rich with brown that they almost appeared a rusty red. Voluptuous body partially hidden by a captain’s coat that was three sizes too big. Thick brows scrunch together before lifting in a pleasant manner.
Men move behind her, ransacking more of the ship but leaving their apparent female captain to her own devices. A few take a peek inside of the room before she waves them off. Their gazes were not the pleasant kind which gentlemen show ladies.
Sensing her uneasiness, the captain casually brings up a chair that had been tossed onto the ground. “I didn’t think there would be any high born ladies on this ship.” Wearing tight trousers, she was able to cross her legs like a man confidently. Every so often she would look over her shoulder to see what her men were getting into before turning her attention back to Cersei. “You realize what has happened, yes?”
Grimacing, Cersei nods. “You’re a pirate. But there are hardly ever any pirates around this coast.”
The more she looked at her, the more Cersei realized how beautiful she was. Jealousy has always been a close friend of Cersei.
“Every once in a while we’ll stray to this side and see if there are any ships worth taking. So, who does this ship belong to?” She was completely unfazed by everything, from the sword slung on her hip to the blood stains that were on her blouse. There was no fear of repercussions present. “There’s no sigil on any of the flags or on the sails. But the ship itself is exquisitely built.”
“Funny, I was wondering the same thing of you. A female pirate, it’s quite rare. Who are you?” Cersei eyed the captain who chuckled and got up from her seat.
“Boy, I can tell you’re going to be fun.” She sings before standing right in front of Cersei. “But that’s not the game I play. You want to be difficult? How about I throw you to my men? They’re hungry for pleasures of the flesh. I’m sure you would make a perfect bed warmer for them.”
On cue, one of them pokes their head in. She looks over her shoulder with a grin. “I don’t like asking twice.”
This was no place to be haughty. Cersei had no choice but to reel herself in and think quickly on how she was going to survive. “Lannister. Cersei Lannister.”
Her gloved hand gently touches Cersei’s jaw. “A Lannister huh? Isn’t that the house of the man who is said to shit gold?”
“You know your house lords.” Cersei comments trying to prevent herself from recoiling from the woman’s touch. Something in her mind clicked in place. A plan. Something she had been desperately trying to conceive since she was taken from Casterly Rock. She had to choose her words carefully.
“Where is your gold then?”
Nodding her head in the direction of her dowry chest, the female pirate saunters over making sure to keep an eye on her captive. She opens it and is silent for a few moments. “Beautiful. The gamble certainly did pay off.”
“I can offer you a lot more than that.”
“I’m sure you can.”
“No, you don’t seem to understand.” Crossing her arms she points out the other pieces of luggage in her room to which the woman searches through to find more exquisite items like hand crafted gowns and more jewelry. “I can offer you something greater than anything here on this ship. I can offer you the vaults of Casterly Rock.”
That made her laugh. “Oh you must think I’m stupid.”
“I’m serious. That is if you can do a favor for me.”
She turns on Cersei, her eyes studying and calculating each move. “You’re in no position to be asking for favors little lady.”
“I can give you access to the vaults. Pillage, sack, do whatever you want to Casterly Rock. I care not of it’s fate.”
“It’s your home though.”
With such a calm, dead voice, Cersei replies “Not anymore. I would gladly watch it burn.”
Toying around with the idea, the woman fiddles with a long gold chain that had a lion pendant dangling from it. A gift from Joanna from so many years ago. Only now Cersei gazed at it with bitterness and resentment. “And what would be the favor you ask of?”
“All I ask is that you allow me service to your ship and crew. My sister is somewhere in Essos and I plan on finding her.”
“How sweet.”
“Not really. I want to kill her.”
That put a shine in her eyes. “Oh?”
“I will give you everything and anything in order to find and terminate her.”
Her smile returns. “I knew you would be fun.”
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halleycomets · 1 year
jaime lannister char aznable homelander. blond men. you understand
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nossbean · 4 years
Please, do share your feelings about Jaime and Myrcella.
So first things first: thank you so much for this ask!! I do indeed have many feelings about Jaime and Myrcella, and appreciate the question a lot! I’ve also been sitting on it for a small eternity as I’ve tried to gather my thoughts into something approaching coherency as opposed to just the rainbow-heart-shaped-bubbles with birdsong accompaniment that tend to fill my brain when I think about the possibilities, and I’m sorry for the long delay! I also apologise because i’m not sure the long delay actually resulted in a particularly satisfying (uh, or coherent!) answer 😬🤦🏻‍♀️ perhaps in part because this is something I think I might be better at exploring in fic -- part of the reason Myrcella is not fridged in possess is so I can explore some of this down the line, for instance! But giving it my best shot here, I’d say that I am intrigued and taken first with Jaime’s feelings about parenthood, and in conjunction, with the focus of those parental feelings being centred on Myrcella. A few reasons for that, which I ramble about in a sec, but one of the first things that just constantly lingers in my mind is that description of Myrcella as sweet, unlike her mother. It always struck me because of course: it isn’t a mystery where the sweetness comes from, she is indeed unlike her mother, and yet certainly much like her father. At least in that regard. (I’d argue there’s reason to think her similarly clever and observant -- that latter perhaps also a result of abuse though -- and brave, again all very much like Jaime.) That Jaime and Myrcella don’t know this is heart-wrenching. The possibility they might come to learn it though... 🥺
I also just really love and appreciate good portrayals of fathers-with-daughters. So much media centres on sons (and indeed, currently Jaime’s arc in ASOIAF is going that way, with Jaime’s reflections on/plans for Tommen; with Myrcella being returned to KL though, I guess we’ll see...?) that it’s a breath of fresh air when there is a healthy portrayal of a father-daughter relationship, ie when it doesn’t centre on that trope of, “Dad is deeply, reprehensibly paternalistic via supposedly protective measures about his daughter, particularly as pertains to her interest in boys (if she has one).” I tend to think Jaime would have protective impulses, but also his feelings about women’s rights (I’ll call them, though ofc in canon this term... doesn’t apply) would stand to counter them: also perhaps particularly his sense that if given guardianship over Myrcella, he’d not want to replicate the way Cersei was treated by their father, never mind how his perspectives will have changed with Brienne in his life. I don’t think it’s a stretch that Jaime’s protective impulses would be turned outward, as opposed to directed at Myrcella’s behaviour, for instance.
In the book canon world where Myrcella knows he is her father in the same way show!Myrcella did, I’d be really interested in how that would play out as well, and whether book!Myrcella would be similarly happy about it. Undoubtedly Jaime is... I mean, the degree to which he’s better than Robert needs no comment. But that doesn’t mean she’d be thrilled, given the rest of the context, and I think getting to see how she feels about it, messy situation and all, and how they work together to have a relationship would be... well, I want to see it...! I also wonder how much her injury and the loss of Arys Oakheart might impact how quickly she might cleave again to her uncle/father, given the chance of that safe harbour. I personally think AFFC demonstrated that many vulnerable folx recognize Jaime for the protector he is, and I guess the potential complexity of that dynamic, knowing how much love is possible there but how uphill a road it is, gets me.
I’d be lying if I didn’t also say that I’d love to read Myrcella being taken in by Pia, though I reckon that is purely the purview of fanfic. And OF COURSE, whatever relationship Myrcella might have with Brienne is something I’d fucking love to see.
I guess the last thought I have about why I have many feelings about these two kind of carries on from that last, which is the sense that in the book!canon world, they could possibly help one another heal and recover. The Lannister family legacy is trauma, and here is one of a handful of opportunities in Jaime’s arc, and perhaps the only opportunity in Myrcella’s, to break that pattern and forge something new, and better, and with actual love at the centre of it. <3
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library-seraph · 3 years
One thing that fascinates me in Jaime’s arc is the idea that being the Kingslayer is better than being Goldhand the Just. Like, when you look at the things Jaime does in the riverlands, he’s presenting a facade of justice without actually doing anything just. He keeps the letter of his oath to Catelyn to not raise arms against house Tully while reinforcing the Lannister’s unjust, war crimes based rule. He thinks of being Goldhand the Just, while executing the deserters who were broken in the first place by the system he’s enforcing.
Contrast that to the Kingslaying, where it’s an outwardly horrible act, done in contravention of oaths, and it’s still the best thing he’s ever done. There’s definitely a point being made there, about the appearance of good vs actual good, and about the needing to cast aside a focus on the former to do the latter.
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janiedean · 3 years
hey ignore this if you're done with the cersei discourse but do you think it's sexist that grrm gave jaime the redemption arc and cersei the downfall arc? and do you consider the addition of melara to be a shitty thing because it implies that she was evil along instead of being who she is because of the way the patriarchy affected her and stuff
in order:
do you think it's sexist that grrm gave jaime the redemption arc and cersei the downfall arc? no because grrm has nine different female pov characters all of which are wildly different and c. is the only one with the downfall arc, also there’s shit male chars, shit female chars, nice male chars, nice female chars, if she was the only female char he had then yikes but she’s not so ppl can miss me with that argument if you have a variety of well written female chars then you’re not misogynistic if one is a villain
and do you consider the addition of melara to be a shitty thing because it implies that she was evil along instead of being who she I would like to state that a) if c. has narcissism then the fact that she was like that from the beginning would be coherent with that diagnosis, b) c. is a privileged af rich noblewoman who was in a best position to use/fight the patriarchy and she didn’t so I’m extremely skeptical about ‘the patriarchy ruined her’, c) some people are actually that shitty and the thing is that the patriarchy doesn’t turn you into someone who sees everyone as ‘what they can do for me’ and not ‘they’re people with feelings’ c. has a lot of patriarchy issues which made her worse, but like bro the patriarchy wasn’t who made her sexually molest tyrion (canon), we can argue that some of that is parental abuse but like melara is there to show you exactly that c. is a villain that grrm is not interested in redeeming, the end, and in that context there’s nothing misogynistic abt it because guess what grrm has written a bunch of other female chars that are not like that and that he actually likes writing
addendum 1: all women in asoiaf are victims of the patriarchy, arianne is a victim of the patriarchy in almost a specular way, arianne is not c., do the math
addendum 2: catelyn is also a vitim of the patriarchy in a way extremely similar to c’s except she didn’t marry a king, do you see cat gleefully sending other women to be tortured? nah. some women also have internalized misogyny which c. is way more about thanks
addendum 3: grrm has at least another two chars like c. (royd’s mother in nightflyers and that celise in tuf voyaging) in his body of work I mean they’re... least well developed but they’re about like that. I’ve... met people like c. (including the one who slapped me in the face) which lived in this day and age in the western world so sorry but we’re not in a medieval patriarchal society and I can 100% assure you those ppl weren’t like that bc patriarchy. grrm is most likely at his ripe age still coping abt someone like c. who most likely gave him some trauma back in the seventies. having known some like them, I wholly do not blame him if he doesn’t want to give them the redemption arc. and even if he didn’t, he’s not obligated to give anyone redemption arcs especially when c. is not the only female char he writes.
also, if reading re melara someone thinks ‘ah she exists to make c. look bad’ and not ‘no one deserves to die for a crush’ i think I don’t want particularly engage with them. /shrug
also, add-on: asking ‘is grrm sexist’ in general when he writes all female chars with a different personality, managed to write a mother figure that’s not like the usual drivel, managed to do two gnc women pov that aren’t the same character which today is like... extra rare still, got the ‘growing up as a notstandardattractive girl’ experience way better than any other female writer I know and so on when this entire fandom hates catelyn bc of one shitty thing she did which she had her reasons for and like for all she wished jon would die in her grief for bran sure af didn’t send him to get killed like c. did with all of robert’s bastards and that’s imvho way more sexist than whatever grrm can have written ever is honestly really rich and I’m saying it in general not to you anon but like ‘grrm is sexist’ is a take that I can’t take seriously anymore and it’s been like... almost ten years I’m tired XD
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eddtollett · 4 years
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don't talk to me unless ur jenny nguyen on doesthedogdie.com
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ruleofleft · 5 years
Is it sad that Lotor dying an unnecessary death after seasons of growth not just to himself but in helping other characters grow as well, has forever prepared me for other characters in other shows to die unnecessarily and for no reason.
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your post about rhaegar and martells being POC can literally be debunked in few lines: 1. george PICTURES the martells as LOOKING mediterranean, but he also wrote martells with orientalist tropes, they are victims of westerosi discrimination/colorism and targ/valyrian imperialism (because he also said they were inspired by wales and palestine, people who resisted COLONIALISM) so theyre still the marginalized “other” (part 2 in next ask)
Okay, let's go through this in its entirety, because I think it would be very fun to pick apart.
Allow me to post the comment that George made here:
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Why are you trying to argue with the author here? It is very clear to me that he has a specific look in mind when it comes to the Dornish. George mentioned Amok's version of Oberyn, pictured here:
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And here is Magali's version of Arianne:
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Neither of these artworks resemble PoC to me.
And speaking of Palestine, I think you misinterpreted what George was saying here:
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He said nothing about colonialism in this SSM.
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Your second point makes no sense. Jaime was a knighted member of the Kingsguard. Rhaegar entrusted him to do his job. Are you trying to suggest that in a fictional world where ten year old Osric Stark and sixteen year old Jon Snow can become Lord Commanders of the Night's Watch but Jaime is completely and utterly incapable of protecting Elia and her children?
The day had been windy when he said farewell to Rhaegar, in the yard of the Red Keep. The prince had donned his night-black armor, with the three-headed dragon picked out in rubies on his breastplate. "Your Grace," Jaime had pleaded, "let Darry stay to guard the king this once, or Ser Barristan. Their cloaks are as white as mine."
Prince Rhaegar shook his head. "My royal sire fears your father more than he does our cousin Robert. He wants you close, so Lord Tywin cannot harm him. I dare not take that crutch away from him at such an hour."
Jaime's anger had risen up in his throat. "I am not a crutch. I am a knight of the Kingsguard."
"Then guard the king," Ser Jon Darry snapped at him. "When you donned that cloak, you promised to obey." (Jaime I, AFfC)
Jaime was a crutch, but not a hostage. The hostages were Elia, Rhaenys, and Aegon.
"Rhaegar met Robert on the Trident, and you know what happened there. When the word reached court, Aerys packed the queen off to Dragonstone with Prince Viserys. Princess Elia would have gone as well, but he forbade it. Somehow he had gotten it in his head that Prince Lewyn must have betrayed Rhaegar on the Trident, but he thought he could keep Dorne loyal so long as he kept Elia and Aegon by his side. The traitors want my city, I heard him tell Rossart, but I'll give them naught but ashes. Let Robert be king over charred bones and cooked meat." (Jaime V, ASoS)
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No, he did not.
Rhaegar had put his hand on Jaime's shoulder. "When this battle's done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but...well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return." (Jaime I, AFfC)
He had always had plans to depose his father, even before the Tourney at Harrenhal. I posted a passage before, of how it was speculated that Rhaegar put forth a large amount of gold for prizes so that he could have an impromptu Great Council to discuss what to do about Aerys. I'll post it again for you.
This is known: The tourney was first announced by Walter Whent, Lord of Harrenhal, late in the year 280 AC, not long after a visit from his younger brother, Ser Oswell Whent, a knight of the Kingsguard. That this would be an event of unrivaled magnificence was clear from the first, for Lord Whent was offering prizes thrice as large as those given at the great Lannisport tourney of 272 AC, hosted by Lord Tywin Lannister in celebration of Aerys II's tenth year upon the Iron Throne.
Most took this simply as an attempt by Whent to outdo the former Hand and demonstrate the wealth and splendor of his house. There were those, however, who believed this no more than a ruse, and Lord Whent no more than a catspaw. His lordship lacked the funds to pay such munificent prizes, they argued; someone else must surely have stood behind him, someone who did not lack for gold but preferred to remain in the shadows whilst allowing the Lord of Harrenhal to claim the glory for hosting this magnificent event. We have no shred of evidence that such a "shadow host" ever existed, but the notion was widely believed at the time and remains so today.
But if indeed there was a shadow, who was he, and why did he choose to keep his role a secret? A dozen names have been put forward over the years, but only one seems truly compelling: Rhaegar Targaryen, Prince of Dragonstone.
If this tale be believed, 'twas Prince Rhaegar who urged Lord Walter to hold the tourney, using his lordship's brother Ser Oswell as a gobetween. Rhaegar provided Whent with gold sufficient for splendid prizes in order to bring as many lords and knights to Harrenhal as possible. The prince, it is said, had no interest in the tourney as a tourney; his intent was to gather the great lords of the realm together in what amounted to an informal Great Council, in order to discuss ways and means of dealing with the madness of his father, King Aerys II, possibly by means of a regency or a forced abdication. (The Fall of the Dragons—The Year of the False Spring, The World of Ice and Fire)
About Jorah...
Authors do not include lines like that for fun. They are specifically there to show similarities between characters, even characters that we do not know much about. Again, we know what kind of person Lyanna was like just by reading Arya's POV chapters and gauging her behaviour. George deliberately makes them literary mirrors.
We also know what kind of person Rhaegar was through Ser Barristan. Especially when he makes comparisons between Dany and Rhaegar. He wasn't being biased, as he had no qualms of telling Dany that her father was mad.
"His father's son?" Dany frowned. "What does that mean?"
The old knight did not blink. "Your father is called 'the Mad King' in Westeros. Has no one ever told you?"
"Viserys did." The Mad King. "The Usurper called him that, the Usurper and his dogs." The Mad King. "It was a lie."
"Why ask for truth," Ser Barristan said softly, "if you close your ears to it?" He hesitated, then continued. "I told you before that I used a false name so the Lannisters would not know that I'd joined you. That was less than half of it, Your Grace. The truth is, I wanted to watch you for a time before pledging you my sword. To make certain that you were not..."
"...my father's daughter?" If she was not her father's daughter, who was she? (Daenerys VI, ASoS)
I'm curious on where you got the idea that Aegon was born as Elia was bedridden, because I cannot find anything that says that.
Some claimed that the crown prince was planning to depose his father and seize the Iron Throne for himself, whilst others said that King Aerys meant to disinherit Rhaegar and name Viserys heir in his place. Nor did the birth of King Aerys's first grandchild, a girl named Rhaenys, born on Dragonstone in 280 AC, do aught to reconcile father and son. (The Targaryen Kings—Aerys II, The World of Ice and Fire)
Elia went on bedrest for half a year, or close to a half a year.
After the birth of Princess Rhaenys, her mother had been bedridden for half a year, and Prince Aegon's birth had almost been the death of her. (The Griffin Reborn, ADwD)
Rhaegar left Elia and their children in King's Landing in 282 AC, so how was Elia still on bedrest?
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Elia always had a frail disposition, but she was not *sick*. She simply had fragile health.
I don't consider Littlefinger and Rhaegar parallels just because they muttered a woman's name. That's silly.
I have no idea what Jon has to do with refuting stupidity. Your entire post was about headcanons on top of headcanons with no passage from the series in sight.
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The Dove and Her Hound - CH. TwentyNine
Title: A New King
Words: 2,040
Warnings: Slight language
A/N: It’s almost over! Just one more chapter and the series is done, I can’t believe it! Also, if you’d like to request something, send me an ask. I’d love to write something for you! 
Taglist:  @tonbluemchen @affection-rabbit @art-flirt @10morgan10 @thatting @iwontdance-dontaskme @simsvetements
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Sandor Masterlist
Game of Thrones Masterlist
It had been a week since your son had been born and many things had happened. You learned that one of Daenerys’ dragons had been killed, most of the fleet destroyed, and Missandei captured. Brienne had come to visit you and the child as well. She apologized for the way she handled things when she encountered your trio years ago. She did not know the significance Sandor had in your life and never knew how to approach you about it. You accepted her apology immediately and you apologized to her as well for your naïve attitude and your hate towards her.
The same night Brienne apologized to you, Jaime Lannister fled Winterfell to go back to Cersei. You had known that Brienne and Jaime were together and when you found out he left, you went to console her.
 “He doesn’t deserve you,” you said. “If he leaves you for another woman when he had you then he’s not worth your tears.”
 You wiped away the tears running down her cheeks and looked her in the eyes.
 “You are strong. You are beautiful. You deserve better. Don’t let one man ruin things for you forever. It’s okay to still love him, but don’t let that take over everything.”
 Brienne gave you a watery smile and sat up a little straighter.
 “Thank you, Lady [y/n],” Brienne said. You stood up and kissed her forehead.
 “You should get some rest. I have a feeling that we’re going to do some traveling soon.”
 Turns out that you were right. A raven arrived from King’s Landing a week later and before you knew it, you were traveling down the Kingsroad. Brienne and Sansa hadn’t wanted you go with them because of the baby, but you went anyways. It took little less than a month to get to the Capital and it looked nothing like you remembered.
 Buildings and houses were charred and crumbling. Ash was still on the streets, swept away into corners. The Red Keep was almost all burnt down. The people of King’s Landing were trying their best to rebuild their homes and lives but it would take years to get things back to the way they were.
 The raven had told you where to go and once more, you found yourself in the Dragonpit. You were seated between Sansa and Brienne, your babe on your lap. Bran and Arya were next to Sansa. You were the first ones there. Ser Davos and Gendry were the next ones to arrive, with Yara, Robin, Yhon Royce, and the rest to follow. Another person showed up with the last group and you couldn’t breathe. It was Sandor, alive and well. The two of you locked eyes and your chest hurt. He looked like he was going to approach you when Greyworm brought out Tyrion before you in chains. Jon was nowhere to be seen.
 “Where’s Jon?” Sansa asked Greyworm.
 “He is our prisoner.”
 “So is Lord Tyrion,” you said. “They were both supposed to be here.”
 “We will decide the fate of our prisoners. This is our city now.”
 “If you look outside the walls of your city, you’ll find thousands of Northmen who will explain to you why harming Jon Snow is not in your interest.”
 “And you will find thousands of Unsullied who believe that it is.”
 “Some of you are quick to forgive. The Ironborn are not. I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow put a knife through her heart. Let them give him what he deserves,” Yara said, venom spewing from her words.
 “Say one more word about killing my brother and I’ll slit your throat.” Arya’s face was ruthless and cold. Yara made to stand up but Ser Davos beat her to it.
 “Friends, please. We’ve been killing each other for too long.” He turned to face Greyworm. “Torgo Nudho. Am I saying that properly? If it weren’t for you and your men, we would have lost the fight with the dead. This country owes you a debt that can never be repaid. But let us try. There is land in the Reach. Good land. The people that used to live there are gone. Make it your own, start your own house with the Unsullied as your bannermen.”
 “I agree. We’ve had enough war. Thousands of you, thousands of us. You know how it ends. There has to be another way,” you said.
 “We do not need payment. We need justice,” Greyworm spat. “Jon Snow cannot go free.”
 Ser Davos sat back down and Tyrion let out a small breath.
 “It’s not for you to decide,” Tyrion said.
 “You are not here to speak!” Greyworm shouted. “Everyone has heard enough words from you.”
 “You’re right. And no one’s any better for it. But it’s not for you to decide.” Tyrion looked up at everyone. “Jon Snow committed his crime here. It is for our King to decide. Or our Queen.”
 “But we don’t have a King or Queen,” Royce said.
 “You’re the most powerful people in Westeros. Choose one.”
 “Make your choice. Quickly.”
 Everyone was silent for once and was looking around at the other people. Nobody spoke until your uncle stood up. He started a little speech talking about him being one of the senior lords in the country and that he knew a little bit about statecraft. It was then that Sansa intervened.
 “Uncle. Please sit,” she said. He kind of spluttered a bit and only sat down when Sansa gestured to his seat with her head. He backed into a pole and it took all your willpower not to laugh.
 “Well, we have to choose someone,” Royce said. That’s when Sam got up and suggested that the people help pick a monarch. Everyone did laugh at that and Sam sat back down, more than slightly embarrassed. It was a funny notion, but you didn’t laugh at your friend.
 “I suppose you want the crown,” your uncle said to Tyrion.
 “Me? No. Half the people hate me for serving Daenerys and the other half hate me for betraying her. Can’t think of a worse choice.”
 “Who then?” You asked.
 “What unites people? Armies? Gold? Flags?” Tyrion shook his head. “Stories. There’s nothing in the world more powerful than a good story. Nothing can stop it. No enemy can defeat it. And who has a better story than Bran the Broken?”
 You sat up a little straighter and looked at your siblings in confusion. When you looked back at Tyrion, he kept speaking.
 “The boy who fell from a high tower and lived. He knew he would never walk again, so he learned how to fly. He went beyond the wall. A crippled boy. And he became the Three-Eyed-Raven. He is our memory, our history. All the wars, weddings, births, massacres, and famines. Our triumphs and our defeats. Our past. Who better to lead us into the future?”
 “Bran has no interest in ruling and he can’t father children,” Sansa said.
 “Good. Sons of Kings can be cruel and stupid, as you well know. His will never torment us,” Tyrion said to Sansa. To Greyworm he said, “That is the wheel our Queen wanted to break.”
 “From now on rulers will not be born. They will be chosen on this spot by the Lords and Ladies of Westeros to serve the realm.” He turned to Bran. “I know you don’t want it. I know you don’t care about power. But I ask you now, if we choose you, would you wear the crown?”
 “Why do you think I came all this way?” Bran said after a moment. Tyrion looked a little shocked that Bran had actually said yes and you knew that the other people in this meeting were feeling the same way.
 “To Brandon of House Stark, I say aye,” Tyrion said. Everyone was quiet until you and Sam said ‘aye’ at the same time. Tyrion sent the both of you a grateful look. Your uncle was next followed by the men from the Vale. Yara and the new Prince of Dorne agreed as well along with Gendry and Ser Davos. Brienne agreed as well, but you saw that Sansa was trying to pick out words again.
 “You know I love you, little brother. I always will. You’ll be a good King. But tens of thousands of Northmen fell defending Westeros. And those who survived have fought too hard and too much to ever kneel again,” Sansa said. “The North will remain an independent country, as it was for thousands of years.”
 Bran nodded in consent and you could see the relief flood through Sansa’s body.
 “All hail Bran the Broken,” Tyrion said. Everyone stood up and repeated those words. When everyone sat back down, Tyrion bowed to the new King and started to make his way out of the Pit.
 “Tyrion,” Bran called. “You will be my hand.”
 “N-No, your grace. I don’t want it.”
 “I know. And I don’t want to be King.” Tyrion shook his head.
 “I don’t deserve it. I thought I was wise but it turns out I’m not. I thought that I knew what was right, but I did not. Choose Ser Davos. Choose anyone else.”
 “I choose you.”
 “You cannot,” Greyworm said angrily.
 “Yes I can. I’m King.”
 “This man is a criminal. He deserves justice.”
 “He just got it. He’s made a lot of terrible mistakes. He’s going to spend the rest of his days fixing them.”
 Greyworm was angry and he spat out, “That’s not enough!”
 After about an hour of talking, a decision was made. Jon would go back to Castle Black as a member of the Night’s Watch. You and your sisters wanted him freed completely, but you recognized that this was the only way for your brother to keep his head. You would miss seeing him every day, but you’d lived with this before so it shouldn’t be too hard. Jon was to leave that evening and you had a few hours before you had to say goodbye. Everyone was slowly trickling out of the Dragonpit when Sandor came up to you.
 “Dove,” Sandor said quietly. You froze and slowly turned around.
 “I thought I told you not to call me that.”
 “You did.”
 “Why are you here, Sandor?” Your voice sounded tired and Sandor could see it in your eyes.
 “I heard you were here and I wanted to talk to you.”
 “Talk about what? How you left me for some petty revenge? How I gave birth with you not by my side? How I have been raising our son without you?”
 “I-I have a son?” Sandor’s heart skipped a beat and your chest tightened at the sound of his voice breaking.
 “What’s his name?”
 “Eddard. Eddard Stark.”
 “Are you going by Stark too?”
 “Ever since you left me.” Sandor was silent for a moment. He stepped closer to you tentatively.
 “Would you ever take me back?” You sucked in a breath, eyes wide.
 “I know I fucked up and I know it will take a lot to fix it. If you’ll even take me back, that is. But even if you decide not to, I want you to know that I still love you. I always have. I’ll always love our babe and I will do anything for the two of you.”
 His voice was so quiet you could barely hear it, but it was also so loud that it was ringing in your ears. Your eyes filled with tears and you gestured to Sansa to take Eddard from your arms. When your arms were free, you wrapped them around Sandor tightly. It took him a few seconds to respond, but soon you were being spun around. You let out a giggle that was cut short by Sandor kissing you. It was a sweet kiss that you broke shortly after it began.
 “While I love kissing you, I think you’d like to officially meet your son, yes?”
 Sandor’s eyes lit up and Sansa brought over your son. You took him from her and gently placed him in his father’s arms. You showed Sandor how to hold him properly and the sight made you melt. Finally, your family was complete.
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villainanders · 3 years
the lannister and baratheon sibs for the 6 chars meme!
oh this is really good ty! 
push off a cliff: robert because fuck that guy
kiss: cersei.... mwuah
marry: renly in my second lavender marriage of this ask game
set on fire: stannis - he might have actually made it out of this one alive it wasn't for how full circle this would be 
wrap a blanket around: jaime. i deserve to do this
be roommates with: god tyrion i guess but let the record show that i think every single one of these people would be absolute nightmare roommates
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yeniayofnymeria · 5 years
GRRM's Original Outline "What has changed?"
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Now you all know Martin's letter he wrote in '93. When this letter was written and sent to the editor, the first 13 chapters (200 pages) were already written. In addition, the book consisted of three volumes of the first stage, but as you know, but its 7 volumes now.When we read the letter and the first 5 books, the first comment made was very different and different from the first outline; one or two things remain the same. But is it really? Here I would like to discuss this with you. I think I will go through the events step by step and you will make your own contributions when you read. Let's start!
1. Stark-Lannister war. It's remain, nothing changed.
2. (Dany) Targaryen's 7K invasion with Dothraks. It's still did not happend but we know Dany has Unsullied and some sellswords and next book, she will have Dothraks too. She will linger a little more in essos and then come to the West for the conquer. It's remain too.
3. The Others. GRRM said " Their story will be [sic] heart of my third volume, The Winds of Winter. " It's remain too.
4. Five Main Key Characters (Jon, Arya, Bran, Dany and Tyrion). " In a sense, my trilogy is almost a generational saga, telling the life stories of these five characters, three men and two women. The five key players are Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, and three of the children of Winterfell, Arya, Bran, and the bastard Jon Snow." It's remain too.
5. Fall of the Starks. " Things will get a lot worse for the poor Starks before they get better, I'm afraid. " Yes, indeed it happened.
6. Dead of Robert and long may live new king! "Ned will discover what happened to his friend Jon Arryn... will have an unfortunate accident, and the throne will to brutal Joffrey, still a minor." Yes, it happened too. This substance remained the same too.
7.Sansa and Joffrey. "Sansa Stark wed to Joffrey Baratheon, will bear him a son, the heir to the throne, and when the crunch comes she will choose her husband and child over her parents and siblings, a choice she will later bitterly rue. " Sansa betrays his family anyway but she did not wed Joffrey or bear his son. This substance has changed a bit.
8. Bran's coma and dream and greenseer and dead of Robb. " Young Bran will come out of his coma, after a strange prophetic dream... He will turn to magic, at first in the hope of restoring his legs, but later for its own sake... Robb Stark will die in battle." 
Bran's the same, but Robb's got some change. Robb doesn't die in a war against Joffrey, Jaime and Tyrion. But he really wins a few battles at first (against Tywin. So there's no Tywin in the first place) and then he dies at the Red Wedding.
Bran's in a coma. So Jaime and Cersei are standing exactly. This shows that Jon Arryn's death is due to his learning of the relationship(Jaime-Cersei). So Joff was a bastard in the first outline too. Ned died for the same reason.
Tyrion did not burn Winterfell but fought against Stark army and became Hand of King. Jaime fought against Robb too and lost, was captured. This part is different in some ways, but the same in some ways.
9. Jon Snow, The Wall and Lord Commander. " Jon Snow, the bastard, will remain in the far north. He will mature into a ranger of great daring, and ultimately will succeed his uncle as the commander of the Night's Watch "
Jon goes the wall and will became lord commander but Benjen was lord commander in the first place but it seems he dies anyway or disappear. It's remain.
10. Helping family and Jonarya Love. " When Winterfell burns, Catelyn Stark will be forced to flee north with her son Bran and her daughter Arya. Wounded by Lannister riders, they will seek refuge at the Wall, but the men of the Night's Watch give up their families when they take the black, and Jon and Benjen will not be able to help, to Jon's anguish. It will lead to a bitter estrangement between Jon and Bran. Arya will be more forgiving ... until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night's Watch, sworn to celibacy. Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon's true parentage is finally revealed in the last book. "
Winterfell is being burned by Greyjoys. Cat is not with Stark children, he is with Robb. Bran and others run away and went to the Wall. But Bran and others did not take refuge in the black brothers. Jon has something to do with Arya again. He wants to protect and save her(FArya). He can't do it because of his vows and he's in a lot of pain... And we know who is Jon's real parents.
Jon and Arya love... It's still too early to say anything about it. When Arya goes to the wall, the love between the two emerges. Arya escaped from KL as in the first outline. But instead of going home, she drifted into her own adventure. Arya has been trying to get home and Jon all along. She'll probably go straight to the wall when she gets back from Braavos. There are so many hints about Jonarya love in books. ( https://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/125364-jon-arya-hints-and-overall-significance-of-their-relationship-including-part-3/ )
11. Beyond The Wall and Bran-Cat-Arya. "Abandoned by the Night's Watch, Catelyn and her children will find their only hope of safety lies even further north, beyond the Wall, where they fall into the hands of Mance Rayder, the King-beyond-the-Wall, and get a dreadful glimpse of the inhuman others as they attack the wilding encampment. Bran's magic, Arya's sword Needle, and the savagery of their direwolves will help them survive, but their mother Catelyn will die at the hands of the others." This part has undergone significant changes. Despite this, some small parts remained.
Arya is not with them, Cat neither but she dies anyway (and came back but as fire wight not ice wight). Bran never meet Mance(yes, Mance exists) and see others but he sees deads and met Cold Hand(ice wight) and BR and Singers. I guess Rickon is not exists.
Arya has Needle, that's mean Jon gave her it anyway. And direwolves...
12. Dany, Viserys and Drogo. “Over across the narrow sea, Daenerys Targaryen will discover that her new husband, the Dothraki Khal Drogo, has little interest in invading the Seven Kingdoms, much to her brother's frustration. When Viserys presses his claims past the point of tact or wisdom, Khal Drogo will finally grow annoyed and kill him out of hand, eliminating the Targaryen pretender and leaving Daenerys as the last of her line. Danerys [sic] will bide her time, but she will not forget. When the moment is right, she will kill her husband to avenge her brother, and then flee with a trusted friend into the wilderness beyond Vaes Dothrak. " Only 5% of this part has changed.
13. Dragon Eggs and Invasion Plans."There, hunted by [unclear] of her life, she stumbles on a [something about dragon eggs] a young dragon will give Daenerys [unclear] bend [unclear] to her will. Then she begins to plan for her invasion of the Seven Kingdoms." This part has changed 95%.
14. Tyrion's Fate. "Tyrion Lannister will continue to travel, to plot, and to play the game of thrones, finally removing his nephew Joffrey in disgust at the boy king's brutality. Jaime Lannister will follow Joffrey on the throne of the Seven Kingdoms, by the simple expedient of killing everyone ahead of him in the line of succession and blaming his brother Tyrion for the murders. Exiled, Tyrion will change sides, making common cause with the surviving Starks to bring his brother down, and falling helplessly in love with Arya Stark while he's at it. His passion is, alas, unreciprocated, but no less intense for that, and it will lead to a deadly rivalry between Tyrion and Jon Snow."
Yes, it seems this part almost completely changed. But Tyrion has been betrayed by his family in every way(Tysha thing and attempt to kill), just it changed "how it will be" This betrayal caused him to change sides. Only on Targaryen side instead of Stark. But Tyrion will probably be on the Stark side too.
Tyrion is exiled to Essos, not north. Jaime's not the bad guy in the story, Cersei is. Joffrey's dying. In the first Outline, Jaime kills everyone, so Sansa is dead. In the present story, Sansa is still alive and her story continues. They're not named, but probably Joff's siblings are in the first outline and they're dead.
There's no competition between Tyrion and Jon(Arya). It's hard to expect it at this point. We need to wait for the next encounter, but I don't think it will. Unlike the first otline, Jon and Tyrion are good friends. If GRRM designs a love triangle like the first one, maybe they can be enemies. Or maybe he changed the third candidate for that love triangle. (However, if you read Mercy POV, GRRM is waving its hand to this love triangle there.)
In general, the outline / skeleton remains exactly the same, even the characters' motives are more or less the same; there are big changes in a few places, but not so big changes in the remaining parts. Same affliction, betrayal and so on that will ensure the development of the character. Situations occurred in one way or another. It's just that things have gone differently ... but betrayal comes from the family again and (Jon) he's suffering because he can't help the family.
He keeps his end.
GEORGE: […]As I write these last two books, I’ll be moving towards the ending I’ve known since 1991/
“Some major characters — yes, I always had plans, what Tyrion’s arc was gonna be through this, what Arya’s arc was gonna be through this, what JonSnow’s arc is gonna be. ”
I don’t want to reveal what I’ve planned for some of these characters, but I’m pretty well on track with most of the major characters. It’s minor characters like Bronn that assume greater importance.”
At Balticon 2016 he said he knows who sits on the Iron Throne at the end.
A year later, in a video interview he continued by saying he has always known the fates of his main characters, who lives or dies, marries who...etc since 1991 when he began writing.
That's all. Thank you for read and sorry again for my bad English. Bye.
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library-seraph · 6 years
Nickolaj coster-waldeau is great, but i feel like his prominence overlooks the fact that book jaime is usually described as looking a lot more like cersei than ncw looks like lena headley
book jaime is a twunk
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janiedean · 4 years
Hope this is okay to ask but I was wondering what your thoughts are on the way Tyrion is treated by some of the fandom, especially Cersei stans? I feel he is held to a different standard to other male characters and as someone with an invisible disibility irl it makes me a bit uncomfortable. I’ve seen many “Lannister stans” who either hate him or want to ignore he exists.
sure it’s okay to ask don’t worry ;)
that said: when it comes to tyrion’s fandom treatment especially on tumblr there’s like a whole bunch of like... WE’RE ABLEIST BUT MASKING IT BEHIND FAKE WOKE ARGUMENTS crap going on because not counting the fact that show!tyrion has been what he was since S5 bc dnd can’t obviously write him and stopped giving peter decent material after then and it shows, but like... show!tyrion being nowhere near as complex as the book version is a problem that 99% of the show characters had so I don’t think it’s like a valid argument:
the premise is that tyrion is outside like TUMBLR and the likes circles a clear fan favorite when it comes to the general audience if not the fan favorite - like there’s more tyrion merch than idk jon snow merch and maybe maybe he was 50/50 with dany but like... I think that if we did a general poll tyrion would come out as the most liked character, which... I mean fair tyrion is an a+ character and he’s extremely relatable on a whole shitload of levels and let me tell you if a disabled character is for once the main fan favorite I won’t complain:
problem is beyond the fact that he’s disabled he’s... about everything tumblr hates in the sense that a) man, b) (presumably) straight man who has a lot of sex to deal with his issues, c) his issues are not exactly pleasant to deal with, d) not Standard Attractive, e) basically his one trump card is outsmarting people so it’s really easy to attach the whole AH MANIPULATING SCHEMING ASSHOLE argument to him, f) an abuse victim from at least his father and cersei but we all know men can’t be abused on this website *rolleyes* plus he hates the shit out of cers/ei which like.. is apparently the cardinal sin and the key to being labeled a misogynist always, which automatically means that when it comes to tumblr asoiaf fandom nine times on ten people will ignore the fact that his disability is a reason people discriminate him and that the treatment he received because of it gave him TRAUMA and start going like AH BUT HE’S A MAN AH BUT HE’S RICH which... doesn’t mean he can’t be traumatized even if he has male and money privilege;
for what it’s worth anyway bc as stated okay being a lannister did mean that he had a better upbringing/situation economically than a commoner with dwarfism but that doesn’t make his abuse any less damaging, but people on here just... don’t seem to get it;
but yeah like the point is that male chars on tumblr are already held at different standards than female ones (again theon gets more shit than cersei ever had for doing a lot less horrid stuff) but tyrion as... the mega fan favorite especially in within the male fanbase (reddit/w-org and the likes) is held to an extra standard in the sense that if the dudebro faction likes him then he’s BAD NEWS, which means that the fact that he’s disabled and that it affects his life is thoroughly ignored because they have to cry about how he has male privilege over c. and so she can’t abuse him (which... lmao the day I read that shit in S2 I was so out, but whatever);
anyway thing is: ‘lannister stans’ in my experience is a thing that like... is weird in this fandom because actually I never met a supposed lannister stan who likes all of them or who doesn’t ignore some exist, like.. usually most lannister stans who pretend tyrion doesn’t exist are either c. stans or tywin stans or both and don’t get me started on how this fandom has a weirdass tywin worship thing going on for which they think tyrion killing him is an unforgivable crime when it was basically what that asshole deserved and the narrative is having tyrion go in the downward spiral for shae not for tywin. c. stans usually say they also stan jaime but like... they stan whichever version of jaime they think exist that is compatible for a book ending that has the murder suicide thing happening that doesn’t exist in the books and they ignore tyrion exists same as their fave, but then again here we fall back in the pit where everything c. specifically does is seen as either fight against the patriarchy or feminist rebellion or trauma justification on account of c. being a woman and if a man does it it’s horrid or if she does it to a man then it doesn’t matter, so like... it’s a lost cause;
anyway like if someone say they’re a lannister stan and ignore tyrion when whether they like it or not tyrion is the only lannister in the main five povs (which i’d like to remind everyone are jon dany tyrion arya and bran regardless of whoever is everyone’s fave) and the one that has most narrative weight then like... just say you like c. or tywin and go;
tldr: while I think that the show did tyrion a lot of dirt in order to make him more... idk cleaned up when the book character is good as it is, tumblr fandom is swimming deep in ableism and denying that men can be abused and affected by that when it comes to tyrion’s treatment, never mind in the neverending absolutely shallow argument that’s everywhere in asoiaf fandom which is that no one outside specific group of people has understood that one of the key messages of these books is ‘how you look outside doesn’t mean shit about your personality and people who aren’t standard attractive are people with needs and personality who also deserve love and have a lot to give and will meet someone who’ll give it to them’, because the race is basically shipping beautiful ppl together even if it makes sense and negating at all turns that brienne/arya/tyrion/sandor/anyone else who’s not standard attractive are like... viable romantic partners on an even level with whoever so there’s that too, but like I think that on tumblr it shows that ppl are extremely hypocritical when it comes to tyrion and that it shows that their wokeness stops at the surface bc if you read those books and miss The Fucking Point when it comes to tyrion’s disability... text comprehension where have you gone ;)
also when it comes from c. stans** I just sigh and roll my eyes but then again c. stans generally think c. is the only person in these books with justified issues and trauma reaction and downplay not only how she abuses others but also the effects on the ppl she abuses whether they’re men or women so like... they don’t even admit how she is with jaime do we think they’d admit it for tyrion? doubt that.
**before everyone else jumps on me: with c. stans I mean the vocal side of c. standom where almost everyone is like that and from whom I never saw once an acknowledgment that she actually did abuse him (or anyone kllkjkgdj), not whichever c. stan around who likes her because she’s terrible/recognizes that she’s bad etc, I mean no ill will, if you didn’t feel called out reading it it wasn’t about you, peace and love.
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myriadimagines · 5 years
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Characters: @prider-parker-imaginations​ x Jaime Lannister
Warnings: —
Prompt: 09. “Come sit by the fireplace with me.”
Word Count: 441
A/N: dedicated to the fantastic max, happy happy holidays!!
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Jaime finds you, alone and desolate, as you lean back in a rickety wooden chair, hands wrapped around a tin mug that steams with a hot beverage inside. He quietly closes the heavy wooden door behind him as he steps inside, feeling radiating warmth from the fire burning gloriously in front of you, and you turn to look over your shoulder as Jaime feels frozen in place upon making eye contact with you. You’ve always had this effect on him, he thinks, his charm melting away from him and leaving him uncharacteristically flustered, and he feels his heart skip a beat as you gesture for him to come closer, remarking, “Come sit by the fireplace with me.”
Jaime moves towards you, sitting in the chair beside you as the two of you stare at the orange flames dancing above the charring wood, sparking and glowing in the otherwise dark and quiet room. You wordlessly hold out your cup, and Jaime nods at you as he takes it, his breath hitching as your fingers brush before he quietly takes a sip. He feels the liquid slide down his throat, warming his body as his freezing fingertips feel as if they’re thawing, and Jaime finally clears his throat as he asks, “Why are you in here alone?”
You shrug, not taking your eyes off the fire. “I sometimes like to be alone. The silence is rather comforting.” 
Jaime shifts uncomfortably in his seat, moving to stand as he stammers, “I didn’t mean to intrude, then—”
“No,” you quickly stop him, finally looking up at him, your lips curling into the tiniest hint of a smile. “You weren’t intruding; you never do. I always enjoy your presence, Jaime.” 
Jaime hopes the auburn glow from the fire hides the blush that spreads across his cheeks, and Jaime lowers himself into his seat. Fumbling with his words, he manages to say, “I enjoy spending time with you, too.”
You chuckle slightly, your smile widening as you look at Jaime. Your chairs are so close, Jaime now realises, his hand so close to where yours lazily dangles from the armrest. The moment feels perfect, he thinks, so quiet and warm and calming, and before Jaime can overthink, before he can drown in his feeling for you for another second, he suddenly leans forward, grabbing your face in his hand as he kisses you. You kiss him back immediately, as if predicting his move, the both of you melting into one another before finally pulling away, breathless. A teasing smile dances on your lips as Jaime’s eyes widen, and you tease, “We ought to spend more time together.” 
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firesign23 · 5 years
"No," Brienne breathed, in both horror and awe. "This can't be—*no*," she repeated. "Compose yourself," Jaime said. "We knew this was a possible outcome, and we went through with it anyway." Brienne shook her head, staring at the—the *thing*, and said, "Not like this, we didn't."
Alright, five sentences meant i had to write twenty-five in response. And this is slightly, slightly less insane than “Brienne gives birth to a dragon” which was, somehow, my FIRST thought to this.
 "No," Brienne breathed, in both horror and awe. "This can't be—no," she repeated. 
"Compose yourself," Jaime said. "We knew this was a possible outcome, and we went through with it anyway." 
Brienne shook her head, staring at the—the thing, and said, "Not like this, we didn't."
“It’s just a dragon.”
“Just… Just a dragon,” she said flatly. “Of course, Jaime. How foolish of me to think that a great bloody dragon was something to be concerned about.”
Jaime extended his golden hand, allowed the crimson monster to curl into his palm. “He’s only a baby.”
“Babies grow! Into dragons! Great big flying dragons! Where the fuck are we supposed to keep a dragon?”
Jaime shrugged, and Brienne very briefly considered throttling her husband. Who had a dragon in his hand. Hatched from the supposedly-fake egg Tyrion had gifted them as a joke for their wedding. She was a generally composed woman, but there were limits. 
“Fucking Lannisters,” she spat, which only made Jaime chuckle.
“I don’t recall you cursing the name quite so much last night, wife.”
“That was before the dragon.”
The dragon which had seemingly just yawned as it fell asleep, like an animal far less dangerous. Jaime reached out with his fingers--his fleshy, easily charred fingers--to stroke its head, and it made some sort of noise that was lethally adorable. Giving an exasperated sigh, Brienne stepped closer. It was sweet, in its own odd way, and she should know better than to judge so quickly.
“Tarth,” she said. “There’s mountains, and wild goats, and a cavern near Evenfall Hall large enough to house it. Him.”
“Tarth,” Jaime agreed, his smile as bright as the sun, and as lethal as the dragon who had wrapped its tail around his golden thumb.
Send me an ask with the first sentence of a fanfic and I’ll write the next five.
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ashleyfanfic · 5 years
See, what we’re not going to do is act like Daenerys Targaryen is only her last act. We’re also not going to pretend that her burning King’s Landing made any kind of sense. I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times, it would have made more sense for someone like CERSEI to go crazy because of bells. Not Daenerys. Cersei who was hounded down the streets by Unella shouting SHAME! And how fucking horrible was it that Cersei was punished in such a way and yet the man she was doing this with, Jaime, got away scott free. Not only that, Jaime got another woman and then went back to Cersei and everything was just forgiven. Excuse me while I throw up. My Cersei would have tried to kill him cause that’s the vengeful bitch she is and that’s why I love to hate her. 
On the other side of that coin, you had Daenerys. Dany who freed slaves even after she was tricked by one of the slaves she tricked. Dany who tried to make the most of her life after her brother fucking sold her for an army he didn’t even get! Dany who negotiated to free Missandei before she ever gave them the dragon. Dany who freed the Unsullied with her own wits and cunning. She out thought the men in her employ. She followed her own instincts. It was Dany who freed Yunkai and was called Mhysa (which I will remind you means MOTHER). Dany who took over Meereen and instead of going to Westeros, she stayed to make sure the people didn’t go back to slavery. She even listened to one of the former slaves argue that he wanted to go back to being a slave because he liked teaching and it was the only way he could still keep his job. She LISTENED and even though she hated it, she allowed him to do as he wished. She’s the same woman who locked up her own dragons after the bones of one child was laid at her feet. With no proof other than charred bones. She protected people for as long as she could in the best way she could. She killed the Khals (who freaking deserved to die) and took in the Khalasar then freed Meereen for good. She treated with Yara and Theon, even though they had a smaller armada and made an alliance with them. She made an alliance with Ellaria and Olenna. And let’s face it, if Olenna thought that Daenerys was dangerous for the seven kingdoms, she wouldn’t have backed her no matter what Varys said. 
Then we have Jon Snow who came to her and admittedly, they might have been attracted to one another when they met, but they also frustrated each other. Dany eventually won him over to her side by being the person she is, dedicating herself to a cause that cost her one of the things that meant the most to her. She pledged herself and her people to a battle that they hoped they would win, but who really thought they could? And it was Jon’s choice to bend the knee. She was willing to go North and fight the dead without any sort of declaration from him. Because Dany was a bigger picture person. Once she saw it, she knew the truth. The Iron Throne was important, but defeating the dead was more important. 
Yeah, they had Dany go mad. What would have happened in Tyrion had kept his damn mouth closed. He knew that Varys was already looking sideways at Daenerys and he just pushed him over the edge. I don’t know that Dany actually had Varys’ loyalty. I think it was more he went with Tyrion to Essos because he couldn’t stay in Westeros after helping Tyrion. The Lannister’s wouldn’t have let that go. Jaime knew that Varys was helping him escape, so he’d have someone to point the finger at. Varys went to her because she was his ONLY option. He acquired her two powerful allies and because of that, she gave him a small chance. She didn’t have to, she could have had him killed immediately, but she didn’t. She allowed him to live and be part of her council. And he turned on her the first chance he got. Missandei died, Rhaegal died, Jorah died. Tyrion, Varys, and even Jon betrayed her. Some crimes more heinous than others. At the end, her grief and pain ruled. That’s it. She wasn’t mad. How many times did people tell us “she’s not her father”. Because she’s not and pretending like she is doesn’t make it true. 
Jon didn’t give Dany a choice. He didn’t tell her we’re going to put you on trial OR you can abdicate. He didn’t tell her if you do this then I have to do this. He became one of the things he hated. He watched a city be slaughtered. But at no point did he make a true plea to understand her, to even really talk to her. Tyrion was upset as he’d just seen that his brother and sister died together as well as what happened to the city. To think that it didn’t have some place in what happened would be foolish. “Ask me again in ten years” is the most disgusting line in the entire series of the show because it’s such bullshit. If you didn’t know that killing her was right, why send Jon to do it?
Anyway, as I said, we’re not going to pretend like that last season made sense. I knew when they let Arya kill the NK that things were going to go bonkers. I just didn’t realize that on the way out the writers would destroy every single character. Tyrion, Dany, Jon, Arya, Sansa, Jaime, Brienne, and even Cersei. The real disservice is to the fanbase of that show. It was the most popular show on TV and they ruined the potential rewatch value that people would have. 
I was talking to a co-worker yesterday about the show. She was like “I heard such good things about it” and I was like “Watch it but skip the last season. It’s awful.” Now she’s not going to watch it because she doesn’t want to get invested in a show that ends badly. That’s what they did. I would have sung it’s praises from here to kingdom come, but no. Now I will tell everyone I come into contact with not to waste their time. That’s the legacy of game of thrones. That’s what we’re left with. 
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