stuckylibrary · 3 years
Would live to recommend From Grit to Pearl by BlueSimplicity. I really love the platonic interactions between rebecca and bucky which is something i rarely see as the focus. Stucky is honestly pretty sweet too
(mentions of child abuse, torture, character death)
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
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Army Proof by tajargirl
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
Hello, just wanted everyone to now that the masterpiece that is Baghdad Waltz has just been completed. One hell of a beautiful ride with stunning characterization (don’t read last chapter in public)
Baghdad Waltz* by Dreadnought (complete | 680,730 | E) *rape/noncon, graphic violence, /others, wartime violence involving children, child death, alcohol&drug abuse, addiction, suicide/suicidal ideation, child abuse
Lieutenant Steve Rogers has done all the right things. Graduated West Point at the top of his class. Earned a coveted spot as an infantry officer. Found the woman of his dreams. Everything is going exactly as planned. That is, until he accepts a platoon leader position for a unit deploying to Iraq, where he’s reunited with the ex-boyfriend he’d rather forget but never could.
Sergeant First Class Barnes thinks he knows war. He lives in a wild cycle of military training, deployments, sex, drinking, and pining for his former best friend and ex-boyfriend, Steve Rogers. But when Lieutenant Rogers is assigned as his platoon leader during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Sergeant Barnes realizes that he doesn't know the first thing about what it means to truly fight for something.
An Iraq War love story in three movements.
The story of two men who go to war and don’t quite come back home.
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
hiii can I rec a new a/b/o fic? it's called To Breathe Less by lacunalady on Ao3 and it's super sad and sweet and sexiii 🥺 love you guys!!!!!!!
Thank you for writing in!
To Breathe Less by lacunalady (complete | 57,245 | E)
It's unnatural for Omegas and Alphas to lose each other. Steve's bones ached for his other half.
Then he gets a text.
***** The Winter Soldier really was going to stay away from the blond. Steve. He had every intention of going off the grid, finishing Hydra off for good, before he turned himself in. But those blue eyes, that heart of Steve's...it belonged to him. The Soldier knew it did.
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
Supernatural meets Stucky AU! 
Maybe it’s the sentimentality that causes Steve to blurt out, “Did you steal that shirt?”
Bucky raises both eyebrows, lips working around the lollipop shoved in the corner of his mouth. “You are not good at this.”
Steve just- doesn’t know how to do this. How does he even begin to talk to Bucky, now that he’s a demon and he doesn’t remember Steve?
(shamelessly submitting my own fic!!) 
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
For a lovely fluffy but with a nice dude of angst shrinkyclinks please check out my heart tells me you are lonely, too by FanGirling. So many hugs for winter soldier Bucky (cw for suicidal thoughts, attempted rape/noncon, nonconsensual drug use)
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
hello. i know there's a tag for "steve dies", but are there any fics where steve nearly dies? because i love the angst but i can't take an actual death
Солнышко by MMXIII (complete | 2,157 | unrated ) 
Steve gets shot, and Bucky tries very hard not to lose his mind.
Goin’ on a Holiday by birdbrains (complete | 20,833 | M )
“I didn’t say I’d do the mission,” Steve said.“Why not?” Fury said.“I don’t know,” Steve said. “I—there’s not a lot I don’t want to do to anyone who worked on the Winter Soldier, and that’s—well. It’s not a very high minded reason to decide to do something.”“Don’t need you to be high minded,” Fury said. “I just need you to kill her.”
Mission Incomplete* by gammadolphin (complete | 9,894 | M ) *cw suicide attempt
He does not understand. He completed his mission. The captain is dead. So why does it feel as though he has done something terrible, as though he has knocked the world off its axis? Why is the screaming in his head louder than ever?-AU where Bucky thinks he completes his mission on the riverbank and Hydra “rewards” him by giving his memories back. All of them.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Any fics where Bucky doesn’t think he deserves steve so as a result he pushes steve away by acting like an asshole to him?
a tree grows in brooklyn by newsbypostcard (complete | 20,198 | E )
POST-CIVIL WAR: They have to get out of Siberia. They have to get to a safehouse. They have to figure out what comes next – how to live in the world; how to stay out of sight.
If Bucky can only get a grip on himself and the way his mind keeps throwing out memories.
They’d been caught in a rainstorm and retreated to Bucky’s in wheezing elation. They’d pulled their clothes off themselves with their backs turned, shivering and pained as fabric clung steadfast, pinpricking to their skin.
Bucky had leant him some clothes, and Steve had drowned in them. The fabric had bunched at his ankles and shoulders, pants threatening to fall clean off him. Bucky had laughed and laughed and Steve had shouted at him to leave him alone, leaving Bucky only to laugh harder.Steve’s taller than him now. Bucky’s not sure he’ll ever be used to that.
Eat Rotten Fruit from a Shitty Tree* by birdbrains (complete | 21,752 | M ) *better if you read Who Let You In? first ; dark themes  
“So first of all I wasn’t aiming for you,” Steve said.“It’s okay if you were,” Bucky said. “I realize I was testing your patience—”“You can’t seriously think it would be okay for me to stab you with a fork,” Steve said.There was a pause and Bucky said, ducking his head a little, “No, I guess not.” Then he looked at Steve and said, “What, you gonna get mad at me again for treating you like Hydra?”
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Hi guys! I just read that AWEAOME series "The Murder Ballads" by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) and I LOVED IT! [especially stabby and murdery Bucky, a little darker version.] Do you know any similar fanfics like that series? That'd be so awesome!
Try ourBAMF!Bucky tag! There’s also this post, and this search for the fic.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Hi there. I’m looking for a fic where Bucky becomes a bodyguard for a young starlet or singer. Steve visits him but lets him have his space. I think I it might be a series. I’ve checked the Bodyguard tags but maybe this will ring a bell with someone. Thanks!
I finally found it! It was driving me nuts because I knew I’d read it and couldn’t find it again (it even happens to us Mods, kids, always bookmark the stuff you really love). Anyway!
Number One With A Bullet by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves) (restricted)
With Dazzler getting death threats ahead of a huge concert, her management hires protection for her: The Winter Soldier. Bucky and Alison hate each other on sight. But with seemingly every evil organization in the US out to kill her, they need to find a way to work together – and get to the bottom of why everyone wants Alison Blaire dead. Of course, when Bucky can’t protect Alison and investigate at the same time, there’s only one person he’s going to call for help: a certain star-spangled man with a plan.
Sequel to The Murder Ballads. Can be read as stand-alone, though.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
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It hadn’t occurred to Steve how fortunate the Howlies had been at avoiding casualties until he found Bucky pinned down by gunmen on Zola’s train.  In their years of raiding Hydra bases, he had admittedly gotten confident – perhaps overly so.  But it had been so easy, to bask in the glow of one victory after another, to develop increasingly more risky and complicated missions for their unit to inevitably succeed in, as their victories continued to mount.  Seeing his best friend through the small window, pale-faced and wide-eyed and apparently out of ammunition, was a horrifying jolt of how stupid Steve had been, how much better a soldier his sergeant was than him.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
The anon looking for the fic where both steve and bucky go down in the valkerie ( i cant spell) and the events of the MCU are the same, except with bucky, is probably looking for After The Bombs. great fic, one of my faves.
Thank you for writing in!
After The Bombs by fedzgurl
Bucky Barnes never fell off of the train in the Alps. Steve Rogers didn’t have to wake up alone in the future. Things aren’t exactly perfect as they try to come to terms with a completely different future and work out the feelings that they’ve had for each other for decades, but at least they get to figure it out together. (The MCU re-imagined with Bucky as an original Avenger)
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Hey guys! Can I recommend The Scottish BOY by Bettenoir? It's beautiful, the world building is so vibrant and amazing, and the characterisation is perfect!
Thank you for writing in!
The Scottish Boy by BetteNoire (WeAreWolves), maichan, Tsuminoaru
The year is 1333. The English are at war with Scotland. 19-year-old West Country knight Sir Steven excels at jousting, but yearns to prove himself in real action. So he jumps when his sponsor, Baron Alexander Pierce, invites him on a secret mission with a dozen elite knights. They ride north to a crumbling Scottish keep, capturing the feral, half-starved boy within and putting the other inhabitants to the sword. And nobody knows, or nobody is saying, why the flower of English knighthood snuck over the border to capture a savage, dirty teenage boy. Pierce gives the boy to Steve as his squire, with only two rules: don’t let the boy escape, and convert him to the English cause.
At first, it’s hopeless. The Scottish boy is surly, violent, hoards sharp objects, and eats anything that isn’t nailed down. Then Steve begins to notice things: that, as well as Gaelic, the boy speaks flawless French, far better than Steve’s own. That he can read it – Latin, too. That he isn’t small so much as desperately under-fed. That when Steve finally convinces the boy – James Buchanan, Bucky – to cut his filthy, matted curtain of hair, the face revealed is the most beautiful thing Steve has ever seen.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Can I rec Summer Don't Own Me No More by alby_mangroves, Nonymos? The world building is phenomenal. The whole thing totally sucks you in.
Thank you for writing in!
Summer Don’t Own Me No More (sex work, WIP) by alby_mangroves, Nonymos
Bucky Barnes, weary soldier, illegal immigrant, sarcastic sex worker. Steve Rogers, miracle of science, lonely man, disillusioned cop. Both of them on a collision course in this brave new world, like that’s not gonna end in sex and explosions.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
There's a fic I'm looking for where Bucky comes back and is remorseless for what he did as the WS. He's happy and go lucky, like Bucky.. but a savage murderer. I can't remember anything else, so if there are any recs within that realm I'd be so happy!! Thank you guys for all that you do!!!!
This one, definitely:[The Murder Ballads](http://archiveofourown.org/works/5490827/chapters/12685730) by [BetteNoire](http://archiveofourown.org/users/WeAreWolves/pseuds/BetteNoire)> Something wicked is coming for Steve Rogers. Luckily for him, something even more wicked stands in its way: the unrepentant, unbroken Bucky Barnes.> A murder-mystery/action thriller with violence, magic, and several big MCU guest stars.Also [this post](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/post/136083628762/so-im-pretty-sure-you-already-did-a-rec-like-this) and many stories in the [BAMF!Bucky](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/char:bamfbuck) tag. We also have a tag for [Bucky Never Remembers Steve (they fall in love anyways)](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/minipost:neverremembers) that might have some that suit you.EDIT: Someone wrote in with:[Highway to Hell](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1511657/chapters/3193856) by [SeptemberWolves](http://archiveofourown.org/users/SeptemberWolves/pseuds/SeptemberWolves)> “Cap, you have got to do something about your boyfriend’s reactions to other people. He’s all cute and cuddly with you, but the rest of the team are starting to look like abused sex workers. It’s bad for the public image.”> > Steve looks up to see Tony stroll into the kitchen, gingerly massaging the dark ring of purple fingerprints around his neck. He grabs a cup of coffee from Thor, who is supporting a bruise on his jaw, and leans back to regard Steve with a critical expression.> > (In which Steve struggles with very unpatriotic thoughts, Bucky is a Power Bottom and they are dirty deprived ninety-year-olds.)
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
Bucky knew that Steve was…different.
None of that mattered, though. Steve was his best friend. He couldn’t imagine life without him. In a year or so, Steve would find a nice girl and settle down, and all of this would be forgotten. Steve wasn’t a fairy. It’d just been so long since he’d had a date - these damn girls in New York don’t recognize a good thing when it’s staring them in the face - that he’d given up hope of finding a girl. Bucky would fix that.
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