stuckylibrary · 4 years
hey so I’ve been super into demon!bucky lately (think lifting you up by araniaart) but do you know of any like angel steve demon bucky fics? or vice versa?
Have a look through these Ao3 searches:
Angel Steve and Demon Bucky
Angel Bucky and Demon Steve
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thestuckylibrary · 5 years
hey! can i rec this amazing fic? 
I have walked through the valley by liionne 
It’s an au w/the charming demon!bucky and his three headed puppy cerberus and it’s so sweet, more people should be obsessing over it!! 
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
Supernatural meets Stucky AU! 
Maybe it’s the sentimentality that causes Steve to blurt out, “Did you steal that shirt?”
Bucky raises both eyebrows, lips working around the lollipop shoved in the corner of his mouth. “You are not good at this.”
Steve just- doesn’t know how to do this. How does he even begin to talk to Bucky, now that he’s a demon and he doesn’t remember Steve?
(shamelessly submitting my own fic!!) 
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stuckylibrary · 4 years
Time is a game played beautifully
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7830136 literally one of the best works I’ve read!
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
JESUS CHRIST IM SO GLAD I FOUND THID BLOG- HI GUYS! Sorry I sound so desperate but I REALLY AM DESPERATE- I’ve been looking for this fic for A WEEK NOW. It’s about pre t Steve and he goes to a like dark magic military training thing? He ends up summoning Bucky and he’s not supposed to talk to him and they’re supposed to be treated as pets but Steve falls in love with him even though Bucky hides a lot of secrets. Can you help me out please? I barely remember it but it was my favorite and I’m sad
Also- Bucky ends up being one of the most dangerous types of... summoning things? I guess. There’s Tony and Sam as Steve’s best friends and there’s also a point where Steve leaves bucky alone while he goes to a Halloween party. Steve calls his mom whenever he can because he misses her- I really can go on and on about it I just cannot find it anywhere, HELP PLEASE
This one, maybe? If not, take a look at our Demon!Bucky tag or the suggestions in this post.
The Demon Bond by ValentineDevil (complete | 268813 | E)
Steve hadn’t known what to expect. Even with all his training he felt unprepared.
Any presumptions and expectations he did have went down the drain at the sight of him… of the demon with those ice-cold eyes that watched him. One blink and then the demon was upon him, metal arm wrapped around his throat, like a lion pawing at a mouse.
The cold fingers against his pulse didn’t hurt.
The demon portrayed no evil intent, choosing to wrap its shadows around Steve’s limbs as he leaned his human form closer to the cadet, pink lips ghosting over the shell of Steve’s ear as he breathed the human in.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
hi i'm looking for a fic where bucky is a demon or some kind of monster and he's stuck inside a mirror until steve or anyone else summons him with blood. i remember he follows steve to war and he's with him with he crashes the plane.
the only fic i can find w bucky being a demon stuck in a mirror is an au?
Oh, That’s Just Bucky by TwistedFate108 (WIP, /others)
Steve Rogers is in a shitty relationship with a shitty guy. However, things take a turn for the down right weird when Steve moves into a new apartment that isn’t as empty as he thought. Little does he know that there’s actually a pretty helpful demon living there too. It’s just the way he delivers his messages that bothers Steve.
EDIT: nyxiefe sent in
Ran to the Devil, He was Waitin' by Mojanna
Bucky is the mirror man, an urban legend whispered to kids to make them go to bed nice and quiet.
Steve is an idiot with too much to prove, who doesn't know when to back down from a bully.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Hi! do you have any new fics in which bucky is some sort of a supernatural being (like a demon/ghost/etc.)? I think I've already read most of the supernatural bucky fics in the library ;-;
check this post! for new fics:
Treasured by Dira Sudis (dsudis), Sealcat
When everyone in town became convinced that a dragon really had come again to the Old Lair, and that the town would have to offer it tribute, they all looked at Steve.
Honestly, he was relieved.
The Joy of Little Things by obsessivereader, Sealcat
"Do you want me to eat you?"
“No, but—” Steve broke off his instinctive response. All his life, he’d believed in doing what was right… he was not about to stop now. Wincing at the prickling pain in his feet, he straightened up to his full height. “Yes. If it means you’ll leave this place.”
"But you don’t look very filling." The tip of the dragon’s tail twitched. "I don’t suppose you’re a virgin?" he asked hopefully. "I’ve heard they taste better."
since that encounter by Nonymos
Some emissary of darkness has been following Steve Rogers around to steal his eternal soul. Even for a demon, that's playing with fire.
Waking the Fallen by ScootyPuffJrSucks, SpectralProngs
When Steve and Tony make an unusual discovery among some of Howard’s old things, Steve gets a second chance at life, friendship, and love.
as the winter frost melted in our hands by Spikedluv
Steve is taking some time in Fury’s cabin to adjust to the fact that he woke up in the 21st century when he sees a startling sight: a wolf that looks just like his long-lost friend Bucky. The wolf doesn’t appear to recognize Steve, but Steve just found a reason for being alive in this time: to find out everything that happened with HYDRA and Bucky and determine if Bucky survived the fall from the train.
When The Asset encounters Steve Rogers he feels a sense of familiarity. As he continues to regain his memories he realizes that the mission he’s been assigned by his handlers (to capture or kill Captain America) clashes with an overriding primary imperative: Protect Steve Rogers at all costs.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
To the one looking for a roommate pic. Oh Where Do We Begin by steveandbucky. Also, Looking for a Stranger to Love by Daslebensmittel. Love roomate AU!!
Thank you for writing in![Oh where do we begin](http://archiveofourown.org/works/4683050) by [steveandbucky](http://archiveofourown.org/users/steveandbucky/pseuds/steveandbucky)> Halfway through his third year of college, Steve Rogers rents out the spare room in his apartment to make living close to campus more affordable. At first sight his new roommate, Bucky Barnes, seems to be the stuff dreams are made of, but living together turns out to be a nightmare, and the academic year is a lot more adventurous than either of them expected, as they slowly turn from enemies to friends to lovers.[Looking for a Stranger to Love](http://archiveofourown.org/works/6037519) by [Daslebensmittel](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Daslebensmittel/pseuds/Daslebensmittel)> Bucky is just another average demon in New York, trying to live a normal life. After a flirting attempt with the lonely Steve goes awry, they strike up an unusual friendship. Despite their misgivings and meddlesome friends, Steve and Bucky manage to become wonderful roommates. Will they grow even closer and let Bucky have another chance? Or will Steve forever be "the one that got away"?
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
hi! i was wondering if by chance, there were any new Demon AUs?
Deal of a Lifetime by TwistedFate108
Steve Rogers was small, sick, and frail, but when he runs across a book that promises him the assistance of the supernatural, it's impossible to resist. However, what he ends up with is a demon and more than he can handle. It especially sucks when said demon repeatedly refuses to take his soul, and when he ends up caring more than he should.
The Demon Bond by ValentineDevil (WIP)
Steve hadn't known what to expect. Even with all his training he felt unprepared.
Any presumptions and expectations he did have went down the drain at the sight of him... of the demon with those ice-cold eyes that watched him. One blink and then the demon was upon him, metal arm wrapped around his throat, like a lion pawing at a mouse.
The cold fingers against his pulse didn't hurt.
The demon portrayed no evil intent, choosing to wrap its shadows around Steve's limbs as he leaned his human form closer to the cadet, pink lips ghosting over the shell of Steve's ear as he breathed the human in.
To Be at Peace by itsfnickingawesomeness, Quarra
“James Barnes, how much do you love your friend?”
“More than anything. He’s my best friend, and I just wanna protect him and help him.”
“Very well. Since you are young, I will give you a reprieve. Your friend Steve will have good luck, good health, and much strength- though these may not all be apparent just yet. As for my payment… that, too, will not yet occur, not until you are grown and have found peace, in which case it will be taken from you, twisting you, until you find what you seek most.”
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Hi there! This is a pretty broad search so hopefully you'll be able to help! Im looking for creature Bucky fics - so maybe demon, dragon, mermaid etc etc. I've been through the tags on here, but maybe there are some others out there? Thanks for providing such a good resource! Keep up the hard work, xxx
there’s this post and this post. for new fics:
Even Underneath The Waves by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)
When the siren came to the merfolk clan in search of a temporary mate she knew she’d bear a daughter, a full-blooded siren, powerful and deadly. Instead she bore a son.
It was hard to be the son of a siren, a creature of suspicion in the eyes of his father’s people, and Steve soon left his father’s clan to wander the oceans alone. Alone, that is, until he found a human like he’d never seen. A human dressed all in black, surrounded by blood and death. A human whose heart’s desire, buried deep beneath an inhuman shell, was crying out not to kill.
Close Your Eyes and Dream by die_traumerei
Steve Rogers hooks up with this really hot mer-guy for a one-night stand. It’s all pretty much downhill falling in love and being happy from there.
(An AU with Steve Rogers as we know, love, and occasionally sigh in frustration at him, but a modern, merman Bucky Barnes.)
never let me down again by belovedmuerto
He wakes up alone, in his own bed. In his own house.
And the Autumn Moon is Bright by SleepsWithCoyotes
It takes Steve a couple of weeks to discover all the changes the serum has made in him…until the night before the next full moon, to be precise. Now he just wants to know if he can be fixed, and why his shiny new instincts have taken a turn for the incredibly embarrassing where Bucky’s concerned.
A Friend in the Darkness by through_shadows_falling (WIP)
Bucky was a colossal idiot. He could hear his sister’s voice in his head, the walking scroll-mistress:
“If you are in dire circumstances, never seek solace in a cave, as that is a dragon’s domain. Once you enter, there will be no return, for dragons prey upon weak humans.”
And now Bucky was staring a dragon right in the face.
The Demon Bond by ValentineDevil (WIP)
Steve hadn’t known what to expect. Even with all his training he felt unprepared.
Any presumptions and expectations he did have went down the drain at the sight of him… of the demon with those ice-cold eyes that watched him. One blink and then the demon was upon him, metal arm wrapped around his throat, like a lion pawing at a mouse.
The cold fingers against his pulse didn’t hurt.
The demon portrayed no evil intent, choosing to wrap its shadows around Steve’s limbs as he leaned his human form closer to the cadet, pink lips ghosting over the shell of Steve’s ear as he breathed the human in.
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thestuckylibrary · 6 years
I’d like to rec Valuable Consideration by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen) . It’s got Demon!Bucky and it’s incredibly funny.
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
For demon!Bucky I'd like to rec 'The Thrice Damned Fic' series by LittleBlackFox. Actually all of the stories by that author are ~amazing~
thanks for your rec!
Bukavac by littleblackfox 
Deep in the Gloaming, Bukavac felt a sharp tug at his centre. An insistent, steady pull. Someone, something, had written his name. In chalk. In blood. A summoning. He was being pulled up, or down, perhaps. Hard to be sure when everything is all non-euclidean. Either way, he was being dragged into the mortal realm.“Aw, fuck!”
Part 1 of The Thrice Damned Fic series
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
For Demon Bucky I'd like to rec Demon Bond by ValentineDevil. It's a WIL but it looks really good so far!
thanks for your rec!
The Demon Bond by ValentineDevil
Steve hadn’t known what to expect. Even with all his training he felt unprepared.
Any presumptions and expectations he did have went down the drain at the sight of him… of the demon with those ice-cold eyes that watched him. One blink and then the demon was upon him, metal arm wrapped around his throat, like a lion pawing at a mouse.
The cold fingers against his pulse didn’t hurt.
The demon portrayed no evil intent, choosing to wrap its shadows around Steve’s limbs as he leaned his human form closer to the cadet, pink lips ghosting over the shell of Steve’s ear as he breathed the human in.
Steve’s heart was racing so fast, so quick, it would have been hard for the demon not to have heard it, to have seen his weakness. But by then it was too late: the demon was letting out a deafening scream, hair shadowing his eyes as he crumpled to the floor.
This was his chance.
Steve’s only chance.
It was now or never.
No regrets.
Even if it was the most foolish decision Steve would ever make.
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thestuckylibrary · 8 years
To that Demon! Bucky anon that forgot to supply a link here's the link :) /works/9077035/chapters/20640754
thank you for the rec!
The Three Times Bucky Had a Chance and the One Time He Took It by fingersnapstothat (not completed)
Bucky Barnes is a 20-something college student in New York, he has excellent grades, a decent social life and a dumbass roommate named Clint
And, oh yeah, he’s a demon.
Bucky’s life is mediocre and quiet until one morning when he goes to the cafe across from NYU’s campus and meets the incredible/miracle barista, Steve Rogers, and his life is in for a whirlwind.
Can Bucky actually keep his secret and get the guy?
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