#character ;; TAKENOUCHI SORA
digimonarchive · 8 months
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The reference sheets of the Chosen Children/Digidestined and their accessories
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remember-digimon · 8 days
Now it's Sora's turn!
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Every friend group needs a Mom Friend, and for this group it's definitely Sora.
From the very beginning she's always checking up on everyone else, more worried about her friends than herself. I'm sure if she had been more prepared for going to the Digital World, she would've brought more than a first aid kit.
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I have thoughts on the things each kid brought with them into the Digital World, but I'll do a separate post for that. For now, Sora has a first aid kit because she is the kind of person to plan ahead and be ready to help.
Early on, she has a bit of trouble relating to Biyomon. Her Digimon is super cuddly and even a bit clingy with her, which Sora isn't sure how to deal with. She isn't annoyed, she just doesn't know what to do with Biyomon at first.
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Like Matt, Sora has a strained relationship with her mom, but for entirely different reasons. Mrs Takenouchi is a master at flower arrangement and a very traditional Japanese woman. She wants Sora to follow in her footsteps, but that isn't what Sora wants. Sora thinks her mother doesn't understand her at all and has no desire to understand her.
When Sora wants to go play soccer, her mother forbids it. This is because Sora has an injury and her mother is afraid that playing in the soccer game will make it worse. But Sora sees it as her mother being opposed to her playing soccer at all, not caring how much it means to her.
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Of course, eventually, Sora realizes why her mother didn't want her to play that day. Her mom wanted to protect her and just went about it the wrong way.
Later, during the Odaiba raid, Mrs Takenouchi comes to Sora's rescue and gives her the chance to get away. It takes a lot of convincing to get Sora to leave her mom, showing her need to protect those she cares about.
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Having these expectations of being a good daughter to a very traditional Japanese woman has certainly taken its toll on Sora. She seems to be rebelling against the idea of femininity in general, or at least the apparent need for her to perform it.
Sora was always marketed as a tomboy in early promo stuff; I don't know if the concept is purely western or if they also have that in Japan, but regardless, Sora just resists the idea of womanhood that her mother portrays.
Sora doesn't want to arrange flowers, she wants to play soccer. She wants to be an integral part of the team, not someone expected to wait behind because she's a girl. She is fierce and brimming with passionate fire.
Tai is associated with fire, too, but I think the two differ. Tai is a wildfire, or a huge party bonfire, or one of those controlled prairie burns when he's older. Sora is the fire of a hearth, a quiet campfire, the warm glow of candles. Tai isn't necessarily destructive, at least not on purpose, but he is a good representation of the wild, energetic nature of fire. Sora is the other side of that coin; the fire that has fed humanity since our beginning.
Matt is usually thought of as the kid who cooks, but he does that out of necessity due to his home life. Sora makes food for those she cares about because she wants to provide for them, make sure they're fed and taken care of.
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She has a soft spot for the younger kids, particularly TK. He even mentions how she is family to him while they're away from home, standing in for his mother.
Being the designated Mom Friend means stressing about your friends and trying to make everyone happy. It isn't an easy job. Even when Sora is away from the group she tries to make sure everyone is okay; she helps Tai and TK avoid the forgetful mushrooms, she helps Mimi realize she's being selfish, and she helps Joe and Matt by stopping a pallet of potatoes from falling while they're working at the diner. And she does all of this from the shadows, not expecting the others to sing her praises for it.
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She does it because she loves them, and since she loves them she wants to keep them safe and happy.
Also let's not forget that she has her own Dark Cave experience. Tai has charged her with finding the other kids and bringing them back while WarGreymon keeps Piedmon busy.
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The weight of this responsibility weighs so heavily on Sora that she is lost in anxiety, worrying that she won't be able to find the others in time which means they'll lose the battle, which means they'll lose the war, which means THE END OF THE WORLD. That's a lot to expect of an 11 year old girl.
It really shows that she wants to help, she needs to make sure her loved ones are okay, and she forgets about herself in that process. Thankfully Matt and Joe are able to help her realize that she isn't alone in this huge world-saving task, and as much as she wants her friends to rely on her, she can rely on them just as much.
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morgannox · 9 months
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No. 36 - Birdramon (and Sora)
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peach-artblog · 7 months
i couldn't talk on the live due to nervs, but im glad some watched the process here is a quick short video of my doodle comp have fun go crazy!
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Hadn't posted these wacky polls in a hot minute so let's goooo
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How Noah Evans Sees the Digimon Adventure 01 Cast
Tai Kamiya: The perfect example of a big brother. He looks out for Kari and the other Tamers of Yggdrasil, keeps everyone out of trouble as best he can, is honest about how he feels and thinks, and tries to be a good influence. Noah admires Tai for doing his best and hopes to be just as good a brother as he is.
Matt Ishida: Noah feels bad for what Matt had gone through in the past, but still sees him as the best example of being a friend. Unfortunately, he gets into trouble with Matt a lot due to his reckless behavior, and the fact that Matt is the most protective of Yggdrasil’s supervisors.
Izzy Izumi: Izzy reminds Noah a lot about the professors back home. So he greatly respects Izzy’s intelligence, despite him clashing with Reflectmon and his Partner on their intellectual differences.
Joe Kido: Noah always wondered how Joe’s heart hasn’t stopped ticking from being worried about everyone. Still, he loved how Joe was attentive to Yggdrasil’s critically injured. Having a nurse for a mother, Noah knew just how hard Joe worked every day to keep everyone alive.
Sora Takenouchi: He sees Sora as one of the greatest mother figures of their time. Noah knows it takes a lot to look after children and infant Digimon are no different, if not more difficult. So Noah tends to help out Sora when she needs it, as not all infant Digimon are well-behaved.
Mimi Tachikawa: While Mimi can still be absent-minded, Noah very much loves her honesty. So much so that he tends to go to her for a second opinion when he or Reflectmon’s Partner comes up with a plan.
Takeru Takaishi: Noah sees him as a living solace. At times, Noah would come to him when he felt upset. And when Noah would blame himself for something, his friends sent him Takeru’s way. “He really is a saving grace” Noah’d always say.
Kari Kamiya: Noah’s favorite big sister in Yggdrasil Academy. Before Noah could go out from Yggdrasil on his own, he always asked Kari to chaperone him. Empathic, kind-hearted, and willing to forgive, Noah always thought Tai was lucky to have a loving sister like Kari.
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izzyizumi · 2 years
Digimon Adventures "Incorrect Quote" That Should Honestly Apply To Digimon Adventures
(2012 era Chosen!)Yamato: It's true that we haven't gone anywhere with this full group often.
Sora: That's because /we didn't have time for such things/ as students...
Mimi: And everyone's been working so hard since we started working!
Jou: Do you think that was a bit of a waste, looking back?...
Adventure Chosen Children (Taichi, Yamato, Sora, Koushiro, Mimi, Jou, Takeru, Hikari): *falls silent*
Hikari, suddenly /firm/: No!!
The rest (except ...Koushiro??): ???
Koushiro, also firmly: I agree with Hikari-san. I believe we have come to the point we're at now because of how hard {/dedicated} we worked each and every day - for the sake of the Worlds. For our own sake, to /survive/...
Koushiro: It wasn't a waste at all!
Taichi: You've got that right! {Since then}, We've done all sorts of different stuff together now.
TAICHI: ... And NONE OF IT was a 'waste'!
Takeru (as the rest of the Chosen nod pleasantly, in agreement!): Yeah ... That's true!
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Koushiro Week 2022 - Day 6: Life Outside of The Chosen, Confidence & Koushiro as the Head of the Chosen Information
Days: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Title: New Beginnings Characters: Koushiro Izumi, Tentomon, Akemi Murakami (OC), Megumi Izumi (OC), Sora Takenouchi, Haruhiko Takenouchi and Shuu Kido. Summary: Koushiro's first day working with Sora's father and Jou's oldest brother. “Daddy!” Megumi climbed on her parents’ bed and started jumping up and down. “Sweetheart, I’m trying to sleep.” “Mommy said it’s time for you to wake up. You’re going to start your new job today.” She sat down and crawled towards him after realizing he wasn’t going to move. “Daddy!” “I’m up.” Koushiro tapped over his bedside table looking for his phone, with his eyes half open. “Mommy made pancakes with chocolate sauce. She said it’s your favorite. Did you know it’s mine too?” “Really?” He sat down and pulled her down on his lap, immediately tickling her body. “Daddy, stop it! It’s itching!” Megumi couldn’t stop laughing as her father kept playing with her. “Are you ready to spend the day with grandma?” “Yes!” She exclaimed excitedly and then threw herself into his arms. “She said she’s making my favorite cake.” “Oh yeah? Are you going to bring a slice to me and mommy?” Megumi nodded with a smile. “And to Tentomon and Motimon too.” “Megumi, come have breakfast, so we can go to grandma’s apartment.” “Okay!” “Daddy will get ready and will be there to have breakfast with you in a few minutes.” “Okay!” Megumi ran to the kitchen as soon as Koushiro put her down on the ground.
Tentomon flew into Koushiro’s bedroom when he opened the door after getting dressed. He landed on his bed and watched his partner fix his red tie. “What do you think?” Koushiro turned around so Tentomon could see his outfit. “I think you look great! Are you excited for your first day?” “I am.” He nodded with a smile. “But I have to admit I’m a little nervous too. I never really talked to Sora’s father and Jou’s brother before.” “They are nice people.” “I know, but it’s a little more different now. They will be my work colleagues.” “I’m sure it will get better as the days go by. Besides, she said that she’ll be there with you, didn’t she?” “She did and I couldn’t be more grateful for her. She didn’t have to go through all of this.” “She’s an amazing person.” “She is. You’ll pull this off within no time.” “I hope so.” Koushiro turned around and gave one last look at himself in the mirror before heading to the kitchen. Keep reading it on FFN or AO3
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hikari-m · 2 years
{DigiAdv Ep. 49} (J.P.N Version) ~ Important QUOTES + Hikaris Character Progression + Hikari & Taichi / {Platonic}/{Familial} Moments + Hikari & Sora / {Friendship}/{Supportive} Moments & Interaction + Hikari & Takeru / {Friendship} Moments & Interaction
“After all, I’M his {little sister}.” - Hikari, genuinely/pleasantly/hopefully
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[Full text will be added shortly, check comments!]
{Clipped by Me} {DO NOT re-post} {DO NOT remove caption} (Please ASK to Use) [Disclaimer: I Do Not own DigiAdvs / DigiAdv ( C ) T0ei @nimation]
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(Note: This is mainly intended as Canon reference + Hikari’s Platonic relationships informative. Please respect that if interacting, Thank You!)
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heckcareoxytwit · 10 months
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The Humans and Digimon characters in Digimon series
(Japanese and English dub names)
Taichi Yagami/Tai Kamiya and Agumon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (1st and 2nd pics)
Yamato Ishida/Matt and Gabumon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (3rd and 4th pics)
Sora Takenouchi and Piyomon/Biyomon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (5th and 6th pics)
Koushiro Izumi/Izzy and Tentomon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (7th and 8th pics)
Mimi Tachikawa and Palmon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (9th and 10th pics)
Jou Kido/Joe and Gomamon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (11th and 12th pics)
Takeru Takaishi/TK and Patamon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (13th and 14th pics)
Hikari Yagami/Kari Kamiya and Tailmon/Gatomon from both Digimon Adventure 01 and 02 (15th and 16th pics)
Daisuke Motomiya/Davis and Veemon of Digimon Adventure 02 (17th pic)
Miyako Inoue/Yolei and Hawkmon of Digimon Adventure 02 (18th pic)
Iori Hida/Cody and Armadimon/Armadillomon of Digimon Adventure 02 (19th pic)
Ken Ichijouji and Wormmon of Digimon Adventure 02 (20th pic)
Takato Matsuda / Takato Matsuki and Guilmon of Digimon Tamers (21st pic)
Ruki Makino / Rika Nonaka and Renamon of Digimon Tamers (22nd pic)
Li JianLiang / Lee Jenrya/Henry Wong and Terriermon of Digimon Tamers (23rd pic)
Juri Katou/Jeri and Leomon of Digimon Tamers (24th pic)
Hirokazu Shioda / Kazu and Guardromon of Digimon Tamers (25th pic)
Kenta Kitagawa and Marineangemon of Digimon Tamers (26th pic)
Ryo Akiyama and Cyberdramon of Digimon Tamers (27th pic)
Li Shaochung /Lee Shiuchon/Suzie Wong and Lopmon of Digimon Tamers (28th pic)
Mako, Ai and Impmon of Digimon Tamers (29th pic)
Alice McCoy and Dobermon of Digimon Tamers (30th pic)
Happy Belated Odaiba Memorial Day / Digimon Day!
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seventeenlovesthree · 14 days
Digi Dynamic Shipping Game
Send me two names among the following 12 and I’ll write a short analysis post about them:
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Taichi Yagami | Yamato Ishida | Sora Takenouchi | Koushirou Izumi | Mimi Tachikawa | Jyou Kidou | Takeru Takaishi | Hikari Yagami | Daisuke Motomiya | Miyako Inoue | Iori Hida | Ken Ichijouji
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Whether canon provides input on them or not.
Boy, do I love to refer back to "Butterfly" and how it basically framed Taichi as the male main character and Sora as the female main character throughout. One might argue that this is a combination that has been occurring in quite a lot of anime - particularly kids and Shounen related - back in the 90s and early 2000s, so... Asking whether or not canon provides input on them is like asking if water is wet. They've known each other since elementary school, have been in the same class ever since (and will continue to be classmates until graduation) and even attended the same football club for a while. They start the series as "almost telepathically connected" football club duo (basically a novel quote right here), adventurous and hands-on plot drivers, the courageous leader and the tomboyish but caring voice of reason right by his side. You instantly get the impression that they are familiar and close with each other and it's a theme that continues throughout the entire first season; not only because they consistently jump into action and call out, care for and protect each other, but because they, their bond, their loyalty and development are basically responsible for the fact that the kids get through everything alive in the end.
Trying to describe the extent and depth of their relationship would probably end with me writing a whole novel, so I will try to keep this brief, because... You know them. Similarly to Taito, Koumi and Takari, Taiora has been a staple in the shipping scene ever since the conception of Digimon Adventure back in 1999 - and for good reason. As mentioned, there used to be - and still is - a trope to pair up the main boy and main girl with one another and this case is no exception, considering how well they play off of each other, supporting and saving each other time and time again. Digimon Adventure is a special series though - a series whose creators intended to break through tropes and stereotypes, turning those on the head whenever possible. So while Taichi's and Sora's bond may be so significant that the idea of them ending up together seems inherently plausible - this is not how their story ends.
The tomboy, who struggles with her sense of femininity and identity, cannot deal with her best friend gifting her a hairclip - and while they seem thoroughly devoted to and on each other's minds, they develop in different directions. There is a theme of miscommunication between them as they grow older, little quarrels here and there - but at the same time, there is still an incredible sense of mutual fondness and protectiveness that, despite a growing physical distance, never completely vanishes. "If you love someone, let them go", is a quote that may come to mind when you take a look at the screenshot above and are aware of its context. Whether that kind of love was romantic or platonic at this point? We may never know.
This is the story of two close long-term friends, who were not meant to be together - wrong time, wrong place.
... Which doesn't mean that there isn't a potential "right time", right...?
Whether I think why and how they’d work.
What I mentioned above seems to be somewhat cryptic and what I'm about to outline may or may not break canon to a certain degree, but HEAR ME OUT.
While this headcanon is, for now, nothing more than a headcanon, but I am a big supporter of @dutchforstrangers' interpretation of the epilogue, leading to the idea that Yamato and Sora might not remain together/married. This post is not meant to be Sorato slander in any way and I will not go into detail here as to why I think this is a valid headcanon - just know that there are a few subtext aspects in regards to their behavioural patterns and body languages that leave room for speculation. And that's all there is to it: SPECULATION!
The point I am trying to make here is, once again, that Taichi and Sora may not have been ready to be in a relationship early in life - because they first had to come to terms with themselves, their real dreams, aspirations and needs. They had to become comfortable with themselves (particularly after the loss of their Digimon partners) to bridge the (physical and emotional) distance that had festered between them through the years. Because if you think about it, due to their underlying insecurities, they both chose the same approach in their early twenties: Isolating themselves from the rest of their friend group. And I feel like they both have to come to the conclusion first that this is a state that could never bring them long-lasting happiness. They're both social beings that shrivel when they're left alone for too long. (They may also need the encouragement of their friends - particularly Mimi, Koushirou and Hikari - to get there though.)
So it may take a while, weeks, months, maybe even years, to reconcile, step by step. Rekindling their bond, making up their minds about their true passions and career paths, rediscovering old and finding new hobbies and similarities along the way; whether it's about their shared love for their friends, football, adventurous and sporty activities, probably therapy???, whatever it may be... Until they'd reunite with their partners and, with a gleeful but weary smile on their faces, realize that they just had to grow up to this point to eventually find each other as well.
Whether I’d prefer them as platonic or romantic ship.
In case the way I've been talking about them hasn't made it obvious yet - I do love Taiora a lot. While I hadn't started actively shipping Digimon characters until I started watching Tamers, I always had an incredible soft spot for them and up to this day, Taichi and Sora are my second favourite choice for each other. You could say that, in every possible universe in which Taich doesn't end up with Koushirou, he WOULD end up with Sora if I had anything to say. It's also no secret that Taikoura is my absolute favourite OT3 and I really think they COULD work out beautifully together. In the end, both romantic and platonic Taiora is absolutely beautiful to me - especially because it brought some very special, wonderful people into my life. Long story short: As long as their closeness persists in any way, shape or form, I'll be happy.
I also still maintain that the reboot timeline could potentially go there, but I will not get my hopes up... Yet.
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dutchforstrangers · 5 months
Tour • ne • sol - Taiora double bill pt. 2
January 6th/7th 2024.
Summary: On the day after New Year's Eve, Sora misses her sunny boyfriend, worrying herself sick over his whereabouts. Luckily, her friends have some flower-y surprises, with the biggest one to come at the end.
A/N: Happy New Year! Today marks the date of something dear to my heart and so it’s time for Taiora double bill part 2 (here's part 1)! See it as some sort of “anniversary present” ;) And remember, no matter how far we’re apart, turn your head to the sun (or moon, because you’re more of a moon person) and you know we live underneath the same sky <3 Enjoy! P.S. That song is an ChatGPT original haha :D
Taiora double bill pt. 2 | Characters: Sora Takenouchi (POV) x Taichi Yagami, appearances and mentions of the other DigiDestined | Genre: Long distance surprise, romance, general, friendship | Rating: T | Wordcount: 3.094
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Tour • ne • sol
Sora would be lying when she said New Year’s was a blast. Right before the clock would strike midnight, she had felt nothing but anxious and alone. Why exactly that feeling was dominating, she couldn’t pinpoint. She was surrounded by people she loved and who loved her back just as much, if not more. And the past year had been an absolute miracle in so many ways. Her trip to Italy standing out to her the most.
The trip to Taichi. The trip that changed it all.
It had been one of the hardest goodbyes when they had to part in August, knowing he had to stay while she had to leave again. It was a bittersweet goodbye. Bitter, because their parting happened right after finally answering the genuine love the two of them had been feeling all along. Sweet, because, at least, it wasn’t forever.
Fortunately, time had passed rather quickly and now it was already January 1st. Taichi would return to Tokyo at the end of February, in time for her birthday and a planned vacation they would spend together. Sora was absolutely thrilled, looking forward to every future second. Sure she had been missing him until now, but it would all turn out fine.
Still there was this anxious feeling.
Perhaps, deep down inside, she was afraid for his return. Would the feelings have stayed the same, or did they change? What if he would look different than what she could remember. Than how she had always known him? Something told her, however, that that anxious feeling had nothing to do with those irrational fears.
Sora bit her lip, looking down at the cellphone in her hand. The screen was lit, on it Taichi’s last message to her.
Happiest of New Years to you my lovely Sora!
It had definitely turned a smile on her face and of course she texted back as soon as she could, but due to an overloaded mobile network and the poor reception that was the logical follow-up, her message didn’t come through. That had made her anxious of course, but the phone call she had with him earlier in the day had made up for it.
But now it was the morning after, her message was eventually sent, but he didn’t replied, probably not even seen it. A wave of sadness overcame Sora and the anxious feeling of being forgotten washed over her.
Sora sighed.
For all she knew, Taichi was still celebrating with his newfound friends in Italy. She wanted, needed, to know and with her fingers she typed another message to ask him about his day and celebrations, only for it to be deleted again right after. She wasn’t the pushy girlfriend, right? If he wanted to text her, he would.
All sorts of scenarios crossed her mind, from Taichi kissing other girls to him being drunk from all the Italian wine and this passed out. Maybe his phone died. Maybe it fell, or he lost it…
“Stop it Sora, you can trust him! Right?” she said out loud to no one in particular as she held her phone to her forehead. For a little while she stood like that, unnecessary tears stinging behind her closed eyes. She wasn’t going to give in to those, and she didn’t have to.
Through her eyelids Sora could see a sudden light, cueing that her phone had just received a message to show her. Her eyes shot open and within a second she had unlocked her phone. Her messaging thread with Taichi was still opened, but there was no new message to be found.
Slightly annoyed, Sora swiped away Taichi’s chat to see who was the one who had sent her a message. Probably her mom telling her she had forgotten something at their house early this morning, she immediately thought, but she was surprised by someone else’s name.
Sora-san! Happy New Year! I have a little present for you, I’m at your door in 5 minutes. Could you open up? Love you soooooo much!
It was Mimi and a smile replaced her frown. Sora remembered how lucky she had been with such wonderful friends, then remembered she wasn’t exactly dressed to receive guests, so she hurried to the bathroom to wash up and dress herself in something more decent. She hoped that Mimi’s coming by would cheer her up good enough to stop the sulking over her boyfriend being far far away from her.
Just in time before she could get back into the sulking, the bell rang and she sprinted to the door to welcome Mimi in. As she opened the door, Sora tilted her head in pleasant surprise.
“Not alone I see?” she asked with a grin on her face.
“Hello Sora-san, happy New Year.”
“Nope! As you can see, I dragged Koushiro-kun with me. Hope that’s okay with you? We actually won’t stay long,” Mimi said with a wink.
The two guests entered Sora’s apartment, both of them being familiar enough to know the way once inside. Sora closed the door and followed her friends into her own living room where all three of them took a seat, Mimi on the chair and Sora and Koushiro on the couch. Mimi placed the bag she had been holding on the coffee table in front of Sora.
“I baked you something!” Mimi exclaimed happily as she impatiently waited for Sora to reveal the insides of the bag.
She found it the sweetest gesture, but had no clue to what she owed this exactly. Nonetheless, she was grateful for it and carefully unpacked the baking from the bag.
“Is it a carrot cake?”
“Mmhm!” Mimi confirmed excitedly, nodding her head rapidly. “But I gave it a touch by adding a nice amount of sunflower seeds. To wish you both an orange and sunny new year.”
Sora smiled as she kept looking at the cake, the orange and ‘sunny’ reminding her of Taichi. She was happy with the gift, but couldn’t help to feel the sadness pinching a little. She looked up to look at Mimi, hiding away any visible sorrow.
“It looks delicious. Thank you Mimi-chan, I really appreciate it.”
“Anytime,” Mimi said lovingly, flying out of the chair to give Sora a friendly little hug. “You deserve to have all the orange and sunshine in your life. He will return in less than two months, am I right?”
Of course Mimi looked right through her, Sora thought to herself. Without saying a word, hiding it away as best as possible, Mimi knew it anyway. And of course she tried to find a way to cheer Sora up. So Sora nodded to the question, now knowing she was unable to hide it from them.
“Then why the sad face?” Mimi asked as she sat back down in the chair.
Sora looked down at her own hands. “He hasn’t texted me after his last message at midnight our time. I’m a bit worried I think?”
“I see,” Koushiro started, “it’s normal to feel that way. But I don’t think you have to worry, Sora-san.” Koushiro reassured her with a knowing smile, a careful hand gently placed on her shoulder. He usually wasn’t the type for physical reassurances like these, but with Sora he felt more open and she absolutely loved her co-redhead for it.
“Unless he fell into a river while being overly drunk. I mean, right? There is a river in Rome, right?”
“Mimi-san!” Koushiro called out. Mimi ducked away further into the chair, in her way feeling sorry for her words. Sora could only laugh at her friends’ antics, even though Mimi’s words did sting a little, exposing a possible truth Sora wished wouldn’t be true. “Anyway,”
Koushiro diverted everyone’s attention with just that one word, his hand reaching for something in his pocket. Sora watched him closely, curious what was so important to change the subject. It didn’t take long for Koushiro to take the item out and he proudly held up a USB stick.
“It contains a little PowerPoint presentation I made.”
Sora thought it was suspicious, for the simple fact that it was ‘just’ a PowerPoint and not some sort of complicated other piece of software Koushiro would have created himself.
“I think it might peaks your interest, maybe you could take a look and let me know what your findings are?”
Unable to say no to her friends, she held out her hand and took the little thing from Koushiro. “I let you know,” Sora said with her kindest smile
“But not now!” Mimi said after looking at the clock hanging on the wall. “Koushiro-kun and I have to go.”
Sora’s suspicion rose. “Why the sudden hurry?”
“Koushiro-kun and I promised to pick up my cousin from Europe!”
“Mimi-san didn’t want to drive alone, so she asked me to accompany her.”
It at least sounded honest. Sora nodded and followed her friends to the door to say them goodbye. As she shut the door behind them, the feeling of being alone flooded back. Sora sighed, dragging herself and her racing mind back to the living room.
Once arrived, she seated herself on the chair, slumping away while tightly holding on to one of the pillows. Her eyes looked at the cake and the USB on her coffee table and a faint and grateful smile appeared. She didn’t have much time to take it all in and wonder about their intentions.
The phone in her pocket announced an incoming message. Her heart skipped a beat and with one sharp motion she flew out of the chair, now able to get deep into her pocket. Her heart skipped another beat seeing the first part of the name on her screen.
She should have known though that he wasn’t the only one with that last name in her phone and disappointment hit like a stab in her stomach.
Hikari: Happy New Year dear Sora-san! I wish for you to have a warm year with lots of Love and Light that will brighten your sky. I was going through some pictures from crafts made by my kindergarten kids and I stumbled upon some shiny ones! Who knows this will make you feel less alone, he will be back before you know it.
Sora wondered whether Mimi or Koushiro had texted Hikari to let her know about how she felt. Especially after looking at the pictures of the crafts Hikari had sent her. Sunflowers, in all forms and shapes. The yellow and orangeness combined with the by the children taken creativity warmed Sora’s heart, Hikari’s attentiveness even making her heart flutter.
Still she couldn’t help but to want the attention from the girl’s brother and not Hikari. So Sora quickly typed a thank you message in return before heading over to her chat with Taichi. With blind annoyance she wrote a message.
Taichi, where are you? I’m starting to feel like I’m not important enough for you. I feel kind of neglected? Anyway, I’m worrying myself sick over you and that’s not the way to start the year for Kami’s sake.
For once she did not read it twice and immediately hit send only to feel complete guilt right after. Her heart started racing.
I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I just… I love you so much and you haven’t replied to anything and I just want to know whether you’re safe or not. Please, Taichi, can you please send me a message back? Even though it’s just an “I’m OK”… I’m so sorry…
Sora bit her lip as she crushed her phone between her hands as it was the only way for her tension to get out. She was on the verge of crying, of feeling miserable and an incredibly bad girlfriend. Her mind wandered everywhere and felt numb all the same. She was slowly losing herself and hyperventilation was close.
However, a vibration in between her hands brought her back from the spiraling. For a moment she concentrated on the ongoing vibrations, easing the fast pace of her heart. Or at least try. Because the chance this was Taichi calling her was rather high after those messages she sent and Sora wasn’t sure whether she was ready to face him like this.
She was both relieved with and surprised by the caller ID popping up on her screen.
“Hey Sora, happy New Year.”
She had never felt so happy to hear his voice. There was no way for her tears to stay hidden.
“Are you okay?” He sounded worried. Knowing.
She nodded, then remembered she was on the phone. “Yes. No. I don’t know? I’m just happy it’s you who’s calling and not him.”
There was a short silence on the other side, but Sora knew Yamato was nodding his head. Taking his time to find the right words.
“I know this is hard to believe when you’re feeling the way you are feeling, but believe me as I say that Taichi hasn’t forgotten you. He would never forget about you, you and I both know that,” he reassured her and Sora nodded understandingly. “And if it helps, he hasn’t texted me either. I think he’s just… occupied. You’ll hear from him sooner than you think.”
“Okay,” she replied quietly, taking the time to let his words sink in a little more. “Thank you, Yamato, and a happy New Year to you too,” she eventually said.
“To what do I owe this phone call?” She asked.
“Erm…” he sounded nervous. “I was wondering… could you listen to these lyrics I just wrote?”
Lyrics? Sora thought to herself. “You’re writing music again?”
“Just a little something. You don’t have to listen to it if you don’t want to—”
“No! I’d love to actually.”
“Alright,” he said and after some shuffling he started softly playing.
Sora closed her eyes and she felt herself zoning out. The melody felt like warming rays of light embracing her.
As the seasons change, and the days drift by We’ll hold onto the light, under the open sky Through gentle rain, and the storms that may come, We’ll stand tall and strong, turning to the sun
The lyrics made their way to her heart and a single tear rolled its way over her cheek, a bright smile accompanying it.
“It’s beautiful,” she said as he ended his singing. They exchanged some more words, making Sora feel a bit more relaxed, then wished each other a good day.
“Oh, before I forget,” Yamato interrupted. “Please look in your mailbox, I think Takeru has left something in there. I gotta go now, take care of yourself.”
And with that he hung up, leaving Sora with questions.
Hadn’t it all been a coincidence? Her friends, acting like this. Everyone coming over, texting her, calling her, apparently leaving her things in her mailbox… Everyone, except that stupid Taichi.
Sora balled her fists, then walked to her front door, stepping into her shoes and opening it. On the ground stood a small glass bottle with a note attached to it. Another surprise.
“Hi Sora-kun, Jyou here! I got you a little massage oil, it’s made from sunflower oil and I immediately thought of you. Please save it for a special occasion. And a happy New Year!”
Again the sunflowers… What was going on with everyone?
She placed Jyou’s present inside, shut the door and headed for the staircase of her apartment’s building. Because even though she could take the elevator, the stairs seemed to be more fitting to get that adrenaline out of her system.
She jumped, flew down the stairs, skipping at least two steps of the stairs with every step. Once arrived on the ground floor, Sora sprinted to the mailbox, opening the thing and immediately seeing what Yamato had meant on the phone.
There was a little notebook with on the first page Takeru’s handwriting telling her the notebook contained handwritten short stories about sunflowers. And that all their other friends had come to him with inspiration.
Sora’s mind was blown, completely overwhelmed with all the information she received. The gifts, the sunflowers… Still the feeling of being ignored by her own boyfriend lingered the most. And she wanted to ugly cry and scream. Loud.
She turned around to see if there was anyone there who could worry over her if she was going to scream.
She turned around, her eyes taking in the sight of a boy she had been longing for since midnight. His brown hair was a bit of a mess, his cheeks showing a blush, though Sora couldn’t tell whether it was from being outside or from their for her unexpected encounter. In his hand he held a bouquet of sunflowers.
Sora could feel the tears sting. Her friends were right when they said he would be back sooner than she thought he would.
“It was really hard to get these flowers in the middle of winter.”
She exhaled quick and sharp, only to inhale the air right back. “Oh no, you didn’t…”
“I kinda did?” Taichi replied and Sora could hear both the excitement as the worry in his voice. “Please don’t hate me…” He lowered the bouquet.
She had felt every emotion these past twelve hours. She had been plain mad and worried and desperate, both separately as all at once. But now, all she felt was relieve and sheer love for her Taichi standing in front of her.
“How could I?” Sora said, longing in her eyes.
“Well, I thought you’d be more excited and— ouch!”
She slapped his arm first. Then threw herself onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck while her lips found his as if they had never done anything else in life.
“Excited enough for you?” Sora asked as she parted her lips from Taichi, locking her eyes with his and staring deeply into them.
The lopsided grin on his face said it all.
x X x X x
Bonus time! (They have just watched the PowerPoint about Sunflowers made by Koushiro)
She grabbed the hem of his sleeve and stretched it out over his hand.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his eyes shifting from Sora to his sleeve and back to Sora.
Sora looked at him with a fond smile, not answering his question. She then looked down at her own sleeve and stretched it the same way she had stretched Taichi’s. Carefully she tied the two ends together into en tight knot.
“There,” she said, “forever.”
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redthreadoffate · 3 months
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header by @/earlgreymon
for @ashxketchum!! requested some time ago and finally got to finish it (there's a part that just won't write itself!). i know you asked for takari but your takari for me, my mimato for you (even though it's a little unfair since i love mimato, too). i still do hope you like it! i had a lot of fun writing this and it kinda went on and on as i typed once the part finally wrote itself. anyways! enjoy (i hope)!!
endgame | main characters ; yamato ishida, mimi tachikawa, some taichi yagami and sora takenouchi, can't forget gabumon, palmon, agumon, and piyomon | universe ; au / can be placed anywhere after 02 | ships ; yamato x mimi, taichi x sora, takeru x hikari | genre ; fluff, humor | word count ; 2,235 | rating ; 13+ | edited ; three times - forgive me for any mistakes
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Yamato was never in the mood for flirting. He knew people fawned over him, he knew his band was worshiped by those his age, and sure, he did “have a feeling” that flirting was going to be part of his life. But he never even tried to flirt back. Well, maybe he did, but it was usually against his will.
The band was not together anymore, having to go their separate ways, but he still loved them. The flirting, however, did not stop. He knew he was a good-looking guy but now that he was living a life that did not involve anything that required him to “go out there and fly”, maybe a life without people flirting with him 24/7 would be nice.
He and Taichi were having a meal in a small diner with Gabumon and Agumon hidden beside them. The digimons were enjoying their food while their partners talked about school.
Although they took up different courses, they still had some minor classes together, which, despite Yamato not admitting it, was a relief from all the other students they swarmed with. He had made some friends, but no one at the same level he had with Taichi. Everyone came from different backgrounds, and if they were to be honest, it was a little overwhelming, especially since it was their first year in university.
“Are you going to Shinichi’s party on Friday?” Taichi asked.
“Who’s Shinichi?” Yamato questioned, not bothering to look up from his food.
“He’s in one of our minor classes,” Taichi responded, “cool guy. But this party is a little too early, don’t you think? It could be a way to make some friends, I guess. Wanna go together?”
“Can we go?” Agumon asked.
“A party’s always fun,” Gabumon said.
Taichi smiled at them and then looked at Yamato. “What do you say?”
Yamato looked over at the smiling Gabumon and Agumon and sighed. “Okay, let’s go.”
“Great!” Taichi exclaimed.
“But you’re driving,” Yamato said.
“Sora will.”
“Yeah. She wants to go. But she wants to bring her car so that she can leave anytime she wants.” Taichi shrugged. “Her mom’s car. And she said walking would be a pain, Shinichi’s venue is a little far.”
“We can always ask Birdramon to fly us away,” Agumon jested.
Taichi chuckled, Gabumon laughed, and even Yamato gave a smile.
“So what time do we meet her?” Yamato asked.
“Not sure yet. But we’ll ask her, or message if we don’t see each other anytime soon.”
Yamato smirked. “Right. Anytime soon.”
When Friday arrived, Sora, Taichi, and Yamato, along with their digimon partners, were packed inside Sora’s mom’s car. It was just a four-seater after all, it would only be Mrs. Takenouchi, Sora, whenever Mr. Takenouchi would come home, and Piyomon. And of course, Piyomon rode shotgun, while the men were cramped at the back.
“I think we’re here,” Sora said, looking out the window.
“Finally,” Yamato sighed in relief.
“The place is packed and in full swing!” Taichi said.
“Let’s just find a place to park. Doesn’t look like there’s a lot of cars.”
As they drove around, Gabumon pointed at a spot and Sora immediately swirled to get to it. Both Taichi and Yamato looked at each other, surprised by the speed and sudden jerk of the ride.
They got out of the car and Taichi whispered how his soul nearly left his body after that short ride. Yamato rolled his eyes and stated that he was overreacting.
“His place isn’t that big up-close,” Taichi observed. “It’s just the garden.”
“You think there’ll be beer?” Yamato wondered.
“You three find a spot,” Sora ordered. “Somewhere we can see each other.”
“I don’t think there is a place where we can see each other,” Yamato said.
That could be true. The house was packed. So far, the three have not found anyone they knew. But they were just outside and there were not many people around, perhaps they would find more people inside.
“Think you three can go around without being seen?” Taichi asked.
“Of course!” All three digimons grinned.
The group dispersed, the digimons to the right and the Chosen Children straight ahead.
When they reached inside, they looked around for anyone familiar. After a minute of standing by the door, Sora was called by another young lady and she excused herself from the boys.
“We’ll leave at midnight on the dot,” she told them as she walked away.
“Yes, ma’am,” they both murmured.
After some time of just being together, people-watching, someone came up to them. Taichi straightened up while Yamato raised an eyebrow.
“Hey, glad you two can make it!”
“Thanks for the invite, Shinichi,” Taichi said, smiling.
“Yeah, the party’s great,” Yamato said, although he actually did not find the party that great.
“I’m glad you think so, Yamato. I really wanted your approval.” Shinichi grinned. “I heard you were pretty popular back then, I know you are right now. I wanted the approval of someone who knows how to party.”
“I don’t know how to party,” he replied. “I was in a band, but that didn’t mean we were always partying.”
“I see.” Shinichi pursed his lips. “I’m sorry for assuming. But anyway, enjoy the party.” And he waved goodbye as he disappeared into the crowd.
“I think he likes you,” Taichi joked.
Yamato sighed. “I don’t regret the band.”
“I know you don’t, we all do.” Taichi placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “But come on, enough of this. Time to have fun before the old lady tells us to go home.” He snickered.
Yamato scoffed. “I’m going to tell her you said that, I’m sure she won’t like it. At all.”
They both laughed.
The two did enjoy the party. They made new acquaintances and even stuck with a group. They invited Sora in and the three were glad they had new people by their side.
At some point, as the group was talking, Sora paused mid-sentence and everyone waited for her to continue.
Both Taichi and Yamato immediately looked to where Sora saw Mimi, followed by the rest of the group.
“What’s she doing here?” Sora wondered, her voice filled with worry.
“Why?” One of the members asked. “What’s wrong?”
Sora shook her head and headed straight for the young girl. Taichi and Yamato followed suit.
“Mimi,” Sora called her.
Mimi looked back and grinned. “Sora!” She stepped forward and gave her a hug, which Sora returned. When they let go, Mimi hugged both Taichi and Yamato as well. “I’m sure Palmon has found the others already.”
“Mimi,” Sora said softly. “What are you doing here?”
“I was invited,” she smiled. “They said there was going to be a party here and I thought it might be fun, you know. And Palmon’s with me.”
“Mimi,” Taichi started. “Who invited you?”
“Shinichi Ozawa did,” she replied. “Why? Is something wrong?”
“Well, no…” Sora said, tilting her head a little. “But, this is a college party. Does Shinichi know that you’re not a college student yet?”
Mimi began to think. “I went to your campus one time, and that’s when he invited me.”
“What were you doing on our campus?” Yamato asked.
“I wanted to surprise you all,” she answered, grinning at him. “But then I asked if you three were coming to the party. He said he wasn’t sure but I wanted to take my chances and surprise you here instead! Isn’t this fun?” Though she sounded unsure when she said the last part.
Yamato sighed. “I don’t think asking you to leave is an option, especially since you’ll be alone—even with Palmon.”
“So what do we do?” Taichi asked.
Sora licked her upper lip. “Babysit.”
Mimi’s eyes widened. “No!”
“Mimi, we don’t know these people. We don’t know these people. Please, stick with at least one of us. We’ll make it up to you, we promise. Just please, Mimi?” Sora pouted.
Mimi looked at all three of them but focused on Sora last. After a few seconds, Mimi sighed. “Okay. I don’t want to admit it but I am a little nervous about this.” She frowned. “Especially since I wasn’t even sure if you guys would be here.”
The three older Chosen Children sighed in relief.
Just then, the group that group the three were talking to appeared and asked what was happening.
“This is Mimi,” Sora introduced. “She’s one of our closest friends.”
“Really?” One of the guys asked. “I’ve never seen you around campus. What course are you in?”
“She’s from another university,” Yamato said quickly.
“May I visit you there?” the same guy asked, his voice a little flirty.
Yamato was suddenly feeling very protective of the younger girl. He did not like the thought of an older stranger visiting her. “Not at the moment,” he said.
“Why don’t you let her answer for herself?” the guy snapped.
Mimi smiled. “Yamato’s just always been protective of us. I don’t mind him answering for me…sometimes.” She giggled.
Yamato knew she was lying so he wondered why she was playing along.
The party was in even fuller swing about forty-five minutes later. Although the three knew Mimi was not too happy with the situation, they also saw that she was having a good time.
At the stroke of twelve, Sora ordered everyone out of the house after thanking Shinichi for the invite. As they headed for the car, the four digimons arrived by their side.
“Yamato, would you take the car and bring Mimi home?” Sora asked.
“Sure,” Yamato answered. “But what about you guys?”
Taichi intertwined his and Sora’s fingers and smiled.
“Got it.”
Mimi squealed. “You two have fun!”
“Agumon, Piyomon?” Palmon looked at them.
“We’ll protect them,” Piyomon said. “But we won’t ruin their moment.”
When everything was set, Yamato, Mimi, Gabumon, and Palmon entered the car. They were quiet for a while until Palmon asked Gabumon how Takeru and Hikari were.
“They’re still very shy,” Gabumon replied. “But that’s expected, right, Yamato?”
“Either very shy or very guarded,” he said with a laugh. “Taichi is still all over them.”
“And you’re not?” Mimi asked, smiling.
Yamato smirked. “Takeru can handle himself. Even if this is his first relationship.”
“Everyone knows Takeru and Hikari would be endgame,” Mimi said with a giggle.
“And Taichi and Sora, too,” Gabumon added.
“Yamato, didn’t Sora have a crush on you before? Mimi said that she gave you something special for Christmas one time. What happened?”
“Palmon!” Mimi chided.
Yamato sighed. “I’ve only told Taichi what happened.”
“I’m sorry,” Palmon said, bowing her head. “I was just very curious now that the topic came up.”
“I knew that Taichi had feelings for her, and I couldn’t do that to him, especially since I only ever felt feelings of friendship for Sora.”
“And Sora gradually had feelings for Taichi, too. And he didn’t even have to try too hard despite having strong feelings, correct?” Mimi grinned as Yamato nodded. “It just means they’re meant to be!”
The four talked more about their friend’s love lives. Mimi’s home was a little on the farther side so they had a lot of time to gossip.
Finally, Mimi had a mischievous look on her face. “What about you, Yamato?”
Yamato smirked. “What about you, Mimi?”
“Don’t turn this in my direction. I asked first.”
“If there’s nothing to say then it only makes sense the question goes back to you.”
“Oh please, someone like you is bound to have someone in mind.”
“There’s no one, Mimi. And again, what about you? If I remember correctly, you’ve always been a hopeless romantic.”
“I still am,” she admitted. “But my goal is different now. I want to play Cupid.”
“Don’t force it though.”
“I know the limits. Now c’mon, Yamato. Answer me.”
“There’s no one, Mimi.”
“Do I have to play Cupid?”
“If it’s with you then I don’t mind.” A smirk on his face.
“I’m serious!”
“Oh look, we’re here.”
Mimi looked up and sighed when she saw the building she lived in. “Okay, fine. But you owe me an answer, Ishida.”
“Yeah, yeah.” He rolled his eyes, but a smirk appeared on his face. “It’s time to go, Tachikawa. It’s getting late. Too late.”
“Will you bring the car back to Sora’s?”
“Yes. And then Gabumon and I will walk home.”
Mimi smiled. “Okay. Thanks for the ride.” She turned to the back seat as Palmon went down. “Goodnight, Gabumon.”
Yamato raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll say goodnight to you if you give me an answer.”
“The gas is running,” Yamato said, looking at the meter. “Goodnight, Mimi. Goodnight, Palmon.”
“Goodnight, Yamato,” Palmon said with a wave.
Mimi chuckled. “Okay. Goodnight, Yamato. Goodnight again, Gabumon.”
“Goodnight, Mimi. Goodnight, Palmon,” Gabumon said.
Yamato looked at her and smiled. “G’night.”
Mimi smiled once again and closed the door.
Once Yamato saw that the two had gone inside the building safely, he drove away.
“Yamato,” Gabumon said.
“You were flirting with Mimi, weren’t you?”
Yamato choked. “Flirting? Me? I wouldn’t say so.”
“You were.”
“I was not.”
“You even said—.”
“Gabumon,” Yamato said in a warning tone. This only made his digimon laugh. “Gabumon!”
“You won’t admit it, but you were!”
Yamato sighed. “You’re not letting this go, are you?” Gabumon shook his head. “Just don’t mention it to anyone. And no, I was not flirting.”
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digi-lov · 1 year
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See also @poke-lov & @onepiece-lov !
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Basics about myself at the bottom down below!
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Note: Human characters are always First Name Last Name, even with the japanese names, so that I don't have to tag double if the characters name wasn't changed. Ex.: [Sora Takenouchi] vs. [Sora Takenouchi, Takenouchi Sora]
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About Me:
You can call me Lov! My name is Lou, the Blog name is a play on writing my name with v as the u and Love for Digimon.
I grew up watching the German Digimon Dub, and also played a lot of Digimon World, DW 2003, Rumble Arena, and more, in my childhood.
I haven't played all Digimon games yet, but I'm working on it!
I love all original Digimon Anime seasons, Adventure to Savers. I haven't gotten around to watching any newer ones myself yet.
My favorite Digimon is Bearmon! If I had a Bearmon Partner Digimon, this would be the evolution line:
YukimiBotamon > Kapurimon > Bearmon > Gryzmon > Pandamon > Dianamon
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I mostly try to post cards in English to make the card text more accesible to everyone. If you see a post with Japanese Card text, I'll update it once the English version is out.
The Official Digimon Card Game Twitter didn't start sharing cards regularly until around BT-08, and anything before BT-05 is especially hard to find. I usually have to edit multiple versions of the image together. I hope you all appreciate the effort!
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sorato-fan · 11 days
Sorato Week 2024 - Day 2: Costume
Days [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]
Title: Mimi's Birthday Party Pairing: Sora/Yamato Characters: Sora Takenouchi; Yamato Ishida; Taichi Yagami; Mimi Tachikawa. Summary: Sora makes Yamato's costume for Mimi's birthday party and things heat up between them.
Warning: Explicit content English Version | Brazilian Portuguese Version | Spanish Version
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ashxketchum · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Private Detective Yamato Ishida is called back to his hometown to find his missing best friend and solve a murder mystery that involves locked rooms and love triangles. With his new assistant Mimi Tachikawa tailing him through the snowy lanes of Hokkaido, will he be able to catch the killer before another one bites the dust? 
TW: Major Character Death Mention 
Pairings: Mimato, Taiora, One sided Koura. 
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