#character ref cf
bardicbeetle · 4 months
bite, or lack thereof - vee the vampire
“How come I never see you come back—” Cassidy cuts off, frowning like she’s trying to find the right words. “—fed." She nods toward the glass in his hand. "I’ve seen all sorts of people come out of the back room—they always look a little different than when they went in.” Another pause, frown vanishing in understanding “It’s because you’re their boss isn’t it—you think it’d be weird to bite your employees!”
The conviction she says it with startles a small laugh out of Vee. So much confidence for an incorrect answer. “No, Cassidy. That isn’t why—though I agree it would create a bit of an unfortunate dynamic if I were to bite my employees.” She’s caught him at a good moment, because he feels like giving her an actual answer for once. “While I’m aware the service I offer is a necessary one—I don’t like to partake. Be satisfied to know I have bad memories and leave it at that.”
“Wait—you don’t—you don’t bite people? Ever?”
Vee sighs. “Not in a very long time now, no.”
“Is that…hard?”
“Not anymore,” He tells her, “there were decades when it was, there are moments when it’s tempting, but it’s…” he trails off, searching for an apt comparison. “I imagine it’s alike to any minor addiction with which a person could become disgusted. Sometimes you remember fondly how it might have made you feel—most of the time you are aware it’s a bad choice no matter how you spin it.”
He’s made enough bad choices for several lifetimes. Had enough temptation for several more.
Cassidy hums, settling into the couch but still watching him more closely than he’d prefer. “Is it bad? What you’re letting people do?”
A slight smile, “What, making my kind pay for a meal—or hiring humans who happen to get off on it?” It has the desired effect, it makes Cassidy laugh, it lightens whatever questions are brewing in her head. He isn’t in that much of a giving mood.
“Gross. No—like is it dangerous for the ones doing it.”
“On occasion, there’s a reason I pay them so well.” How much value do you put on a person’s life? How much value do they put on their own? Damask isn’t cheap for those coming through the back—and likewise, those putting their lives on the line don’t walk away empty handed. “I do my best to keep casualties minimal. Mistakes happen.”
“And not mistakes.” It’s a mumble, barely audible.
Still thinking about Lauren then. Understandable.
Vee really shouldn’t have let her see that.
He won’t make the same mistake again.
“Both are dealt with in kind.” he reminds her, watching the slow repeated nod of her head. Quiet acceptance. Something like grief. What do you feel for people you don’t know? How do you sort through emotions for someone you only ever saw as a corpse?
“What’s it like?” Hesitant, soft, like when she’d asked if he was going to kill her.
“Specifics, Cassidy.”
“Getting bit, having your blood drunk, what’s it like?” She asks, “Unless you don’t remember—just ignore me if you don’t—”
“—I remember.” Vee cuts over her.
Pain and not. The rhythmic pulling of your own life leaving you. Sometimes pleasure and sometimes pressure and sometimes blinding for how it stung and later ached. The only thing grounding him for years and years and years. The moments he didn’t need to think, just bleed for other people. Not always bitten, Rin never did get used to the feeling of their teeth breaking skin—he never blamed them for going back to the blade. Scars built up only from constant use, the four points of contact in his shoulder Henry always went back to, the inner side of his forearms covered over and back over, bitten, torn, cut. Still.
The only thing that held him together back then.
Putting things out of his control.
He doesn’t say any of it.
Not tonight.
@flyingbananasaur /
@abalonetea /
@meatandboneasmr /
@captain-kraken /
@revenantlore /
@albatris /
@excessive-vampires /
@booptasticbadonkadonk /
@indecentpause /
@afoolandathief /
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red-ink-squiggles · 3 months
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Gotta colour it digitally still but an Emari ref for artfight. The guy ever
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cloverfamily · 1 month
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welcome to cloverclan, a clangen comic!
cloverclan in game is a lineage challenge (starting with only two cats who are mates), using ster's mega color mod! i have done some very light edits to my save file, but mostly leave the game to its whims!
cloverclan is my first real attempt at comic making since i was a child, so i'm inexperienced at this and using cloverclan to experiment with comic art and writing! i think the random nature of clangen forces me to not overthink it as much and just have fun with it! i'm a bit busy irl most days so i don't know how often this will update but i want to keep doing it!
allegiances, tags, and artist information below the cut!
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leader: weaselstar (she/her)
deputy: snailpetal (she/he)
no one else!
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#🍀 - all cloverclan posts!
#cf art - misc. art of cloverclan cats
#cf refs - character references
#cf moons - main cloverclan comic pages!
#cf peeks - sneak peeks at future uploads!
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artist information:
hi, you can call me clovermod, or CM! i'm a 26 year old nonbinary (they/them) disabled hobbyist artist who loves the silly fight cat books.
i'm a bit new to the clangen tumblr community at all, but something about the feel of it and the love people have for each other's ocs and comics here really reminded me about the good parts of my deviantart experience when i was younger, so i wanted to hop into the fun!
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mintlysweet-tea · 2 years
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Here's my art summary for this year! I think only one of the arts has been actually posted here, but as for the rest I will give some context under the cut.
January: It's Sybil from CFS/IR's Call of Cthulhu: Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign, but with a pair of hummingbird wings. Maybe I'll post the full image here?
February: You know those let's make an OC template things? Rose, or fully Rose Through The Road, was created from that template with help from others on Discord. They are an agender Tabaxi wearing a jumpsuit, sporting short braids and lavender studs. Has a necklace of fireballs, "Never takes responsibility for their actions.", has a rock collection and gelotophobia.
March: Small meme of @/chara-universe D&D character Ophilane with a very big trition :D
April: A mockup dating sim screencap of my oc LILE3 (pronounced Lily) Full quote is: "Come with me~ if you make it through the night. Babe sing by my side...hope you'll keep up ♡"
May: Rose and Fennel chilling a train ride while listening to music. Wanted to really push the shadows and lighting in this since I usually cell-shade. It's one of my favorite pieces in this list!
June: So during this time I hurt my hands...so the best I could do was a meme of these two and the only thing I could do. I love the contrast between the very nice shaded image in May of them and immediately after the feral energy of the one in June. Also if you can guess what anime is this meme's template if from you can get a free doodle, bonus points if you can get the exact episode.
July: Art of @/bubblytarts character Luther from her show Realm Jumpers. This was from a sheet of other people's ocs and expression practice.
August: More LILE3! This time in a fancy anime transformation!
September: Various images of Fennel being picked up and handled by my other characters. In this one she was sleeping in Kohinoka's horns while he was working.
October: :)
November: Art of @/loyalwolf6153 villian in her D&D campaign Soul Seekers named Vorigan.
December: Annddd finally a redesign of one of my first ocs Shia Zaltemer, who is D&D based and an Aasimar Paladin. First ref of her was very very old and was in an older art style and my style has grown since then.
Overall I'm glad my art has grown since I started doing digital art! I still want to work on doing more dynamic posing and on different body types, but my lines are strong and I'm personally proud of my character designs! I hope that next year I can try to digital paint, painting scares me.
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pigeonvivian42 · 2 years
a very long list of tone indicators
/! or /exc - excited
/a - affectionate or alterous
/aff - affectionate
/afph - a few people here
/ao - an order
/ap - apologetic
/apa - apathetic
/av - a vent
/ay - at you
/b - bitter
/br - bragging
/c - copypasta
/calm - calm
/caut - cautionary
/cb - clickbait
/cel - celebratory
/ci - caring intent
/cj - coping joke
/co or /cf - comforting
/con - confused
/curi - curious
/d - dubious (don't know what feeling youre trying to convey but you still want to convey it)
/dir - directed
/drm - dramatic
/e or /ex or /exa - exaggeration
/ebh - everybody here
/f - fake
/fa or /fam or /faml - familial
/fl - flirting
/fm - fake mad
/fs - fake sad
/fu - furious
/fx - flex
/gen or /g - genuine
/genq or /gq - genuine question
/gens or /gs - genuine suggestion
/gentle - gentle
/gs - gaslighting
/hc - headcanon
/hj - half joke
/hp - half platonic
/hsrs - half serious
/hyp - hyperbole
/ic - in character
/ij - inside joke
/imo - in my opinion
/info - information
/irre - irrelevant
/it - intrusive thought
/iw - innerworld
/j - joke
/jk - just kidding
/jov - jokingly overreacting
/jw - just wondering
/l or /ly or /lyr - lyrics
/lg - lying
/lh - light hearted
/li - literal
/lu - a little upset
/lv - lovingly
/m - metaphor
/ma - messing around or manifesting
/md - melodramatic
/mj - mostly joking
/mjnay - mad, just not at you
/mr - mostly romantic
/na - not aimed
/nabr - not a brag
/nafx - not a flex
/nao - not an order
/naq - not a question
/nav - not a vent
/nay or /nau - not at you
/nbh - nobody here
/nbip - nobody in particular
/nbr - not being rude
/ncm - not comparing
/neg or /ng or /nc - negative (connotation)
/neu - neutral
/nf - not forced or not fake
/nfl - not flirting
/nfta - not forced to answer
/nh - not hostile or not here
/nid - not in danger
/nm - not mad or not mean
/nmay - not mad at you
/nmn - not mean
/nmu - not mad or upset
/nof - no offense
/np - no pressure
/npa - not passive aggressive
/nr - no reply or don't reply
/nrt or /nrh - not rhetorical
/nsb - not subtweeting
/nsd - not self deprecating
/nsrs - not serious
/nsx or /nx or /ns - not sexual
/nth - not a threat
/nu - not upset
/ny - not yelling
/nyf - not your fault
/od - overdramatic
/ooc - out of character or out of cosplay
/op - optional
/ot - off topic
/p or /pla or /plat - platonic
/pa - passive aggressive
/par - parental
/para - paraphrased
/pers - personal
/pf - playful
/pj - probably joking
/pnj - probably not joking
/pos or /pc or /poc - positive (connotation)
/q - quote or question
/qp - queerplatonic
/r or /rom - romantic
/ref - reference
/res - respectfully
/rh or /rt or /rht - rhetorical
/rhq - rhetorical question
/rp - roleplay
/s or /sar or /sarc or /sarcasm - sarcastic
/safe - safe
/sat - satire
/sbh - somebody here
/sbtw - subtweeting
/silly - silly
/sj - source joke
/srs - serious
/st - statement or strange thought or silly thought
/state - statement
/stim - something is typed as a written version of a stim
/sx or /x - sexual
/sym - sympathetic
/sys - something happening in their own system
/t - teasing
/tan - tangent
/th - threat
/tic or /tc - typed unintentionally due to a tic
/tq - typing quirk
/ts - to self
/u - upset
/unin - unintentional
/unr or /unre - unrelated
/v - violent
/vu - very upset
/w - warm or warmth
/wp - wrong proxy
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Athens and Sparta Adventures: Chapter 8: Book of Ships pg. 15
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Quick Ref:
Deme: (or in Greek “demos”, the root word of “democracy”) referred to a municipality- at least, it referred to the body of people who were allowed to participate in political life. Athens alone had several demes and there were well over one hundred in Attica. Cf. “Polis” and “Asty”. Demos is also a personification of the body of citizens and could be worshipped as a deity (or might appear as a character in the satirical works of Aristophanes).
Spartan Lives and Sayings: A work by Plutarch written in the 1st century AD, centuries after the period described herein. This is a great source of sassy laconic phrases even if their accuracy is debatable, as we have no writing from the Spartans themselves during this period. Sparta’s line here is one of these.
ok here is my grand reveal for Eugenios and Demon - YEARS ago I was thinking about them having human names and what kind of thing I could write that could cause them to be revealed and after ages of stewing on it Chapter 8 is the result. The working title of this chapter was “Demon and Eugene Adventures”, lol.
Athens will mention why he didn’t go with Athenaeus or Athenodorus this time around but the real answer is 1. they’re not as funny in english and 2. they take up more space in speech bubbles and make my life hard lol, I rewrite my dialogue 2-3 times as I’m doing the bubbles because the text doesn’t always look nice :’) It was the one thing that was easier in Photoshop (although I had less intuition and practice when I was using PS so it cancels out lol) (glares at the word ‘lacadaemonians’ and at athens for always making me write long dialogue I have to chop later)
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
When will we officially meet mayfly? Sorry if im bothering you.
Her official ref sheet is in the works, I would show a wip but I’m not too happy w May’s design rn 👉👈 sorry for the wait!
The CF au reference sheets take FAR longer than my Crack au ones solely because the line work is made to be entirely smooth AND reference the official tfa character poses—meaning like I can’t be as quick and dynamic as I’d like to be :/ so while the do take longer, they look far better bc the reference poses show the simplest design/look possible so myself and others can go back and easily work from the oc ref!
I can show you her 2nd draft tho:
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I’ve posted the headshot before, but ehhh now you get the vague idea I had of her full body and palette! A LOT WILL BE CHANGED LMAO
^^this here was supposed to be a young adult design, but her final one will depict her as a tween in the present timeline of the CF au!
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thecreaturecodex · 4 years
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn
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Image © deviantArt user fed0t, accessed at his gallery here
[Commissioned by @monstersdownthepath​. Chaugnar Faugn is a canonical Great Old One in Pathfinder from the Cthulhu Mythos, specifically the novella “The Horror From the Hills” by Frank Belknap Long. Although I’ve been familiar with good ol’ CF since I got a copy of Call of Cthulhu d20 for Christmas one year, I only just now read “The Horror From The Hills” in order to write this entry. I can see why the story hasn’t been reprinted a ton; it’s basically just “The Call of Cthulhu” with more action and more racism. Yes, more racism than Lovecraft. Let that sink in. Also, I think it’s hilarious how many times Long has his characters describe Chaugnar Faugn as unlike any other mythological entity, and completely unimaginable by mere human minds, when he’s clearly Eldritch Vampire Ganesha.]
Great Old One, Chaugnar Faugn CR 26 CE Aberration This creature is vaguely like a parody of an elephant-headed humanoid, but the resemblances to both elephants and humanoids are only superficial. Tentacles held together with webbing mirror ears, and its twin tusks are translucent and interwoven. Its trunk is impossibly long and ends in a lamprey-like maw.
Chaugnar Faugn, the Horror From the Hills, the Feeder CE male Great Old One of blood, patience and remote landscapes Domains Chaos, Death, Evil, War Subdomains Blood, Entropy, Murder, Tactics Favored Weapon Light pick Unholy Symbol An elephant’s head with a bloody trunk Worshipers evil elves, murderers, nosferatu, those seeking revenge Minions faceless stalkers, morlocks, hill giants
Chagnaur Faugn, the Feeder, was old when the planets were young. He is a being formed from the initial creation of matter in the universe, and has traveled the cosmos in search of blood to drink and death to deal. He is perhaps the first parasite, and is truly one of the greatest. His body and senses stretch into both the Ethereal and Shadow Planes, and he will prey on their denizens as readily as any Material creature. Chaugnar Faugn is capable of flying between worlds, but does so only on rare occasions. He has witnessed the birth and death of at least one biosphere in its totality, and wishes to compare that to other arcs of planetary development.
Chaugnar Faugn prefers swift and precise attacks to destructive rampages, despite his bulk and strength. He spends most of his life in the shape of a stone statue, animating only to drink blood or punish followers who betray his faith. If forced to actually fight, the Feeder tramples enemies, then uses his crystalline tusks (which swivel independently) and mighty claws to finish off opponents. He is gifted in magic, and often transforms his allies into monstrous beasts to fight on his behalf, or simply stops an enemy’s heart with power word: kill.
Chaugnar Faugn’s current appellation, The Horror from the Hills, stems from his preference for remote country. He seeks out dispossessed and marginalized groups and bullies his way into a place of honor in their pantheon, demanding blood sacrifice and murdering them if they do not comply. To mark his chosen, he inflicts a terrible curse on them, granting them animalistic features. The trunk and ears of an elephant are a favorite, as they resemble his own form. Chaugnar Faugn teaches patience, for he has lived for literal eons, and savors the suspense of a revenge drawn out. His worship is popular with long lived and endangered species, such as the nosferatu, and he teaches that if they cannot make more of themselves, they should at least be remembered for the terror they inflict.
Chaugnar Faugn   CR 26 XP 2,457,600 CE Large aberration (great old one) Init +18; Senses darkvision 60 ft., hyperdimensional sight, Perception +38, scent, true seeing Aura cloak of chaos (DC 26), unspeakable (300 ft., Will DC 33) Defense AC 43, touch 31, flat-footed 42 (-1 size, +8 Dex, +12 natural, +10 insight, +4 deflection) hp 615 (30d8+480); fast healing 10 Fort +25, Ref +24, Will +31 Immune ability damage, ability drain, aging, cold, death effects, disease, energy drain, fire, mind-affecting effects, paralysis, and petrifaction; SR 37 Defensive Abilities hyperdimensional body, immortality, improved uncanny dodge Offense Speed 80 ft., swim 80 ft. Melee 2 gores +36 (2d8+15/19-20), 2 claws +36 (2d6+15), bite +36 (1d6+15 plus chew magic plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft. (15 ft. with bite) Special Attacks blood drain (2d4 Con), curse of Chaugnar Faugn, demanding dreams, insanity (DC 33), mythic (10/day, 1d12), subtle magic, trample (Ref DC 40, 4d6+22) Spell-like Abilities CL 26th, concentration +34 Constant—cloak of chaos (self only, DC 26), true seeing At will—darkness M, gaseous form M, greater command (DC 23), nightmare (DC 23), stone shape M, telekinesis (DC 23) M 3/day—greater dispel magic, horrid wilting (DC 26), quickened mass inflict pain (DC 24), polymorph any object (DC 26), empowered vampiric touch M 1/day—etherealness, shadow walk, power word: kill M, power word: stun M M = Chaugnar Faugn can use the mythic version of this SLA Statistics Str 40, Dex 27, Con 42, Int 26, Wis 30, Cha 27 Base Atk +22; CMB +38 (+40 bull rush, +42 sunder), CMD 60 (62 vs. bull rush, sunder) Feats Acrobatic Steps, Awesome Blow, Combat Reflexes, Critical Focus, Empower SLA (vampiric touch), Greater Sunder, Improved Bull Rush,  Improved Critical (gore), Improved Sunder, Lightning Reflexes, Nimble Moves, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (mass inflict pain), Staggering Critical, Stunning Critical Skills Bluff +33, Climb +36, Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana, dungeoneering, geography, nature, religion, planes) +33, Knowledge (history) +36, Perception +38, Sense Motive +35, Spellcraft +36, Stealth +36, Swim +43 Languages Aklo, Aquan, Terran, Undercommon, telepathy 300 ft. SQ no breath, otherworldly insight, starflight, statue form Ecology Environment any Organization unique Treasure double standard Special Abilities Chew Magic (Su) A creature or object bitten by Chaugnar Faugn is subject to a targeted greater dispel magic effect (CL 26th). This effect first affects spells that protect against being grappled, such as freedom of movement, before any other spells. Curse of Chaugnar Faugn (Su) As a standard action, Chaugnar Faugn can cast its curse upon a creature within 120 feet. A creature targeted must succeed a DC 33 Will save to suffer a -6 penalty to an ability score of Chaugnar Faugn’s choice. A creature cursed in this manner has their facial features altered to resemble those of an animal. A creature that succeeds on this save is immune to the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn for the next 24 hours. Chagnaur Faugn can use this ability as a swift action against a creature it is grappling. This is a curse effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Demanding Dreams (Su) When Chaugnar Faugn targets a creature with its nightmare spell-like ability, regardless of whether it passes or fails the save, the creature must succeed a DC 33 Will save or be affected as per a demand spell. A creature that passes its save against the damage from the nightmare gains a +5 bonus on this saving throw. This is a mind-influencing compulsion effect, and the save DC is Charisma based. Hyperdimensional Body (Su) Chaugnar Faugn exists in multiple dimensions at once, granting it abilities similar to those of an incorporeal creature. It is immune to damage from non-magical weapons, and takes half damage from all corporeal sources except for force effects and ghost touch weapons. It can move through solid objects as if they were difficult terrain, except that it cannot end its movement in an object. This ability does not function if Chaugnar Faugn is subject to a dimensional anchor or similar effect. Hyperdimensional Sight (Su) Chaugnar Faugn can see into the Ethereal Plane and Shadow Plane at a distance of 60 feet. It can attack creatures on either of these planes normally, although such creatures are treated as having cover against his attacks. Immortality (Ex) If Chaugnar Faugn is slain, he dissolves into a noxious sludge, and incarnates in his statue form on a distant planet over the course of 100 years. He must remain in his statue form for an additional 1011 years before he can return to animation, but can still use his subtle magic in this forced hibernation. Starflight (Su) Chagnaur Faugn can survive in the void of outer space. It flies through space at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system should take 3d20 hours, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 days (or more, at the GM's discretion)—provided it knows the way to its destination. Statue Form (Su) As a standard action, Chaugnar Faugn can assume the form of a statue of Medium, Large or Huge size. He can use his senses normally in this form and communicate using telepathy, but can take no actions except for his subtle magic. He may resume his animate form as a move action. Subtle Magic (Su) Chaugnar Faugn does not detect as magical when in statue form. In addition, he can spend a use of mythic power to use one of its spell-like abilities or the Curse of Chaugnar Faugn while in statue form. If he does so, he cannot deliver a touch attack unless the creature is touching it. When it uses this ability, creatures that witness the spell must succeed an opposed Spellcraft check against Chaugnar Faugn to determine that he is the source of the spell-like ability. Unspeakable Presence (Su) Creatures that succumb to Chaugnar Faugn’s unspeakable presence find themselves literally falling apart. A creature that fails a DC 33 Will save gains vulnerability to bludgeoning, slashing or piercing damage (determined randomly) for as long as it remains in the area of effect. The save DC is Charisma based.
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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay
The Hunger Games; Catching Fire
Part One
- “I try to work out what is true and what is false”
- “I’m still not entirely convinced that I was hallucinating... the floor turning into a carpet of writhing snakes”.... nope
-- So many good quotes in this first chapter alone
- “Some walks you have to take alone”
-- I wonder who were the other Capitol rebels
-- Kat’s reaction to seeing Peeta on the screen breaks my heart
-- Poor Peeta
-- I love the imagery when Katniss says she’s going to be the Mockingjay, with her arms slightly raised as if she had wings
- Kat about the pearl holding it to her lips “It’s soothing a cool kiss from the giver himself” --- “a token it will make until I come home to you”
-- I love Katniss and Prim talking together
- Coin: want to present Gale as your new lover? Me: oi shut it
-- I always love Cinna’s sketchbook
-- I love the prep team’s interactions with Katniss... what happened to them after the series ended
- the prep team where punished because Octavia took a slice of bread
- Mrs Everdeen reading the pain on a person’s body
- I want a story about Greasy Sae
- Precious Posy... I want a story about Gale and his family like what happened to them all
- I am mad that the hummingbird room was cut in the film
- I love the bow Beetee designed for Katniss (I wonder what happened to it)
- Finnicks line being give to Effie kind of annoys me
- aww Katniss
- I love this scene for so many reasons but especially when the berries are mentioned and how they affected the different people
- I love Finnick so much
-- a big regret of mine was not being able to ask a teacher about why they were so shocked that Rue was cast as black... I was fifteen at the time  It doesn’t excuse me being quiet
But I was also a coward. I wasn’t even able to tell a teacher about the time a girl dry humped my head, I dropped something on the floor because she and her friends kept staring at me and laughing and I couldn’t look at them any longer so I had to duck down and when I did she got up and came over and I froze and well she grabbed my head and shoved her crotch onto the crown of my head whilst her friends laughed and the rest of class and teachers didn’t notice I have only told one person this story and that was last year
- Finnick Odair in his underwear
- I love Cressida and I want to know more about her
- I love the hospital scene for so many reasons
- Kat about the bombing: “I assumed, as usual, it was my presence that brought on punishment”
- I always love the fire is catching speech
- I love Katniss so much
- I wish we saw the tribute to the tributes videos
- I love Kat and Finnick having a meal together- though I still don’t understand why he wanted them to hide their knowledge of seeing Peeta
- I love Finnick and Kat “hunting” together
- The Hanging Tree: I never realised it was jabberjays in the “dead man called out to his love” and I hate the pop remix with a passion
- Katniss: “I could remember almost anything set to music after a round or two”
- Katniss speculating about the song is pretty spot on
- I dislike the kitchen kiss so much
- Peeta’s warning :(
Part 2
- I don’t know why but them in the bunker is a favourite scene of mine
- “I almost hiss at him too” it was crime they didn’t have JLaw hissing at Buttercup in the film
- First Peeta hijacking ref: “waging a sort of battle in his mind”
- and more chats with Prim
- and chats with Finnick
- I love Buttercup
- Plutarch x coffee was amusing
- “Glance at Finnick who gives a thumbs up- But he’s looking pretty shaky himself” -- my poor babies
- my poor precious Finnick- I wonder whom among Snow’s friends got poisoned one I am certain he poisoned is Lysistrata
-- I wonder what was going through Gale’s head when he volunteered
- Katniss is so giddy to see Peeta and well you know
- Prim telling of Plutarch is *chefs kiss*
-- Poor Portia and all the other stylists and prep teams
- “I can’t say Gale’s absences have inconvenience me”
-- I love Delly
-- I hate District 2 kiss because of that article written in 2018
-- Wraps Finnick and Annie in blankets and glares at Gale
-- I love Gwendoline Christie in the MJ 2 behind the scenes
-- what could be worse than what Gale said about the workers in the Nut
- I just love Boggs
- District 2 speech is also great and she quoted Peeta!
- the capitol having emergency supplies stockpiled... Me: i bet they have
- Oh Finnick and Annie’s wedding :)... Katniss: “Finnick loves Annie and that’s good enough for me”
- Katniss seeing Peeta makes me sad
- Poor Johanna and of course I love Johanna
- I love Finnick and I want to hear more about the sea turtle which stole his hat... hey is there any fanart of that scene?
- everyone was creeped out by Peeta threatening to steal Annie away from Finnick
- “everything screams in my dreams tonight” this line always chills me
- gulps “your squadron leader gets hit by a mortar” mortal being a type of bomb
- I love the pine needle sachet that Katniss makes Johanna
Part Three
- I dislike Haymitch at times and this lecture of his is one of them
- I love Jackson for coming up with Real or Not Real
- I love Mitchell trying to act
-- Looks at Cressida with huge heart eyes
- the best brotp Finnick x Peeta
- “now this place tastes like the arena”
- I love Messalla’s moment about the centre unit
- Peeta with Pollux
- “Katnisss” Me: shit x3000
- “Snow can’t tolerate looking like a fool”
- everytime Finnick’s ***** gets me and I just love my boy
- “don’t let him take you from me”
- Tigris! is in Ballad fucking fight me on this
- “my face runs into a hanging chain and I pull it”... snorts
- Jagged sutures and smear on cream vs gently rinsing and bandaging
- “I know it happened and yet it doesn’t seem real” *whimpers*
- the guy who was mistaken for Peeta :|
- Tigris and the can of salmon
- all the next events are a lotTM
- and then Prim and the medics died
-- did you know there are people who were angry at Katniss for not showing emotion after Prim died? No well there were and I don’t like them
- Snow: snake eyes again; about Prim: so wasteful
- Haymitch: “more boy trouble” Katniss: “I don’t know why, but this hurts me in a way Haymitch rarely can”-- Thoughts?
- what happened to Effie
- I still Katniss voted yes because she wanted Coin to think she was still on her side
- “Its all over when the Mockingjay sings”... “hour after hour of ballads, love songs and mountain airs”
- I love Greasy Sae
- I really want to know what was going through Peeta’s head when he decided to dig up evening primrose bushes
- “flakes of skin the size of playing cards” owie ouch ow ow nope
Bonus CF: I love Mags just wanting a nap
- poor Madge
- poor Buttercup and Katniss I just love them bonding
- growing back together is something I love... does anyone have good fic recs for growing back together?
- I love the description for toast babies so much
-- “I make a list of every act of goodness I’ve seen someone do” I remember I had a very bad day and I was reading this scene and was looking at this blank notebook I had and thought why not and just have this small notebook with a few different stories of kindness in it and things I drew a picture of the blue mockingjay on it and a dandelion
- “Much worse games to play” It took me awhile to understand what this meant and I understand now
It was kind of a ride rereading this series again especially after Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes and you know what I still love this series and these characters
I don’t see Lucy Gray turning into Coin but I do see them as being related
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bardicbeetle · 7 months
down, up - vee the vampire
“No hospital.” Cassidy growls the word, cradling her lacerated hand away from him as though that will somehow help her statement. Maybe it will. She hopes it will. She is not going back there. “Swear it or I’m not coming any closer.”
Angelface pinches the bridge of his nose like this whole situation is an annoyance at best.
“Cassidy, surely it would be easier to—”
“—I’m. Not. Going.”
A moments silence.
Just the drip of her own blood as it falls from her palm to the floor.
Finally, a sigh.
“Alright—alright, god above. No hospital, please just—just sit down, I’ve got some things—”
“—Swear.” She says again, not moving.
Angelface fixes her with the look again, the god damnit Cassidy would it actually kill you to listen to me? one. Which she’s becoming what is probably concerningly familiar with. “I swear, you won’t even leave this room.”
Cassidy smiles, wide enough that her vision goes a little hazy—
That isn’t the smile doing that.
The room spins, and goes dark.
“Fuck…” her head is throbbing when she comes back to herself. Her hand is…not. Somehow. It feels almost numb instead. Pain dull and distant. There is a pulling that goes along with it, the tugging of skin and—shit is he actually stitching her up?
“I hate you.” Angelface says from where he’s kneeling next to her on the floor. “You know that? I told you to sit down.”
Cassidy tries to lift her head and knocks it immediately back into the floor, a throbbing at the base of her skull sending the ceiling above swimming in circles again. She looks over with just her eyes, seeing her hand resting on a plate and a pile of washcloths, the top few of which had begun staining pink and red. She looks back up to Angelface, who—almost comically—is lined up with one of the ceiling lights behind his head, shining in her hazy vision like a malformed halo.
“I’m fine.” She mumbles before closing her eyes again, “S’all good.”
“Completely fine, barring the hand.” Angelface replies, “Along with your ongoing and very apparent lack of survival instinct.”
“It’s a fucking cut.” she draws out the last word like a whine.
“You passed out, Cassidy.” Oh he does not sound happy with her.
She wants to laugh, but she’s worried the shaking might interfere with whatever it is he’s doing to her hand. She knows he’s sewing it shut, back together, whatever. Doesn’t know where he learned how to do stitches, probably won’t get an answer if she asks. “What’s your name?” she asks instead, because she knows she won’t get an answer for that either.
“Angelface.” She can picture the look on his face. The half-irate resignation to her questions.
“No it isn’t.”
“No, it isn’t.”
Cassidy smiles to herself. “Can I give you one?”
“Excuse me?” The rythmic pulling and piercing against her palm stops. She opens her eyes again, and catches a glimpse of an expression she doesn’t think he meant her to. His eyes flicker, flat black in a way she rarely sees, then back to warm brown. He looks so lost. It’s gone the second he catches her staring.
“You gave me Cassidy,” she tells him, “I’ll give you something.”
His gaze drops back to her hand, the feeling returns.
“I’m not calling you Angelface—I refuse, and I’m sick of thinking it.”
She is trying to keep the smile at a normal level. She is trying very hard. It’s not working. The grin hurts, makes the throbbing at the back of her head even worse. It’s worth it. “You’re gonna hate it,” she tells him, she knows it, but it doesn’t matter. He hasn’t got a say. It’ll grow on him. Even if it’s just for her. “I’m gonna call you Vee.”
@flyingbananasaur / @abalonetea / @meatandboneasmr / @captain-kraken / @revenantlore / @albatris / @excessive-vampires / @booptasticbadonkadonk / @indecentpause / @afoolandathief
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lynzabee · 2 years
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muthur9000 · 6 years
Today I am interviewing Violin Dragoness who really loved Alien: Isolation so much she’s writing two songs about it. Let’s get to know her relationship with Alien and what it means to her.
Clara Fei-Fei: What was the first Alien movie you watched? How old were you at the time?
rushing-to-slay-that-darn-dragon: The first Alien movie I ever watched was the original one. It wasn’t even too long ago; I was 17 at the time. My Dad rented it around the time Covenant was releasing and suggested watching most of the movies, including Prometheus, since we are both have the same taste in science fiction.
CF: Which is your favourite Alien movie and why? 
VD: My favourite movie would probably have to be the original! I love Ripley in this one, and Aliens is a close second. I really love the gothic feel of the whole movie.
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Alien Isolation for XBOX ONE, buy now on Amazon.com
  CF: Which is your favourite Character and why?
VD: My favourite character is Amanda Ripley from Alien: Isolation. It is one of my favourite video games, and I’m not a horror fan! Amanda is a really interesting character because her personality has so much potential to be developed and unearthed, but this never really happens. However, what is neat about this is that the fans can do this instead of the original writers. The same can be said for most of the characters in the game, sadly.
CF: I understand you’re writing a song about Alien: Isolation, what drove you to create a song?
VD: Yes, I am! I am writing a set of two songs based off of the game and some other elements from a book that I read recently called Defy the Stars by Claudia Gray. I am really involved in a ship in the game, and it is roughly based around that. It won’t be ‘directly’ written about the game due to copyright, however! But I will try to make it as similar as I can.
CF: What about the game speaks to you? What’s so enjoyable about it?
VD: The game’s mechanics are very fun. Like I said before, I’m not exactly the biggest horror fan, but something about how the game feels extremely similar yet unique to the original movie draws me in. The writing isn’t the best, although I do like the characters. (Slightly contradictory? Haha!)
CF: What do you think about the prequel movies?
VD: They’re not too bad! I think they get a bad rap. Prometheus is alright, but not my most favourite movie ever. I LOVE Alien: Covenant though! I hope the prequel series will continue!
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Alien: Covenant, but it now from Amazon.com
CF: If you could change something about it, what would it be?
VD: Some of the violence in Prometheus seemed a little unnecessary? I know it’s odd saying that when it’s an Alien movie, but some of it didn’t seem relevant to the story. Maybe that’s just me. I still enjoyed it, however. I also wish that Covenant could have used more practical effects than CGI; I saw several videos online about the animatronics of the xenomorph and they were impressive! But the CGI really covered it up in the end.
CF: Do you have any favourite parts about them?
VD: I love story in a movie and I really liked the characters in Covenant, such as Daniels, Tennessee, Walter, and David.
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CF: What do you think about the Alien fandom?
VD: I think the Alien fandom is great! It’s very diverse in opinions and extremely open-minded, which I love!
  CF: If you could change something about it, what would it be?
VD: I wish it were a little bigger! Maybe then Fox (or Disney now? Who knows!) could listen to us about what to make next. Wishful thinking, unfortunately.
  CF: What other things are you interested in?
VD: I love listening to classic rock bands such as Rush, U2, Janis Joplin, as well as playing a good video game or two when I have the liberty of time.
  CF: What would you like to do in the future?
VD: I’m currently pursuing an undergraduate in commercial music performance at Belmont University, which is exciting! I hope to become a session musician, a soloist, or maybe even perform in a successful band!
Thanks so much for being a part of this series, all the best with your music. If you’d like to follow her work check out her website.
Fan Creatives: Violin Dragoness, Musician Today I am interviewing Violin Dragoness who really loved Alien: Isolation so much she's writing two songs about it.
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dontcountyourwords · 3 years
And the champion was...
Before delving into this episode, I had a thought about last episode: the refs gave Korra the yellow fan for “unnecessary roughness”. We also see that last episode, the Wolf-Bats’ opponents were all badly wounded and carried away. Does this mean the refs were already paid off the previous day? Because it seems to me that putting someone in a hospital is also unnecessary roughness. With this in mind, they might not have been able to compete in this episode’s match. On the other hand, this does play into Korra’s hand, seeing how Amon took the winners’ bending away.
Looking at this fight, it did not seem like the Wolf-Bats were so strong as to put someone in the hospital within 10 seconds. Yeah they cheated, but they were not rougher than the Fire-Ferrets’ previous opponent. So either the the Wolf-Bats’ last opponent was not as strong as they ought to be at semi-final level, the Fire-Ferrets are skilled enough to even deal with cheaters (which is quite possible and a welcome conclusion), or it’s an inconsistency. 
I’m also glad to see some of the pro-bending rules as to what counts as cheating and what not. It explains the rather dull fighting style. That said, I don’t like these rules (cf. the boring fighting style).
Funnily enough, it is the metal bending that gets an upgrade here with all the swinging and the vines. Love it very much!
So Amon shows up at the pro-bending arena this episode, as he promised. Lin promises that she and her metal-benders will protect everyone. They didn’t. Honestly, what I’m mostly surprised by is that Lin hasn’t had it hammered into her that she should look with her feet, much like Toph did. It seems to me an enormously valuable skill, especially if she’s doing a job like “security”, where having more senses than just your eyes and ears seems invaluably important. 
I’m glad to see the story Tenzin’s wife told last episode actually paid off: the girl Tenzin was dating before was Lin. Cool to see that character exposition (though somehow unfortunate that Lin’s grudge had to boil down to sweetheart troubles). As another sidenote, I’ve seen people speculate who Lin’s father was, and whether it might be Sokka. With this new piece of information in mind, it might be fair enough to say that Sokka might not be Lin’s father, as that would mean Tenzin and Lin would be cousins. To each their own of course... (As far as I know Toph didn’t tell her, but unless Lin no longer was in contact with Toph, this might have been a good moment to talk about her father.) 
When Korra falls in the end, Lin saves her, and Korra is grateful, but also surprised, given the situation. However, while Lin has a grudge, she is not a monster. If being a police officer in this universe is painted as something honourable and done for the protection of citizens, then that only adds to Lin protecting Korra. It’s in her personality to do so.
I do hope this will lead to their further cooperation. Tenzin is right that they could make a good team.
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kit-catclub · 7 years
I have taken my stan hat off - I know no one cares about these deep thoughts but I wanted to write them down for me, so there. May include unpopular opinions (also definitely includes a great many words).
I don’t mind at all the rather pastichey character of the LP - one of my all-time faves is Hunky Dory, and half the songs on that are homages to various artists (I’m not drawing a comparison in any other way - Hunky Dory is miles better than HS - almost all of the songs are on another planet). I don’t think it’s meant as a deep attempt to make Harry resemble all the artists who are represented - I think it’s more of a bricolage approach (also with the Bukowski refs).
I agree with the sentiment (a common one I think) that the lyrics in particular are rather sub-par in places. I think Harry’s voice does a lot of heavy lifting in putting across the songs when really they don’t have much to say. I think there are very good reasons why the songs that are about his personal situations and relationships are more successful than the ones that are about generic ‘women’ - I don’t think he’d had a lasting relationship with a woman when he wrote them! I also think that he has a tendency to translate any emotion into a love song (also the case with 1D, which is presumably why he does it - cf. his comments about ‘Olivia’), and I wish he would diversify. ‘Walking in the Wind’ and SOTT are two of his best and they are not framed as love songs. I’m thinking of all the great songs out there that are not about love but about ... space aliens; the end of the world; police brutality in south London; being alone in a room in Berlin; the miners’ strikes; Vietnam veterans; the occult etc. etc. I hope he’ll spread his wings a bit more in future - much in the way that I’d like to hear more of his actual opinions on stuff in interviews (I know, a hopeless dream).
I think what’s actually a problem for me about the lyrics is the rather knowing attempts at edginess - I don’t for a moment think that the use of ‘hard candy’ was meant to refer to the worst interpretations of the phrase, but they used it because it sounds saucy. ditto the ‘feels so good’ in ‘Carolina’ - it’s meant to be a double entendre. you can choose not to see it that way but the interpretation is a valid one, and I can understand why some of these things make people feel icky. I just think it’s a bit naff and he could do better.
I wrote this track-by-track having not listened to the record for a while - it’s come out more negative than I actually feel, I think?
MMITH: love it, not a bad word to say about this one. Goosepimples from the word go. SOTT: ditto. the supposed inspiration makes no sense to me except in a very general way - the feeling of urgency that the song imparts v. well. I love the whooshy noise that sort of inflates the song (I think I have the switched on pop podcast to thank for that insight - it’s worth a listen) Carolina: a chugger. Thought it might be better live, but no, still a chugger. My only objection to the lyrical content is the bit about Townes, which just looks like a total dick move and I hate it. The good girl/feels so good bits I take to be the girl herself, feeling good as she moves through the parties Two Ghosts: I like the solo acoustic version from the LLS, which is beautiful; otherwise this is a bit bland, though pleasant enough Sweet Creature: I think this one is lovely. I think it’s a family song but it’s one of those that’s confusingly framed as a love song Only Angel: craptastic lyrics in this one, and musically not enough to carry it. Suspect it won’t be making the setlists in five years’ time (unless he writes nothing but ballads from now until then) ESNY: also quite forgettable for me, though again, pleasant enough. Some people love this one, I’m not sure why I don’t! Kiwi: I don’t find this one problematic, though I wish they’d picked a different cocktail name. Manhattan would have scanned perfectly well. Just sounds like a song about a completely hazy drug-addled night. My personal headcanon is that the title is just a joke - that they were sitting round their posh table in LA one morning and someone was eating fruit, and Harry sang ‘I’m having a kiwi, it’s none of your business’ or sth. I enjoy how much Harry enjoys it, principally Woman: very entertaining but there’s nothing more to it FTDT: this one is really good - it has actual experience in it and the harmonies are amazing (that’s a whoosh moment for me)
Verdict: vocals 9/10, really top-notch (I don’t have pro knowledge, this is purely personal for me. I only knocked a point off because he sounds a bit shouty in a few places, like the end of Sweet Creature). production/music 8/10 - very polished but just a bit hackneyed in places. songwriting 7/10 - again, professional, but lacking in truly amazing ‘whoosh’ goosepimple moments; lyrics 6/10 and that’s a bit generous, there’s not that much to grab on to in many of these songs.
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rssspockuhura · 7 years
Ήμουν και θα είμαι πάντα
Warning: Some M/M works might show up here because the Spock/Uhura tag is used in ref to S/U as a side pairing, past pairing, etc. Solution. Read at your own risk.
Author: ncisgirl4ever Star Trek: 2009 Greek, Rated: K Angst/Friendship Characters: J. Kirk, Spock Chapters: 1, Words: 1,012, Reviews: 0, Rated: K, Complete
Η φιλία των Κερκ και Σποκ, έτσι όπως διαδραματίζεται στο νεκροκρέβατο του πρώτου. via FanFiction.Net: Star Trek: 2009, Last Updated https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12655077/1/%CE%89%CE%BC%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BD-%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CE%B8%CE%B1-%CE%B5%CE%AF%CE%BC%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CF%80%CE%AC%CE%BD%CF%84%CE%B1 Remember to check out the Spuhura fanworks community on livejournal. Follow rssspockuhura for Spock/Uhura fanworks from around the web.
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bardicbeetle · 2 months
damask, 2005 - the second return
“Oh…uh, hi?” There was a girl standing in the hallway, her cropped blond hair stuck out in every conceivable direction, and nothing in her demeanor felt…
Typical of a human seeing Henry in a well lit room.
He'd watched as she noticed him, the sleep in her limbs solidifying into a stance that almost looked accusatory. There wasn’t any fear. There was just…annoyance. Like he was the one intruding.
“You’re one of Vee’s friends? Clients? Employees? Haven’t seen you up here before.”
Exactly what had gone on in his absence?
“I’m not fuckin’ calling him Angelface,” He watched the girl scrunch up her nose in disgust. “anyway—it was only fair.”
Henry heard the quiet postscript that didn’t make it past her tongue. The silent he named me. He tried to reach out and catch the thread, find the name, find any kind of context. But he’d never really been good at that with anyone aside from…
“Anyways,” the girl started again as she stepped out of the hall towards the little kitchen, making sure to keep at least six feet or so between them both the whole way—though she didn't seem bothered enough to keep eyes on him. “Are we actually gonna get to the part where you tell me who the fuck you are? Because if you kill me Vee’s gonna be pissed—and I’m gonna haunt you for like a million years.”
@flyingbananasaur / @abalonetea / @meatandboneasmr /
@captain-kraken / @revenantlore / @albatris /
@excessive-vampires / @booptasticbadonkadonk / @indecentpause
@afoolandathief / @dyrewrites / @mr-orion / @ashirisu
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