#character witness: Quinlan vos who just
tennessoui · 1 year
idk if this is anything but i got a star wars insider magazine today and one of the articles on the front is titled "obi-wan exposed" (it's ewan mcgregor talking abt nude scenes) but the title read like a tabloid in-universe to me and made me think abt obi-wan having a quick fuck or smth with a random person but of course with his luck someone got a photo of him leaving which causes anakin to get SOOO jealous but he tries to play it off as just being concerned that the holonet got such a scandalous photo of his master (he wants to kill the person he slept with ^_^)
also ur pool boy fic changed the trajectory of my life forever btw
omg this is everything to me tbh I love the idea of obi-wan being caught in flagrante and general Skywalker being so normal about it he’s so normal about seeing shots of his master’s ass and upper thighs and chest hair and pubic trail (no dick cause that’s the line for holonet news)
But he’s so normal about it. He laughs at the jokes all the Jedi and the clones make about obi-wan but he absolutely does not find them funny
he finds them offensive actually
it fills him with dark murderous rage actually
even obi-wan, shameless hussy HE turns out to be, finds the jokes from his friends and even the scandalous holonews articles funny but not fucking anakin!!! He’s going to sue the galactic republic for slander and privacy infringement
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the-last-kenobi · 3 years
Most of your fics absolutely destroyed me emotionally so, on my own risk, may I request #13 “You shouldn’t be this easy to carry" with Qui-Gon and padawan Obi-Wan? Thank you!
Ohhh I’m happy to write this one! Thank you! (Always pleased to hear I’ve emotionally wrecked innocent people lol)
From this various prompts list.
Qui-Gon descended the ramp of his ship with something less than his usual grace, his expression was rather sour. Other than that, he looked his usual self, untidy but comfortable and serene.
He waved to the attendant heading towards the ship, and bowed to a small mechanic droid that squeaked with excitement, ran in circles around him, and then darted off after the attendant.
Qui-Gon chuckled. He paused to take a deep breath, tasting the metallic scent of Coruscant on the air, but also the warm and familiar notes of the Temple, of home. It was good to be back. Tedious diplomatic assignments that ran well overtime were nothing worth dwelling on, especially when it was done alone.
“Master Jinn!” a warm voice called.
He turned his head and saw Shaak Ti walking towards him, a smile on her lovely face with its striking colors.
“Knight Ti,” he greeted her. “How are you?”
“I’m well,” she answered. “I’m just about to depart to Alderaan; it’s a royal wedding and I’m the token Jedi invitee,” she informed him, but there was no offense in her voice. Alderaan was well known to be genuinely welcoming, and had been more than courteous in their dealings with the Order for centuries on end.
“Enjoy it,” Qui-Gon advised her. “Weddings are rarely something you’d like to miss.”
“I will,” she promised. “Oh, is your Padawan around? I was hoping to catch him when he returned, he forgot to sign off on his departure notice and was scheduled for three shifts in the crèche, which he obviously missed.”
Qui-Gon’s head tilted to one side, and he frowned.
It was obvious that Shaak Ti believed that Obi-Wan had accompanied him on his mission, which had in fact been a solo assignment. The twenty-one-year-old Padawan had remained behind for class rotations.
And Obi-Wan had never missed... well, anything. He was notoriously early for everything, beyond punctual. It was almost annoying.
Perhaps he’d finally slipped into a belated teenage fit of laziness, or he’d fallen so behind on class work that he’d forgotten about the crèche. Both would be extremely out of character, but one instance of this in nearly nine years of training could perhaps be excused.
Shaak Ti was waiting for an answer.
“I’ll talk to him,” he promised, revealing nothing. “Thank you for letting me know. I had no idea.”
She waved it off. “These things happen. You have a good student on your hands; he’s easily forgiven.”
Qui-Gon smiled.
The door to their quarters opened for him with a casual wave of the hand. Jedi did not lock their doors often; privacy was an understood thing, something not casually breached. No Jedi would enter another’s rooms without first asking permission.
He wasn’t sure what he expected.
Obi-Wan in the common area, reading.
Or Obi-Wan out and about, somewhere off with some of his more trouble making friends. (Quinlan Vos.)
He was not expecting to find Obi-Wan huddled in the corner of their kitchenette, half-hidden in his cloak, knees drawn up under his chin, crying.
Obi-Wan saw him enter and flinched away, shuddering.
Qui-Gon stared.
The entire scene was so unexpected, so wrong, that for a full five seconds he simply stood there, unable to process it. Obi-Wan had buried his face in his knees and was attempting to stifle his tears, seemingly by holding his breath, which was only making him shake harder.
Qui-Gon jolted out of his paralysis and stepped nearer, dropping onto one knee, sensing that looming over his Padawan was not going to help.
“Padawan?” he asked cautiously.
Obi-Wan looked up reluctantly. His face was a sickly grey; his cheeks were bright red and his blue eyes were feverish. They darted around, seeming to fix on nothing.
“Obi-Wan,” the Master tried again, warily reaching out a hand and resting it on top of one of Obi-Wan’s, clenched around his knee.
Obi-Wan took a rattling breath, more tears spilling down his cheeks. “...What... day is it...?” he gasped.
Qui-Gon’s chest tightened with something close to terror. What in all the galaxy was going on here?
“It’s the 29th,” he said gently. “Taungsday. I returned a day late from my solo mission. Do you remember that?”
Obi-Wan’s tears had increased throughout the brief speech. “Y-yes.”
“All right,” said Qui-Gon, struggling to remain as calm and patient as possible. “All right. Can you tell me what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
Obi-Wan shook his head, his expression crumbling. Suddenly he very much resembled the boy Qui-Gon had met on Bandomeer, uncertain and frightened, although even then he had not cried. This was different.
“Are you sure?” Qui-Gon pressed.
Obi-Wan nodded, strangling a loud sob by clapping one hand over his mouth. He said something, but of course it was impossible to understand behind his clamped fingers.
“What?” asked his Master.
“...so...stupid,” Obi-Wan burst out angrily through his tears. “I just... don’t feel well.”
“Don’t feel well?” Qui-Gon stared at his apprentice in confusion. “You’re sick? Obi-Wan, why didn’t you just go to the Halls?”
Obi-Wan shuddered. More tears slid down over his flushed cheeks. “I...I...I fell,” he said, sounding deeply uncertain. “I was working, and it was late, and I fell. I think I fell. I can’t walk. I can barely move. I don’t know how long it’s been—”
Qui-Gon was already moving, alarm ringing in his head like sirens. In two seconds he had Obi-Wan in his arms, cradled like a child, his head resting under Qui-Gon’s chin.
“You shouldn’t be this easy to carry,” he said tensely. “You haven’t had anything to eat or drink since you fell?”
“Some... some water,” Obi-Wan murmured. His skin was blazing hot against Qui-Gon’s, a sick and feverish heat. He had stopped crying — his tears seemed to have stemmed from a combination of confusion and shame, not pain — but he seemed on the verge of passing out. “I... I got some water... don’t remember when...”
“Stay awake,” Qui-Gon ordered. He was striding down the hallways, ignoring the few bystanders who watched them pass with bewilderment and concern. He did send a grateful nod to one young woman who raised her comm in her hand at him, asking a silent question, and at his gesture raised it to her lips and murmured ‘Tell the Healers that Master Jinn is bringing in his Padawan. Have someone ready.’
Obi-Wan murmured something vague.
“Stay awake,” insisted Qui-Gon. “Don’t fall asleep.”
Obi-Wan moaned but nodded, forcing his eyes to stay open. “I...I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” The words came out harsh and insincere in Qui-Gon’s urgency, and he realized it, because he dropped a swift kiss to the top of the fevered head in apology. Obi-Wan relaxed ever so slightly.
They arrived in the Halls of Healing and were immediately received by a Healer and his apprentice, who had Obi-Wan safely tucked in a bed and monitored in less than two minutes. Obi-Wan had closed his eyes against the bright light and seemed in danger of falling asleep again.
“Stay awake just a little longer, Padawan Kenobi,” the Healer instructed kindly. “I’m fairly sure of your diagnosis but I have to be more certain before I can administer treatment. Then you can sleep.”
“Yes, Healer,” rasped the young man.
Qui-Gon watched from the wall, his hands tucked deep in his sleeves to hide how they trembled. The shock of the last quarter hour was setting in, and he scrambled to keep his wits about him, worried about what this diagnosis might be. He still remembered Obi-Wan’s confusion about the day, his bewildered tears, and that memory was not going to be going away anytime soon.
He had been far too light in his arms.
Just how long had Obi-Wan been trapped in their rooms, unable to call for help and too confused to figure out a way around that? How long had he gone without eating and sleeping?
He found out.
An hour later, Obi-Wan was fast asleep, hooked up to an IV and blissfully pain-free due to a dose of pills he had managed to swallow. The Healer turned to Qui-Gon with a weary smile.
“You’re all right?” he asked.
“I’m fine. I’ve just returned from a mission, but I wasn’t hurt.”
“That’s good to know. I was asking about shock, however,” the Healer said gently. “I know this can’t have been a pleasant homecoming.”
Qui-Gon’s throat tightened, but he said nothing.
The Healer seemed to understand. “Obi-Wan has contracted a strain of the flu,” he explained, moving past the brief surge of emotion. “As you know, most strains of the flu are easily combated these days and many species have evolved or inoculated to the point where it’s hardly a concern. But sometimes the flu is stronger. In this case, it’s clear that it’s job was made easy. I don’t think Padawan Kenobi was eating or sleeping properly before the sickness began to set in. It would explain the severity of his malnutrition, and his confusion.”
Qui-Gon’s eyes flickered to the bed where Obi-Wan was sleeping, the fever still burning in his cheeks.
“...How long?” he asked.
“A few days at most,” the Healer said. “But I suspect it’s a habit that’s related to stress and overwork. Does Obi-Wan struggle with stress or insomnia?”
The Master hesitated a moment, opening his mouth to deny it, and then stopping to think better of it.
“...Maybe,” he admitted. The hesitation stung. Shouldn’t he know? “He’s very private with his habits when we’re in Temple. He prefers to study alone in his room, and we usually only manage to share one meal a day during his busier semesters, if that.”
The Healer nodded. He didn’t look or sound at all accusatory when he said, “That’s understandable. I’m going to suggest keeping a closer eye on that. Don’t force him out of his comfort zone, at least not right away, but make sure he understands that three square meals — or better yet, a light meal or snack every two or three hours — is expected of him. As is sleep.”
Qui-Gon nodded, his throat tightening again to the point of pain.
“Rest easy, Master Jinn,” said the Healer, briefly laying a supportive hand on the taller Jedi’s shoulder. “He’ll pull through this. The illness, and everything else. I believe it’s nothing more than a bad habit formed from good intentions. There are crueler demons out there.”
“Yes, I know,” said Qui-Gon. And he did know. One didn’t reach Jedi Mastery without learning the galaxy for what it was.
But he didn’t think he would ever quite move past the shock of today, of carrying his adult apprentice in his arms, sick to the point of tears and helplessness, and then discovering that he could possibly have prevented this if he had paid a little more attention to Obi-Wan’s work habits.
Well. They would, as the Healer said, overcome this.
Qui-Gon drew up a chair to the side of the bed, resolving to wait until Obi-Wan woke, and slowly reached out and set his hand next to his Padawan’s. After a moment, Obi-Wan stirred, and even in his sleep he gave a contented sigh and shifted his hand, his fingers searching blindly for his Master’s hand. Qui-Gon took it and held it tightly.
They had overcome so many things in nearly a decade together.
They could handle this.
And besides, Qui-Gon told himself, even after Obi-Wan was Knighted, he would always be here to watch his back.
He would never abandon Obi-Wan.
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meandmyechoes · 4 years
Okay I finish-finished Dark Disciple.
I have such… emotions about this book.
It's a book you have to hold in your hand. I love, love the reading experience. It's not just a good Star Wars book, not just a good book, but the book that brought me out of six years of alienation from reading. It is a page-turner. And I was filled with such… emotions every crisp chapter. I'm in love, both of them. I was giggling like a seventeenth-century milkmaid. I was blushing and having goosebumps. I was scared, in awe, gasping. I love this novel and I'd love to see how it plays out visually. The voice acting, the music, the duels! I love the character insights and the prose. I think that might be allowed to turn the language up a notch (violence, nah nothing's changed). I can't say it's better as a novel anymore because this is a story worth telling in both media.
Since I wrote a mid-way roundup prior, I'm gonna stick to the ending.
And the ending… The contented death. Yeah, it's pretty dumb now that I've cooled a little. I knew she was going to die, actually, her dying is the only way the plot could resolve. But even though I was spoiled of the outcome, I didn't know the process. I was expecting Christophisis to be some grand 1 vs 4 duel with Dooku—and she just kept sustaining injuries.
I mean, the story did frame it to be her choice. It was rationalized enough for me. And it's more bitter than sweet for me. As a quintress shipper I'm totally eating up the angst, and as a Ventress fan I'm like awwww :( whyyyyy
But there's also this part I'm like, she has to pay for what she did to the clones! >:( Which again, plot killing.
Oh god the Quinlan plot.
I just, I can't guess what's happening after Ch. 32. I can't tell who's lying and who's telling the truth. And that kept. Me. At. The. Edge. Of. My. Seat. I just. I trust Ventress of course, I thought it'd be a disservice to her character if her judgment was wrong. And of course she's right, proven in the end with her sacrifice. That's… a huge price to pay :(
I really wanted to trust Quinlan because he wasn't telling a whole lie. That's why it's hard to guess who was right. His vow to Ventress was true. And it's chilling—I had to pause—sensing that Vaderkin vibe in his proclamation a few chapters later.
This book has more Obi-wan perspective than I expected and I welcomed that. It's interesting to witness his continued struggle with attachment and faith in the Order. Anakin's involvement though few, is highly enjoyable. But I can't help thinking if Ahsoka stayed, she'd've died at Vos's hand…
I like the little bits of Mahran worldbuilding and I think they'd be a cool alien if there were visuals of them.
It got me teeth rottin' good. Can't wait to translate it till August. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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seeking-star-wars · 5 years
Obi-wan Kenobi Reading List
Below the cut is a list of books that Obi-wan Kenobi appears in. The list is in chronological order using the Canon timeline from Wookieepedia, with the title of the book, author of the book, a brief synopsis of the book, and a link to the book on Amazon. The Amazon link takes you to Kindle option, but you can select physical or audiobook from the same page.
Some books focus on Obi-wan specifically, in some he’s a supporting character, and in some, he only appears briefly or as a memory.
Age of Republic - Heroes
by Jody Houser, Ethan Sacks, Marc Guggenheim, Cory Smith, Leinil Francis Yu, Paolo Villanelli, Casper Wijngaard
Collects Star Wars: Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi 1, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Padme Amidala 1, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn 1; material from Star Wars: Age of Republic Special 1. This is the Age of Star Wars — an epic series of adventures uniting your favorite characters from all three trilogies! Join the greatest heroes of the Old Republic. Witness the moments that define them, the incredible battles that shaped them — and their eternal conflict between light and darkness! Maverick Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn is known to bend the rules — but a mission gone awry forces him to confront his conflicting beliefs! Anakin Skywalker has a chance to strike a devastating blow to the separatist cause. Will he choose the darker path or hold true to the Jedi code? Padmé Amidala sets out on a secret mission! Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Jedi, takes on an apprentice. Will his mission alongside his young Padawan bring them closer together or sow the seeds that will drive them apart? Plus: Mace Windu, Captain Rex...and Jar Jar Binks!
Master & Apprentice
by Claudia Gray
A Jedi must be a fearless warrior, a guardian of justice, and a scholar in the ways of the Force. But perhaps a Jedi’s most essential duty is to pass on what they have learned. Master Yoda trained Dooku; Dooku trained Qui-Gon Jinn; and now Qui-Gon has a Padawan of his own. But while Qui-Gon has faced all manner of threats and danger as a Jedi, nothing has ever scared him like the thought of failing his apprentice. Obi-Wan Kenobi has deep respect for his Master, but struggles to understand him. Why must Qui-Gon so often disregard the laws that bind the Jedi? Why is Qui-Gon drawn to ancient Jedi prophecies instead of more practical concerns? And why wasn’t Obi-Wan told that Qui-Gon is considering an invitation to join the Jedi Council—knowing it would mean the end of their partnership? The simple answer scares him: Obi-Wan has failed his Master. When Jedi Rael Averross, another former student of Dooku, requests their assistance with a political dispute, Jinn and Kenobi travel to the royal court of Pijal for what may be their final mission together. What should be a simple assignment quickly becomes clouded by deceit, and by visions of violent disaster that take hold in Qui-Gon’s mind. As Qui-Gon’s faith in prophecy grows, Obi-Wan’s faith in him is tested—just as a threat surfaces that will demand that Master and apprentice come together as never before, or be divided forever.
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Adaptation by Terry Brooks
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, an evil legacy long believed dead is stirring. Now the dark side of the Force threatens to overwhelm the light, and only an ancient Jedi prophecy stands between hope and doom for the entire galaxy. On the green, unspoiled world of Naboo, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, arrive to protect the realm’s young queen as she seeks a diplomatic solution to end the siege of her planet by Trade Federation warships. At the same time, on desert-swept Tatooine, a slave boy named Anakin Skywalker, who possesses a strange ability for understanding the “rightness” of things, toils by day and dreams by night—of becoming a Jedi Knight and finding a way to win freedom for himself and his beloved mother. It will be the unexpected meeting of Jedi, Queen, and a gifted boy that will mark the start of a drama that will become legend. Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years, plus a brand-new Darth Maul short story by New York Times bestselling author James Luceno!
Obi-wan & Anakin, Complete
by Charles Soule and Marco Checchetto
Collects Obi-Wan and Anakin #1-5 single issues. Before their military heroism in the Clone Wars, before their tragic battle on Mustafar and many decades before their final confrontation on the Death Star, they were Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his young Padawan, Anakin Skywalker. Now join them a few years into Anakin's, "chosen one" training. Teacher and student have grown closer over time, but it's been a difficult road. And things aren't about to get any easier. In fact, when they're called to a remote planet for assistance, the pair may be pushed to their breaking point. As they find themselves stranded on a strange world of primitive technology and deadly natives, will they be able to save themselves? When war breaks out around them, master and apprentice will find themselves on opposite sides!
Queen’s Shadow
by E. K. Johnston
Written by the #1 New York Times best-selling author of Ahsoka! When Padmé Naberrie, "Queen Amidala" of Naboo, steps down from her position, she is asked by the newly-elected queen to become Naboo's representative in the Galactic Senate. Padmé is unsure about taking on the new role, but cannot turn down the request to serve her people. Together with her most loyal handmaidens, Padmé must figure out how to navigate the treacherous waters of politics and forge a new identity beyond the queen's shadow.
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Adaptation by R.A. Salvatore
Mischievous and resolved, courageous to the point of recklessness, Anakin Skywalker has come of age in a time of great upheaval. The nineteen-year-old apprentice to Obi-Wan Kenobi is an enigma to the Jedi Council, and a challenge to his Jedi Master. Time has not dulled Anakin’s ambition, nor has his Jedi training tamed his independent streak. When an attempt on Senator Padmé Amidala’s life brings them together for the first time in ten years, it is clear that time also has not dulled Anakin’s intense feelings for the beautiful diplomat. The attack on Senator Amidala just before a crucial vote thrusts the Republic even closer to the edge of disaster. Masters Yoda and Mace Windu sense enormous unease. The dark side is growing, clouding the Jedi’s perception of the events. Unbeknownst to the Jedi, a slow rumble is building into the roar of thousands of soldiers readying for battle. But even as the Republic falters around them, Anakin and Padmé find a connection so intense that all else begins to fall away. Anakin will lose himself—and his way—in emotions a Jedi, sworn to hold allegiance only to the Order, is forbidden to have. Based on the story by George Lucas and the screenplay by George Lucas and Jonathan Hales, this intense and revealing novel by bestselling author R. A. Salvatore sheds new light on the legend of Star Wars—and skillfully illuminates one of our most beloved sagas. Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!
Star Wars Adventures I
by Landry Q. Walker, Cavan Scott, Derek Charm, Eric Jones, Elsa Charretier
Brand-new Star Wars comic book stories for readers of all ages! These new adventures make this sprawling universe more accessible than ever. Travel to a galaxy far, far away in the first volume of an all-new series as a rotating cast of characters (and creators!) journey through Star Wars history! Stories range from before the events of the first film all the way up to Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, in theatres December 2017. Characters major and minor, classic and new, expand the world of Star Wars into new territory, telling larger-than-life stories that encapsulate the breadth of the galactic struggle between good and evil for a new generation of fans
Dark Disciple
by Christie Golden
The only way to bring down the Sith’s most dangerous warrior may be to join forces with the dark side. In the war for control of the galaxy between the armies of the dark side and the Republic, former Jedi Master turned ruthless Sith Lord Count Dooku has grown ever more brutal in his tactics. Despite the powers of the Jedi and the military prowess of their clone army, the sheer number of fatalities is taking a terrible toll. And when Dooku orders the massacre of a flotilla of helpless refugees, the Jedi Council feels it has no choice but to take drastic action: targeting the man responsible for so many war atrocities, Count Dooku himself. But the ever-elusive Dooku is dangerous prey for even the most skilled hunter. So the Council makes the bold decision to bring both sides of the Force’s power to bear—pairing brash Jedi Knight Quinlan Vos with infamous one-time Sith acolyte Asajj Ventress. Though Jedi distrust for the cunning killer who once served at Dooku’s side still runs deep, Ventress’s hatred for her former master runs deeper. She’s more than willing to lend her copious talents as a bounty hunter—and assassin—to Vos’s quest. Together, Ventress and Vos are the best hope for eliminating Dooku—as long as the emerging feelings between them don’t compromise their mission. But Ventress is determined to have her retribution and at last let go of her dark Sith past. Balancing the complicated emotions she feels for Vos with the fury of her warrior’s spirit, she resolves to claim victory on all fronts—a vow that will be mercilessly tested by her deadly enemy . . . and her own doubt.
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Adaptation by Matthew Stover
The turning point for the entire Star Wars saga is at hand After years of civil war, the Separatists have battered the already faltering Republic nearly to the point of collapse. On Coruscant, the Senate watches anxiously as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine aggressively strips away more and more constitutional liberties in the name of safeguarding the Republic. Yoda, Mace Windu, and their fellow Masters grapple with the Chancellor’ s disturbing move to assume control of the Jedi Council. And Anakin Skywalker, the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force, is increasingly consumed by his fear that his secret love, Senator Padmé Amidala, will die. As the combat escalates across the galaxy, the stage is set for an explosive endgame: Obi-Wan undertakes a perilous mission to destroy the dreaded Separatist military leader General Grievous. Palpatine, eager to secure even greater control, subtly influences public opinion to turn against the Jedi. And a conflicted Anakin–tormented by unspeakable visions– edges dangerously closer to the brink of a galaxy-shaping decision. It remains only for Darth Sidious, whose shadow looms ever larger, to strike the final staggering blow against the Republic . . . and to ordain a fearsome new Sith Lord: Darth Vader. Based on the screenplay of the eagerly anticipated final film in George Lucas’s epic saga, bestselling Star Wars author Matthew Stover’s novel crackles with action, captures the iconic characters in all their complexity, and brings a space opera masterpiece full circle in stunning style. Features a bonus section following the novel that includes a primer on the Star Wars expanded universe, and over half a dozen excerpts from some of the most popular Star Wars books of the last thirty years!
by E. K. Johnston
Fans have long wondered what happened to Ahsoka after she left the Jedi Order near the end of the Clone Wars, and before she re-appeared as the mysterious Rebel operative Fulcrum in Rebels. Finally, her story will begin to be told. Following her experiences with the Jedi and the devastation of Order 66, Ahsoka is unsure she can be part of a larger whole ever again. But her desire to fight the evils of the Empire and protect those who need it will lead her right to Bail Organa, and the Rebel Alliance….
Lords of the Sith
by Paul S. Kemp
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . . When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their own ruthlessness to prevail. “It appears things are as you suspected, Lord Vader. We are indeed hunted.” Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is just a memory. Darth Vader, newly anointed Sith Lord, is ascendant. The Emperor’s chosen apprentice has swiftly proven his loyalty to the dark side. Still, the history of the Sith Order is one of duplicity, betrayal, and acolytes violently usurping their Masters—and the truest measure of Vader’s allegiance has yet to be taken. Until now. On Ryloth, a planet crucial to the growing Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as “spice,” an aggressive resistance movement has arisen, led by Cham Syndulla, an idealistic freedom fighter, and Isval, a vengeful former slave. But Emperor Palpatine means to control the embattled world and its precious resources—by political power or firepower—and he will be neither intimidated nor denied. Accompanied by his merciless disciple, Darth Vader, he sets out on a rare personal mission to ensure his will is done. For Syndulla and Isval, it’s the opportunity to strike at the very heart of the ruthless dictatorship sweeping the galaxy. And for the Emperor and Darth Vader, Ryloth becomes more than just a matter of putting down an insurrection: When an ambush sends them crashing to the planet’s surface, where inhospitable terrain and an army of resistance fighters await them, they will find their relationship tested as never before. With only their lightsabers, the dark side of the Force, and each other to depend on, the two Sith must decide if the brutal bond they share will make them victorious allies or lethal adversaries.
Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir
by Jeremy Barlow, Juan Frigeri
Collecting Star Wars: Darth Maul - Son of Dathomir #1-4 and material from Star Wars Tales #7-9. Getting cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi and being rejected by his former Sith Master Darth Sidious isn't going to defeat Darth Maul. In fact, it only makes him mad enough to take on the galaxy - with an army of Mandalorians! After forming the Shadow Collective - a criminal organization composed of the Hutts, Black Sun, the Mandalorians, and the fearsome Nightbrothers - Maul wages war against Darth Sidious and his generals, Count Dooku and General Grievous! Adapted from unproduced screenplays for Season 6 of The Clone Wars television show, this is the final chapter planned for Darth Maul' saga.
Star Wars #7
by Jason Aaron, John Cassaday, Simone Bianchi
A special one-off tale of Ben Kenobi! Injustice reigns on Tatooine as villainous scum run rampant. Will Ben risk revealing himself to do what's right? Guest artist Simone Bianchi (Wolverine, Astonishing X-Men) joins writer Jason Aaron for this special tale!
Star Wars #15
by Jason Aaron, Mike Mayhew
FROM THE JOURNALS OF OBI-WAN KENOBI. Another tale of Obi-Wan's exile on Tatooine! Owen Lars took Luke in...but he refused to let Ben be part of his life. Why? What trouble could have been stirred up by Ben protecting Luke?
Star Wars #20
by Jason Aaron, Mike Mayhew
Another dive into the journal of Obi-Wan Kenobi! Jabba has hired bounty hunter Black Krrsantan to find out who's been thwarting his men! The old hermit of the dune wastes might know something about that.
A New Dawn
By John Jackson Miller with a foreword by Dave Filoni
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . . “The war is over. The Separatists have been defeated, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.”—Emperor Palpatine For a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights brought peace and order to the Galactic Republic, aided by their connection to the mystical energy field known as the Force. But they were betrayed—and the entire galaxy has paid the price. It is the Age of the Empire. Now Emperor Palpatine, once Chancellor of the Republic and secretly a Sith follower of the dark side of the Force, has brought his own peace and order to the galaxy. Peace through brutal repression, and order through increasing control of his subjects’ lives. But even as the Emperor tightens his iron grip, others have begun to question his means and motives. And still others, whose lives were destroyed by Palpatine’s machinations, lay scattered about the galaxy like unexploded bombs, waiting to go off. . . . The first Star Wars novel created in collaboration with the Lucasfilm Story Group, Star Wars: A New Dawn is set during the legendary “Dark Times” between Episodes III and IV and tells the story of how two of the lead characters from the animated series Star Wars Rebels first came to cross paths. Featuring a foreword by Dave Filoni. 
Tales from Vader’s Castle
by Cavan Scott, Derek Charm, Chris Fenoglio, Corin Howell, Robert Hack, Charles Paul Willson III
How do a band of rebels distract themselves when sneaking into the creepiest place in the galaxy? Tell scary stories of course! Follow Lina Graf, Crater, and friends as they sneak—and fight—their way into the terrifying castle of Darth Vader! Along the way, they’ll trade spooky stories featuring the most terrifying villains and creatures in the universe!
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Adaptation by George Lucas
Kindle | Other Versions
The classic adventure that started it all A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away . . . Luke Skywalker lived and worked on his uncle's farm on the remote planet of Tatooine—and he was bored beyond belief. He yearned for adventures out among the stars, adventures that would take him beyond the farthest galaxies to distant and alien worlds. But Luke gets more than he bargained for when he intercepts a cryptic message from a beautiful princess held captive by a dark and powerful warlord. Luke doesn't know who she is, but he knows he has to save her—and soon, because time is running out. Armed only with courage and with the lightsaber that had been his father's, Luke is catapulted into the middle of the most savage space war ever—and headed straight for a desperate encounter on the enemy battle station known as the Death Star. . . .
From a Certain Point of View
by Renee Ahdieh, Meg Cabot, Pierce Brown, Nnedi Okorafor, Sabaa Tahir
On May 25, 1977, the world was introduced to Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, R2-D2, Chewbacca, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, and a galaxy full of possibilities. In honor of the fortieth anniversary, more than forty contributors lend their vision to this retelling of Star Wars. Each of the forty short stories reimagines a moment from the original film, but through the eyes of a supporting character. From a Certain Point of View features contributions by bestselling authors, trendsetting artists, and treasured voices from the literary history of Star Wars: • Gary Whitta bridges the gap from Rogue One to A New Hope through the eyes of Captain Antilles. • Aunt Beru finds her voice in an intimate character study by Meg Cabot. • Nnedi Okorofor brings dignity and depth to a most unlikely character: the monster in the trash compactor. • Pablo Hidalgo provides a chilling glimpse inside the mind of Grand Moff Tarkin. • Pierce Brown chronicles Biggs Darklighter’s final flight during the Rebellion’s harrowing attack on the Death Star. • Wil Wheaton spins a poignant tale of the rebels left behind on Yavin. Plus thirty-four more hilarious, heartbreaking, and astonishing tales from: Ben Acker • Renée Ahdieh • Tom Angleberger • Ben Blacker • Jeffrey Brown • Rae Carson • Adam Christopher • Zoraida Córdova • Delilah S. Dawson • Kelly Sue DeConnick • Paul Dini • Ian Doescher • Ashley Eckstein • Matt Fraction • Alexander Freed • Jason Fry • Kieron Gillen • Christie Golden • Claudia Gray • E. K. Johnston • Paul S. Kemp • Mur Lafferty • Ken Liu • Griffin McElroy • John Jackson Miller • Daniel José Older • Mallory Ortberg • Beth Revis • Madeleine Roux • Greg Rucka • Gary D. Schmidt • Cavan Scott • Charles Soule • Sabaa Tahir • Elizabeth Wein • Glen Weldon • Chuck Wendig All participating authors have generously forgone any compensation for their stories. Instead, their proceeds will be donated to First Book—a leading nonprofit that provides new books, learning materials, and other essentials to educators and organizations serving children in need. To further celebrate the launch of this book and both companies’ longstanding relationships with First Book, Penguin Random House has donated $100,000 to First Book, and Disney/Lucasfilm has donated 100,000 children’s books—valued at $1,000,000—to support First Book and their mission of providing equal access to quality education. Over the past sixteen years, Disney and Penguin Random House combined have donated more than eighty-eight million books to First Book.
Heir to the Jedi
by Kevin Hearne
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. . . . A thrilling new adventure set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, and—for the first time ever—written entirely from Luke Skywalker’s first-person point of view. Luke Skywalker’s game-changing destruction of the Death Star has made him not only a hero of the Rebel Alliance but a valuable asset in the ongoing battle against the Empire. Though he’s a long way from mastering the power of the Force, there’s no denying his phenomenal skills as a pilot—and in the eyes of Rebel leaders Princess Leia Organa and Admiral Ackbar, there’s no one better qualified to carry out a daring rescue mission crucial to the Alliance cause. A brilliant alien cryptographer renowned for her ability to breach even the most advanced communications systems is being detained by Imperial agents determined to exploit her exceptional talents for the Empire’s purposes. But the prospective spy’s sympathies lie with the Rebels, and she’s willing to join their effort in exchange for being reunited with her family. It’s an opportunity to gain a critical edge against the Empire that’s too precious to pass up. It’s also a job that demands the element of surprise. So Luke and the ever-resourceful droid R2-D2 swap their trusty X-wing fighter for a sleek space yacht piloted by brash recruit Nakari Kelen, daughter of a biotech mogul, who’s got a score of her own to settle with the Empire. Challenged by ruthless Imperial bodyguards, death-dealing enemy battleships, merciless bounty hunters, and monstrous brain-eating parasites, Luke plunges head-on into a high-stakes espionage operation that will push his abilities as a Rebel fighter and would-be Jedi to the limit. If ever he needed the wisdom of Obi-Wan Kenobi to shepherd him through danger, it’s now. But Luke will have to rely on himself, his friends, and his own burgeoning relationship with the Force to survive.
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Adaptation by Donald F. Glut
Based on the story by George Lucas and the screenplay by Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan The adventures of Luke Skywalker did not end with the destruction of the Death Star. Though the Rebel Alliance won a significant battle, the war against the Empire has only just begun.   Several months have passed, and the Rebels have established a hidden outpost on the frozen wasteland of Hoth. But even on that icy backwater planet, they cannot escape the evil Darth Vader’s notice for long. Soon Luke, Han, Princess Leia, and their faithful companions will be forced to flee, scattering in all directions—with the Dark Lord’s minions in fevered pursuit.
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Adaptation by James Khan
It was a dark time for the rebel alliance...Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, had been delivered into the hands of the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt. Determined to rescue him, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Lando Calrissian launched a hazardous mission against Jabba's Tatooine stronghold. The Rebel commanders gathered all the warships of the Rebel fleet into a single giant armada. And Darth Vader and the Emperor, who had ordered construction to begin on a new and even more powerful Death Star, were making plans to crush the Rebel Alliance once and for all.
Aftermath: Life Debt
by Chuck Wendig
It is a dark time for the Empire. . . . The Emperor is dead, and the remnants of his former Empire are in retreat. As the New Republic fights to restore a lasting peace to the galaxy, some dare to imagine new beginnings and new destinies. For Han Solo, that means settling his last outstanding debt, by helping Chewbacca liberate the Wookiee’s homeworld of Kashyyyk. Meanwhile, Norra Wexley and her band of Imperial hunters pursue Grand Admiral Rae Sloane and the Empire’s remaining leadership across the galaxy. Even as more and more officers are brought to justice, Sloane continues to elude the New Republic, and Norra fears Sloane may be searching for a means to save the crumbling Empire from oblivion. But the hunt for Sloane is cut short when Norra receives an urgent request from Princess Leia Organa. The attempt to liberate Kashyyyk has carried Han Solo, Chewbacca, and a band of smugglers into an ambush—resulting in Chewie’s capture and Han’s disappearance. Breaking away from their official mission and racing toward the Millennium Falcon’s last known location, Norra and her crew prepare for any challenge that stands between them and their missing comrades. But they can’t anticipate the true depth of the danger that awaits them—or the ruthlessness of the enemy drawing them into his crosshairs.
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vaderscape · 6 years
2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 16, 27?😊
Jaysus that’s a lot lmao ily for this
2. which character do you want to be most like?
Oh, shit, probably Leia? She’s so strong and lost so much yet she’s still a leader and she’s a woman who’s not afraid to get angry when necessary with the political skills that could have made her an amazing Chancellor idk she’s just sick as fuck.
3. which character are you actually most like?
Anakin cause I’m an over emotional disaster who gets too attached to everyone lol.
4. what headcanon will you defend to the death?
Space Britney Spears IS real and she’s literally just Britney but with more sparkles.
Jk but a more serious one is that Anakin’s divine half shows through his eyes. Like, it’s more an animating fluke than anything else but in the really early seasons of Clone Wars Anakin’s eyes have a tendancy to reflect light weirdly and almost glow. So, spurred on with the Sith-eyes idea, I hc that Anakin’s eyes kinda have a weird shine/glow to them when he’s really in tune with the Force? Idk it’s dumb but I love it.
Oh and AELB. I live and die by AELB.
5. what planet would you most like to visit?
Big fuck uh
Probably Coruscant just because of how much history and varying cultures are there? Or Mustafar bc not only of the cool ass lava but also I wanna see if Vader’s edgelord castle really does look like a super goth 24 year old’s interior design.
11. who is the most underrated character?
Quinlan Vos by far. The man was literally the star of the Republic comics, and he gets one Clone Wars episode and a (pretty bad) novel? Not only that, but he’s really pushed to the wayside by fandom when he’s so amazing. He’s got unique powers, he’s a royal(ish) descendant, plus he’s got a sick character design and a bad boy reputation? This man should be known and loved by all I’m just sayin.
 14. what is your favorite alien species?
I think Togrutas? Idk I love their designs and how they have a very developed culture and also some sick physical traits (give Ahsoka fangs u cowards). Tbh I really wanna know what a togruta skeleton looks like now.
I’d say whatever Anakin is but he doesn’t look that nonhuman so Lucas ur a coward lalskdkf
16. which movie/episode have you watched the most?
Oof good question. I think the Hunt for Ziiro is my most watched Clone Wars episode, and movie wise it’s… Attack of the Clones? Or Phantom Menace.
Tbh now is a great time to confess I cannot sit through the end of Revenge of the Sith. It’s just so… visceral and painful and really hard to watch. I always walk away after Cody gets order 66.
There was no 27 I saw so I’ll answer 25 instead but you’re free to point out if I can’t read skskjdh
25. which character do you have a love/hate relationship with?
Oof that’s a lot to unpack. Anakin, obvs, but also Obi-Wan too. He’s so easy to love and fun to write with but at the same time I hate what he did on Christophas (fuckin war criminal) and how he was in the end always obedient ro the Council, even when their decisons were horrifying (Ahsoka’s trial, the whole damn clone army), how disregarding of others’ emotions he was, especially Ahsoka and Anakin, two young people still looking up to him as a mentor and a friend and breaking their trust again and again(Rako Hardeen, Ahsoka’s trial again) as well as not killing Anakin on Mustafar. He went there, knowing Anakin had to get taken out, and couldn’t do it. He knew he couldn’t. One more swing of his saber and we could have avoided thousands, millions of deaths by Vader’s hand. He also put Padmé in grave danger by hiding on her ship and coming out, likely being able to sense Anakin’s minefield of emotions and still walking out there without protecting Padmé, leaving her and her unborn children to Vader’s wrath. At the same time, he’s done really good things for the Republic, helped Luke to truly start his journey, is a fucking amazing swordsman, has a killer wit and accent, and did the best he could to raise Anakin to be a good Jedi. He’s just a really complex character and I go through phases of stanning him and hating him passionately.
Oh, and Palpatine. God, I love to hate him. He’s just so amazingly and glaringly evil you cannot help but watch him chew through scenery in absolute awe. He’s a bad, bad man and I love/hate him in the highest degree.
Thanks for the asks!
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