#character: alluin
time for the first (of many!) team fate rambles because hooh boy they've been taking up my brainspace for the last couple months and I love them so much so first, a quick rundown of the party we're lookin' at! Farrah - a shy human knight, it sucks for her when she has to talk to people, but somehow, on the opposite hand she gains all the confidence when leading her teammates into battle. Her father, Darryon Wynvale, has recently been enlisted into the Rosehaven militia to help defend Rivershield, but this has left her feeling a little lonely. For consolation, she usually heads to the quiet and serene Dreamland Inn to either catch a night's rest slumbering in a home away from home, so to speak, or to talk out her feelings with Katia, the inn's owner. One day, after looking at her pet dog that sits atop the counter, she decides that when she turns 18 (she's 14 as of the recent Team Fate album Fablevale Forest) that she'll get a dog or cat of her own. Perhaps to keep her company, or to just satisfy her childhood want for a pet. Alluin - a headstrong elven ranger. He's cocky and arrogant as all hell now, but back when he was a budding monster hunter, training with both Farrah AND Esmond in the same school, albeit in different divisions of Rivershield's Knight Academy, he was not so confident in his skills to kill monsters. In fact, due to his hesitation, he was forced to miss out on the very prominent Graduation Monster Hunt celebration because of his fears and doubts of his abilities. However, in spite of this... one late night he snuck out to the deepest part of Wyvern Winterlands (back before there was the single benevolent wyvern resting in it's depths) and steeling his nerves, managed to slay an Avalan Aberration, the strongest of it's kind dwelling within those lands. It was then he went around flaunting his newfound monster hunting abilities to everyone. Some found the skills awe-inspiring, others, like unfortunately Team Fate, found it annoying that he kept bringing it up day after day. Terrel - a mindful human healer / cleric. All that Terrel is willing to share, is that from the day he turned ten, he wanted to assist people's wounds, out of the goodness of his heart.
Esmond - an anxious elven mage. Poor Esmond, has been afraid of the world at large for years. As Farrah acts as his sort of guardian, he's found comfort in playing around with certain types of magic which come from his comfort object, a sapphire staff. Much to Farrah's terror, however, Esmond has recently discovered that his sapphire staff is so immensely powerful that it can pull and store magic from the nearest location that Esmond points it towards. However, since it's navigation isn't so great, one night when pointing the wand up to the sky to capture the magic of the stars... it aimed right at Goblin Grove's dungeon entrance, and bottled all the dark magic from it's enemies inside the staff.
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oftempestborn · 3 months
about alluin
Theia and Alluin are also the names of the main characters of a semi-popular adventure book.  In the story, the two adventurers are cousins who specialize in saving magical creatures from terrible fates.  That’s where this Theia and Alluin got their names.
Before his death, Alluin traveled fairly extensively in his diplomatic capacities.  His general face shape is the same before and after his death and reanimation, as is his voice, so it might be possible for someone who'd met him before to recognize him. 
For anyone who might be familiar with the name “Pretorius”, should Alluin mention his friend: the wizard has a reputation as a brilliant but unethical madman, unwelcome amongst more respectable mages (he got himself kicked out of the institution of magic he was once prominent in)
Thanks to Victor, who did try to get the law to deal with his problems without giving them information that would incriminate him, people may have heard vague rumors about necromancers being bullied by their undead experiments. 
Alluin has synthetic, magic-wrought blood, different enough to possibly register as odd to anyone with a powerful affinity for magic and/or blood. 
He approaches times of vulnerability (when needs to meditate & heal, for example) like someone expecting an attack at any second, reluctant to be out in the open even – or rather, especially – if he’s in a “civilized” area with plenty of people and no signs of danger.
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Ok time for me to start actually posting, i will begin with character summarys in the current time period of the 7 planes as well some short stories from various points in history and future as i already know about things WAAAYYYY into the future of this universe
Edit: realized im an idiot and there is an update, i will be posting things from 2 "current era's" A: this is the first one i made and what i have the most info for alluin is married the ratharaine and they are working through stuff. B: this is spoilers for whats happening with alluin but in many ways is a "season 2" of this universe it takes place after the main issues in the A period which i will now call season 1, have been solved, this is when Zemena and Nyx start appearing and then lasts until everything goes to shit.
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aratheon · 5 years
Princess Alenia Nerisandoral
Aratheon Character Spotlight Princess Alenia Nerisandoral #elf #woodelf #elvenprincess #fantasy #fantasyland #fantasyart #fantasyfiction #fantasybook #fantasycharacter #elfranger #ranger #elfhunter
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Name: Alenia Nerisandoral
Legacy Names:
Title: Princess
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Female
Status: Royalty
Profession: Ranger
Mother: Queen Syphire Nerisandoral
Father: King Alluin Nerisandoral
Brother: Prince Aeson Nerisandoral
Sister: Princess Shearah Nerisandoral
Half-Sister: Princess Eloimaya Nerisandoral
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seracila · 6 years
I've been (very slowly) reading a book with a character named Alluin, but I keep reading it as "Alduin" instead, so now everything in that book just looks like Skyrim in my head.
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month9books · 7 years
Blog Tour: BLOOD ROAD by Amanda McCrina An Excerpt & Giveaway!
Hey everyone! We are thrilled to be hosting a spot on the blog tour for BLOOD ROAD by Amanda McCrina! We have an excerpt to share with you today! And make sure to enter the giveaway below!
Haven't heard of THE SKY THRONE? Check it out!
Author: Amanda McCrina
Pub. Date: April 25, 2017
Publisher: Month9Books
Format: Paperback, eBook
Pages: 329
Find it: Goodreads | Amazon | B&N | TBD
Nineteen-year-old Torien Risto has seen dissidents dealt with before. He knows the young local girl who just knifed him will hang for assaulting an Imperial officer, unless he can stop it.
Someone inside the provincial government is kidnapping Imperial citizens and selling them across the desert to the salt mines, silencing anyone who tries to intervene. The girl’s brother is one of those who has been taken. Rejected by the corrupt courts, she’s waging a personal war against the Empire.
Determined to save her life, Torien sets out in search of answers on the Salt Road, the ancient trade route running deep into the heart of a desert—territory claimed by the hostile Mayaso tribe.
Now, Torien is no longer sure where his own loyalty lies, or how far he will go to break the cycle of tyranny, political bullying, and social injustice in an empire that seals its borders in blood.
Now on to the excerpt!
A cavalry troop was just coming in to the stable yard from the Road. It was an irregular troop, not a standard column—scouts, judging by their light harness. Torien stood and watched with Alluin while they dismounted. He had supposed them to be local auxiliaries, as scouts typically were, but when the dust had settled he picked out Vareno faces among them, and one face that might have been Cesino, though he could not tell for sure. One man’s eyes fell briefly on Torien’s, across the yard. His gaze was hollow. In his dirt-streaked face, Torien recognized the same look of resignation as had been in the woman’s face that night in the shanty in Modigne. The scout turned his head away without saluting.
When they rejoined Tarrega in the street, Torien said, “Auxiliaries?”
Tarrega said, “Signi.”
Torien’s steps slowed. He looked back over his shoulder to the stable yard.
Tarrega said, “You’ve never seen signi before?” As an afterthought, he added, “Sir?”
“They don’t post signi to Vione.”
“But to Cesin?”
Perhaps to the Outland, to the furthest reaches of the mountains where the rebellious Brycigi still thrashed against the Imperial yoke; Torien did not know. “Is the Road so dangerous, then—that you use signi as scouts?”
Unexpectedly, Tarrega flashed a cool knife-blade smile. His teeth were very white. “The Mayasi,” he said, “make it their peculiar habit to leave their prisoners stripped and staked out in the sand and dead of thirst or sun sickness or jackals, whichever comes first. Or they hold them alive, for interrogation, and from what I’ve seen of the few poor souls we’ve recovered—better to die in the sand. So the signi are useful twice over.”
Torien looked at him. “They aren’t citizens,” Tarrega said. “It doesn’t matter how they die. And they don’t know anything to give up under torture.”
About Amanda: Amanda McCrina has studied in Italy, taught English in Japan, and currently tutors Latin in Atlanta, Georgia. She received her BA in History from the University of West Georgia, and is now pursuing her MA. She writes stories that incorporate her love of history, languages, and world travel. She drinks far too much coffee and dreams of one day having a winning fantasy-hockey season.
Website | Twitter | Pinterest | Goodreads
Giveaway Details:
1 winner will receive a 1 month subscription to Owl Crate, US Only.
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Tour Schedule:
Week 1:
4/24/2017- Rockin' Book Reviews- Review
4/24/2017- Month9Books- Excerpt
4/25/2017- Two Chicks on Books- Interview
4/25/2017- Doodle's Book Reviews- Review
4/26/2017- Don't Judge, Read- Interview
4/26/2017- Book-Keeping- Review
4/27/2017- A Backwards Story- Review
4/27/2017- Hazel West's Character Purgatory- Excerpt
4/28/2017- LILbooKlovers- Interview
4/28/2017- Wishful Endings- Review
Week 2:
5/1/2017- Exploring the Inner Universe- Review
5/1/2017- So Few Books- Interview
5/2/2017- Book Review Becca- Review
5/2/2017- Bibliobibuli YA- Interview
5/3/2017- Reading for the Stars and Moon- Review
5/3/2017- I am not a bookworm!- Review
5/4/2017- YA and Wine- Guest Post
5/4/2017- Mundie Moms- Review
5/5/2017- Never Too Many To Read- Review
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My brain's going fucking feral thinking about this rn, but peep this!! Because I don't have that good of drawing skills, I can only describe a picture I want to exist of my OCs... Said picture is this: 8 characters divided by a line to differentiate between my OC worlds! The first four characters are all from the Melodiverse (Midnight, Staticlight, Twlight, and Sunrise) And the last four are from the Fateverse (Farrah, Alluin, Terrel, and Esmond!)
I really wanna commission someone to draw this, but I don't have money :((
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i've been somewhat inactive for a bit, so what are you working on nowadays (both writing or other creative endevours)?
Hi Noon!! Well I've been playing around with a new world of original characters, called The Fateverse, and the main stars of that world are none other than the titular Team Fate: consisting of a shy female human knight, named Farrah, a headstrong and cocky elven ranger named Alluin, a calm and collected human healer / cleric named Terrel, and finally an anxious elven mage named Esmond!
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Thanks for the ask!!
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oftempestborn · 5 months
Theia and Alluin are also the names of the main characters of a semi-popular adventure book. In the story, the two adventurers are cousins who specialize in saving magical creatures from terrible fates. And yes, that's where my Theia and Alluin got the names.
Before his death, Alluin traveled fairly extensively in his diplomatic capacities. His general face shape is the same before and after his death and reanimation, as is his voice, so it might be possible for someone who'd met him before to recognize him.
All of Theia's acquaintances were "low society", but it's possible she'd also be recognizable if anyone cared to look for her. Unlike Alluin, who wishes he could remember anyone who says they knew him (even if he doesn't), Theia will flat-out deny having ever met anybody who tries to ask her about her past life.
4. Theia's creator (whom she calls her father if asked) Pretorius is wealthy and talented, but has a reputation as an unethical madman.
5. Thanks to Victor, who tried to get the law to deal with his problems without giving them information that would incriminate him, people may have heard vague rumors about necromancers being bullied by their undead experiments.
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hi!! i would love to hear about the new fate characters!!!
Hehe alright!! So! In this RPG world of the Fateverse, which itself is connected as the in-universe game in the Melodiverse: There are four characters in this ensemble, Farrah, the shy human knight, Alluin, the headstrong and cocky elven ranger, Terrel, the calm and collected human cleric / healer, and Esmond, an anxious elven mage!
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aratheon · 5 years
Princess Shearah Nerisandoral
Aratheon Character Spotlight Princess Shearah Nerisandoral #elf #woodelf #elvenprincess #fantasy #fantasyland #fantasyart #fantasyfiction #fantasybook #fantasycharacter
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Name: Shearah Nerisandoral
Legacy Names:
Title: Princess
Race: Wood Elf
Gender: Female
Status: Royalty
Profession: Healer
Mother: Queen Syphire Nerisandoral
Father: King Alluin Nerisandoral
Brother: Prince Aeson Nerisandoral
Sister: Princess Alenia Nerisandoral
Half-Sister: Princess Eloimaya Nerisandoral
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