#character: farrah
time for the first (of many!) team fate rambles because hooh boy they've been taking up my brainspace for the last couple months and I love them so much so first, a quick rundown of the party we're lookin' at! Farrah - a shy human knight, it sucks for her when she has to talk to people, but somehow, on the opposite hand she gains all the confidence when leading her teammates into battle. Her father, Darryon Wynvale, has recently been enlisted into the Rosehaven militia to help defend Rivershield, but this has left her feeling a little lonely. For consolation, she usually heads to the quiet and serene Dreamland Inn to either catch a night's rest slumbering in a home away from home, so to speak, or to talk out her feelings with Katia, the inn's owner. One day, after looking at her pet dog that sits atop the counter, she decides that when she turns 18 (she's 14 as of the recent Team Fate album Fablevale Forest) that she'll get a dog or cat of her own. Perhaps to keep her company, or to just satisfy her childhood want for a pet. Alluin - a headstrong elven ranger. He's cocky and arrogant as all hell now, but back when he was a budding monster hunter, training with both Farrah AND Esmond in the same school, albeit in different divisions of Rivershield's Knight Academy, he was not so confident in his skills to kill monsters. In fact, due to his hesitation, he was forced to miss out on the very prominent Graduation Monster Hunt celebration because of his fears and doubts of his abilities. However, in spite of this... one late night he snuck out to the deepest part of Wyvern Winterlands (back before there was the single benevolent wyvern resting in it's depths) and steeling his nerves, managed to slay an Avalan Aberration, the strongest of it's kind dwelling within those lands. It was then he went around flaunting his newfound monster hunting abilities to everyone. Some found the skills awe-inspiring, others, like unfortunately Team Fate, found it annoying that he kept bringing it up day after day. Terrel - a mindful human healer / cleric. All that Terrel is willing to share, is that from the day he turned ten, he wanted to assist people's wounds, out of the goodness of his heart.
Esmond - an anxious elven mage. Poor Esmond, has been afraid of the world at large for years. As Farrah acts as his sort of guardian, he's found comfort in playing around with certain types of magic which come from his comfort object, a sapphire staff. Much to Farrah's terror, however, Esmond has recently discovered that his sapphire staff is so immensely powerful that it can pull and store magic from the nearest location that Esmond points it towards. However, since it's navigation isn't so great, one night when pointing the wand up to the sky to capture the magic of the stars... it aimed right at Goblin Grove's dungeon entrance, and bottled all the dark magic from it's enemies inside the staff.
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enterthew1red · 1 year
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Big, beautiful buff women. Smash like if you agree.
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c-rose2081 · 3 months
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Faelynn Goodfairy (Legacy Student)
Another legacy student for the new year, Faelynn is taking her big sister Farrah’s place as the school’s most magical creature.
Except she’s really…not. Because Faelynn was born without wings.
In the eyes of the Good Fairy Court, no wings at birth is a bad omen—a sign that a good fairy could have evil in their heart, and that they are susceptible to corruption by dark forces. Safe to say Faelynn was very sheltered growing up, her parents doing their best to keep her away from things that could taint her magic towards evil. Unfortunately that ended with them trying to wrangle a wild child with chronic wanderlust and escapism issues.
Unlike her picture perfect sister Farrah, Faelynn is all over the map. She likes to get into trouble on purpose and often uses her magic for selfish reasons. Despite having no wings, Fae’s powers are incredibly potent. But seeing as she isn’t properly developed, they drain her energy dangerously fast. Too much magic use at once can lead to complete power collapse, and that just isn’t any good for Fae’s health. This doesn’t tend to stop her from using it though, even if it’s dangerous.
Where Farrah’s magic is limited to others wishes, Faelynn doesn’t have this issue. She can do whatever she pleases, even if it’s for no one but herself. However, the more selfish a wish, the quicker it seeps up her power and leaves her feeling numb and empty inside. Too much, and she’ll go gray and lose any feelings altogether! Fae just wants to impress Ever After and make some new friends.
But how can she possibly be as beloved as Farrah when she can’t even cast a spell without possibly hurting herself?
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just-being-aroace · 10 months
I absolutely love The Big Bang Theory because not only is it an interesting show about “different” people but also because I headcanon Sheldon as an aroace character and I love seeing the relationships he forms especially the one with Amy (which for me has the strongest qpr vibes). So I wanted to share my favorite parts about their qpr:
they respect each other’s boundaries
they move at a pace that’s comfortable for both of them
they discuss and compromise on physical activities
they were friends at first and then they decided to change the character of the relationship without changing its characteristics – they called each other girlfriend and boyfriend which was the main change, they also decided to go on dates (during which they were doing the same things as before)
they developed love for each other over time
even when doing something others would describe as romantic they didn’t characterize it as romantic
they didn’t act romantic (even Leonard described their hand holding as not romantic)
their relationship was based on mutual respect, similar interests and understanding of each other’s need for space
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mooonbae · 2 months
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[ my favorite neurodivergent coded characters 3/♾️ ]
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athena-xox · 9 months
Okay something that was a total missed opportunity was to have the daughter of dame Gothel to follow Holly everywhere. Like Holly living in tower except for her legacy year to sign. So the daughter of Gothel would companion Holly.
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lanibijou · 4 months
Because of Amir I had the urge to draw my scavenger oc again. Here is the little bitc-
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Haven't drawn him in a while but it was fun (fun as in i kept going for 6 hours on him)
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mondays-moodboards · 4 months
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Farrah Godfairy moodboard
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unordinary-diary · 2 months
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did a little doodle of Farrah
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farrah goodfairy from ever after high is bisexual (headcanon)
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submitted by @hoolay-boobs
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cometblaster2070 · 5 months
i'm here to peddle my crystal and farrah agenda so that means it's everyone else's problem now too.
i'd personally like to revamp crystal's entire character. like instead of being the snow king's daughter (which is fucking stupid might i add) she's just the snow queen's daughter, and in this version, the snow queen is a very cold and neglectful mother who couldn't care less about her daughter.
i think it'd be cool to have it established that canon crystal's personality is basically what crystal acted like as a child when ashlynn and briar knew her; as a fun-loving, carefree child with far too much power, but ultimately someone with a good heart who just wants to have fun.
but then crystal grows up. she grows up in a cold, isolated palace, entirely alone save for her callous and uncaring mother and hordes of servants who fear and hate her because of her mother.
this crystal is one that grows up and turns into her mother. she grows up bitter and spiteful and powerful, and she grows up with zero checks on her behavior, because the servants are too scared to ever say no to her, while her mother doesn't really care about what she's doing.
i'd like her to grow into someone so confused and upset; someone who very, very badly suffers from a lack of love or a loving home or parent. someone whose only happy memories are of the friends she made so, so long ago. someone whose happy memories are pushed so far back in favor of all the terrible things that have happened since.
anyways then the entire epic winter plot plays out, those shards in her mother's eyes or whatever, and instead of just being neglectful and cold, her mother becomes downright tyrannical and EVIL, and crystal's forced to go down to ever after high to get help from the only people she has left, who are, of course, ashlynn and briar.
and then, instead of having a whiny fucking little bitch who can't tie her laces and complains at any given moment, we'd have a crystal who is numb and unfeeling (something which i want ashlynn and briar to visibly question and be concerned about; i want them to CONSTANTLY be asking themselves about what the fuck happened to their friend and how can they help), and someone who is very, very selfish and is used to taking care of herself and only herself.
but then throughout the special we see crystal grow, we see her mature and we see her learn to love others and realize that she has a lot of people who love her and care for her too; and then gradually, we see her soften and see how her relationships with the other characters deepen.
and here is where i would want to put farrah in, because the crystal x farrah agenda is getting to me i think it'd serve to highlight the contrast between the two of them.
because on the one hand, we have farrah goodfairy, who loves helping people, who always puts people above herself, who risked literally death in order to ensure that ashlynn had a happy ending with hunter. farrah is someone who is said to exist to make others happy, that is her "job" as a fairy godmother; her own happiness doesn't matter.
but then there's crystal winter. crystal winter, who has cared for only herself and has learnt about the cruelty and harshness of the world from a very young age. someone who was not awarded any warmth and love and has learned to turn acrid and bitter and turn away all and any love. crystal is someone selfish. someone who thinks that she's self-sufficient and would not care to help anyone other than herself.
and then throughout epic winter we see them interact and we see them grow through their relationship with each other. farrah is baffled as to how anyone can be so selfish and self-centered and crystal can't believe anyone as optimistic and naive as farrah exists.
soon they get to know each other however, and crystal learns about farrah and her struggles with realizing her own happiness and farrah learns about crystal's lonely upbringing, and we see how crystal learns to be less selfish and care more about others while farrah learns to finally put herself first and prioritize her own needs sometimes.
and then they kiss in the magical epic winter fever dream because i said so and because all of my favorite ships had cute moments in the dream. i'm not really sure about the end, honestly, i'd just like to change crystal's character.
anyways sorry for this horrible ramble, i just have really strong thoughts on crystal and her ruined potential and epic winter, and i couldn't resist mapping something out.
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Farrah and Esmond in a nutshell LOL Farrah: If I didn't know better, Esmond, I'd say you were scared. Esmond: Heh, scared? *absolute silence* Esmond: DID YOU HEAR THAT?!
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 months
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Ahilya Aubergine 🎗️
Parent’s Story: Princess Aubergine
Powerful Qualities: Communication, Spiritual, Self-Aware
Roommate: Wang Yan Mei
Secret Heart’s Desire: I want to connect with both of my families, human and fairy.
My “Magic” Touch: Being half fairy, I can communicate with them easily. Though, some fairy languages are harder than others.
Storybook Romance Status: I’m not really focused on romance at the moment. I just want to focus on my studies for now.
“Oh Curses!” Moment: Being part fairy means I can see or hear things that most humans cannot. It looks like I’m distracted so it can get me into trouble sometimes.
Favorite Subject: Any class that has to do with magic. I love learning how to control my powers. Muse-ic too. I find it to be very powerful.
Least Favorite Subject: Experimental Fairy Math. I do not understand why do we call it that when it has nothing to do with fairies anyway?
Best Friends Forever After: Amber Midas, as well as Faybelle Thorn and Farrah Goodfairy. Us fairies have to stick together you know?
Pet: My pet Cobra, Naga, is a great listener and always looks out for me.
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fort-cozy-mcblanket · 6 months
Imagine if Sheldon kept a journal of every emotion he feels during the day (you know, like in an attempt to increase his emotional intelligence) and imagine how those journal entries would change after he meets Amy 🥺😭
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youreanasteroid · 1 month
Sheldon: Are you sad we’re not having a big party?
Amy: I’m really not. I’m here with you. It’s perfect.
This moment was honestly so beautiful. Amy has dreamed of marrying someone for so long, having a big wedding.
But in that moment, Amy didn't need a big wedding, she didn't need a dress or anything else.
She needed him and him only and that was perfect for her.
Amy is honestly a selfless person. She loved Sheldon for him.. She didn't think about herself, she thought about him.
Amy was really a beautiful person ❤
She is honestly the best character. If you don't agree, argue with a wall 😶
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athena-xox · 5 months
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