#the fateverse rambles
time for the first (of many!) team fate rambles because hooh boy they've been taking up my brainspace for the last couple months and I love them so much so first, a quick rundown of the party we're lookin' at! Farrah - a shy human knight, it sucks for her when she has to talk to people, but somehow, on the opposite hand she gains all the confidence when leading her teammates into battle. Her father, Darryon Wynvale, has recently been enlisted into the Rosehaven militia to help defend Rivershield, but this has left her feeling a little lonely. For consolation, she usually heads to the quiet and serene Dreamland Inn to either catch a night's rest slumbering in a home away from home, so to speak, or to talk out her feelings with Katia, the inn's owner. One day, after looking at her pet dog that sits atop the counter, she decides that when she turns 18 (she's 14 as of the recent Team Fate album Fablevale Forest) that she'll get a dog or cat of her own. Perhaps to keep her company, or to just satisfy her childhood want for a pet. Alluin - a headstrong elven ranger. He's cocky and arrogant as all hell now, but back when he was a budding monster hunter, training with both Farrah AND Esmond in the same school, albeit in different divisions of Rivershield's Knight Academy, he was not so confident in his skills to kill monsters. In fact, due to his hesitation, he was forced to miss out on the very prominent Graduation Monster Hunt celebration because of his fears and doubts of his abilities. However, in spite of this... one late night he snuck out to the deepest part of Wyvern Winterlands (back before there was the single benevolent wyvern resting in it's depths) and steeling his nerves, managed to slay an Avalan Aberration, the strongest of it's kind dwelling within those lands. It was then he went around flaunting his newfound monster hunting abilities to everyone. Some found the skills awe-inspiring, others, like unfortunately Team Fate, found it annoying that he kept bringing it up day after day. Terrel - a mindful human healer / cleric. All that Terrel is willing to share, is that from the day he turned ten, he wanted to assist people's wounds, out of the goodness of his heart.
Esmond - an anxious elven mage. Poor Esmond, has been afraid of the world at large for years. As Farrah acts as his sort of guardian, he's found comfort in playing around with certain types of magic which come from his comfort object, a sapphire staff. Much to Farrah's terror, however, Esmond has recently discovered that his sapphire staff is so immensely powerful that it can pull and store magic from the nearest location that Esmond points it towards. However, since it's navigation isn't so great, one night when pointing the wand up to the sky to capture the magic of the stars... it aimed right at Goblin Grove's dungeon entrance, and bottled all the dark magic from it's enemies inside the staff.
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bbnibini · 2 years
Im missing my NP 3 5* blorbo of choice so much T^T
Also, my stupid luck (good or bad idk) that drew Angra Mainu on my literal first Friend Point Draw on my first day. The amount I invested in that boy because he was one of my first units (aside from the free 4*).
I miss my team
Oooh is it okay to ask who your blorbo is? :00 I only have one but boy is he loved. I love him so much I also love his other versions equally! (He's a few bond points shy of bond 11; I stopped playing this seriously after getting him at NP3 on the 2019 banner so I'm missing some Artoriafaces! I do have some of them in JP💕) if you're wondering who it is...
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It's Proto Arthur! And I'm glad he loves me back! His OG version (Fate/Stay night Saber) came in a single pull! The other Artorias are mostly single pulls or one tenpulls too.💕
Castoria left a big hole in my heart. (She's in my JP thank god)I always had terrible luck with support casters. :'( Merlin is a dumb stinky rat who always refuses to come home 🤬 (he's lucky he came home in JP or else I would whack him out of Avalon like what he did to Fou) I've resigned to it now.
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I also grailed my Bedi! He carried my ass back in the Solomon raids and I really recommend raising him if you have him! He is super strong even without grails! ^^ I also have Angra Mainu at NP5+ but he's mostly sitting out in the backline for his bond10 CE and interlude.
Sorry for my rambling! As you can tell, I really really love Fate GO and the Fateverse! I've been playing this for a really long time and ify with missing your initial team! 😭 Back then it's so easy to breeze through content and the story was also light-hearted but now, there's break bars and other gimmicks, it's so hard to keep up!
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shadouko · 4 years
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butabitconfused · 3 years
Brain: hey so remember all those original fic ideas you have
Me: Yes? When are we gonna resume working on those?
Brain: what if we wrote a dsmp x team crafted x fate crossover instead
Me: Wh—
Brain: too late I’m fixated on this now
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strangefellows · 2 years
ok, have some time, might as well go on my ramble about cu/robin
like, look, even if we don’t really see them interact much in chaldea (at least i haven’t, but i’ve only been playing for a year, if i missed an event where they talked tell me PLS) they have great chemistry???
like both of them are these chill, kinda sassy, mostly laid back kind of guys who either roll with things or are the ones going HEY NO WAIT A MINUTE WHAT THE FUCK???? and they’re also both kind of butt monkeys very often -- see: carnival phantasm/grand carnival and a whole lot of events + ccc and seraph and anything to do with bb -- that get their whole days ruined constantly by ridiculous shenanigans
BUT also they’re both the types that act very chill and laid back and well adjusted but also carry a whole lot of deep seated trauma they really don’t talk about most of the time or act like they have. cu has having to literally murder ferdiad (cu absolutely boned ferdiad i don’t make the rules) and poor connla, and like, okay, potentially unpopular opinion but to me m.edb is like the driver of cu’s trauma van (chariot?) here, she started that war that got so many of cu’s people killed, and the fateverse establishes the child troops’ death was canon so there’s that, and also i’m sorry but the way she acts towards cu is Very uncomfortable to me so there’s that, and also she literally had him killed in a v nasty way. so, like, he has all that, and he apparently says he really doesn’t hold much of a grudge except for those kids, but that is still a lot to carry, like look at cu alter that’s another aspect of cu he HAS that in him, so. and on robin’s end jesus h christ i read his extra profile and wanted to CRY. he was a kid, he can’t be older than like 20something, and he did his best and he was betrayed and murdered after only two years, and like, the part in his bio where it talked about how the villagers bullied him for his dad’s druid stuff, like, bruh, this boy is a sad mess. 
not to mention that it’s shown cu remembers emiya and gil and shit so probably remembers ubw so probably also remembers kirei forcing him to self terminate and you CANNOT tell me that’s not a little traumatizing
so both of them carry all this Shit they don’t really talk about but that is def heavy; robin does let it slip a lil easier ie his interlude and once or twice in extra/ccc (cu seems a little harder a nut to crack most of the time it looks like, but i’m a casual so), and they act all chill and cool older bro like and laid back, and they’re also butt monkeys that tend to be some of the first to point out the absurdity of things, they’re VERY similar and would work very well together
also cu is irish/can be a druid-like figure ie cascu, and it’s stated robin’s dad is a druid and that there is a connection as well!
also ALSO robin’s first appearance was in america, with cu alter, and seeing that whole ass Mess and then meeting cu properly would be very fun to explore.
look i just think they’d be really cute okay. let them vibe together and fish and cuddle and be a sassy duo.
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starrymothwings · 4 years
Fate 21, 22, 23
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Now because of the very nature of Fate and Fate Grand Order in particular, you can make the arguments that there aren’t a whole lot of crack ships in general? Now if we’re talking about the regular ol’ human and mage characters then that’s one thing and I don’t have any strong opinions on that. Ship what you want as long as it’s not, like, incest or pedophilia.
However if we’re talking servants or ships that involve servants?? Understand I’m going to mostly talk about FGO because that’s the part of the franchise I’m most familiar with, but
One of the most popular ships is literally between the alternate darker versions of Jeanne d’Arc and King Arthur who is also a woman in this.
Now there’s context for this but that doesn’t make that sentence not buck wild, right? Another ship the game teases is between Martha (like, Saint Martha) and Sasaki Kojiro who is technically one of many possible nameless swordsmen who can take up the mantle of Sasaki Kojiro by taking up and mastering his techniques. As far as ships I’ve seen art of, there’s Semiramis and Amakusa, Gilgamesh and Arturia (King Arthur but woman, also this ship is one of divided opinion for very good reason), and even Tesla and Thomas Edison. You know, Tesla and the guy that stole his inventions--oh but let’s not forget that in the Fateverse Thomas Edison is merged with all of the American presidents which for some reason makes him a fucking buff punch wizard with the head of a LION.
I’m rambling, but my point is: by the very nature of Fate, there aren’t a whole lot of characters you can stick together and properly call it a crack ship. It’s one part of the ridiculous that I love about Fate, which is that you don’t have to go out of your way to imagine any number of scenarios between all sorts of colorful characters.
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This is....Hard for me to answer. Very hard.
So, the thing is, there aren’t any popular characters I can say that I hate. Either because the popular characters in the Fateverse tend to be popular for more reasons beyond the fact that they’re pretty (The original VN was an eroge, yes, but that was because of marketing. You take out or ignore the eroge scenes and you have a well-written, interesting visual novel) OR it’s because I just simply don’t have enough context for that character.
For the latter, let me use Tamamo and Nero for example. These are two characters that I KNOW are popular. They’re also characters I’m not super fond of--however, that’s possibly because I don’t know them well enough. I’ve played through Fate Grand Order and Fate Extella Link. I’m currently playing through Fate Extra for the first time, but I’m on Archer’s route. I have not played Extella Link or the other two routes in Extra, I have not watched a playthrough of CCC yet, I have not watched Last Encore, I have not read Foxtail, I have not played through Extella. 
That’s a lot of context, story, and character for those two that I haven’t experienced yet. I don’t like Nero’s character in FGO because they try to erase everything she did wrong in life, or just sweep it under the rug. However, I’ve heard that she’s written much better in the game that she debuts in, Fate Extra, and that the loose anime adaptation of it, Last Encore, has something good too.
Tamamo just...Bores me. But! I know even less of her character than Nero. It’s way too soon for me to say whether or not I dislike her when I’m only taking her at face value.
I may not like the two of them for now, but my answer may change once I have all the information.
Again, I can’t say that I there are any popular characters I hate, however...
Robin Hood (pretty sure he’s at least fairly popular) is one character that I do like, but not nearly as much as I’ve seen. I just...Don’t really get the hype? Again, haven’t played through Extella or watched someone play CCC but I HAVE played past his roles in Extra and FGO. Like I like him but I can’t say he’s a favorite of mine, or even near that spot.
Nightingale, however...Nightingale I don’t like. I don’t hate her but I don’t like her either. There were spans of time in the America singularity that I was either bored or annoyed with because of her. Does she make good points and say some dope shit occasionally? Yeah. Most of the rest of her dialogue however felt very very repetitive. Like yes I know that your shtick is that you’re a nurse and you’re here to treat the illness and disease in the singularity and Cu Alter is a prime candidate for treatment because his character as he is in that current iteration is diseased, yes yes yes. But there’s only so many times I can read her talk about illness and disease before it starts to get on my nerve. Yeah she has Madness Enhancement EX, but you know who else does? Saber Gilles. Cu Alter has it too, and they’re both coherent. Also, and more importantly, I fucking hate her pose. The art in her ascensions is fine, but the pose?? I get what it’s supposed to be but it looks so stiff. It’s an insignificant detail but she looks like a balloon person and it’s upsetting.
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There are...A few. But I’m gonna talk the most in detail about one of my earliest favorites when I first got into Fate. I just mentioned him, actually.
Saber Gilles. I need to specify the class because his Caster self and Saber self are completely different (well, no? It’s complicated) and Saber is the one that’ll always hold a place in my heart.
Because I have a very soft spot for pious people who are goaded by a darker side and struggle with that darkness. Saber Gilles de Rais is not the infamous Bluebeard. Saber Gilles de Rais is the man that came before Bluebeard, the one who was known for fighting alongside Jeanne d’Arc. Saber Gilles is lawful good while Caster Gilles is Chaotic Evil. At a glance, these two are completely different, but the horrifying (and there’s beauty in that horror) truth is that he’s not. And nobody feels that horror quite like Saber Gilles himself.
Fate Grand Order tells of Gilles’ struggle not through words, but through visuals.
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In his first ascension, you have him in his ‘purest’ state. You can literally call him a knight in shining armor. This is the honorable man that fought alongside Jeanne, plain and simple.
Then you have the second ascension, and you can immediately tell he’s been tainted. Something isn’t right. His cloth is bloodied, some of his armor has been stripped away and you can see a bit of a dark cloak resembling what he wore as Bluebeard--having replaced that white cape. In his hand he holds a sword. His armor has become sharper, more detailed. He is still a general, yes, but something in him has changed.
Then, the third ascension. It’s a dramatic change. One thing to note is that when servants ascend, they generally gain something in appearance, but Gilles? Gilles has lost. More than half his armor is gone, and now you can very plainly see that Bluebeard-esque garment underneath. The chestpiece bearing a cross? Gone. Every piece of white cloth? Gone. And in his left hand he holds Prelati’s Book. For context, Prelati is the being that convinced Gilles to give into his darker impulses and that led to Bluebeard, or Caster Gilles. That book is also what Caster Gilles wields. In this third ascension we finally see the man who struggles with and fears what he knows he becomes. 
Again, Saber Gilles is not Caster Gilles, cannot but Caster Gilles, but the two are not so different. Caster Gilles is not an alter of Saber Gilles, after all, but rather the two are the same man at different points in his life. As we ascend him we see him transverse the point between when he is a man with strength in his convictions, to a man fighting an inner conflict and change that is coming but will never come to him. Servants generally don’t change much because they are aspects of heroic spirits, but Saber Gilles has to change.
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It’s even reflected in his battle sprites. Notice the change in the third sprite? His smile and optimism: gone.
Then, we get to his final ascension art.
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THIS. This is still one of my favorite final ascension arts if not my favorite. I’m pretty sure I can’t say anything about it that I haven’t already said above, so I think it’s okay to let the image speak for itself. It’s so fucking beautiful and telling all on it’s own. The angel and devil over your shoulder imagery. Note how it’s not the side with the angel that’s closer to the viewer, that’s in the foreground. I love everything about this piece and if I could buy this as a big poster to hang up in my room I would do that in a heartbeat.
I just love Saber Gilles so, so much. The way he’s written has me smitten. I know it likely won’t ever happen, but I desperately wish he gets another interlude in the future, or a serious role in an event.
...Okay, so I did want to discuss some others but this post is long enough, so I’ll just say some other unpopular characters I love are Fionn Mac Cumhaill, Amadeus Mozart, Fergus, Yagyu (more underrated than unpopular), CALIGULA, Mephistopheles, PHANTOM, Gilgamesh (NOT unpopular just decisive and one of my big favs so I have to mention him), and Salieri if he counts. Really tried to get a lady in there but I can’t think of any that are unpopular. I’m only thinking of the FGO cast because the roster is already so long.
I wouldn’t mind (read: I would LOVE) if someone asked this question again so I can go into detail about some of my other unpopular favorites. I have more that err on the more popular side too, because my heart is big and full of love. OR just straight up send me an ask, anon or not, because I have a lot to say.
Sorry about the long post and thank you for the questions!!
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pengumi12 · 5 years
Soooooo I apparently trust wikipedia now...
So wikipedia says that Fukuzawa Yukichi was an advocate for women's rights and was a diplomat (he even went to the US) and was important in founding modern Japan and stuff during the Meiji Restoration.
So I'm thinking. Since he's also an author (like, he is a character in BSD and you have to be an author, book character, or a book to be a character most of the time) and there is a lack of Japanese Author Casters in FGO....
I can actually imagine him being a servant in FGO... as a caster...
On the note of Japanese Servants, we should have more Shinsengumi characters too. Like: Saito Hajime, Kondo Isami, Yamazaki Susumu, Nagakura Shinpachi, etc. (Susumu could maybe interact with Fuuma and Danzo? Not sure if historically accurate but in the Peace Maker Kurogane movie, he got attacked by someone maybe involved with the Fuuma clan....) Or like, we can have some other Japanese authors like: Akiko Yosano, Hirotsu Ryuurou or Mori Ougai. Or some Japanese gods and goddesses?
And back to the other parts of the world, what about Toussaint Louvreture, Charles Dickens, Mark Twain, Edgar Allan Poe, Simo Häyhä, and some of the US Presidents? Or some more characters from the bible? (Judas Iscariot could be a good Avenger maybe?)
Or Hamiton? The rest of the Journey to the West characters? Churchill?
The list goes on forever. That is bad. Oh well.
I can see Toyotomi Hideyoshi being put in to FGO.... If I'm correct, he is a Fateverse character somewhere...
I will now stop rambling, sorry to take up all this random time and space.
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Here's something to intrigue y'all! (taken from a doc I'm writing up that will explain more about some of the locations encountered in the Fateverse between the currently released Team Fate albums, or which there are two! (Fables of Faeford, and Fablevale Forest, respectively!)
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(a picture of Rivershield Village) Within the walls of the peaceful matriarchy that is Faeford, there is, united under the same defenses and military presence, a bright and charming village by the name of Rivershield.
Besides being home to Farrah, and the rest of Team Fate, in general, this place is a safe haven for those who have come back from a long day of monster hunting and are looking for a place to sharpen their tools or rest for a bit, those who are like Team Fate and start their adventuring journey in the village, only to depart it not long after to go save the world, or even just regular tourists. For town defenses, two titanic ancient cannons stand tall and poised, like inanimate gargoyles ready to snap and fire at a moment’s notice. However, these cannons have stood dormant for many years recently, only being documented to have gone off during The Great Infernal Invasion, the most infamous of Entros’ demonic assaults on the town of Rivershield all those five hundred years ago. In place of the cannons, the Rosehaven militia, graciously brought over to Rivershield in collaboration with Queen Capella, and Rivershield’s mayor, Mayor Wavelle, has since been enlisted to protect and serve the village of Rivershield from any demonic threats that might encroach on their territory.
Some popular landmarks are that of Dreamland Inn, run by a cheery but introverted young kid, just carrying the torch of her father’s dreams of running a successful inn, named Katia whose pet dog acts as a watch guard for intruders. Though she, and every other patron, knows that the dog is there to comfort Katia when she’s feeling low after her shift. Goldmine Market is another popular landmark, most notably because the owner is friends with Farrah’s father, who recently had enlisted in the Rosehaven militia, and also has taken a liking to Team Fate stopping by so often.
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Hihi anyone wanna hear about my new Team Fate characters that have been gathering in my head recently?
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