#character: havok imontz
ageofpiracyrp · 5 months
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April 22, 2024.
Daphne Rux's 43rd birthday would not be one of her favorites. It had been nice to have so many birthdays on the ship in succession, but Daphne rarely wanted attention drawn to herself on the date, so she had been spending much of the day holed up in the captain's quarters doing research.
A tap on the door.
She ignores it, absorbed in what she was doing.
Two more taps.
"Yes, come in," she sighs, not looking up.
The door opens to reveal Muffy and Hero, both looking grim. Daphne gestures at them with concern, and offers them something to drink by gesturing to the grape-like soda cans currently sitting on her desk. Hero accepts one, but Muffy shakes her head.
"It isn't good news," Hero said, much quieter than usual.
"How... not good of news?" Daphne asked, curt in tone but still concerned. "Did someone get hurt? Did we leave HJ or Greg somewhere? Tell me. Please."
"Not anyone on our ship. Our crew is well. It's The Bat Ray." Muffy pressed her lips together, not sure how to continue.
"What do you mean it's The Bat Ray? Did Julia do something stupid and get all of those people hurt or- Muffy, what happened to Julia!?" Daphne wasn't completely unhinged, but her pitch was starting to raise.
Muffy waved her wing around carefully. "Everyone is alive. A couple of the crew may have gotten injured but- Those galx that we all thought were so foolish managed to capture their ship."
Hero cut in. "We spent all day together decoding the weird video message that we got. It was from Kenna."
Pursing her lips, Daphne said, "Show me. Please."
Hero placed a screen tablet in front of Daphne.
"We thought we could evade them, but it was like a game to them- trying to capture us. They looked so pleased with themselves. Officers Yrgus, Gekro, and Imontz. The Romoquele- Imontz- was the most dangerous. Not because of how he looked, but how he didn't seem to comprehend that he had just apprehended a bunch of people that had others who cared about them. I know I may not look like it, but there are a fair amount of people who are valuable to me. Most of them are on that ship, with me now, or on your ship. I'm the only one who managed to get away. We put it to a fast vote. We were so pressed for time. Who would make sure the kids would get away safe? I voted for Seetha. Everyone else voted for me. They said they all knew the captain would never give it up. Julia said it was only right to- make sure the kids had a parent with them who would love and protect them. Everyone agreed that I was the only choice. I couldn't argue with them. I had to be there for my kids. I'm making my way toward Kraysha. Very slowly. I need you to send a message to Julia's family. I don't know how to reach them. You're the only ones that I know how to contact that can notify them. I don't think you'll be able to respond to this message but... The Bat Ray's crew lives. I expect they''ll go on trial by the end of the year. They might call some of your crew as character witnesses. I don't know what's going to happen, but you may want to prepare."
The camera panned to Jenn and Jack sleeping- with Jack napping on his sister's shoulder.
"Tell Rebecca that I wouldn't dare let anything bad happen to them. We'll reach out once I'm on Kraysha."
Daphne pursed her lips. "We show Robin first. Then we show the whole crew. There's nothing we can do now except tell the Derringers carefully, but we can't keep this from the crew."
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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It has been almost exactly a year since the last time that Prosperity was on Kraysha. For the crew that have been with the ship since that time, perhaps this time will be different. Another year older, another year wiser, another year more complicated.
As some examples.... For Theo, who left Kraysha in a state of grief, is this too soon? For Skylar, this may be a more joyous occasion- to spend some time with his husband and his beloved adopted parents together in a place perhaps more familiar than Kor’Sel’Koo. For Laurie, there is always the chance that she encounters her out-of-touch Umbra parents. For Beck, a longtime pirate, this is the first time returning to her home planet not as a member of the crew of her cousin. For Robin and Ryder, there are so many complications with their parents that it is difficult to summarize them all.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ Some hours after arrival in the city of Rungung, the crew got settled in. Daphne had an announcement to make. After observing the past week’s competition between Skylar and Vajean and much deliberation, Skylar had been selected as the new Chief Engineer, with Laurie definitively promoted fully into the Electro-Technical position.Additionally, Prosperity would finally be gaining a new Surgeon after being without one since November. Samira Kehmet would be joining the ship’s crew shortly.
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Apart from the most personal of issues, there is always the upcoming “quest” set upon by Karmel. Karmel has chartered a smallish seaship (capable of air and surface water travel) for Beck to fly. Ali has agreed to join this quest, as it seems to require a djayyar. After this journey to a remote island, Karmel has agreed to find her own way back to Kor’Sel’Koo. Those with skills to contribute and an interest in going will be paid handsomely, but the contents of the cave and whether the secrets of immortality are too dangerous a risk. Daphne will not be going, but will permit unpaid leave to those who do (as they will be paid much more by Karmel in this instance).
“The Quest” will tentatively take place beginning May 20.
Confirmed Quest Attendees:
Butterfly (NPC Medic)
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Those who do not go on the the quest will be granted a small stipend to cover a few meals out or entertainment at shore. Robin will be left in charge temporarily of this portion of the crew, as there is still ship maintenance, meals, communications with the quest crew, and supply purchasing to arrange. The crew may not be quite as busy, but Daphne has expressed privately to Robin that this is a low-stakes test for him to flex his leadership ability.
But why does this opportunity come up in the first place? Daphne will be taking this time to visit with her parents and ensure that everything was in order with their company... She disclosed the “why” of this information by message to Robin, Beck, Skylar, Ali, Muffy, Arys, and all of the medics with directions to let the rest of the crew know. She didn’t want to make a big announcement about this matter because she already didn’t feel comfortable discussing it in a town hall format. (Daphne neglected to mention to her crewmates that she would be reviewing other topics like the Makhaira matter)
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Once Samira was at least settled enough to be considered “welcomed” onto the ship, the crew will be (variously) doing some work unloading some of the goods that were acquired from Earth, negotiating, scoping out the job market, and... possibly trying to avoid The Bat Ray and Galx authorities (Ayshena, Havok, Hael, Selleck) whom Greg reported have been spotted in port!
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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Havok Imontz
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Galactic Union Officer
Age: 54
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He hasn’t thought too hard about it before and it was never a priority.
Species: Romoquele
Home Planet: Kurrk (moved to Marloken in his youth)
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Yang Jeongin
True Appearance: Havok’s skin is a silvery blue. His body hair color is a gradient. The longer hairs on his head are of a blue-black closer to the top of his head, and the color gradient of the body hair is more of a steel blue at around chest level. His back wings are somewhat smaller than average, and are a darker silver-blue than the rest of his body. Havok’s toothy grin features prominent incisors and rather long canines.
Out of the Galactic Union Officer squad with Hael and Selleck, Havok is the highest ranking and has slightly more authority over the rest. He is responsible for calling the shots on missions, communications, and supply maintenance. He is also certified in basic first aid.
While Havok is technically older than Ayshena, he isn’t emotionally or physically older. Ayshena is his hero, and he has persuaded Selleck and Hael that their squad should do everything that they can to help her. Unfortunately for Ayshena, Havok isn’t particularly adept at capturing pirates yet, and tends to get in his hero’s way.
Havok has a bit of a complex about being a romoquele, and overcompensates for this in so many ways. He was the top of his class in school (and the only one of his species there, for that matter), and joined the Galactic Union to prove to everyone that he was one of the good guys.
Havok was definitely named after the X-men character, but pretends that he wasn’t because Earth media is supposed to be evil.
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Hael Gekro
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Galactic Union Officer
Age: 23
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Gay
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Markoken
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Kim Seungmin
True Appearance: Hael has pale pink eyes which he gets a lot of compliments on. He has pale bark-skin, and is the tallest out of the Galactic Union Officer trio he is a part of. He isn’t actually that tall, but average height is tall enough to be taller than the others.
Hael sometimes seems like a bit of a space case - not always paying close attention to the same things as everyone else. That said, he isn’t stupid, and is uncannily good at paperwork and finding things. If you've lost your communicator, ask Hael for help.
Hael’s family didn’t really grow up enjoying Earth media, and were always big supporters of the Galactic Union. His parents were so proud of him when he enlisted. Hael himself doesn’t have especially strong feelings, but he likes making his parents proud and getting a thumbs up (this is apparently a gesture of approval) from his fellow officers when things go well.
The Gekro family loves to sing and dance to traditional songs on Marloken, and Hael loves music in general.
He thinks Selleck is probably his best friend.
Hael has never had a boyfriend before because growing up he would have had to bring a potential mate home to meet the family. And now he’s employed, so the dating life isn’t very easy. Oh well.
Out of the Galactic Union Officer trio, Hael is responsible for most of the paperwork, ship maintenance, and working with contractors for maintenance beyond his capabilities.
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Selleck Yrgus
Pronouns: They/them
Position: Galactic Union Officer
Age: 37
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Pansexual
Species: Vanneer
Home Planet: Markloken
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Felix Lee
True Appearance: Selleck’s feathers are mottled vibrant yellow, silver, and gold. The wings are more predominantly yellow than the rest of the feathers on their body. Their grain-eating style beak is golden-colored.
Selleck was named after Earth actor Tom Selleck. While Selleck loves having an Earth media name, they don’t particularly like Magnum P.I. They are more into anime and dramatic serials of all kinds.
To be honest, Selleck joined the Galactic Union Officer program because the uniforms were cool, and they thought the position would get them better access to Earth media.
Selleck is pretty good at following orders, and doesn’t think too hard about the implications of the job. Maybe the Galactic Union goes a little too far on enforcing the ban on going to Earth, but things would get out of hand without the government, right? And Ayshena seems really smart, so it’s okay to have this job.
Selleck likes to come up with cool catchphrases. Since Havok and Hael haven’t watched nearly as many cop shows or fighting anime, Selleck is perceived as very creative.
Selleck and Hael sometimes sing and dance together, even if Selleck thinks that the traditional music Hael grew up listening to isn’t as cool as ABBA or Ace of Base (Selleck loves Europop).
Out of the Officer trio, Selleck is the pilot and navigator.
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