#character: muffy clayrtan
ageofpiracyrp · 1 month
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"Uh..." Hero looked over at Muffy with a concerned expression. "We just received another round of video messages," she told the vanneer with with a quieter voice than usual.
"Another one? Oh, but we haven't even watched the first eight yet," Muffy said, equally concerned. "Daphne said that Stella's on her way to help now, but we're at the point where I'm about to ask if we can pull on Laurie, Sky, Robin... anyone who might have an inkling of what to do."
In total, there were 26 messages. The first 20 came from The Bat Ray's crew. According to Seetha, who had been the most clear about the purpose of these messages, the intent was for Prosperity to pass these messages on to the crew members' loved ones. Apparently, the galx had been too lazy to allow for each of the crew members that wanted to send a message to pick their own emergency contact, so Julia had decided that Daphne was everyone's emergency contact to actually receive the messages. The messages that were in languages comprehensible to the Prosperity were largely sterile in content. Explaining that the trial date would be on September 28th. Telling family and friends how much they were missed. Noting how important the justice system was.
The strangest parts of the whole thing were that Leo's message was addressed to Makhaira Espionage. It wasn't warm and fuzzy- just the facts about what was happening.
As for Julia's message.... She said hi to Daphne and immediately started telling her kids how much she loved and missed them. Julia closed out the message by saying with a small smile, "Beck, I don't have anything nice to say, but I do miss you... somehow."
Before Hero had even finished parsing all of the messages, a highly encoded audio message came in from Makhaira split into five parts.
After that got decrypted, Daphne listed to that personally before directing the whole crew to listen.
September 7th. Meet me at the Frostbite Tavern on the outpost planet Harmony midday. Before then, tell me in the most encrypted message you can muster the name of any crew members who mentioned Julia's family members. There's a few cells on the Galx's prison planet that are more vulnerable than others. The messages that you received are relatively standard procedure if the captured have had good behavior, but we are still lucky to get those. My connections have one single contact on Void Point who was able to help us get this far. The plan is to get Mark and co out of prison by any means necessary. I have a ideas for plans based on what has worked in the past, but I need your thoughts on which we should go with- or if we need to do something different altogether. Mark needs to be able to walk around as an Espionage if we can manage it, so that limits our options. But we can make this happen. Bring that Kelly woman with you- you can send her right back to Kraysha afterward, but having her perspective will be important.
The last message came from Clause Mazrinon, of all people, begging for help with a delivery job to the outpost planet of Rymoreezin that he couldn't trust anyone else to do. No travel to Earth so nothing too risky but a job that coincidentally was in the same neck of the woods as Harmony. Not too close, but convenient enough.
This could work out.
Even if "Kelly" (aka Kenna) was going to have to come with them.
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robinastrea · 2 years
Misunderstanding 101
Description: A harmless tour for the new Navigator. Date: end of March 2022 Location: The Prosperity (Calauewe, Marloken) Characters: Salem Ilmari, Robin Astrea Characters mentioned: Forrest the Far’Ly’Dae, Daphne Rux, Skylar Clarke, Blue Sreleku, Al Leone, Muffy Clayrtan, Ryder Astrea
(You Can Read In the GoogleDoc Here)
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salem-ilmari · 2 years
Swish Swish Bish
Date: July 22, early morning Location: Easterly Beach, Soulf, Molfaun Characters: Salem Ilmari, Robin Astrea @robinastrea Characters mentioned: Ryder Astrea, Lydia Seong,  Muffy Clayrtan, Blue Sreleku,  Description: It's flying time. 
(link to googledoc here)
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ageofpiracyrp · 3 months
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Seemingly overnight, the galaxy has felt like a less safe place than it used to be. There isn't a big difference, really. No other crews have managed to get captured yet (thankfully), but there has been a noted increase in Galx patrolling since April. A few little jobs that don't require going to Earth have been all that Daphne has felt comfortable doing. Now, though, it seems like a good time to go back to Kraysha.
Kenna and her twins are there, and a great many family members of the crew are too. Julia and the rest of the The Bat Ray have a trial coming up later this year, and the matter of what the crew of Prosperity wants to do about that is still pending.
There are still ways to do good missions, but it might be best to regroup on Kraysha to take advantage of those.
Not all news has been bad, however. On Zuytri's intel, Ali, Sky and Samira visited an elderly erkuss named Medri at the Moon Retirement Community. Medri spoke fondly about her mother, the late and beloved djayyar Nyessanie. Medri was completely of sound mind and honesty, and expressed how Nyessanie had long ago discovered a way to use the special ability that djayyar have to imbue power into the ground and strengthen the inhabitants... that comes with no pain at all. By personally knowing and understanding all of the beings and plants of the ground, the bond goes both ways. Loving memories from the perspective of all of the sentient beings on that ground are shared. All people find themselves with increased strength, mental acuity, and memories. The djayyar's lifespan is unaffected, but the mental acuity, shared memories and to a lesser degree strength are granted through this bond.
Medri had never heard of the djayyar that helped found Kraysha. To her understanding, the special power of the djayyar was something used with very great care and love. It wasn't something that one did on a great scale (Nyessanie did it in the garden of her own ship), but it would probably work just the same in an elevated garden or a planter box. Nyessanie was unusually honest with her adopted children, and also a terrible liar when it came to them. If Medri recalls correctly, Nyessanie used the special power of the djayyar four times in her lifetime and was happier and at least as healthy as any other djayyar that she knew of. Medri enthusiastically (and kookily) shared pictures of her eccentric family (including a few from when Nyessanie shared love and power with her and some of the other children), many of whom she has dear memories from their perspectives that she cherishes to this day.
On June 15, a few hours before Prosperity would dock on Kraysha, Muffy distributed mugs of hot cocoa (or other hot beverages to everyone's preference) and reminded everyone that she had hope that things would be better soon. And that The Bat Ray, as frustrating as they could be, was not in a situation without hope.
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ageofpiracyrp · 5 months
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April 22, 2024.
Daphne Rux's 43rd birthday would not be one of her favorites. It had been nice to have so many birthdays on the ship in succession, but Daphne rarely wanted attention drawn to herself on the date, so she had been spending much of the day holed up in the captain's quarters doing research.
A tap on the door.
She ignores it, absorbed in what she was doing.
Two more taps.
"Yes, come in," she sighs, not looking up.
The door opens to reveal Muffy and Hero, both looking grim. Daphne gestures at them with concern, and offers them something to drink by gesturing to the grape-like soda cans currently sitting on her desk. Hero accepts one, but Muffy shakes her head.
"It isn't good news," Hero said, much quieter than usual.
"How... not good of news?" Daphne asked, curt in tone but still concerned. "Did someone get hurt? Did we leave HJ or Greg somewhere? Tell me. Please."
"Not anyone on our ship. Our crew is well. It's The Bat Ray." Muffy pressed her lips together, not sure how to continue.
"What do you mean it's The Bat Ray? Did Julia do something stupid and get all of those people hurt or- Muffy, what happened to Julia!?" Daphne wasn't completely unhinged, but her pitch was starting to raise.
Muffy waved her wing around carefully. "Everyone is alive. A couple of the crew may have gotten injured but- Those galx that we all thought were so foolish managed to capture their ship."
Hero cut in. "We spent all day together decoding the weird video message that we got. It was from Kenna."
Pursing her lips, Daphne said, "Show me. Please."
Hero placed a screen tablet in front of Daphne.
"We thought we could evade them, but it was like a game to them- trying to capture us. They looked so pleased with themselves. Officers Yrgus, Gekro, and Imontz. The Romoquele- Imontz- was the most dangerous. Not because of how he looked, but how he didn't seem to comprehend that he had just apprehended a bunch of people that had others who cared about them. I know I may not look like it, but there are a fair amount of people who are valuable to me. Most of them are on that ship, with me now, or on your ship. I'm the only one who managed to get away. We put it to a fast vote. We were so pressed for time. Who would make sure the kids would get away safe? I voted for Seetha. Everyone else voted for me. They said they all knew the captain would never give it up. Julia said it was only right to- make sure the kids had a parent with them who would love and protect them. Everyone agreed that I was the only choice. I couldn't argue with them. I had to be there for my kids. I'm making my way toward Kraysha. Very slowly. I need you to send a message to Julia's family. I don't know how to reach them. You're the only ones that I know how to contact that can notify them. I don't think you'll be able to respond to this message but... The Bat Ray's crew lives. I expect they''ll go on trial by the end of the year. They might call some of your crew as character witnesses. I don't know what's going to happen, but you may want to prepare."
The camera panned to Jenn and Jack sleeping- with Jack napping on his sister's shoulder.
"Tell Rebecca that I wouldn't dare let anything bad happen to them. We'll reach out once I'm on Kraysha."
Daphne pursed her lips. "We show Robin first. Then we show the whole crew. There's nothing we can do now except tell the Derringers carefully, but we can't keep this from the crew."
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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After an enjoyable excursion on Pryft, Prosperity docks on the planet Sturn outside of the town of Ustust. The landing pad is a half mile from an extremely large dormant volcano- almost 3/4 of a mile high! This volcano is Ustust. Almost as soon as Kjeuk steps foot on the planet, he starts talking much more than he has the entire journey. He explains that the "locals" say that the volcano hasn't erupted in thousands of years and it is perfectly safe- and that's where the group will be going. A lengthy afternoon is spent unloading a large portion of the cargo bay's contents into a rented amphibious vehicle- think a longer and taller DUKW with a one way viewing window enclosing the top. The pilot (Beck) and new navigator (Stella) are asked to take on driving/navigation duties. In the cozy bench seats back of the vehicle, Kjeuk chatters excitedly to whoever on the rest of the crew will listen about volcano facts the whole way to the clubhouse the Sturn branch of the Tarrk Theme Park Club.
Kjeuk's native planet is indeed Sturn, but Kjeuk only moved out to Ustust eight years ago when the area started to become more attractive. Sturn is a large planet- one and a half times the size of Earth with a proportionately greater population. Overall, Sturn is also a rather warm planet with a variety of climates. Ustust is surrounded by lush rainforests. While the volcano itself is not particularly green, the people that have lived on it over the course of many years have terraced the rich soil to provide them with what they need. Objectively, this is a beautiful area, and the drive through the rainforest border up the mountain is enjoyable if you like that sort of thing. The truck took a very winding path- avoiding the more convenient elevator/lift and slide systems that most of the "locals" (as Kjeuk calls them without malice but somewhat carelessly) use.
Three very excited and socially awkward carreki greet the crew upon arrival at the clubhouse... which is halfway up the mountain. The clubhouse and some other local businesses on this part of the volcano seem to be newer and more polished than on much of the rest of the mountain.
The three new carreki (Junyi, club president Oplo, and club secretary Qjun) gravitate immediately to the hybrids on the crew, and explain that they have never met any before. They become distracted from hybrids after Kjeuk reminds them how they managed to get so many great things from the club's wishlist! The carreki that it would be great to see some of those things. Also Junyi says offhandedly that the air conditioning is broken. She seems unbothered and unconcerned about how this will affect the guests' experience.
Anyway, the wishlist items that were explicitly for Junyi, Oplo, and Qjun are located and distributed. Qjun heard about "tips" when researching certain Earth customs, and tips the crewmembers twice as much as what he thinks the goods are worth because he is so happy to have real Legoland legos.
Oplo, while wearing the large souvenir sunglasses someone purchased at an obscure park, explains to the crew that there are beds for Prosperity to stay in Ustust for the distribution of goods. However, Oplo says, flipping the sunglasses upside down to see if they are more comfortable to wear that way, not everyone wanted to come all the way to the clubhouse to get their goods. Qjun insists that he will make everyone promise to tip well, but Prosperity is going to have to make deliveries directly to the club members on Sturn... and also the rest of the planetary system.
Daphne sighs, and says that this will at least give her, Robin, and Muffy time to interview the two local Communications position candidates before leaving Tarrk.
Kjeuk persuades Junyi to order takeout from the new Sour Jehk-style restaurant that opened up a year ago in the local "cool" part of Ustust, and shows Prosperity the dormitories. The lofted, full-size bunk beds feature bedding that is completely white because that is what research says theme park hotels like to use. There is a large, non-chlorinated pool intended for leisurely soaks (unfortunately for some of the crew, the water is quite warm) and an elegant communal restroom connected to the dorms. There are also some random rooms in the clubhouse that do not have a specific purpose which can be used for meetings or hanging out. The clubhouse is set up for many members to be able to visit comfortably if needed. It would all be quite lovely if the air conditioning wasn't broken. The crew of Prosperity is encouraged to use the facilities, and is welcome to take as long as they need to deliver the goods. Kjeuk does not seem sorry about the delay, but states that this mission means a lot to his club.
For at least the next month, the crew will take missions around Sturn in large or small groups to deliver goods to some potentially obscure places. The group will be fed, and is free to come and go as they please. Oplo pops out of nowhere at some point to explain that the members won't be upset if things take a while or if Prosperity needs to take a detour for a few months for any reason because many of them don't even remember ordering or asking for anything and will only be excited to have new toys delivered.
It will certainly be an interesting excursion in the Tarrk system.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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Muffalinarin “Muffy” Clayrtan
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Communications on Prosperity
Age: 133
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Hot people
Species: Vanneer
Home Planet: Marloken
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Jennifer Coolidge
True Appearance: Muffy has matte jade-colored feathers which she keeps impeccably groomed. She has a generalist beak colored sage green. She can strike an imposing figure even if she isn’t particularly athletic, and carries herself with confidence.
Muffy is Garreem Vanneer, and is very keen on grooming and preening with any fellow Vanniree on board. She is very fussy about the process, and will complain if the grooming is interrupted.
Muffy consistently complains that she is cold, even when in an environment that most people consider to be chilly. Her pod is full of blankets and other items to trap heat.
From April 12 until June 13, Muffy suffered from a non-contagious but difficult illness that kept her bedridden. This left a significant void in the Communications operations of Prosperity, which needed to be filled by others such as the Captain and Electro-Technical.
Never has Muffy been particularly skillful with technology. She can type quickly, but finds doing more than the basics in operating many of the devices needed to communicate with other vessels difficult.
She is an amazing speechwriter, and it was what she did for a living before joining the ship. She is competent in understanding the nuances of communicating between other cultures, and particularly adept at getting strangers to like her. Additionally, she is a solid negotiation, with a great understanding of how to draft binding documents and Galactic law.
Muffy used to be part of a communal family group, but when she was 105, an argument tore the group apart. She did her best to maintain the peace between her loved ones, but they all still refuse to reconcile. She has remained in touch with most of her family and friends, but no matter what she says or does, they won’t listen to reason. This is not something that she likes to talk about; most of the crew know that her family won’t talk to each other, but understand that it’s painful for Muffy to discuss.
IMPORTANT NOTE TO READ: Players may attribute some actions to Muffy, but to a lesser degree than they may for Greg or Kyle or Al. Muffy generally does not hold a direct impact to the plot, but the admin may use her to align ship communications with Daphne’s motivations.  Players may not attribute any specific dialogue to Muffy (for example, players can say “she complained” but not “Muffy said, ‘I am so very very cold.’”). Players should not attribute behaviors to Muffy that aren’t specifically in this post.  For example, players can mention her past illness or her preening behaviors. They can also assume that she would complain about how cold it is. However, anything not addressed here needs to be run by the admin. 
Please note that if a player wishes to have another character in communications, we will bid Muffy adieu as she leaves the ship for other endeavors.
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salem-ilmari · 2 years
Baby Sally
Date: end of March 2022, the night of Salem’s first day on The Prosperity Location: Calauewe, Marloken Characters: Salem Ilmari, Serafina Ilmari, Sepher Ilmari, Naseem Ilmari, Lydia Seong Characters mentioned: Robin Astrea, Skylar Clarke, Muffy Clayrtan Description: Before he filed in his resignation letter, Salem figured he should talk it over with his fellow triplets first. He had been hoping that they’d give him some sound advice, but he should have known that it would involve some laughing at his expense first. 
(You Can Read In the GoogleDoc Here)
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