#character: seetha nadar
ageofpiracyrp · 3 months
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When The Prosperity enters the area around Kor'sel'Koo where communications transmissions are most accessible, Muffy and Hero find themselves met with a wave of messages to sift through and sort.
To Skylar and Ali from Karmel: Happy belated anniversary in Earth years. Enjoy a round of drinks at Yggld Drinks on me. [Enclosed is a gift certificate for a round of ten shots from the Water Bar and Alcohol Bar chain Yggld Bars, which is ubiquitous in every major settlement on Kor'Sel'Koo.]
To Beck from "K": If you've made it safely and find yourself with a spot of free time, I'd love if you visited.
To Ali from Zuytri: Hi, Friend! Here's the contact information for that person we were talking about that I think you might want to meet. Medri in room 806 Jallik in the Ulsgian Moon Retirement Community.
To Laurie from Viola Dessamer of Revvly Capsule Hotels: Thank you for signing up for the Revvly Capsule Hotels communications list. If you are in need of a safe space, we are always here for you. Read between the lines, and always feel free to reach out if you need a place to stay or cruelty-free, sustainably sourced, and practical meals.
To Theo from someone in the music business in Different City [the equivalent of about $200 in gixys are included]: Hello, Theo. Enclosed are some royalties from the sales of your music. It isn't that many gixys, but I'm pleased to let you know that some of your songs have been gaining a few fans. We anticipate being able to send you some more in six months.
To HJ from Junyi: Hey, bae!! It's really starting to be a long time since we've seen each other but I don't think I'll ever miss you any less. Work is going so good that I think I might be getting quasi-semi-kind of famous. I got some AH MAY ZING new tsum tsums and I stacked all of the ones I could find into a giant pyramid. Sometimes I think 'hey, Junyi, maybe you have a problem with collecting' but then I make a giant pyramid and everything is okay. I'm sending you a collection of my favorite memes that I've found over the last week and I hope that you cherish at least one of them because they made me smile and think of how nice it would be to look at memes with you. Did you know that "meme" rhymes with "steam"? I didn't know that until yesterday. Anyway anyway anyway I love you soooo much and you're sooooo pretty and sooooo good at communicating, HJ. I think about how happy I was to get to meet you all the time and how lucky I am to get to continue to talk to you.
To Robin from Jayvon: Robin, hello! Just wanted to let you know that I started a new job as a close combat officer on a brand new pirate crew, The Dreamhouse. I love it, and I'm glad that I have someone to tell the good news. If our crews are ever in the same area (I'm on Marloken right now), we should meet up and exchange stories.
To Marshall from her Dads: Marshall! We heard you would be going to Kor'Sel'Koo, so we are sending some of our favorite pictures of you and the family when you were younger and we lived there. Also, enclosed are up-to-date addresses and contact information for your cousins and other family. If you have the time, I'm sure they would love to meet up. All of us send our love!
To Daphne from Muzzain: Coast is clear still. Looking forward to meeting with you. "If you're out on the road Feelin' lonely and so cold All you have to do is call my name". These are poignant lyrics from the Gilmore Girls theme song. My name is Muzzain. Until we meet.
To Samira from Makhaira: How is your life going? We exchanged contact information a while back, but I never wrote. I don't know how much you want to hear this, but I've picked up a new hobby: pickleball. It's the one thing I'm a little better at than most of my family, but they haven't given up on playing. We installed our own court, which sounds completely rich erkuss girl of me, but I'm glad for it. What's been keeping you busy?
To Ian from Marlene: It was very nice to see you, Ian. I'm glad that you seem happy with your new crew, and I hope we can meet up again sometime. I don't like to mean ill will of others, but if I had to pick a different ship to crew on than my own, it would be Prosperity. Safe travels.
To Beck from Julia: Hey, Wanker. I know your birthday's not for a few weeks, but apparently the Three Stooges from the galx got their act together and won't leave us the hell alone. The twins wanted to make sure you got their birthday video messages. While they're starting to be rebellious little buggers (I know I'm getting old when I shake my head and sigh saying teenagers) they do love and miss you. They made me say something nice because I called you wanker but I think you're all right.
To Marshall from Oplo: You fixed our air conditioning, correct? Can you send tips?
To Daniel from Seetha: Hi, Daniel! I've missed talking with you so much, I've come to realize. I wanted to tell SOMEONE that isn't being a big meanie (Leo, he's being a big meanie) that I have a boyfriend now! :) His name is Frodo and he's so darling. I think you'd get along famously if you met. My captain is getting sentimental and sending messages to your ship, so I thought I'd send them too.
To Ryder from Seetha: I heard how Leo treated you from him and I am APPALLED. I know it was a while ago, but he's been so bratty and callous to you and also sweet Daniel and Ian. It sounds like he's cleared the air before, but it still doesn't sound right to me. Let me know if you need me to get a real apology out of that meanie on your terms. I know he'll actually mean it because he's apparently stopping his weird bedroom behavior and slowly but surely coming to terms with that. My goodness. You don't deserve that weird behavior.
To Skylar from Kenna: [It's just a picture of French fries with a digital smiley face drawn over]
By the time the crew touches down on Kor'Sel'Koo on 3/22/24, all of the messages have been sorted and provided and we pick up a new crew member: Mari, a quirky mate who is 4'6" of apparently pure enthusiasm.
The crew doesn't immediately settle down, as there are messages to read and Gilmore Gilrs to figure out.
Muzzain, the far'ly'dae one who ordered all of that Gilmore Girls merchandise, is staying temporarily in Wuunzek, a smallish city about an hour (by underground tunnel train) from Twarvu.
Wuunzek includes a variety of amenities, including Yggld Bars, the Inspired By Earth Waterpark (it's got a lazy river, a waterslide, and a wave pool), an enormous vitamin store aimed at Ly'Daesun called Yonrur, and more.
Wuunzek Population: 89% Far’Ly’Dae, 9% Erkuss, 1% Vanneer, 1% Carrek.
The process of getting the Gilmore Girls merchandise to the right place now will be... annoying because most of it actually needs to go to Twarvu. While it would normally take an hour and a half, the crew will probably take a full 24 hours to get their surreptiously.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 months
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April 22, 2024.
Daphne Rux's 43rd birthday would not be one of her favorites. It had been nice to have so many birthdays on the ship in succession, but Daphne rarely wanted attention drawn to herself on the date, so she had been spending much of the day holed up in the captain's quarters doing research.
A tap on the door.
She ignores it, absorbed in what she was doing.
Two more taps.
"Yes, come in," she sighs, not looking up.
The door opens to reveal Muffy and Hero, both looking grim. Daphne gestures at them with concern, and offers them something to drink by gesturing to the grape-like soda cans currently sitting on her desk. Hero accepts one, but Muffy shakes her head.
"It isn't good news," Hero said, much quieter than usual.
"How... not good of news?" Daphne asked, curt in tone but still concerned. "Did someone get hurt? Did we leave HJ or Greg somewhere? Tell me. Please."
"Not anyone on our ship. Our crew is well. It's The Bat Ray." Muffy pressed her lips together, not sure how to continue.
"What do you mean it's The Bat Ray? Did Julia do something stupid and get all of those people hurt or- Muffy, what happened to Julia!?" Daphne wasn't completely unhinged, but her pitch was starting to raise.
Muffy waved her wing around carefully. "Everyone is alive. A couple of the crew may have gotten injured but- Those galx that we all thought were so foolish managed to capture their ship."
Hero cut in. "We spent all day together decoding the weird video message that we got. It was from Kenna."
Pursing her lips, Daphne said, "Show me. Please."
Hero placed a screen tablet in front of Daphne.
"We thought we could evade them, but it was like a game to them- trying to capture us. They looked so pleased with themselves. Officers Yrgus, Gekro, and Imontz. The Romoquele- Imontz- was the most dangerous. Not because of how he looked, but how he didn't seem to comprehend that he had just apprehended a bunch of people that had others who cared about them. I know I may not look like it, but there are a fair amount of people who are valuable to me. Most of them are on that ship, with me now, or on your ship. I'm the only one who managed to get away. We put it to a fast vote. We were so pressed for time. Who would make sure the kids would get away safe? I voted for Seetha. Everyone else voted for me. They said they all knew the captain would never give it up. Julia said it was only right to- make sure the kids had a parent with them who would love and protect them. Everyone agreed that I was the only choice. I couldn't argue with them. I had to be there for my kids. I'm making my way toward Kraysha. Very slowly. I need you to send a message to Julia's family. I don't know how to reach them. You're the only ones that I know how to contact that can notify them. I don't think you'll be able to respond to this message but... The Bat Ray's crew lives. I expect they''ll go on trial by the end of the year. They might call some of your crew as character witnesses. I don't know what's going to happen, but you may want to prepare."
The camera panned to Jenn and Jack sleeping- with Jack napping on his sister's shoulder.
"Tell Rebecca that I wouldn't dare let anything bad happen to them. We'll reach out once I'm on Kraysha."
Daphne pursed her lips. "We show Robin first. Then we show the whole crew. There's nothing we can do now except tell the Derringers carefully, but we can't keep this from the crew."
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
The Bat Ray
NOTE: The following NPCs are considered minor characters. All of them have potential alternative faceclaims, so please feel free to apply for a character with one of these faceclaims.
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Seetha Nadar
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Communications of The Bat Ray
Age: 25
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Heterosexual (She swears that it’s not her fault and she is so sorry)
Species: Human
Home Planet: Kraysha
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Charithra Chandran
True Appearance: N/A - Seetha is human. She does own dark violet contacts for situations when appearing to be Erkuss would be best.
Seetha got the idea to have contacts to help her appear more like an Erkuss from Skylar Clarke.
She grew up with three older brothers, and looked up to Julia like an older sister since she was very young. Her loyalty to Julia is quite intense.
She attended a very small school, and was the only human in her year. Despite this, she’s good with people across many species.
She loves One Direction so much, and makes Leo listen with her all the time.
When Seetha was 18, Julia was visiting Kraysha, and Seetha impulsively decided to join up with The Bat Ray as a mate.  
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Marked Danger Espionage IV “Mark Espionage”
Pronouns: He/him
Position: Master Gunner of The Bat Ray
Age: 29
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: He’s never said “bisexual” before, but he doesn’t hate when people say that about him. Women are his preference, but he’s open.
Species: Erkuss
Home Planet: Kor'Sel'Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Mitchel Musso
True Appearance: Mark has red eyes, but he wears hazel contacts to cover them up on Earth.
Mark comes from a long line of experts in weaponry and ‘danger.’ His great grandfather “Marked” (a secret agent and later mercenary), grandfather “Dan” (a consultant and combat instructor), and his father “Mac” (a mercenary) were all successful and well known in their respective fields.
Mark has been trained from birth to be the best at what he does. He might not be the best yet, but he’s certainly a good shot and very observant. He’s also a good team player.
Sometimes he can come off as a fuckboy, but he’s very respectful of boundaries.
He has been a crew member for 2 years.
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Leonid “Leo”
Pronouns: He/open to they
Position: Gunner of The Bat Ray
Age: 23
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Queer
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Kor'Sel'Koo
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Omar Rudberg
True Appearance: His eyes are a vibrant green, with tousled leafy dark copper “hair.” He largely resembles his human appearance. 
He is quite fast, and much stronger than he looks. Quite literally, he will sweep a potential roll in the hay off their feet.
Leo is very sex-motivated, and spends a lot of his night’s off unashamedly looking for a good time. It just doesn’t seem to occur to Leo that he’s kind of an asshole.
He thinks his job is cool, and gets geeked out about guns.
Seetha is probably his best friend.
He had a one night stand with Ryder Astrea, but didn’t leave a note before leaving in the morning.
Something happened on “margarita night” that nobody outside of The Bat Ray feels the need to describe. Whatever went down, Leo is explicitly forbidden from indulging in most beverages.
He has been a crew member since January 2022.
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Ekka Riis
Pronouns: She/her
Position: Quartermaster of The Bat Ray
Age: 43
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: ???
Species: Far’Ly’Dae
Home Planet: Oggdel'Lu
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Tiffany Haddish
True Appearance: The wood texture of her skin is intricately patterned. She has dusky pink eyes, and very defined angular features. The leaves atop her head are rosy pink.
Ekka took over as Quartermaster shortly after Daphne left.
While she isn’t as awkward as Kenna, Ekka is not particularly talkative. She appreciates quality attention, and a one-on-one conversation.
She likes flower arranging. Yes, she’s a plant person. No, it’s not that weird.
Since she isn’t exactly an open book, it can be difficult to learn much about Ekka. She did know Kenna before the first mate joined up with the ship, though.
She has been a crew member for eight years.
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ageofpiracyrp · 2 years
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 A portion of Rusty’s Warehouse and Cold Storage was dedicated to storing cardboard cutouts before they could be offloaded at a deeply discounted price... or thrown out! The previous operation The plan was to take those cardboard cutouts before they could be sent somewhere worse. 
Just as the crew of Prosperity was making final preparations for the big heist, a member of our favorite ship’s reconnaissance team spotted Kenna, First Mate of The Bat Ray, leading some recon of her own  with two of the ship’s gunners- Mark Espionage and Leo. Contact has not yet been established.
A diplomatic crew is being formed to make contact with Captain Julia Derringer. Most crew members of Prosperity will know by now that Daphne Rux and Julia were childhood friends (although they almost certainly don’t know for certain that the two are also exes). A quick in-person meeting went awkwardly enough that true negotiations would be made over remote video comms systems for the moment.
Complicating things, Ayshena from the Galactic Union has definitely been lurking around Earth lately, so drawing too much attention could cause some issues.
Part 1 (Sunday, May 22nd - Wednesday, May 25th): Video and Text Communication Lines are open with The Bat Ray
Part 2 (Thursday, May 26th - approximately Saturday, June 5th): Based on the players’ and characters’ decisions, the outcome of these discussions will culminate in how the heist will go)
Players can do the following over the course of this event:
For Part 1, participate in discussions with The Bat Ray crew members in the Age of Piracy server
Request private text, video, or in-person discussions with The Bat Ray crew members in the new AOP Small Threads server
Create private text or in-person conversations with fellow Prosperity crew members (i.e. your fellow players) in the new AOP Small Threads server and/or do in-person conversations on the dashboard
Take matters into your own hands and try to do the heist yourself (let the admin know...)
Something else (ask the admin if you need help)
Continue old threads
This event is for the group’s benefit, so there are multiple possible endings for how this heist will go. The NPCs have their own agendas, and your choices matter! If what seems like clear choices aren’t made, that is okay! There are still interesting circumstances that will occur based on what does happen. If you don’t like how the event is going, please ask!
Will the crew work together with The Bat Ray? Will things end in a fight? Where did The Bat Ray learn about this information anyway? Who will profit? And most importantly... will the cardboard cutouts come out unscathed?
Select Persons from The Bat Ray:
Julia Derringer, Human, Captain, Keira Knightley FC
Kenna, Far’Ly’Dae, First Mate, Anna Kendrick FC (crew member for 6 years)
Ekka Riis, Far’Ly’Dae, Quartermaster, Tiffany Haddish FC (crew member for 8 years)
Seetha Nadar, Human, Communications, Charithra Chandran FC (crew member for 7 years; she used to be a mate)
Mark Espionage, Erkuss, Master Gunner, Mitchel Musso FC  (crew member for 2 years)  
Leo, Far’Ly’Dae, Gunner, Omar Rudberg FC (crew member for 4 months - a past hook-up of Ryder’s)
Jenn Derringer, Human/Erkuss Hybrid, a 12 year old child with a gold left eye and a brown right eye (has been on the ship for 5 years)
Jack Derringer, Human/Erkuss Hybrid, 12 year old child with a brown left eye and a gold right eye (has been on the ship for 5 years)
NOTES -- The faceclaims for everyone except Julia and Kenna can be easily changed. Backups are in mind for everyone if someone wishes to take one of those faceclaims in the future or if any of these are undesirable faces. The children will not have faceclaims.
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