#character: samira kehmet
ageofpiracyrp · 3 months
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Seemingly overnight, the galaxy has felt like a less safe place than it used to be. There isn't a big difference, really. No other crews have managed to get captured yet (thankfully), but there has been a noted increase in Galx patrolling since April. A few little jobs that don't require going to Earth have been all that Daphne has felt comfortable doing. Now, though, it seems like a good time to go back to Kraysha.
Kenna and her twins are there, and a great many family members of the crew are too. Julia and the rest of the The Bat Ray have a trial coming up later this year, and the matter of what the crew of Prosperity wants to do about that is still pending.
There are still ways to do good missions, but it might be best to regroup on Kraysha to take advantage of those.
Not all news has been bad, however. On Zuytri's intel, Ali, Sky and Samira visited an elderly erkuss named Medri at the Moon Retirement Community. Medri spoke fondly about her mother, the late and beloved djayyar Nyessanie. Medri was completely of sound mind and honesty, and expressed how Nyessanie had long ago discovered a way to use the special ability that djayyar have to imbue power into the ground and strengthen the inhabitants... that comes with no pain at all. By personally knowing and understanding all of the beings and plants of the ground, the bond goes both ways. Loving memories from the perspective of all of the sentient beings on that ground are shared. All people find themselves with increased strength, mental acuity, and memories. The djayyar's lifespan is unaffected, but the mental acuity, shared memories and to a lesser degree strength are granted through this bond.
Medri had never heard of the djayyar that helped found Kraysha. To her understanding, the special power of the djayyar was something used with very great care and love. It wasn't something that one did on a great scale (Nyessanie did it in the garden of her own ship), but it would probably work just the same in an elevated garden or a planter box. Nyessanie was unusually honest with her adopted children, and also a terrible liar when it came to them. If Medri recalls correctly, Nyessanie used the special power of the djayyar four times in her lifetime and was happier and at least as healthy as any other djayyar that she knew of. Medri enthusiastically (and kookily) shared pictures of her eccentric family (including a few from when Nyessanie shared love and power with her and some of the other children), many of whom she has dear memories from their perspectives that she cherishes to this day.
On June 15, a few hours before Prosperity would dock on Kraysha, Muffy distributed mugs of hot cocoa (or other hot beverages to everyone's preference) and reminded everyone that she had hope that things would be better soon. And that The Bat Ray, as frustrating as they could be, was not in a situation without hope.
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samira-kehmet · 1 year
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What If Samira Decided Not to Become A Doctor?
Alternate life path: Instead of steering away from her family’s greedy pharmaceutical empire, Samira was successfully brainwashed by her father to instead join it. She ended up inheriting the company - not directly from her father but through shady means.
After her father passed away, she received word that her siblings were plotting her demise after it was revealed she would be given most of their parents’ inheritance. She in turn acted quickly and had them all killed before they had a chance.
She then usurped the company, which was immediately challenged by other members of the Kehmet family as she was not a Kehmet by blood.
Any Kehmet family members who attempted to take action either mysteriously passed away or got into serious accidents, until eventually she stopped being challenged.
She married a member of another elite Kraysha family, though it was more of a marriage for business opportunities and not about love. She continued this pattern each time a wife passed away. She had a total of three wives over her lifetime.
Kehmet Holdings began to partake in unethical experiments to more quickly put new products on the market. Prices on drugs also increased substantially to the point where often only the elite on Kraysha could afford many of the widely used medications. This had a huge impact on the quality of life on Erkuss and hybrids of lower classes on Kraysha.
Kehmet Holdings grew so largely that they were able to get away with the above because Samira had successfully absorbed competing pharmaceutical companies until Kehmet Holdings was the one left standing.
Similar to her parents, she paid high sums of money to have Djayyar children of her own whom she could shape into taking over the company, thereby guaranteeing Kehmet Holdings would continue to be run by Djayyar for the foreseeable future.
She still maintained her passion for collecting more knowledge on the Djayyar, and did so by pouring in large sums of money into a research facility and offering money to Djayyar willing to be screened and tested on (with NDAs signed of course).
After her passing, the cycle would continue with her children, and their children, and so forth.
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skylarclarke · 1 year
Behind the Scenes
Date: June 4, 2023 Location: Kraysha Characters: Ali Clarke-Iz’an ( @aliothizan ), Skylar Clarke-Iz’an Mentioned Characters: Samira Kehmet, Qiru, Karmel Vuker Description: Set during the 6/4 group chat thread. A behind-the-scenes conversation between Ali and Sky after Karmel asks Ali if he’s willing to extend her lifespan.
( A link to the googledoc can be found here! )
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ageofpiracyrp · 6 months
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When The Prosperity enters the area around Kor'sel'Koo where communications transmissions are most accessible, Muffy and Hero find themselves met with a wave of messages to sift through and sort.
To Skylar and Ali from Karmel: Happy belated anniversary in Earth years. Enjoy a round of drinks at Yggld Drinks on me. [Enclosed is a gift certificate for a round of ten shots from the Water Bar and Alcohol Bar chain Yggld Bars, which is ubiquitous in every major settlement on Kor'Sel'Koo.]
To Beck from "K": If you've made it safely and find yourself with a spot of free time, I'd love if you visited.
To Ali from Zuytri: Hi, Friend! Here's the contact information for that person we were talking about that I think you might want to meet. Medri in room 806 Jallik in the Ulsgian Moon Retirement Community.
To Laurie from Viola Dessamer of Revvly Capsule Hotels: Thank you for signing up for the Revvly Capsule Hotels communications list. If you are in need of a safe space, we are always here for you. Read between the lines, and always feel free to reach out if you need a place to stay or cruelty-free, sustainably sourced, and practical meals.
To Theo from someone in the music business in Different City [the equivalent of about $200 in gixys are included]: Hello, Theo. Enclosed are some royalties from the sales of your music. It isn't that many gixys, but I'm pleased to let you know that some of your songs have been gaining a few fans. We anticipate being able to send you some more in six months.
To HJ from Junyi: Hey, bae!! It's really starting to be a long time since we've seen each other but I don't think I'll ever miss you any less. Work is going so good that I think I might be getting quasi-semi-kind of famous. I got some AH MAY ZING new tsum tsums and I stacked all of the ones I could find into a giant pyramid. Sometimes I think 'hey, Junyi, maybe you have a problem with collecting' but then I make a giant pyramid and everything is okay. I'm sending you a collection of my favorite memes that I've found over the last week and I hope that you cherish at least one of them because they made me smile and think of how nice it would be to look at memes with you. Did you know that "meme" rhymes with "steam"? I didn't know that until yesterday. Anyway anyway anyway I love you soooo much and you're sooooo pretty and sooooo good at communicating, HJ. I think about how happy I was to get to meet you all the time and how lucky I am to get to continue to talk to you.
To Robin from Jayvon: Robin, hello! Just wanted to let you know that I started a new job as a close combat officer on a brand new pirate crew, The Dreamhouse. I love it, and I'm glad that I have someone to tell the good news. If our crews are ever in the same area (I'm on Marloken right now), we should meet up and exchange stories.
To Marshall from her Dads: Marshall! We heard you would be going to Kor'Sel'Koo, so we are sending some of our favorite pictures of you and the family when you were younger and we lived there. Also, enclosed are up-to-date addresses and contact information for your cousins and other family. If you have the time, I'm sure they would love to meet up. All of us send our love!
To Daphne from Muzzain: Coast is clear still. Looking forward to meeting with you. "If you're out on the road Feelin' lonely and so cold All you have to do is call my name". These are poignant lyrics from the Gilmore Girls theme song. My name is Muzzain. Until we meet.
To Samira from Makhaira: How is your life going? We exchanged contact information a while back, but I never wrote. I don't know how much you want to hear this, but I've picked up a new hobby: pickleball. It's the one thing I'm a little better at than most of my family, but they haven't given up on playing. We installed our own court, which sounds completely rich erkuss girl of me, but I'm glad for it. What's been keeping you busy?
To Ian from Marlene: It was very nice to see you, Ian. I'm glad that you seem happy with your new crew, and I hope we can meet up again sometime. I don't like to mean ill will of others, but if I had to pick a different ship to crew on than my own, it would be Prosperity. Safe travels.
To Beck from Julia: Hey, Wanker. I know your birthday's not for a few weeks, but apparently the Three Stooges from the galx got their act together and won't leave us the hell alone. The twins wanted to make sure you got their birthday video messages. While they're starting to be rebellious little buggers (I know I'm getting old when I shake my head and sigh saying teenagers) they do love and miss you. They made me say something nice because I called you wanker but I think you're all right.
To Marshall from Oplo: You fixed our air conditioning, correct? Can you send tips?
To Daniel from Seetha: Hi, Daniel! I've missed talking with you so much, I've come to realize. I wanted to tell SOMEONE that isn't being a big meanie (Leo, he's being a big meanie) that I have a boyfriend now! :) His name is Frodo and he's so darling. I think you'd get along famously if you met. My captain is getting sentimental and sending messages to your ship, so I thought I'd send them too.
To Ryder from Seetha: I heard how Leo treated you from him and I am APPALLED. I know it was a while ago, but he's been so bratty and callous to you and also sweet Daniel and Ian. It sounds like he's cleared the air before, but it still doesn't sound right to me. Let me know if you need me to get a real apology out of that meanie on your terms. I know he'll actually mean it because he's apparently stopping his weird bedroom behavior and slowly but surely coming to terms with that. My goodness. You don't deserve that weird behavior.
To Skylar from Kenna: [It's just a picture of French fries with a digital smiley face drawn over]
By the time the crew touches down on Kor'Sel'Koo on 3/22/24, all of the messages have been sorted and provided and we pick up a new crew member: Mari, a quirky mate who is 4'6" of apparently pure enthusiasm.
The crew doesn't immediately settle down, as there are messages to read and Gilmore Gilrs to figure out.
Muzzain, the far'ly'dae one who ordered all of that Gilmore Girls merchandise, is staying temporarily in Wuunzek, a smallish city about an hour (by underground tunnel train) from Twarvu.
Wuunzek includes a variety of amenities, including Yggld Bars, the Inspired By Earth Waterpark (it's got a lazy river, a waterslide, and a wave pool), an enormous vitamin store aimed at Ly'Daesun called Yonrur, and more.
Wuunzek Population: 89% Far’Ly’Dae, 9% Erkuss, 1% Vanneer, 1% Carrek.
The process of getting the Gilmore Girls merchandise to the right place now will be... annoying because most of it actually needs to go to Twarvu. While it would normally take an hour and a half, the crew will probably take a full 24 hours to get their surreptiously.
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ageofpiracyrp · 7 months
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Are there coincidences? Or is something bigger than ourselves driving our stories along?
The Engineering team (mechanics, electrotechnical and engineers alike) on Prosperity eventually figure out how to install the new Gravity Engine Exploiter on the ship. These things are seriously rare and take a special kind of quirky crew to make work. While the GEE came with instructions, they were not the most intuitive. For such a strange and sophisticated piece of technology, only an engineering team like this could stand to make it work so perfectly.
So on the equivalent of February 10, 2024, the crew tested out the GEE with Derros on board (and with one less crew member, Gwen). Time dilates strangely between Touchpoints. While travel isn't exactly instantaneous, crossing the galaxy in a few hours or so with only the longer journey from the Touchpoint to Merris to worry about it is quite impressive.
Everything goes according to plan to start until the ship starts to reach top speed and Theo notices that Ian (newly human) is glowing. And not just any kind of glowing, but identically to the ship's physician and surgeon, Samira. Regardless of how much of her glow Samira is containing, Ian is glowing as brightly as an uninhibited djayyar might in the exact coloration of Samira's moods. Samira notices something unusual too. The counting.
The same thing happens to Stella and Ali. Stella full-body glowing the same colors as Ali does and Ali hearing the counting. But it isn't just any counting- it's the same counting that Stella experiences all day ,every day.
Nothing else seems to have changed. This strange change does not turn off the entire time while using the GEE. Any medical examinations do not indicate any other changes or problems with the damartrekt or djayyar. All bodily functions are normal. It's just the glow matching the djayyar's mood and the counting matching the damartrekt's age.
The strange changes end as soon as the GEE is turned off upon getting to the other side of the Touchpoint (which only takes a few hours, and cannot be aborted after starting).
How strange.
The crew will enjoy a nice (if somewhat boring to many- except Derros) trip to the Crystalline Port, which is quite literally a spaceship and boat port overlooking some very dangerous-looking crystal stalagmites. It's pretty, but there's not much else to do here besides look at the water and crystals.
And to ponder what just happened.
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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On May 20, the crew of the ship Prosperity would divide itself temporarily into three groups for approximately one week:
The Quest: Karmel Vuker leads Ali, Beck, Skylar, HJ, and Butterfly to explore a cave on an uninhabited island.
Daphne: A solo Daphne visits her parents Svo and Nicolas Rux on their expansive Rungung family estate.
The Stronghold: Robin Astrea is acting leader over the rest of the crew in Rungung’s main port.
Daphne will have limited access to communications during the day, but The Quest and The Stronghold can have unrestricted communications. However, Karmel and Prosperity‘s crew are uncertain about whether the cave has characteristics that will block communications. Communications crew members Muffy and Stella will take rotating shifts to ensure that someone is always available to speak to, but the rest of the crew is welcome to communicate through the ship’s normal comms line. Additionally, the Communications crew members will monitor all types of communications methods that the ship might receive in case of the possible emergency in which Skylar innovates a method.
Notably for The Quest, the archaeological evidence indicates that only a djayyar making the attempt of their own volition will have success entering the cave. There are two djayyar at present on the ship (Ali and Samira), but only Ali will be making this journey.
In order to roleplay the consequences of these events, two threads will be opened in the “small threads” Discord server (affectionately nicknamed the “crab knife” server):
Open Comms, available to all characters except Daphne. This channel is for chat messages.
Quest Narrative, open to Karmel, Ali, Beck, Skylar, and HJ. Ship Medic Butterfly will be present, but as the character is an open skeleton character, the admin will narrate what this character does. This is a narrative thread, so roleplaying will take place in third person. At certain moments, the admin may provide narrated insight into what is in the cave.
The two small threads will be semi-synchronous. Idle chatter in the Open Comms thread can occur, but the conversation topics in Open Comms WILL move on if The Quest participants need to use it.
Participation in this event (in the Open Comms and/or Quest Narrative is mandatory for all player characters.
Further information will be disclosed in the Quest Narrative thread to “The Quest” group.
Players are encouraged to continue any threads from before this event.
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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Samira Kehmet
Pronouns: she/her
Role: Surgeon
Age: 313
Romantic and/or Sexual Preference: Lesbian
Species: Djayyar
Home Planet: Kraysha
Faceclaim/Humanoid Appearance: Sarah Shahi
True Appearance: Samira has mastered the ability to look like an Erkuss with the exception of her dark eyes glittering similarly to the night sky. If she ever chooses to reveal her full Djayyar form, her skin will glow with an array of dark blue, indigo, and orange, reminiscent of dusk. Her long hair in particular contains a mixture of dark blue and indigo, with little sparkles resembling stars.
[TW: Death, depression, suicidal thoughts]
Samira was born on a small, unnamed island in the southwestern part of Gaison, Kraysha. The moment it was discovered that a small Djayyar had been born in the area, many Erkuss competed in locating her. Who ended up collecting her successfully was the Kehmet family, a wealthy Erkuss family from Vungol that owned the powerful pharmaceutical company Kehmet Holdings, who paid a pretty penny for mercenaries to find her. They raised the small glittering blob as their own, and made plans for her to be the most perfect part of their “perfect” family.
By the time Samira reached maturity, she had the highest grades in her class. Her parents accepted nothing less than absolute perfection, so even in the classes she didn’t feel passionate about, she had no choice but to excel in. The favoritism was clear in the family, and Samira’s adoptive siblings grew very resentful of her. She had developed an interest in medicine, finding the career of saving lives a very noble cause. To her, it felt like a contrast to the greedy side of medicine that her family’s company contributed in - helping only those who were able to afford it, and making money the priority over the well-being of others.
Both her parents and adoptive siblings were elderly by the time she started her medical career, but financially she was set as she ended up inheriting most of her parents’ wealth when they passed, sans the company since Samira could not realistically continue their family legacy. This caused an uproar in the family, and her siblings planned to hire hitmen to get rid of her and take her inheritance. Upon hearing this plan, Samira moved to Rungung to live with distant relatives of hers, and they provided protection until her siblings also eventually passed of old age. Her nieces and nephews had no interest in killing her, and surprisingly Samira kept in touch with them and their descendants throughout the centuries.
While in Rungung, Samira met a young Erkuss woman named Lyra, a fellow surgeon at the hospital she worked at. Like Samira, Lyra was very ambitious, and Samira was attracted to the kindred spirit. They eventually married, though as Lyra grew older, she became resentful of the slow-aging Samira and her ability to continue her career while Lyra’s reflexes and cognition diminished over time. The marriage lasted thirty years, until Lyra had enough and asked for a divorce. The divorce wasn’t pretty, and affected Samira for a couple of decades as she became hesitant to become involved with anyone else.
A couple of years before her 170th birthday, Samira did eventually meet someone else. Her name was Kore (pronounced like Cora), and she was the complete opposite of Lyra in every way imaginable. She was kind, charming, and the furthest thing from egotistical. She was a school teacher, who (maybe a bit unprofessionally) Samira initially met as her patient. The attraction was obvious, but Samira didn’t pursue it, even after Kore was discharged. It wasn’t until she received a thank-you card signed by Kore a week later, with her contact information attached, that Samira finally decided to give the relationship thing another try.
Whereas Samira’s first marriage worked out because she had a colleague who worked the same, crazy schedules she did, Kore was patient enough to deal with Samira’s long shifts at the hospital. Kore understood how important Samira’s career was to her, and never tried to get in the way of it. However, the one thing she did ask for was marriage and kids. Samira was rightfully hesitant about this, knowing as a Djayyar she would not only out-live Kore, but their children, too. She initially pushed back, but when Kore made the argument that she wanted to spend the rest of her life as Samira’s wife, and mother to two beautiful children (a dream of hers), Samira eventually caved in.
They married, and a year later they adopted their first child, Ellexa. The following year, they adopted their second child, Rae. The next century would be the most beautiful and heartbreaking of Samira’s existence. Kore died of old age after one hundred and twelve years of marriage together, and at the time Samira couldn’t bear the thought of living life without her. She decided to live only for her children, whom she also had to watch grow old. First Rae went, which was unexpected as she had been the younger of the two. Then Ellexa. The pain was too much to bear, but Ellexa, aware that she was the very last reason for Samira to live, made her promise that she finally try and live her life after spending centuries on Kraysha. There was so much of the galaxy that she should get to see, that she never had the chance to see because she had been so focused on her career, and eventually, her family, for most of her life. This promise was the only reason Samira decided not to follow her family into the unknown of the afterlife.
Kraysha had too many painful memories. Beautiful memories, but painful nonetheless. Soon after Ellexa’s passing, the timing worked out as Daphne Rux, an acquaintance she happened to know through the many channels that came with being the member of one of Kraysha’s most prominent families, arrived on Kraysha with her smuggler crew. And she just so happened to be short a surgeon. While Samira never engaged in any illegal activities before this, she supposed this was a good start as any to find that life her daughter wanted her to live. The only problem was, she had yet to discover any reason to keep on living.
Skills: Samira is an exceptional surgeon, having spent centuries performing every single medical procedure imaginable for a wide array of species from all over the galaxy. She’s also very knowledgable with Kraysha history and culture, and is fluent in many of the galactic languages that she learned for fun over the centuries. She has the same abilities of all Djayyar.
Played by Ash; 28 ; she/her; eastern time
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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ageofpiracyrp · 1 year
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The following character has been accepted!
Samira Kehmet, a Djayyar Surgeon played by Ash
Please send in your account. Looking forward having you and your character join us here!
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samira-kehmet · 1 year
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Name: Samira Kehmet Nicknames: Sami (Her wife only) Gender: Cis woman Pronouns: She/Her Birthday: 1 September 1709
Faceclaim: Sarah Shahi Height: 5′3″ Build: Slim Hair Color: Appears dark brown most of the time, but in full Djayyar form it’s a mix of dark blue and indigo Hairstyle: Wavy and long Eye Color: Dark with sparkles  Scars/Markings/Tattoos: None Fashion Sense: On the ship she typically is wearing scrubs, but when out in the wild she’s a big fan of wearing “cold” colors and knee-length dresses with heels. 
Hometown: Vungol, Maeyr, Kraysha Romantic/Sexual Orientation: Lesbian Relationship Status: Widowed Occupation: Surgeon Hobbies: Reading, hiking, yoga
Strengths: Intelligent, Compassionate, Precise Weaknesses: Inhibited, Melancholic, Nihilistic Temperament: Calm Neutral Traits: Analytical, Conservative, Maternal Dominant Hand: Right-handed
Life Philosophy: She’s actively looking for one. Values: Knowledge, helping others Ambitions: Finding a reason to existence Religion Affiliation/spirituality: None. Favorite Time of Day: Night Pet Peeves: Messy eaters, messes in general Quirks: Will subconsciously “fix” things that look orderly, whether it belongs to her or not; frowns when she’s heavily focused on something; 
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