#character: wu zhenfeng
zhansww · 6 months
I know I said before, more than once, that I think dd stopped taking any cutesy romantic roles that require kissing a female after/because he got married. But I’m also starting to realize that more than that, dd seems to choose roles that are easily interpretable as queer. This is applicable to Baili Hongyi, Wei Ruolai and even to Ye Mi and Lei Yu but especially to Chen Yu. In Chen Yu’s case, you could even believe that the love is reciprocated. (There’s one scene near the end of that drama where Wu Zhenfeng tells Chen Yu he woulda liked to take a walk with him in the moonlight which, as far as I know, is a well-known reference to romantic love in China since the moon = love. It’s the same reason we see LZ, staring at the moon before he meets WY for the second time; signifying that he is already in love by that point.) The potential queer subtext of these characters may not be intended and will most surely fly over most straight viewers’ heads but it’s still there and it only gets alleviated by how Yibo himself played those roles. Which leads me to think that Yibo intentionally chooses characters that he can and does interpret and also play as queer. In a very subtle way, mind you. I’m somehow noticing it with Wei Ruolai more than with any previous character... and I just think it’s amazing. I really like Yibo’s choices for roles.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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冰雨火 | Being a Hero E10 ° Wu Zhenfeng isn’t here for the arena, and he’s not here to make a deal. He came here for revenge!
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rainbowsky · 2 years
Hello! First i really like your blog thank you so much for your patient answers. I was curious, do you have any idea how BAH is doing in general? Is it received well by the viewers? I would have liked to look for it myself but i don't even know where to star t:(
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Hi Anon, thanks so much, I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! 😊
It's a bit too early to have a really clear idea about how the show is being received. Only 8 episodes have aired so far, and it hasn't even been a week since it started airing.
However there are some data out about it, as the Chinese entertainment industry loves its charts. But this is so preliminary because BAH had only been out 4-5 days when these were compiled. I feel like we may see very different numbers next week.
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Vlinkage Web Drama Broadcast Index 15 Aug 2022
4] Being a Hero 70.63
Maoyan Webcast Popularity Index 15 Aug 2022
3] Being a Hero 9498.7
Datawin TV Series Index 15 Aug 2022
7] Being a Hero - Chen Yu 45%, Wu Zhenfeng 40%, Lin Dezan 8%, Other 7%
Vlinkage Character Index 15 Aug 2022
8] Chen Yu 8.76
As for how people are talking about it, how 'popular' or well-liked is in a more interpersonal, social way, I have no idea. I haven't heard much about it at all. It's still very early. More stories and reviews will begin to surface in the coming weeks.
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wyeobo · 2 years
Being A Hero weibo update 20220827 # Double Heroes Special # The extreme contrast makes the boundary between light and dark, good and evil clearer and clearer. Chen Xiao's Wu Zhenfeng, #WangYibo's Chen Yu, from facing alone to facing together, they interpret the most exciting characters with the most devoted state, immerse in the heaviest of emotions, and display the most capable plot.
ERGO Being A Hero is jointly produced drama with real police departments to ensure both grit and realism, and with media companies to ensure quality and efficiency, this is the kind of project Wang Yibo has been involved in since 2019
Leeches SCRAM
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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冰雨火 | Being A Hero E27 ° I still think that just in case anything happens, you should have help. We didn’t return together three years ago, but not this time. This time we have to leave together.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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冰雨火 | Being a Hero E30-31 ° I knew you would be coming today to take in the exotic scenery, so I brought you to here at night to gaze at the moon.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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冰雨火 | Being a Hero E27 ° Reconciling.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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冰雨火 | Being a Hero E12 ° Chen Yu. Do you trust me?
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zhansww · 2 years
I just binged the last episodes of Being a Hero... I have a lot of thoughts... first and foremost, I am so so moved by the main characters' relationship. They certainly have their ups and downs throughout the story but they're the heart and soul of it all which is made very clear through the writing/acting/editing. Also, the tension between them is so ... charged. Their scenes are always the best ones. There may be the canon het romance but the true love story in this show is between Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng, Is2G. The most impactful scene (to me) was when Chen Yu cried over the loss of his comrade — actual crying, not just an aesthetic single tear rolling down dd's cheek but he was full-on sobbing — which was heart-wrenching to watch. But what that particular plot line served was to make Chen Yu all the more determined to do anything to save Wu Zhenfeng even if it means dying for him. And all that talk about them, being willing to die for each other shoulda given me the hint that one of them would die but I still wasn't ready for that ending. I'm yet undecided if I like it or not... Oh man. What a ride. I didn't care much for the plot and the writing of Chen Yu's character was disappointing at times (mainly cuz they made him act outside of his established characterization in order to force the plot to move a certain way) but I still enjoyed this. I was definitely always easily hooked to the screen when Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng were together. On a side note, Chen Yu had a gf the whole time but Yibo didn't have to kiss her even once. Which I find kinda amazing. And this is the first role he took and we got to see him in after he and gg got married (not counting yf and fqyl cuz he agreed to those a year earlier although there were no kisses in the latter either). I'd be willing to bet he really has made it his mission not to kiss anyone else and I'll be very impressed if he actually pulls it off hehe
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zhansww · 2 years
Duude, youku does not make it easy for international fans. I could watch Being A Hero on the app but not on the site which means I also dunno how to download or screen-record the episodes so I can gif some stuff. Well, not yet anyway. Putting my frustration with youku aside, though, I remember being glad for dd when he first got this role cuz it’s something he’d wanted to do and I’m still glad for him now. Five episodes in and there’s already a lot that doesn’t make sense to me but as per usual, I’ll just ignore the plot and focus on my man. Chen Yu is so fucking cute. Not sure if he’s supposed to be but Yibo makes him cute. He got needlessly scolded a lot smh and every time, he just looked like an adorable, sad puppy xD When we got to his backstory, my first though was that Yibo must really love playing tortured characters. The tension between the main characters - Chen Yu and Wu Zhenfeng - is off the charts. Like damn, if you didn’t know better, you’d totally think that they are former lovers but Zhenfeng got too obsessed with revenge and now, Chen Yu is torn between feeling betrayed by or being loyal to the man he loves. All the evidence points to Zhenfeng being a criminal but Chen Yu seems to almost desperately want to prove that he is innocent. This would make such a great, angsty love story but I’m sure there’s gonna be a heterosexual explanation for their relationship. Not to mention there’s a female with literally no character who’s probably going to be the Chen Yu’s wife at some point, I can already tell, lol. It’s alright, though, so far. Chen Yu is both cute and badass and I like to see it~
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