dishidigitalmarketing · 2 months
Dishi Digital Marketing - we grow your business .We specialize in transforming your online presence and driving results. for more info visit our website.
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The Coaching Centre for Sainik School Near Me in Charkhi Dadri have experienced and knowledgeable faculty members who are dedicated to the success of their students. The faculty members provide personalized attention to the students and guide them throughout the preparation process. The centers also provide an environment conducive to learning, where the students can ask questions and discuss their doubts and concerns.
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techoairaviation · 2 years
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Why did two planes collide in Charkhi Dadri? Charkhi Dadri Collision was the deadliest mid-air collision in aviation history.
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trendingwatch · 2 years
हरियाणा के चरखी दादरी में मिला कंकाल लापता सिपाही का हो सकता है: पुलिस
हरियाणा के चरखी दादरी में मिला कंकाल लापता सिपाही का हो सकता है: पुलिस
पुलिस को कंकाल के अवशेष चरखी दादरी सिविल अस्पताल के पीछे सड़क के पास मिले। (प्रतिनिधि) Bhiwani, Haryana: पुलिस ने शनिवार को बताया कि यहां के तोशाम इलाके से 26 अगस्त से लापता एक पुलिसकर्मी का कंकाल चरखी दादरी में मिला है। पुलिस ने शनिवार को यह जानकारी दी। पुलिस ने कहा कि मानव अवशेषों के पास मिले फटे कपड़े और मोबाइल के आधार पर, अवशेषों की पहचान जसबीर के रूप में हुई, जो भिवानी जिले के तोशाम थाने…
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techoair · 2 years
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Charkhi Dadri Collision was a collision between 2 aircraft that occurred on 12 November 1996 near the town of Charkhi Dadri in Haryana, India
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beardedmrbean · 23 days
An 18-year-old schoolboy was shot and killed by so-called cow protection vigilantes in India after they chased him for miles over suspicion of being involved in cattle smuggling.
The incident took place in Faridabad in the northern Indian state of Haryana on 23 August, days after a migrant worker was beaten to death by another cow vigilante group in the state’s Charkhi Dadri district over suspicion of consuming beef.
Cows are considered sacred and worshipped by many Hindus, the religion that makes up a large majority of India’s population. Cow vigilante groups are accused of enforcing, often violently, Indian laws banning cattle slaughter and beef consumption.
Scores of cow “protectors” in recent years have been accused of using violence to carry out extra-judicial activities, often finding themselves at odds with law enforcement. Yet their activities have also received a degree of public support from those who believe they are defending the Hindu faith. Their activities have seen an increase since prime minister Narendra Modi came to power in 2014 as the head of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
The vigilantes were allegedly searching for cattle smugglers when they chased Aryan Mishra’s car for about 18 miles (30km) before opening fire, reported NDTV.
Five members of the group have been arrested in connection with the incident. The accused, identified as Anil Kaushik, Varun, Krishna, Adesh, and Saurabh, claimed they had received information that smugglers were active in the area in large Renault Duster and Toyota Fortuner cars, hoping to pick up cattle.
Mishra and his friends, Harshit and Shanky, were in a Renault Duster car when they were stopped by the vigilantes. The occupants of the car are said to have had a prior dispute with another individual, mistook the vigilantes for their rivals and sped away.
The vigilantes, convinced that the occupants were cattle smugglers, chased the car and opened fire, hitting Mishra. When the car finally stopped, the attackers fired another shot into Mishra’s chest, resulting in his death, reported India Today.
According to the police, the suspects initially attempted to mislead the investigators, saying they threw the weapon into a canal. However, it was later recovered from Kaushik’s home, police said. The arrested men are currently in police custody, and further investigation is underway.
The killing of Mishra comes on the heels of another brutal incident in Haryana where Sabir Malik, a migrant worker from West Bengal, was beaten to death by a group of cow vigilantes on 27 August on suspicion of consuming beef. Authorities arrested seven individuals, including two minors, in connection with Malik’s death, as the state grappled with the rising tide of such crimes.
Hardline Hindu groups have been demanding a complete ban on cow slaughter across India, with several states enacting strict laws against it. Critics say that these laws have emboldened the vigilantes, leading to an increase in attacks on those accused of killing cows for meat or leather – predominantly people from the minority Muslim community and those on the lower rungs of India’s ancient caste system.
Last week, a 55-year-old woman died, reportedly of a panic attack, after police raided her home in Bijnor in Uttar Pradesh state to see if she was storing beef. In the end their searches showed she wasn’t.
Uttar Pradesh enforces strict laws against cow slaughter, with violations punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to Rs500,000 (£4,500). The state’s anti-cow slaughter law not only bans the animal’s killing, but also the sale and transport of beef.
In the neighbouring state of Madhya Pradesh, authorities bulldozed the homes of 11 people in June after allegedly finding beef in their refrigerators and cows in their backyards. Police later claimed that the homes were demolished for being illegally built on government land, without providing evidence.
In September last year, police arrested Mohit Yadav, better known by his alias Monu Manesar, after he was accused of inciting deadly religious violence in the north Indian state of Haryana in July.
The head of a unit set up by a hardline Hindu group to protect cows, he was detained for allegedly uploading “objectionable and inflammatory” posts in the run-up to religion violence in Nuh in which at least six people were killed and several injured. He was also accused in the murder of two Muslim men in the neighbouring state of Rajasthan.
In April last year, four members of the right-wing group All India Hindu Mahasabha were arrested in Uttar Pradesh for allegedly slaughtering cows to falsely implicate Muslim men. The arrests were made after police uncovered the group’s involvement in filing a false complaint against four Muslim men for alleged cow slaughter.
In March 2023, police in Bihar arrested three men in connection with the death of a Muslim man, Naseem Qureshi, who was attacked because he was suspected of carrying beef.
On 1 September, an elderly Muslim man was assaulted by his co-passengers on a moving train in Maharashtra’s Nashik district on suspicion of carrying beef. Police arrested three men allegedly involved in the incident after a video of the assault went viral on social media.
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cicidarkarts · 10 days
So is idrees like— the victim or do you think he’s a villian(your opinion)
Before I start, I just want to say that I am NOT in agreement with religious extremist dogma, I do NOT sympathize with people who perpetuate these things and victimize ordinary people. I am only speaking about fictional characters in a fictional setting that is based on real life events. I would never wish to defend a radical of any kind, be they religious, political, etc. I would hope that people have the intelligence and nuance to understand the difference. This is not directed at you specifically, either. This is just a general CYA; don't come for my jugular because of my opinions on fictional characters.
That said… There is a difference between being a villain and doing villainous things. Idrees is intelligent and knows how to get what he wants; however, he lacks the emotional intelligence to see the bigger picture.
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"Yes, Idrees, I was your teacher once. You were a good student." -Nurullah
His bio states he would give up this entire life just for a scrap of feeling loved and wanted. Far be it from my fangirl ass to look too deeply into it and make my own headcanons, but that screams no emotional intelligence, doing this for personal gain without realizing the true extent of his actions. Note the look in his eyes, his silence as the realization of it all dawns on him during the climax of his character arc. Before this, he never truly thought about his actions. But he's thinking now.
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(My dude said get that gun out of my face you idiot)
The true villain of this story is not Idrees. It's the religious extremism, radicalization, insane dogma of the powers that be. Idrees is their vessel that helps keep people down because they promised him things that he could realistically never gain. It isn't until he almost kills Parvana and Shauzia does he realize that this isn't the life he wants. He's no murderer. He's not heartless.
But it's too late for him. He's carted off to war to be another cog in this rusty machine that would sooner crush him under the weight of its own greed than give him anything he was promised. Rather than freedom, acceptance, and belonging, he gets abuse, coercion, and death.
Is Idrees a villain? No. He's an antagonist. Not all antagonists are villains. And some antagonists, like Idrees, are misguided, hurt individuals doing what they can to survive. If you watch the movie closely, Idrees doesn't engage in any violence by himself. He never gets his hands dirty and gets other people to do the dirty work for him. I believe he's afraid, and is hiding under false bravado to pretend that he isn't. I also wonder sometimes why he didn't come back to harrass Parvana and her family after this. Remorse? Fear? Guilt? Who knows, but it's interesting he never persues her and possibly never interacts with her father again after the arrest.
Is Idrees a victim? Yes. He's been victimized by the very culture surrounding this ideology. Victimized by his family who cared not for him. Victimized by his uncle who didn't care about him, either (watch the brick'd clip again, his uncle is laughing in the background). Victimized by those in power promising this young man unobtainable things because they know they can use him to maintain power.
Does Idrees victimize other people? Yes. He victimizes Parvana by trying to use her to further his own religious beliefs, asking to marry her as he sees her not as a good wife but as a way to get into heaven. He victimizes Nurullah by sending him to the high security and horrific prison of Pul-e-Charkhi where the man is seen emaciated, filthy, and unresponsive. He victimizes Parvana's entire family by ensuring that their only way to survive, their father, is no longer in the picture.
Hurt people will always hurt people without proper introspection and control. Unfortunately, "He does not care whom and how he hurts along the way."
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humanrightsupdates · 4 months
Ahmad Fahim Azimi and Seddiqullah Afghan, activists working with the education organization, Fekre Behtar, were arbitrarily arrested at their office in Karta Char, Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, by the Taliban’s General Directorate of Intelligence (GDI) District 40, on October 17, 2023. While Seddiqullah Afghan was released on April 9 under the Taliban’s supreme leader Eid pardon decision for prisoners, Ahmad Fahim Azimi is imprisoned in Pul-e-Charkhi prison. He is falsely accused of working against the Taliban de-facto authorities, convicted through an unfair trial by the Taliban primary court, and sentenced to one year in prison. His arrest, arbitrary detention, and unfair trial are against international human rights law. He must be immediately and unconditionally released.
Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
Click here to let us know the actions you took on Second Urgent Action 9.24. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
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44del · 6 months
does anyone else think about when idrees says “they’ll teach him a good lesson in pul-e-charkhi” to parvana; how he was mocking nurullah and the one thing he genuinely loved and took pride in doing….or is it just me
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gonzalo-obes · 11 months
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Día Mundial contra la Neumonía, Día del Abrazo en Familia, Semana Internacional de la Ciencia y la Paz, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
Santa Fina, San Margarito, San Renato, San Josafat, San Cristiano y San Emiliano
Tal día como hoy en el año 1990: El productor Frank Farian hace público que las voces del dúo alemán Milli Vanilli son en realidad de otros dos cantantes, descubriéndose el que se considera el mayor fraude de la historia de la música.
En 1990: Tim Berners-Lee describe la idea de la World Wide Web, o conjunto de protocolos para compartir información operando sobre los existentes (Internet), que dará lugar a la Web como hoy en día se conoce.
En 1996: Un avión Boeing 747 de Saudi Arabian Airlines y un Ilyushin Il-76 de carga kazajo colisionan en pleno vuelo, sobre la villa de Charkhi Dadri (India), causando la muerte a 349 personas, todos sus ocupantes. Es el accidente aéreo más mortífero en pleno vuelo de la historia de la aviación.
En 1996: En votación de la Asamblea General de la ONU resulta por mayoría la negativa al embargo estadounidense contra Cuba.
En 1997: Ramzi Yousef es declarado culpable del atentado a las Torres Gemelas de 1993 y condenado a cadena perpetua sin posibilidad de libertad condicional.
En 2001: El ejército talibán abandona Kabul (capital de Afganistán), a causa de la llegada de la Alianza del Norte.
En 2001: Se estrella un avión Airbus A300 de la compañía American Airlines en el barrio de Queens (Nueva York) que acaba de despegar, causando la muerte a sus 260 ocupantes y a 5 personas más en tierra.
En 2001: Se reúnen por primera vez los tres componentes vivos de la banda de rock The Beatles, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr y George Harrison, a petición de este último, que fallecería 17 días después.
En 2014: El módulo de aterrizaje Philae se desprende de la sonda espacial Rosetta y aterriza sobre el cometa 67P/Churiumov-Guerasimenko, siendo la primera vez que un dispositivo humano llega a posarse en un cometa.
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indiaepost · 10 hours
Haryana polls: MP CM to address rallies in Yadav-OBC dominated seats
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav will be campaigning for the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in poll-bound Haryana on Thursday. In his day-long campaign schedule, CM Yadav will address public rallies in three Assembly seats — Charkhi Dadri, Bhivani and Bawani Khera. First, two of these three Assembly seats — Charkhi Dadri and Bhivani — fall under the Mahendragarh-Bhivani Lok Sabha…
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meghmanimetal · 1 month
Supplier of CS Seamless Pipe in Haryana
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Meghmani Metal Industries is a Manufacturer and Supplier of CS Seamless Pipe in Haryana, India. We established our company in 2011 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. We offer a diverse array of stainless steel products including plates, coils, bars, pipes, tubes, flanges, valves, fittings, fasteners, channels, and flats, meticulously crafted to meet varied industrial needs. CS Seamless Pipe is a carbon steel pipe produced without welding seams, ensuring a continuous and smooth structure.   Features of CS Seamless Pipes: Uniform Strength: Without welds, seamless pipes provide uniform strength throughout their length, reducing the risk of failure. High Pressure and Temperature Resistance: Capable of withstanding extreme conditions, making them suitable for high-pressure and high-temperature environments. Corrosion Resistance: Often treated or alloyed to enhance corrosion resistance, extending the lifespan of the pipes. Smooth Internal Surface: The lack of welds ensures a smooth internal surface, reducing friction and improving fluid flow. Customizable Dimensions: Available in various sizes and thicknesses to meet specific requirements and industry standards.   Applications: Oil and Gas Industry Construction Automotive Power Generation Chemical Processing   Meghmani Metal Industries is a Supplier of CS Seamless Pipe in Haryana, India including locations Faridabad, Gurugram, Bhiwani, Ambala, Hisar, Jind, Jhajjar, Karnal, Nuh, Panipat, Sonepat, Rewari, Sirsa, Rohtak, Yamunanagar, Palwal, Kurukshetra, Fatehabad, Mahendragarh, Charkhi Dadri, Kaithal, and Panchkula.   For more information and inquiries, feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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sigigeigewifi · 2 months
Discover Profitable Leasing Opportunities with Lenskart in punjab and Haryana .
Discover Profitable Leasing Opportunities with Lenskart in punjab and Haryana .
Are you searching to lease out your property to a reputed brand and earn constant profits? Don’t wait any longer! Lenskart, a renowned retail brand, is on the lookout for prime locations to expand its presence in Punjab and haryana regions through leasing agreements. As a registered consultant for Lenskart, we at Franchise AVS are here to facilitate this attractive opportunity for both property owners and investors.
Lenskart Brand Leasing Opportunity in punjab and Haryana
Why Should You Lease to Lenskart?
Lenskart is a brand and it stands out in the retail market with its impressive portfolio and solid reputation. Partnering with such a brand has multiple benefits:
Reputable Brand Recognition: Lenskart name alone is sufficient for signifying trust and quality. Leasing your property Lenskart ensures alignment with a brand that enjoys a strong, positive market presence.
Increasing Demand for Fashion Retail: With the retail sector booming, especially in fashion, Lenskart and affordable offerings are in high demand.
Professional Management and Operations: Lenskart is known for its efficient and professional management, ensuring smooth operations and sustained growth.
Commitment to Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Lenskart commitment to quality and customer satisfaction also extends to Lenskart, ensuring repeat business and customer loyalty.
Key Benefits of Leasing to Lenskart
By leasing your property to Lenskart, you will be getting a lot of significant advantages:
Long-term Lenskart offers an 18-year lease agreement with a 3-year locking period, providing stability and long-term income.
Attractive Rental: You can expect timely and attractive rental payments, making it a profitable venture.
Capital Appreciation: Leasing to a reputable brand like Lenskart can enhance the value of your property over time.
The Leasing Process
At Franchise AVS your leasing process is designed to be seamless and hassle-free for property owners. Here’s how it works:
Contact Us: Reach out to us through our website, email, or phone.
Property Evaluation: We’ll assess your property’s suitability for a Lenskart store, considering factors such as location, size, and accessibility.
Lease Agreement: We’ll negotiate a favorable lease agreement that ensures a steady income stream.
Store Setup: Our team will work closely with Lenskart to ensure a smooth store setup and launch.
Benefits of Leasing through Franchise AVS
As a registered consultant for Lenskart, Franchise AVS offers a range of benefits to property owners:
Stress-Free Experience: Our team will guide you through the entire leasing process, from initial contact to store launch.
Expert Guidance: We understand Lenskart requirements and expectations, ensuring that your property meets their standards.
Profitable Lease Agreement: We will help you secure a long-term, profitable lease with a reputable brand.
Smooth Property Evaluation: Our experts will assess your property’s potential and suitability.
Maximized Potential: Our expertise will surely help you in unlocking your property’s full potential, ensuring maximum profitability.
Easy Process of Launch: We ensure a smooth setup and launch of the store, minimising any disruptions.
Profitable Partnership: Secure a long-term lease agreement with a renowned brand, ensuring a steady and constant income stream.
Ideal Locations for Lencekart Stores
Lenskart is targeting several key locations across Punjab and Haryana including
Charkhi dadri
Lenskart Leasing Requirements
To ensure the successful establishment of Lenskart store, the following property specifications are essential:
Area Required: 500 to 1,000 sq ft carpet area
Minimum Frontage: 14 feet
Floor Height: 9.5 feet clear height from bottom to lower beam
Floor Requirements : The ground floor
Clear visivility from all sides : L.H.S and R.H.S
Parking space : Availability
washroom : availability
Lencekart Brand : Bata, jockey, Titan eye+, Reliance trend or any other or regnized retail brands.
Property Type: Commercially owned property, metro long lease property, government long lease property
Contact Us
Don’t miss this golden opportunity to partner with a popular retail brand. Contact us today to learn more about Lenskart leasing opportunities and how we can assist you in securing a profitable lease agreement.
Contact Details:
Call or What’s app: +91 9205434226
Website: Franchise AVS Premium Brands Franchise & Leasing Expansion
Let’s secure our future together! Get this profitable partnership with Lenskart and watch your property value rise high!
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humanrightsupdates · 6 months
On October 17, 2023, Ahmad Fahim Azimi and Seddiqullah Afghan, two activists working with the education organization, Fekre Behtar, were arbitrarily arrested at their office in Karta Char, Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. They are accused of working against the Taliban de-facto authorities. After being held for 72 days for interrogation in the GDI District 40, they were trialed on December 27, 2023, and subsequently sent to Pul-e-Charkhi prison. Ahmad Fahim Azimi and Seddiqullah Afghan’s arrest and arbitrary detention are against international human rights law. They must be immediately and unconditionally released.
Write a letter in your own words or using the sample below as a guide to one or both government officials listed. You can also email, fax, call or Tweet them.
Click here to let us know the actions you took on Urgent Action 9.24. It’s important to report because we share the total number with the officials we are trying to persuade and the people we are trying to help.
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angel0news · 2 months
Haryana Parties Rally Behind Vinesh Phogat After Paris Olympics Disappointment
As the Haryana state elections approach, political parties are rallying in support of wrestler Vinesh Phogat, who faced a significant setback after being disqualified from the final bout at the Paris Olympics. The state is set to go to polls within a few months, and leaders are keen to align themselves with the popular athlete.
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Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini’s Support
On Thursday, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini of the BJP announced that Vinesh Phogat would be honored at par with a bronze medalist, despite her disqualification. “Haryana’s courageous daughter Vinesh Phogat gave a brilliant performance in the Olympics and reached the finals. She might not have been able to contest the final match, but she is a champion for all of us. Our government will honor and welcome her the same as we do for a medallist,” Saini declared on X (formerly Twitter).
Under the government’s sports policy, Olympic gold medalists receive Rs 6 crore, silver medalists get Rs 4 crore, and bronze medal winners are awarded Rs 2.5 crore. Saini’s decision ensures Phogat will receive the same recognition and benefits as a bronze medal winner.
Opposition’s Take
Leader of the Opposition and former CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda of the Congress party suggested that Phogat should be honored at par with a gold medalist. Hooda also mentioned that if he had sufficient numbers in the Assembly, he would have nominated Phogat for the Rajya Sabha. Currently, the BJP holds a majority in the Assembly, making it likely that their candidate will win the upcoming Rajya Sabha seat election.
AAP’s Early Outreach
Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, representing the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), was the first political leader to visit Phogat’s village in Charkhi Dadri after her disqualification. Mann criticized the BJP, suggesting a conspiracy behind Phogat’s disqualification and called for intervention from Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Congress and Wrestler Protests
The Congress party has been vocal about supporting the wrestlers' protests against former wrestling federation chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh of the BJP. Vinesh Phogat was a prominent figure in these protests, and Congress leaders have stood with the wrestlers. Recently, the Congress inducted a former woman coach who accused ex-sports minister Sandeep Singh of sexual harassment, further showcasing their stance on supporting athletes and women’s rights.
As the Haryana elections draw near, political parties are leveraging their support for Vinesh Phogat to resonate with the electorate. The widespread backing for Phogat reflects her influence and the broader political strategies at play in the state.
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nghubs1 · 2 months
Vinesh Phogat Biography, Education, Career, Controversies, And Net Worth
Born on August 25, 1994, in Charkhi Dadri, Haryana, Vinesh Phogat hails from a renowned wrestling family. The daughter of Rajpal Phogat, Vinesh grew up under the mentorship of her uncle, Mahavir Singh Phogat, who also trained her well-known cousins Geeta, Babita, and Ritu Phogat. Vinesh Phogat Profile NameVinesh Phogat Real NameVinesh Vinod PhogatDate of Birth25 August 1994 Age30 years…
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