#charles brocas
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Humane Geste des Fürsten von Neuchâtel by Charles Brocas (1774–1835) 
Wikipedia is like (= Louis-Alexandre Berthier???) on the label.
Doesn't look extremely Berthier-ish, but he's also like facing away and bundled up.
I think it's an ADC behind him, though the shako seems like inordinately blinged out.
I know the winter pants for ADCs is baggier, but man, them's the baggiest pants.
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aklingolgesi · 7 months
Bilim literatüründeki büyük isim nörobilim. Canlı yaşamına dair araştırmalar yapan bilim dünyası insanı anlamaya çalışırken tüm merakıyla merceğini tarih boyunca sinir sistemine çevirdi. Sinir sistemi incelemelerinde insanlık tarihine en büyük ileri yönlü ivme kazandıran dönem şüphesiz modern dönem nörobilimi oldu. Temelinde teknolojik gelişimlerin artması olan bu hızlı yükseliş için tarihi 18.…
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adarkrainbow · 2 months
Tales from Broca street: The water-tap fairy
This story, "La fée du robinet", is one of the most famous stories of Pierre Gripari, most notably because it is, to this day, the most well-known parody of Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Les fées" (The fairies), also known in English as "Diamonds and toads" (or "Toads and diamonds"? I can never recall the order).
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Once upon a time, in Ancient Gaul, there was a tiny good fairy who lived in a spring, and the people of Gaul regularly brought her offerings of flowers, cakes and fruits, and danced around her domain during celebrations. However, one day Gaul was Christianized, and a priest came to the area: he told everybody to stop giving offerings and dances to the fairy, he claimed she was a soul-stealing devil. The villagers knew this was a lie, but they feared the priest: so they mostly stopped... outside for the oldest of them all who continued their practices in secret. When the priest discovered this, he became mad with anger: he had a huge cross of stone built over the spring, and he used Latin magical formulas to banish the fairy. And everybody believed it worked, because the fairy stopped appearing, and that for 15 centuries!
However the fairy was still there: she was trapped in her spring, due to the cross of stone. But since she could not appear anymore, slowly everybody forgot about her existence... The fairy was however very patient: she knew that the time of the Christians would eventually pass, just like the time of the fairy ended, and she knew that one day the cross-stone would fall into pieces and she would be free. [Note: I know this all sounds like some serious modern epic fiction but trust me, it is a very simply-written children story of the 60s].
One day, two engineers passed by the area, discovered the spring, and immediately decided to use it to bring fresh water to the town nearby. So they destroyed the cross, and placed pipes that sucked the water... and the fairy. The poor tiny fairy wandered for a very long time in the endless maze of dark pipes, wondering "What is going on? Where am I? How did I get there?" But finally she reached the end of the tunnel... a water-tap in a kitchen.
[Gripari humourosly notes that the fairy was quite lucky she didn't end up in a toilet, and that as such our story wasn't the one of the "Toilet fairy"]
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The kitchen was part of a flat in which lived a low-class workers. There was a mother and a father, who worked very hard all day long, and two daughters who went to school for most of the day. As such, they usually were all asleep by 10 PM and didn't use the tap of the kitchen during the night... which prevented their encounter with the fairy, since fairies never appear during the day, but always at night, usually after midnight.
As I said, there were two daughters. One, named Martine, was a gluttonous, lazy and very rude girl. One night, around two in the morning, she got up to steal food from the fridge - a piece of chicken meat, a tangerine, some jam... Feeling thirsty she opened the water-tap to drink some water when, surprise! The fairy appeared. A tiny, tiny woman with a mauve dress and dragonfly wings, holding a wand with a golden star at the tip. With a musical voice, the fairy said hello to Martine (already knowing her name) and asked her for a bit of jam. Martine, seeing that she was a "well-dressed lady", and knowing you must always be polite with well-dressed ladies to get out of trouble, immediately gave her the jam. The fairy, to reward her kindness, gave her the gift of spitting a pearl for each word she said.
The following day her parents discovered the gift. Immediately they tried to have her spit larger pearls. They thought that by having her say the longest words possible they would have bigger pearls, so they tried to have her tell the longest word of the French language (anticonstitutionnellement), but it only created a twisted and crooked pearl. Forgetting this idea, her parents simply had her speak all day long in front of a bowl to make their fortune. Martine, who loved to gossip and hated to work, was delighted with this new life... Until she realized she was fed up with being all alone, sitting all day long. So, after three days of this new life, she started cussing... And suddenly the pearls she was spitting were MUCH larger.
As such the parents discovered how to make her create big pearls. This is a French pun: in French, cuss words, "dirty words" and other swear words and insults are called, in a neutral (if not a tad bit childish) way "gros mots" (large words/big words). As such, when the girl says "big words"... she creates "big pearls". Now Martine was told to insult and swear and curse all day long, and she loved this even more than before... But after one week of being scolded by her parents every time she stopped cussing or swearing, she got fed up and ran away.
She wandered in the streets of Paris (because yes, we are in Paris), but by the evening she was tired, hungry and homeless. As she stopped by a bench to cry, a beautiful, sweet-faced, curly-haired, white-handed young man asked her what was wrong. She told him her story (while spitting a lot of pearls) and the man declared he was in love with her, and wanted to take her home to live with her... Except that the young man turned out to be a greedy abuser: he locked Martine up in his house, and forced her to spit a salad-bowl full of pearls every day. If she didn't... he would beat her up. Thus began a very sad life for Martine...
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But let's return to the flat, and let's take a look at Martine's sister Marie. Marie was the younger sister, and the opposite of Martine. She was kind, well-behaved, polite, very wise. She had also been deeply affected by what happened to her sister, so when her parents tried to have her open the water-tap at night to receive so she could "replace" Martine, Marie refused. Her parents had to use of all sorts of tricks to force her to open the water-tap, including giving her a LOT of salty food before going to bed. Eventually, she HAD to go fetch some water past midnight... and of course the fairy appeared.
The fairy asked for some jam... And Marie straight up went "No! You did the misfortune of my sister, this is not going to happen to me too! And anyway, I can't just take food out of the fridge while my parents are asleep: it is forbidden!". The fairy was quite angry at this answer (and as the narrator says, she had been cut off from humanity since 1500 years, and wasn't really in-tune with modern civilization). So, disappointed, she cursed the girl: spitting a snake for every word she would say.
After trying to speak and spitting a grass-snake, Marie had to tell her night adventures to her parents by writing it down. Her parents immediately brought her to a doctor who lived two floors above them, in the same building. The doctor was a young and kind man who had a promising career in front of him. He asked Marie to come to the bathroom, and to speak above his bath-tub, so as to perform some tests. He asked her to say a random word: "Mother" created a grass-snake. He asked her to say "a big word", and Marie was a bit shy, since she was a nice girl, but she whispered a cuss word - and a young boa was created. Then the doctor asked for a "nasty word", or "wicked word", and she had to force herself to come up with something since she was not used to say mean things. Ultimately, "Dirty cow" created two small vipers. The doctor's conclusions: "big words" create large snakes, and mean words create venomous snakes.
The doctor's solution? To marry him! The parents, confused, ask him if this will cure her. The doctor answer is "No, and I do hope she will never be cured!". He explains that he works for the Pasteur Institute, and that they are in dire need of snakes to create anti-venom serums. A snake-spitting girl like Marie would be a treasure for the advance of science. So the parents married Marie to the doctor, who proved to be a very kind and gentle husband to her. They had a very happy marriage, even thought she often had to say truly horrible things to him to create cobras, vipers or other coral-snakes. But he didn't mind, and Marie stayed a very simple, modest and kind woman.
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Now, the story does not end here, far from it. The fairy in the water-tap was wondering what happened to the two girls, so a Saturday night, after midnight, she appeared in front of the two parents (they just returned from the movie-theater and had a late-night snack). She asked them what had been the fate of the two daughters, and the fairy was VERY surprised and confused by the answers. Not only did she learn that she had cursed the good girl and gifted the bad one... but that ultimately the gift caused disasters and the curse happiness. The fairy, disappointed, declared that she is lost into this modern world, and is not accustomed to how things work anymore: she has a false judgement on things, and doesn't prepare the consequences of her actions. Her solution? (Beware, slight 60s misogyny here) She needs to find an enchanter wiser than her, so she would marry him and obey him. (Yep, casual 60s France... Women were only allowed to have their own bank account, separate from their husband's, in 1965. Mind you, the rest of the tale does nuance the misogyny as you will see, but still)
However, where to find an enchanter in modern-day? Simple! The fairy will just create him. She flew into the street, and then quickly ended up... Yes, in Broca street, by the épicerie-buvette of Papa Saïd, as papa Saïd was closing the shop. The fairy flew in discreetly, and found there the large notebook and the color crayons that belonged to Bachir. She ripped a page out of Bachir's notebook, took a black crayon (the narrator points out two things: 1) this is the reason Bachir's notebook has so many ripped pages an 2) Fairies have such good eyes they see colors even in the dark) and draw an enchanter with a large pointy black hat and a black houppelande, before reciting the rhyme: "Enchanteur noir, Couleur du soir, Je t'ai dessiné, Veux-tu m'épouser?" (Black enchanter, Color of evening, I drew you, Do you want to marry me?). The drawing comes to life, but the enchanter refuses, saying the fairy is too fat. In anger, the fairy removes his life, and he turns back into a simple drawing.
She repeats the process using the brown crayon (and in the rhyme it is "Enchanteur brun, Couleur de rien", Brown enchanter, Color of nothing). But the brown enchanter claims she is too skinny - so he too loses his sort-of-life. Having only one last attempt, she rips a third page, uses the last crayon, a blue one, and once she is done, she is quite happy with the result because he is more beautiful than the other two. "Enchanteur bleu, couleur des cieux, Je t'ai dessiné, Veux-tu m'épouser?" (Blue enchanter, color of the heavens, I drew you, Do you want to marry me?)
The enchanter agreed, the fairy took him out of the paper so he would become a real enchanter.
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Immediately, the enchanter said they had to remove the spells on Marie and Martine. With one magical formula, Martine stopped spitting pearls - and after being beaten up one last time by her abusive tormenter, she was kicked out in the street. She returned to her parents, but the experience had turned her sweet and nice, having lost all of her flaws. Marie also lost her talent at creating snakes, but it didn't change anything, since her doctor of a husband had grown very fond of her, and they had developed a mutual love.
The enchanter and the fairy disappeared: nobody knows where they went, though they are still alive. They are very, very careful with their magic, and in general refuse to make themselves noticed in any way.
And the following day, madame Saïd, Bachir's mother, scolded him for how the shop as filled with ripped paper pages, used crayons and enchanters drawings. Bachir told her it wasn't his fault... But nobody believed him.
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carlosoliveiras-wife · 5 months
HI ITS BEEN A VERY LONG WHILE. and i forgot how these work. i kept passing up on promos but i remembered this time. or had the energy
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hi. i'm chloë. i like things and stuff and such. or somehtinggg... im in a variety of fandoms and whatnot and am more of a reader/watcher than a player since a lot of these fandoms are games. eye rub
i have a lot of f/os. sometimes my brainwaves change a lot on who goes where in my list of tiering but oh well. i also indulge polyamory quite a bit. in my own head. shrug emoji. im also not big on sharing. at all
mains are: carlos oliveira(re3r)/luis serra navarro(re4r)/pavia(rv:1999)/210(rv:1999)/miguel o'hara(sv)/javier escuella(rdr)/charles smith(rdr2)/totter(ak)/broca(ak)/uno mas(hidden. for now)
my main profile needs some modeling, however, i do have a more selfship-focused sideblog that i try to be more active on ! feel free to ask for it
i dont think im unfriendly im just awkward and i take a bit to reply. a lot. i am sorry. however, i hope we can be mutuals/friends!!
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alexlacquemanne · 8 months
Janvier MMXXIV
Bridget Jones Baby (Bridget Jones's Baby) (2016) de Sharon Maguire avec Renée Zellweger, Patrick Dempsey, Shirley Henderson, Gemma Jones et Jim Broadbent
Arnaque à Hollywood (The Comeback Trail) (2020) de George Gallo avec Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman, Zach Braff, Eddie Griffin, Emile Hirsch et Kate Katzman
Copie conforme (1947) de Jean Dréville avec Louis Jouvet, Suzy Delair, Annette Poivre, Madeleine Suffel, Jane Marken, Danièle Franconville, Jean-Jacques Delbo et Léo Lapara
L'Inconnu du Nord-Express (Strangers on a Train) (1951) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Farley Granger, Ruth Roman, Robert Walker, Leo G. Carroll, Patricia Hitchcock, Marion Lorne, Jonathan Hale et Laura Elliott
Une affaire d'honneur (2023) de et avec Vincent Perez et aussi Roschdy Zem, Doria Tillier, Damien Bonnard, Guillaume Gallienne, Nicolas Gaspar, Pepe Lorente
Hôtel fantôme (Das letzte Problem) (2019) de et avec Karl Markovics et aussi Stefan Pohl, Maria Fliri, Julia Koch, Max Moor, Sunnyi Melles Laura Bilgeri
Aviator (The Aviator) (2004) de Martin Scorsese avec Leonardo DiCaprio, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Adam Scott, Kelli Garner, Alec Baldwin, Ian Holm, Jude Law et Danny Huston
Palais royal ! (2005) de et avec Valérie Lemerciere et aussi Lambert Wilson, Catherine Deneuve, Michel Aumont, Mathilde Seigner, Denis Podalydès, Michel Vuillermoz, Gisèle Casadesus, Gilbert Melki, Maurane
Du plomb pour l'inspecteur (Pushover) (1954) de Richard Quine avec Fred MacMurray, Philip Carey, Kim Novak, Dorothy Malonne, E.G. Marshall, Allen Nourse, James Anderson et Joe Bailey
Les Douze Salopards (The Dirty Dozen) (1967) de Robert Aldrich avec Lee Marvin, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Bronson, Jim Brown, John Cassavetes, Richard Jaeckel, George Kennedy, Trini Lopez et Telly Savalas
Le silence des ânes (Das Schweigen der Esel) (2022) de et avec Karl Markovics et aussi Julia Koch, Caroline Frank, Gerhard Liebmann, Valentin Sottopietra, Klaus Windisch, Tobias Fend, Julian Sark, Stefan Pohl
Elmer Gantry le charlatan (Elmer Gantry) (1960) de Richard Brooks avec Burt Lancaster, Jean Simmons, Arthur Kennedy, Dean Jagger, Shirley Jones, Patti Page et Edward Andrews
Tendre Poulet (1978) de Philippe de Broca avec Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Catherine Alric, Hubert Deschamps, Paulette Dubost, Roger Dumas, Raymond Gérôme, Guy Marchand, Simone Renant et Georges Wilson
Judy (2019) de Rupert Goold avec Renée Zellweger, Darci Shaw, Rufus Sewell, Michael Gambon, Finn Wittrock, Richard Cordery, Jessie Buckley et Bella Ramsey
Cinquième Colonne (Saboteur) (1942) d'Alfred Hitchcock avec Robert Cummings, Priscilla Lane, Otto Kruger, Alan Baxter, Clem Bevans, Norman Lloyd, Alma Kruger et Vaughan Glaser
Robin des Bois, prince des voleurs (Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves) (1991) de Kevin Reynolds avec Kevin Costner, Morgan Freeman, Christian Slater, Alan Rickman, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, Nick Brimble et Michael McShane
La Fine Fleur (2020) de Pierre Pinaud avec Catherine Frot, Melan Omerta, Fatsah Bouyahmed, Olivia Côte, Marie Petiot, Vincent Dedienne et Serpentine Teyssier
Maigret et l'Affaire Saint-Fiacre (1959) de Jean Delannoy avec Jean Gabin, Michel Auclair, Valentine Tessier, Robert Hirsch, Paul Frankeur, Michel Vitold, Camille Guérini, Serge Rousseau et Micheline Luccioni
On a volé la cuisse de Jupiter (1980) de Philippe de Broca avec Annie Girardot, Philippe Noiret, Francis Perrin, Catherine Alric, Marc Dudicourt, Paulette Dubost et Roger Carel
Gosford Park (2001) de Robert Altman avec Maggie Smith, Michael Gambon, Kristin Scott Thomas, Camilla Rutherford, Charles Dance, Geraldine Somerville, Tom Hollander, Stephen Fry, Helen Mirren et Emily Watson
Meurtre à Hollywood (Sunset) (1988) de Blake Edwards avec Bruce Willis, James Garner, Malcolm McDowell, Mariel Hemingway, Kathleen Quinlan, Jennifer Edwards, Victoria Alperin et Patricia Hodge
Iron Claw (The Iron Claw) (2023) de Sean Durkin avec Zac Efron, Jeremy Allen White, Harris Dickinson, Holt McCallany, Lily James, Maura Tierney et Stanley Simons
La croisière s'amuse Saison 1
Une traversée de chien - L'Amour fou - Ami ou Ennemi - Farces et Attrapes - Une célébrité encombrante - Le Grand Air - Le docteur voit double - Le Grand Amour - Le Père du commandant - Monnaie de singe - La vie est belle au large - Tel est pris qui croyait prendre - Jeux de mains - Les Grandes Retrouvailles : première partie - Les Grandes Retrouvailles : deuxième partie - La Victoire en dansant - Le Gros Lot - Coupable, mais de quoi ? - Souvenirs Souvenirs - Il y a des jours comme ça - Qui comprend quelque chose à l'amour ? - Le commandant connaît la musique - Coup de folie - Ne comptez pas sur moi pour tomber amoureuse
Coffre à Catch
#148 : Bonne année 2024 à tout l'univers d'Agius ! - #149 : Zack Ryder : Woo Woo Woo, tu le sais ! - #150 : L'exceptionnel retour de Colby ! - #151 : Les adieux au catch de Tommy Dreamer ? - #152 : Tommy Dreamer enfin champion de la ECW !
Les Simpson Saison 1
Noël mortel - Bart le génie - L'Odyssée d'Homer - Simpsonothérapie - Terreur à la récré - Ste Lisa Blues - L'Abominable Homme des bois - Bart a perdu la tête - Marge perd la boule - L'Odyssée d'Homer - L'Espion qui venait de chez moi - Un clown à l'ombre - Une soirée d'enfer
Downton Abbey Saison 5
Tradition et Rébellion - Un vent de liberté - Le Bonheur d'être aimé - Révolution à Downton - Tout ce qui compte… - Étape par étape - Désillusions - Menaces et Préjugés - La Réconciliation
Castle Saison 4
Renaissance - Lame solitaire - Casse-tête - L'Empreinte d'une arme - L'Art de voler - Démons - Otages - Dans l'antre du jeu - Course contre la mort - Détache-moi
Kaamelott Livre IV
Tous les matins du monde première partie - Tous les matins du monde deuxième partie - Raison et Sentiments - Les Tartes aux fraises - Le Dédale - Les Pisteurs - Le Traître - La Faute première partie - La Faute deuxième partie - L’Ascension du Lion - Une vie simple - Le Privilégié - Le Bouleversé - Les Liaisons dangereuses - Les Exploités II - Dagonet et le Cadastre - Duel première partie - Duel deuxième partie - La Foi bretonne - Au service secret de Sa Majesté - La Parade - Seigneur Caius - L’Échange première partie - L’Échange deuxième partie - L’Échelle de Perceval - La Chambre de la reine - Les Émancipés - La Révoquée - La Baliste II - Les Bonnes - La Révolte III - Le Rapport - L’Art de la table - Les Novices - Les Refoulés - Les Tuteurs II - Le Tourment IV - Le Rassemblement du corbeau II - Le Grand Départ - L’Auberge rouge - Les Curieux : première partie - Les Curieux : deuxième partie - La Clandestine - Les Envahisseurs - La vie est belle - La Relève - Les Tacticiens : première partie - Les Tacticiens : deuxième partie - Drakkars ! - La Réponse - Unagi IV - La Permission - Anges et Démons - La Rémanence - Le Refuge - Le Dragon gris - La Potion de vivacité II - Vox populi III - La Sonde - La Réaffectation - La Poétique II : première partie - La Poétique II : deuxième partie
Affaires sensibles
Henri Martin, debout contre la guerre d’Indochine - 1923 : Germaine Berton : l’anarchiste qui tua pour venger Jaurès - Prince de Conty : où sont passés les lingots de l'épave? - De Paris à Dakar, le rallye du désert - Cannes 1987, Pialat et sa palme - Affaire Mis et Thiennot, la fin de l'énigme judiciaire ? - Agnès Le Roux, la disparition d’une héritière - Les mystères de Chevaline
The Crown Saison 6
Un engouement fanatique - Hors du temps
Le Voyageur Saison 2
La Forêt perchée - La tentation du mal
Alfred Hitchcock présente Saison 5, 6, 3, 7
Arthur - La Vengeance - Chantage - Pan! vous êtes mort
Concert du Nouvel An en direct du Musikverein, à Vienne (2024)
Adele Live At The Royal Albert Hall (2011)
Sexe et jalousie (1993) de Marc Camoletti et Georges Folgoas avec Jean-Luc Moreau, Marie-Pierre Casey, Patrick Guillemin, Marie Lenoir et Bunny Godillot
Billy Cobham's Glass Menagerie (1981) live at Riazzino, Switzerland
Agents Are Forever : Danish National Symphony Orchestra (2020) avec Caroline Henderson
Bonté divine (2010) de Frédéric Lenoir et Louis-Michel Colla avec Jean-Loup Horwitz, Benoit Nguyen-Tat, Saïd Amadis et Roland Giraud
Kid Paddle, Tome 1 : Jeux de vilains de Midam
Détective Conan, Tome 20 de Gôshô Aoyama
Castle, Tome 1 : La dernière aube de Brian Michael Bendis, Kelly Sue DeConnick et Tom Raney
James Bond : Le guide officiel de 007 de Lee Pfeiffer et Dave Worrall
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hadrian6 · 5 years
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Prometheus Supplication. 1830. Charles Brocas. French 1744-1835. oil/canvas.  http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
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roundaboutmidnight · 5 years
09 de abril
Bom dia a todos!...
Neste dia:
Nasceu, em 1821, o maravilhoso poeta francês Charles Baudelaire.
Nasceu, em 1932, o ótimo músico norte-americano Carl Perkins.
Nasceu, em 1933, o grande ator francês Jean-Paul Belmondo.
Carl Lee Perkins nasceu em Tiptonville no dia 9 de abril de 1932 e morreu em Jackson em 19 de janeiro de 1998. Foi um guitarrista e cantor norte-americano de rockabilly, uma mistura de rhythm and blues e country music que se desenvolveu na Sun Records em Memphis, Tennessee no começo dos anos 50. Foi considerado o 88º melhor guitarrista de todos os tempos pela revista norte-americana Rolling Stone. Em 1956, desesperadamente pobre, Perkins escreveu e gravou a música "Blue Suede Shoes". Produzida por Sam Phillips, a canção venderia milhões de cópias. No auge da fama da música, ele se envolveu em um acidente de carro quase fatal. Enquanto Perkins se recuperava, o astro em ascensão Elvis Presley lançou sua própria versão de "Blue Suede Shoes". O sucesso de Presley impediu Perkins de alcançar o sucesso que ele parecia estar destinado a alcançar; Perkins nunca mais conseguiria o mesmo destaque no mundo da música pop. Quando do revival do rockabilly nos anos 80, George Harrison, Ringo Starr e Eric Clapton apareceram com ele em um especial televisivo em Londres, Inglaterra chamado ''Blue Suede Shoes: A Sessão Rockabilly".De volta aos estúdios da Sun em 1986, Perkins se juntou à Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis e Roy Orbison para gravar o álbum Class of '55. Foi um tributo ao começo de carreira deles na Sun e em parte a reprise de uma informal jam session que ele, Presley, Cash e Lewis fizeram em 4 de dezembro de 1956 lançada como álbun com o nome Million Dollar Quartet.
Jean-Paul Belmondo nasceu em Neuilly-sur-Seine no dia 9 de abril de 1933. É um ator francês, também conhecido como Bébel. Começou a atuar aos 17 anos de idade. Em 1954, conseguiu o ingresso no Conservatório de Paris e iniciou sua carreira no cinema em 1955, com diversos papéis secundários. Sua primeira grande performance foi em À bout de souffle (Breathless) de Jean-Luc Godard em (1960), que o tornou um dos grandes atores da Nouvelle Vague. Outros filmes importantes, entre muitos, são: em 1965 Pierrot le fou de Jean-Luc Godard, em 1970 Borsalino, de Jacques Deray, em 1973: Le Magnifique, de Philippe de Broca, em 1995 Les Misérables (Os Miseráveis), de Claude Lelouch.
Charles-Pierre Baudelaire nasceu em Paris no dia 9 de abril de 1821 e morreu também em Paris em 31 de agosto de 1867. Foi um poeta boémio, dandy, flâneur e teórico da arte francesa. É considerado um dos precursores do simbolismo e reconhecido internacionalmente como o fundador da tradição moderna em poesia, juntamente com Walt Whitman, embora tenha se relacionado com diversas escolas artísticas. Sua obra teórica também influenciou profundamente as artes plásticas do século XIX. Em 1857, é lançado o livro As flores do mal, contendo 100 poemas. O autor do livro é acusado, no mesmo ano, pela justiça, de ultrajar a moral pública. Os exemplares são apreendidos, pagando, de multa, o escritor, 300 francos, e a editora, 100 francos.
Faz parte do Livro As Flores do Mal o poema A Carniça, que posto aqui. Quando voltei de Paris com a Juliana, trouxemos para meu querido sogro Edmundo Zenha um marcador de livro dedicado a Baudelaire. Ele nos introduziu à obra do autor. Este poema parece, como alguns outros de As Flores do Mal algo de mal gosto, asqueroso, mas leia mais algumas vezes e vai ver a maravilha que é o poema, caminhando para um final simplesmente magnífico. Então lá vai:
Uma carniça
“Lembra-te, meu amor, do objeto que encontramos
Numa bela manhã radiante:
Na curva de um atalho, entre calhaus e ramos,
Uma carniça repugnante.
As pernas para cima, qual mulher lasciva,
A transpirar miasmas e humores,
Eis que as abria desleixada e repulsiva,
O ventre prenhe de livores.
Ardia o sol naquela pútrida torpeza,
Como a cozê-la em rubra pira
E para ao cêntuplo volver à Natureza
Tudo o que ali ela reunira.
 E o céu olhava do alto a esplêndida carcaça
Como uma flor a se entreabrir.
O fedor era tal que sobre a relva escassa
Chegaste quase a sucumbir.
Zumbiam moscas sobre o ventre e, em alvoroço,
Dali saíam negros bandos
De larvas, a escorrer como um líquido grosso
Por entre esses trapos nefandos.
E tudo isso ia e vinha, ao modo de uma vaga,
Ou esguichava a borbulhar,
Como se o corpo, a estremecer de forma vaga,
Vivesse a se multiplicar.
 E esse mundo emitia uma bulha esquisita,
Como vento ou água corrente,
Ou grãos que em rítmica cadência alguém agita
E à joeira deita novamente.
As formas fluíam como um sonho além da vista,
Um frouxo esboço em agonia,
Sobre a tela esquecida, e que conclui o artista
Apenas de memória um dia.
 Por trás das rochas, irrequieta, uma cadela
Em nós fixava o olho zangado,
Aguardando o momento de reaver àquela
Náusea carniça o seu bocado.
 — Pois hás de ser como essa coisa apodrecida,
Essa medonha corrupção,
Estrela de meus olhos, sol de minha vida,
Tu, meu anjo e minha paixão!
 Sim! tal serás um dia, ó deusa da beleza,
Após a bênção derradeira,
Quando, sob a erva e as florações da natureza,
Tornares afinal à poeira.
Então, querida, dize à carne que se arruína,
Ao verme que te beija o rosto,
Que eu preservei a forma e a substância divina
De meu amor já decomposto!”
 Posto hoje:
Carl Perkins cantando a sua composição Blue Suede Shoes no Perry Como Show em 1956. Cara, não cabe aqui nenhuma comparação, mas uma música cantada pelo autor é sempre muito bom...
Carl Perkins em show no Capitol Theatre no dia 09 de setembro de 1985 num medley. Com ele estão George Harrison, Eric Clapton e Ringo Starr entre outros. Cara, é tudo muito bom...
Trailer de um filme delicioso estrelado por Jean Paul Belmondo e Jaqueline Bisset. O Magnífico (Le Magnifique), de 1973, dirigido por Philippe de Broca. Sinopse: François Merlin, escritor de romances de espionagem, projeta seu alter ego, no personagem que ele criou: Bob Saint-Clair, um super-espião, inteligente e carismático, cujos feitos heróicos e conquistas amorosas vêm compensar sua vida medíocre e frustrada. Ficção e realidade se mesclam, pois François cria seus personagens baseando-se nas pessoas que o cercam. O grande vilão, o malvado coronel Karpoff é, na vida real, seu editor e a bela espiã Tatiana é Christine, uma estudante de sociologia, vizinha de François. Cara, é um filme delicioso, daqueles que a gente não esquece e quer ver mais vezes...
Um tributo a Jean-Paul Belmondo ao som da música L’Important C’est la Rose com Gilbert Bécaud. Cara, que ótimo ator...
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lipehsseriesefilmes · 6 years
American Horror Story: Hotel
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American Horror Story: Hotel é a quinta temporada da série de televisão American Horror Story, da FX. Estreou em 7 de outubro de 2015. A série foi renovada em outubro de 2014, com o subtítulo Hotel sendo anunciado em fevereiro de 2015. Hotel marca a primeira temporada que não dispõe da presença das veteranas Jessica Lange e Frances Conroy.
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Voltando ao elenco de temporadas anteriores da série, incluem: Evan Peters, Sarah Paulson, Denis O'Hare, Lily Rabe, Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Chloë Sevigny, Finn Wittrock, Wes Bentley, Mare Winningham, Matt Bomer, John Carroll Lynch e Anthony Ruivivar, juntamente com os novos membros do elenco: Lady Gaga, Cheyenne Jackson e Max Greenfield. Terminando com o formato antológico de Freak Show, a temporada está interligada à primeira temporada e à terceira temporada, denominadas Murder House e Coven, aparecendo como recorrentes os personagens Dr. Charles Montgomery, proprietário original da casa, a corretora de imóveis Marcy, a médium Billie Dean Howard, e a bruxa de Coven, Queenie.
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O enredo gira em torno do enigmático Hotel Cortez em Los Angeles, Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos, que chama a atenção de um detetive de homicídios. O Cortez é o anfitrião do estranho e do bizarro, liderada pela sua proprietária, a Condessa, que é uma vampira fashion. Esta temporada apresenta duas ameaças de morte sob a forma do Assassino dos Dez Mandamentos, um serial killer que justifica suas ações, de acordo com os ensinamentos bíblicos; e o Demônio do Vício, que percorre o hotel, armado com um vibrador em forma de broca.
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De acordo com os criadores, Brad Falchuk e Ryan Murphy, tematicamente, Hotel é muito mais sombria que as temporadas anteriores. A inspiração veio de antigos filmes de terror ambientados em hotéis e de hotéis reais situados no centro de Los Angeles com uma reputação de eventos sinistros, incluindo o The Cecil. A temporada também marca um retorno das gravações em Los Angeles, onde as duas primeiras temporadas foram gravadas. Hotel dispõe de um dos maiores locais de gravação da história da série, com o desenhista de produção, Mark Worthington, construindo dois ambientes em estúdio, incluindo um elevador e uma escadaria. Em julho de 2015, a FX lançou uma campanha de marketing para a temporada, com a maioria dos trailers e teasers divulgando o envolvimento de Lady Gaga.
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John Lowe é um detetive que tem seu casamento com a médica Alex Lowe abalado após o desaparecimento de seu filho Holden. Ele é atraído para o Hotel Cortez devido a uma série de mortes que estão sendo cometidas por um serial killer cujas vítimas representam a violação de um dos Dez Mandamentos. Misteriosamente, John parece encontrar Holden no hotel. Procurando por mais informações, ele descobre que o hotel foi fundado pelo magnata e assassino em série James Patrick March, na década 1920, e construído com paredes e corredores secretos, utilizados principalmente para aprisionar e descartar os corpos de suas vítimas.
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Nos dias atuais, o hotel é regido por Elizabeth, conhecida como "A Condessa", que se alimenta de sangue junto com seu amante Donovan com a ajuda dos funcionários Iris, mãe de Donovan, e a barman transgênero Liz Taylor. O hotel também tem o poder de prender a alma das pessoas que morreram em sua propriedade, como a viciada Sally.
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Lady Gaga como Elizabeth Johnson / A Condessa Kathy Bates como Iris Sarah Paulson como Sally McKenna e Billie Dean Howard Evan Peters como James Patrick March
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Wes Bentley como John Lowe Matt Bomer como Donovan Chloë Sevigny como Alex Lowe Denis O'Hare como Liz Taylor
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Cheyenne Jackson como Will Drake Angela Bassett como Ramona Royale Mare Winningham como Hazel Evers Finn Wittrock como Tristan Duffy e Rodolfo Valentino
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Naomi Campbell como Claudia Bankson Lily Rabe como Aileen Wuornos Gabourey Sidibe como Queenie Lennon Henry como Holden Lowe
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Richard T. Jones como Andrew Hahn Shree Crooks como Scarlett Lowe Lyric Lennon como Lachlan Drake Jessica Belkin como Wren
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Max Greenfield como Gabriel Helena Mattsson como Agnetha Kamilla Alnes como Vendela Mädchen Amick como Sra. Ellison
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Anton Lee Starkman como Max Ellison Christine Estabrook como Marcy Darren Criss como Justin Alexandra Daddario como Natacha Rambova
Jessica Lange não participou apenas da 5° temporada (American Horror Story Hotel) passando seu posto para Lady Gaga.
O tenebroso Hotel Cortez foi inspirado em um hotel real de Los Angeles o Cecil Hotel, onde ocorreu a morte até hoje não resolvida da canadense Elisa Lam, que foi encontrada morta dentro de uma caixa d’água do hotel.
Elizabeth a Condessa é a dona do Hotel Cortez, com ávido apetite sexual que sobrevive através de sangue humano. A inspiração veio de Elizabeth Bathory, condessa húngara dos séculos 16 e 17 que matou centenas de jovens garotas durante seu reinado, e conta a lenda que ela se banhava no sangue das garotas para manter sua aparência jovem.
Aileen Wuornos é mais conhecida fora dos Estados Unidos como a protagonista do filme “Monster“, no qual é encarnada pela atriz Charlize Theron (papel que lhe rendeu um Oscar). Porém, a serial killer é real, com um histórico de assassinatos de homens entre 1989 e 1990. Aileen alegou que suas vítimas haviam a estuprado ou tentado quando ela trabalhava como prostituta. Apesar de declarar autodefesa, ela foi condenada à morte e executada em 2002. Interpretada por Lily Rabe em dois episódios de “Hotel”.
Diferente das outras temporadas essa tem apenas 12 episódios.
Estrelando nessa temporada a nossa queridíssimo Lady Gaga, a temporada inicia bem mais macabra que as demais, claro que nossa Mother Monster teria um papel crucial nesse quesito. Ao lado de Matt Boomer fazendo a uma das minhas cenas de sexo favoritas até agora dentre as temporadas anteriores banhados de sangue e bem psicóticos. Hotel abre com chave de ouro a temporada. Obviamente como em todas as temporadas tirando Asylum, ganhamos a visão magnifica do bumbum do nosso amado Matt Boomer e Max Greenfield logo no primeiro episódio, claro, não esperamos menos do Ryan Murph. Alem da Lady Gaga passar o rodo no elenco. Ela também apaga alguns atores que são renomados na serie. Assim como eu esperava mais do Boom porem ele ficou apagado depois dos 3º episódio. E o Wittrock se destacou um pouco alem das cenas de psicótico como ele sempre faz bem. Mas eu adorei a temporadas. 
⭐⭐⭐⭐ __    4/5
Xoxo Lipeh♥
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With his contraption of steel rulers and pressurized screws, Le Bon measured the cranial dimensions of 50 Podhalean men. According to his calculations, their heads were larger than both Polish peasants and Jews. The only population Le Bon determined had more brain mass than the Podhaleans were “elite Parisians,” among which Le Bon happened to count himself. Today craniometry is considered pseudoscience. In 19th-century France, however, the measurement of skulls was seen as “so meticulous and apparently irrefutable,” that it “won high esteem as the jewel of nineteenth-century science,” explains Stephen Jay Gould in his 1980 essay “Women’s Brains.” As a result, Le Bon earned a reputation as the “father of modern social science.” Gould describes Le Bon as a disciple of Paul Broca, the “unquestioned leader” of craniometry, and writes that Le Bon differentiated himself as the “chief misogynist” of Broca’s school. While many craniometrists strived to prove the inferiority of non-white races, Le Bon took pride in using his work to denigrate women and dismiss the burgeoning movement for gender-equal education in France. “There are a large number of women whose brains are closer in size to those of gorillas than to the most developed male brains,” he wrote in a fiery 1879 essay against sending ladies to school. “This inferiority is so obvious that no one can contest it for a moment. … A desire to give them the same education, and to pose the same goals for them, is a dangerous chimera.” His remarks explain why he didn’t bother to use his cephalometer on a single Podhalean female. Le Bon’s assertions were based on measurements of ancient skulls that Paul Broca excavated from L’Homme Mort cave in 1873. Of the seven male skulls and six female skulls in the cave, the average cranial capacity difference was 99.5 cubic centimeters. Because the modern-day size difference between male and female skulls is larger (129.5 – 220.7 cc3, to be exact), Le Bon concluded that males had evolved to become more intelligent than females, much as, in his mind, the Podhaleans were evolutionarily more fit than their Polish counterparts His leap from data to interpretation seemed justified by 19th-century standards. Charles Darwin himself believed that evolution revealed female deficiencies. In The Descent of Man in 1871, Darwin claimed that “the chief distinction in the intellectual powers of the two sexes is shewn by man attaining to a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than woman can attain. … Thus man has ultimately become superior to woman.” If women could achieve more than men, why hadn’t they? Le Bon was merely drawing on facts, with a dash of common sense. Naturally, contemporary feminists who are familiar with Le Bon loathe his work. His name still crops up in the occasional text, including Andi Zeisler’s 2016 We Were Feminists Once, a radical feminist critique of media and pop culture. Zeisler, the co-founder of Bitch Media, points to his gorilla brain comment as a signature example of gender essentialism, or “the belief in binary, fixed differences between men and women that account for ‘natural’ behavior and characteristics.” Gender essentialism, also known as gender fatalism, insists that men and women come pre-programmed with a set of sex-based qualities. Coincidentally, or maybe not, these qualities usually align with our most prominent cultural narratives about men and women. Prime examples include the common stereotypes that men are competitive, while women are collaborative; that men are physical, while women are emotional; and that men are systems thinkers, while women care about human perspectives.
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adarkrainbow · 11 months
Do you have any more information about the Michel Carré/Paul Collin "Sleeping Beauty" opera? I had never heard of it until now.
I knew you were gonna ask ;)
And don't worry you're not the only one, I just heard about this very obscure thing today while doing my early post! In fact, when you go check the Wikipedia articles of both Michel Carré and Paul Collin, you find nothing about any potential work on a "Sleeping Beauty" production... The piece is however evoked, described and link when you go check the Wikipedia page for the fairy, Urgèle.
Now the source for this Wikipedia paragraph is actually a double link to two articles stored by Gallica - the online archive of the BNF (Bibliothèque Nationale Française, National French Library).
The first link is here.
This article is from a newspaper called "Les clochettes algériennes et tunisiennes" (Algerian and Tunisian bells) from the 10th of January 1904. It was a Franco-Algerian newspaper about literature, humor and commercial business published every sunday. In the "Theatrical Week" segment you can read that an "opéra féerique" (fairy-opera, "or so claims the poster" adds the journalist) had its premier at the Municipal Theater: La Belle au Bois Dormant, Sleeping Beauty by Michel Carré and Paul Collin with music by Charles Silver (who received a Great Prize of Rome).
There is a recap of the plot that goes as such. Princess Aurore (Aurora, played by Mme Rigaud-Labenz) was recently born, and her five fairy godmothers (Primevère, Rieuse, Brillante, Sensible, Prudente - Primrose, Laughing, Shining, Sensitive and Careful) call upon her health and happiness. The King, pleased, invites them to a copious feast, but suddenly arrives the wicked fairy Urgèle (played by Mme Corot). Angry at having been excluded of the christening, she casts a curse: if the princess falls in love when she is twenty years old, she will die. We jump sometimes later, before the twenty years are passed - the princess Aurore is wandering, sad and dreaming, in the palace's garden, but her father's reassurance that once she goes over her 20th year without falling in love she will be free from the curse convinces her to not take part in the various games and entertainments of her young female companions. However the Wandering Knight appears (played by M. Broca) - welcomed by the king, he finds himself alone with Aurore. He is very openly in love with her, but when she answers favorably to his advances, she falls in a deep sleep as well as all the inhabitants of the castle.
A hundred years later, arrives the Prince (also played by M. Broca) - as he arrives in a forest he learsn from a peasant woman named Jacotte (Mme Stéphane), wife of the peasant Barnabé (M. Vialar) that the castle he sees on the horizon contains a princess who will marry anyone that is able to wake her up. The prince recalls that one of his ancestors told him that, once he had kissed a princess and she had immediately fallen asleep. Barnabé, overhearing the Prince revealing this secret, decides to go wake the princess and become king - but he is too afraid by the forest at night when he tries to go to the castle, and after stumbling over a rod/bundle of wood, it suddenly lifts itself in the air, carrying Barnabé with it (think of a witch's broomstick). Right after Barnabé was carried off in the air, the Prince enters, still thinking about the princess, and in the fog he sees Aurore that calls for help and tells him she loves him. He immediately rushes to the depths of the wood. Meanwhile Urgèle, in her cavern/grotto, calls against the Prince all the spirits of evil, while the flying piece of wood drops Barnabé right next to her. Urgèle puts Barnabé in a royal suit and sends him wake up Aurore, while suddenly, in a flashing light, Primrose appears saying "Aurore will be free, the times are over!" - which turns Urgèle's grotto into a celestial dome filled with springtime flowers, benevolent spirits and butterflies. Despite many obstacles ("flames, monsters and gnomes"), the Prince wakes up Aurore with a kiss on the forehead. All the servants wake up, and the two young royals exchange love vows. The old royal garden becomes green and alive again, and the good fairies appear, with laying at their feet the wicked fairy, vanquished.
After this recap of the plot, the critic-journalist tells their opinion. They point out that "apparently" it was a success in Marseille and Lyon, while it is currently played in Alger at the Théâtre de la Monnaie. According to the reviewer, its success is due to the "scenic and féerique" part of the work, "because, in truth, the music is too rudimentary. It is a musical dictation carefully written by an applied student, without any spelling or grammar mistakes. M. Silver is a Prize of Rome, which means he knows the technique of his art in a deep way. Unfortunately, he is missing something that is not demande for the examinations: inspiration. Not everybody can have genius, but M. Silver reveals himself as a beginner talent who under-uses his own work. Among four acts and one prologue, not one dominant moment, not one spark that makes the well-tooled orchestra alive. The author aimed at a too great simplicity, and comes off with a too-great naivety. And yet isn't the musical formula smoothly handled by M. Silver the best way to strongly express spontaneous feelings?"
The reviewer than says the actors really did their best to portray the characters - Mme Rigaud-Labenz and M. Broca were, "as usual" a triumph and only deserve a flood of praise - while the other characters were "episodic", and were "correctly held". In conclusion "the staging was very entertaining, and the play deserves to be seen". And the reviewer's name is "Frontin"
[As a personal note, the sources keep oscillating between calling this an opera and a theater play... In fact, Frontin clearly seems to call this a play, even pointing out with some irony that the work claims itself to be an opera.]
As for the other article, given this is already quite a lot, I will add this into a reblog.
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alexlacquemanne · 11 months
Le miroir se brisa (The Mirror Crack'd) (1980) de Guy Hamilton avec Angela Lansbury, Geraldine Chaplin, Tony Curtis, Edward Fox, Rock Hudson, Kim Novak, Elizabeth Taylor, Wendy Morgan et Margaret Courtenay
L'Homme de Rio (1964) de Philippe de Broca avec Jean-Paul Belmondo, Françoise Dorléac, Jean Servais, Milton Ribeiro, Simone Renant, Adolfo Celi, Ubiracy De Oliveira, Roger Dumas et Daniel Ceccaldi
Opération Dragon (Enter the Dragon) (1973) de Robert Clouse avec Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly, Ahna Capri, Shih Kien, Bob Wall, Angela Mao et Betty Chung
Le Grand Bain (2018) de Gilles Lellouche avec Mathieu Amalric, Guillaume Canet, Benoît Poelvoorde, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Philippe Katerine, Félix Moati, Alban Ivanov, Balasingham Thamilchelvan, Virginie Efira et Leïla Bekhti
Bernadette (2023) de Léa Domenach avec Catherine Deneuve, Denis Podalydès, Michel Vuillermoz, Sara Giraudeau, Laurent Stocker, François Vincentelli, Lionel Abelanski, Artus, Scali Delpeyrat et Barbara Schulz
Gaz de France (2015) de Benoît Forgeard avec Olivier Rabourdin, Philippe Katerine, Alka Balbir, Antoine Gouy, Philippe Laudenbach, Darius, Jean-Luc Vincent et Élizabeth Mazev
Mariage à l'italienne (Matrimonio all'italiana) (1964) de Vittorio De Sica avec Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Aldo Puglisi, Tecla Scarano, Marilù Tolo, Enzo Aita, Gianni Ridolfi et Generoso Cortini
Adieu poulet (1975) de Pierre Granier-Deferre avec Lino Ventura, Patrick Dewaere, Victor Lanoux, Julien Guiomar, Pierre Tornade, Françoise Brion, Claude Rich et Claude Brosset
Des hommes d'honneur (A Few Good Men) (1992) de Rob Reiner avec Tom Cruise, Jack Nicholson, Demi Moore, Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland, Kevin Pollak, James Marshall et J. T. Walsh
La Vie de château (1966) de Jean-Paul Rappeneau avec Philippe Noiret, Catherine Deneuve, Pierre Brasseur, Mary Marquet, Henri Garcin, Carlos Thompson et Marc Dudicourt
Tout ce que le ciel permet (All That Heaven Allows) (1955) de Douglas Sirk avec Jane Wyman, Rock Hudson, Agnes Moorehead, Conrad Nagel, Virginia Grey, Gloria Talbott, William Reynolds et Charles Drake
L'Attentat (1972) de Yves Boisset avec Jean-Louis Trintignant, Michel Piccoli, Jean Seberg, Gian Maria Volonté, Michel Bouquet, Bruno Cremer, Daniel Ivernel, Philippe Noiret, François Périer et Roy Scheider
Chaplin (1992) de Richard Attenborough avec Robert Downey Jr., Geraldine Chaplin, Paul Rhys, John Thaw, Milla Jovovich, Moira Kelly, Anthony Hopkins, Dan Aykroyd et Marisa Tomei
L’Évadé d’Alcatraz (Escape from Alcatraz) (1979) de Don Siegel avec Clint Eastwood, Patrick McGoohan, Roberts Blossom, Fred Ward, Jack Thibeau, Paul Benjamin et Larry Hankin
Les Sorcières d'Eastwick (The Witches of Eastwick) (1987) de George Miller avec Jack Nicholson, Cher, Susan Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer, Veronica Cartwright et Richard Jenkins
Bird (1988) de Clint Eastwood avec Forest Whitaker, Diane Venora, Michael Zelniker, Samuel E. Wright, Keith David, Michael McGuire et James Handy
Wolf (1994) de Mike Nichols avec Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Kate Nelligan, Richard Jenkins, Christopher Plummer et Eileen Atkins
Brokenwood Saison 8
Du berceau au tombeau - Sortie de scène - Du rififi au paradis - L’homme qui valait 6 dollars - L’or ne fait pas le bonheur
Affaires sensibles
Massacre du Bloody Sunday : la vérité 38 ans après - Bobby Sands, destin tragique d’un héros de l'indépendance Irlandaise - 1979, ils ont assassiné l’oncle de la Reine Elizabeth II - Les Malouines : bataille navale dans l’Atlantique Sud - La chute de la Dame de fer - « La Dame de fer, le Roi Arthur et la grève des Mineurs » - Dr Goldman et Mister Sachs - Elizabeth Holmes, l’arnaqueuse de la Silicon Valley - 13 mai 1981 : le jour où on a voulu tuer le pape Jean-Paul II - Tuer de Gaulle, l'attentat du Petit-Clamart - Bugaled Breizh : un naufrage en eaux troubles - Le monstre du Loch Ness, un animal merveilleusement insaisissable
Inspecteur Barnaby Saison 13, 16
Meurtres sur mesure - L'épée de Guillaume - Du sang sur les éperons - Les Fantômes de March Magna - La Musique en héritage - Mort par K.O. - La Bataille des urnes - Régime fatal - Les meurtres de Copenhague
Coffre à Catch
#135 : Christian est de retour !!! - #136 - Christian veut le titre de Jack Swagger - #137 : DANS LE MAIN EVENT: Christian nouveau champion ECW ? - #138 : Kane contre le Boogeyman + Santino à la ECW ! - #139 : Le jour où Triple H débarque chez Randy Orton !
Happy Days Saison 3, 4
Un locataire encombrant - La Bécane de Fonzie - Fonzie le téméraire : première partie - Fonzie le téméraire : deuxième partie - Une de trouvée et dix de perdues - Œil pour œil, poing pour poing - Une famille contestataire - Les Quarante-cinq ans d'Howard - Fonzie fait la loi - Cours de drague - Les Vacances de Pâques - La Soirée hawaïenne - Quatorze ans trois quarts - Chagrin d'amour - Un tango pour Fonzie - Représentant ou dresseur de fauves - Baby sitting - Fonzie Superstar - Qui sera le pigeon ? - Le Concours de beauté - Spike fait des bêtises - Fonzie porte des lunettes - Le Mariage d'Arnold - Fonzie est amoureux : première partie - Fonzie est amoureux : deuxième partie - Fonzie est amoureux : troisème partie - Fonzie chez le psychiatre - Pas de panique, restons cool ! - Une dette envers Potsie - Richie s'émancipe - Marathon de danse - Richie grand reporter - Fonzie et le shérif - Nouvelle conquête - Le Rendez-vous de Fonzie - Nuit d'enfer dans une remise - La Soirée des records - La gloire est éphémère
Castle Saison 3
Un homme en colère - Tranches de mort - Eau trouble - Le Tueur de L.A. - Mort d'une miss / La Mort d’une miss - La Traque
Top Gear Saison 21
Nostalgie des années 80 - Road Trip à Tchernobyl - Abu Dhabi, Du Sable dans le Carbu ! - Mercedes, folle du désert - Destination Thaïlande - Un pont sur la rivière Kwaï
Alexandre Ehle Saison 4
Cœur de pierre - Puzzle au zoo
Sous contrôle Saison 1
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
Parlement Saison 3
On ne peut plus rien dire - Le background - Ego to absolvo - Le grand départ - Super pro Brexit - Riders - You shall not pass - Comme le disait Jean Monnet - Fish and ships - Europe, the musical
Les Petits meurtres d'Agatha Christie 70's Saison 3
En un claquement de doigt
Kaamelott Livre III
Le Jour d’Alexandre - La Cassette II - Poltergeist - Les Paris II - Au Bonheur des Dames - Les Tourelles - Cuisine et Dépendances - Arthur sensei - Le Solitaire - Les Festivités - La Menace fantôme - La Coopération - L’Empressée
Les inoubliables : les plus grandes BO du cinéma italien (2023) par le Radici orchestra, Céline Laborie, Simona Boni et Rocco Femia
OSS 117 : Délire en Iran de Jean Bruce
Lucky Luke : Tome 26 : Nitroglycérine de Morris et Lo Hartog van Banda
Le Chat : Tome 4 : Le Quatrième Chat de Philippe Geluck
Détective Conan : Tome 14 de Gôshô Aoyama
Détective Conan : Tome 15 de Gôshô Aoyama
Spirou et Fantasio : Tome 7 : Le Dictateur et le champignon de Franquin
Astérix : Tome 40 : L'Iris Blanc de Fabcaro et Didier Conrad
Détective Conan : Tome 16 de Gôshô Aoyama
Jack Palmer : Tome 12 : L'enquête corse de René Pétillon
Détective Conan : Tome 17 de Gôshô Aoyama
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hadrian6 · 7 years
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The Death of Phocion. 1804. Charles Brocas. French 1774-1835. oil/canvas.   http://hadrian6.tumblr.com
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biointernet · 5 years
The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions
Erik Cambria, Andrew Livingstone, Amir Hussain Abstract Human emotions and their modelling are increasingly understood to be a crucial aspect in the development of intelligent systems. Over the past years, in fact, the adoption of psychological models of emotions has become a common trend among researchers and engineers working in the sphere of affective computing. Because of the elusive nature of emotions and the ambiguity of natural language, however, psychologists have developed many different affect models, which often are not suitable for the design of applications in fields such as affective HCI, social data mining, and sentiment analysis. To this end, we propose a novel biologically-inspired and psychologically-motivated emotion categorisation model that goes beyond mere categorical and dimensional approaches. Such model represents affective states both through labels and through four independent but concomitant affective dimensions, which can potentially describe the full range of emotional experiences that are rooted in any of us. Keywords Cognitive and Affective Modelling, NLP, Affective HCI  LNCS 7403 - The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions Introduction Emotions are an essential part of who we are and how we survive. They are complex states of feeling that result in physical and psychological reactions in- fluencing both thought and behaviour. The study of emotions is one of the most confused (and still open) chapters in the history of psychology. This is mainly due to the ambiguity of natural language, which does not allow to describe mixed emotions in an unequivocal way. Love and other emotional words like anger and fear, in fact, are suitcase words (many different meanings packed in), not clearly defined and meaning different things to different people . Hence, more than 90 definitions of emotions have been offered over the past century and there are almost as many theories of emotion, not to mention a complex array of overlapping words in our languages to describe them. Some cat- egorisations include cognitive versus non-cognitive emotions, instinctual (from the amygdala) versus cognitive (from the prefrontal cortex) emotions, and also categorisations based on duration, as some emotions occur over a period of seconds (e.g., surprise), whereas others can last years (e.g., love). Full text PDF The Hourglass of Emotions: Download The Hourglass of Emotions
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The Hourglass of Emotions NLP References 1.Minsky, M.: The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind. Simon & Schuster (2006)2.James, W.: What is an emotion? Mind 34, 188–205 (1884)3.Dalgleish, T.: The emotional brain. Nature: Perspectives 5, 582–589 (2004)4.Broca, P.: Anatomie comparée des circonvolutions cérébrales: Le grand lobe limbique. Rev. Anthropol. 1, 385–498 (1878)5.Papez, J.: A proposed mechanism of emotion. Neuropsychiatry Clin. Neurosci. 7, 103–112 (1937)6.Maclean, P.: Psychiatric implications of physiological studies on frontotemporal portion of limbic system (visceral brain). Electroencephalogr Clin. Neurophysiol. suppl.4, 407–418 (1952)7.Ledoux, J.: Synaptic Self. Penguin Books (2003)8.Vesterinen, E.: Affective computing. In: Digital Media Research Seminar, Helsinki (2001)9.Pantic, M.: Affective computing. In: Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, vol. 1, pp. 8–14. 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The Guilford Press (2007)38.Ma, C., Osherenko, A., Prendinger, H., Ishizuka, M.: A chat system based on emotion estimation from text and embodied conversational messengers. In: Int’l Conf. Active Media Technology, pp. 546–548 (2005)39.Alm, C., Roth, D., Sproat, R.: Emotions from text: Machine learning for text-based emotion prediction. In: HLT/EMNLP, pp. 347–354 (2005)40.Lin, W., Wilson, T., Wiebe, J., Hauptmann, A.: Which side are you on? identifying perspectives at the document and sentence levels. In: Conference on Natural Language Learning, pp. 109–116 (2006)41.D’Mello, S., Craig, S., Sullins, J., Graesser, A.: Predicting affective states expressed through an emote-aloud procedure from autotutor’s mixed-initiative dialogue. Int’l J. Artificial Intelligence in Education 16, 3–28 (2006)42.Danisman, T., Alpkocak, A.: Feeler: Emotion classification of text using vector space model. In: AISB (2008)43.Strapparava, C., Mihalcea, R.: Learning to identify emotions in text. In: ACM Symp. Applied Computing, pp. 1556–1560 (2008)44.D’Mello, S., Dowell, N., Graesser, A.: Cohesion relationships in tutorial dialogue as predictors of affective states. In: Proceeedings of Conf. Artificial Intelligence in Education, pp. 9–16 (2009)45.Grassi, M., Cambria, E., Hussain, A., Piazza, F.: Sentic web: A new paradigm for managing social media affective information. Cognitive Computation 3(3), 480–489 (2011)46.Zeki, S., Romaya, J.: Neural correlates of hate. PloS One 3(10), 35–56 (2008)47.Cahill, L., McGaugh, J.: A novel demonstration of enhanced memory associated with emotional arousal. Consciousness and Cognition 4(4), 410–421 (1995)48.Bradford Cannon, W.: Bodily Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear and Rage: An Account of Recent Researches into the Function of Emotional Excitement. Appleton Century Crofts (1915)49.Barrett, L.: Solving the emotion paradox: Categorization and the experience of emotion. Personality and Social Psychology Review 10(1), 20–46 (2006)50.Krumhuber, E., Kappas, A.: Moving smiles: The role of dynamic components for the perception of the genuineness of smiles. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 29(1), 3–24 (2005)51.Lewis, M., Granic, I.: Emotion, Development, and Self-Organization: Dynamic Systems Approaches to Emotional Development. Cambridge University Press (2002)52.Csikszentmihalyi, M.: Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper Perennial (1991)53.Minsky, M.: The Society of Mind. Simon and Schuster, New York (1986) About this paper Cite this paper as: Cambria E., Livingstone A., Hussain A. (2012) The Hourglass of Emotions. In: Esposito A., Esposito A.M., Vinciarelli A., Hoffmann R., Müller V.C. (eds) Cognitive Behavioural Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 7403. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Publisher Name Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg Print ISBN 978-3-642-34583-8 Online ISBN 978-3-642-34584-5 eBook Packages Computer Science The Hourglass of Emotions See also:
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mykonosislandworld · 5 years
Η μελέτη των αρχαίων ελληνικών αναπρογραμματίζει τον εγκέφαλο δυσλεκτικών παιδιών!!
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Γράφει ο Σταύρος Π. Παπαμαρινόπουλος, Καθηγητής Πανεπιστημίου Πατρών Μέλος του Εθνικού Συμβουλίου Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας 2004-2010 Η παρακάτω είδηση είναι αφιερωμένη στους πολέμιους της Eλληνικής γλώσσας…..... Την συστηματική διδασκαλία της αρχαίας Ελληνικής γλώσσας προτείνουν ξένοι καθηγητές, σαν θεραπεία σε δυσλεκτικά παιδιά. Σύμφωνα με την θεωρία, του Καθηγητού της Φιλολογίας Eric Havelock, η οποία στηρίζεται στον Πλάτωνα…το αρχαίο Ελληνικό αλφάβητο προκάλεσε πακτωλό αφηρημένων εννοιών στον Αρχαίο Ελληνικό κόσμο, λόγω ενεργοποίησης του εγκεφάλου των χρηστών του. Στον συνεδριακό τόμο των τετρακοσίων σελίδων «Alphabet and the Brain, έκδοση Springer του 1988» παρουσιάζονται τα συμπεράσματα πλήθους κορυφαίων επιστημόνων φιλολόγων, γλωσσολόγων και άλλων ειδικοτήτων, πλην Ελλήνων αντιστοίχων ειδικοτήτων. Επιμελητές της έκδοσης ήταν ο Καθηγητής της Ιατρικής Charles Lumsden του Πανεπιστημίου του Τορόντο και ο Διευθυντής του Κέντρου Θεωρίας της Επικοινωνίας “Marchal McLuhan” Derrick De Kerckhove. Τα επιστημονικά αποτελέσματα τα οποία υποστηρίζουν την θεωρία του Havelock είναι τα εξής: 1. Η περιοχή Broca, που βρίσκεται στην αριστερή πλευρά του εγκεφάλου, ενεργοποιήθηκε λίγο περισσότερο, λόγω του Ελληνικού αλφαβήτου, διότι χρησιμοποιήθηκαν επιτυχώς φωνήεντα σε γραφή για πρώτη φορά. 2. Ο ανθρώπινος εγκέφαλος επαναπρογραμματίστηκε ριζικώς. 3. Η πιο πάνω αναφερθείσα συγκλονιστική μεταβολή στην λειτουργία του εγκεφάλου προκάλεσε μία ουσιώδη αλλαγή στην ψυχολογία των χρηστών του αλφαβήτου, από την οποία προέκυψε η ανάγκη επικοινωνίας των πολιτών δια της λειτουργίας του θεάτρου. Οι δημοσιευμένες έρευνες της επιστημονικής ομάδας του Ιωάννη Τσέγκου παρουσιάζονται στο βιβλίο «Η ΕΚΔΙΚΗΣΗ ΤΩΝ ΤΟΝΩΝ». Σε αυτές, αλλά και σε νεώτερες έρευνες 1999-2010, απέδειξαν ότι οι μετρήσιμοι δείκτες της Λεκτικής Νοημοσύνης και της Αφαιρετικής Σκέψης με αποδεκτές τεχνικές επιταχύνθηκαν σε ομάδα 25 μη-δυσλεξικών παιδιών. Η διδασκαλία στα παιδιά αυτά καθώς και οι μετρήσεις των δεικτών άρχισαν από την ηλικία των 8 ετών και συνεχίστηκαν μέχρι και τα 12 χρόνια τους. Οι ίδιοι δείκτες επιβραδύνθηκαν στην ισάριθμη ομάδα μη-δυσλεξικών παιδιών τα οποία δεν διδάχθηκαν εβδομαδιαίως και εξωσχολικώς επί δίωρο την Αρχαία Γλώσσα. Ας σημειωθεί ότι οι δύο ομάδες διδάχθηκαν τα ίδια προγραμματισμένα μαθήματα στο κανονικό ωράριο η δε στατιστική ανάλυση των αποτελεσμάτων έγινε με γενικώς αποδεκτό πρότυπο. Ωστόσο, η Αυστραλή Πανεπιστημιακή ερευνήτρια Kate Chanock έκανε ένα βήμα παράλληλο ως προς τον Ιωάννη Τσέγκο διότι στο έργο της «Help for a dyslexic learner from an unlikely source: the study of Ancient Greek, Literacy 2006» περιγράφει πως κατέστησε ένα αγγλομαθή δυσλεξικό σε μη-δυσλεξικό με τα Αρχαία Ελληνικά!! Εν τούτοις, τα μεν παιδιά της Αγγλίας του Δημοτικού στην περιοχή της Οξφόρδης, με επιστημονική πρόταση, επιπροσθέτως των μαθημάτων τους θα μαθαίνουν Αρχαία Ελληνικά, τα δε αντίστοιχης ηλικίας Ελληνόπουλα, μόνον με πολιτική απόφαση, δεν θα διδάσκονται την Αρχαία Γλώσσα ενώ θα έπρεπε, αλλά Αγγλικά!! Read the full article
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derin-bilgiler · 7 years
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Darwinism is a supersititous belief that disparages women
The alleged scientific support that Social Darwinism provided for racism, fascism and imperialism, as well as communism, is a widely known subject that has been much written about. But one lesser known fact is that a great many Darwinists, including Charles Darwin himself, have believed in the fallacy  that women are both biologically and mentally inferior to men.
As the evolutionist scientist John R. Durant also acknowledges, racism and sexual discrimination are the two main consequences of the theory of evolution. Durant verbalized the fallaciousness in Darwin’s stance regarding women as follows:
… Darwin extended this placement by analogy to include not only children and congenital idiots but also women, some of whose powers of intuition, of rapid perception, and perhaps of imitation were "characteristic of the lower races, and therefore of a past and lower state of civilization."[i]
The errors made by Darwin that Durant referred to appear in The Descent of Man, as follows:
It is generally admitted that with women the powers of intuition, of rapid perception, and perhaps of imitation, are more strikingly marked than in man; but some, at least, of these faculties are characteristic of the lower races, and therefore of a past and lower state of civilisation. [ii]
It is clearly obvious that Darwin looked down on women even while he explains why marriage is useful:
… children—constant companion, (friend in old age) who will feel interested in one, object to be beloved and played with—better than a dog anyhow—Home, and someone to take care of house—Charms of music and female chit-chat. These things good for one's health.[iii]
Darwin states that he – in his twisted way - regards marriage as necessary using the reasoning which predicates that "a woman's friendship is better than a dog's,"  yet his statements about marriage made no reference at all to features such as friendship, affection, love, devotion, loyalty, closeness, sincerity and trust between two people who spend their lives together. About marriage, Darwin also had this to say:
… loss of time—cannot read in the evenings—fatness and idleness—anxiety and responsibility—less money for books, etc.,—if many children, forced to gain one's bread ... perhaps my wife won't like London; then the sentence is banishment and degradation with indolent idle fool. [iv]
In The Descent of Man, Darwin also claims that men are superior to women:
The chief distinction in the intellectual powers of the two sexes is shown by man's attaining to a higher eminence, in whatever he takes up, than can women—whether requiring deep thought, reason, or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands. If two lists were made of the most eminent men and women in poetry, painting, sculpture, music, ... history, science, and philosophy ... the two lists would not bear comparison. We may also infer, from the law of the deviation from averages, so well illustrated by Mr. Galton, in his work on "Hereditary Genius" that if men are capable of a decided pre-eminence over women in many subjects, the average of mental power in man must be above that of women. [v]
Of course, all of Darwin’s negative opinions regarding women and the misogynistic discourses of some other Darwinists, the samples of which will be given as we proceed, are diametrically opposed to the moral values described in the Qur’an. In the Qur’an, God commands us to be very compassionate, respectful and protective towards women. Furthermore, He cites women with superior morality such as Mary and the wife of the Pharoah as role models.  Superiority in the Sight of God is not according to one’s race, gender or rank but according to their closeness to God and their faith. In many verses of the Qur’an God informs us that all those who believe- without any discrimination between man and woman- will be rewarded with what they have done:
Anyone who acts rightly, male or female, being a believer, We will give them a good life and We will recompense them according to the best of what they did. (Surat An-Nahl, 97)
Examples of the nonsensical remarks of Darwinism regarding women
Darwin’s misogynistic statements are very clear and many scientists are well aware of this fact. Dr. Jerry Bergman, who is against the evolution theory and who explains the negative impacts of Darwinism on social life in his more than 800 published works and more than 20 books, says the following in his book titled The Dark Side of Charles Darwin:
Darwin himself concluded that the differences between human males and females were so large that it was surprising “such different beings belong to the same species” and that “even greater differences” had not evolved. Natural and sexual selection were at the core of Darwinism, and human female inferiority was both a major proof and a chief witness of this theory.
Darwin concluded that men shaped women’s evolution the male’s liking by sexual selection, just as animal breeders shaped animals to the needs of humans. Conversely, war tended to prune the weaker men, allowing only the more fit to return home and reproduce. Men were also the hunters, another activitiy that pruned weaker men. Women, in contrast, were not subject to these selection pressures because they “specialized in the ‘gathering’ part of the primitive economy” that did not require the strength or stamina of war or hunting.” [vi]
The major (and mistaken) justifications Darwin gave for his female inferiority conclusions are summarized in his classic work, The Descent of Man. In this book, Darwin argued that adult females of most species resembled the young of both sexes and that “males are more evolutionarily advanced than females.” He (mistakingly) concluded that since female evolution progressed at a slower rate than male evolution, a woman was “in essence, a stunted man”. This degrading view of women rapidly spread to Darwin’s scientific and academic contemporaries.
For example, Darwin’s contemporary and disciple, anthropologist  McGrigor Allan, states that women are less evolved than men and that “physically, mentally and morally, woman is a kind of adult child… it is doubtful if women have contributed one profound original idea of the slightest permanent value to the world.” [vii]
Of course, Darwin had no scientific basis for proposing these fallacies, but his biased and prejudiced claims about women spread rapidly among his scientific contemporaries.
For example, the materialist Carl Vogt, a professor of natural history at the University of Geneva, accepted all the conclusions drawn by Darwin, without subjecting them to any scientific analysis, and claimed that "the child, the female, and the senile white" all had the intellectual features and personality of the "grown -up Negro,” and that consequently they were inferior. [viii]
Herr Vogt went even further and brought forward the lie that they were actually closer to animals than men. According to Vogt, a woman was "a stunted man" whose development had been obstructed because her evolution had come to a premature halt. [ix] Vogt even claimed that the gap between males and females increases with civilization's progress and is greatest in the advanced societies of Europe. [x] Darwin was greatly influenced by Vogt's rantings, and stated that he was honored to count him among his most important supporters. [xi]
Evolutionist Paul Broca (1824-1880) of the Faculty of Medicine in Paris was particularly interested in the skull differences between men and women.  Broca misconstrued the relatively smaller brain in women and came up with the fallacy that women were intellectually inferior to men. Of course, that is a very irrational claim; today it has been concluded that there is no relationship between human intelligence and the size of the brain. It is absolutely impossible to come to a truthful conclusion simply by looking at the weight of the brain.
Many other evolutionists following the fallacies of Darwin and continued to claim that women are biologically and intellectually inferior to men. Furthermore, some evolutionists even classified men and women as two different psychological species. According to this fallacy, men are classified as homo-frontalis and women as homo-parietalis. Again an evolutionist writer, Elaine Morgan stated that Darwin encouraged men to work on the reasons why women were "manifestly inferior and irreversibly subordinant."( EIaine Morgan, The Descent of Woman, New York: Stein and Day, 1972, p. 1)
Being a woman or a man would not make one superior to the other
Obviously, Darwin's theses were based not on science, but on the culture and primitive scientific understanding of the Victorian Era he lived in. These theses gave way to harmful behavior, violence towards women and caused women to be regarded as inferior beings in many societies. Philosophies such as fascism and communism that disparage women, basically embrace Darwin’s misguided understanding regarding women.
The intellectual characteristics that Darwinists use as criteria are abilities given by Allah, irrespective of gender. In one verse, God reveals: "You who believe! If you fear [and respect] God, He will give you a standard (of right and wrong)..." (Surat al-Anfal, 29) As this verse reveals, judgment-and thus, intellect-develops not according to gender, but according to fear of God.
According to the Qur'an, men and women are equal, and superiority is defined by heedfulness.
God has imposed equal responsibilities on both, and holds both responsible for the same matters. Whether one is a male or female does not make a person superior in the Sight of God, but fear and deep love of and devotion to Him, and proper moral values do. In one of His verses, our Lord reveals that regardless of gender, those who exhibit the best behavior will receive the best reward for their moral values:
Anyone, male or female, who does right actions and is a believer, will enter the Garden. They will not be wronged by so much as the tiniest speck. (Surat an-Nisa', 124)
Their Lord responds to them "I will not let the deeds of any doer among you go to waste, male or female..." (Surah Al 'Imran, 195)
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À procura da poesia perfeita: conheça slams e saraus em SP
A poesia está em todos os cantos ao nosso redor: nas ruas, nos edifícios, no céu, na natureza, no transporte público, na política, nas pessoas, nas nossas relações, nos livros e na ponta da língua. Você só precisa estar treinadx a enxergá-la e ter os ouvidos apurados.
Para te ajudar nessa procura pela poesia perfeita, montamos uma lista com slams e saraus de grande representatividade em São Paulo. Tem opções mais musicais, realistas, focadas na fala/declamação, ligadas ao rap, políticas, entre outras. Dá só uma olhada!
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1. Sarau da Cooperifa
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Onde: Bar do Zé Batidão – rua Bartolomeu dos Santos, 797, Jardim Guarujá Quando: geralmente acontece às terças-feiras, às 20h. Acompanhe aqui a programação do Sarau da Cooperifa
Símbolo de democratização da literatura, o Sarau da Cooperifa, com mais de 15 anos de existência, já é considerado o evento de poesia mais importante das periferias da cidade. O salão do Bar do Zé Batidão, na zona sul de SP, abre o microfone para poetas, cantores, escritores, MCs, pintores e artistas em geral que quiserem subir ao palco. A dica é chegar cedo para saborear o delicioso escondidinho de carne seca do estabelecimento.
Gostou? Saiba mais aqui sobre o Sarau da Cooperifa nesta matéria bacanuda da Catraca Livre.
2. Sarau do Binho
Onde: geralmente acontece no Espaço Clariô – rua Santa Luzia, 96, Taboão da Serra Quando: uma segunda-feira por mês, às 21h Acompanhe aqui a programação do Sarau do Binho
Criado em 2004, o Sarau do Binho é outro evento de poesia reconhecido surgido na zona sul de SP. Depois de ficar algum tempo sem sede fixa, o encontro se estabeleceu no Espaço Clariô, em Taboão da Serra. A ideia é abrir o microfone para poetas, escritores e cantores, além de apresentar alguns shows de artistas convidados.
3. Sarau Elo da Corrente
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Onde: itinerante Quando: uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação do Sarau Elo da Corrente
Criado em 2007 em Pirituba, o Sarau Elo da Corrente é um encontro literário com a proposta de difundir a cultura da periferia e incentivar a produção de conhecimento oral e escrito. O evento é itinerante e já passou pelo Centro Cultural da Juventude, pela Biblioteca Pública Municipal Brito Broca, pelo Bar do Santista (onde surgiu), entre outros.
4. Sarau do Charles
Onde: itinerante Quando: sem periodicidade definida Acompanhe aqui a programação do Sarau do Charles
Com 23 anos de existência, o Sarau do Charles é comandado pelo artista Alessandro Azevedo (o Palhaço Charles). Durante todo esse tempo, o projeto tem sido um espaço de experimentação e troca para artistas de várias linguagens, como poesia, música, circo, teatro e dança. O evento é itinerante e já passou pelo Estrella Galicia Estação Rio Verde, espaço Gam Yoga, Funarte SP, entre outros.
5. ZAP! Zona Autônoma da Palavra
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Onde: itinerante por espaços na região central de SP Quando: uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação do ZAP
Criada em 2008, a ZAP! Zona Autônoma da Palavra pode ser considerada o primeiro poetry slam – ou batalha de poesia falada – de São Paulo. A iniciativa foi idealizada pela atriz-MC Roberta Estrela D’Alva e é realizada pelo Núcleo Bartolomeu de Depoimentos, uma companhia conhecida por misturar teatro e hip hop. As competições são um espaço democrático – o coletivo, inclusive, organiza edições especiais com tradução em Libras (linguagem brasileira de sinais).
6. Sarau das Mina
Onde: itinerante Quando: uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação do Sarau das Minas
Com a missão de promover a representatividade feminina, o coletivo Sarau das Mina costuma organizar encontros de poesia em diferentes lugares da zona sul de SP. Nesses eventos, há microfone aberto para quem quiser mostrar seu talento, discotecagem, projeção de documentários, brechó e outras atividades. O grupo é composto pelas artistas Beatriz Matiola, Bruna Maciel, Jessica Angelin e Lilian Rosa Santos.
7. Saraus na Casa das Rosas
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Onde: Avenida Paulista, 37, Bela Vista Quando: Geralmente ocorrem saraus no espaço uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação de saraus na Casa das Rosas
Projetada pelo escritório do famoso arquiteto Ramos de Azevedo, a Casa das Rosas foi construída em 1935 em plena avenida Paulista e atualmente abriga o Centro de Referência Haroldo de Campos, um espaço cultural completamente dedicado à literatura. Entre as várias atividades e cursos realizados mensalmente no equipamento, estão os saraus organizados por diferentes coletivos de poetas da cidade.
8. Saraus no CCJ – Centro Cultural da Juventude
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Onde: avenida Deputado Emílio Carlos, 3641, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha Quando: uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação de saraus do CCJ
Inaugurado em 2006, o Centro Cultural da Juventude – CCJ, na zona norte, preocupa-se em criar um espaço saudável de vivência da condição juvenil por meio da cultura. O equipamento convida vários coletivos de poesia para organizar saraus com foco em diferentes temas, com microfone aberto para quem quiser se expressar e convidados especiais.
9. Sarau Bixa Literária – Coletivo Bixa Pare
Onde: itinerante Quando: sem periodicidade definida Acompanhe aqui a programação do Sarau Bixa Literária
Criado em 2018, o Sarau Bixa Literária tem a proposta de estabelecer um espaço para trocas e diálogos entre artistas e LGBTQIA+s que estão produzindo reflexões sobre suas diversidades de corpos. O evento ainda não acontece em um lugar fixo ou com uma periodicidade definida, mas já passou pela Casa das Rosas, pela Praça do Morumbi e pela Oficina Cultural Alfredo Volpi. A iniciativa é organizada pelo Coletivo Bixa Pare, criado em 2017 e formado pelos artistas Diego Castro, Fabio Lopes e Luan Afonso.
10. Slam do 13
Onde: Terminal Santo Amaro – avenida Padre José Maria, 400, Santo Amaro Quando: uma vez por mês, geralmente na última segunda-feira Acompanhe aqui a programação do Slam do 13
O coletivo Slam do 13 organiza batalhas de poesia falada desde 2013 no Terminal Santo Amaro. O encontro tem microfone aberto para quem quiser se apresentar e shows de MCs convidados, além de lançamentos de livros e zines e outras atividades.
11. Slam RUA
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Onde: itinerante Quando: uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação do Slam RUA
Com foco em temas sociopolíticos, o Slam RUA (Resistência Urbana Afroguarany) organiza batalhas de poesia em espaços como a ocupação Casa Amarela (na rua da Consolação, 1075). Além do microfone aberto, o encontro discute a resistência das minorias por meio de performances, shows e outras atividades.
12. Slams e Saraus do MAP – Movimento Aliança da Praça
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Onde: Praça Padre Aleixo Monteiro Mafra (Praça do Forró), SN, São Miguel Paulista Quando: uma vez por mês Acompanhe aqui a programação do MAP
O coletivo comunitário MAP – Movimento Aliança da Praça realiza desde 2013 saraus e slams em São Miguel Paulista, na zona leste. Nos encontros, há microfone aberto, varal de poesias, shows e lançamentos de livros.
13. Slam OZ
Onde: Estação Osasco da CPTM – Linha 9 Esmeralda – praça António Menck, sn, Centro, Osasco Quando: última quarta-feira do mês, às 18h30 Acompanhe aqui a programação do Slam OZ
A Slam OZ convida poetas e MCs para provar seu talento na última quarta-feira de todo mês na Estação Osasco da CPTM. Além da batalha de poesia falada, o encontro tem declamações de poetas convidados e um espaço para confraternização.
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À procura da poesia perfeita: conheça slams e saraus em SPpublicado primeiro em como se vestir bem
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