#charles de salaberry
clove-pinks · 1 year
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thinking about Them... (my amazing War of 1812 stamps that I still need to frame)
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bantarleton · 3 years
The Canadian Voltigeurs - Britain’s French-Canadian Light Infantry
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As war with the United States threatened in 1812, the British administration in Canada went about raising fresh militia and fencible (essentially local regular) regiments. One such unit were the Canadian Voltigeurs, a unit raised in Quebec from predominantly French Canadians. 
While Quebec had been famously seized from France by the British in 1759, French Canadians preferred somewhat moderate British rule to the avowedly anti-French, anti-Catholic attitudes of their southern neighbours. They were instrumental in ensuring Canada remained British during the American Revolution, and again proved themselves in 1812. 
The Voltigeurs were commanded by Charles-Michel d'Irumberry de Salaberry, a fearsome officer from a military family. De Salaberry served in the British army in the 1790s, where he acquired a no-nonsense reputation. A fellow officer recounted;
The officers of the 60th Regiment, of which Charles-Michel de Salaberry was Lieutenant, were of different nationalities, English, Prussians, Swiss, Hanoverians, and two French-Canadians, Lieutenants de Salaberry and DesRivières. It was difficult to preserve harmony among them — the Germans especially being passionate, quarrelsome, and duellists. One morning, de Salaberry was sitting at breakfast with some of his brother officers, when one of the Germans entered, and looking at him with an insulting air, said, "I have just come from sending a French Canadian to the other world!" meaning that he had just killed Lt. Thomas-Hippolyte Trottier DesRivières in a duel. De Salaberry sprang like a tiger from his seat; but instantly calming himself, said, "We will finish breakfast, and then you shall have the pleasure of finishing another French Canadian." They fought, as was then the custom, with swords; both were noted for their great skill, and the contest was long and obstinate.
De Salaberry was very young; his antagonist more aged, and a rough bully. The young Canadien received a wound on his forehead, which time never effaced, and as it bled freely and interfered with his sight, friends attempted to stop the conflict; but he would not consent, but binding his handkerchief round his head, recommenced the fight with greater fury. At length his adversary fell mortally wounded.
Under de Salaberry the Voltigeurs would play a role in a number of vital engagements during the War of 1812.
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De Salaberry selected members of the leading families of Lower Canada as officers, but their commissions were not confirmed until they had recruited their quota of volunteers (for example, 36 men for Captains, 14 for Lieutenants). Several other officers transferred from units of the British Army stationed in Canada, in the hope that they would gain rank or seniority by the transfer. Most of these officers remained with the Voltigeurs even when these ambitions were not fulfilled.
The ".. men to be enrolled in this corps to be between the age of 17 and 35 years and not below 5 feet 3 inches." Recruiting was brisk; in addition to a bounty of £4, the recruits were promised a grant of 50 acres (200,000 m2) of land on discharge. Almost all the soldiers and most of the officers were French-speaking, which led to the unit being widely known as the Voltigeurs, a French word meaning "vaulter" or "leaper", and given to light infantry units in the French Army. 
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The Voltigeurs wore grey uniforms, with black facings and accoutrements. The coats were fitted with the padded "wings" worn by grenadier and light infantry units of the British Army. The headgear was a small black bearskin cap. Officers wore a hussar-type uniform, in bottle-green (or "rifle green", as it was becoming known). 
The new unit mustered at Chambly. It had eight companies of light infantry. Two further companies were recruited from Sedentary militia of the Eastern Townships of the Montreal district, and officially listed as the ninth and tenth companies, but they formed a separate corps, the Frontier Light Infantry, throughout the War of 1812.
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When the unit was formed, "... An additional Company formed of Indians will be allowed to be attached to this corps, consisting of six Chiefs and sixty Warriors. This Company will be armed, clothed (after their own manner) & victualled at the expence of Government; they will receive presents as a reward instead of Pay."
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Some of the Voltigeurs were in action at the Battle of Lacolle Mills (1812), in which a half-hearted invasion of Canada by the American General Henry Dearborn was turned back.
Early in 1813 three companies were detached under the unit's second-in-command, Major Frederick Heriot, and moved up the Saint Lawrence River to form part of the garrison of Kingston, the main British base on Lake Ontario. On 29 May, two of these companies took part in the Second Battle of Sacket's Harbor. Later in the year, the detachment moved to Fort Wellington at Prescott, and subsequently played an important part in the Battle of Crysler's Farm.
The main body of the unit formed part of a light corps stationed to the south of Montreal, which was commanded by de Salaberry in person. Learning that an American division under Major General Wade Hampton was advancing from Four Corners in New York state, de Salaberry's force entrenched themselves by the River Chateauguay. On 26 October, Hampton attacked. Two companies of the Voltigeurs formed part of de Salaberry's front line, and five companies were part of his reserve. At the resulting Battle of the Chateauguay, Hampton was repulsed.
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Early in 1814, the entire unit concentrated at Montreal, and was built back up to strength. De Salaberry had been appointed Inspecting Field Officer of Militia, and Major Heriot became the Voltigeurs' acting Commanding Officer. A company of the Voltigeurs played a large part in repulsing an American army under Major General James Wilkinson at the Second Battle of Lacolle Mills in March 1814.
The Voltigeurs were brigaded with the Frontier Light Infantry, and another militia light infantry unit, the Canadian Chasseurs for Governor General Pr��vost's advance into New York State in September 1814. The combined light infantry force formed part of a brigade under Major General Thomas Brisbane during the Battle of Plattsburgh, where the British army retreated after its supporting naval squadron was destroyed.
At the end of the war, the unit was disbanded on 24 May 1815.
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The current Les Voltigeurs de Québec today perpetuate the history and traditions of the Canadian Voltigeurs within the Canadian Army. They also share a common link by the name, the province in which they are located and family ties since the founding commanding officer, Charles-René-Léonidas d'Irumberry de Salaberry is Charles de Salaberry's grandson, and named after him.
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veredes · 5 years
La Gran Vía de Madrid. Breve biografía crítica de una gran calle (VI) | Antón Capitel
El edificio Madrid-París ocupa con especial atractivo una posición intermedia del tramo segundo y horizontal de la Gran Vía, en la acera Sur, o de los números pares. La singularidad del edificio procede sobre todo de haber sido primero un edificio más bajo (de 7 alturas más unos torreones en las esquinas) y de haber sido, más adelante, prácticamente duplicado, esto es con 5 alturas más sobre las cinco primitivas. Parece ser que el primer proyecto llegó de Francia, producto de un arquitecto desconocido, y que fue ejecutado por el arqto. madrileño Teodoro de Anasagasti y Algán, con la colaboración del ingeniero Maximiliano Jacobson, y de 1920 a 1922. Se trataba de una disposición comercial (los almacenes “Madrid-París”) situada en los diferentes pisos y en torno a un patio cubierto.
Antonio González-Capitel Martínez · Doctor arquitecto · catedrático en ETSAM Madrid · enero 2016
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020-21 Saint John Sea Dogs Roster
#9 Charles Savoie (Saint-Eustache, Quebec)
#10 Riley Bezeau (Rothesay, New Brunswick)
#12 Brady Burns (Port Williams, Nova Scotia)
#14 Alex Drover (Port-Aux-Basques, Newfoundland)
#22 Liam Léonard (Clarenville, Newfoundland)
#23 Vladislav Kotkov (Moscow, Russia)
#39 Julian Vander Voet (Mississauga, Ontario)
#67 Dawson Stairs (Fredericton, New Brunswick)
#92 Nicholas Girouard (Notre-Dame-De-l'Île-Perrot, Quebec)
#7 Peter Reynolds (Fredericton, New Brunswick)
#18 Josh Lawrence (Fredericton, New Brunswick)
#19 Joshua Roy (Saint-Georges-De-Beauce, Quebec)
#61 Cam MacDonald (Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia)
#74 Leighton Carruthers (Upper Tantallon, Nova Scotia)
#8 Hunter Gartley (Red Bridge, New Brunswick)
#13 William Villeneuve (Sherbrooke, Quebec) A
#16 Jan Hampl (Kolín, Czech Republic)
#21 Kale McCallum (Quispamsis, New Brunswick)
#25 Nathan Drapeau (Mont-Joli, Quebec)
#34 Ben Roode (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia)
#54 Jérémie Poirier (Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, Quebec) A
#56 Christopher Inniss (Longueuil, Quebec)
#58 Charlie DesRoches (Summerside, Prince Edward Island) A
#29 Noah Patenaude (Neuchâtel, Switzerland)
#33 Creed Jones (Peterborough, Ontario)
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Via Rail recognized by Canadian forces as one of the best employers of reservists
Montréal, March 18, 2017 –VIA Rail Canada (VIA Rail) was honoured today as the best employer in Quebec by the Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC) in recognition of the company’s outstanding support for members of Canada’s Reserve Forces. VIA Rail received the “Award of Excellence for Best Practice in Employer Support for Canada’s Reserve Forces” at a ceremony held at the Charles-Michel de Salaberry Armoury in Laval. The event was attended by nearly a hundred representatives from the military community and hosted by Brigadier General Louis de Sousa.
Over the past few years, VIA Rail has increased its efforts to support Canada’s Reserve Forces and to encourage more veterans to join its staff. The Crown corporation has, among other initiatives, worked with its reservist employees to implement a new leave policy allowing employees who are in the Reserves to continue their military training or participate in temporary missions during military operations in Canada and abroad.
Maintaining a long and proud tradition of supporting members of the military and veteran communities, VIA Rail has also entered into various partnerships with organizations such as the Canada Company Military Employment Transition Program, and the Commissionaire’s MISSION EMPLOI, both of which help former Canadian military members make the transition to civilian life.
“This honour reflects VIA Rail’s commitment to serve and support the dedicated men and women in uniform who make daily sacrifices for Canada,” said the President and Chief Executive Officer of VIA Rail, Yves Desjardins-Siciliano. “Veterans and reservists are a real asset to our company. VIA Rail can benefit greatly from their technical expertise, experience, discipline, and leadership, and we have a duty to facilitate their transition and integration to the civilian workplace.”
Involvement with the military community
In addition to its partnerships with veteran-hiring groups, VIA Rail also supports the military community through partnerships with the Royal Canadian Legion’s national Poppy Campaign, True Patriot Love, and the Canadian Army Run. VIA Rail has also partnered with the Vimy Foundation for the inauguration of the new Interpretation Centre for Canadian History and the centennial of victorious Battle of Vimy Ridge in France.
Furthermore, VIA Rail offers a 25% reduction on the best available fare to members of the Canadian Forces, as well as veterans and their families. Since 2010, over 160,000 military personnel have taken advantage of this offer and travelled on VIA Rail trains.
For more information on VIA Rail initiatives, visit its military community web site at: http://career.viarail.ca/en/why-choose-us/veterans-program.
About VIA Rail Canada
As Canada's national rail passenger service, VIA Rail (viarail.ca) and its 2,600 employees are mandated to provide safe, efficient and economical passenger transportation service, in both official languages of our country. VIA Rail operates intercity, regional and transcontinental trains linking over 400 communities across Canada, and about 180 more communities through intermodal partnerships, and safely transports nearly four million passengers annually. The Corporation was awarded seven Safety Awards by the Railway Association of Canada over the last eight years. For more information, visit: www.viarail.ca/en/about-via-rail.
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jornalocampista · 8 years
“Eu queria fazer uma peça onde houvesse redenção na relação de um pai com o seu filho”.
Charles Asevedo
Vera Holtz, Guilherme Leme Garcia e Flávia Pucci criam monólogo/depoimento
“O Olho de Vidro”
Texto inédito de Renata Mizrahi livremente inspirado no livro “O Olho de Vidro do Meu Avô” de Bartolomeu Campos de Queiroz estreia dia 16 de março no Centro Cultural Correios.
Foto: Tiago Ristow
Foi durante uma viagem a Belo Horizonte que o ator Charles Asevedo conheceu o autor mineiro Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós. Um tempo depois, encontrou entre sua extensa e premiada obra literária o livro “O Olho de Vidro do Meu Avô”, publicado em 2004. Estava ali uma história que o inspirava a subir nos palcos, mas seu desejo ia além, pois as memórias do livro remetiam diretamente às suas próprias memórias de vida. Foi então que convidou os atores Vera Holtz e Guilherme Leme Garcia para repetirem a dobradinha do premiado espetáculo “O Estrangeiro”, e eles resolveram convocar a autora Renata Mizrahi para escrever essa conexão entre a vida do Charles e a história do Bartolomeu. Em seguida, a atriz Flávia Pucci foi chamada para integrar o time de criadores numa direção coletiva que marca o olhar de três atores de formações diversas sobre o trabalho de um único ator em cena.
A peça, na primeira pessoa, é um relato sobre infância, relação com avô, descoberta da sexualidade, relação de opressão com o pai e de amor incondicional pela mãe. As histórias do livro e da vida do Charles se misturam numa criação poética, ficcional e documental. Não existe um limite entre ficção e realidade. O ator começa seu depoimento acreditando que foi sempre pela metade e passou a vida buscando ser inteiro. É através dessa busca que vamos conhecer suas memórias de infância, suas relações familiares delicadas, suas descobertas de vida até chegar ao que se tornou hoje.
Como diz Bartolomeu, “A memoria é um grande patrimônio que a gente tem. A memória é o que eu tenho de mais precioso. Mas é preciso também saber que na memória tanto mora o vivido, quanto mora o sonhado. Mora a vida que eu vivi. E mora a vida que eu sonhei viver. Então quando você busca a memória, ela vem sempre misturada. Ela não vem pura. E é impossível ter uma memória pura, a memória é esta mistura, esta conversa entre a realidade e a fantasia”.
“O Olho de Vidro” foi contemplado no prêmio Myriam Muniz 2015 e estreia dia 16 de março no Centro Cultural Correios, onde fica em cartaz de quinta a domingo às 19h, até o dia 30 de abril. Com trilha sonora de Marcelo H, cenário e luz dos premiados Aurora dos Campos e Tomás Ribas, a peça é uma comédia dramática que fala poeticamente de um olho que vê e outro que imagina.
Sobre o escritor Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós
Nascido em 1944 na cidade de Pará de Minas (MG) – fato que não gostava de falar abertamente, viveu a infância em Papagaios (MG). Com mais de 40 livros publicados (alguns deles traduzidos para inglês, espanhol e dinamarquês), formou-se em educação e artes, e criou-se como humanista. Cursou o Instituto de Pedagogia em Paris e participou de importantes projetos de leitura no Brasil como o ProLer e o Biblioteca Nacional, dando conferências e seminários para professores de leitura e literatura. Foi presidente da Fundação Clóvis Salgado/ Palácio das Artes e membro do Conselho Estadual de Cultura, ambos em Minas Gerais, sendo também muito convidado para participar de júris e comissões de salões, além de curadorias e museografias. É autor do Manifesto por um Brasil Literário, do Movimento por um Brasil literário, do qual participava ativamente. Por suas realizações, Bartolomeu colecionou medalhas: Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (França), Medalha Rosa Branca (Cuba), Grande Medalha da Inconfidência Mineira e Medalha Santos Dumont (Governo do Estado de Minas Gerais). Recebeu, ainda, láureas literárias importantes, como Grande Prêmio da Crítica em Literatura Infantil/Juvenil pela APCA, Jabuti, FNLIJ e Academia Brasileira de Letras.E Visitou a casa de Genívia de Jesus Moreira. Faleceu em 16 de janeiro de 2012, na cidade de Belo Horizonte.
Sobre a autora Renata Mizrahi
Nascida em 1979, no Rio de Janeiro, estudou Artes-Cênicas na UNIRIO, Dramaturgia para Novela na Oficina de Autores da Globo e Cinema na EICT em Cuba (Escuela Internacional de Cine e TV).
No Teatro: é vencedora do Prêmio Shell 2014 por “Galápagos”, direção de Isabel Cavalcanti. A peça foi lida em novembro de 2015 em Nova York através do evento “Contemporary Theatre From Brazil at the Martin E. Segal Center” na Cuny University. Por Galápagos também foi indicada ao Prêmio Cesgranrio 2014 por “Galápagos” e ao Prêmio APTR 2014.Ganhou os prêmios Zilka Salaberry de Melhor Texto em 2012 e 2010, pelas peças “Coisas que a gente não vê”, direção de Joana Lebreiro e “Joaquim e as estrelas”, direção de Diego Molina. Em 2016 foi indicada a melhor texto no Prêmio de Teatro Infantil por CBTIJ “Marrom – nem preto, nem branco?” e no Prêmio Botequim Cultural e melhor texto adaptado nos mesmos Prêmio por “Ludi Na Revolta da Vacina”, que fez adaptação do livro de Luciana Sandroni e assinou a direção.
Texto: Renata Mizrahi – Livremente inspirado no livro “O Olho de Vidro do meu Avô” – de Bartolomeu Campos de Queirós e nos relatos de Charles Asevedo
Criação Artística: Vera Holtz, Guilherme Leme Garcia e Flávia Pucci
Idealizador e Ator: Charles Asevedo
Iluminação: Tomás Ribas
Cenário: Aurora dos Campos
Trilha Sonora: Marcelo H
Assessoria de imprensa: Minas de Ideias
Direção de Produção: Valéria Alves
Produção: Sevla Produções
Local: Teatro Centro Cultural Correios – Rua Visconde de Itaboraí, 20 – Centro – RJ – (21) 2253-1580
Temporada: 16 de março a 30 de abril
Horários: Quinta a Domingo, às 19h
Valor: R$ 20,00 (Inteira) R$ 10,00 (meia)
Bilheteria: Quarta a domingo – 15h às 19h
Duração: 60 min.
Classificação: 12 anos
Gênero: Comédia dramática
Capacidade: 200 lugares
Assessoria de Imprensa
Minas de Ideias Comunicação Integrada
Carlos Gilberto e Fábio Amaral
(21) 3023-1473 / 98249-6705
Livre de vírus. www.avast.com.
Release Oficial O OLHO DE VIDRO.docx
ESTREIA – O OLHO DE VIDRO – 16 DE MARÇO – CENTRO CULTURAL CORREIOS – 19h – Direção de Vera Holtz, Guilhe rme Leme e Flávia Pucci “Eu queria fazer uma peça onde houvesse redenção na relação de um pai com o seu filho”.
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clove-pinks · 3 years
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Look what I have! My next task is to frame them for display, I hope to find a kit rather than using a professional framer. I've never collected stamps so any advice is welcome.
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veredes · 5 years
La Gran Vía de Madrid. Breve biografía crítica de una gran calle (V) | Antón Capitel
El tercer tramo, descendiente, como si aludiera a los más apresurados nuevos tiempos, fue realizado como dijimos desde los años treinta hasta los cincuenta; esto es, dejando de por medio a la terrible guerra civil. La Gran Vía, inacabada, contempló y sufrió los bombardeos de los militares franquistas desde la Casa de Campo, y los de la aviación alemana, y el edificio de la Telefónica, aún reciente, sufrió por su altura las terribles heridas de la guerra fratricida. Hoy nada recuerda, ni siquiera un letrero, la dramática y criminal contienda, tal y como si el disimulo pudiera sustituir al olvido.
Antonio González-Capitel Martínez · Doctor arquitecto · catedrático en ETSAM Madrid · enero 2016
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veredes · 5 years
La Gran Vía de Madrid. Breve biografía crítica de una gran calle (IV) | Antón Capitel
En el final del segundo tramo y principio del tercero se produjo un episodio espacial y formal de alto interés, la plaza del Callao, que puede considerarse también como un “cuarto acto” del “teatro” total que la Gran Vía supone. O si se prefiere, y por su singularidad, un teatro propio. Una escena intensa e independiente, espacialmente puntual al tratarse en este caso de una plaza.
Antonio González-Capitel Martínez · Doctor arquitecto · catedrático en ETSAM Madrid · enero 2016
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veredes · 5 years
La Gran Vía de Madrid. Breve biografía crítica de una gran calle (III) | Antón Capitel
El segundo tramo (o segundo “acto” del “teatro”), de la red de San Luis a la Plaza del Callao, contaba con una notable ventaja, la condición horizontal y recta, lo que hizo que su imagen urbana sea la mejor, y en la que puede imponerse más el propio espacio urbano vacío como tal, sin que sea demasiado necesaria la relativa unidad arquitectónica que preside el tramo anterior. Esto fue sin duda una fortuna porque aquí, y de hecho, y debido a la época, el cierto consenso cultural que presidía el tramo anterior había desaparecido, si bien puede decirse que las aproximaciones, también eclécticas, acabaron siendo finalmente bastante semejantes.
Antonio González-Capitel Martínez · Doctor arquitecto · catedrático en ETSAM Madrid · enero 2016
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veredes · 5 years
La Gran Vía de Madrid. Breve biografía crítica de una gran calle (II) | Antón Capitel
El primer tramo de la Gran Vía, que asciende –dando con ello una cierta sensación de fatiga, como si se rememorara la dificultad que se tuvo para iniciarla-, comienza con el gran edificio singular que fue el de la Unión y El Fénix (Alcalá 39, arqtos. Jules y Raymond Fevrier, 1905-10, hoy “Metrópolis” y anterior, en realidad, a la avenida), rotonda brillantemente replicada y acompañada por otra inmediata y separada por una calle pequeña, la del edificio que tiene en su planta baja la joyería Grassy (Gran Vía 1, arqto. Eladio Laredo y Carranza, 1916-17).
Antonio González-Capitel Martínez · Doctor arquitecto · catedrático en ETSAM Madrid · enero 2016
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veredes · 5 years
La Gran Vía de Madrid. Breve biografía crítica de una gran calle (I) | Antón Capitel
Madrid nació en el oeste de lo que hoy es el casco antiguo, justamente en el lugar del palacio, en el mismo borde de la cresta militar sobre el río Manzanares. Y se extendió hacia unos terrenos de accidentada topografía, lo que provocó desde el principio su irregularidad planimétrica, agravada también por la complicada configuración del trazado de los caminos y por las azarosas lindes de los predios rurales. Como se puede seguir viendo hoy con toda claridad, el casco antiguo de Madrid -teniendo por tal a todo el territorio anterior al ensanche del siglo XIX- es muy irregular, carente casi por completo de toda geometría.
Antonio González-Capitel Martínez · Doctor arquitecto · catedrático en ETSAM Madrid · enero 2016
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goalhofer · 4 years
2020-21 Drummondville Voltigeurs Roster
#10 Edouard Charron (Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec)
#16 Charlie Da Fonseca (Markham, Ontario)
#17 Jeremy Ste. Marie (Quebec City, Quebec)
#18 Michael Little (Toronto, Ontario)
#19 Luke Woodworth (Bridgewater, Nova Scotia)
#20 Isiah Campbell (Pierrefonds, Quebec) A
#24 Jeremy Lapointe (Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec)
#28 William Dufour (Quebec City, Quebec)
#29 Charles-Antoine Dumont (Lévis, Quebec) A
#9 Daniel Agostino (Montreal, Quebec)
#11 Elliot Lavoie (Lévis, Quebec)
#81 Xavier Simoneau (Saint-Andre-Avellin, Quebec) C
#92 Justin Cote (Salaberry-De-Valleyfield, Quebec)
#96 Alex Morin (Quebec City, Quebec)
#4 Drew Maddigan (Hammond Plains, Nova Scotia)
#7 Orlando Mainolfi (Richmond Hill, Ontario)
#13 Maveric Lamoureux (Hawkesbury, Ontario)
#21 Kaylen Gauthier (Drummondville, Quebec)
#47 Jacob Dion (Stoke, Quebec)
#55 Felix-Antoine Drolet (Châteauguay, Quebec)
#58 Mikael Diotte (Sainte-Julie, Quebec)
#77 Conor Shortall (St. John’s, Newfoundland)
#79 Jacob Leblanc (Moncton, New Brunswick)
#90 Francesco Lapenna (Laval, Quebec)
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