#charlie in nicks jumper
saevity · 1 year
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heartstopper s2 was so good i love them forever and ever and ever🍂🍂🍂 when is it MY turn to romantically run though paris??????
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stopper-my-heart · 29 days
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Heartstopper S2E7
What's this that's caught Charlie's eye? Ooh, they have a whole rack of jumpers! And look, a lovely green one in a Nick-esque style and colour that would look good on him.
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bairdthereader · 3 months
Heartstopper Elders: Mr. Ajayi
No adult in Heartstopper steps into the gap as well as Nathan Ajayi.
I don't think it's coincidence that Mr. Ajayi is the first adult we see interacting with Charlie on a meaningful, personal level. In the comics Mr. Ajayi is not introduced until he chaperones the Paris trip, but in the show Alice has made him a keeper of Charlie's past, a rare empathetic witness to his trauma, and the only adult to whom Charlie feels comfortable opening up. We learn almost as much about Charlie from his interactions with Mr. Ajayi as we do from his conversations with friends; in some ways, more.
When he asks Charlie if everything is okay because it's been a while since Charlie has hidden at lunchtime, Charlie replies he isn't hiding, he's eating (though he clearly is not). There's a moment where Mr. Ajayi has a small smile on his face, but his eyes are sad. He knows Charlie is deflecting; he knows Charlie is worried about something, he knows he's not eating. He also knows there's a chance he might not get a straight answer out of Charlie if he pushes too hard. So he starts by checking in on the bullying, which is a problem he and Charlie have dealt with together in the past, effectively reminding Charlie of the preexisting trust between them.
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Reminded of the depth of Mr. Ajayi's caring and support, Charlie ventures to talk a bit about the new problem, which we all know is Ben. Joe's performance here is amazing--the hesitancy, the almost stream of consciousness verbal working out of his perception of the situation in real time, the intense frustration of not understanding why Ben behaves the way he does. As Charlie talks, Mr. Ajayi's expression is one of dismayed understanding. There is a high likelihood that he or someone he is close to has experienced a similar situation, and he can recognize what's happening in Charlie's "relationship" better than Charlie can at this point (though Charlie definitely figures it out in the end).
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Mr. Ajayi knows from past experiences with Charlie that he often keeps his problems to himself. His repeated suggestion that Charlie talk, both to Ben and to his friends, is Mr. Ajayi's attempt to counteract what he sees as one of Charlie's more harmful self-defense mechanisms--silence. This is a bit of foreshadowing, since it takes many hard conversations throughout the entirety of season 2 for Charlie to really talk to Nick about some of his problems.
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It's also telling that when Mr. Ajayi asks Charlie why he hasn't talked to his friends about Ben, his answer is "they wouldn't get it . . . because they're not gay." You can see Mr. Ajayi's visible frustration with this statement because not only is it Charlie's excuse to avoid sharing this important part of his life with his friends, but it also fails to give his friends the chance to prove that they could understand. Mr. Ajayi doesn't push, though, which is one of his strong suits. He knows Charlie needs to figure some of this out on his own ("I can't solve your problems for you").
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Of course, we all know and love this scene in S1E8 where Mr. Ajayi encourages Charlie not to hide. He knows instantly exactly why Charlie is there, and he knows that this time Charlie doesn't need protection, he needs a push, he needs real talk. So that's what Mr. Ajayi does. At first, Charlie avoids eye contact, denying it when Nathan points out that Charlie is returning to harmful and isolating behaviors, but Mr. Ajayi knows this is the moment to double down and really get under Charlie's armor. He pursues eye contact with Charlie, making sure he's listening.
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Nathan tells Charlie that hiding can be safer and easier, but not always worth the loneliness that results. It's an absolutely beautiful moment because Mr. Ajayi is not only acknowledging Charlie's fears, but his strengths as well. Charlie has so many moments of bravery, has overcome so much, and Mr. Ajayi knows this better than almost anyone else. He knows that Charlie doesn't really want to hide, and he's telling Charlie to turn back to that part of himself that he knows is strong enough to keep going.
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On the surface, it seems that Mr. Ajayi is telling Charlie not to let bullies make him disappear, but he says anyone. That includes Nick, who Charlie is trying so hard to protect that he's hurting himself in the process; Tao, who at this point is blaming Charlie for some of his own internal struggles (we all do this sometimes, so Tao is not horrible, just human); as well as Charlie himself, as he has a tendency to apologize for and regret his own existence. This is where Charlie returns Nathan's eye contact, really absorbing what he has to say. The fact that Charlie takes this advice and forges ahead shows that Mr. Ajayi's words carry a lot of weight with Charlie and that he has deployed them in a way that Charlie can accept, two things that are only possible where there is trust, respect, and a strong bond.
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Though we don't see as many one-on-one interactions between Mr. Ajayi and Charlie in S2, Nathan's presence on the Paris trip is especially important at a few critical points. When we see his reaction to Imogen's very public breakup with Ben, we're seeing him not only feel teacherly concern for this antagonistic moment between the couple, but he's also putting some pieces together about Charlie. Mr. Ajayi is, at this point I think, the only person aside from Nick who now knows (or at least suspects) that the "secret boyfriend" was Ben. He’s getting a more complete picture of what’s been happening with Charlie and the deeply negative effects of that relationship, especially now that Imogen is exposing what kind of person Ben is to people who may not have seen that side of him before.
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Likewise, when Charlie passes out at the Louvre and tells a very concerned Mr. Ajayi that he just hasn't eaten enough that day, Nathan has to be connecting the dots with all the times Charlie came to his room at lunchtime but didn't actually eat, or ate very little, and coming to the realization that there’s a deeper and more problematic cause for this pattern.
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Though we don't see any onscreen discussions between Charlie and Mr. Ajayi about these revelations, we know that Nathan is in tune enough with Charlie to understand that bigger currents are moving in Charlie's life than show on the surface, and I imagine this will come into play in some way in S3. There is at least one adult in Charlie's life who has some understanding of what might really be going on with him, and who better than Nathan Ajayi.
Honorable mention goes to the way Mr. Ajayi quietly supports the Narlie relationship:
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We have to assume that Mr. Ajayi certainly played a similar, possibly even more protective, role in Elle's life. When she's at Truham for sports day, despite calling the school a hellhole she hoped she'd never be back in, she's clearly comfortable in Mr. Ajayi's art room. She says she spent "every" lunchtime in his art room working on her landscape piece, so we know Mr. Ajayi allowed Elle to not only complete her coursework but also seek refuge.
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Elle also used the art room as the setting for her piece for Lambert, showing that not only are her friends her safe place, but so is the actual physical space of Mr. Ajayi's classroom. This room, and this teacher, were a place where she could be her true self and heal from the wounds inflicted by the cruelty of other students and teachers. And, so importantly, Mr. Ajayi's room with its intrinsic safety allowed Charlie and Elle to relax and let down their guards, fostering an environment where this core friend group was able to grow even more tight-knit.
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I dearly wish Mr. Ajayi had been there to see the reveal and celebration of Elle's piece, which was in large part possible because of him. Mr. Ajayi makes himself and his space into a sanctuary for the students who need him, and what is more heroic than that?
[Side Note: Nathan stands in the gap for Youssef too, without a doubt. That's it's own post.]
Bonus: Mr. Ajayi's sarcasm is perfection.
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sonseulsoleil · 2 years
So this picture...
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I notice a little something on Charlie's neck there...a little love bite perhaps? and then I notice Charlie's outfit...
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seems like a match, no?
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cosmogalaxy2 · 1 year
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I love how in the latest update Charlie is holding his jumper and yet still comes home in Nick's. He is still a jumoer stealing bf even in a panic
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the real question is not how many jumpers charlie has stolen, but how many jumpers nick owns
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yojfull · 1 year
Tumblr Heartstopperpromptweek Day 5
Your hands are cold - Nick
I'm always cold - Charlie
Well, in that case… *gives jumper*
Wrapped in the soft cottony embrace
Permeated with the colors of you,
A jumper is never as warm as a hug,
But when you are far, it will do
Until once again, you are here
To warm me all the way through.
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themborules · 1 year
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keeryquinn · 8 days
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More of Charlie “borrowing” Nick’s Jumpers
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bunnysnuff · 1 year
Mornings with Charlie and Nick.✨
Pairing: Nick Nelson x m!reader x Charlie spring.
Triggers: poly!relationship, none that I’m aware. Let me know. Fluff.
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Your boyfriends are so clingy.
Nick was spooning into you, his face hiding in the crook of your neck, his breathing tickled your skin. He let out a soft snore. Your free hand gently moved some of his hair that was tickling your shoulder. Nick looked so peaceful, he could pretty much sleep through anything, something you and Charlie were both jealous of. His arm was hugging your waist, his hand however rested on Charlie’s arm, who was asleep on the other of you. Nick was a human radiator, he was always so warm, until Charlie who was the human version of a fan.
Charlie was the other side of you, his hand holding yours. His lips in a pout, while his other hand rested on his chest. Charlie always slept in some sort of a jumper while Nick slept in a t-shirt. Charlie breathes slowly and you can’t help but admire how cute both your boyfriends look.
Looking back at Nick, who was still asleep, You pulled the blankets up over his shoulder to ensure his warmth. Immediately, he snuggled into the blanket. You turned your attention back to Charlie, who in his sleep scooted a little bit away from you and Nick. You decided to let go of Charlie’s hand, deciding to turn on your side and try to pull him back closer to you and Nick. But instead, Charlie’s hand reached up to eyes and rubbed them, indicating that he was waking up.
Charlie’s eyes opened a minute later, taking a few minutes to adjust before looking over to see you had already been staring at him. He stretches before giving you a smile. “Morning.” Charlie moaned out, turning onto his stomach to look at you and Nick.
“How does he always look so good even when he’s sleeping?” Charlie laughed, reaching over and stroked the same piece of Nick’s hair away that had fallen back onto your shoulder. “How did you sleep?”
“I’m only up a few minutes.”
“A few minutes of looking at me.”
“I was not.” You giggled, leaning down to press a kiss onto his lip. Charlie’s hand rested on the back of your head, allowing your kiss to lingerie. But before You had a chance to kiss again, a moan from Nick scared you both. Your eyes moved to Nick, who was pulling you back to spoon with him.
“Stop hogging my pillow.” Nick muttered into your neck, making you and Charlie laugh. You leaned down pressing a kiss onto Nick’s arm that was wrapped around you.
“I’m right here Nick.” Nick was now pressing his chest against your back, hiding his face further into your neck. His lips hovered over your neck. Charlie smiled as he reached out to stroke your cheek.
“Hey! I’m cold too!” Charlie smirked at You as you watched Nick, who didn’t open his eyes.
“Than get in here, Char.” Nick muttered against your neck. You giggled, turning to face Nick as Charlie slides in beside you, tightly pressing his front to your back.
Charlie’s arms tightly wrap around your waist, holding onto your top that was hugging your body. This time, Nick had opened his eyes to watch you and Charlie with a smile on his face. It was nice to wake up beside your two boyfriends, especially when they were this cuddly.
“Morning.” Nick muttered, his hand now resting ontop of Charlie’s as he tried to move himself close to you two. You were squished between the two, especially when Nick wrapped his long leg around you. Nick gently placed a kiss into your head.
“We have to get up soon. Elle is comi-“
“No. No. No.” Charlie spoke, sitting up to look at you and Nick. “We are staying here.” Charlie made a motioned between all three of you before he plopped himself between you and Nick, making you groan as he took your warm spot but you couldn’t help but giggle as you watched the two relax into the bed.
“Three cups of tea coming right up.”
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sxnshxnxxnddxxsxxs · 6 months
how poor are the weasley’s?
i think this question really just encapsulates jkr’s shitty world building because there are so many interconnected elements.
oh and as always fuck jkr for the antisemitism, transphobia, racism, holocaust denial, barely veiled misogyny and the rest of her sins.
why is there poverty in the first place?
in a world with magic where you can create practically anything but food out of nothing why are people poor. especially when the you can’t create food rule has the caveat if you already have food you can just duplicate it. moreover in a world where theoretically you can get everything you need with the right spell why do you need money? the answer in all likelihood is probably convenience because most people don’t have time to find the spell for this that and the other. but if you don’t have money theoretically there is still a away to provide for yourself. also i’m pretty sure there’s no lore against just conjuring gold so theoretically there’s no reason to be without money.
the weasleys and mismanaging their money
in harry and ron’s first train ride we get the introduction to the weasleys poverty and the frankly ludicrous mismanagement of their funds. first of all we get that percy got brand new robes not because he had grown out of his old ones but because he was made a prefect and that he also got a new owl. then we get ron who has bill’s old robes, charlie’s old wand and percy’s old rat and no money for the trolley just his least favourite sandwiches. now i’ll come back to my thoughts on the robes in a bit. now charlie’s old wand is a known plot hole but still why did he get a new wand especially considering that charlie graduated from hogwarts in the summer of 1991 if you have money to buy a wand at that point in time surely it should go to the child who needs a wand and doesn’t yet have one. but say charlie just really needed a new wand then use the spare cash you spent on percy’s robes and owl. like it just gives irresponsible to not dedicate money to the kid that needs it the most.
what are the indicators of the weasleys poverty?
i ask this because while poverty certainly manifests differently in different situations i find that the way the weasley finances are described and how they are portrayed to live don’t quite match up. now the big one is when they go to gringotts in CoS when all that’s in the weasley vault is a small pile of sickles and one galleon. but i’d also say that that is the only real indicator of the weasleys being poor because the two main other factors are the hand me down clothes and books. now i personally don’t find this to be an indicator of poverty at all i actually find it entirely normal. as some who had a school uniform (i went to state school in the uk) they are not cheap one full set of my uniform (blazer, jumper, shirt, kilt and socks) cost upwards of £200 and in a pair of shoes that will last at least the year and that’s at least another £50 or so. so it was the unquestionable norm in my school that if you had an older sibling who had spare uniform because they were graduated or had grown out of it then you would wear it (provided it was in good nick) and it was the same with textbooks the syllabus barely changed unless the entire national curriculum was updated so if you could inherit a textbook or set text you would, in fact you were at an advantage if it was for something like english lit because the annotations would already be there. and even if you didn’t have an older sibling in my school we were actively encouraged to buy second hand books. like i’m sorry but i just don’t accept hand me downs especially in this context as being a sign of poverty. now there are very big indicators of poverty that the weasleys don’t have (and obviously irl you can still be poor and not have these apply to you i just think it’s worth mentioning) which are food insecurity and housing insecurity.
now i would like to make it clear that i don’t think that the weasleys are particularly well off i just don’t think that they’re destitute in the way jkr wants the audience to believe (possibly because she’s never interacted with poverty on a significant level) which leads me into my next point.
comparative poverty
most of the times that the weasleys poverty is being examined it’s in the context of a comparison to either harry or the malfoys who are all significantly wealthy (the malfoys more so than harry) which provides a very skewed perspective of how poor the weasleys are because i’d wager that hermione (who is implied to be upper middle class considering her parents are dentists) would look poor certainly next to the malfoys. with harry it’s harder to say just because we really have no clue how rich harry actually is.
class vs money
now this is both related and unrelated but partially because of jkr’s very inconsistent writing of the weasleys being poor and her world building or lack there of but the weasleys very much come off to me like an upper class family. and this is a reminder that in the uk money and class are very different and that one does not inform the other. money can help you present your class but that’s about it. it is more than possible to be upper class and not have a pot to piss in (or in the forever iconic words of beverly: not have a pot in which to piss). and i think that the weasleys being an upper class family that lost their fortune at some point really informs some of their decisions like the fact that they are a single income household when after ginny goes to hogwarts i don’t really see why molly wouldn’t get a job. and the fact that when when arthur and lucius fight it’s generally about money and arthur being jealous of lucius’s fortune which would make even more sense if at one point the pair were equals in the social hierarchy. not to mention that the weasleys are part of the sacred twenty eight and class and blood status are very closely linked in the narrative.
all this to say that when you examine the nature of poverty in the wizarding world especially when your case study is the weasleys it makes very little sense. not only the first question of why is there poverty in the first place (and why the hell is there inflation i could write a whole separate think piece on this tapped fucking money system). but since it does exist how does it manifest itself? like bills aren’t really a thing because houses are powered by magic and rent isn’t really mentioned i don’t think, the weasleys own their house (another class indicator). it just really doesn’t make sense to me. also i haven’t really included ron being bullied for being poor by draco because the majority of people are poor compared to draco and draco is a dickhead eleven year old like i doubt he even knows how money works.
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clingynicknelson · 1 year
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charlie wearing nick's jumper 😭😭
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stopper-my-heart · 2 months
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Charlie's wardrobe at the Glasgow Pride Heartstopper Netflix event:
A bunch of Nick's jumpers
One rugby shirt
One school uniform
A bunch of Converse (plus the pair of rainbow Pride socks from the show)
Checks out! 😂
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bairdthereader · 3 months
Charlie Spring, An Appreciation: Part 3, Cool
Charles Francis Spring is epically cool, and no, I won't be taking questions. Yes, Nick is undeniably awesome, and he's popular, and he's the rugby king, but Charlie is by no means outclassed here. It's even stated (by some of the rugby lads, no less) in the first comic that Charlie is generally liked wherever he goes and fits in with everyone. So let's take a stroll through the many ways Charlie embodies cool--all, it must be noted, while being his authentic self.
We'll go for the obvious first: our guy plays the drums, which has been synonymous with coolness basically since time began. And Nick agrees, so there's no point denying it. [Side note: I really wish we got to see more of Charlie playing for fun in the show. Other than when he's trying to teach Nick to play and preparing for the spring concert, we only see him play when he's upset about something. And only once in S2, which is criminal. Can't wait for that festival gig in S3.]
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If musical talent isn't enough, we've got Charlie's academic prowess. Sure, this could class him as a "nerd," but really, I think we all know this just means he's all-around brilliant. Not to mention that he's maintained his high academic standards (with the exception of that history coursework, and who could blame him) throughout some really challenging life experiences. I mean, look at Nick's I-know-the-answer-to-this-question-because-my-super-smart-boyfriend-helped-me-revise face. That's all you need to know.
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It's well established that Charlie is a "super fast" runner, so he also has physical accomplishments we can add to the list. But let's talk about rugby, because as we all know, this is not something that comes naturally or easily to Charlie. And yet. He attacks it, learns it, and ultimately succeeds. Will he ever be a rugby king? No, but the fact that he manages to go from a complete novice to a competent, productive part of the team reveals yet another facet of his determination and tenacity. And I challenge anyone who doubts Charlie to watch this little moment (with Flor's pitch-perfect "Heart" playing in the background) and still think this boy can't do anything he sets his mind to.
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Charlie may not be the rugby king, but he is indisputably the Mario Kart king. Honestly not sure why anyone bothers challenging him anymore. That throne cannot be toppled. 👑
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Charlie has a lot more self confidence than I think he's usually given credit for. He has periods of doubt, of course, but who doesn't? I love seeing these moments where his confidence is on display, whether they're big, consequential moments or quiet ones, because it shows that his past trauma hasn't completely overruled his sense of self. He knows his worth, and his strength, even if he occasionally forgets. Charlie is as strong as they come.
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Let us not overlook the fact that Charlie Spring is a huge, unapologetic (and very successful) flirt. And, I'd venture to argue, a little bit more of a smooth operator than even Nick. Even though he occasionally second-guesses himself, these flirty shenanigans reveal that Charlie has a core of confidence both in Nick's reciprocation of Charlie's feelings, but also in himself and his own desirability.
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But really, all we needed to see to know Charlie is cool is this: epic jumper collection, ripped black skinny jeans, raglans, Nick's hoodies, plaids...
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And this:
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Your honor, I rest my case.
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exquisite-evans · 9 months
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Surely someone has already called out that Charlie is clearly wearing a Nick jumper? 🥹🎄
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yorit1 · 1 year
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Charlie is wearing Nick jumper
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