charlie-writes1 · 3 years
Get To Know Charlie
<name> Charlie
<pronouns> they/them
<AO3> Alex__11
<sexuality> Panromantic
<multi shipper>
Multifandom- I’ll write for other fandoms if I’m in them and know the characters
- Percy Jackson
- bnha/mha
- Harry Potter
- Haikyuu!!
- and more but those are the main ones
Writing Masterlist
Ask's are open for suggestions and questions.
Disclaimer I have dyslexia so even though I'm using Grammarly my spelling and grammar has never been amazing.
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charlie-writes1 · 3 years
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Happy Birthday
By: @charlie-writes1
Writing Masterlist
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: ShinKamiSero
Warning: gay, main poly relationship.
Word count: 2.9k
Posted: 10.10.2021
a/n: this was a request made to me on Wattpad and I thought it turned out very well so I decided to post it here.
Today’s the day! It’s Sero Hanta’s birthday, the first one he gets to celebrate with his class… the first one he gets to spend with his boyfriends, and it looks like everyone forgot.
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Sero sat in the hammock in his room staring down at his blank phone. They would text eventually, right? Or come see him? Any second now he would get a text from his boyfriend. Any second a knock would come at the door and the two people he loved most in the world would be standing there ready to wish him a happy birthday and spend all day with him. Any second now.
But the text never came, and his boyfriends never knocked on the door.
With a sigh, he put his phone down on his chest and looked up at the ceiling. "It's the weekend, maybe they slept in." His eyes fell on the clock that was in his room, 8:19 am. "Yeah, they're probably still asleep."
But he knew it wasn't true. Shinso was always up before 7 even if it was a weekend, and Kaminari had an internal clock set for 7:30 no matter the day. They were both probably awake and they both probably forgot about his birthday.
Sero's phone buzzed and he jumped, scrambling to pick it up and check his messages.
His smile fell when he saw it was just a notification from Tumbler. Something about a fandom he was in. He didn't care, it wasn't his boyfriends texting him.
With a sigh, Sero got up and decided to get breakfast. "Maybe they are waiting for me to go downstairs. They probably thought I was sleeping in and didn't want to wake me."
He was convinced. He was so convinced that they were just waiting till they knew he was awake to shout "happy birthday!" And do all those lovey-dovey coupley things people do on birthdays. But it didn't happen.
Sero walked into the common room, nothing but a 'hay' from Tokoyami as he passed the couch he was sitting on.
"Hey," Sero said, trying not to let his smile fall too much.
They didn't forget.
He walked over to where Shinso was pouring a cup of coffee and smiled, going up to him. "Can I have a cup?" He asked, leaning against the counter in a way that he hoped said 'you know it's my birthday right?'
Shinso looked up at him and gave a small smile in return. "I just finished this pot but I'll make you more," he said, going to refill the pot.
Then Kaminari came into the room. He looked tired, but that was normal for this early in the morning. "Hello loves of my life," Kaminari greeted in the cheesy way they had both gotten used to.
"Morning Denks," Sero greeted. Oh come on, he couldn't have forgotten too... right?
"Morning Denki," Shinso said.
Neither had said a thing about his birthday, and he knew it wasn't like them. Both had had their birthdays almost a month before Sero, meaning Sero knew how they reacted to their significant other having a birthday. Kaminari had gotten so excited and tried baking a cake that may or may not have almost burnt down the dorms, but they all ate it because it was the thought that counted. And Kaminari had shown him the texts Shinso had sent the morning of the blinds birthday, wishing him a happy birthday, and later on, he took them all out on a special date to celebrate Kaminari's birthday.
He knew how they would act.
So why weren't they saying anything about it?
They couldn't have forgotten... could they?
"Hey umm... you guys know what day it is right?" Sero asked, trying to keep his voice steady.
"July 29th right?" Shinso asked, cocking his head to the side.
"National lasagna day," Kaminari told him. "Oh that reminds me, Hanta do you want to show me how you made that lasagna a while back? It tasted like heaven!"
"I umm..." he swallowed back the sower taste in his mouth and forced a smile. "Y-yeah, lasagna, sure."
Kaminari beamed at him. "Can we do it later today? I have to do some things beforehand."
Sero nodded, his smile not meeting his eyes. "Yeah, sure." They forgot. They actually forgot. "I'm going to go talk to the others," he said sadly.
His boyfriends didn't get another word in before he was walking away, going to the lounge area to talk with Mina and Kirishima, who were happily chatting away.
Kirishima spotted him first and waved him over. "Hey, Dude!" Here it comes! Someone has got to remember right?
"Hey," Sero smiled, giving a small wave in return.
"You look down, what's wrong?" Mina asked, her brows creasing together.
Something that's always been weird for Sero was bringing up his birthday. To him, it was like looking for attention. "Hey, it's my birthday today!" "Oh my god, I can't believe that happy birthday!" Telling people it was your birthday was fishing for attention and compliments, so even if he was upset about his boyfriends, and his friends too, forgetting about his birthday he wasn't going to say so because he didn't want to fish for compliments
"It's nothing, just tired," Sero responded. Even his friends forgot about his birthday. "Couldn't go back to sleep though, my body wouldn't allow it."
Sero felt a hand resting on his shoulder and he turned around to see Shinso. "Here, made you coffee," Shinso told her, holding out a mug of steaming hot coffee.
"Thanks." Sero smiled up at him, taking the mug. This made him feel a little better. Shinso made the best coffee, it was never too bitter or too sweet, somehow it was just the right temperature that you wouldn't burn your tongue on the first sip.
"No problem," Shinso told him, returning a small smile.
"Ewww romance!" Mina teased, scrunching up her nose, but she was smiling so they knew she was joking around. "So gross."
Sero laughed, "oh come one, you just got to get a girlfriend and you'd understand," Sero smiled, his first genuine smile of the day.
Mina huffed sarcastically. "How is it you can get two boyfriends and I'm stuck here, a single Pringle, forever alone." She lays the back of her hand across her forehead dramatically.
'Two boyfriends and neither of them wishing me a happy birthday,' Sero thought. 'Oh stop that Hanta now you're just being selfish and a drama queen. One drama Queen in the friend group is enough.'
Kaminari came up behind the two and swung an arm around each of their shoulders, putting him in the middle. "Speaking of the second boyfriend," Kaminari laughed.
"What about the second boyfriend?" Kaminari asked looking confused and innocent, a look that made both Sero and Shinso swoon almost every time.
"I was just talking about how I'm over here hashtag forever alone and Sero scored two boyfriends," Mina caught him up.
"Oh I'm not the second boyfriend, I'm the first boyfriend, I was the one that asked these two hotties out." Kaminari acted so smug, very proud that he could land not one, but two boyfriends. "It was May 25th, and-"
"Yeah yeah, we've heard the story before," Kirishima rolled his eyes, a faint smile on his lips.
Kaminari had remembered that date so easily, he hadn't even stuttered, so why hasn't he remembered it was Sero's birthday?
"Ok well enough with the talking, I have a few errands I have to run, I should be back after lunch," Shinso told them, kissing Kaminari on the forehead and Sero on the cheek. He wasn't much for PDA but he always did this before leaving for something and Kaminari's and Sero adored it.
"I'll come with you," Sero offered. He didn't want to be stuck in the stuffy dorms all day.
Shinso shook his head. "It's ok, I want to do it alone, gives me time to think."
Sero's face once again fell. "Oh," he mumbled.
Shinso said another bye before leaving the dorms.
'Gives him time to think? He ever refused me coming along before,' Sero thought, his eyes lingering on Shinso as he left. 'Is he trying to avoid me?'
Kaminari suddenly perked up as if remembering something and Sero's insides twisted, hoping he had remembered. "Shit I have homework due tomorrow!" He exclaimed instead, quickly kissing Sero on the cheek before making a b-line to his room.
Sero sighed. 'Great. Neither of them remembered.'
"You sure you're ok, dude?" Kirishima asked again.
Sero just nodded, not saying a word.
"Kaminari reminded me, I have homework too, I wanna get it done so I don't have any to do later, see you guys!" Mina said, also speeding off to her room.
"What the fuck is up with everyone running in the fucking halls!" Bakugo's voice came as Mina nearly ran into him.
Kirishima and Sero chuckled.
"Bakubro!" Kirishima called happily. "You slept in today," he noted. "Usually your up before me."
Bakugo rolled his eyes. He may or may not have stayed up too late reading romantic manga. "Whatever, you promised to train with me this morning, so get your ass moving."
Kirishima smiled. "Oh yeah! I'm going to get changed then I'll meet you at the training gym."
And with that, Sero was left with only Bakugo to talk to.
"Who pissed in your coffee today?" Bakugo asked, making conversation as he waited for the redhead to return.
Sero looked at him and tried to laugh it off. "What do you mean?"
Bakugo rolled his eyes, annoyed with Sero and his hiding of emotions. "Don't play fucking coy, I'm not a dumbass like the other extras."
Sero felt stupid, of course, Bakugo picked up on something, he was more observant than the others gave him credit for. It just hurt that Bakugo was the one noticing this and not his boyfriends. "It's just... Hitoshi and Denki-"
"Bakubro I'm ready!" Kirishima interrupted, running up to Bakugo and Sero, unaware of the conversation he was interrupting. "Ready to train?" He asked.
Bakugo clicked his tongue and nodded. "Yeah, whatever dumbass, I'll meet you outside just give me an extra second." Kirishima nodded and left the common room. Bakugo turned back to Sero. "If it has to do with those fucking boyfriends of yours then talk with them. I know them, they don't want you to be sad today."
Bakugo left him with that nugget of information.
The strange thing about Bakugo was how he always seemed to be the right amount of mature and level-headed when he needed to be. He had the right information and never over-shared. Of course, he was mostly known for blowing up at people but this was a refreshing side they didn't see often.
Sero sighed again. Bakugo was right, he had to talk with them, and since Shinso was out, he went to Kaminari's room.
Knocking a few times, Sero took a step back from the door and wired for it to open. He heard footsteps and the doorknob twist before Kaminari's head poked up. "Ah, Hanta!" He said rather loudly. "What are you- what are you doing?" He asked.
Sero gave him a confused look. "I have to talk with you," he said seriously.
"Umm look, now's not a good time," Kaminari told him, a sheepish smile creeping onto his lips as he tried to get Sero to leave. "I'm really busy with my homework and my room's a mess, you know?"
Sero thought he heard something shuffling in the background and his eyes fell to the ground. "I get it, you don't want to talk with me," he muttered. "I'll just go then, see if someone else is free and not trying to avoid me today of all days." Sure, he was being a tad dramatic, but he felt like he deserved it. All his friends and his boyfriends abandoned him on the one day he wanted to spend with the people he cared about, but apparently, they didn't care about him nearly as much.
Kaminari felt the sting of guilt and stepped into the hall, closing his door. "Hanta, I'm not trying to avoid you," he tried to reassure but it did little to help. "I just-"
"Have a lot of homework and your room is messy," Sero deadpanned. "I know, you already said that. But it feels a hell of a lot like your avoiding me, Hitoshi too. What happened to me helping you with your homework? You used to ask me to help you all the time."
Sero noticed the way he became uncomfortable and tried to come up with something to say.
"It's whatever, not like I wanted to spend time with you today anyway," Sero muttered turning to leave. "You got someone you're already hanging out with anyway."
Kaminari was silent, his eyes falling to the ground. How Sero knew someone was in his room was beyond him, Mina was in there helping him.
"I'll see you later Denki," Sero said when he heard no rebuttal from his boyfriend.
That hurt, that hurt a lot. Sero knew Kaminari was hanging out with someone in his room and though he didn't know who it was or if they were really doing homework, he hated how Kaminari lied to him. He could have told him he just wanted to hang out with whoever it was and even if it was his birthday, Sero would understand. He wouldn't be happy, but he would understand.
"So much for spending time with them on my birthday," he muttered heading back down to the common room.
Midoriya spotted him as he entered the room and smiled brightly, waving him over. "Hey Sero!" He called. Midoriya continued when Sero was closer. "Everyone else seems to be busy, you wanna go for a walk around campus with me and Uraraka?" He asked, a bright smile spreading across his face.
Sero smiled softly, at least Midoriya didn't seem to be avoiding him. "Sure, I have nothing better to do."
"Alright then let's go!" Uraraka said cheerily.
Only now did Sero notice how little time he spent with Midoriya and Uraraka. He knew very little about what they liked to talk about.
"You seem down today, you want to talk about it?" Uraraka asked as they put distance between them and the dorm building.
Sero thought for a moment. He didn't want to seem like he was looking for attention, but he needed to say something. "It's my birthday today," he told them. "And it looks like everyone forgot."
He noticed the falter in Midoriya's step and the way Uraraka's sympathetic smile didn't quite match the look she was trying to give. "I'm sure they didn't forget," she tried to tell him.
"Oh, they forgot," Sero muttered. "I know what there like with birthdays, they forgot."
"Well if it makes you feel better, happy birthday Sero," Midoriya told him, patting his back gently.
Midoriya checked his phone for the time before saying they should head back. They had talked so much that Sero nearly forgot his friends didn't remember his birthday.
They had been gone for almost two hours, but two hours and 17 people are enough to set up everything.
Sero walked into the dorms and as soon as he saw what happened everyone jumped out from behind the couches and shouted 'surprise!'
The common room had streamers and about a million balloons all over the place. A large sign was hanging on the wall saying 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY SERO!!!' In all caps, and yes, there were three exclamation points.
Sero covered his mouth, his eyes were wide and watery. In front of the group were Shinso and Kaminari, holding a very large cake that read 'happy 16th birthday' in a nice scroll.
"Surprised?" Shinso asked, a smirk crossing his lips.
"I-" Sero had been shocked into silence. He had no words. A tear slipped down his cheek. "I thought you forgot!" He exclaimed. He was trying to sound mean but he couldn't muster the energy when his happiness was taking over. "I thought you forgot my fucking birthday."
Kaminari and Shinso handed the cake off to someone else and hugged Sero. "Happy birthday Hanta," they said.
"You're both dicks you know that?" Sero asked, hugging them tightly.
Shinso chuckled, nodding his head. "But it's worth it, right?"
Sero pulled back so he could shoot him a glare. "Don't make me think you forgot my birthday ever again," he deadpanned. "It fucking sucks thinking you forgot."
"Got it, we won't do it again," Denki smiled.
"Denki was the one that made everyone promise to act like they forgot," Shinso said, throwing him under the bus.
"What happened to that homework you had?" Sero asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I had none, Mina and I were blowing up balloons."
"And where we're you really going?" He asked Shinso
"I picked up the cake then came back to help with decorations."
"And was everyone else in on it? Or did you just tell them to 'forget' my birthday?" Sero asked finally.
"Bakugo and Kiri were finding streamers, Midoriya and Uraraka were in charge of keeping you out of the dorms, Jiro made a playlist, everyone helped out with the decorations, oh and Todoroki made an ice sculpture," Kaminari told him before pointing over to the ice sculpture that he had somehow missed. "We hadn't asked him to, but he did it anyway."
Sero hugged them again. "I love you both so much."
"We love you to Hanta," Shinso said.
"We'll always love you," Kaminari added. "Now, let's party!" He exclaimed pulling back.
On cue, music began to play, it was Sero's favourite band.
He couldn't be happier.
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charlie-writes1 · 3 years
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Crush Crush Crush
By: @charlie-writes1
Writing masterlist
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: TodoDeku
Warnings: gay, my boy Todo is oblivious
Word count: 1.1k
Posted: 1.6.2021
a/n: This was from an old draft I had done a while ago. I tried to fix it up but I'm not sure if I like how it turned out.
Also happy pride!
Todoroki had a sheltered life, this leads to him not knowing much about his feelings. So when he's had enough of this confusion he goes to his best friend for help.
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Todoroki was very confused, and though this wouldn't be the first time and definitely wasn't going to be the last, it was still a little annoying. Recently he had found that whenever he was near Midoriya his heart would start to do weird things.
At first, he thought it was just something that happened when around friends. Todoroki had never had proper friends before so this was very new and he thought it was normal, but he noticed it never happened when he was just with Iida or just with Uraraka, so this was not something he felt around ‘just’ friends.
Todoroki wondered if Midoriya would know what was happening, maybe he was feeling the same? Or he would at least know what was happening, and since he trusted Midoriya he went to confront him.
"Midoriya," Todoroki started, approaching his green-haired friend. "Can I ask you something?"
"Oh hi, Todoroki-San, what do you need?" Midoriya asked, a smile plastered to his lips like usual. And there it was, that little fluttery feeling in Todoroki's chest that he didn't understand.
"I'm very confused," Todoroki admitted. He was about to continue but Midoriya cut him off.
"About what?" He tilted his head giving a curious look. His eyes were so... so... Todoroki couldn't find the word to describe how that look made him feel inside, the closest he could get was queazy, but also light as a feather. This feeling couldn't have been normal.
"Well every time I'm around this one person-" Todoroki didn't know if he should say it was Midoriya, what if it was a bad thing? Izuku was one of his first and only friends, he didn't want to lose that. "-I start to feel all weird inside."
"Weird how?" Midoriya started to look slightly concerned.
"Well, my chest tightens up and my heart starts beating fast and I start feeling nervous and my palms get all sweaty." A small smile grew on Midoriya's face as Todoroki went over his symptoms. "At first I thought it was just because they were my friend, but it only happens around this one person and no one else, I don't know what's happening."
"I think," Midoriya started with a small smile, but to Todoroki it looked a little sad... why? "You have a crush."
"A crush?" Todoroki asked. Isn't that when a lot of pressure is put on something?
"Yeah, you have feelings for this person, in more than just a friendly way," Midoriya explained. Todoroki looked at him strangely, in more than a friendly way...? "I can't tell you how you feel, this is only a guess by what you said."
Todoroki started analyzing Midoriya. His face was flushed slightly, he looked a little nervous but seemed to be trying to hide it. Out of nowhere Todoroki took Midoriya's hand and put two fingers on his wrist.
"T-Todoroki-San what are you doing?" Midoriya asked his face getting redder. His heart was racing and he looked a little stiff.
"Do you have a crush Midoriya?" Todoroki asked. According to what Midoriya had said these were signs of a crush.
"W-what? I- why are y-you asking that?" Midoriya asked, his face flushing redder at the accusation.
"Your heart is beating fast, your hands are sweaty, and you look nervous, you said those were signs of a crush," Todoroki explained his analysis.
Midoriya looked away. "I have a crush," he muttered quietly.
Todoroki let go of Midoriya's hand. "How did you know you have a crush?" Todoroki asked. He wanted to know what Midoriya felt because maybe that would help Todoroki know for sure that he liked him.
"H-how do I know?" Midoriya questioned looking back up at Todoroki who just nodded. "W-well, I-I really like spending time with them, t-the sound of their voice makes me happy, I get nervous when talking with them, but it's one of my favourite things to do," Midoriya started to say. Todoroki noticed that those were things he felt towards his green-haired friend.
"I-I find myself staring whenever he isn't looking," Midoriya's eyes widened slightly and he covered his mouth for a second "I-I meant she, w-when she isn't looking," he sounded almost panicked but Todoroki didn't understand why.
"Why did you switch the pronouns?" Todoroki asked, "are you not allow to have a crush on a boy?"
Midoriya looked up at him. Did he not know that society tends to frown upon same-sex couples? "W-well people don't like it," Midoriya said.
"Why?" Todoroki asked.
"I-I don't really know, b-but some people think it's gross a-and weird," Midoriya explained.
Todoroki's brows furrowed, "do you think that?" He asked.
"N-no, I don't see why I should," Midoriya said. "It would be hypocritical." He still looked very nervous, Todoroki was pretty sure that if he were to still be taking his pulse it wouldn't have slowed down. Maybe Midoriya liked him and that's why he's like this...
Midoriya seemed to get more nervous under Todorok's intense stare."Do you... do you like me Midoriya?" Todoroki asked coming to a conclusion.
"W-what? Of course, I do your one of my best frie-"
"No," Todoroki took both his hands and pinned them to the desk behind him so he would stop fidgeting. "Do you have a crush on me, Midoriya," Todoroki reworded his question.
Todoroki could feel his pulse racing from the way he was holding Midoriya's arms. He could feel his own heart beating faster as well. They were close, very close.
"D-do I have a c-crush on you?" Midoriya asked trying to avert his eyes, but he couldn't bring himself to look away from Todoroki's beautiful eyes.
"That was my question, yes," Todoroki said.
Midoriya didn't move or say anything for a solid minute, contemplating whether he should say it or not. Then he nodded. "But you like someone else don't you?" Midoriya asked finally taring his eyes away. “That’s why you asked me, and not Uraraka-San or Iida-San.”
"You are my crush Midoriya," Todoroki told him.
Midoriya was shocked. Todoroki liked him and not just as a friend, and his feelings have never made more sense to him. "I-I am?" Midoriya wasn't processing what he was saying.
Todoroki was never good with words so he took Midoriya's hand and placed it against his chest to show him how fast his heart was racing. "Every time I'm around you it beats like this," Todoroki said quietly, hoping he was getting his words across properly.
Midoriya looked up at Todoroki. He didn't know what to think, he had dreamed of the day he would be able to tell Todoroki how he felt but now that it was here... he was frozen.
"Will you be my boyfriend, Izuku?" Todoroki asked.
Midoriya felt like he was going to cry tears of joy. A smile grew on his face and he moved his hand so he could pull Todoroki into a hug. "Yes, Shoto, I'll be your boyfriend."
Todoroki let a small smile creep onto his lips. This felt so right, to hold him in his arms.
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charlie-writes1 · 3 years
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Up On The Roof
By: @charlie-writes1
Writing masterlist
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: ShinKami
Warning: IDK if this needs a warning?? Shinso thinks Kaminari's going to jump off the roof but he's not.
Word Count: 1.0k
Posted: 2.6.2021
a/n: I was gonna go for angst but then my brain went nope and this happened.
Shinso is leaving school one day and sees a boy standing at the edge of the roof. He assumes the worst and goes to try and save him.
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It was spring when we met. The cherry blossoms were in bloom. I remember seeing them on the ground as I walked. I usually keep my eyes down, it helps me blend in and go unnoticed, but one day I looked up.
I had been walking home from school. Not a particularly great day so my mind was full of the shit that middle school kids told each other. I brushed away as many as I could, not wanting them to get to me.
When I looked up, for the first time in a long time, I saw you.
“What the hell is he doing up there?” I thought as I saw someone standing at the edge of the roof. He wasn’t moving, but he didn’t seem like they were getting down either. No one else seemed to notice him.
I stood in shock for a moment. His uniform was untucked and flowing in the wind, I couldn’t see his tie so I assumed he had taken it off, but that vibrant yellow hair was something I’d never forget seeing as it blew in the wind.
I realized what he was probably doing and my mind went blank. Sure middle school can be hell but it’s nothing to end your life over. My dad always told me that it always gets better after middle school. In high school, you find your true friends, the people that are most likely going to stick it out with you through thick and thin.
When my brain caught up to the present I ran. I ran all the way back to school, praying to whatever god was out there that I wouldn’t be too late. I sprinted up three flights of stairs, not caring when the janitor asked what I was doing back in school or when one of the teachers told me to stop running in the halls. They didn’t know what was happening on the roof. They didn’t know that someone was about to jump.
I pushed open the door to the roof and felt relieved when I saw the guy still standing there up on the edge of the school. The wind whipped my face as I breathed heavily, trying to catch my breath.
I saw one of his feet swing forward and I lunged, grabbing him around the waist and pulling him back. I toppled to the ground, bringing the boy with me. “Don’t jump. It’s not worth it.” I told him, trying to think of something better to say. “So don’t do it.”
He seemed dazed, stunned almost. He blinked a few times, trying to register what happened as I sat up, bringing him with me.
“Jump?” He asked confused as he turned to look at me. His eyes were a vibrant yellow that matched with his hair. An electric shock shooting through me as I nearly got lost in his eyes. He caught on to what I was saying and a small sheepish smile crossed his lips. “I wasn’t going to jump,” he told me, looking a little embarrassed.
What? But… he was up on the edge of the roof! He looked like he was going to step off! “You looked like-“
“Oh, that? Nah dude, I just find it calming to be up so high and have the wind blow through my hair. Gives me main character feelings, you know?” Oh my god.
I stared at him in disbelief. What idiot would stand on the edge of a tall building for “main character feelings”? “You’re an idiot, I thought you were going to jump,” I muttered as I facepalmed. Shit, now I feel stupid.
He just laughed. “Well at least I know there’s someone there to save me if I ever feel like it,” he said jokingly, punching my shoulder lightly. I didn’t see how he could be laughing. I literally thought he was about to end his life right then and there. “I’m Kaminari Denki by the way, it’s nice to meet you.”
This guy… I sighed. “Shinso Hitoshi,” I muttered looking away. “Now that I know you’re not going to try and kill yourself, can you get off me?” I asked, realizing he was still in my lap from when I pulled him away from the edge.
He smiled brightly, almost too bright. “Sure thing dude!” He said getting up and holding out a hand for me to take.
I was a little reluctant but took his hand, hoisting myself up. “You gotta stop standing at the edge of a building, people are going to get the wrong idea,” I said quietly as I rubbed the back of my neck.
He copied my movement, scratching at the back of his neck and looking up at me with a coy smile. “I guess it would be bad if someone thought I was going to jump,” he said quietly.
“You think?” I rolled my eyes.
Kaminari hummed, bouncing up in the ball of his foot. “Yeah, you’re right, but I got a friend out of it, so I’m strangely ok with you thinking I was about to jump.” His laugh echoed around us again.
“A friend?” I think I lost where his train of thought went because we were now on two very different tracks.
“Yep! You are my friend now! And there’s no taking it back!”
I’m happy that day that I looked. You had shown me the good in the world that I had been looking for, and in our second year of high school… you asked me out. I should have seen it coming with all the flirting you did. I was stupid to think there was no way you’d like me.
Your stupid grin, annoying sense of humour, that lightning bolt that somehow always falls in the right place, your eyes, and your laugh I love it all.
I’m happy that I looked up that day, I’m happy you had been on that roof. I’m even happy that I thought you were about to jump so I went to try and save you. I’m happy about that day because I met you.
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charlie-writes1 · 3 years
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By: @charlie-writes1
Writing Masterlist
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Fandom: My hero academia
Ship: KiriBaku
Warnings: Swearing, gay
Word count: 2,354
Posted: 27.4.21
a/n I got this idea from a comic I saw a long time ago (like a year or two), I don't know who created it and I only ever saw a few short panels. If someone knows the comic please please please tell me because I want to link it! As I said I only ever saw a few short panels so minus a very short scene that I tweaked to be my own the rest of the story is mine. (Characters belong to the respectful creator)
Today is the day! Kirishima was going to ask out his crush. That is... he was going to ask him out, but someone beat him to the punch and he didn't think he had any chances left.
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"Yo! Baku wait up!" Kirishima yelled, running up behind his explosive friend.
"What do you want Shitty Hair?" Bakugo grumbled. He didn't even spare Kirishima a glance as the redhead swung an arm playfully around his shoulder, topical interaction for the two students.
"Well, I was wondering- uhh-" Kirishima stared as he fiddled with a small box in his pocket. He took a deep breath, about to speak again but was cut off.
"U-umm excuse m-me? B-Bakugo?" A timid voice came from behind the two. They turned to see one of the 1-C students. She had orange hair that had been shaved on one side of her head while the rest of it covered her left eye. She was shorter than the two boys so Bakugo was literally and figuratively looking down at her.
"Damn extra, what do you want?" Bakugo grumbled, not in the mood to have to talk with people he didn’t know or care about.
She looked at the ground and Kirishima noticed she was holding a nicely wrapped box with a small heart-shaped card on top. "I-I w-was wondering, w-well I mean I umm-"
"Just spit it out, I'm going to be late for class," Bakugo snapped.
"I would like you to accept my feelings and be my Valentine!" She bowed and held out the box for Bakugo. Kirishima stared at the small gift, it was similar to the one he was just about to give the blond moments ago before she cut him off.
"Tsk, and why would I do that? I don't even know you," Bakugo told her. “You’re just some extra.”
"B-but-" In reality, they had had a few classes together, sometimes their classes work together in different subjects, not often but it happens, especially when a teacher had to take the day off for hero work or a sick day.
"Besides, I'm trying to become a hero, I don't have time for stupid distractions like a girlfriend, though I guess you wouldn't know much about becoming a hero since you're in general studies.” Bakugo’s voice was cold as ice. Even Kirishima thought it was harsh, even for Bakugo.
"Bro, that's not nice..." Kirishima said quietly. He didn't know how to feel, Bakugo was rejecting her, therefore he still sort of had a chance, but the way he had said it... 'I don't have time for stupid distractions like a girlfriend' that probably went for boyfriends as well.
"Tsk whatever, come on Shitty Hair we're going to be late for class," Bakugo grumbled turning back around and walking towards their class. He didn’t even spare a glance back at the girl who just stood there staring at the ground, shoulders shaking ever so slightly as she tried to hold in her tears. Kirishima gave a sympathetic look to the girl who had just had her heartbroken, she looked like she was about to cry, and truthfully, Kirishima was right there with her, Bakugo had indirectly said he wouldn't date him.
"Yeah, I'm coming," Kirishima muttered, turning back around to follow Bakugo. He gripped the box in his pocket and shook his head trying to forget about it. There’s no point in giving it to him now, not now that he knew what the reaction would be.
Kirishima couldn't get his mind off the scene from that morning all class. "I don't have time for stupid distractions like a girlfriend." Was it a stupid distraction? Was dating someone really just a distraction when they were training to be heroes? Even if both had their minds set on the same goal?
"Kiri? You okay bro?" Kaminari asked as they stood in line for their lunch food. "You've been extremely spaced out all day, did something happen?" It wasn’t normal for Kirishima to not at least try and crack a few jokes, so when he had barely even spoken three sentences... his friend had gotten worried.
The redhead looked up to his friend, getting pulled out of his daze a little too quickly. "What? Yeah, I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" Kirishima asked, flashing one of his signature smiles, but it didn't quite reach his eyes like it usually did, and the blond could tell. Kaminari gave him a look that seemed to say, 'yeah right, you're not okay.' "Okay fine, maybe I'm not completely okay," Kirishima admitted, looking down at the floor.
“So what’s bothering you?” He asked, tilting his head to the side a little.
"Can we talk about it after we get our food?" Kirishima asked, he didn't need anyone else listening in on their conversation. If someone heard... it didn't matter if UA was generally really good when it came to queer kids, Kirishima didn’t know what he would do if it got out that he had the biggest crush on the most explosive person in the school.
Kaminari smiled a little, "sure thing." They got their food and Kirishima led his friend out of the cafeteria to talk. He made sure that they were far enough away that no one would hear them before turning a corner and sitting against the wall. "So what's got you all down in the dumps? Girl troubles?" Kaminari asked jokingly.
Kirishima stared at him for a moment. "It's not girl troubles, Kaminari, I'm gay," he told him. Had he not told Kaminari, one of his closest friends, that he was gay?
Kaminari's face went red with embarrassment, "man I got to stop assuming this stuff, first Mina and now you, totally cool with it though don't get me wrong," Kaminari started to ramble. "Anyways what was it?"
Kirishima took out the box from his pocket. "I was going to confess today," he muttered, handing the small box over to his friend.
Kaminari took the box and turned it over a couple times in his hand. It was wrapped in shiny orange and black wrapping paper, though there was about half a roll of tape trying to hold it together. 'Be my Valentine?' had been written across the top in sharpie. You could tell he was trying to keep it neat, though it didn't work. "So what happened?"
Bakugo had noticed that Kirishima had been acting strangely after that morning, though he couldn't figure out why. It was almost like the redhead was avoiding him. No nagging for him to hang out with the self-proclaimed “Bakusquad” no arm being randomly thrown over his shoulder, no “Bakubro!” Being yelled, while he tried to do his work. It was too quiet.
When he noticed Kirishima and Kaminari leaving the cafeteria instead of sitting with their friends like usual, Bakugo got even more suspicious. He couldn’t remember a day that the two didn’t sit with the others, so he went to investigate.
He left enough space between them so the two in front wouldn't notice they were being followed. When they turned the corner and sat against the wall, Bakugo waited just on the other side to listen in.
No, Bakugo was not one to usually eavesdrop, but he wanted to know what was going on. Though he may not say it, Kirishima was his best friend, and maybe even more than that to the blond. He wanted to make sure Kirishima was okay.
"So, what's got you all down in the dumps? Girl troubles?" Kaminari's voice came.
Bakugo couldn't imagine Kirishima having girl troubles, it just didn't make sense to him. He didn’t know if it was because the redhead had never shown much interest in any girls or if it was because Bakugo thought Kirishima was nearly perfect in every way, having girl troubles just didn’t fit with his character.
There was a small silence, "It's not girl troubles, Kaminari, I'm gay."
Bakugo was shocked to say that least, though that would explain why he never showed any interest in girls like Kaminari or some of the other boys in their class had. He would not have pegged Kirishima as gay. But he couldn't help but feel happy about that.
Kaminari began rambling about something before asking again what was happening.
"I was rejected," Kirishima said. He sounded hurt, he sounded broken, he sounded like it was going to take years to build him back up again.
"By who?" Kaminari asked with a bit of worry in his voice.
"Well, it wasn't direct, but he made it clear that he didn't have time for a relationship," Kirishima muttered almost too quiet for Bakugo to hear.
"Who was it?" Kaminari asked again. His answer was too quiet for Bakugo. But whatever he said shocked Kaminari. "What? Him? He’s so... How?"
"Oh shut up," Kirishima said. Bakugo imagined him rolling his eyes. "He's not that bad," he continued. "I just, can't get his words out of my head.”
"What'd he say?"
"Just that he didn't have time for relationships, and that he had to focus on school."
The words began to click in Bakugo's head. If he wasn't trying to stay hidden right now he would be cursing at himself for being so stupid and saying something like that in front of Kirishima. He realized the way he turned down that girl made him think there was no chance when in reality Bakugo had turned her down because he liked Kirishima in a way he's never liked, anyone. This explosive Pomeranian was gay as well for his best friend.
He had to find a way to make it up to him somehow, make sure he knows that he still had a chance... but how?
"Well, he's a dick for saying that," Kaminari said. "Well, he's a dick in general-
"Kami," Kirishima cut him off, not very amused. "I'm not in the mood for that right now," He muttered.
"Right, sorry," Kaminari said.
Bakugo had heard enough and went back to the cafeteria. "I'm so fucking stupid," he muttered under his breath.
When school ended, Kirishima was going to head straight home. All his friends had plans so there was no point in going anywhere else, that is until he was yanked aside by the explosive blond he had been avoiding all day.
"Bakugo what are you-"
"Shut up and follow me Shitty Hair," Bakugo grumbled, pulling at Kirishima's arm for him to follow.
Kirishima stayed quiet and followed Bakugo around to the side of the school. He wasn't sure what to expect but what happened next was not it.
Bakugo stopped and turned to Kirishima. Staring at the ground he started talking. "I fucking messed up and I feel like fucking shit for saying what I said so I..." he trailed off. Shoving his hand in his pocket he pulled out a slightly wrinkled card. "JUST FUCKING READ THIS," Bakugo said shoving the card in Kirishima's hand.
Kirishima was shocked and looked down at the card. It had originally said "to Shitty Hair" in Bakugo's handwriting but then it was crossed out and replaced with "to Kirishima Eijiro."
He looked up at the blond confused. "Just fucking read it," Bakugo grumbled, a small blush crossing his cheeks as he continued staring at the ground, his hands finding their way back in his pockets.
Opening the card Kirishima read out loud. "'I don't have time for a stupid girlfriend, but maybe I can make time for a stupid shitty-haired boyfriend?' Bakugo what is th-" he was cut off by Bakugo grabbing his shirt caller and pulling him into a rough kiss.
Kirishima was too shocked to do anything. The note he was holding fell to the ground and he wasn't sure where to put his hands.
"Just shut up, I heard you talking with sparky, I'm sorry you thought I didn't want a relationship," Bakugo muttered when he pulled away. "I'm gonna sound fucking cheese and you're not allowed to tell anyone I said this, but you're the only person I can imagine being with."
Kirishima was shocked, taking a long moment to process what he was being told before a huge grin formed across his lips. He let out a small laugh before pulling Bakugo back into a kiss.
"You're the only person I can imagine being with too, Bakugo," Kirishima said pulling away slightly and resting his forehead on Bakugo's. "Even if you are loud and explosive," he laughed.
"So? Will you be my Valentine?" He sounded so cheese saying that, but honestly, at that moment, he couldn't care less.
"Of course, Bakugo Katsuki, of course," Kirishima said smiled. "Oh, I almost forgot, I have this for you," he said pulling back and taking a small box out of his pocket.
Bakugo took the box, looking up at Kirishima a little confused. The redhead motioned for Bakugo to open the box and unwrapped it before sliding the top off. The blond found a pack of cinnamon candy hearts, pokey and... "dog tags?" Bakugo asked pulling out the long chain that had two of what looked like military dog tags dangling from it.
Kirishima looked a little flustered. "I knew you weren't big on jewellery, but I thought you'd like these so I got them custom ordered," he explained. "One has your name and the other has mine. I-it's fine if you don't like it, I just wanted to get you something special."
Without a word, Bakugo slipped it on over his head and tucked it into his shirt. "Stop rambling. It's cool," Bakugo said, a light shade of pink on his cheeks as his eyes drifted to the side. Kirishima smiled. "I feel bad I didn't get you anything," Bakugo muttered.
"W-well it's not necessary, I just wanted to do something and-"
"I know," Bakugo said cutting Kirishima off. "You're free tonight, right?" He asked. Somehow Bakugo seemed a lot calmer and somehow softer as well. "I'll take you to dinner."
Kirishima's cheeks burned. "Y-you don't have to," Kirishima said. "R-really."
"I want to," Bakugo said. "Come on Kiri, I'll walk you home so you can get changed."
Bakugo started walking off and it took Kirishima a moment to register what just happened and follow. "R-right!" He said running a little to catch up.
He was happy it all worked out.
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charlie-writes1 · 3 years
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Arcade Date
by: @charlie-writes1
writing masterlist
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Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: KiriBaku
Warning: gay
Word Count: 1.5k
Posted: 3.6.2021
a/n: I think I had taken this from a story I was writing like a year ago but then deleted the rest of the story? Idk.
Kirishima and Bakugo go on their first date.
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I waited outside school for Bakugo. I can't believe this is happening. I had had a crush on Bakugo for as long as I can remember but have never had the courage to talk to him. He's just so intimidating.
I tapped my foot on the ground nervously as I waited. It had already been a few minutes and I hadn't seen Bakugo leaving the school yet. Maybe he didn't actually want to go on a date with me? What if it was some strange prank?
"Just calm down Eijiro, he probably got held back or something," I told myself taking a shaky breath. He was a trouble maker, maybe one of the teachers had to talk with him.
"Sorry I kept you waiting cutie," a gruff voice came from behind me making me turn around. There I saw Bakugo. I could feel my face starting to heat up from the nickname. "Damn teacher needed to talk to me."
"I-it's fine," I managed to say. "A-and my names K-Kirishima, not cutie," I told him.
He rolled his eyes, but I saw a smile on his lips. "Whatever you say K-Kirishima," he said with a small smirk. I crossed my arms and turned my head trying to hide my blush. "Come on, my cars this way," he said, nodding his head over to the parking lot.
I followed him to his car quietly, not really sure what to say or do. I've never been on a date before, and Bakugo and I have never talked other than a few words in pacing and when he asked me out, which I still down understand why he did.
"S-so, Uhh where are you taking me?" I asked looking over at Bakugo as I buckled my seatbelt.
"It's a surprise," he said. "You do like surprise don't you cutie?"
"I- my name is not cutie," I muttered crossing my arms and looking out the window.
"Whatever you say cutie," he said chuckling a little which only made my heart beat faster. "So what sort of food do you like?" He asked.
I looked over at him. Was he taking me to a restaurant? A little early for dinner don't cha think? "Well, I'm not really a picky eater, I-I'm good with almost everything, except olives and squash, I hate olives and squash."
He let out a breathy laugh at my answer. "Noted," he said.
"What food do you like?" I asked curiously.
"Favourite would have to be Chinese food and shawarma, but I don't like mushrooms," he said. No mushrooms huh...
There was another moment of silence. "Why'd you ask me out?" I asked the question that had been on my mind since lunch. It had been a complete surprise when he asked me, he had pulled me into the washroom, pinned me to the wall and then asked, well more of told me that we were going to go on a date.
“Tonight after school you and me are going on a date,” he had said before kissing me and leaving. I had been too stunned to protest, not that I wanted to.
Bakugo glanced over at me but didn't answer, instead, there was a very small smirk on his face as if he was daring me to guess. I looked back out the window and saw we were turning into a parking lot, the arcade parking lot, to be exact.
I had never actually been here before, my parents always said it was a waste of money and time. They were probably right on the money part but it would be fun!
My face lit up and my nervousness was forgotten as I got out of the car. "An arcade!" I said excitedly.
"Come on, let's get this date started," he said putting his arm around me as he tried to lead me to the front door.
As soon as his arm had found its way around my waist my mind went blank. I had noticeably stiffened as I tried to will my legs to move.
I noticed Bakugo smirk a little. "You don't need to be so tense," he said rolling his eyes. “It’s not like I’ll bite.”
I didn't really know what to do so I just nodded saying I understood. He led me inside and I was instantly in awe of all the coloured lights and games.
"What do you want to do first?" He asked. I looked around a little before spotting a game that looked like fun. Bouncing on my heel I pointed towards a game labelled Galaxian.
By the time we were on our fourth game, I was getting comfortable with being around Bakugo. He was a lot of fun to hang out with!
"Your turn to pick!" I said happily as I tried to organize the tickets we had won.
Bakugo smirked, "this one," he said pulling me over to the basketball toss. I was not the best with this sort of thing, my hand-to-eye coordination was horrible. Bakugo started up the game, he had 30 seconds to get as many baskets as he could. He was really good at it. "Your turn," he said smugly stepping away from the game and daring me to do better.
I handed him the tickets and took my place in front of the game. Ok, Eijiro, you can do this, don't make a fool of yourself. I started up the game and did my best, but in the end, I only got 5. Told you I was bad at this.
I turned to see Bakugo laughing, making my cheeks flush red in embarrassment. "D-don't laugh at me!" I said.
"Give it one more try, I'll help you," he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and sighed before turning back to the game. I didn't know what he meant, it's not like you can really help someone in this game.
"Fine whatever," I said a little annoyed. I was about to start the timer when I felt Bakugo behind me. "B-Bakugo?" His face was very close to mine and I was very confused about what he was trying to do.
"Relax, I'm going to help," he said pressing the timer. He helped me aim the basketballs, but I couldn't focus on the game, only Bakugo's hot breath tickling my neck and the way his chest would brush over my back every time we tossed the ball.
When the timer ran out I had gotten 15 baskets, definitely an improvement but not by much. I turned around and Bakugo was still standing very close, his hands placed on the game at either side of me, trapping me in. Without warning, he leant down and kissed me. It was softer than when we were at school.
I didn't know what to do. This was my second kiss, ever. What do I even do? How do you kiss someone? I don't know what I'm doing.
Someone clearing their throat gained our attention and made us look to the side. A girl I recognized from school was standing there with her arms closed and tapping her foot. "Are you done with the game?" She asked, annoyed.
I heard Bakugo growl softly in annoyance. "S-sorry we'll get out of your way," I said before Bakugo could say anything rude.
I pulled Bakugo over to another game but his eyes were still glued to the girl. "That bitch is so annoying," Bakugo grumbled lowly. I wondered if it was just because she interrupted the kiss or if there was more to it.
"Do you know her well?" I asked still flushed from the kiss.
Bakugo nodded but didn't say anything more on the subject. "Come on, we should cash in our tickets now. I have something else planned and we can't be late," Bakugo said looking down at his watch.
"Wait can we do one more game?" I asked. "Just the claw machine."
Bakugo studded me for a moment and I did my best to give him puppy dog eyes. "Fine," he sighed. "Be quick."
I smiled and ran over to the game quickly starting it. There was a shark plush that I had seen when we came in that I wanted to try and get. "Come on..." I muttered as I maneuvered the claw over the toy and pressed the button.
Bakugo watched me in amusement, I probably looked like an excited two-year-old to him. I watched as the claw closed in around the toy and picked it up into the air. I smiled brightly as it was caries over to the drop hatch.
Picking it out of the prize box I turned to Bakugo smiling. "Look I got it!" I said happily showing him the red shark plush. The fact that I got it my first try was a miracle, these things are usually rigged or something.
He chuckled a little. "Yes, I see that," he laughed. "Come on cutie, let's cash in the tickets now," he said nodding his head over to the desk.
I blushed a little and followed as his arm found its way back around my waist. We went to the local pizza shop for dinner, and then he drove me home. All in all, it was a great first date, and Bakugo said we'd do it again next weekend, so I have something to look forward to.
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