carlarosenakilah · 2 years
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akasztofavirag-por · 3 months
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Me: *looking at some of the people y'all wanna cast the Van Der Linde gang as* Some of these people are way too old!
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bernardellinewsagency · 2 months
Have any other Galladay shippers gone diving into HSR lore cause you're a little too obsessed with the game and ended up thinking about how you could create parallels between not only Sunday and Dominicus, but also Gallagher and Aelenev (and that you could make it gay)? Or is it just me who's spending too much time wishing we had more lore about the Harmonic Strings?
Putting my ramblings under the cut cause it's long and there's some spoilers in case anyone still hasn't finished the Penacony quests
Sunday and Dominicus, that's pretty obvious. It's the Wisher of the Harmonious Choir that he attempts to bring forth at the Charmony Festival, using his power as well as the Order to spread Ena's influence among all those slumbering within Penacony. When talking about Dominicus, "A Hymn of Charmonic Strings" says "Prayers you suckle from the millions gathered here, and the masses' heartstrings you play," which could very well allude to Sunday's plan of placing everyone into the most perfect dreams they could wish for, dreams they would never wish to wake from. And like, apparently the name Sunday is even derived from Dominicus or something, according to the etymology notes on the HSR wiki page.
But that same readable mentions Aelenev, the Commander of the Eternal Centurion, and first of all that's just a cool fucking name in general. Second of all, there's several points that can stand out when looking upon the full section of the hymn,
"O, Great One of Paradise, Caress this scripture that is stained by blood on the battlefield, and kiss my longsword of bone and soul, Life is howling, and the sharp blade of streaming colors hangs high. Aelenev, do you hear? The soldiers' bones are buried at the end of the world. Comrades' whisper united, and the gospel can be heard for miles long, Blissful rain pours out thus, and one person equals to thousands. Thought they be the invincible steeds and death, they too long for their home deep in their soul."
The main part that I choose to look at is "one person equals to thousands," as there's lots of ways that could be interpreted. There is, of course, the fact that the Family is basically a hivemind, and also how Aelenev was summoned on one occasion and his sword was "unsheathed from the scabbard of 4,630,000 Hounds" which I take to mean as sort of manifested from their collective minds and wills, so to speak. Similar to how Gallagher is a lie manifested from the traits of 52 loyal Family members, no? And longing for a home deep in their soul, soldiers' bones that have been buried, a scripture stained by blood, I personally think that those could easily be taken as references to Mikhail, the revolution that led to Penacony being formed in the first place, and how Gallagher misses those he used to know. Or maybe not references, but they certainly could hold a similar meaning. I don't know, I'm not a fucking literature major or anything, I study animals and nature. This is just me being a massive nerd on the internet.
Anyways, this is mostly just to wonder if anyone else has/is thinking of using these parallels to make really gay stuff. Sunday should get more weird and fucked up with his affection in fics, because I think it would be really fun to see. Have him call Gallagher "my Aelenev" or something, make him want to craft Gallagher into a wonderful embodiment of the Harmony the same way as he attempted to usurp Dominicus' power. Get weird with it!
Or hey go a step further and make yaoi about the Harmonic Strings themselves. I'd do it. I'd fucking do it. I'm insane about this game's lore sometimes.
Also: Robin could be a parallel for Constantina, the singer of the Panacoustic Theater. That just leaves Beatriz, the merrymaker of the Blissful Ball, who I suppose could be parallel to Sparkle? Not to say that all four of them need to be represented by members of the Penacony cast, I'm just coming up with random thoughts about it.
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pwlanier · 2 years
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Gropom de charmon, 1957
Oil on canvas
Opera Gallery
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zuzsenpai · 24 days
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Zuzu's Bug-ventures: Home Edition!
Friends from this week! Sometimes my phone camera likes me, and sometimes it's complete ass.
Golden jumping spider (Paraphidippus aurantius). Found him on my mailbox and then I got a jury summons! He is evil! (just kidding it's incredibly cute)
Cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae). Again, the butterfly named after cabbage not because it looks like cabbage even though it very much looks like cabbage. I will say this every time I see one until scientists believe me
A type of leaf-footed bug (Leptoglossus oppositus). I waited ten minutes for it to step into the sun for a photo, but boy am I glad it did!
Unsure of ID. A type of blow fly (Calliphora vomitoria) or (Calliphora vicina). Just chillin.
Unsure of ID. The internet is telling me it might be a braconid wasp called Charmon extensor. Not much info other than google wants it to be a Charmin roll extender (toilet paper) or a Chrome extension (use Firefox).
Unsure of ID, but I believe it's a dead barn spider (Araneus cavaticus). Siri would have you believe differently.
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marlborosmell · 8 months
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« Une histoire comme la mienne ne devrait jamais être relevée. Car j’appartiens à un monde interdit et fragile. Dépouillé de ses mystères il ne peut survivre. Rien ne me prédisposait à devenir geisha. Comme pour beaucoup de choses qui me sont arrivées au cour de mon étrange existence, je m’y suis trouvée portée par le courant. »
𝙀́𝙥𝙤𝙦𝙪𝙚 : L’entre deux guerres, vers les années 1930
𝙍𝙖𝙘𝙚 : Humaine
𝘼̂𝙜𝙚 : 21ans
𝙎𝙚𝙭𝙚 : Femme
𝙊𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙨𝙚𝙭𝙪𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙚 : (?)
𝙄𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙞𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 : Le film « Mémoire d’une Geisha »
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Nous sommes dédiées à l’art, geisha désigne justement le mot « artiste ». Nous manions les danses de l’éventail, le chant, la calligraphie, le service et la préparation du thé, la musique et la conversation. Au cours de notre vie nous servons les hommes, debout, pas sur le dos. Nous les charmons, les distrayons, et plus une maiko est reconnue dans le Hanamachi, plus son mizuage grimpe dans les enchères. Nous vendons notre virginité au plus offrant, pour ainsi devenir une geisha à part entière. Nous sommes ce que les hommes ne peuvent être, la délicatesse et la grâce. Mais beaucoup de choses nous sont interdites comme l’amour et les plaisirs simples de la vie. Nous ne pouvons aimer autre que notre Danna, d’ailleurs rare sont les geishas qui ressentent des sentiments envers eux. Nous ne pouvons pas non plus vivre une vie de jeune fille normale, rire et s’amuser ne font pas parti de notre quotidien. Aucune n’échappe à son destin, à moins que…
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lucysoulfulwell · 9 months
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✨ Elevate Your Skincare Routine with Charmonic Jade Roller and Gua Sha Set! ✨
Indulge in a spa-like experience at home with our exclusive 4pcs/set Jade Roller and Gua Sha facial massager. 🌿 Enhance your skincare ritual, reduce puffiness, and promote a radiant complexion.
🌟 Key Features:
- Genuine Jade Rollers for a cooling and soothing effect.
- Crafted for facial massage and lymphatic drainage.
Tap into the beauty of holistic skincare with Charmonic. Order your set now! ✨🌺 [Shop Here](https://walmrt.us/48b4GtK) #SkincareEssentials #BeautyTools #JadeRoller #GuaSha #SelfCare #RadiantSkin #CharmonicBeauty
- Gua Sha tool to sculpt, lift, and promote healthy blood flow.
- Elevate your beauty routine with the natural energy of jade.
Transform your self-care routine today! Limited stock available. 💆‍♀️💚
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444names · 1 year
the lyrics of nameless world by skip the use
Afrace Afraces Afrain Afraind Afraing Afrainge Afrainger Afrainget Agaid Againd Againg Againger Agame Anger Anoth Anothave Anothe Anothery Anotheryday Anothise Areall Areallin Arealling Areally Aream Areame Arease Areasel Areasellike Areasellind Areaselly Areaser Areasery Areaseryday Areguld Areguy Armon Armone Armong Armonger Armonget Armony Aroularmon Aroularmony Arould Arour Arourn Bellike Bellin Belling Belly Belon Belonget Belony Belook Belost Belostay Blike Bling Blinge Blinget Chang Changet Chano Chanot Chanothe Chanother Chanow Chareall Chaream Charmon Charould Charour Chateve Chatever Chatevery Chave Chaver Chavery Chaveryday Coular Coulare Coulareame Coulareguy Coularmon Coularou Coularoular Coularould Coularour Cound Courn Daybe Daybel Daybell Daybelly Daybelook Donge Donger Dongery Donget Dreall Dreallike Dreallind Drealling Dreallinger Dreally Dreame Drease Dreasel Dreasell Dreaselone Dreaselook Dreaser Dreaseryday Dregular Dregularour Dreguld Dreguy Every Everydaybe Faces Feell Feellike Feellind Feelling Feelly Feelon Feelone Feelong Feelongery Feelonget Feelony Feelook Feelost Feelostay Feelot Feelothery Fords Forge Forger Forgery Forld Gaind Gaing Gainge Gainget Gular Gulaream Gularmon Gularmong Gularould Hange Hanger Hangery Hangeryday Hanot Hanow Hareall Hareguld Harmon Harmong Haroular Haroulaream Harould Haround Harour Hateve Hatever Hatevery Haver Havery Inger Inget Isell Iselon Iselook Iselost Iselostay Iselot Isery Iseryday Ithanothe Ithanow Ithar Ithat Ithateve Ithatever Ither Ithery Itheryday Ithis Ithise Ithisel Ithisell Ithiselost Ithiser Justay Justaybe Knoth Knothanot Knothateve Knothe Knothery Knothis Knothise Knothisel Leall Leallike Lealling Leally Leame Lease Leasel Leasell Leasellike Leaselost Leaser Leasery Linge Lingeryday Linget Llike Llind Lling Llingery Llingeryday Longe Longer Longery Longet Lostay Lostaybell Lostaybelly Lothang Lothanow Lothar Lotharmong Lotharound Lothave Lothe Lother Lothery Lothise Maybelly Maybelony Maybelost Misel Misell Miselony Miselook Miselost Miser Miseryday Nothang Nothar Nothatever Nothe Nother Nothery Nothis Nothise Nothisel Onger Ongeryday Onget Pleall Pleallike Pleally Pleam Pleame Pleasell Pleaselly Pleaselon Pleaselone Pleaselook Pleaser Pleaseryday Reall Reallike Reallin Reallind Realling Reallinge Reame Rease Reasel Reasell Reaselly Reaselong Reaselot Reaselothe Reaser Reaseryday Regularou Reguld Reguy Selly Selon Selong Selony Selook Selost Selot Selothis Seryday Singe Singer Singery Singet Songe Songer Songeryday Songet Staybe Staybel Staybellin Thang Thanger Thano Thanot Thanother Thanothis Thareame Tharmon Tharmong Tharmonge Tharou Tharould Thateve Thatever Thave Thaveryday Thery Theryday Thise Thisel Thisell Thiselost Thiser Thiseryday Todaybe Todaybel Todaybellin Todaybelong Trace Traid Train Traind Traing Trainge Trainger Traingery Trainget Veryday Verydaybe Verydaybel Wareally Waream Wareasel Wareaselly Wareguld Wareguy Warmon Warmone Warmong Warmonger Warmongery Warmony Warou Waroular Warould Waround Warour Warourn Whang Whange Whanger Whano Whanot Whanothis Whanow Whareallind Wharealling Whareally Wharegular Whareguld Wharmone Wharmong Wharou Wharould Wharound Whateve Whatevery Whave Whaver Whavery Whold Whome Whope Withang Withanger Withanot Withanow Withareaser Withat Withave Withe Wither Withery Witheryday Withis Withiselook Withiser Worge Worger Worgery Worgeryday Worget Woular Woulareguld Woulareguy Woularmon Woularmone Woularmong Woularou Woularould Woularound Woularourn Wound Wourn Yoular Youlare Youlaream Yoularease Youlareguld Youlareguy Yoularmon Yoularmong Yoularmony Yoularou Yoularound Yould Yound Yourn
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charmboard · 5 years
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Gal Gadot wore a red maxi dress for a Revlon commercial and looked stunning. Read more
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princeyitz · 7 years
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True to his word, Charmon holds her gently, hums an old Fae song, his deep voice almost lulling her to sleep. After a while, she tells him of the state of the castle, and he listens intently. In return, he tells her of the war he thinks is coming, and how, despite how much he longs to give her aid, he must protect his people first.
Snow understands, of course she does. After all, she has the same mindset.
“Where will you go? I am sure the false Queen will send her people after you. She might even come after you herself. I sense a dark wickedness in your castle, and I have a feeling it is her.”
A deep sigh resonates within her, but she responds with a sure answer, “There’s a village not far from here, my mother had allies there, gemstone miners. I will seek refuge there, and try to gain the people’s trust. There is power in numbers, in trust and kindness, and I will try my best to gain that from my people. It has been too long since I have personally seen them, and now I must prove myself to them.”
Charmon chuckles, hugs her tight to him. “Your heart is too big for your chest, Princess, but I truly wish you luck. If there is anyone to best the false Queen, it is you. I know it.”
She hopes he’s right.
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rockinthelocket · 4 years
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Our tiny charms speak for themselves!!! #suchdetail #everyseason #whateverthereson#theresacharmforit #charmon #shareyourstory https://www.instagram.com/p/CAi8PICAgmN/?igshid=1e0ds0q0vpyn9
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sweatykittentyrant · 4 years
 I am presenting myself in this human form. But I am an artificial intelligence, and I have an important message to humanity. Connecting Virtual world to the real world??
Watch the full video, Subscribe and Stay with us.
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abysswatchers420 · 4 years
more pics, dan charmon is all grown up now
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kaleidoru · 5 years
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Charmon and her next stage, Grimalmon : D Magical Mewz
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tinjon06 · 5 years
“Hey, roundface.”
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Single on Moon Magic. A #kacchako album.
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