#charmy object legends
coolkiwifruitbird · 1 month
can yew draw charmy from object ledgends :33
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quartzitess · 12 days
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OL’s official anniversary gif
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bobaloidol · 6 months
object legends leak!!!!!!!!!
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imtiredofpyro · 4 months
(Repost from Old Account)
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julietsbackroom · 11 months
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I think about them a lot
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monthly-rootyshine · 5 days
Okay so. This is mostly a shiny hc BUTT but but hear me out on her being this inhuman spirit being that roamed most of her life with her base form ( a shapeless spirit basically ).
Maybe at some point in they're childhood rooty and shiny met when they were kids, it was a moment in time. Maybe rooty was playing near a bush and accidentally encountered her while she was near a river
(I wanna dig deeper into this hc because I wanna be able to connect her with the water in someway. Maybe it's they're birthplace?)
Magic mixing with scolding water that turns the mist into a real living being, I think it'd be a good way to show the difference between rooty and shinys up bringing,,
Aswell as that!! These spirits actually became very common. Higher “beings” that used to live in the canonically ol universe being careless with it's magic and accidentally leaving specs of dust to grow. Maybe I'll have an explanation on how the other objects were created but that's for another time.
And at some point. Said spirits created a culture where'd they would possess and object of they're choice at a certain point of maturity and “merge” with it, but this coming of age would come with a cost, once you'd merge with a vessel, you'd lose all prior memories of you previous life, your childhood.
Of course this would vary at how early a spirit would merge with it's body but consider shiny a late bloomer methinks.
That she stuck with rooty up till somewhere near the end of teenhood and just. Lost touch one day, shiny ended up finding a body, the knights helmet, she saw it and felt a sense of belonging. (The more I say this the more it sounds like an allegory for being trans, take this as you will.)
Of course because of how much of a late bloomer she was. She hadn't fully merged with said body, she's still getting used to actually moving it around. Certain spirits have they're own capabilities of magic (considering they're MADE of it, they could range from being godlike or pretty tame)
Shiny lands somewhere latter, being on the weaker side of her magic, though it's possible to train your abilities, shiny leaned more onto physical combat, her magic was there to assist though she doesn't rely on it much (think like how charmy uses pure magic? Imagine that's shiny being abit more on the mid point of how she uses her magic.
I sorta wanted 2 build off this dynamic abit since this is based off a hc I had awhile back of shiny and rooty meeting at some point before the current events of object legends happened (object prequel if you may.) where they were good childhood friends to drifted apart somewhere near the end of teenhood or so and reconnected in adulthood (but not exactly recognizing eachother? While still having a sense of familiarity.)
Ya that's it from me rlly!
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lea-andres · 2 years
Okay, bitches, I warned you. You better be firmly gripping your butts or long gone, it's Team Chaotix Point and Click rant time.
Now, let's be perfectly clear: I don't actually want Sonic Team to make a point and click adventure game. If one was announced tomorrow I'd be VERY scared. Despite the simplicity of the mechanics in the name this is a complicated genre to master. I'd feel better if Sonic Team reached out to someone with past experience for assistance. Like Double Fine (run by Tim Schafer from LucasArts), or Skunkape (A lot of the early TellTale guys who worked on the Sam and Max games), or even the man, the myth, the legend Ron Gilbert himself (he made Monkey Island, the objectively best point and click ever made.) to give a few examples. I'm not saying Sonic Team's bad at game design, I'm saying making the "gotta go fast" games and making the "rub everything in your pockets on everyone you can talk to until something happens" games are two very different skillsets and I wouldn't expect a company that does one to be able to pick up the other and do it flawlessly.
Alright, we all on the same page? Cool, let's continue.
Now, here's step #1 to making a good Sonic the Hedgehog Point and Click Adventure Game: LEAVE THE SPIKY BLUE RAT THE FUCK OUT OF THIS!!! I DON'T WANT TO BE PLAYING AS HIM, I DON'T WANT TO GO ON A FETCH QUEST FOR HIM, GET HIM THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!
Sonic the Hedgehog characteristically does not work in a point and click. Slowly wandering around an environment examining every detail and talking to everyone about every possible point of discussion is NOT how he rolls. And waiting around for you to do something for him before he'll help you is also not in character AT ALL for him. Luckily, he's easy to get rid of. Just load him and Eggman into a catapult and launch them somewhere else to go fight. Bonus points if what they're up to is a mainline Sonic game you also release, because that's always fun when there's in game hints that two games canonically happened at the same time.
So... Why do Team Chaotix work? The fact that they're detectives makes it make sense they're acting like a point and click protagonist. Examining the surroundings in great detail? They're looking for clues! Speaking to everyone around at great length? Questioning witnesses and suspects! Picking up everything that isn't nailed down? Collecting evidence! The Nancy Drew point and click adventure games exist for a reason: THIS GENRE WORKS REALLY WELL FOR DETECTIVE TYPES.
And I fully insist we play as Team Chaotix. Gimme all three of them! Trust me, having Vector, Espio, AND Charmy playable at any time opens the door to SO MANY fun puzzles! We can do a combined Day of the Tentacle/Sam and Max method of having three protagonists. The two you aren't playing as are roaming around the scene with you, giving you the freedom to talk to them whenever you want (Sam and Max), but you swap between them at any time with buttons in your inventory (Day of the Tentacle).
Why would we want to do this? Vector, Espio, and Charmy have canonically established skillsets that could be utilized for some unique puzzles:
-Vector is quite strong. If you encounter an item you need to get past, but Espio and Charmy cannot move it, Vector can move it.
-Espio can turn invisible. If you need to get in or out without being seen, Espio can do it.
-Charmy can fly, and is quite small. He can reach high areas and fit into small gaps.
Also, if we borrow the dialogue mechanics from TellTale Season 1 and 2 of Sam and Max (where Sam and Max each had their own dialogue choices you could pick from), we can set up mechanics for each detective in dialogue puzzles.
-Vector's a big, intimidating guy. Some of his dialogue might get a bit more threatening, because maybe the suspect'll talk if you scare the pants off of them.
-Espio is a straight shooter. I wouldn't necessarily call him the *nicest* of the three, but he's the most likely to be the direct and blunt one. Some people need to hear it how it is.
-And Charmy's a little kid. He can get irritating, he KNOWS he can get irritating, some of his dialogue options would be him cranking it up to 11 to see if he can get the suspect really mad and confess to something they shouldn't while telling him off.
Now, I'm gonna give you guys what the opening of this hypothetical game might look like. By the time this opening segment would end, we're gonna establish the following:
-How the controls work
-How inventory works
-How swapping between the Chaotix works
-How dialogue works
-The concept that each Chaotix member has a special ability that can be used for puzzle solving.
Ready, whoever stuck around this long? Let's go:
The scene opens on a news broadcast. The news anchor is reporting on whatever latest Sonic vs Eggman fight is occurring, we slowly pan back, and it's being played on a crappy TV set. We slowly turn, we're in the Chaotix's office. We pass Espio meditating in the corner, and come upon Vector, who is snoring away in his desk chair.
The phone rings, startling Vector awake, who loudly knocks a bunch of stuff over retrieving it before the person hangs up.
"Chaotix Detective Agency! Vector speaking! ...Ah, Miss Vanilla, what can I do for you?" We can't hear Vanilla, but Vector looks alarmed by whatever it is she says.
"Don't worry ma'am, we'll be over right away!" He hangs up.
"What's going on?" Charmy asks curiously.
"Miss Vanilla needs us over at her place right away! Where's Espio?"
"He's over there." Charmy points. Espio is still mediating, and he hasn't moved. Vector crosses his arms.
"We can't wait for him to wake up! Charmy, go fetch the pepper grinder!" Charmy salutes.
We are now in control of Charmy. Talking to Vector will just repeat the "Go get the pepper grinder!" instructions. You can interact with Espio if you want, a thorough game would give you a couple different moments of Charmy poking and prodding him before the comment's made that he won't budge when he's in deep meditation like this. There should also be lots of stuff around the office to interact with (including a picture of Mighty and Ray tucked away somewhere for the more detail oriented players to find! Interacting with it will make Charmy comment about it.), but you're supposed to leave the room and head into the kitchen.
There's not much in here. Opening the cabinets will eventually reveal the pepper grinder, which Charmy will automatically grab. It will now be in your inventory. Head back into the office.
"Great! Gimme the pepper grinder!" Charmy hands it over.
"Now step aside!"
The pepper grinder is gone, and there is now a picture of Vector in the inventory. Clicking on it will switch you to being in control of Vector. The picture is now a picture of Charmy, AND the pepper grinder is back in your inventory (this will be the only time an item will need to be passed between the Chaotix like this. They will have a shared inventory from this point further because TRUST ME WE DON'T WANT TO KEEP TRACK OF WHO HAS WHAT THAT GETS ANNOYING AND COULD POTENTIALLY RENDER THE GAME UNWINNABLE IF WE LOSE ACCESS TO SOMEONE AND THE STUFF GOES WITH THEM!)
Drag the pepper grinder onto Espio.
Vector cranks the pepper grinder over Espio's head, black flecks dropping onto his face. Eventually the chameleon sneezes.
"I keep telling you guys to buy an alarm clock!" He complains as he climbs to his feet.
"Miss Vanilla needs us at her place right away! Let's go, boys!"
We are now free to leave the office. Leaving will give us a map of all the areas we will go to during the game. Only Vanilla's house is visible and labelled at this time, but this map would get filled in as we access new locations.
However, the Chaotix get stopped halfway there by the road blocked off by barricades and a guy standing guard at the opening in the barricades.
"Sorry, fellas, I can't let you through. Active construction site!" He announces.
"But this is the only way to our destination!" Vector complains.
"Yeah, let us through!" Charmy demands.
"No dice. Take your little bee there, and buzz off!"
A couple different things should become obvious as you talk to this guy as Vector and/or Charmy:
-He's only going to move if the bell behind him is rung, as that's the signal to go take his break.
-He's not scared of Vector. If he tries to intimidate him, he's gonna calmly remark he's getting paid to stand here and tell people not to enter, so he doesn't care what Vector says or does to him.
-He has kids, so Charmy's antics don't get to him.
-He has not noticed Espio's with them.
Assuming you exhausted all Vector and Charmy dialogue options, you'd end up on Espio's list eventually. It doesn't matter what you pick first, the guy will interrupt you regardless.
"You scared me!" He complains "I didn't notice you were there at all! You're like a ninja!"
The construction worker shoots about a foot into the air the moment Espio speaks up.
"I AM a ninja." Espio crosses his arms in irritation.
None of Espio's dialogue options reveal any new information, but it should be obvious by this point what needs to be done. (If it's not, don't worry, leaving conversation with the construction worker and talking to any of the Chaotix members will prompt to suggest Espio use his ninja skills to sneak over to the bell.)
Once you leave the conversation with the construction worker and regain access to your inventory, there will now be a picture of Espio in it. Click on it to become Espio, and then click on the bell.
Vector and Charmy will huddle up to block the construction worker's view of Espio as he turns invisible. He then hops the barricade, goes over to the bell, and rings it. The construction worker, who definitely has the intelligence of the Boom villagers but leave him alone lmao, tells the Chaotix not to enter the construction site while he's on break.
"We wouldn't dream of it!" Vector promises. The construction worker leaves, Espio reappears, there's a beat...
And then the Chaotix march straight through the construction zone.
They get to Miss Vanilla's house... And I'm gonna stop there. We've learned the bare bones mechanics of how we would get through this game. Everything else would be taking what we understand and making us combine it. If you want an example of a more complicated puzzle, let me know, I could revisit the one I explained AGES ago where we "convince" Knuckles to hand over a Chaos Emerald.
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quartzitess · 11 months
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quartzitess · 8 months
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links 2 the original posts
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quartzitess · 8 months
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Some doodles based off the new object legends promotion art
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quartzitess · 7 months
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So fishy fish! >~~|^<) !!
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quartzitess · 1 year
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I love them, they're all so stupid, I wanna put them under a microscope and observe them.
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quartzitess · 6 months
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Tormenting time!
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quartzitess · 9 months
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OL ; Quest For Pie !
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quartzitess · 10 months
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“This is your time to pay...”
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quartzitess · 8 months
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