Three’s Not A Crowd || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Requested: i’m not sure if you write polyamory but i’m dying for a chase x reader x kaz fic please😭 i’ll enjoy literally anything that comes to mind if you do end up writing one❤️❤️
You help Kaz and Chase realize their feelings for one another, not realizing that you yourself felt the same way they did for each other. Unable to ignore your feelings, you decide to avoid them until Chase comes knocking on your door and everything spills out.
Pairing: Chase Davenport x Reader x Kaz
Warnings: Angst with a fluffy end, implied fem reader but I tried keeping it gender neutral
Words: 2.9K
A/N: This has been in the works for a while now and I hope it came out good. I certainly liked it and it was my first time doing a poly ship. Hopefully I did it justice, I love trio couples and this was fun to write for.
You sighed, walking around your kitchen as you made yourself a cup of tea. Your shoulders were slumped from slouching and your feet were dragging across the floor as you walked. You sniffled, a hand reaching up to rub your nose then at your cheeks that were stained with tears. You’d been crying for who knows how long now, probably days. You couldn’t help it, you were heartbroken. You hadn’t meant for it to happen but now you were isolating yourself while you got over your broken heart. All because you had realized you had feelings for your best friends.
It happened after you finally managed to get Kaz and Chase to admit they liked each other. Then after seeing how happy, they were, you felt an ache in your heart. At first you thought it was because of how much they adored each other, after getting together they couldn’t stop showering one another with affection. Maybe it reminded you of how much you wanted something like that for yourself. But as time went on, you came to realize it wasn’t just their relationship you wanted, it was them too.
It had been so easy getting them together, the way they argued and bickered so much was so obviously from all the sexual tension they had. Chase loved giving orders and Kaz loved defying them, it was a set match from the start. All they needed was a little push from someone and that’s where you came in.
You weren’t part of the team, but you lived in the building and became friends with them. Mainly because you were one of the few people there that was their age. Not to mention the only one who didn’t avoid them simply because of their ability and status. The bionic team—well bionic and superhero, but you were told that part was secret—that lived in the penthouse floor.
You ended up befriending Bree first when you met for the first time in the elevator. You'd come back from a small shopping trip, and she noticed one of the bags you had. A bag with a pair of shoes that she had been dying to get. It struck up a conversation between the two of you that lasted all day. So much so that she took you to the penthouse and introduced you to the rest of the team. You got along with them all well but more so with Kaz and Chase. Each had something unique to them that pulled you closer.
Which is why it was so easy to see how much they were attracted to each other. The way they bickered, Kaz always had to poke the bear and Chase fell for it so easily. But no matter how much they went at it, they liked it, as if it gave them a reason to be close. Then there was the way they bonded so easily when they weren’t picking on each other. When they found a common interest, neither one saw past the other. They smiled and laughed like no one was looking, only having eyes for each other. Even when you were the one who managed to pull them together after some silly argument. When they were all smiles and laughter because you were their grounding point. They looked past you and only saw each other.
So, one day you had enough and spoke out before your mind could catch up with your mouth.
“Can you please just shut up and kiss already?” you let out, huffing in frustration.
The two guys who had been previously bickering with one another looked at you in shock. Their jaws were slacked, looking between one another and you as either one figured out what to say.
“Please, don’t look so shocked. It’s obvious you two have a thing for each other. I mean, the room practically stinks of sexual frustration each time the two of you are around each other,” you continued.
“H-Hold on? What are you trying to say? There’s no sexual frustration between us, and I certainly don’t have feelings for Kaz. I mean I like girls—women,” Chase said, obviously flustered by what you said.
“Y-Yeah, what Chase said,” Kaz followed.
You rolled your eyes, noting the way their cheeks were tinted with the smallest color of red and how the tip of Kaz’s ears were turning red. “You can like girls, idiots. Doesn’t mean you can’t like each other too.”
“I don’t like Kaz,” Chase argued, voice slightly raised in defense.
“And I don’t like Chase,” Kaz shot back.
You rolled your eyes and shot your hands up, putting an end to the conversation. “Okay, whatever, you guys don’t like each other.”
A week later, you caught them kissing in mission command and all you could do was pump your fist in victory. You totally took credit for getting them together, if you hadn’t nudged the subject, they would have never made a move. And you were happy to see your best friends together, happy that they could now express their affection in the way they truly wanted to. Then you became a third wheel whenever the three of you hung out. Since you were the one who helped them figure out their feelings for one another, they didn’t feel the need to hide them.
Which you encouraged wholeheartedly, even when the ache in your heart started. You couldn’t help but long for the way they looked at each other, something of adoration in their eyes. You felt jealousy bubble up in the back of your throat from the way Kaz would cling to Chase. Said man would roll his eyes at his childish demeaner but would welcome the affection with open arms. And you were there to witness it all.
At first, you blamed it on the fact that you were third wheeling and needed a partner of your own. The more it went on, the more you realized that you didn’t want just any partner. You wanted them, your best friends who understood you better than anyone else. You didn’t know when it happened, you’d fallen for Chase and Kaz, but it was too late now. You’d gotten them together and they were happy, and that’s all that mattered to you.
The heartache you felt only grew the more you were around them, until you slowly distanced yourself. You took to hanging out with Bree and Skylar more, that way you had a reason to avoid them. You hung out with Oliver too, but Oliver came with Skylar, another couple. Hanging out with them only reminded you of Chase and Kaz, which brought on your broken heart. So, for the most part, you avoided hanging out with them alone. It went on until you only hung out with Bree, but even that lessened. Then you just stopped coming around altogether, which brought you to now.
You hadn’t seen the team in days, maybe going on a couple weeks now. After you completely shut them off, you did everything to avoid them. Leaving at different times during the day so you’d never get caught in the elevator. Some days you’d come home late, whether staying at a library or a café to just roaming the city. They blew up your phone with text and calls the first week, trying to get you to come out. Each time you’d make up an excuse about why you couldn’t go.
“Oh, I have an important test I need to study for.” “I’m hanging out with some friends on campus.” “Sorry guys, not feeling well.”
Some days, one of them would stop by your apartment and try to coax you out. Again, you made whatever excuse you could and sometimes you didn’t even say anything. Eventually they stopped coming around, getting the message and leaving you alone. Once they did that, you stopped trying to go out, holing yourself up in your apartment. The only times you’d leave was when necessary, school, groceries and such. Even then, that was always early in the morning to continue to avoid the team.
Today was one of your days off, you were spending it trudging around your apartment. You hadn’t even changed out of the shorts and t-shirt you slept in. Your hair was a mess, you were sure some parts were knotted and sticking out. You had your cup of tea in your hand, the heat warming up your cold hands. You were only holding it though, soaking up its warmth and watching it get cold. The liquid inside stood still in your hands, for a moment, until a tear dropped inside. It created a small ripple in your mug, then another and another as your tears well once mire. You lifted your head and used one hand to wipe your face of your tears.
They continued to fall the more you wiped away at your face, as if focusing on them triggered their downfall. Your chest hurt, as if your heart was breaking all over again. Which it was. It was one of those days where you wondered if you’d done the right thing. Distancing yourself from your friends, all so you could get rid of whatever stupid feelings you had. You missed them, you missed Chase and Kaz more than anything. It wasn’t even just because of your feelings for them, they were still your friends before you so selfishly let your emotions get in the way.
You missed hanging out with them, doing stupid things together because the three of you as a group was a terribly, wonderful idea put together. But it didn’t matter now that you pulled yourself away from them.
You were lost in your thoughts until a knock at the door broke them away. You stood still in your spot, wondering if you had imagined it or not. When another knock rang out, you set your mug down and walked over to the door. You didn’t open it, instead you looked through the peephole of the door. Chase stood on the other side of the door, waiting for you to open it. You didn’t, instead you pressed your back against the wall and stayed quiet. You hoped he would go away soon. This had been the first time in a while anyone had reached out to you.
It made you cry, more than you were already crying. You had to use your hand to cover any noises that threatened to come out.
“I know you’re in there. You don’t have classes today nor any errands to run. Please, open the door,” you heard his voice say through the door.
You continued to stay quiet, knowing that eventually he’d go away.
“I just wanna talk. Please, we haven’t seen you in over two weeks. We miss you... I miss you,” he pressed, his voice softening at the end.
When you didn’t respond, you heard him sigh from the other side. You were sure he was giving up now, leaving you to be alone with your broken heart. Or so you thought until you heard the lock of your door undoing. Sometimes you hated his bionic abilities, especially the one that allowed him to manipulate the molecules of any object. Which meant a simple door lock wasn’t holding him back. Once the door was unlocked, he didn’t hesitate to open it and step inside. You were met face-to-face with Chase, whose eyes widened when he saw you crying. He was quick to rush to your side, hands on your shoulders with one sliding up to your face. His hand cupped your cheek, the way he cared for you so delicately only made you sob more.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did someone do something to you?” he asked, and you could tell he was doing a scan of you.
His worrying made you cry out in response, making him panic and pushing himself away from you. You immediately noticed the lack of warmth, making you want to pull him back. “Hold on, I’ll be back.”
He left immediately after, leaving you alone in your apartment where you slid down to the floor. You tucked your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. You stayed like that for a few minutes before you saw Chase come back, behind him Kaz followed. When he saw your face, he wore the same worried look that Chase did.
“Dude, what did you do?” he asked, looking over at Chase.
“Me? Why are you blaming me, I didn’t do anything,” Chase defended.
“Then what happened?” Kaz asked again.
“I don’t know, you moron. That’s why I went to get you, so you could help me figure it out,” Chase answered, you could hear how irked he was.
Even after becoming a couple, their bickering was still the same. It made you laugh for a second as you watched them, getting their attention. They kneeled beside you, noticing that you weren’t crying anymore. It had reduced to small sniffles and wet eyes, wiping away your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Hey, you’re not crying anymore. That’s good,” Kaz said, giving you a goofy smile. One that almost triggered your tears again had you not been able to stop them.
“Can you tell us what’s wrong? And why you’ve been ignoring us for days?” Chase asked, his voice soft to not alarm you.
The last thing he wanted was to make you start crying again, especially since neither of them knew what was wrong. You didn’t want to say anything, but the looks on their faces caused you to spill everything. It all came pouring out, how you loved them both, and as soon as it did all you wanted to do was crawl into a hole. You didn’t look at them, scared to face them after what you’ve said. What would they think of you? Surely, they would be disgusted and leave any second now.
“You know, sometimes you can be a real idiot,” you heard Chase say.
Your head turned to look at him, confused by what he meant by that. You didn’t get to ask, instead your eyes widened when you felt a pair of lips on your own. It was Chase kissing you, his lips pressed softly to yours. You didn’t get to kiss back before he pulled away, lips feeling cold for a short second before another warmth took over. This time it was Kaz kissing you, a different feeling from Chase’s lips but still soothing all the same.
When they pulled away, you were left sitting in shock, your lips tingling from the feeling. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as you figured out what to say. In front of you, Chase and Kaz smiled at your confused demeanor.
“You could have told us,” Chase spoke first, head shaking at you, but he was still smiling so you knew it wasn’t in a bad way.
“Yeah, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Kaz followed.
“I don’t--I don’t understand,” you said.
“We’re saying we love you too,” Chase explained. “Have for a while, even before Kaz and I got together.”
You were still confused; how could they have liked you before when they clearly had eyes for each other? Kaz further explained it for you. “Don’t get us wrong, we still liked each other too. And we dropped hints too, before and after. Hanging around you all the time, putting you between us whenever we were sitting.”
“Although, it probably would have been better to just say something,” Chase sighed out, scratching the back of his neck. “Especially if it would have prevented you avoiding us for so long.”
Guilt racked over you as you took their words in. “I’m sorry.”
“It's okay, it's over now, but if you’ll let us, we’d really like to stay with you,” Chase said.
“Yeah, you owe us for all the lost time. You have no idea how boring it is to annoy Chase alone,” Kaz joked, earning a smile from you and a roll his eyes from Chase.
You nodded your head, and they both held a hand out to you, helping you up. They didn’t let go after you were up, instead wrapping their fingers with yours. It made your heart flutter and lips tremble, wanting to cry again. Both from happiness and feeling so stupid for ever ignoring them the way you did. They led you over to the couch and sat you down, like Kaz had said, there was a lot of lost time to make up for.
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