#mighty med one shot
Three’s Not A Crowd || Lab Rats: Elite Force ||
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Requested: i’m not sure if you write polyamory but i’m dying for a chase x reader x kaz fic please😭 i’ll enjoy literally anything that comes to mind if you do end up writing one❤️❤️
You help Kaz and Chase realize their feelings for one another, not realizing that you yourself felt the same way they did for each other. Unable to ignore your feelings, you decide to avoid them until Chase comes knocking on your door and everything spills out.
Pairing: Chase Davenport x Reader x Kaz
Warnings: Angst with a fluffy end, implied fem reader but I tried keeping it gender neutral
Words: 2.9K
A/N: This has been in the works for a while now and I hope it came out good. I certainly liked it and it was my first time doing a poly ship. Hopefully I did it justice, I love trio couples and this was fun to write for.
You sighed, walking around your kitchen as you made yourself a cup of tea. Your shoulders were slumped from slouching and your feet were dragging across the floor as you walked. You sniffled, a hand reaching up to rub your nose then at your cheeks that were stained with tears. You’d been crying for who knows how long now, probably days. You couldn’t help it, you were heartbroken. You hadn’t meant for it to happen but now you were isolating yourself while you got over your broken heart. All because you had realized you had feelings for your best friends.
It happened after you finally managed to get Kaz and Chase to admit they liked each other. Then after seeing how happy, they were, you felt an ache in your heart. At first you thought it was because of how much they adored each other, after getting together they couldn’t stop showering one another with affection. Maybe it reminded you of how much you wanted something like that for yourself. But as time went on, you came to realize it wasn’t just their relationship you wanted, it was them too.
It had been so easy getting them together, the way they argued and bickered so much was so obviously from all the sexual tension they had. Chase loved giving orders and Kaz loved defying them, it was a set match from the start. All they needed was a little push from someone and that’s where you came in.
You weren’t part of the team, but you lived in the building and became friends with them. Mainly because you were one of the few people there that was their age. Not to mention the only one who didn’t avoid them simply because of their ability and status. The bionic team—well bionic and superhero, but you were told that part was secret—that lived in the penthouse floor.
You ended up befriending Bree first when you met for the first time in the elevator. You'd come back from a small shopping trip, and she noticed one of the bags you had. A bag with a pair of shoes that she had been dying to get. It struck up a conversation between the two of you that lasted all day. So much so that she took you to the penthouse and introduced you to the rest of the team. You got along with them all well but more so with Kaz and Chase. Each had something unique to them that pulled you closer.
Which is why it was so easy to see how much they were attracted to each other. The way they bickered, Kaz always had to poke the bear and Chase fell for it so easily. But no matter how much they went at it, they liked it, as if it gave them a reason to be close. Then there was the way they bonded so easily when they weren’t picking on each other. When they found a common interest, neither one saw past the other. They smiled and laughed like no one was looking, only having eyes for each other. Even when you were the one who managed to pull them together after some silly argument. When they were all smiles and laughter because you were their grounding point. They looked past you and only saw each other.
So, one day you had enough and spoke out before your mind could catch up with your mouth.
“Can you please just shut up and kiss already?” you let out, huffing in frustration.
The two guys who had been previously bickering with one another looked at you in shock. Their jaws were slacked, looking between one another and you as either one figured out what to say.
“Please, don’t look so shocked. It’s obvious you two have a thing for each other. I mean, the room practically stinks of sexual frustration each time the two of you are around each other,” you continued.
“H-Hold on? What are you trying to say? There’s no sexual frustration between us, and I certainly don’t have feelings for Kaz. I mean I like girls—women,” Chase said, obviously flustered by what you said.
“Y-Yeah, what Chase said,” Kaz followed.
You rolled your eyes, noting the way their cheeks were tinted with the smallest color of red and how the tip of Kaz’s ears were turning red. “You can like girls, idiots. Doesn’t mean you can’t like each other too.”
“I don’t like Kaz,” Chase argued, voice slightly raised in defense.
“And I don’t like Chase,” Kaz shot back.
You rolled your eyes and shot your hands up, putting an end to the conversation. “Okay, whatever, you guys don’t like each other.”
A week later, you caught them kissing in mission command and all you could do was pump your fist in victory. You totally took credit for getting them together, if you hadn’t nudged the subject, they would have never made a move. And you were happy to see your best friends together, happy that they could now express their affection in the way they truly wanted to. Then you became a third wheel whenever the three of you hung out. Since you were the one who helped them figure out their feelings for one another, they didn’t feel the need to hide them.
Which you encouraged wholeheartedly, even when the ache in your heart started. You couldn’t help but long for the way they looked at each other, something of adoration in their eyes. You felt jealousy bubble up in the back of your throat from the way Kaz would cling to Chase. Said man would roll his eyes at his childish demeaner but would welcome the affection with open arms. And you were there to witness it all.
At first, you blamed it on the fact that you were third wheeling and needed a partner of your own. The more it went on, the more you realized that you didn’t want just any partner. You wanted them, your best friends who understood you better than anyone else. You didn’t know when it happened, you’d fallen for Chase and Kaz, but it was too late now. You’d gotten them together and they were happy, and that’s all that mattered to you.
The heartache you felt only grew the more you were around them, until you slowly distanced yourself. You took to hanging out with Bree and Skylar more, that way you had a reason to avoid them. You hung out with Oliver too, but Oliver came with Skylar, another couple. Hanging out with them only reminded you of Chase and Kaz, which brought on your broken heart. So, for the most part, you avoided hanging out with them alone. It went on until you only hung out with Bree, but even that lessened. Then you just stopped coming around altogether, which brought you to now.
You hadn’t seen the team in days, maybe going on a couple weeks now. After you completely shut them off, you did everything to avoid them. Leaving at different times during the day so you’d never get caught in the elevator. Some days you’d come home late, whether staying at a library or a café to just roaming the city. They blew up your phone with text and calls the first week, trying to get you to come out. Each time you’d make up an excuse about why you couldn’t go.
“Oh, I have an important test I need to study for.” “I’m hanging out with some friends on campus.” “Sorry guys, not feeling well.”
Some days, one of them would stop by your apartment and try to coax you out. Again, you made whatever excuse you could and sometimes you didn’t even say anything. Eventually they stopped coming around, getting the message and leaving you alone. Once they did that, you stopped trying to go out, holing yourself up in your apartment. The only times you’d leave was when necessary, school, groceries and such. Even then, that was always early in the morning to continue to avoid the team.
Today was one of your days off, you were spending it trudging around your apartment. You hadn’t even changed out of the shorts and t-shirt you slept in. Your hair was a mess, you were sure some parts were knotted and sticking out. You had your cup of tea in your hand, the heat warming up your cold hands. You were only holding it though, soaking up its warmth and watching it get cold. The liquid inside stood still in your hands, for a moment, until a tear dropped inside. It created a small ripple in your mug, then another and another as your tears well once mire. You lifted your head and used one hand to wipe your face of your tears.
They continued to fall the more you wiped away at your face, as if focusing on them triggered their downfall. Your chest hurt, as if your heart was breaking all over again. Which it was. It was one of those days where you wondered if you’d done the right thing. Distancing yourself from your friends, all so you could get rid of whatever stupid feelings you had. You missed them, you missed Chase and Kaz more than anything. It wasn’t even just because of your feelings for them, they were still your friends before you so selfishly let your emotions get in the way.
You missed hanging out with them, doing stupid things together because the three of you as a group was a terribly, wonderful idea put together. But it didn’t matter now that you pulled yourself away from them.
You were lost in your thoughts until a knock at the door broke them away. You stood still in your spot, wondering if you had imagined it or not. When another knock rang out, you set your mug down and walked over to the door. You didn’t open it, instead you looked through the peephole of the door. Chase stood on the other side of the door, waiting for you to open it. You didn’t, instead you pressed your back against the wall and stayed quiet. You hoped he would go away soon. This had been the first time in a while anyone had reached out to you.
It made you cry, more than you were already crying. You had to use your hand to cover any noises that threatened to come out.
“I know you’re in there. You don’t have classes today nor any errands to run. Please, open the door,” you heard his voice say through the door.
You continued to stay quiet, knowing that eventually he’d go away.
“I just wanna talk. Please, we haven’t seen you in over two weeks. We miss you... I miss you,” he pressed, his voice softening at the end.
When you didn’t respond, you heard him sigh from the other side. You were sure he was giving up now, leaving you to be alone with your broken heart. Or so you thought until you heard the lock of your door undoing. Sometimes you hated his bionic abilities, especially the one that allowed him to manipulate the molecules of any object. Which meant a simple door lock wasn’t holding him back. Once the door was unlocked, he didn’t hesitate to open it and step inside. You were met face-to-face with Chase, whose eyes widened when he saw you crying. He was quick to rush to your side, hands on your shoulders with one sliding up to your face. His hand cupped your cheek, the way he cared for you so delicately only made you sob more.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Did someone do something to you?” he asked, and you could tell he was doing a scan of you.
His worrying made you cry out in response, making him panic and pushing himself away from you. You immediately noticed the lack of warmth, making you want to pull him back. “Hold on, I’ll be back.”
He left immediately after, leaving you alone in your apartment where you slid down to the floor. You tucked your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them. You stayed like that for a few minutes before you saw Chase come back, behind him Kaz followed. When he saw your face, he wore the same worried look that Chase did.
“Dude, what did you do?” he asked, looking over at Chase.
“Me? Why are you blaming me, I didn’t do anything,” Chase defended.
“Then what happened?” Kaz asked again.
“I don’t know, you moron. That’s why I went to get you, so you could help me figure it out,” Chase answered, you could hear how irked he was.
Even after becoming a couple, their bickering was still the same. It made you laugh for a second as you watched them, getting their attention. They kneeled beside you, noticing that you weren’t crying anymore. It had reduced to small sniffles and wet eyes, wiping away your cheeks with the back of your hand.
“Hey, you’re not crying anymore. That’s good,” Kaz said, giving you a goofy smile. One that almost triggered your tears again had you not been able to stop them.
“Can you tell us what’s wrong? And why you’ve been ignoring us for days?” Chase asked, his voice soft to not alarm you.
The last thing he wanted was to make you start crying again, especially since neither of them knew what was wrong. You didn’t want to say anything, but the looks on their faces caused you to spill everything. It all came pouring out, how you loved them both, and as soon as it did all you wanted to do was crawl into a hole. You didn’t look at them, scared to face them after what you’ve said. What would they think of you? Surely, they would be disgusted and leave any second now.
“You know, sometimes you can be a real idiot,” you heard Chase say.
Your head turned to look at him, confused by what he meant by that. You didn’t get to ask, instead your eyes widened when you felt a pair of lips on your own. It was Chase kissing you, his lips pressed softly to yours. You didn’t get to kiss back before he pulled away, lips feeling cold for a short second before another warmth took over. This time it was Kaz kissing you, a different feeling from Chase’s lips but still soothing all the same.
When they pulled away, you were left sitting in shock, your lips tingling from the feeling. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as you figured out what to say. In front of you, Chase and Kaz smiled at your confused demeanor.
“You could have told us,” Chase spoke first, head shaking at you, but he was still smiling so you knew it wasn’t in a bad way.
“Yeah, do you know how long I’ve been waiting to do that?” Kaz followed.
“I don’t--I don’t understand,” you said.
“We’re saying we love you too,” Chase explained. “Have for a while, even before Kaz and I got together.”
You were still confused; how could they have liked you before when they clearly had eyes for each other? Kaz further explained it for you. “Don’t get us wrong, we still liked each other too. And we dropped hints too, before and after. Hanging around you all the time, putting you between us whenever we were sitting.”
“Although, it probably would have been better to just say something,” Chase sighed out, scratching the back of his neck. “Especially if it would have prevented you avoiding us for so long.”
Guilt racked over you as you took their words in. “I’m sorry.”
“It's okay, it's over now, but if you’ll let us, we’d really like to stay with you,” Chase said.
“Yeah, you owe us for all the lost time. You have no idea how boring it is to annoy Chase alone,” Kaz joked, earning a smile from you and a roll his eyes from Chase.
You nodded your head, and they both held a hand out to you, helping you up. They didn’t let go after you were up, instead wrapping their fingers with yours. It made your heart flutter and lips tremble, wanting to cry again. Both from happiness and feeling so stupid for ever ignoring them the way you did. They led you over to the couch and sat you down, like Kaz had said, there was a lot of lost time to make up for.
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thelittleangryitalian · 5 months
Chase: We’ve been meaning to tell you guys something. Kaz and I are dating
Bree, Skylar, Oliver and Kaz: *gasp*
Chase: Kaz why are you surprised?!
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crayonverse · 1 year
Whenever people on TikTok are like “Sebastian is the worst I hate him sm” and sit here with Seb, Expa and Scarlett being some of my favourite characters/concepts
#i say concepts in reference to scarlett </3 i wish the ef writers knew what they were doing#but also yeah. sebastian is my 2nd fav krane and my top favorite traitor. free my boy he did nothing wrong#let him be a narrative foil to marcus and kill donald please#lab rats#mighty med#lab rats elite force#Sebastian Krane#Experion#Laura Drowning#Scarlett (ef)#lref#lr#mm#continuing my rant in the tags:#with characters like sebastian it feels like they wrote themselves into a corner with him because OBVIOUSLY they couldnt show a man dying-#-on screen and OBVIOUSLY the “Bad Guys” couldnt win. so they just never brought seb up again and hoped we'd just forget he existed#and with scarlett it was such a waste to have her in one episode and THEN DIE?? shes the only elite force character to fucking. die#even rotisserie chicken lived at the end but The One Shot they gave at mighty med lore? nah just kill her we cant have nuance#BECAUSE. CALDERIA. is my favorite setting in mighty med and i love the calderians because u can tell mighty med went fucking crazy with the#like they make up the lore for calderia as mighty med went on and its always crazy shit like their language and the pods n shit#and the One Time they focused on Calderia in a Serious Setting. where calderia can FINALLY get respect they fuck it up and fuck up the lore#like. elite force was so awful on so many levels and like. sometimes. sometimes you can see a writer tried to fix it. they tried but then-#-they get overrun by the other writers who made oliver a massive creep and focused on filler episodes more than than plot#they were trying to pull a s1 labrats by setting up characters THEN the overarching plot. but they sucked so hard at the filler that the sh#just. just got canned.#Also Experion! i understand that they probably didnt have much planned for her seeing as (in Canon) she was a dude and calderia was a-#-female only established planet so they needed to get rid of her. but i wouldve liked if they talked about expa more and made up more-#-batshit lore up. wouldve eaten that garbage up. <3 Laura Drowning u will always win in my heart
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katsu28 · 2 years
i have a request! taking care of steve when he’s sick. he gets really clingy and cuddly and pouty and it is very adorable 🥺 if you can’t i understand :)
i absolutely can!!! i actually had something like this in my wips already, you've read my mind! enjoy <33
pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
warnings: mentions of death but it's just steve being an absolute drama queen
masterlist + taglist
Steve Harrington always prided himself on being a certified tough guy. But when he got sick, god, all that went out the window. 
The first thing you woke up to in the morning was the heat radiating from where he was cuddled up against you. Steve was always a human heater, but this was different, and you could already tell that something was off. His cheeks were rosier than they usually were, breathing heavier than normal, exhales more labored. His brow was creased, like he was uncomfortable, and when you reached over to press your palm against his forehead, you realized why. He was burning up, probably running a high fever by the looks of it. 
“Stevie, hey,” You said softly, running your hand down his arm gently to rouse him from his sleep. Steve frowned, burrowing deeper against you without opening his eyes. “You’ve got a fever, my love. We gotta get you some medicine.” He just grunted, squeezing you even tighter.
You carded your fingers through his damp hair, coming all the way down to trace the apple of his flushed cheek gently. “C’mon, let go of me for just a second, hm?”
Steve’s voice was hoarse, scraping against his throat painfully as he pried his eyes open slowly. They were rimmed red, dark circles under them more pronounced than you’d ever seen them before. “No.” 
“Baby, you’re sick.” 
“‘M not sick, I’m—” His protests died off in a long series of hacking coughs that shook his whole body, features twisting into a grimace right afterwards. 
“You’re definitely sick, Steve.” 
“I'll be right back.” 
“No, don’t go,” He moaned, one hand weakly scrabbling around to latch onto yours. “Stay.” 
“Steve…” You chastised, dragging his name out. Steve shook his head stubbornly, pulling you back into his arms with surprising strength for someone who could barely keep his head up. 
“Please don’t leave me.” He whined, but with how congested he was, it sounded more like ‘please don’t leab me’. 
“I’m just getting you some medicine and water, I promise I’ll be right back, ‘mkay?” 
He mumbled something incoherent, but let himself fall to the bed defeatedly, like he couldn’t muster the energy to do anything anymore. After pressing a kiss to Steve’s hairline, you ventured to the bathroom and rummaged through the cabinets for what you needed, returning to the room minutes later with the fever medicine and a glass of water. 
“Everything hurts.” Steve groaned, easing himself up against the headboard with a wince as you passed off the meds and water to him. 
Mighty, monster slaying Steve Harrington, taken down by a common fever. You’d be laughing if he didn’t look so adorably pathetic right now. 
“Yeah, well, maybe you should’ve stayed away from Dustin when he wasn’t feeling well, dummy.” You chided, sitting cross-legged at his feet. “I know you wanted to take care of him, but now you’re both sick!” 
“Not helping.” He muttered, downing the medicine and half the water before promptly slumping over face first into the pillow beside him. 
“I know, I’m sorry,” You chuckled, running a hand through his chestnut tornado of a bedhead. “You just need lots of fluids and rest, baby.” 
“I’m cold.” He pouted miserably, holding his arms out for you like a child reaching out for their favorite toy. “Hold me?” 
“Y’know, most boyfriends tell their girlfriends to stay away from them when they’re sick. Just FYI.” 
“I’m trying to suck out your health to replenish mine.” 
“Sounds about right. Just don’t bitch about it when you have to take care of me after I get sick.” You shot back, crawling up the bed and settling in right next to Steve.
As soon as you did, he was half on top of you, head resting on your stomach with an arm and a leg thrown across your body as he nuzzled as close as humanly possible to you. His skin was clammy, but you didn’t really mind. Your fingers found their home threading through his hair, scratching light circles across his scalp that made him let out a content sigh. 
“That feels nice.” He murmured, eyes fluttering shut. “I’m gonna just…rest my eyes. Just for a little bit. Ten minutes, tops.” 
Within minutes, Steve was out like a light, snoring soundly. He slept like a baby for about an hour until he sneezed himself awake, instantly pouting at you again. 
“Hi, sleepyhead,” You murmured, kissing his forehead. “Feeling any better?” Steve merely shook his head, rubbing at his nose furiously until it was bright red. “Poor baby. You should eat.” 
“Don’t wanna eat. Wanna stay here ‘til I wither away and die.” 
“Well, I would hate it if you died, so if you’re not gonna eat for you, do it for me?” You knew for a fact that would get him, and you were right. Steve heaved out a congested sigh, throwing the covers off himself and clambering unsteadily to his feet only to cling to you the instant you got up too. “Stevie, I can’t keep us both upright.” 
“You’re gonna have to try, ‘cause if I fall, I’m staying on the floor,” He grumbled, brow furrowing in utmost concentration as you guided the both of you slowly down the hall and to the kitchen, where he slumped over at the table immediately. 
“What do you wanna eat?” You hummed, pulling open the fridge to inspect its contents. “We have leftover pizza, some chicken from a few nights ago…there’s also some pasta from last week but I think that might’ve already gone bad.” 
“Funny. I think toast is probably best for now. Want peanut butter on it?” 
“I want death.” 
“Plain toast for the drama queen, got it.” 
After you made the toast, the only way you eventually managed to make him eat it at all was by letting him hold your hand across the table as he nibbled away, after you’d talked him down from making you sit on his lap whilst he ate. 
So yeah, Steve Harrington was a certified tough guy, but even the toughest of guys had their kryptonite. Otherworldly monsters and nightmarish creatures from a doomsday parallel universe? Nothing to it.
But common colds and fevers? Consider Steve down for the count. He was just lucky he had you to dote on him until he got better. 
@wittiestrain184 @milkiane @pastel-abyss-x @liltimmyst @lilygreennn @nia-um @louweasleymalfoy @pinkdaiisies @idli-dosa @glmourtv @sunkissedsteve @alexawhatstheweathertoday @mrstealuregirl @maciiiofficial @scoopsahoykeery @oliviah-25 @eddiesquinn @bubsonnobx
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roo-bastmoon · 11 months
Friday Thirst
Buy and stream GOLDEN! Regularly vote for our Jimin! And please be kind to one another.
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I am obsessed with this 19-second clip.
This is an manip/edit I saw floating around Twitter and Pinterest, and it made me banshee screech with a mighty need for a K-drama like this, so I'm sharing it now in the hopes someone can point me toward the creator so I can follow? Or is this AI? (If this is Ai, I'm gonna have to sit down and cry a bit.)
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I've got a nasty head cold so now that I did my buying and first listen to Golden, I officially declare that Hate You and Shot Glass of Tears are my favorites, but Standing Next to You makes me want to boogie woogie. Well done.
I'm gonna take some strong cold meds, let the playlists stream, and rest up. Please be gentle and kind with each other, puppykitties. Spend your energy wisely and follow your bliss.
Love, Roo
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angelwiththeblue-box · 10 months
clothes sharing ….
i acknowledge that this has been sitting in my askbox for like two years however we're moving on from that (also this is so much longer than intended <3)
Chase was very particular about clothes. The texture had to be right, the size had to be right, it couldn't be too thick, and he couldn't layer certain clothes. He specifically re-tailored his mission suit so he could wear it without feeling like he wanted to rip it off. (He did appreciate the almost tank top design, with the leather cutting off at his shoulders to give way to a stretchier fabric. Still protective and more mobility.)
It wasn't like he was insistent about his clothes being a certain way just to be obnxious, he knew how people already saw him, no need to add fuel to the fire, it was just... how he was.
So when Kaz came around and started wearing his shirts (not on purpose or in any sort of malicious way, he just... grabbed the first shirt he saw, whether it was Oliver's or Chase's, and called it good) Bree shot him a look, wondering why he was letting Kaz do this, knowing that the shirt might be different after Kaz took it off, it would feel different, or be stretched out.
Unfortunately, Chase was very gay and Kaz looked really cute in Chase's clothes. (This was, to be clear, long before they started dating. Chase had a tendency to fall fast, feelings slamming into him like a bullet train and Kaz in his shirts was not helping said feelings.)
It was fall. Not cold weather, but cold enough that it warrents a jacket. Chase was the smartest man alive, he checked the temperature before the five of them went out. (It wasn't anything fancy, one of Skylar's friends was having a birthday party, it was mostly superheroes, but a couple of bionic heroes made the invite list, and a few regular people too, normos as the Mighty Med trio call them)
He had a good outfit for the day temperature, but as night fell and Chase and Kaz were heading back to the tower, the cold was starting to seep into his bones. (Oliver was hanging out with a couple of superheroes, and Skylar and Bree had beelined for the dance floor the moment they arrived.) Kaz leans on Chase as they walk down the streets, city life filling the silence the way it never did back in Mission Creek. Their hands brush together and a spark shoots up Chase's arm, and he's suddenly thankful for the darkness so Kaz doesn't see his face heat up.
"You cold?" Kaz asks, his shoulder nudging Chase's, and Chase shakes his head, trying to hid his shivering. "Chase."
"A little. But it's fine, we're almost at the Tower anyway." Chase says. (They still had about twenty more minutes of walking. Chase didn't mind the walk, he liked hanging out with Kaz. He wasn't as big a fan of the cold. Curse his California blood.)
"It's not fine, c'mon Chasey, you told me you'd tell me things!" Kaz whines. Technically, he told the team he'd let them in when he started feeling like... well like shit, but apparently it can be applied to feeling kind of cold too.) "Here, take my jacket." Kaz pulls off the sweater he's wearing, a dark maroon that complemented the white button up he had on underneath.
Chase immediately protests, "Kaz, Kaz, no, I'm fine."
"Liar." Kaz shoves the sweater into Chase's arms and works on cuffing the sleeves on the button up, one of his burn scars curling down his arm. "Chase, if you don't take the fucking sweater I will light myself on fire, so please just put on the sweater."
"Chase." Kaz's voice softens and he rests a hand on Chase's arm. "It's okay to let people help you, you know."
Chase nods, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. He pulls on the sweater, preparing for the scratchy feel that certain sweaters have, but it doesn't. It's soft and worn out, and the sleeves are long enough that he won't pull on them. Chase knows, logically, that it was just luck that Kaz wore a sweater that Chase could stand to put on his body, but in his traitorous heart, he can't help but wonder if Kaz-
"I can feel your brain working from here, Smarties. I did notice your aversion to fabrics, I'm not an idiot." Kaz shoots him a smile, one that lights up the city and Chase wants to melt. "Now, c'mon." Kaz holds out his hand to Chase, who takes it with a small smile. "I think maybe we should have a movie night, just us. You warming up, Chasey?"
Chase nods, the heat emanating from Kaz better than any sweater.
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bananaactivity · 22 days
will you draw more fanart of mighty med cause i love that show along with MBAV
I’d like to get to it, I LOVE drawing fanart of kinda obscure shows like MBAV and Wizards of Waverly place and Mighty Med and Victorious, the fanart scene of shows like these pale in comparison to the fanfic parts. Like you’re more likely to stumble on a one shot of MBAV then some super cool fanart. I really like putting out art that I wanna see in the world. And I wanna see goofy teen sitcoms. So I probably will do that.
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lab-trash · 4 months
Hi, pinned post time, after like literally four years.
Name: Conner (that's Connor with an e)
Pronouns: They/Them
Fandoms: LREF, Stranger Things, It, Supernatural, Psych, (occasional Kickin' It and Cobra Kai)
Ships: My ships and headcannons (LREF), Steddie, Byler, Jargyle, Reddie, Stenbrough, Destiel, Sabriel, (Shassie; don't actively ship it, but enjoy content for it), Krewer, Binary Boyfriends
Side Blogs you may know me as: @im-not-a-l0ser , @anime-related , @lab-of-trash-prompts
AO3: lab_trash
Polls are put up to hear the opinions of other people In the fandom. Even after a poll is complete, feel free to comment or reblog with your take/opinion on it.
Where is Centium City (complete)
Who partakes in weed (complete)
Bree Substances (complete)
Kaz Substances (complete)
Skylar Substances (complete)
Oliver Substances (complete)
Chase Substances (complete)
Marcus on the Elite Force (complete)
Marcus in my LREF rewrite (complete)
Oliver's Superpowers (complete)
Lab Rats MPREG Storyline (complete)
Quite frankly I can't list all my LREF fics here, so here's a link to that specific section of my AO3. Or, if you prefer just Mighty Med fics or Lab Rats fics.
But here are some of the ones I'm proudest of. The title link will have the AO3 link, and the chapter numbers will have the Tumblr links.
The L in LREF Stands For Leo: Prologue, Ep1,
Villain Arcane: Chapter List (Prologue + 10 Chapters)
(No) Thanks For The Memories: One-Shot
How Tecton Came Out: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Please leave comments, any and all feedback
Here are some of the prompts that I've written! Like it says in my bio: all prompts are up for grabs, just credit me when you write it.
Fandom Neutral Prompts
Near Death Experience Prompt
The Kook and The Cop
Oblivious Friends (need more of this)
LREF Masterlist
Supernatural Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
(For fandom neutral prompts, check out my side blog, @lab-of-trash-prompts)
Confused about my profile picture? Don't worry, it's confusing. Here's where it came from.
Send me questions reguarding my ships
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Hello! I've decided to start writing fanfics for the public now! Been doing it for a while but never shared/posted, so I figured I'd get some practice in with requests and what-not before I try to fully-fledged fics that I can be happy with enough to post. I may post these on an AO3 account I share with a friend.
Send me an ASK with your request and I'll get to it as soon as I can.
FANDOMS (Please note the characters, as I mostly write fics centred (Meaning from their POV or whoever's POV is focused on them.) around specific ones, but just ask and I'll see what I can do. It's fine if they share the spotlight with another character, as long as they're featured mainly in the prompt. I mainly write angst or hurt/comfort, but fluff is perfectly fine.)
Soul Eater (DTK, Blackstar, Lord Death. Will write Deathstar.)
My Hero Academia (Izuku, Tomura, Katsuki, Shouta, Present Mic. I haven't seen any of season 6.)
For the following, I will do crossovers gladly, preferably Max and Douglas-centered, But again, ask anyways!
The Thundermans (Max, Phoebe, Oyster. Will write Max/Oyster.)
Lab Rats (Douglas, Donald)
Mighty Med (Kaz, Oliver. Not much experience with this fandom.)
Lab Rats: Elite Force (Douglas, Donald, Kaz, Oliver)
If you have a fandom you've been wanting to fanfics for that isn't here, send me a request anyways and I'll see what I can do. If I don't know the source, I'll check it out myself to see if I'm interested in it. If not, I'll likely not write it, but I'm always willing to give it a shot.
If you would like to know any AU's I have for any of my fandoms I would be more than happy to deliver! I love talking about my dumb over-complicated and angsty au's haha. Just send me a fandom or three or I'll deliver!
I lean towards brotherly relationships or fatherly relationships.
/ Reader
Romance / Ship centred fics (Cannon background ships are fine. Some exceptions apply.)
Age Regression, A/B/O, or anything similar to those.
May update at any point in time. I have the right to reject any request given if I want to, but that's unlikely. I'll try to make each one at least 500-1000 words, maybe more if I get into it.
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dakotakazansky · 1 year
Ghost • Twenty Two
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Warnings: 18+, Fluff, Angst, lots of Dumb Bitch Juice, Some Smut Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x OC & Javy ‘Coyote’ Machado x OC Word Count: 3,807
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Kota Two Days Later
I dreaded waking up this morning. It's December 27th, which means Bradley had to return back to NAS-Oceana. I groan sitting up in bed next to Jake, he reaches over and softly rubs my back, "Now I told you Darlin', you and Bradley shouldn't have drank that much last night." I glare over at him, grumbling out a "hmph." He just laughs, handing me some pain killers and some water. I take the meds without question and chug down the water. 
I mumble, "How'd we get home?" Jake laughs softly, "I drove us home, Bradley's on the couch in the living room, and we had to leave your bike at the Hard Deck, we'll drop you off there so you can grab it before we drop Bradley off at the airport." I nod to him rubbing my eyes, my head still pounding with the raging hangover that has consumed my entire being. "Thank you." I softly mutter. 
Bradley and I were playing pool at the Hard Deck, every time he missed a shot he had to take a shot, the same rules applied to me. Loser of the game had to chug their drink. We were 4 games in at this point, the scoreboard was even, both 2-2. I was a little more toasted than he was, I missed way more shots than he had but I still somehow managed to win two games. 
After the fourth game, Jake comes over with two glasses of water one each for Bradley and I. "I really don't understand why the both of you feel the need to try to drink the other under the table." He says, sighing and handing the two of us our glasses of water. 
"Be-because–" I hiccup, "–we're competitive." I finish my sentence with another hiccup before I start to down my water, while Jake watches over me.
"Your guy's competitiveness is about to land you both into alcohol poisoning, and embarrassing the shit out of the Navy." Jake says sternly before continuing, "–and before you complain, Penny's already decided to cut you both off for the night, the only thing you two are allowed to order from her is water, soft drinks and food." Bradley and I both flop down on bar stools next to each other, before my drunk ass has the smart idea, "Bet you I can finish this water faster than you!" Bradley drinks down his cup so it's level with mine, "oh you're on! Loser buys us a mess of chili cheese fries!" He retorts. 
Jake just glares at us like we are children, "I really don't think that's a good idea you two. I mean drinking your water is wonderful, but chugging it, you might get sick." He says trying to be the voice of reason but Bradley and I contemplate that reasoning for all of about, point two seconds before we are both counting down, "3...2...1...GO!" And begin chugging our waters. Jake sighs before smacking his palm against his forehead, then scrubbing his hand down his face. He knows we are going to both regret how we feel in the morning. 
I slam my glass down on the table as I finish my water, before throwing my arms up in the air jumping and cheering! "Haha suck it Bradshaw!" Bradley finishes his water, and uses the back of his hand to wipe away the water from his mouth and mustache. "Alright Kazansky I'll give you that one, you've always been the tiny but mighty." He laughs, placing his huge palm on the top of head, ruffling up my hair. I swat at his hands, "Bradley stop it!" I squeal, "You're messing up my hair!" 
He just laughs at me, before walking off to the bar to go order our chili cheese fries that I won us far and square. Jake wraps an arm around me, holding me up. "You alright darlin'?" He questions taking in my appearance. A sort of somber expression had crept its way onto my face as I watched Brad walk over to the bar. "I'm just going to miss him. I just got him back, and he leaves tomorrow." Jake rubs small circles on to my back, "Well enjoy the rest of the time with him, minus the drinks." He leans over to whisper in my ear, "I love you Darlin'." I place a quick peck to his cheek, "I love you too Cowboy, Thank you for understanding." He nods to me.
Brad comes back with the chili cheese fries and him and I both dig in. Jake happens to grab a fry or two but isn't as messy as the drunken two of us are. Jake grabs our glasses, taking them back to the bar, and getting us refills on the water, and some napkins. "What do you wanna do after we finish these?" I say to Bradley while pointing at the fries. 
"Kazansky, I have the perfect idea!" He says eyeing the piano he saw me at just a few days before. "Feel up to singing and playing for old times sake?" He nodded towards said piano. I nod back to him, "Of course Bradshaw! I wish you were here earlier in the week, Penny let me play a few songs for the whole bar!" I say reminiscing on the day earlier in the week that Brad had been at the bar, but I hadn't known it. "I bet you sounded wonderful, Honey." I laughed, "Oh you know it, Stud!" 
Although Bradley and I were toasted beyond belief, when we got up to that piano together you couldn't even tell we were. We played quite a few songs for the bar patrons, and at the end of our performance a patron had given us each a beer, and we both laughed and downed said beer before Jake or Penny could realize what happened. We left not long after Brad and I finished the drinks. 
Jake is now sitting up next to me in bed and rubbing my back, when my stomach lurches. I bolt out of bed before sprinting into our shared bathroom and crouching down in front of the toilet. The world spinning, and my head throbbing is enough to toss my cookies into the toilet. Jake comes in to hold my hair back and coos little nothings to me. I look him in the eye once I'm done being sick, and still sitting on the cold bathroom floor, "I fly a multi-million dollar jet, pulling 9 G's sometimes, and I've never tossed my cookies before." I flush the toilet then stand to brush my teeth. Now with a mouth full of toothpaste I finish my statement, "But one rowdy night at the Hard Deck can make me sicker than a dog. I think I'm okay now though, going to attempt to get ready for the day." 
Jake nods walking back into the bedroom, while I quickly hop into the shower. I get my shower, do the rest of my morning routine, get dressed and then walk out towards the living room while I allow Jake to get ready. I hear the showering running as I see Bradley still sleeping on the couch. I grab some water and extra painkillers to give to Brad. I shake him softly to wake him up, hoping to not startle him. "Hey Stud, time to wake up, here's some meds and more water."
Bradley groans, feeling the same way I did when I woke up. "What time is it Honey?" He says groggily, while wiping the sleep from his eyes. "It's almost 9am." I say giggling watching his giant just over 6' frame attempt to stretch out on the tiny couch. Sadly I begin, "You should probably start getting ready, we have to stop back at the Hard Deck before taking you to the airport." I look down, not wanting to meet his gaze after that. He gently sets one of his huge palms down on my knee, and I pat the back of his hand, before standing to walk back to my room so he could get ready.
After we all were dressed and ready, I helped Bradley finish packing up, and we all got into Jake's truck and made the short drive to the Hard Deck. Once we get there I jump out of the truck leaving the fellas in the truck. I start up my bike and pull up to Jake's window, "You got my six Cowboy?" I question, and he nods, "Of course, I'll be right behind you, and won't let anyone cut in between us." I smile and nod, "Thanks Cowboy!" I plop my helmet on my head, get connected to my Bluetooth for some tunes, pull my visor down and pull out of the parking lot when it's safe enough for both Jake and I to pull out together. 
I pull out of the parking lot, and follow behind Kota. Kota's been obsessed with the new Morgan Wallen album, and I can see why, it's full of good songs, so I'm content with it playing lowly in the background of our ride to the airport. "She's something else huh?" I hear Bradley pipe up next to me. "Yeah, she really is. She's not afraid to be unapologetically herself. I admire it honestly, but don't let her hear that, I don't need to inflate that already huge Kazansky ego." I replied, earning a very hearty laugh out of Bradley. 
"You know she's missed you a lot?" I say quickly, glancing over to him. "I know, I never meant to hurt her, Ice has been keeping me updated on her." He sighs, "I've kept in contact with him, because I felt bad and didn't know how to approach talking to her again after it had been so long." I nod to him, "Trust me man, no matter how long you go without speaking, she'll always light up when she sees  anything from you. If I was still high school aged, and as untrusting as I was back then, I'd be worried about it, but I'm not, I trust her." I say being completely honest with Bradley. 
"Tell me about her? What's she like flying?" He asks. "Oh she's scary, but not in a reckless way, well sometimes. She's cool headed and calculated. I wouldn't want to be her enemy, that's for sure. I'm also never worried when I'm paired up with her, I know she's got my back, and when she and Tate get teasing or goofy, the comms are fun too, but they stay professional as well." Bradley just listens and soaks in everything I tell him about Kota. 
We sit in silence for a little bit, only the sound of the album playing through the truck's stereo system. I keep my eye on Kota ahead of me, before I hear Bradley clear his throat before speaking again. "Thank you for filling the gap I left in her life." He said softly. "Oh trust me, nothing could ever fully fill that gap Bradshaw. That's your spot, and your spot only, I’ve just kept it warm for you so to speak." I say chuckling. I see in my peripheral vision Bradley crack a smile as well. "You know you're not so bad, Seresin." I hear the other man say. I say chuckling, "You're not so bad yourself Bradshaw." 
Before I knew it we were pulling into the airport's parking lot. Kota parks her bike in a motorcycle only space next to an open car space that I pull into. "Thanks Jake." I nod to Bradley, "No problem! I hope you get to visit again soon, it would be nice for Kota." He nods, grabbing his stuff out of the truck. I roll my window down, "Do you want me to come in or wait for you out here?" She shakes her head no, "Nah, I'll be alright Cowboy, I'm just going to walk him in and then wait for his plane to take off, and then I'll head home." She gets on her tiptoes quickly, sneaking a kiss before helping grab Bradley's stuff, and I call out, "I'll see you back at home Darlin'!" She turns back to me, smiling and waving before heading inside with Brad. I head back home to clean up the house after last night's events. 
I walk inside with Brad, not one of us saying anything the entire walk to the gate. Once we are at his gate, we pull up a spot next to the window, and set his items down. No sooner than putting the items down, I quickly reach for a hug, wrapping my small arms around his waist, and his arms come to rest around my shoulders and his head on top of mine. I speak only loud enough for the two of us to hear, "Hey Stud?" 
"Yeah Honey?" He replies, softly rubbing his cheek against the top of my head. 
I pull away just enough to look him in the eyes, "Do you promise not to leave me again, and stay in touch?" Bradley nods, letting me go from his arms, only to pull his cell phone out of his pocket and begin typing out a text message. My phone chimes a moment later, and I read, "Hey Honey, it's your best friend Roo." I laugh and look up at him. "You kept the name as a callsign?" I say a little excitedly. 
"I sure did Honey! I might've given the squadron a few reasons why it was fitting." He says smirking to me. I chuckle and turn back to my phone, and begin typing out a reply to him which reads, "Hey Stud, it's your bestest friend ever, Ghost." He reads it before looking back at me, this time a little saddened expression on his face, "No Ducky?" I shake my head no, "No, when you're taught to fly by the legendary Iceman and Mav, you end up giving your squadron the sense that all you see is ghosts when you fly. You know, so calculated and ice cold but also as skilled as the sky cowboy that Mav is, you prove to them that all you see are ghosts too, flying mostly undetected." We shared a combined chuckle, "plus someone back in my squadron in Lemoore, their callsign is Ducky, would get a little too confusing." 
Not too much longer later, we hear overhead, "Now calling all active duty Military, or persons with disabilities that need added assistance to board." I sigh softly, chewing the inside of my cheek. Bradley pulls me into another tight hug. I whisper into his chest, "I'm going to miss you Stud." He squeezes me just that much more, "I'm going to miss you even more Honey." We pull away from each other, and Bradley picks up his bag, and walks over to the gate agent. He presents his ID and his boarding pass, and is granted permission to board the plane. I cross my arms over my chest, hugging myself tightly while watching him walk to the ramp. He turns back once more, it now evident he's feeling just as sad as I am, and waves to me. I lift my left arm up and wave a small wave back to him, fighting back tears as I chew on my lip. He then turns back around and boards the plane, and I go take a seat on the floor next to the window.
About 40 minutes later, they called the final boarding call for his plane. As I'm sitting by the window, I hear my phone chime again. I look down to see it’s from Bradley, who is now listed in my phone as Stud with a rooster emoji next to it. I open the message to see a single red heart. I send him back a single red heart as well, and I hear them shut the door to the ramp for the plane. Another 10 minutes goes by, and I watch his plane being pushed out of the terminal, and begin taxiing to the runway. Another few moments later, his plane is racing down the runway and up into the air. I walk out of the airport, plop my helmet back on to my head, hop on my bike, and make my way back home, to meet up with Tate, Javy, and Jake to go to the tattoo shop. 
I had texted Jake that instead of coming straight home I was just going to drive around for a bit. I got home around one in the afternoon, and Bradley's plane had taken off at noon. We weren't meeting up with Tate and Javy for another two hours or so. Jake and I took that time to make some lunch and we sat on the couch and turned on Captain America: The First Avenger. As soon as our movie ended, we cleaned up, and then met Javy and Tate at the tattoo shop.
I walk up to Tate and wrap my arm around her shoulder, Jake and Javy standing together now too, "You ready for this TaterTot?" 
"No, not really, but let's turn and burn baby!" Tate says anxiously at the start but turns into pure excitement by the end of the sentence. I chuckle before saying, "Turn and burn babe!" I pulled out the design I thought up for Tate and I to show her. "So I thought we'd get an outline of our F-18, and I'd put a filled in red heart in your seat so I've always got you with me. And then just do another heart outline in my seat."
"Kota–" Tate says, pausing to wipe at her now glossy eyes, "–I love that idea so much! Do you know where you're getting yours placed?" I nod back to her, and point to right behind my right ear. "Do you know where you're getting yours?" She shakes her head no to me, "I hadn't figured it out just yet, but I like the idea of behind the ear, maybe I'll do the same as you." 
I nod, and we are met by our artist, who takes us all back to their room. I nudged Tate, "You go first, you're only getting the one tattoo." She looks at me confused. "I decided while I'm here I'm going to get a few more tattoos for the people that mean the most to me." I say smiling and looking towards Javy and Jake. 
I pass off the design to our artist and they get the stencil made up for Tate and I, placing it on both of us, and we both go to the mirror to check the stencil. It's exactly as I thought it would be, it's perfect. Tate gets hers done, but needed Javy and I to hold her hand. I decided in the meantime to help distract her that I'd sing some of her favorite songs, and that worked very well. 
It was finally my turn and I took extra care to explain all my ideas to my artist. "So this is kind of a laundry list of ideas." The artist nods to me taking in everything I want to get and then it's my turn to get up on the table. I get my matching F-18 with Tate, her seat in the plane on my tattoo is filled in red so I have her with me everywhere I go, while my seat has an open heart, Tate's is the exact same as mine but my seat is filled in for her, and her seat is the open heart. 
My next tattoo I get, is about an inch by an inch. It's an ice cube placed on my right wrist. Inside of the ice cube is a lightning bolt that looks to be carved into the ice. It's in honor of my father, the legendary Iceman, and his Lightning bolt on his helmet. 
My next tattoo is a design for me and my two best guys, Bradley and Jake. It's a pair of aviator sunglasses to represent Bradley, placed on the left side of my rib cage. In one of the lenses of the sunglasses is a sunrise, to represent Jake, and in the other lens is a moonscape to represent me. 
My last tattoo is probably the funniest of them all. I ended up getting a Wile E. Coyote tattooed on the outside of my right ankle to represent Coyote. I spent the entire time during each of the tattoos napping, they gang just looked at me like I had 3 heads or something. 
Once they were all said and done, I walked over to the mirror and looked at them all. I was overwhelmed by how much I loved each of them, because they were all pieces of the people I loved the most. I couldn't contain the tears that welled up and over my lashes, these were the most important people in my life and I now get the honor of carrying them everywhere with me. 
I eventually turned around and showed my friends the tattoos I had gotten, and they all got a little misty eyed as well. I quickly turned back to the mirror, and lifted up my shirt to expose the tattoo meant for Jake, Bradley and I. I quickly snapped a photo, and texted it to Bradley, knowing he should be landing anytime soon, with a caption of "spur of the moment decision, I don't regret a thing. Tag yourself!" 
We all went to end our day with dinner at the diner where the parent trap date had happened just a few months ago. Javy and Tate sat on one side of the booth, while Jake and I sat together on our side. He leaned over to whisper in my ear, "Darlin' I love your new tattoos, especially that little glasses number." 
"I figured you would, it ties in with my two best guys." I smile back leaning more into his side, while his left arm is wrapped around my shoulder. 
My phone goes off, and I look down to see who had just messaged me. I smiled even wider to see "Stud 🐓" pop up on my phone. I quickly opened the message to see a photo of Bradley with misty eyes. While I've got the message still open another one comes through, "I'm definitely the Aviators!" I chuckle at his comment and show Jake the message, "Looks like Bradley loves it too!" 
We have our dinner, and then invite Tate and Javy over to watch more Marvel movies with us. We spent the last few days of our holiday break inviting the two of them over to finish our Marvel movie marathon. As quickly as this break had started, it was ending just that quick, if not feeling quicker than it had started.
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shaineybainey · 2 years
Okay, so I'm finally caught up with Villains of Valley View. Pretty good. I really liked the Jake + Starling subplot. As far as the rest? It didn't turn out to be my favorite.
More below, but please only read if you're open to one viewer's take on the show.
Okay. I wanted to like it. I was prepared to like it, especially with the response I've gotten regarding my theories after watching just a few episodes. Some of the characters, I really love!
HOWEVER, watching the show, I can't help but think I've seen these characters before. I've SEEN this show before, but starring different faces. The arc with Oculan/Declan and Amy being suspicious of him (ft. Hartley and Jake vouching for Dec and telling her he's trustworthy) is EXACTLY the Marcus - Leo plot of Lab Rats season one--Concert in a Can, to be more precise.
The relationship between Jake and Starling, the star-crossed lovers angle (with superheroes vs supervillains being metaphoric of interracial relationships) was Boy Meet World's Shawn and Angela's story. Bonus that Danielle Fishel (Topanga in Boy Meets World) is literally the director every time their story is explored.
Colby discovering new powers every week? Lab Rats seasons 1 & 2, with Adam, Bree, and Chase unlocking a bionic ability at almost each big moments of their lives. Bonus #2 that most of Colby's powers (invisibility, super speed) were literally Bree's bionic abilities.
Hartley making sure that the Maddens' first holidays are special? Essentially guiding them through this new world? Leo Francis Dooley had done that for Adam, Bree, and Chase.
With the exception of Eva, Jake, and Hartley, almost everyone is just a character reincarnated from an earlier work.
But, the biggest thing that makes me seriously not want to watch anymore is the subtle but still pronounced appropriation. I don't use that word lightly, but with this show... It's just hard to ignore.
And the fact that the "bad guys" of the show (yes - the superheroes are the bad guys of this show) are primarily people of color? No.
Also, what's up with the shots always cutting off when that one background student wearing a hijab enters the scene? Like, you see a bit of it just enough to know she's there, but then ??? Why not show her face? It's like they didn't want to commit to her inclusion.
So yeah. No. I've gone through all of this when Lab Rats was first airing *cough* and when they decided to kill off all the other characters of color in the Mighty Med universe for no reason *cough*. I don't want to do it again.
Might check back from time to time, but I might just drop it. Probably just going to stick to my various Marvel TV series.
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reddogf13 · 10 months
Outlast 2: Deliverance CH 7
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Also on A03
Status: Incomplete
Rated: M - Dead Dove Do Not Eat This takes place in the Outlast 2 universe after all.
Previous chap: Ch: 6 Apothecary
Next chap: Ch: 8 Kings men
~Ch: 7 Badlands~
For the whole week he stayed inside to work on the chain mail. Doing a quick check on everyone in the morning then back inside. It became a routine for someone to bring him dinner since he never came out for it. Usually forgetting to eat, he was always worried about why someone was knocking on his door. Marta did it the first few times until John took over. Curious about the work on the chain mail. When Blake would officially step into the quarantine area. Blake unable to give much of an answer. Explaining that his chain mail was for possible arrows shot at him, albeit not very well. Mainly to buy him a couple hits if someone did shoot him, doubting it'd stand up well based on what it was recycled from. As for going, the time would be soon as the week came to a close. Then came the very short topic, asked by John, of dealing with Laird and Nick. After informing John of their deaths since his last visit Blake left to find Jacob. If the medicines here, it'll be time. Leaving for the doctor's place. Picking up a box from a marked location someplace else the doctor instructed them to. Doing a count to make sure it was all there before leaving back to Temple Gate. Time had come to enter the quarantine, but first he had to make the announcement.
Word naturally got around what he was aiming to do. Aside from those horribly ill to the point of seeing it, he wanted to give meds to everyone else. Crush anything anyone had before it became noticeable. Checking over his chain mail vest he deemed “good enough.” Having no sleeves or a collar. Covering him as much as a sleeveless shirt would. It would help keep the vital organs safe, but meant nothing against a head shot or if a leg was crippled. Better than nothing. Tired, he went out to the hall when dinner was being served. Passing up on an offered bowl of chili. Kitchen resorting to cans again after they picked the mountains clean.
Standing at the podium up front people quieted down from their talking. “You all know by now that I plan to enter the quarantine. When I went outside earlier it was to pick up the medicine. These-” Shaking a med bottle in hand. “Will cure those ill in quarantine. Not of everything though. The disease they've suffered for years has done permanent damage that will never go away. But they will be safe to be around and interact with after going through a full treatment of meds. Like them I want everyone here to be on meds. If there is anything going on, but hasn't fully shown itself it'll take care of it. Along with a few other things that basic cough syrup wont handle. Tomorrow I'll enter quarantine to lead them out to the new one for closer watch and care. They will stay there to be treated until fourteen days have passed. After that they will be allowed back into Temple Gate and moved into jobs to help the community. I want everyone to treat them as equals and not lesser. We should all know by now that things weren't a punishment by God. It was all a lie to keep someone high and mighty in position.” Finished until he forgot something. “And uh, there'll be a very important meeting on what this disease is, how it's spread, and other… Things.” Awkwardly stumbling about his sex ED class. Out of the two things he wasn't looking forward to, doing that seemed far worse to tackle. “Line up to get your bottle. Take two pills and keep taking two every day until the bottles empty. Do not skip any.”
Passing out bottles to everyone formed a long line. Mathew approached directly to the front to offer help distributing. “Can I take a bunch of bottles to pass out to the end?”
“Yeah, otherwise it's going to take forever with how long this line is.”
Mathew nodded, Grabbing arm fulls of bottles to pass out half way down the line while Blake did the front. When returning to grab more handfuls his dad offered to help as well. Passing out meds to the whole town in fifteen minutes. Taking stock of what was left Blake was happy to still see many bottles. Good, might have enough. Taking the remaining back to his room for now. Returning to take his, now cold, bowl of chili. Eating through his meal alone with a look over his chain mail. Am I ready for this? Chewing on a bite for ages to the point he could choke it down. Appetite lost by then that he pushed aside his remaining bowl. Gathering up what little energy he had he dragged himself to bed. Throwing the blanket over his head to hide from the world. Wanting to be alone in the quiet dark for the rest of the night. Right as he shut his eyes he bolted up to his name being screamed from outside. Racing out into the dark night he found an angry mob. Yelling to each other while surrounding someone yelling in pain. “What are you doing?!” he shoved through the mob, tearing apart whoever was in its middle. At the front he was stunned back by who it was. “Lynn?!”
She looked at him, carved to pieces. Limbs hanging by uncut tendons. Bones kept others attached without muscle to hide them. “Look what they did to me!” She screeched at him. Hobbling up to her legs. “Look what they did! And you stay with them!”
“I-I'm sorry, I-”
“You help them after what they did! You're a fucking vile piece of shit!”
Blake couldn't muster any words to her. World closing in to crush him. The mob turned to surround him instead. “I-”
“You couldn't help me or Jessica, but you help them?! Did you really try?!”
Tears streamed down his face. “I did!”
“Liar! If you could've killed Knoth just like that, why didn't you? You could've had them help me! You let this all happen! You let them kill me! You let him kill Jessica!”
“Liar! Angel of Death. You'll kill everyone you meet. That's what you want. That's why you're here.” Skin still left on her body sagged. Separating from the muscle it stretched into thin threads as it melted to the floor. “War, now pestilence, who rides next Blake? And then? There's only one horseman left.” Blood fell from her mouth. Boils of pus formed across her, grossly huge before bursting to ooze off her. Eating more of her away as an aggressive acid. The figures around him grew thin and twisted. Swarms of locusts eating past their eyes to burst from their mouths in a darkening cloud. He couldn't be here anymore, he had to leave. He ran through the swarm stopped by an immediate pain of hitting a solid object. Eyes shooting open to find himself flailed out on the floor of his room. Face in pain, mostly his nose, from landing on it. Groaning he slipped back into bed to rub his sore face. His night spent awake in bed, full of dread, staring at the ceiling. Deciding to do something, other than dread for the day, he got up to redecorate. Swiping his glasses from off a shelf before shoving junk boxes to the side to move shelves someplace better. Getting rid of things completely from his room. His lonely cot off to the side opposite to his work desk. A few shelves against the wall toward the left of both. Walls barren of anything except nails. A lone yellowed ceiling bulb providing the room it's only light without windows. Sparse for right now. Need to find a rug to give this place some color. Admiring his organized handy work. Warm expression dulling at seeing the first bit of sun creep under his door. Sighing “here we go.” He grabbed his chain mail to slip on. Wearing his vest he filled with bottles of meds. Bandages shoved in about every pocket he could.
His steps echoing down the hall felt so loud to him. Maybe it was true with how heavy the chain mail was. In the great hall he greeted everyone from the front. “I-… I decided to hold the meeting until after I get back.” Struggling to get through today already.
It must've been written all over his face by what Marta asked him. “Should you go tomorrow?” More of a subtle suggestion.
“No, the longer it takes the less I can save.” Passing by to step out.
Sun hidden by the thick gray clouds collecting across Temple Gate. Following his route he took so many times before to know the way. Good thing I didn't eat breakfast. Stomach already unsettled enough he was sure it would have tossed itself by now. Making one stop to pick something up he Ignored the many steps of followers behind him coming to watch. He stood before the gate into the quarantine zone. Ugly rusted chain link layered by bundles upon bundles of barbed wire to keep all out or in. warnings of sickness to depressing messages of “God bless.” pinned to the chain links. He glanced at Mathew stepping up to his side, who passed a glance back. In a warning he asked the boy.“They tried to kill me last time. I don't know if I can keep you safe. Are you sure you want to go?”
He smiled. “I have faith in you.” Losing it at the sight of what was in Blake's hands.
A long, sharpened axe he stopped for. Brought along to help those far too lost to the disease. “Is your father here? Does he know?”
“H-he didn't want to see me go. We had a long talk b-before.”
They turned to Marta stepping up. “You want me to come?”
“No.” Blake answered. “You're too much of a target if there are arrows. I want as few people as possible for me to worry about.”
She dipped her head, attention snapping to something off in the distance. “Val's watching.” Everyone else's attention snapping toward where she looked.
He scanned the horizon and found that fleck of gold. “Well, if she wants to see an idiot fumble through quarantine. I can't stop her.” Shifting his shoulders he stepped toward the gate. Taking a deep breath he opened the rusted door. “Close this once we're in.” Slipping by to squeeze nervously past the walls of barbed wire. Stuck at his side was Mathew tracing his steps.
More so by the time a thick mist rolled down the mountains to flow between the buildings. Hiding their surroundings until they passed close enough to touch something. If some bastard jumps out to vomit on me again. They're getting an axe to the face, no matter. Axe end held high enough to tap against his cheek. It's cold metal down to its weight lowering his hands brought a strange comfort. What didn't was the noise all the rattling bottles caused at each step. How was I to do this again? Find someone and then? Rounding each corner spiking his fear for it to crash down. Mist making it impossible to see more than five feet in front of him. Whispering to Mathew standing next to him. “Did we pass anyone?”
“I didn't see anyone. I don't hear anyone either.”
“Fuck, someones gotta be around here.” Did everyone die? He feared the worst the longer it took to find anybody. Worried about Mathew after he traveled farther from his side. “Don't go too far. We can't risk it with this mist.” Catching up to the young man stopped by finding someone.
Blake looked down at the one laying before them. “He alive?”
“No.” Confirming what Blake knew from the lack of breathing. “You think they left?”
“I wouldn't be surprised. They didn't have anything here, but death and misery. But how long ago since they left, then? After their deacons' death or after Knoth's?”
“I don't think they would've gotten the news. They only know things because Knoth sent Laird letters.”
“Great, I'll have to break the news then.”
“If we find anyone.”
Forward they passed the stable buildings out into the more shack areas. Environment harder to navigate without any sort of street to follow. Buildings made around trees rather than the other way around. Eaten by nature for daring to try and settle in its path. Bodies littered the ground every few feet. A few were checked for life while others obvious from their half rotten forms. Out of morbid curiosity he stood by a few of the bodies. A similar look about them to how Lynn was in his dream. Can I do this? Doubt gnawed on his mind. Too late to turn back now.
Attention whipping toward Mathew shouting. “Hey, there's someone!” Pointing to a silhouetted figure standing in the fog.
The figure turned to look at Mathew confused. Eyes turned wide when Blake came into view out of the mist. “He's back!” shouting out as he ran away. His silhouette swept away by the thick air.
“Oh boy.” Blake fidgeted with the axe. “Stay close. I don't know what's going to happen.”
Out of the gray they appeared one by one. Dark silhouettes of an approaching mob come to see him. “It's true!” “He's back!” “Our savior!” He heard multiple voices shout. More figures appearing from all sides to circle them.
“Whoa, wait. Hold on!” Blake spoke to the closing crowd.
“He's forgiven us! Forgiven us for killing our saints Laird and Nick!” “Come to deliver his flesh!” “Take a piece of him!” “We are saved!”
“Hey, no! That's not how it works!” His voice fell on deaf ears. Heart thudding in his head at the sharp carving blades shining in their grip. Hands reaching out to tear him apart he grabbed Mathew to turn into a run. leapt on by one of the ill, he dropped his axe. Clawing into whoever was on his back to rip them off. Disgusted by the blood smeared over him he swept the axe back up. Shoving Mathew toward a space they hadn't closed in on. Mobs of the ill coming out of every crevice to crowd after Blake. He knocked a few back by the blunt end of his axe. Leaping over those he thought were bodies until they lunged for their legs.
“What do we do?” Mathew asked the same question Blake was asking himself.
“Find a safe place.” Was what he came up with.
Charging into a shack that had no way to shut themselves inside. Right in and out they went through multiple structures. Leaping over fallen logs to fences they couldn't see much of. A clunk noise turned Blake's blood to ice. Halting behind a tree he yanked Mathew behind in time to see a chunk of tree shot off.
“You said Laird and Nick were dead!”
“They are, but their crossbows still around.” Yanking Mathew forward rather harshly to keep them going before the next reload. Slowed too much the hoard had caught up to the two. Their exits dwindled further and further; they kept making twists and turns to escape. Blake saw in his mind that their escape was turning into a loop. Their circle tightening without a way to break through. If they were caught by the mob wall too long he imagined an arrow would finish them off. A whiz of one by the back of his head nicked the skin off. His dreaded asthma squeezed the lungs out of his air. If he didn't stop soon for a breather he would surely collapse. Mathew would have to guard his body until he woke. Refusing to leave Mathew in that position he rather split away. Shelter was what they needed to have any chance. Ignoring his wheezing he scanned the mists edge, running up to a slanted shack they found empty with some doors to block. Shoving a table against it that wouldn't hold for long. He shook against a wall to wheeze air into his burning lungs. This place felt so much worse then when he was here last. Was this a mistake? Could I go back? Imagining himself returning to disappointed looks from everyone upon his failed mission. He felt sick, readying to vomit. Held back by Mathew patting him on the shoulder. His voice unable to reach Blake stuck in his thoughts. Why am I here? I can't help these people. I shouldn't have come back, I shouldn't be here. Lynn, I'm sorry. I- Literally shaken from his thoughts by Mathew.
“Sir, are you alright?”
He looked down to his hands. “Y-yeah. Needed a moment.” He couldn't stop shaking. God, what am I doing?
“Should we go back? We can come another time with more people. At least when it's clear and we can see our hands in front of our faces.”
Willing to admit defeat if it got him back someplace safe. “Yeah, let's do that.” His lungs no longer burning he went for the door. Table moved to peek his head out he glanced back and forth. Without seeing the silhouette of the hoard he stepped out first. Back slammed into the floor before he realized what had happened. Knocked back so hard by a hit to the chest. His tightly shut eyes opened to Mathews shocked face dragging him back inside to slam the door shut. “Are you okay?!”
Blake sat up to look at what hit him. An arrow, stuck into his chest. He pulled the chain mail away from him and let out a breath when he saw it didn't pierce him too deep. A slight jab while most the arrow was stuck in between the broken links. “Fuck.” Gripping the arrow to yank it out not going too well. It was jammed in good and a mob of people came banging on the door left him no choice but to leave it. Snapping off its length to not deal with that while running. Helped to his feet they prepared for what was coming. Blake had the only weapon on hand. Both had nowhere to run to in the metal makeshift shack. Their lone exit blocked by people wanting to devour him alive. Tightening his grip on the axe he slammed it into one of the walls. Loosening it back enough that him and Mathew slipped out. An arrow swishing past Blake's head when disappearing into the mist.
In his running he didn't see right away that Mathew was no longer at his shoulder. “Mathew?” He called out despite the danger. “Mathew?!” Frantic about if he should run back or search nearby. When did he lose sight of him? Did Mathew get ahead of him? Heart wrenched by the sounds of him begging for help. Blake didn't hesitate to run toward the sound.
Arriving to the scene of them hanging Mathew up a tree. Choked by a rope pulled back by a group Blake charged into the line. Knocking them over to drop Mathew to gasp for air at the dirt. Another arrow slammed Blake down next to him after a hit to the shoulder. Hands grabbed onto his chain mail vest to get a grip on him. Unintentionally helping him to his feet he bashed away those who had a hold. Yanking Mathew up by the arm to scare an exit open by wildly swinging his axe. He could've chopped right through them, but that would ruin the whole reason they were there. Goddamn these people! Another flash of an arrow passed his vision. Lungs choking him to wheeze in what air he could. Anger boiling over at this point. I'm an angel, aren't I? I shouldn't be running. He pushed Mathew forward to keep going.
Choking on his words when Blake ran back to the hoard. “What are you doing?!”
“Living up to my title.” If someones going to die first it's gonna be the one with the arrows. Stopping and going with each shot taken his way. On his final approach his burning courage faltered by another hit to the chest. Gritting his teeth from the painful hit he kept forward. Another hit he was sure broke a rib. Then a third hit too high for his liking. He was close and had to find the bow man before another round was loaded. Soon as he saw a figure by a tree he charged at them. The dull end of his axe slammed into the shooter's head. Blake grabbed the cross bow before it had a second to lay on the ground. Roaring at the one he stood over. “Get up!” Gripping what covering they had to get them on their feet. Fighting him to keep the bow or his axe from being taken. He shoved them back into a nearby tree tired of all the fighting. “You want a savior?! You got the Angel of Death instead! I reaped Knoth's soul in the center of Temple Gate itself!” Like he wanted his title scared the fight right out of his captive. “Eat me and all you'll get is deadly food poisoning!” Calming down to not shout his next wording. “I didn't come to kill, I came here to help, but you have to do what I say.” Giving the other a light shake. “Understand?”
They nodded. “Y-yes.”
“Good, go out and tell them I will help them. Not by being eaten!” Slipping out a bottle. “These can help heal you of the disease, but not of the damage it's done over the years. I have many of these and can get more if there's not enough to pass out. I will lead you all out to a new quarantine. One that's safer where you will get better care. This one can be yours.” Passing the bottle to the others hands. “Get everyone to gather by the gate into Temple Gate. Everyone, no matter their condition. Those I cannot help with medicine… I will help them pass on instead.” Guiding the other out into the mist to gather the still hunting hoard. Really hoping that Mathew was safe wherever he ended up and wasn't eaten. He stood still by the tree, crossbow and axe in hand. Allowing the news of his true saving method to spread first. The mist cleared later in the day he tracked his way back to the more town like area. Anxiety almost having him run at the sight of a mob of people. Calming down that this was the place he told them to meet.
Each one passed glances between one another upon seeing him. Whispers murmuring his intimidating title “Angel of Death”. Alongside the news he informed the first of. “Knoth's gone.” “Taken by the Angel.” “Will we be taken too?” They parted from his path to the center of the assembly.
“I have come to save who I can. If you listen to me I will take you out of this dump to a new quarantine zone. Which will be temporary.” He awkwardly announced. “This was not a punishment from the lord. This was never a “disease of the soul.” You were led astray by Knoth. He spread this disease among you and knew he could have helped you at any time, but he didn't. He is no longer here, I killed him. I will be doing what he was supposed to a long time ago. Not by eating me or my friend.” Pulling another bottle off him to hold up. “After taking this medication for a full fourteen days you will be allowed back fully into Temple Gate.” The news brought up many whispers within the crowd. Hushed by Blake continuing his instructions. “I want to save as many as I can, but I need help finding everyone. As the Angel of Death I have one other task. I can't save everyone, despite wanting to.” Delivering the grim news.
“Who shall be taken to the lord?” One asked.
“... Those the medicine cannot help. You probably know who, ones who suffered the longest… Help me find others to save. Those who are the worst will be getting bottles first.” Spreading a way out of the crowd. He was worried at not seeing Mathew within the crowd. They wandered around the disgusting quarantine area. Checking on bodies to confirm they were dead or not. It didn't take long for Blake to find the first of many too far gone. Laying as the living dead left skinless in the dirt. Emaciated as they wheezed without a reaction to anything Blake spoke to them. He took a deep breath to slam the axe down hard as he could. Skull cracking in two for a merciful kill in one hit. It was why he picked his axe so carefully. Its weight offered a strong hit that wouldn't force him to do another one on a poor soul. Careful around handling those piled in ditches. Half piled with the dead while the rest could be living. If that's what it could be called at this point.
Each merciful passing left Blake questioning if this was right. Could he help them some other way? When he saw the next person suffering he knew there was nothing to be done. Even getting them to a real hospital for help wouldn't save them. At most they'd be given heavy painkillers for end of life care. He kept on his sweep for those too far gone. Wanting to make sure no one was forgotten when they left, stuck alone to rot without anybody knowing.
“Blake!” He stopped when Mathew called. Racing to find him standing at the entrance of a tent half collapsed. The look on his face saying it was urgent. Inside he met a woman looking as bad as the rest. Laying in bed covered in an angry red rash that peeled the skin back. Boils not helping the already damaged skin cracking around them. Covered in old bandages that may as well be useless now. Despite her condition she managed to smile at Blake's appearance. “Here's the angel I told you about mom.” Mathew gestured to Blake.
He smiled an awkward. “Hey.” When introduced. taking a small stool nearby he sat beside her resting place. Examining the poor women he knew the disease had stuck with her too long. Judging by how Mathew left to stand outside, he knew it too.
She wheezed out each word.“My son told me about all you've done.”
“Heh, I don't think it's much. How are you feeling?”
“Tired of being sick. The air is too thick to take in anymore. I can't stand since my heart stills between the few beats.” She was honest, but it wasn't what Blake wanted to hear. Her tired eyes settled on the bloody axe in his hands. “I didn't expect to see my son ever again before my time. Always waiting for the night that would be my last. I prayed for it, being the lone thing I had left to look forward to. Before then I prayed that my son would be safe. That I would never see him end up here. From what he's told me, that won't be happening to anyone else. I'm happy to see that my boys in good hands, that's all I really wanted. I have nothing more to pray for.”
Blake dipped his head down to the axe. Standing to continue out his task without another word. Outside Mathew was on the verge of tears. Unable to look at Blake when he finally stepped out of the tent. Breaking down after Blake set a hand on his shoulder. Crumpling into himself to sit and sob into his hands. Refusing to move on even when his arm was tugged on. One arm pulled away from him he gripped onto a bottle Blake set against his hand. Sobs slowing enough to clear the tears from his eyes to stare down at the orange bottle.
“I have to keep going around for a while. Help your mother and move people to the other quarantine. Pass out the rest of the meds once everyone's settled.” Patting the younger man on the back after he cried even harder over the given bottle.
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"Vision" - Part 1
Masterlist ; Star Wars Masterlist ; Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force Masterlist 
LR/MM/EF x Star Wars [Ahsoka Tano/Chase Davenport] Masterlist 
Request Guidelines 
Synopsis: A contact proposes an unconventional solution to Darth Plagueis' worries.
Fandoms: Star Wars [Mix of Legends & Disney Canon]; Lab Rats/Mighty Med/Elite Force
A/N: Written to fulfill the Douglas Davenport & Darth Plagueis option in this poll. However, Douglas only ended up being alluded to. There will be additional parts to this that move onto other characters: Armida Davenport (OC), Captain Atomic, Arjav Venul (OC), and possibly others, but since I like to keep my tumblr posts short, I will post them all separately, and combine them into a single one shot on Ao3 when finished.
Circa 38 BBY (1996)
Knowledge is power. Ignorance is weakness. The unknown is dangerous to those who survive in the shadows, behind the curtains of the civilized world. An environment the Sith of the Rule of Two have mastered as their domain. All trespassers examined, understood, conquered, and sometimes, eliminated. There are no immovable stones for those who give themselves fully to the Dark Side. 
That is their reality, until it isn’t. 
Darth Plagueis studies the man, if that is an appropriate classification, as he has many times before. As Darth Tenebrous did before him. The man who stands immovable, and bold, before the Dark Lords of the Sith. 
He’s using the name Waylon, but he changes them out in fashion every forty years or so. Red herrings for the peculiarity that his body, near-human with light skin, black hair, and scales on his lower back, never ages. 
His eyes are always so empty. 
That’s the only thing Plagueis ever discovered about him that Waylon didn’t tell him directly. After trying to dispose of the man by cutting off his head, only for it to instantly regenerate, he’d tried to break the man’s iron mind again. Ramming it with the full force of the Dark Side, and only wounding himself. Waylon was impenetrable. But one truth he did realize, trying to wrap his mind around the other’s, was that the man was not really the man. This body was a puppet on strings. Whatever sentience of its own that it may have once possessed had been hollowed out long ago, controlled by a distant being. 
The being now calling itself Waylon is unknowable; immovable. Casually interested, for unknown motives, in the affairs of the two Sith Lords, one now deceased. 
Darth Plagueis cannot move him. But he can use him. 
“You are proposing something beyond what even the Kaminoans could conceive.” 
Waylon draws another puff of smoke from his cigar. “Naturally.”
“You know of a more advanced engineer. The one who designed the body you’re using.” 
Waylon looks amused, smiling in a way that makes his mouth look unnaturally wide, stretched beyond what the skin would normally allow. “A unit like this would not suit your purposes. More likely aggravate your concerns. It’s such an old design anyways. Brilliant for its time, but my kin have been stagnant in improvements. Their vision withered from lack of use; seeing only one kind of power.”
“Perhaps you overestimate my apprentice.”
“You’d be settling for a product mismatched to your needs. I thought you understood the subtleties of what truly creates the right advantage. Precision is more important than raw power.”
“What are you offering?”
“True innovation. You’d be only one of a group of clients, but I know you have the diplomacy to ensure your criteria is prioritized.”
The muun balks. “Such popularity is an unacceptable risk. The rumors…”
“Will not exist. They are bound to their solar system in a galaxy far beyond your hyperspace barrier.”
The man’s casual tone never altered, and he stands as relaxed as he did before, as if he did not just describe an impossibility. Plagueis’ eyes narrow. “Intergalactic travel between distant galaxies was only known to the ancients.”
“True, but not all the ancients had such short, mortal lives. Some still live on, the old familiar and dull to them, the modern obscure and intriguing.” He smiles. “That’s why I like you, Damask. You understand the need to evolve.”
Plagueis withholds his belief. “For one who implies to be daring, you seem quite comfortable in the vague.”
“Secrets shouldn’t be scattered freely like grain, but nurtured and reserved for those who can truly cultivate their potential.” 
“And why would you bestow me with such a gift?”
“Because this engineer is going to build a weapon that will send tremors throughout the universe, and he needs someone who will have the vision to use it.”
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travelinghobby · 1 year
Copy My Trip: Best things I did on a five-day Mediterranean break in Malta
In search of a shot of sea and spring sunshine, Lonely Planet writer Kerry Walker headed to Malta and Gozo and fell hard for these twin islands in the Med. Here she shares the highlights of her trip. With its one-of-a-kind history, cinematic cities built high and mighty by the Knights of St John, ravishing coastlines and distinctive cuisine embracing Italian and Middle Eastern influences, Malta…
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ao3feed-tyrus · 1 year
Disney Channel One-Shots
by Fan_of_many_things
Just some One Shots for some of my Disney Channel Ships
This is a mix of Canon and Non Canon ships while also having Crossover Ships
Summary for this One Shot:
Matteo and Gwen decide to finally go on a date away from camp
Words: 1093, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Andi Mack (TV), Girl Meets World, Bunk'd (TV 2015), Mighty Med (TV 2013), Lab Rats: Elite Force (TV), Lab Rats (TV 2012)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Amber (Andi Mack), Andi Mack, Buffy Driscoll, Cyrus Goodman, Iris (Andi Mack), Jonah Beck, Libby (Andi Mack), Marty (Andi Mack), T. J. Kippen, Walker Brodsky, Riley Matthews, Maya Hart, Lucas Friar, Farkle Minkus, Isadora Smackle, Isaiah "Zay" Babineaux, Jessie Prescott, Emma Ross, Zuri Ross, Ravi Ross, Xander McCormick, Lou Hockhauser, Griff Jones-McCormick, Noah Lambert, Ava King, Matteo Silva, Destiny Baker, Finn Sawyer, Gwen Flores, Bree Davenport, Chase Davenport, Skylar Storm, Kaz (Mighty Med & Lab Rats: Elite Force)
Relationships: Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen, Maya Hart/Riley Matthews, Griff Jones-McCormick/Zuri Ross, Gwen Flores/Matteo Silva, Bree Davenport/Skylar Storm, Chase Davenport/Kaz
Additional Tags: Lesbian Amber (Andi Mack), Pansexual Andi Mack, Bisexual Jonah Beck, Trans Marty (Andi Mack), Pansexual Libby (Andi Mack), Lesbian Iris (Andi Mack), Pansexual Walker Brodsky, T. J. Kippen & Amber Are Siblings, T. J. Kippen & Marty Are Cousins, Bisexual Chase Davenport, Bisexual Leo Dooley, Gay Kaz (Mighty Med & Lab Rats: Elite Force), Lesbian Skylar Storm, Canon Gay Character, Canon Gay Relationship, One Shot, Fluff, Angst, One Shot Collection, Lesbian Bree Davenport, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
from AO3 works tagged 'Cyrus Goodman/T. J. Kippen' https://ift.tt/SdLNIXF via IFTTT
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twigg-is-concerned · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mighty Med Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kaz/Oliver (Mighty Med & Lab Rats: Elite Force) Characters: Kaz (Mighty Med & Lab Rats: Elite Force), Oliver (Mighty Med & Lab Rats: Elite Force) Additional Tags: Kissing, Fluff, One Shot, Domestic Fluff, Movie Night, Maybe underage?, like it's nothing explicit, Mostly just making out, Fluff without Plot, No Plot/Plotless, Tecton's Tactical Takedown, my favorite movie, I just want these two to have more fics, kaziver Summary:
Kaz and Oliver at their weekly movie nights. Oliver just wants to use it as an excuse to make out, and Kaz keeps getting distracted.
I refuse to write about anything other than obscure ships, the next victim of my writing: Kaziver.
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