#cheap car insurance florida
insurancete · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance in Florida
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance in Florida The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance in Florida Types of Car Insurance Coverage: Factors that Affect Car Insurance Rates: 1. Introduction to the Cheapest car insurance in Florida Car insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial protection against losses or damages resulting from a car accident,…
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gowns · 5 months
the fact that it's getting increasingly harder to obtain car or home insurance in california and florida gives me a bad feeling... like uhhhh.... like these insurance companies are privvy to information the populace doesn't have about the exact increase of rate of natural disasters and general "sinking into the sea" for these states........
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mariacallous · 3 days
What would you want to tell the next U.S. president? FP asked nine thinkers from around the world to write a letter with their advice for him or her.
Dear Madam or Mr. President,
Congratulations on your election as president of the United States. You take office at a moment of enormous consequence for a world directly impacted by the twin challenges of energy security and climate change.
Democrats and Republicans disagree on many aspects of energy and climate policy. Yet your administration has the chance to chart a policy path forward that unites both parties around core areas of agreement to advance the U.S. national interest.
First, all should agree that climate change is real and worsening. The escalating threat of climate change is increasingly evident to anyone walking the streets of Phoenix in the summer, buying flood insurance in southern Florida, farming rice in Vietnam, or laboring outdoors in Pakistan. This year will almost certainly surpass 2023 as the warmest year on record.
Second, just as the energy revolution that made the United States the world’s largest oil and gas producer strengthened it economically and geopolitically, so will ensuring U.S. leadership in clean energy technologies enhance the country’s geostrategic position. In a new era of great-power competition, China’s dominance in certain clean energy technologies—such as batteries and cobalt, lithium, graphite, and other critical minerals needed for clean energy products—threatens America’s economic competitiveness and the resilience of its energy supply chains. China’s overcapacity in manufacturing relative to current and future demand undermines investments in the United States and other countries and distorts demand signals that allow the most innovative and efficient firms to compete in the global market.
Third, using less oil in our domestic economy reduces our vulnerability to global oil supply disruptions, such as conflict in the Middle East or attacks on tankers in the Red Sea. Even with the surge in U.S. oil production, the price of oil is set in the global market, so drivers feel the pain of oil price shocks regardless of how much oil the United States imports. True energy security comes from using less, not just producing more.
Fourth, energy security risks extend beyond geopolitics and require investing adequately in domestic energy supply to meet changing circumstances. Today, grid operators and regulators are increasingly warning that the antiquated U.S. electricity system, already adjusting to handle rising levels of intermittent solar and wind energy, is not prepared for growing electricity demand from electric cars, data centers, and artificial intelligence. These reliability concerns were evident when an auction this summer set a price nine times higher than last year’s to be paid by the nation’s largest grid operator to power generators that ensure power will be available when needed. A reliable and affordable power system requires investments in grids as well as diverse energy resources, from cheap but intermittent renewables to storage to on-demand power plants.
Fifth, expanding clean energy sectors in the rest of the world is in the national interest because doing so creates economic opportunities for U.S. firms, diversifies global energy supply chains away from China, and enhances U.S. soft power in rapidly growing economies. (In much the same way, the Marshall Plan not only rebuilt a war-ravaged Europe but also advanced U.S. economic interests, countered Soviet influence, and helped U.S. businesses.) Doing so is especially important in rising so-called middle powers, such as Brazil, India, or Saudi Arabia, that are intent on keeping their diplomatic options open and aligning with the United States or China as it suits them transactionally.
To prevent China from becoming a superpower in rapidly growing clean energy sectors, and thereby curbing the benefits the United States derives from being such a large oil and gas producer, your administration should increase investments in research and development for breakthrough clean energy technologies and boost domestic manufacturing of clean energy. Toward these ends, your administration should quickly finalize outstanding regulatory guidance to allow companies to access federal incentives. Your administration should also work with the other side of the aisle to provide the market with certainty that long-term tax incentives for clean energy deployment—which have bipartisan support and have already encouraged historic levels of private investment—will remain in place. Finally, your administration should work with Congress to counteract the unfair competitive advantage that nations such as China receive by manufacturing industrial products with higher greenhouse gas emissions. Such a carbon import tariff, as proposed with bipartisan support, should be paired with a domestic carbon fee to harmonize the policy with that of other nations—particularly the European Union’s planned carbon border adjustment mechanism.
Your ability to build a strong domestic industrial base in clean energy will be aided by sparking more domestic clean energy use. This is already growing quickly as market forces respond to rapidly falling costs. Increasing America’s ability to produce energy is also necessary to maintain electricity grid reliability and meet the growing needs of data centers and AI. To do so, your administration should prioritize making it easier to build energy infrastructure at scale, which today is the greatest barrier to boosting U.S. domestic energy production. On average, it takes more than a decade to build a new high-voltage transmission line in the United States, and the current backlog of renewable energy projects waiting to be connected to the power grid is twice as large as the electricity system itself. It takes almost two decades to bring a new mine online for the metals and minerals needed for clean energy products, such as lithium and copper.
The permitting reform bill recently negotiated by Sens. Joe Manchin and John Barrasso is a good place to start, but much more needs to be done to reform the nation’s permitting system—while respecting the need for sound environmental reviews and the rights of tribal communities. In addition, reforming the way utilities operate in the United States can increase the incentives that power companies have not just to build new infrastructure but to use existing infrastructure more efficiently. Such measures include deploying batteries to store renewable energy and rewiring old transmission lines with advanced conductors that can double the amount of power they move.
Grid reliability will also require more electricity from sources that are available at all times, known as firm power. Your administration should prioritize making it easier to construct power plants with advanced nuclear technology—which reduce costs, waste, and safety concerns—and to produce nuclear power plant fuel in the United States. Doing so also benefits U.S. national security, as Russia is building more than one-third of new nuclear reactors around the world to bolster its geostrategic influence. While Russia has been the leading exporter of reactors, China has by far the most reactors under construction at home and is thus poised to play an even bigger role in the international market going forward. The United States also currently imports roughly one-fifth of its enriched uranium from Russia. To counter this by building a stronger domestic nuclear industry, your administration should improve the licensing and approval process of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and reform the country’s nuclear waste management policies. In addition to nuclear power, your administration should also make it easier to permit geothermal power plants, which today can play a much larger role in meeting the nation’s energy needs thanks to recent innovations using technology advanced by the oil and gas sector for shale development.
Even with progress on all these challenges, it is unrealistic to expect that the United States can produce all the clean energy products it needs domestically. It will take many years to diminish China’s lead in critical mineral supply, battery manufacturing, and solar manufacturing. The rate of growth needed in clean energy is too overwhelming, and China’s head start is too great to diversify supply chains away from it if the United States relies solely on domestic manufacturing or that of a few friendly countries. As a result, diminishing China’s dominant position requires that your administration expand economic cooperation and trade partnerships with a vast number of other nations. Contrary to today’s protectionist trends, the best antidote to concerns about China’s clean technology dominance is more trade, not less.
Your administration should also strengthen existing tools that increase the supply of clean energy products in emerging and developing economies in order to diversify supply chains and counter China’s influence in these markets. For example, the U.S. International Development Finance Corp. (DFC) can be a powerful tool to support U.S. investment overseas, such as in African or Latin American projects to mine, refine, and process critical minerals. As DFC comes up for reauthorization next year, you should work with Congress to provide DFC with more resources and also change the way federal budgeting rules account for equity investments; this would allow DFC to make far more equity investments even with its existing funding. Your administration can also use DFC to encourage private investment in energy projects in emerging and developing economies by reducing the risk investors face from fluctuations in local currency that can significantly limit their returns or discourage their investment from the start. The U.S. Export-Import Bank is another tool to support the export of U.S. clean tech by providing financing for U.S. goods and services competing with foreign firms abroad.
Despite this country’s deep divisions and polarization, leaders of both parties should agree that bolstering clean energy production in the United States and in a broad range of partner countries around the world is in America’s economic and security interests.
I wish you much success in this work, which will also be the country’s success.
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sirfrogsworth · 2 years
Looking Forward
If I trust my brother... and he did my dad's will properly... and set up my trust correctly... then I should be able to stay in the house for roughly 2 years.
If I trust my brother.
Then I can either sell the house and use that money for a small apartment or try to find a roommate situation to help me stay in the house a little longer. The nice thing about paying the mortgage is I can get most of that money back if I ever do sell the house. It's almost like a savings account with all my stuff inside.
Let's just hope the property value doesn't plummet for some reason. Though it has been around the same amount for many years.
I like living in my house. It's what I've known for 30 years. But being alone in the house is going to be a hard adjustment. After two years (or sooner) I may want to move near Katrina or Delling so I am closer to a support system. I wish we could all live next door to each other. Or live on a farm/ranch situation. And instead of chickens it is just a bunch of free range corgis.
I tried convincing Katrina to build a pool house, but she has a small backyard and no pool. HOWEVER... Apparently Florida has a lot of "mother-in-law suites." I had no idea that had a name, but I could be Katrina's mother-in-law. I have the skill set to guilt trip, make passive-aggressive comments, and judge how she raises her future kids. (And any other outdated stereotypes I've learned from 80s comedians.)
But I also like the idea of having a roommate. I could accommodate a single person or a small family. And I'd love to have an animal of some kind around. We have a huge fenced-in area left over from Otis.
I think I could offer someone a pretty sweet living situation. I have a full basement apartment that I reside in and so the entire upstairs is available for people to live in. I could charge cheaper rent than a cheap apartment in exchange for helping with chores that I struggle to do.
There is plenty of furniture and appliances ready to use. Full laundry room. I've got a really nice home theater in the living room so they can watch movies in style. I also have a few hundred TV series and several thousand movies on Plex. They get a full kitchen and bathroom to themselves. Plenty of garage space and a long driveway to park vehicles. They can have up to 5 rooms to do whatever in. They could do 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and a small den area. My mom liked the den because she could watch her Judge Judy shows while my dad watched JAG in the living room.
If they don't have a family, they could convert 2 of the bedrooms into office space or craft rooms or S&M dungeons. They can decorate any way they'd like. But they have to keep the sex swing clean so I can use it. Not for sex--I just enjoy centripetal forces. And they'll have great privacy as I will be in the downstairs apartment. They'd only see me if I exit the house or if they invite me to dinner or movie night.
All they would have to pay is whatever I can't cover. I'd estimate in the $600-$800 range once the trust fund runs out. Plus the chores like cleaning and yard duty. That's a good deal, right?
The only downside is the house is in a deteriorating neighborhood. Businesses are closing and people are moving away. Our street is pretty isolated so there isn't much danger or crime. But we are adjacent to a dangerous neighborhood and the schools aren't great. That said, while there isn't much around here, in St. Louis you are always ~25 minutes from anything you need. The highway is literally down the street so driving to anywhere is fairly hassle free.
Also, I'd be happy to lend out the car for transport to a job. I'll only need it to get groceries every few weeks. They'd have to get added to my insurance and help with gas and maintenance.
Soooo... yeah, I think I have a lot to offer with my house.
They do have to be okay with my big subwoofer rattling things. The sound doesn't really travel through the floor, but the vibrations can. I can tone it down if they are sleeping though.
Oh! We also have a huge workshop on the property too. It could be used for working on cars or woodworking or an art space. It has electricity, lighting, heating and is perfect for anything that requires getting dirty. If that makes sense.
One idea I have been considering is seeking out an unhoused queer individual who was kicked out or is struggling to afford a decent place. If their parents don't want them, maybe I could provide a safe place. Things are so scary for LGBTQ+ folks right now. Especially in Missouri. St. Louis is a pretty blue city, but Missouri is a blood red state. If I could do something small for someone like that, I would be happy to help. Could be mutually beneficial.
So those are all of my thoughts and ideas as of now.
Again, if I trust my brother, I should have a decent amount of time to figure things out.
If things go sideways, I might be screwed.
So far he seems to be doing all the things he should be doing to get me sorted.
I'm going to choose to trust him.
With my life.
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dizzyluc · 17 days
Incoming vent rant (needed to air out my anger after the past 3 days, considering my pain level I'd say is at a 6 out of 10, and the more constant pain I'm in, the more pissed I get lol...)
This month, let alone this week, has not been kind to me... and it's only Tuesday, THE THIRD ">_> When this month starts off shitty due to something personal related (not health related thankfully, (although it IS insurance related is all I'll say, it could definitely be worse though, but...) it's actually put me in a pretty pissy mood these past few days, which I'm praying Friday it's taken care of, so hoping Friday goes over well) Monday, my "rest up before a long ass week" day, I had to take my car in to get an oil change as my light just lit up, went to a "Take 5" and after waiting 30 minutes, being inside the place that does it, with my car off cause no idea when they would actually just "start" doing stuff... "Oh, we don't have the right thing to change your oil, so we can't do it." THANKS FOR SAYING IT AFTER MAKING ME WAIT (instead of checking real quick if it can be done... then having me wait for everyone that came before me go... although I think they were understaffed too) Then after, I go to a local donut place, that I have been trying to get a coconut flavor for, for WEEKS, even went the day before and they said "oh we will have it tomorrow!" and they still didn't have it... (they have said this 3 times now at this point) pretty much making my outing a complete waste of time. Today being Tuesday? I've been almost crashed into 6+ times (at least twice my mom yelped at people almost creaming me) The donut place, after saying I'd be back at noon today? "It will be ready at 5-6 today!" How. Many. Times... I drop my mom off for her appointment, which normally this one takes 3 hours due to ALWAYS being behind, get a Slurpee... which tasted like a cheap drink... and then every place I went to, for SOME reason, after lunch? Big lines. I get done with the final place almost, expecting to get back and chill and relax after such a hectic afternoon and week so far... (after picking up a pizza cause a good deal usually happened at a certain pizza place nearby on Tuesdays) Mom texts: Oh, I'm just about done, there was no one in the doctor's office today! So we can keep doing errands once you get back! Me thinking... "Can I get just 5 minutes... FIVE. MINUTES." Dealt with more cars trying to ram me (If you go to Florida, be VERY CAUTIOUS about driving here, the people are lunatic drivers, even more so lately it feels like, literally had to slam on my brakes twice today because people THINK THEY OWN THE ROAD, TO PULL OUT IN FRONT OF ME) After finally eating today (I only had donut holes at this point btw today... it was pizza though, but...)
I think my nerves from all the shit happening these past few days finally caught up to me and I got nauseated for like an hour or so, which going back to the donut place didn't help (it still wasn't ready when I got there, it was almost 6 pm) and after they brought it out... it wasn't even the right donuts. "Wait, OHHHH... you wanted the white, coconut donuts we served like, 3 months ago right? With the coconut drizzle? Oh yeah, no that was discontinued." Me thinking: ... I LITERALLY TOLD YOU THIS EVERY TIME "I want the coconut donut that had white frosting, and coconut flakes drizzled on top of the donut" I got whatever the hell they made, got home, let dogs out (while it pretty much was almost raining) and it took me 2 hours to get a shower and now lay down in bed. ... and it just keeps going tomorrow lol... (Gotta be ready by noon, and will be out probably till 6 or so doing "Military Monthly run" aka pick up medicine, pick up veterinarian stuff for dogs, maybe mail some stuff or do a bank run (these 2 not always), followed by pick up cards and any random stuff at the Base Exchange, then the Commissary for almost 2 hours for the family monthly grocery supply [and this is why I call it "grocery day" as it's an all day affair, that literally is dedicated for goods for the month])
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Angel of God, My Guardian Dear Chapter 7: Matt
Rating: Explicit (18+, MINORS DNI)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: While speaking at a local school for visually impaired youth, Matt runs into his childhood best friend, with whom he lost touch almost 20 years prior.
Warnings/Tags: None.
Word Count: ~2,900
A/N: None.
"Hey, how'd it go?" Foggy asked as soon as Matt walked into the office on Tuesday.
"It went great," Matt replied. "Judge Garcia found in favor of Mr. Perry and awarded punitive damages for harassment and illegal eviction on top of granting the injunction."
Foggy huffed out a laugh. "That's great and all, but I actually meant how’d it go with Y/N on Sunday."
"Oh, that! Yeah, that actually went really well too. As expected, she and my mother were both thrilled to see each other."
"And Y/N's aunt?"
"That went surprisingly well too. She wants to meet me." 
Foggy snorted. "Better late than never, right?"
Matt chuckled. "I suppose so. She invited me to come down to Florida when Y/N goes there to visit next month."
"That's great, man. I hope everything goes well."
"Me too." Matt grinned. "I can’t wait for you to meet Y/N tonight. You and Karen are both going to love her, I just know it.”
“I’m sure we will.” 
"So how did the meeting with Mr. Daniels go yesterday?"
Foggy scoffed. "What the insurance company was offering would barely even cover his lost wages, much less his medical bills, so he wants to go ahead and pursue his suit against his former company.”
"I have to run by the Clerk's office so I can file the paperwork before they close, so I'm gonna leave a bit early and will just meet you and Y/N at Josie's."
Matt nodded. "Okay, that's fine."
He headed into his office and set his things down, then set to work on his tasks for the day.
Luckily the day went pretty quickly, and before Matt knew it there was a knock on his door.
"Hey, I'm heading out," Foggy said. "I'll see you in a bit."
Matt nodded. "Okay, see you."
He continued drafting his answer to a lawsuit being filed against another client -- this one a woman who had been involved in a car accident but wasn't actually at fault -- and had just sent it off when he heard Y/N's footsteps coming up the stairs.
He stood and stepped out of his office as she entered the lobby. "Hi, angel."
Y/N walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "Hi, sweetheart. Ready to go?"
Matt nodded. "Yeah, just a second."
He grabbed his suit jacket and cane and shut his office light off. "All set."
"So how was your day?" Y/N asked as they headed downstairs.
"Not bad," Matt replied, opening the outer door and letting Y/N out first before locking it behind them. "Managed to get a lot accomplished. How was yours?"
"It was good. I finally finished getting my summer reading rewards mailed out to all of the students that participated and got started on the article about White Cane Day for our monthly newsletter."
"That's great."
Y/N took his hand as they headed down the sidewalk. "So you said you and Foggy have been going to Josie's since college?"
Matt nodded. "Yeah. Josie's Tuesday 2-for-1 draft beer special got us through many finals weeks and most of our internship."
Y/N let out a light laugh. "My friends and I had a similar hangout in Florida while we were studying for our comprehensive exams, except we went to 'Wine-Down Wednesdays'."
She gave his hand a squeeze. "As great as my study group was though, you were always my favorite study buddy."
Matt smiled. "You were mine too."
He stopped as they reached Josie's, the familiar smell of cheap beer and stale peanuts in the air. "We're here."
"Hey, there you are!" Foggy said cheerfully as Matt guided Y/N towards their usual booth. "Karen texted and said she had a last-minute interview for the paper so she's running late, but is on her way."
Matt nodded. "That's fine."
He gave Y/N's hand a squeeze. "Foggy, I'd like you to meet Y/N. Y/N, this is Foggy."
"It's so nice to meet you," Y/N said. "Matt's told me so much about you."
"Likewise," Foggy said. "You were pretty much all he talked about during college."
"Aww, really?"
Matt shrugged. "We talked about our childhoods a lot, and you were an integral part of mine."
He gave Y/N a quick kiss. "I'm gonna go grab a drink. You want one?"
"Yeah, sure."
"Yeah, I'll take a whiskey."
Matt headed to the bar as Y/N and Foggy sat.
"So Matt said you're a librarian?" he heard Foggy ask.
"Yeah, I'm the children's librarian with the Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library," Y/N replied. 
"That sounds like it must be fun."
"Yeah, it is. I love being able to work with the kids and foster a love of reading in them." Matt could hear the smile in Y/N's voice. "And it all started with Matt."
He turned back towards the bar as the bartender approached.
"What can I getcha?" the bartender asked. 
"Two whiskeys on the rocks and an amaretto sour," Matt replied, handing over his credit card. "And I'd like to start a tab."
"Okay, one second."
Matt waited until their drinks were poured then headed back over to their booth. "Here you go," he said, setting the drinks down and taking a seat next to Y/N.
"Thanks, sweetheart," Y/N said.
"So Y/N was telling me that you were her very first library patron," Foggy added. 
Matt chuckled. "I guess I was, wasn't I? We certainly spent a lot of our free time together reading in the library."
"I'm surprised Matt didn't eventually get sick of the sound of my voice," Y/N added jokingly.
Matt shook his head and smiled over at her. "Never, angel."
He turned as Karen walked up. "Hey, Kare."
"Hey, Matt," Karen replied, setting her purse down and sliding into the booth next to Foggy. "Sorry I'm late." 
Matt shook his head. "It's fine. I'd like you to meet Y/N, my girlfriend."
"Hi," Y/N said. "It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," Karen replied. "So, what'd I miss?"
"Not much," Foggy said. "We haven't gotten to the embarrassing childhood stories yet."
Y/N laughed. "There's not really many of those, but has Matt ever told you about the time we set a mouse loose in Sister Bernadette's office?"
Foggy and Karen both laughed. "No, he hasn't," Foggy said.
"Well, we had just gotten back from recreation time…"
"...You stole a bottle of wine? " Foggy gasped out later as Y/N recounted the time she and Matt had snuck into the church's storeroom.
"They had just gotten a shipment in from the diocese, so I figured they wouldn't miss one bottle," Y/N said with a laugh. "Besides, it was Matt's 17th birthday and we were stuck indoors because of a snowstorm -- how else were we going to celebrate?"
"How did you manage to not get caught?" Karen asked in wonder.
"I distracted Father Reynolds with an impromptu confession so Y/N could sneak out," Matt replied. "I told him that I wanted to start my 17th year on Earth with a clean spiritual slate, so to speak, so it was very urgent, couldn't wait until later."
He grinned. "Totally worth the penance."
Y/N laughed. "We waited until everyone had gone to bed that night then drank it together in Matt's room while we ate the cake Sister Maggie had let me bake for him. Wasn't quite the celebration I had originally planned for my bestie's birthday, but I don't think it turned out too bad, do you, Matty?"
Matt shook his head. "It was great."
Y/N's phone began to ring. "It's my aunt," she said. "Sorry, I'll be right back."
Matt nodded. "Okay."
Y/N slid out of the booth as she answered. "Hello? Hey, Aunt Ruth, what's up? No, I'm out with Matt and a couple of his friends, but it's okay…"
Matt turned to Foggy and Karen as Y/N headed outside to talk to her aunt. "Well? What do you think?"
"I like her," Foggy said. 
"Me too," Karen agreed. 
Matt smiled in relief. "Good."
"She seems really nice." Karen took a sip of her drink. "And I think it's really sweet that she became a librarian because of you."
Matt chuckled. "Honestly she probably would've gone into library science anyway, but yeah, it's nice to know that she never forgot about me just like I never forgot about her."
Karen reached out and patted Matt's hand. "I'm really happy for you, Matt."
"Thank you."
"Sorry about that," Y/N said as she walked back up. 
"It's fine," Matt replied. "Everything okay with your aunt?"
"Oh, yeah, she's good. She was just calling to ask me the name of an author I had told her about the other day so she could suggest them at her book club meeting tomorrow."
"Ah, okay."
Karen finished her drink and stood. "I still have some research to do for my article before I turn it in tomorrow so I need to run, but it was so nice to meet you, Y/N."
"Yeah, you too," Y/N replied. "And my offer to help with future research still stands. We have some databases that you might not otherwise have access to."
"Yeah, I'll definitely take you up on that soon."
Foggy finished his drink as well. "Hey Kare, if you wait up just a second I'll walk you home."
"Okay, thanks."
"You ready to head out too?" Matt asked Y/N.
"Sure," Y/N replied. "I'm ready if you are."
Matt stood and took Y/N's hand, stopping by the bar to close out his tab before they all headed outside. 
"It was really nice meeting you both," Y/N said once they reached the sidewalk.
"Same here," Foggy replied, "especially after hearing about you for so long."
Y/N chuckled. "Next time you'll have to tell me more about Matt's wild college years." 
Foggy huffed out a laugh. "Absolutely, if you tell me more about the pranks you and he used to pull on the nuns at St. Agnes."
"Of course. There were some fun ones."
Foggy clapped Matt on the shoulder. "'Night, you two."
Matt nodded. "'Night, Foggy. 'Night, Karen."
"Good night," Karen replied, giving him a brief hug.
"So, are you ready to call it a night?" Matt asked as Karen and Foggy headed down the street together. 
"Actually… I was thinking we could do dinner since it's still early?" Y/N replied.
Matt nodded with a smile. "What do you have in mind?"
"My place? I can make us something to eat… And maybe you could stay the night if you want?"
Matt wrapped his arms around Y/N's waist and gave her a kiss. "That sounds perfect. Maybe we can stop by my apartment on the way to yours so I can grab some clothes and stuff for tomorrow though?"
"Yeah, absolutely." Y/N slipped her hand into Matt's as they headed towards his apartment. "By the way, I really liked Karen and Foggy."
Matt smiled and gave her hand a squeeze. "They liked you too."
"Glad I got the seal of approval." Y/N paused. "Oh, that reminds me, I gave Aunt Ruth our flight information and she insisted on picking us up from the airport."
Matt chuckled. "Can't wait to cross-examine me, huh?"
Y/N let out a light laugh. "Actually I'm pretty sure it's more like she wants to make a good impression on my 'handsome, successful' boyfriend."
Matt shook his head with a soft smile. "Well in that case, I guess I can't argue."
They made it to Matt's building and headed up to his apartment.
"Would you mind pulling a suit out for me to wear tomorrow?" he asked as they headed towards his bedroom.
"No problem," Y/N replied. "Does it matter which one?"
Matt shook his head. "No, whichever one you choose is fine. Garment bag is at the back of the closet."
He grabbed his gym bag and placed a pair of socks and boxers in it, then headed into his bathroom for his toiletry bag, electric shaver and comb before walking back into his bedroom.
"All set?" Y/N asked as she zipped up his garment bag.
"Yep," Matt replied. "Ready to go."
"Want me to get us an Uber?"
Y/N tapped at her phone. "Okay… there's one just a couple of minutes away."
Matt nodded. "Okay."
They headed back downstairs, exiting Matt's building just as their Uber arrived, and a short ride later, they were pulling up to Y/N's apartment building. 
"How does baked chicken sound for dinner?" Y/N asked as they entered her apartment. 
Matt nodded. "That's fine."
"Okay, make yourself comfortable and I'll get it started."
Matt dropped his bags off in Y/N's bedroom then headed back to her kitchen, making his way to her sink to wash his hands. "How can I help?"
Y/N opened a cabinet and pulled out a couple of wine glasses and an electric corkscrew. "Can you grab a bottle of wine out of the door of the fridge behind you and to the left and uncork it for me, let it breathe for a bit?"
Matt nodded. "Sure thing."
He grabbed a bottle of wine and opened it, the subtly oaky aroma of pinot noir filling his senses. "What else?"
"Umm, could you prep the salad ingredients?"
Y/N handed him a knife and set a tomato and cucumber on a cutting board in front of him. "Lettuce is already in the bowl."
Matt nodded and got to chopping, finishing just as Y/N placed the chicken into her oven to bake. 
He wiped his hands on a dishtowel. "Anything else?"
Y/N took the cutting board and placed it in her sink. "Nope, that's it. You want to go sit while dinner is cooking?"
Matt shook his head and pulled his phone out of his pocket, finding the icon for the classical playlist he sometimes listened to when alone at the office.
He set his phone on the counter and wrapped his hands around Y/N's waist as a soft melody began. "Or you can dance with me instead?"
Y/N hummed and turned in his arms. "You know, that does sound like a much better idea."
Matt took Y/N's hand in his and pulled her close, pressing their joined hands to his chest as they began to sway. "You remember the last time we danced together?"
Y/N gave a hum of affirmation. "Sure do. The church's annual St. Valentine's dance, 2002." 
Matt nodded. "I had told you that I wanted to ask this girl that I really liked to go with me but that I was nervous because I had never danced with anyone before and was afraid I'd mess up, so you offered to practice with me so I'd feel more comfortable dancing with her."
Y/N huffed out a laugh. "My motive in offering to practice with you wasn't completely selfless. I mean yeah, I wanted you to be happy and confident but also if you were interested in someone who clearly wasn't me then that was probably the closest I'd ever get to getting to dance with you, so I wasn't going to miss my chance."
"That's funny since I actually had been talking about you." Matt shook his head with a small smile. "I had come up with this grand plan in order to ask you to go with me, but when the time came to actually do it I chickened out and told you that I had asked the girl I liked to go with me but she had said no." 
He chuckled. "If I remember correctly you said she was 'obviously a dumbass' and offered to go with me instead so she could 'see what she was missing'." 
Y/N huffed out a laugh. "I was torn between wanting to kick some bitch's ass for breaking my best friend's heart and being relieved that I wouldn't have to see the boy I loved dancing with some other girl. I couldn't believe that she had turned you down, especially when I would've jumped at the chance to go with you."
"And I couldn't believe my luck. I screwed up my chance to ask you to go to the dance with me but wound up getting to go with you anyway."
Y/N gave Matt's hand that was joined with hers a squeeze. "I had a really great time that night, by the way."
Matt smiled softly. "Me too. The only thing that could've made it even better is if I had worked up the nerve to kiss you and tell you how I felt about you when I walked you back to your room after it was over."
Y/N hummed contently. "Well, you can kiss me now to make up for it if you want..."
Matt grinned at the teasing tone in Y/N's voice. "Gladly, angel."
He cupped her face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.
"Mmm," he murmured as they broke apart. "Definitely worth the wait."
Y/N chuckled as the timer on her oven went off. "Continue this after dinner?"
"Oh, definitely." Matt gave Y/N one more kiss before letting her go. "We still have lots of missed opportunities to make up for, and I plan on making up for them all."
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abilocksmith · 3 months
Finding Affordable Locksmiths in Your Area: Tips and Tricks
Locking yourself out of your house, automobile, or workplace can be frustrating and worrying. In such situations, you need the services of a reliable and coffee-fee locksmith. But, finding a sincere and cheap locksmith in Jacksonville can be a daunting project, specifically in case you're unfamiliar with the vicinity. This article will offer you beneficial online hints that will help you discover a legitimate and proper locksmith in Jacksonville, Florida, in your area.
Research And Examine Expenses One of the simplest methods to find an inexpensive locksmith is to analyze and observe prices from particular provider vendors. You may begin by requesting hints from buddies, circle of relatives, or colleagues who've used a locksmith's offerings inside and beyond. Popular critiques also can provide treasured insights into the quality of issuer and pricing offered by using diverse locksmiths in your area.
Watch Out For Scams And Hidden Prices Unluckily, the locksmith Jacksonville Florida organization is not proof against scams and unethical practices. Some locksmiths may additionally quote a low charge, to begin with, but then add hidden prices or try to upsell you on vain services. To avoid falling sufferer to such scams, continually ask for an intensive breakdown of the expenses prematurely, at the side of any extra costs or costs that may arise.
Search For Licensed And Insured Locksmiths Even when handling a locksmith, it's important to make sure that they are licensed and insured. A certified locksmith in Jacksonville, Florida, has long passed via the right schooling and adheres to employer requirements and policies online. Additionally, an insured locksmith protects you from any legal duty in case of accidents or damages throughout the provider.
Recollect Mobile Locksmiths Cell locksmiths can be a handy and inexpensive alternative, particularly in case you're locked from your car or in a miles-flung vicinity. The locksmiths usually have lower overhead prices than conventional locksmith shops, which can translate into lower expenses for clients. However, it is vital to confirm the legitimacy of the cell locksmith carrier before hiring them.
Timing Subjects The time of day or night can also affect the cost of locksmith offerings. Many locksmiths pay better expenses for after-hours or emergency services. In case your state of affairs isn't always a right-away emergency, remember to schedule the service at some stage in everyday commercial corporation hours to take advantage of lower fees.
Extra On Lines For Locating Affordable Locksmiths • Ask about discounts or promotions: a few locksmiths may offer discounts for seniors, university students, or individuals of tremendous corporations. It in no way hurts to inquire about any to-be-had discounts. • Bear in mind that locksmith services are supplied with the aid of hardware stores or protection groups. At the same time, as they are now not their number one commercial enterprise, a few hardware stores or safety agencies may additionally provide locksmith offerings at aggressive charges. • Negotiate fees: do not be afraid to negotiate the fee, mainly if you're evaluating expenses from multiple locksmiths. • Choose out a neighborhood locksmith: neighborhood locksmiths may additionally offer extra low-cost fees compared to national chains because of decreased overhead fees.
Locating a cheap and reliable locksmith in your vicinity may be a difficult task. However, it's now not viable. By following the tips and guidelines on lined online in this newsletter, you could boost your possibilities of securing the offerings of an honest and cheap locksmith in Jacksonville without compromising on the best. Recall investigating, examining expenses, verifying licenses and coverage, and don't forget cellular locksmiths or timing your company throughout everyday agency hours. With a bit of effort and diligence, you may make sure that you have access to inexpensive locksmith services when you need them most.
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your-article · 8 months
Cheap Car Insurance in Florida with Low Down Payment No Deposit?
Is It Possible To Find Cheap Car Insurance in Florida with Low Down Payment No Deposit? Think you have freedom if you’re 16, live in Florida, and just got a car and your driver’s license? Think again. You can’t legally drive that car unless you buy car insurance. Contrary to popular belief, not all car insurance policies in Florida are expensive. You’re going to learn how to find cheap car…
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202310271 · 10 months
"Moving Around"
I feel the people monitoring me in private ruined it for me after with Petra Mullejans making me not able to escape how people in Orlando acted because then the people in Cleveland did.
What they did was make it so I couldn't somehow set myself up in my room or new home finally and somewhat with a kind of luck ... that now I kept thinking I should move back to Florida so people don't always panic in my face while I sit alone in my home that things like computers aren't modern and freak out about food running out the door and money going down the hole "no matter what."
So, I'm from Florida and post online. My family from my dad's side is mostly from Pennsylvania, and I'm nextdoor in Ohio and you know Pennsylvania is notorious for being Amish or "just farmers."
So, back in Florida, everyone is so grateful to every last drop to try to just feel more pleasance and pleasing pleasure in life, respect computers like a god. In Pennsylvania, it's like that with food. I notice Cleveland is the only one taking for granted food from Pennsylvania and computers being modern, not something to slip in the trash, as you exit the door.
I've not been able to unwind in Cleveland like in Orlando, as I said it transferred. Also, the people monitoring me in private "didn't do anything." I was still shit for going to college rather than getting a minimum wage job. My parents died and I couldn't graduate. I did like hundreds of job applications over the more recent years and had 7 jobs from 2019-2023. Anyway. I guess I was just shit. I wanted to get off Social Security Income and was sick from pills I didn't need. I couldn't get a high paying job or work full time on Social Security. Joni kept repeating after Barb not to get off Social Security, and they were supposed to help me but knew they didn't have to, even if they said. Everyone else bothered me for not getting helped, when my parents died without insurance, from losing money from their illnesses. They just knew I went to college. I was at home practicing. I was told by my dad's cousin, my dad's younger sister, and my therapist to find a group home, one they don't have to pay for of course, and most are full. I did it so I could finish college. Oh, Cleveland was excited, especially the girl in charge of the second group home. They were excited, like Orlando, about practicing all the time to catch up with people who started younger. Except, no one focused on not taxing my nerves, illegally threatening me about my needs, etc., and just that I practice violin or else, I'm trashed and hurt. I asked for better and more nutritious food, and Cleveland yelled at me and didn't get in trouble. No one helped me find a new group home. I had to leave in a hurry when police wouldn't collect a dangerous man I lived with for 8 or 9 months. I moved to a $630 apartment per month, and it was so noisy for over a year. I could not concentrate. I managed to block then noise with a noisemaker, earplugs, and YouTube with a speaker I could afford. It is nice it is a complex. I thought you couldn't find or wait for a cheap one, like $100-$200. So, I lost $400 a month. Instead, I have $900 after "bills." Toiletries per month usually is $100 and sometimes other needs. I need to get insurance and a retirement piggy bank or account. So, $800/month for food is not eating out every week if you eat enough? I cold have had $1200, which is a big chunk of a minimum wage worker paycheck. Lots of people who work have families if planning to go to college or maybe in college. They might not even pay for their car, like $100 if used.
I could get "well over a million $" from Lejeune and not sure what to do rather than save ALL of it and just stay here. I only came here temporarily and wanted to be an American in Europe. I wonder about being HALF Chinese half White, as FULL Asians are actually accepted in Germany, Berlin, Paris... If I got a lot, I could do a lot not buy a mansion. I could wait. College is a waste for a smart person like me who does the arts. Europe is drooling with its young adult females. I wanted to fit in and do Business and make lots of money, but I guess I'm in the arts and shouldn't even finish my AA. I am gonna record a singing CD to start and use MIDIs, just want to know if it will sell now since I can't afford to advertise anything if more than like $100. Hollywood seems expensive and no time to dance maybe, but that's another thing I miss in the world.
So, where to live? L.A.? I don't really wanna. The arts, N.Y.C.? London? Italy?
Florida? Just because of the computers and interference Up North from the people monitoring me in private using Petra Mullejans and Andre Rieu as a running excuse in their subconscious still? It's hot in Florida and sorta laid back and not always a high EQ, or emotional intelligence. People Up North are strong and free to roam around. Georgia and the South? Elite but stuck up about family.
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wiackcom · 1 year
With the average car insurance premium topping $1,500 per year, finding affordable coverage is crucial for many drivers. Auto insurance rates can vary dramatically between different insurance companies for the exact same driver. Shopping around and comparing quotes is key to score a cheap car insurance policy that still provides sufficient protection. Follow this comprehensive guide to understand what impacts your insurance rates, and how to find and qualify for the best cheap car insurance in your state. Auto Insurance Cost Comparison is Crucial The National Association of Insurance Commissioners reports that annual premiums fluctuate by hundreds of dollars between large auto insurers for identical state minimum liability coverage. This means the insurer you choose can make a huge impact on the cost of your policy. Let's compare quotes for a 30 year old driver in Florida buying minimum required bodily injury and property damage liability coverage: CompanyAnnual PremiumGeico$860Progressive$950State Farm$985Allstate$1,350 As the example shows, choosing the cheapest company saves this driver almost $500 per year! Multiplied over several years, the savings from finding the lowest cost insurer really add up. That's why shopping around for quotes rather than automatically going with a single well-known national brand is critical to uncovering affordable pricing. Cast a wide net across both major national carriers and good value regional companies when searching for your cheapest policy. Online Quote Tools Make Comparing Simple In the past, comparing insurance rates involved calling individual companies to tediously answer the same questions multiple times. Fortunately, today there are online insurance quote comparison tools that streamline this process immensely. You simply enter your basic personal and vehicle information one time on these sites. You immediately receive a side-by-side display of quotes from over a dozen top insurers. This allows you to instantly see which companies offer the most competitive rates for your situation with minimal effort. Be sure to use quote comparison sites like TheZebra, Gabi, and Nerdwallet to expedite your rate shopping process. The Main Factors That Determine Your Insurance Cost Insurance companies calculate premiums based on how likely you are to file a claim. Several criteria determine your perceived risk level and thus your auto policy rates. Driver Profile Your age, gender, marital status, credit score, mileage, and driving record all get factored into most quotes. Teen and elderly drivers pay the most, while middle-aged drivers with excellent credit and clean records qualify for the lowest rates. Vehicle Profile The make, model, age, anti-theft features, and safety ratings of your vehicle impact premiums. Sports cars and expensive luxury vehicles cost more to insure than standard family sedans and minivans. Newer vehicles with the latest safety tech pay lower rates. Policy Limits Higher liability coverage limits cost more, but also provide greater protection. Likewise, lowering your deductible reduces out-of-pocket costs if you file a claim, at the expense of a higher premium. Finding the optimal balance point helps minimize your total costs. Location Insurance rates vary between states, cities, and even zip codes within the same city. More claims and thefts in an area lead to higher average premiums. Moving to a lower risk area can significantly reduce your costs. Let's explore the major cheap insurance companies and cost-saving tactics in more detail. The Best Cheap Car Insurance Companies While your risk profile determines the baseline rates, some insurers consistently offer cheaper pricing for similar coverage. Here are top picks for cheap car insurance companies that also provide solid customer service: Geico Thanks to efficient online operations, Geico delivers some of the lowest rates available while ranking well in customer satisfaction.
Geico insures over 28 million vehicles across the country. They offer extensive discounts coupled with highly competitive base pricing. Progressive Progressive writes over 10% of all car insurance policies, while investing heavily in digital tools to reduce internal costs. Usage-based policies that track actual driving habits can yield steep discounts. Rates consistently rank among the lowest. State Farm The #1 insurer of cars in the United States, State Farm leverages its scale and 80+ years in the business to offer affordable pricing. Bundling home and auto insurance can provide an additional discount. Claims process satisfaction is excellent. USAA Exclusively serving current and former military members and families, USAA's rates are some of the lowest in the industry. Member dividends further reduce costs. Consistently earns stellar reviews for customer service experience. Metromile Metromile charges based on actual mileage driven, with base rates starting very low. An excellent choice if you drive fewer than 10,000 miles annually in your car. Highly rated for claims handling. Following these top cheap companies will point you in the direction of competitively priced insurance. But always shop multiple quotes specific to your situation. Effective Ways to Lower Your Insurance Premium Beyond choosing a cheap insurer, there are several steps you can take to enjoy maximum savings on your car insurance: Maintain a Clean Driving Record Avoid accidents, moving violations, DUIs, and traffic tickets going back 5+ years. The fewer marks on your record, the larger your good driver discount grows over time. Choose a Lower-Risk Vehicle Opt for an affordable, low-horsepower sedan over a sports car. Newer vehicles with the latest safety equipment cost less to insure than aged cars lacking airbags and traction control. Ask About All Available Discounts Take advantage of any discounts like good student, defensive driving course completion, affinity organization membership, anti-theft device installation, and paying your premium annually or biannually rather than monthly. Increase Your Deductible Choosing a higher deductible of $500, $1000 or $2000 lowers premiums substantially while still protecting from major repair bills. Improve Your Credit Score In most states, insurers can factor in your credit-based insurance score. Improve your rating to boost your premium. Enroll in Usage-Based Insurance Insurers like Progressive offer policies using a monitoring device to base rates on actual driving mileage and habits. Responsible drivers get significant discounts. Doing your part to lower risk leads to the best cheap car insurance rates over the long term. State Minimum Liability Coverage is Just the Starting Point Liability coverage pays for damage you cause to others in an accident. All states have minimum mandated liability limits that policies must meet: Bodily Injury Liability: Covers injuries to others caused by you, with per person and per accident limits. Property Damage Liability: Covers damage you cause to another vehicle or property. However, experts almost unanimously agree that purchasing just the bare minimum liability coverage is a mistake. Minimal state-required limits often provide insufficient protection. After a serious accident, the injured party's medical bills and car repair costs can easily exceed typical minimum limits of $25,000 or $50,000. This leaves you financially exposed for any amount not covered by your policy limits. That's why it's wise to purchase higher 50/100/50 or 100/300/100 liability limits for greater asset protection. The small premium increase is worthwhile to avoid personal liability for damages that exceed your policy's coverage maximum. Never focus strictly on price at the expense of adequate coverage when shopping for cheap car insurance. Protect yourself with smart liability limits that go above the minimum state req
uirements. Real-World Examples of Cheap Policy Rates To make cheap car insurance more tangible, here are two examples of drivers who found great low-cost rates: Example 1: Young Renter Getting First Policy Sophia is a 22 year old woman getting her own car insurance policy after moving to Denver following college graduation. She bought a used 2015 Toyota Corolla and needs to insure it with 50/100/50 liability limits. She has a clean driving record and solid 720 credit score. But her young age means higher rates. She gets these quotes: Geico: $148/month Progressive: $165/month Allstate: $220/month Thanks to comparison shopping, Sophia finds affordable insurance with Geico for nearly $75/month less than the most expensive option. Example 2: Middle-Aged Safe Driver Bob is a 42 year old man in Tampa, Florida looking to insure his 2018 Honda Accord with 100/300/100 liability coverage. He has an excellent credit score and 15+ years of accident- and violation-free driving. Bob finds these rates: Geico: $78/month State Farm: $82/month Allstate: $142/month Because Bob represents a very low-risk driver, he qualifies for the lowest rates from value insurers like Geico and State Farm. He saves over $60/month compared to Allstate. As you can see from the examples, cheap car insurance is attainable for all types of drivers who put in the effort to find it through smart shopping. Finding the Best Cheap Car Insurance for You The auto insurance marketplace offers great choice and flexibility. Drivers willing to put in some legwork can uncover huge savings opportunities while still getting sufficient coverage from a reputable insurer. Follow these tips to secure a top value insurance policy for your needs: Compare quotes from national brands and lesser-known regional players Ask about all available discounts you may qualify for Choose higher liability limits for greater financial protection Maintain excellent driving habits over time to qualify for the lowest rates Consider usage-based insurance if you drive fewer than 10,000 miles/year Finding inexpensive car insurance requires being a savvy and informed consumer. But taking the time to understand this guide will lead you to fantastic savings while keeping your assets protected on the road. FAQs Why is it important to compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the cheapest rates? Comparing quotes from multiple insurers is important to find the cheapest rates because each insurance company has its own pricing model and factors that determine premiums. By obtaining quotes from different insurers, you can compare rates and coverage options to identify the insurer that offers the most affordable rate for your specific needs and circumstances. What key factors do insurance companies use to determine premium costs? Insurance companies use various factors to determine premium costs, including: Age, gender, and marital status Driving record and history Type of vehicle and its safety features Location and driving habits Credit score and financial history Coverage options and limits Each insurance company may weigh these factors differently, which can result in different premium costs for the same driver. Which major insurance companies typically offer some of the most affordable rates? According to various sources, some major insurance companies that typically offer affordable rates include Geico, State Farm, Progressive, Allstate, and Nationwide. However, the affordability of rates can vary depending on individual factors such as age, annual mileage, driving record, location, and vehicle type. What steps can a driver take to potentially lower their car insurance premium? Drivers can take several steps to potentially lower their car insurance premium, including: Maintaining a clean driving record Choosing a vehicle with safety features and a good safety rating Increasing deductibles and
reducing coverage limits Bundling car insurance with other policies, such as homeowners insurance Taking advantage of available discounts, such as good driver or good student discounts Shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple insurers. What are the minimum insurance requirements in most states? The minimum insurance requirements in most states include liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage. The specific coverage amounts can vary by state, but the most common minimum requirements are 25/50/10, which means $25,000 for bodily injury liability per person, $50,000 for bodily injury liability per accident, and $10,000 for property damage liability per accident. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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sportyconnect · 1 year
With the average car insurance premium topping $1,500 per year, finding affordable coverage is crucial for many drivers. Auto insurance rates can vary dramatically between different insurance companies for the exact same driver. Shopping around and comparing quotes is key to score a cheap car insurance policy that still provides sufficient protection. Follow this comprehensive guide to understand what impacts your insurance rates, and how to find and qualify for the best cheap car insurance in your state. Auto Insurance Cost Comparison is Crucial The National Association of Insurance Commissioners reports that annual premiums fluctuate by hundreds of dollars between large auto insurers for identical state minimum liability coverage. This means the insurer you choose can make a huge impact on the cost of your policy. Let's compare quotes for a 30 year old driver in Florida buying minimum required bodily injury and property damage liability coverage: CompanyAnnual PremiumGeico$860Progressive$950State Farm$985Allstate$1,350 As the example shows, choosing the cheapest company saves this driver almost $500 per year! Multiplied over several years, the savings from finding the lowest cost insurer really add up. That's why shopping around for quotes rather than automatically going with a single well-known national brand is critical to uncovering affordable pricing. Cast a wide net across both major national carriers and good value regional companies when searching for your cheapest policy. Online Quote Tools Make Comparing Simple In the past, comparing insurance rates involved calling individual companies to tediously answer the same questions multiple times. Fortunately, today there are online insurance quote comparison tools that streamline this process immensely. You simply enter your basic personal and vehicle information one time on these sites. You immediately receive a side-by-side display of quotes from over a dozen top insurers. This allows you to instantly see which companies offer the most competitive rates for your situation with minimal effort. Be sure to use quote comparison sites like TheZebra, Gabi, and Nerdwallet to expedite your rate shopping process. The Main Factors That Determine Your Insurance Cost Insurance companies calculate premiums based on how likely you are to file a claim. Several criteria determine your perceived risk level and thus your auto policy rates. Driver Profile Your age, gender, marital status, credit score, mileage, and driving record all get factored into most quotes. Teen and elderly drivers pay the most, while middle-aged drivers with excellent credit and clean records qualify for the lowest rates. Vehicle Profile The make, model, age, anti-theft features, and safety ratings of your vehicle impact premiums. Sports cars and expensive luxury vehicles cost more to insure than standard family sedans and minivans. Newer vehicles with the latest safety tech pay lower rates. Policy Limits Higher liability coverage limits cost more, but also provide greater protection. Likewise, lowering your deductible reduces out-of-pocket costs if you file a claim, at the expense of a higher premium. Finding the optimal balance point helps minimize your total costs. Location Insurance rates vary between states, cities, and even zip codes within the same city. More claims and thefts in an area lead to higher average premiums. Moving to a lower risk area can significantly reduce your costs. Let's explore the major cheap insurance companies and cost-saving tactics in more detail. The Best Cheap Car Insurance Companies While your risk profile determines the baseline rates, some insurers consistently offer cheaper pricing for similar coverage. Here are top picks for cheap car insurance companies that also provide solid customer service: Geico Thanks to efficient online operations, Geico delivers some of the lowest rates available while ranking well in customer satisfaction.
Geico insures over 28 million vehicles across the country. They offer extensive discounts coupled with highly competitive base pricing. Progressive Progressive writes over 10% of all car insurance policies, while investing heavily in digital tools to reduce internal costs. Usage-based policies that track actual driving habits can yield steep discounts. Rates consistently rank among the lowest. State Farm The #1 insurer of cars in the United States, State Farm leverages its scale and 80+ years in the business to offer affordable pricing. Bundling home and auto insurance can provide an additional discount. Claims process satisfaction is excellent. USAA Exclusively serving current and former military members and families, USAA's rates are some of the lowest in the industry. Member dividends further reduce costs. Consistently earns stellar reviews for customer service experience. Metromile Metromile charges based on actual mileage driven, with base rates starting very low. An excellent choice if you drive fewer than 10,000 miles annually in your car. Highly rated for claims handling. Following these top cheap companies will point you in the direction of competitively priced insurance. But always shop multiple quotes specific to your situation. Effective Ways to Lower Your Insurance Premium Beyond choosing a cheap insurer, there are several steps you can take to enjoy maximum savings on your car insurance: Maintain a Clean Driving Record Avoid accidents, moving violations, DUIs, and traffic tickets going back 5+ years. The fewer marks on your record, the larger your good driver discount grows over time. Choose a Lower-Risk Vehicle Opt for an affordable, low-horsepower sedan over a sports car. Newer vehicles with the latest safety equipment cost less to insure than aged cars lacking airbags and traction control. Ask About All Available Discounts Take advantage of any discounts like good student, defensive driving course completion, affinity organization membership, anti-theft device installation, and paying your premium annually or biannually rather than monthly. Increase Your Deductible Choosing a higher deductible of $500, $1000 or $2000 lowers premiums substantially while still protecting from major repair bills. Improve Your Credit Score In most states, insurers can factor in your credit-based insurance score. Improve your rating to boost your premium. Enroll in Usage-Based Insurance Insurers like Progressive offer policies using a monitoring device to base rates on actual driving mileage and habits. Responsible drivers get significant discounts. Doing your part to lower risk leads to the best cheap car insurance rates over the long term. State Minimum Liability Coverage is Just the Starting Point Liability coverage pays for damage you cause to others in an accident. All states have minimum mandated liability limits that policies must meet: Bodily Injury Liability: Covers injuries to others caused by you, with per person and per accident limits. Property Damage Liability: Covers damage you cause to another vehicle or property. However, experts almost unanimously agree that purchasing just the bare minimum liability coverage is a mistake. Minimal state-required limits often provide insufficient protection. After a serious accident, the injured party's medical bills and car repair costs can easily exceed typical minimum limits of $25,000 or $50,000. This leaves you financially exposed for any amount not covered by your policy limits. That's why it's wise to purchase higher 50/100/50 or 100/300/100 liability limits for greater asset protection. The small premium increase is worthwhile to avoid personal liability for damages that exceed your policy's coverage maximum. Never focus strictly on price at the expense of adequate coverage when shopping for cheap car insurance. Protect yourself with smart liability limits that go above the minimum state req
uirements. Real-World Examples of Cheap Policy Rates To make cheap car insurance more tangible, here are two examples of drivers who found great low-cost rates: Example 1: Young Renter Getting First Policy Sophia is a 22 year old woman getting her own car insurance policy after moving to Denver following college graduation. She bought a used 2015 Toyota Corolla and needs to insure it with 50/100/50 liability limits. She has a clean driving record and solid 720 credit score. But her young age means higher rates. She gets these quotes: Geico: $148/month Progressive: $165/month Allstate: $220/month Thanks to comparison shopping, Sophia finds affordable insurance with Geico for nearly $75/month less than the most expensive option. Example 2: Middle-Aged Safe Driver Bob is a 42 year old man in Tampa, Florida looking to insure his 2018 Honda Accord with 100/300/100 liability coverage. He has an excellent credit score and 15+ years of accident- and violation-free driving. Bob finds these rates: Geico: $78/month State Farm: $82/month Allstate: $142/month Because Bob represents a very low-risk driver, he qualifies for the lowest rates from value insurers like Geico and State Farm. He saves over $60/month compared to Allstate. As you can see from the examples, cheap car insurance is attainable for all types of drivers who put in the effort to find it through smart shopping. Finding the Best Cheap Car Insurance for You The auto insurance marketplace offers great choice and flexibility. Drivers willing to put in some legwork can uncover huge savings opportunities while still getting sufficient coverage from a reputable insurer. Follow these tips to secure a top value insurance policy for your needs: Compare quotes from national brands and lesser-known regional players Ask about all available discounts you may qualify for Choose higher liability limits for greater financial protection Maintain excellent driving habits over time to qualify for the lowest rates Consider usage-based insurance if you drive fewer than 10,000 miles/year Finding inexpensive car insurance requires being a savvy and informed consumer. But taking the time to understand this guide will lead you to fantastic savings while keeping your assets protected on the road. FAQs Why is it important to compare quotes from multiple insurers to find the cheapest rates? Comparing quotes from multiple insurers is important to find the cheapest rates because each insurance company has its own pricing model and factors that determine premiums. By obtaining quotes from different insurers, you can compare rates and coverage options to identify the insurer that offers the most affordable rate for your specific needs and circumstances. What key factors do insurance companies use to determine premium costs? Insurance companies use various factors to determine premium costs, including: Age, gender, and marital status Driving record and history Type of vehicle and its safety features Location and driving habits Credit score and financial history Coverage options and limits Each insurance company may weigh these factors differently, which can result in different premium costs for the same driver. Which major insurance companies typically offer some of the most affordable rates? According to various sources, some major insurance companies that typically offer affordable rates include Geico, State Farm, Progressive, Allstate, and Nationwide. However, the affordability of rates can vary depending on individual factors such as age, annual mileage, driving record, location, and vehicle type. What steps can a driver take to potentially lower their car insurance premium? Drivers can take several steps to potentially lower their car insurance premium, including: Maintaining a clean driving record Choosing a vehicle with safety features and a good safety rating Increasing deductibles and
reducing coverage limits Bundling car insurance with other policies, such as homeowners insurance Taking advantage of available discounts, such as good driver or good student discounts Shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple insurers. What are the minimum insurance requirements in most states? The minimum insurance requirements in most states include liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage. The specific coverage amounts can vary by state, but the most common minimum requirements are 25/50/10, which means $25,000 for bodily injury liability per person, $50,000 for bodily injury liability per accident, and $10,000 for property damage liability per accident. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
We modified our e-bike at the recycled motors company. And it looks like the Indian bike a little except the seat is adjustable while you're riding you can stand up and hit your button that you preset and it you can send it for increments of half inch up to four inches or four and a half inches from down all the way and it goes up all the way and you sit down and you buckle your bicycle and your legs extend like they're supposed to and then if you want to cruise you hit the button again it drops you down it's just a lot easier to handle the bike a lot of people tend to cruise in certain areas and bicycle and others or they're exercising or they're not or they're just commuting or they go in the middle and just kind of pedaling a little and he said that you could have a couple settings and we're going to go ahead and do this it's a great way to do it it's a much safer bike it's much easier to handle the tires are great they're three and a half inch Enduro the shocks are in the front and the back the controls are simple the battery is quick charge it's our new one it's cheap isn't anything wrong with it except we can upgrade the motor and the battery and put the dot package on for a moped an electric moped and it go about 60 70 mph and it will be a full-blown moped with signals and the extra breaking breaks and more to make it a moped is a few fairings and some parts are more heavy duty but really it doesn't weigh too much more about 10 lb and it's got a much bigger battery and it'll go about 250 MI now without pedaling and the moped law in Florida is you don't need to moped license or motorcycle license you just need insurance and you can do it on the good faith you open up another bank account and you can even name the bank account good faith insurance and they do that for you at the bank in florida. And now this is a great idea because people need these and that wants them for tourism stuff too it's a little more dangerous than a scooter because oh when you're going around the corner if you have the wrong foot down you're going to you're going to fly although it's a little bit higher up on the pedal and that's where the seat adjustment helps I'm usually you'd have to take quite a corner in order to catch one and they also make them folding on a moped and they do that on purpose so we might add that feature and people said we probably should and if you fold it up your foot's going to get a little hurt but you're not going to be flying definitely. And we all think of Doug hand s*** and his moped his puck and it looked like one and it's red and he's going 35 and everyone goes by him at 45 and slipping everyone off cuz you're speeding and he just could not keep up with that damn thing and with this you can keep up and it looks kind of like a motorcycle it's really nice looking so we want our son to have one so going to work on it this is a great idea and it's great for tourism too if the breaks down you can pedal back it shouldn't break down if you run out of charge this is going to be fine but we'll put the charger on the moped that you can do it the gas station and actually he could go all over the place up and down the 41 all the way up to Tampa when a moped
Thor Freya
Is God starting stupid but it's a great idea people want to go out on Saturday and Sunday and relax they could all go on their mopeds to the beach I'll tell you why this is the best idea I've heard yet electric moped and you can make a gas version and he does that with this company everything is interchangeable and they do say all the bolts and everything and not the same ones on the motorcycle except they have some extra bigger ones it's going to go like this they can make these things real fast and it's recycling and we have tons of stuff to recycle and they're offering to purchase it now so we're going to start selling these things and we want what we sell to come back here so I'm going to check the catalog and see what I want and I'm going to sell some cars Mac and daddy says and we're moving on and now there's not done happening but there will be soon apparently Stan lost a few ships his twenties fleet is down to 50 million and his big fleet is cut in half and that one was 200 million no that one was 100 million and now it's 50 million so I can wait till later see what's going to happen it's quite horrible the other base is being taken over by the morlock
Thor Freya
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quotingsmartn · 1 year
Guide to Obtaining Car Insurance: Protecting Your Vehicle and Peace of Mind
Purchasing car insurance is an essential step for every vehicle owner. It provides financial protection against potential accidents, theft, or damage to your vehicle. However, navigating the world of car insurance can be overwhelming due to the various coverage options and policy details available. In this article, we will guide you through the process of obtaining car insurance, ensuring that you make informed decisions to safeguard your vehicle and enjoy peace of mind on the road.
Assess Your Coverage Needs:
Before embarking on your car insurance journey, it's crucial to assess your coverage needs. Consider factors such as your vehicle's value, your driving habits, and local regulations. Comprehensive coverage provides the highest level of protection, covering not only damages resulting from accidents but also theft, vandalism, and natural disasters. Liability coverage, on the other hand, protects you financially if you cause damage to someone else's property or injure someone in an accident.
Research Insurance Providers:
Once you've determined your coverage needs, it's time to research insurance providers. Look for reputable companies with a solid track record of customer satisfaction and reliable claim settlement. Consider factors such as financial stability, customer reviews, and the range of coverage options offered. It's also worth exploring if any discounts or additional benefits are available, such as accident forgiveness or roadside assistance.
Obtain Multiple Quotes:
To ensure you get the best possible deal, obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers. Many companies offer online tools that allow you to input your information and receive instant quotes. Ensure that the quotes you receive include the same coverage limits and deductibles for accurate comparisons. Don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification regarding any policy details that may seem unclear.
Understand Policy Terms and Conditions:
Before finalizing your car insurance purchase, carefully read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy. Pay close attention to coverage limits, deductibles, exclusions, and the claims process. Be aware of any additional fees or penalties that may apply, such as cancellation charges or late payment fees. Understanding these details will help you make an informed decision and avoid surprises later.
Consider Optional Coverages:
While liability insurance is typically mandatory, you may also want to consider optional coverages that provide added protection. Some examples include collision coverage (which pays for damages resulting from accidents), uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (to protect you if the other driver lacks insurance), and medical payments coverage (for medical expenses resulting from an accident). Evaluate these options based on your needs and budget.
Evaluate Deductibles:
A deductible is the amount you must pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Evaluate different deductible options carefully. A higher deductible typically results in lower premium payments, but it also means you'll have to pay more in the event of a claim. Consider your financial situation and how much you're comfortable paying out of pocket before selecting a deductible.
Review Your Policy Annually:
Car insurance isn't a one-time decision; it requires periodic review. Your coverage needs may change over time, and insurance providers may modify their policies or rates. Review your policy annually or whenever significant changes occur, such as buying a new car or relocating to a different area. By staying informed, you can ensure your coverage remains adequate and cost-effective.
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Car Insurance Online In Florida
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Cheap Car Insurance In Florida
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Online Auto Insurance In Florida
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ainsurancedirect · 1 year
Plant City, FL is a suburb of Tampa and holds an essential agricultural presence in all of the southeast United States. It is home to the famous Florida Strawberry Festival, which attracts tourists from around the United States. While this town is renowned for its festivals, it also
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gjupdates · 2 years
Best Cheap Car Insurance In Florida 2023 – Forbes Advisor
[ad_1] Florida drivers aren’t likely to catch many breaks when it comes to car insurance. It’s a relatively expensive state for auto insurance to begin with, and if you have any marks on your driving record or poor credit, things only get worse from there. Comparing car insurance quotes can really pay off when you’re searching for the best car insurance companies. We looked at rates for a…
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