dustyerror · 6 months
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Fluffed up
Gofundme: https://gofund.me/0be0c04a Need help getting out of a bad situation :3 I blame my family for this one. #Fluffy #snowleopard #snep #samoyed #arcticfox #fox #canine
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zaverose · 9 months
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Coyote Portrait Sketch Large
"Are you going to just stare at me from across the bar all night, or are you going to buy me a drink?" Damn sly, handsome coyotes... ❤️✏️ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/zav_art My website - https://zav.gay Patreon (18+) - patreon.com/ZaveroseArt
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wisleychalke · 11 months
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Happy Halloween to everybody, I'm so proud to actually be able to upload this in time for the holiday lol. I know I haven't uploaded in a very long time but that doesn't mean I haven't been drawing anything. I've been feeling a bit lethargic the last couple days but still wanted to make something for today. It's fun to wonder what kind of costume to use for the drawing just like you would in real life, and I'm ultimately really happy with how it came out. By the way, I give a wink to anybody who knows what my costume is a reference to X3
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hydrus · 7 years
Version 284
os x
I had a great week. There are a bunch of different fixes and improvements, and one new thing for advanced users to play with.
subscription fixes
I fixed the 'new-queries-initialising-as-dead' issue! As well as fixing the problem for the future, any queries you have that died due to this will be reattempted.
Subscriptions now also consume bandwidth on a per-query basis, so subs with a lot of queries won't get throttled so easily.
misc stuff
The thumbnail 'select' menu now lists the number of files to be selected for the simpler selection types. This is small, but it is neat for inbox/archive.
Import folders will now catch if you put in an invalid path in the dialog, and they'll let you know if you try to manually run them while import folders are globally paused.
The weird issue where drag and drop events were sometimes not working if dropped on the top-left area of the main gui window is also fixed!
I added an experimental 'thumbnail fill' mode under options->gui. This takes the existing thumb and zooms it until it fills the whole thumbnail 'window'. It looks ugly at the moment due to the zoom (rather than generating larger clipped thumbnails), but it gives a decent idea of how thumbs appear under this fit style. If you are interested in this stuff, give it a go and let me know what you think. I am open to adding good options for this with higher quality thumbnails sometime in the future, but I suspect 100% fill is not desirable, and that we really want a compromise for extreme cases so that very tall or wide images produce thumbs that fill say 75% of the available space.
url class
This is only for advanced users who are interested in the new parsing system.
After making several small tools for the new parsing system, I now have a first version of a medium-sized tool--the 'url class'. This object defines a type of URL, like 'gelbooru post url', and how the client can recognise them. It will be used in the final downloader engine to connect URLs to appropriate parsers.
It can also do URL 'normalisation', which will let the client strip off redundant URL data and hence collapse URL dupes. For instance, e621 and some other boorus put user-managed metadata in the URL, which means the file post URL can change from time to time (and result in the client downloading it again, thinking it could be a new file). For example, the URLMatch can collapse this:
Down to this:
Which is still valid!
I have thrown together a simple listctrl in the services->manage network rules dialog to hold a list of these for now. It doesn't do anything except editing atm. I expect to add a larger layer of options here to handle misc settings like 'show/hide these urls on the media viewer' and some stuff for retroactively collapsing duplicates at the db level, but please do play with this stuff and let me know if there are any types of URL this object cannot handle and normalise.
I also made some Hentai Foundry url classes as an example--just hit the button on the dialog to load them and see how it all works. If you need any more help, please send me a message or grab me on the discord.
full list
fixed subscription queries turning dead on the initial sync
all dead subscription queries have been set to check again in case they can revive
added query file velocity to edit subscription panel
subscription network contexts now reflect the new multiple subscription query system, and are named "sub_name: query_text". as every query now counts as its own separate subscription network context, this will stop query-heavy subscriptions from throttling so much on bandwidth limits
finished URLMatch object, which matches and normalises URLs into certain 'classes' like 'gelbooru post url'
expanded some URLMatch subdomain options
fixed some test logic in URLMatch
finished the last of the EditURLMatchPanel
split the 'manage network rules' dialog into two panels--it now has a 'url classes' tab
wrote a panel for managing url matches
added export/import/duplicate buttons to EditURLMatchesPanel
wrote some URLMatches for hentai-foundry as an initial test of the system and added a temp button to add them--please check them out to see how it all works
all, invert, inbox, and archive (and none, lol) thumbnail 'select' menu items now have counts
invert is now at the bottom
the thumbnail select menu now has local/remote entries if applicable (this typically is only true in 'all known files' file domain)
added png/clipboard export/import/duplicate code to the generic new listctrl button wrapper panel, which will save a bunch of time as the png/clipboard sharing system expands
added a human-facing serialisable name to all objects on the new serialisation system and tied the new import/export code into it for png presentation
the edit import folder dialog will now complain (but not veto) on an ok event if any of the entered paths do not exist
if you attempt to manually run an import folder while import folders are globally paused, you'll get a little popup telling you so
added an experimental 'thumbnail fill' setting to options->gui. it zooms the existing thumbnails so they fill the whole thumb space. feedback on this from those who would be interested in a prettier system would be appreciated
added 'paste tags' buttons to filename tagging options panel
the paths/urls in the file import cache are now their own object that holds the creation/modified/source times and current status and note. this object can also hold prospective urls, tags, and hashes for future use
a bunch of file import actions are faster
all the different importers now use this new file import object
fixed a screen position calculation in the new drag and drop filtering code that was accidentally including too many possible drop candidates on drops in the top-left corner of the main gui (if you had trouble moving tabs to the left, this should be it fixed!)
fixed a problem display volume/chapter/page tags that included unicode characters in thumbnail banners and media viewers
fixed a rare media display bug in the dupe filter
fixed some 'C++ part of panel has been deleted' bugs in review services if the frame is shut down before delayed db info is fetched
cleaned up some more 'C++ deleted' errors in import files selection dialog
fixed the network context custom header panel 'add' action, which wasn't saving the value of the panel
fixed a bunch of bugs in the newish QueueListBox class
SynchroniseRepositories daemon will be better about quitting early on application shutdown
cleaned up some pending pretty timestamp grammar
when the client cannot clean up a temporary file, it will print more error information
added pylzma to the 'running from source' library recommendations. this is not required, but if available it adds ZWS flash support
next week
Domain manager stuff to handle these new url classes, and maybe some parsing engine improvements.
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wisleychalke · 2 years
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Happy Easter! Yeah, I know its a day late, but I was busy yesterday =w=" I drew the boi again though!! Still trying to figure out how the legs are suppose to work though o3o
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wisleychalke · 2 years
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Lil buddy I'm still working on :3
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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Another drawing of the same character :3 I absolutely hate how badly I messed up drawing the legs, but everything else feels passable to me. I was trying to have them crossing their legs as a way of highlighting them relaxing, but had no idea how to do it. I think the main issue for me it still not really knowing how to draw the torso area and me always just kind of having the legs jutting out of the character. Especially here, I can tell I really messed up the left leg, having no idea how it was supposed to turn over the other. Guess I'll add that as another thing I need to figure out at some point.
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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A *really* old drawing that I've been neglecting to upload for quite a while now. A simple drawing of a friend's character, I actually used another gift they had gotten as refernce of it, since their character has been drawn in so many different art styles, that I felt it'd be fine for me to take my pick of which version I preferred the best. Overall, I think it came out really well, though admittedly I'm always unimpressed with myself making these drawings with no background, but even so, I like how much this deviated from the usual way I would draw a character, especially with regards to the eyes. Also, proud of how the legs came out, since I really have no experience drawing legs like these. I know I tried to do so again in another drawing involving this character, and they came out much worse. =w=
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wisleychalke · 3 years
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Another drawing of the same character from before. Don't ask about this one though -w- I didn't mind doing another request (and it was also nice to get a favor it in return), but there's a little bit of a funny story to it xp. Also special shoutout to how hell gears are to draw!!
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