#cheikh lo
nofatclips · 1 year
Balbalou by Cheikh Lô, live at the Bela Bartok National Concert Hall in MüPa Budapest for Womex 2015
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victormalonso · 8 days
Cheikh Ndiguel Lô / Lu Tax
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ausetkmt · 3 months
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Encyclopedia of American Race Riots [2 volumes]: Greenwood Milestones in African American History [2 volumes] Illustrated Edition
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2008 Ida B. Wells and Cheikh Anta Diop Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Africana Studies
2007 Choice Outstanding Academic Title
Race riots are the most glaring and contemporary displays of the racial strife running through America's history. Mostly urban, mostly outside the South, and mostly white-instigated, the number and violence of race riots increased as blacks migrated out of the rural South and into the North and West's industrialized cities during the early part of the twentieth-century.
Though white / black violence has been the most common form of racial violence, riots involving Asians and Hispanics are also included and examined. Race riots are the most glaring and contemporary displays of the racial strife running through America's history. Mostly urban, mostly outside the South, and mostly white-instigated, the number and violence of race riots increased as blacks migrated out of the rural South and into the North and West's industrialized cities during the early part of the twentieth-century.
While most riots have occurred within the past century, the encyclopedia reaches back to colonial history, giving the encyclopedia an unprecedented historical depth.
Though white on black violence has been the most common form of racial violence, riots involving other racial and ethnic groups, such as Asians and Hispanics, are also included and examined.
Organized A-Z, topics include: notorious riots like the Tulsa Riots of 1921, the Los Angeles Riots of 1965 and 1992; the African-American community's preparedness and responses to this odious form of mass violence; federal responses to rioting; an examination of the underlying causes of rioting; the reactions of prominent figures such as H. Rap Brown and Martin Luther King, Jr to rioting; and much more. Many of the entries describe and analyze particular riots and violent racial incidents, including the following:
Belleville, Illinois, Riot of 1903 Harlem, New York, Riot of 1943 Howard Beach Incident, 1986 Jackson State University Incident, 1970 Los Angeles, California, Riot of 1992 Memphis, Tennessee, Riot of 1866 Red Summer Race Riots of 1919 Southwest Missouri Riots 1894-1906 Texas Southern University Riot of 1967
Entries covering the victims and opponents of race violence, include the following:
Black Soldiers, Lynching of Black Women, Lynching of Diallo, Amadou Hawkins, Yusef King, Rodney Randolph, A. Philip Roosevelt, Eleanor Till, Emmett, Lynching of Turner, Mary, Lynching of Wells-Barnett, Ida B.
Many entries also cover legislation that has addressed racial violence and inequality, as well as groups and organizations that have either fought or promoted racial violence, including the following:
Anti-Lynching League Civil Rights Act of 1957 Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 Ku Klux Klan National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Nation of Islam Vigilante Organizations White League Other entries focus on relevant concepts, trends, themes, and publications.
Besides almost 300 cross-referenced entries, most of which conclude with lists of additional readings, the encyclopedia also offers a timeline of racial violence in the United States, an extensive bibliography of print and electronic resources, a selection of important primary documents, numerous illustrations, and a detailed subject index.
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zo-sunz · 2 years
アパルトヘイトはアフリカーンス語で、「分離」または「離れている状態」と訳されています。これは、1948 年から 1991 年の間に南アフリカで制度化された人種分離と差別のシステムを指します。
南アフリカ共和国 Republic of South Africa 基本データ
面積 121万9,090平方��ロメートル(日本の3.2倍)
人口 5,962万人(2020年央推計、南ア統計局)
首都 プレトリア
言語 英語、アフリカーンス語、ズールー語ほか
宗教 キリスト教(80%)、ヒンズー教、イスラム教
公用語 英語、アフリカーンス語、ズールー語など11言語
独立年月日 1910年5月31日
在留邦人 1,112人(2021年10月1日現在)
在日当該国人数 942人(2018年12月現在)
1652年 オランダ,ケープ植民地設立。
1910年 「南アフリカ連邦」独立。
1961年 英連邦から脱退し共和制移行(「南アフリカ共和国」成立)。
1991年 アパルトヘイト関連法の廃止。
1994年 4月 初の全人種参加型の総選挙を実施。
1994年 5月 マンデラ政権成立。
1995年 11月 全人種参加の地方選挙を実施。
1997年 2月 新憲法発効。
1999年 6月 第二回総選挙実施,ムベキ大統領就任。
2004年 4月 第三回総選挙実施,ムベキ大統領再任。
2008年 9月 ムベキ大統領辞任,モトランテ大統領就任。
2009年 4月 第四回総選挙実施。
2009年 5月 ズマ大統領就任。
2014年 5月 第五回総選挙実施,ズマ大統領再任。
2018年 2月 ズマ大統領辞任,ラマポーザ大統領就任。
2019年 5月 第六回総選挙実施,ラマポーザ大統領再任。
人種差別的な攻撃があったとされる南アフリカで、3 人の白人男性が殺人未遂などの罪で起訴されました。この事件は国民の怒りを引き起こし、大統領は人種差別と闘うよう呼びかけた.
暴力的な出会いは撮影され、ソーシャル メディアで広く共有され、人種差別がアパルトヘイトの終結から 30 年近く経った今でも厄介な問題である国で、広範囲にわたる怒りを引き起こしました。
携帯電話の映像では、3 人の男性が少年たちに向かって叫び、殴っているのが見られます。男性の 1 人が少年の 1 人を水中に押し込みました。
追加のセキュリティ ビデオ映像には、10 代の若者がプールに入るのを阻止しようとする男性と、黒人の 10 代の若者がプールに入るやいなや、当時泳いでいた白人のグループがプールから出る様子が映っています。
事件後、シリル・ラマポーザ Cyril RAMAPHOSA大統領(2018年2月就任、2019年5月22日再任。1952年11月17日生まれ)は攻撃を非難した。「10 代の若者を扱う大人が、これほどまでに安易に暴力に訴えるのは嘆かわしいことです」と彼は言いました。
木曜日、治安判事 Loyiso Mzana は、保釈を認める前に、Jacobus Johannes Classen の身の安全について懸念を表明した。
南アフリカの報道機関 Netwerk24 は、州検察官が治安判事に、少年の法律顧問の 1 人がこの事件について地域社会の平静を取り戻そうと取り組んでいると語ったと報じた。
lo/jcg (AP、AFP)
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jamlien · 1 year
Grip Mix Tape vol.6
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グリップミックステープ その六
表のグラフィックとは関連はないけど、今ハマってるMeta & the cornerstonesのアルバムとナイヤビンギの父Ras Michael、The Congos そしてCheikh loとよりアフリカ愛が深まってるね
Grip Mix Tape vol.6
This time was many contents like album jackets, family crest, painting and Jamlien sticker
It wasn't related to front graphic this time but my recent trend
From upper Meta & The Cornerstones, father of nyabinghi Was Michael, The Congos, and Cheikh lo that I'm very into African spirit and vibes
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This is my family crest called "Mitsu-gashiwa in a circle"
Painting is a our pattern of Moon tribe
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And additionally Jamlien's incense sticker
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ふむ、実はオーリーで若干Meta & The Cornerstonesの上を滑っている気がする、、、
So it gorgeous and looking good I guess but if you are skateboarder, you might have some questions
Is this able to skate well ?
Well, to be honest when I do ollie my feet is slipping on Meta & The Cornerstone I felt sometimes
I'll be more considered about skating operation
Skate safe my friends
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wiwsport · 3 months
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academicelephant · 5 months
Good songs I have found lately (pt. 5)
This time I'm not sharing any songs I have heard before but just didn't know the name of (although there is a bunch of those too, just not on this list). The ones written in blod are the ones I like the most atm
Alive (2013) by Empire Of The Sun
Walking on a dream (2008) by Empire Of The Sun
Teresa and Maria (2024) by alyona alyona & Jerry Heil
J'ai cherche (2016) by Amir
M'Bula (2001) by Lokua Kanza
Geronimo (2015) by Sheppard
Hello (2012) by Lady Aqua
Stand by each other (2021) by Rasmussen
Scream & shout (2013) by will.i.am and Britney Spears
Yo contigo, tu conmigo (2019) by Alvaro Soler
Dance with me tonight (2011) by Olly Murs
Khamal (2011) by Pape et Cheikh
Heart skips a beat (2011) by Olly Murs
Maria (1999) by Blondie
Standing next to you (2023) by Jung Kook
Is everybody going crazy (2020) by Nothing But Thieves
UP (2021) by INNA and Sean Paul
Chained to the rhythm (2017) by Katy Perry
Tekere (1995) by Salif Keita
Tass Yakar (2006) by Ismael Lo
Koukou (1992) by Salif Keita
La difference (2009) by Salif Keita
Tu vas me manquer (2005) by Salif Keita
Bobo (2005) by Salif Keita
Laban (2005) by Salif Keita
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chez-mimich · 10 months
Come si scrive nelle lettere di risposta ad importanti inviti ufficiali "per impegni istituzionali precedentemente fissati, non potrò intervenire..." ecc. ecc. Mi era finora capitato raramente di non assistere ad un concerto di Novara Jazz. E' capitato però, sabato scorso, per la coincidenza con un concerto della Scala, con biglietto acquistato tempo fa. E così, dopo averlo tanto ascoltato su disco mi sono perso "James Brandon Lewis Quartet" che, a detta dei molti presenti, ha dato, com'era prevedibile, il meglio di sé o meglio "hanno" dato il meglio di sé, insieme a Lewis, Aruàn Ortiz al pianoforte, Brad Jones al basso e il grande Chad Taylor alla batteria. Subito dopo (mi sono perso anche) "Cheickh Tidiane Seck Mandugue Quartet", con il particolarissimo pianoforte del malese Cheikh Tidiane Seck ed è vero un peccato perché la musica africana è quella che, negli ultimi anni, mi ha maggiormente emozionato e stupito. Quello che non mi sono perso (o almeno solo in parte), è la seconda serata di "NJ Weekender Fall Edition", appuntamento ormai tradizionale con l'edizione primaverile e quella autunnale, appunto. Non mi pronuncio sui DJset poiché non ho mai compreso appieno la funzione, ma sembra che Max Jazz Cat Conti, che ha aperto la giornata di domenica, sia stato un eccellente "compilatore”. Quello invece che ho gustato è stato il bel concerto dei "She's Analog", a cui si è unita una straordinaria Adele Altro (voce), che ha incantato il pubblico con una voce intima e calda, che risente di tanti echi del passato (magari anche quella di Suzanne Vega, tanto per buttare lì un nome). La band esplora territori tra il jazz e qualcos'altro, ed è proprio il confine con questo qualcos'altro, il luogo dove nasce la poesia del gruppo composto da Stefano Calderano alla chitarra, Luca Sguera alle tastiere, Giovanni Iacoviella alla batteria. Dopo la sosta per il piacevole buffet, eccoci di novo nella sala concerti di Nova (lo spazio Nova ha una sala concerti ed una sala performance, e su questo torneremo più tardi), per l'attesa esibizione di Daniela Pes. Anche qui il jazz è, diciamo così, un ambito di riferimento, poiché i ritmi e soprattutto le parole di Daniela Pes costituiscono una cosa a sé; si tratta di una lingua fatta di termini della Gallura e di termini inventati, che si amalgamano in un continuum di suoni elettronici di raffinata eleganza e misteriosa potenza evocatrice. La serata non è finita qui, poiché subito dopo il suggestivo set di Daniela Pes è stata la volta del collettivo “Addict Ameba”. Qualche parola sullo spazio Nòva, anzi semplicemente “Nòva”, va spesa, visto che il luogo pare ormai destinato ai concerti “in piedi”, che ormai sembrano aver preso il sopravvento su un ascolto di tipo più tradizionale. É probabile molti artisti gradiscano “avere il pubblico addosso”, però ci sarebbe anche da valutare se al pubblico piaccia stare addosso agli artisti. Indubbiamente un pubblico giovane, di cui spesso si lamenta la mancanza e magari con una birra in mano rigorosamente in piedi o seduto per terra, fa molto Mainzer Strße berlinese, dà quel tono anticonformista e alternativo che non guasta mai. Forse è da queste piccole cose che ci si incomincia a sentire anziani, visto che si preferirebbe, potendo, stare comodamente seduti in santa pace ad ascoltare chi suona, ma si sa non si può avere tutto…
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The Godfather Waltz - Nino Rota (avec partition)
The Godfather Waltz - Nino Rota (avec partition)
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Sheet Music download here.
Nino Rota
Giovanni Rota Rinaldi (3 décembre 1911 - 10 avril 1979), mieux connu sous le nom de Nino Rota), était un compositeur, pianiste, chef d'orchestre et universitaire italien surtout connu pour sa musique de film, en particulier les films de Federico Fellini et Luchino Visconti. Il a également composé la musique de deux des films de Shakespeare de Franco Zeffirelli et des deux premiers films de la trilogie du Parrain de Francis Ford Coppola, pour lesquels il a reçu l'Oscar de la meilleure musique originale pour Le Parrain, partie II (1974). Au cours de sa longue carrière, Rota a été un compositeur extraordinairement prolifique, notamment de musique de film.
S'il vous plaît, abonnez-vous à notre bibliothèque. Merci!
Film scores - Musique de films Nino Rota a écrit la musique du film The Glass Mountain de 1949. Remarquable était la voix de Tito Gobbi, l'un des plus grands barytons du monde. Le film a remporté de nombreux prix. Dans son entrée sur Rota dans l'édition 1988 du Dictionnaire biographique des compositeurs et musiciens de The Concise Baker , le musicologue Nicolas Slonimsky l'a décrit comme "brillant" et a noté que son style musical: … fait preuve d'une grande dextérité et même de bonheur, avec parfois des incursions audacieuses dans le dodécaphonie. Cependant, ses compositions les plus durables concernent sa musique pour le cinéma; il a composé les bandes sonores de nombreux films du réalisateur italien Federico Fellini de la période 1950 à 1979. De plus, l'une de ses habitudes de composition est particulièrement critiquée : sa prédilection pour les imitations de divers styles du passé, qui deviennent souvent de véritables citations de sa propre musique antérieure ou de la musique d'autres personnes. L'un des exemples les plus notables d'une telle inclusion est son utilisation du Larghetto de la Sérénade pour cordes en mi majeur de Dvorák comme thème d'un personnage de La Strada de Fellini. Au cours des années 1940, Rota compose les musiques de plus de 32 films, dont Renato Zaza de Castellani (1944). Sa collaboration avec Fellini débute avec Lo sceicco bianco (Le Cheikh blanc) (1952), suivi de I vitelloni (1953) et La strada (La route) (1954). Ils ont travaillé ensemble pendant des décennies, et Fellini a rappelé : Le collaborateur le plus précieux que j'ai jamais eu, je le dis tout de suite et je n'ai même pas à hésiter, c'était Nino Rota - entre nous, il y avait une harmonie complète, totale, instantanée… Il avait une imagination géométrique, une musique approche digne des sphères célestes. Il n'a donc pas eu besoin de voir les images de mes films. Quand je lui ai demandé quels airs il avait en tête pour commenter une séquence ou une autre, j'ai réalisé qu'il n'était pas du tout concerné par les images. Son monde était intérieur, en lui-même, et la réalité n'avait aucun moyen de l'envahir. La relation entre Fellini et Rota était si forte que même lors des funérailles de Fellini, Giulietta Masina, l'épouse de Fellini, a demandé au trompettiste Mauro Maur de jouer Improvviso dell'Angelo de Rota dans la basilique Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri à Rome. La partition de Rota pour 8½ de Fellini (1963) est souvent citée comme l'un des facteurs qui maintiennent la cohésion du film. Sa partition pour Juliet of the Spirits de Fellini (1965) comprenait une collaboration avec Eugene Walter sur la chanson "Go Milk the Moon" (coupée de la version finale du film), et ils se sont à nouveau associés sur la chanson "What Is a Youth ?" , partie de la partition de Rota pour Roméo et Juliette de Franco Zeffirelli. L' American Film Institute a inclus la partition de Rota pour The Godfather # 5 sur sa liste des meilleures musiques de films. Après avoir été nominé pour un Oscar pour cette partition, la nomination a ensuite été révoquée lorsqu'il a été révélé que Rota réutilisait un thème d'une partition antérieure qu'il avait écrite pour le film Fortunella deux décennies plus tôt, et n'était donc plus considérée comme originale. même s'il a été joué différemment. La nomination est ensuite allée au film Sleuth, tandis que Charlie Chaplin et deux co-scénaristes ont continué pour leur partition dans Limelight, un film de 21 ans qui venait tout juste d'être autorisé à ne pas être diffusé à Los Angeles jusqu'en 1972. pour remporter le prix. Il a remporté un Oscar pour sa musique de film pour "The Godfather Part II". Sa partition Guerre et paix a également été nominée pour la liste. Au total, Rota a écrit la musique de plus de 150 films. Read the full article
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looybi · 2 years
Cheikh Lo, la star sénégalaise en direct sur Kexp
ICYMI: https://looybi.com/videos/video-cheikh-lo-star-senegalaise-direct-kexp-2020-05-25-20-49-51?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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nofatclips · 1 year
Doyal Naniou by Cheikh Lô (feat. Oumou Sangaré) from the album Balbalou
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abelkia · 2 years
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La playlist de l'émission de ce jeudi matin sur Radio Campus Bruxelles entre 6h30 et 9h : John & Alice Coltrane "Peace on Earth" (Infinity/IMPULSE/1965-1972) Fred Van Hove & Cel Overberghe "Kleinste Suite" (Fred Van Hove & Cel Overberghe with Strings - met strijkers - avec cordes/Kamikaze/1977) Gunter Hampel, Jeanne Lee & Perry Robinson "Walk On To Me (No. 96)/Falling Higher, Reaching Deep (Coda 96)" (Out from Under/Birth Records/1974) Patti Smith, Richard Sohl & Lenny Kaye "Piss Factory" (7"/Sire Records/1974-1977) Claudio Rocchi & Annie Lerner "Gesù Cristo (Tu con le mani)" (Viaggio/Ariston/1970) Lucio Battisti "Anima Latina" (Anima Latina/Numero Uno/1974) Mohamed Mazouni "Vingt ans en France (1980)" (Un dandy en Exil - Algérie-France/BORN BAD RECORDS/2019) Slimane Azem & Cheikh Nourredine "La carte de résidence" (Par les damné​.​e​.​s de la terre/Hors Cadres/1979-2018) Elvis Costello and The Attractions "Pills and Soap" (Punch the Clock/Columbia Records/1983) Bronski Beat "Smalltown Boy (Maxi Version)" (12"/Metronome/1984) Saint Etienne "Only Love Can Break Your Heart" (12"/HEAVENLY/1990) Stockholm Monsters "How Corrupt Is Rough Trade ?" (12"/Factory Benelux/1985) Céline Lory "Mes adieux à la chanson (la chanson m'emmerde)" (Single Alone (Series)/Céline Lory, Bandcamp/2022) Morgan Fisher & Ma Gitika "Une homme et une femme" (7"/Cherry Red Records/1983) Bourrasque "Quand lo mèstre ven del mercat" (Bourrasque/Autoproduction/2018) Charles Curtis "Song (Terry Jennings, 1960)" (Performances & Recordings 1998​-​2018/Saltern/2005-2020) R.E.M. "Saturn Return" (Reveal/Warner Music/2001) This Mortal Coil (Feat. Gordon Sharp) "Kangaroo" (It'll End in Tears/4AD/1984) Francis The Great "Ravissante Baby" (Ravissante Baby/C-C Records/HOT CASA Records/1977/2015) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkNoZaBtpFr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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musicfordinner · 2 years
Reading a book called Who Reads Poetry by Fred Saski and Don Share this morning and it goes over 50 different Views from Poetry Magazine. Various contributors from different industries are sharing their ties and connections to poetry and not just the written word but also the poetry of art and performance in addition to written word. It’s National Poetry Month!
Anyway, LEOPOLD FROEHLICH, the former managing editor of Playboy Magazine disclosed that there is a sense of comfort that can be found in experiencing something 1000 times. A poem, like a song can be a comforting, centring best friend. He said:
“We hear things in a thirtieth listen that were not there during the first twenty-nine. There is comfort in familiarity, in knowing exactly which note will play next. And there are many glorious moments worth hearing a thousand times, like Oumar Sow’s guitar solo, which rises unexpectedly three and a half minutes into Cheikh Lô’s “N’Dawsile.””
Naturally, I had to hear what he was talking about! So I dove deep into Cheiko Lo and it was a dope experience.
What was found:
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I’m really enjoying the find in this book. The percussion is amazing and the guitar is something else. The humming, chanting and movement throughout all these tracks encompass so many styles and genres and I’m here for it!
Thanks for sharing, Froehlich!
Froehlich also shared another dope song that I shared with my friend this morning: This Beggar’s Heart by Darrell Scott! Such a beautiful track.
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cofradia-thg · 4 years
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Paxton Singleton es Zack Manson, tributo masculino del Distrito 7.
Brianna Hildebrand es Irina Laughton, tributo femenino del Distrito 7.
Cheikh Tall es Marvin Thompson, tributo masculino del Distrito 8.
Laura Harrier es Wanda Shahidi, tributo femenino del Distrito 8.
Anton Lisin es Jeremy Brodie, tributo masculino del Distrito 9.
Thomasin McKenzie es Peggy Sangster, tributo femenino del Distrito 9.
(*) Los tributos ocupados se representarán ASÍ.
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Wanda Shahidi
Marvin Thompson
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wiwsport · 4 months
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