#chelyabinsk region
avril-evil-slastena · 2 months
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Боже мой, как же я обожаю свою Родину 🤍💙❤
My God, how I adore my Homeland 🤍💙❤
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slastena-shipper · 2 years
Sad Nyazya
Sorry guys that there were no posts for a long time, I went home to rest. The road was long, 4 days, from the Pskov region to Chelyabinsk region, Russia is big, ahah, it's a long drive
Now I have arrived back to the Pskov region after a month of rest, here is a small sketch about the fact that I have visited my hometown
(It seems that she was offended because we left🥺)
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touromania · 2 years
Chelyabinsk - Why Should Visit This Wonderful City?
Chelyabinsk – Why Should Visit This Wonderful City?
Understanding the City BEST HOTEL DEALS IN CHELYABINSK Chelyabinsk is an industrial city that’s located in the Ural Mountains. Despite its industrial status, it still has plenty to offer. The city has a strong soviet feel, and its residents are known for their hospitality. However, during winter, the temperature ranges from -1 to +30 degrees Celsius. The fortress Chelyaba, which is its name,…
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russianreader · 1 year
Who Is Roman Nasryev?
Roman Nasryev. Photo courtesy of Solidarity Zone Who is Roman Nasryev? On 11 October 2022, amidst the recently announced military mobilization, Roman Nasryev and his friend Alexei Nuriyev broke a window on the first floor of the municipal administration building in the town of Bakal in the Chelyabinsk Region and threw Molotov cocktails into it. There was a military enlistment office in the…
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discworldwitches · 7 months
This decision was preceded by a "round table" with Russian officials and collaborators from the temporarily occupied territories, where supposedly the experience of countries in which private hospitals "voluntarily refused" to perform abortions was reviewed.
Quote: "The private clinics’ heads were asked to contribute to the demographic situation improvement by refusing to perform abortions. The colleagues positively evaluated this initiative, and today all private clinics in Crimea have officially informed the Crimean Ministry of Health of their voluntary refusal to provide abortion services," Skorupsky noted.
Officials in Russia-annexed Crimea say private clinics have stopped providing abortions
Over his more than two decades in power, Putin has forged a powerful alliance with the Russian Orthodox Church and has put “traditional family values,” as well as boosting the country's declining population, at the cornerstone of his policies.
As part of the effort, authorities in several Russian regions in recent months sought to convince private clinics to stop terminating pregnancies. In Tatarstan in central Russia, officials said about a third have agreed to stop offering abortions; in the Chelyabinsk region in the Ural mountains, several clinics did as well. In the westernmost region of Kaliningrad, local legislators said they were mulling a ban for private clinics.
A nationwide ban is also something lawmakers and Russia's Health Ministry are contemplating, alleging that private clinics frequently violate existing regulations restricting access to abortion.
State statistics show that private clinics in Russia, where free, state-funded health care is available to all citizens, accounted for about 20% of all abortions in recent years. Some women who shared their experiences in pro-abortion online communities said they preferred private clinics where they could get an appointment faster, conditions were better and doctors did not pressure them to continue the pregnancy.
Crimea's Russian-installed health minister, Konstantin Skorupsky, said in an online statement that private clinics on the peninsula some time ago "offered to contribute to improving the demographic situation by giving up providing abortions,” and as of Thursday, all of them had done so.
His statement did not mention the city of Sevastopol, which is administered separately, and it was unclear if private clinics there were still providing abortions.
Two chains of private clinics in Crimea contacted by The Associated Press on Thursday by phone confirmed they no longer provide abortions, citing orders from the management or the authorities. One said it's been about a month since they stopped offering the procedure to women.
[bolding my own]
the use of “demographic situation” is so vile & so clearly colonial
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freedomaboveall · 6 months
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Two migrants in Chelyabinsk were stripped of their Russian citizenship for evading military registration. The police identified the criminals during Operation Illegal Migrant.
"A decision has been made to terminate the Russian citizenship of two individuals. Previously, they were citizens of a neighboring country. The reason for this decision was their failure to fulfill their obligation to register for military service. When applying for citizenship, they provided knowingly false information," the regional police headquarters said.
The decision was made by the Central District Court of Chelyabinsk, and the Chelyabinsk Regional Court rejected the appeal. This decision has become a precedent for Russia.
Now, migrant violators will have to leave the country, otherwise they will be deported.
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paganimagevault · 20 days
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Magyar grave finds from Uyelgi 9th-10th C. CE
"There is a connection of the South Ural region to the formation of many peoples. However, every year new evidence is found that ancient Hungarians lived in this territory. The studies of the bones from a burial ground in the South Ural region, and comparing the revealed haplotypes to those of the ancient Hungarians have served as the confirmation to this theory. The results of the research conducted by an international team of scientists have been published in the highly rated journal Scientific Reports (Q1).
Scientists have been studying this issue starting from the 19th century, but every year brings new archaeological finds, which "move" the ancient Hungarians farther east. In the Trans-Ural region, the main landmark of the era of the ancient Hungarians, which confirming the theory that they lived in the Volga-Ural region, is the Uyelgi cemetery in the Kunashaksky District of the Chelyabinsk Region.
The Uyelgi cemetery has been studied for over 10 years now. Skeletons of ancient people were found in the burial ground complex, as well as objects that had belonged to them in their lifetime: armour, jewellery, and fragments of horse harnesses. These finds are quite similar to the objects discovered in the Carpathian Basin, and this means that one can assume that the resettlement of the peoples from the Trans-Ural region to the territory of modern Hungary happened quickly, within the time of just several generations.
The researchers analyzed the genetic affinity of the ancient Hungarians to their presumable ancestors by studying the bones from the Uyelgi cemetery, as well as from burial grounds in the Perm Territory.
'The SUSU scientists were handling the empiric base, that is they were preparing reports to present the data to the public, and were collecting the bone materials. Our selection turned out to be the biggest one: 22 samples were presented. Based on these, a group of paleogeneticists from Hungary revealed the similarity in the haplotypes with the Hungarian population. At this stage we obtained new quality data that the history of the early Hungarians and proto-Hungarians is connected to the eastern regions,' shared Ivan Grudochko.
The paleogeneticists in the laboratory in Hungary determined at once several haplotypes (groups of forms of the same genes in the chromosome loci), which are found in the Hungarian conquerors and people buried in the Uyelgi cemetery. The scientists explain the phylogenetic affinity by the common genealogy. Later the ancestors of the Hungarians and the Ural people get divided by an Eastern component, the origin of which is yet to be discovered. According to a tentative version, those were the early Kipchak people who came from Altai.
Thus, the scientists have found out that the resettlement from the Trans-Ural region to Europe took place in the 9th century, but the peoples of these two territories maintained their connection in the later periods as well.
"Year after year this monument confirms our hypotheses with regard to the processes that were happening in the steppe zone of the South Ural region. It holds the traces of a 250-300-years epoch. Uyelgi has helped solve a whole series of problems of the culture genesis, the emerging of the cultures on the territory of big region, from Irtysh to Volga, and from Perm to the Central Kazakhstan," commented Sergei Botalov."
-South Ural State University, Paleogeneticists Confirm the Affinity of the Hungarians to the South Ural Region
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pwlanier · 6 months
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A very significant and cult personality for the city of Yekaterinburg
Anatoly Alexandrovich Kalashnikov. "Egyptian night." 2011. Oil on canvas, 120×90 cm.
Anatoly Alexandrovich Kalashnikov (1947-2012) - artist, painter. In 1959, he entered the art studio of the artist Yu.V. Dimakova in Chelyabinsk. In 1964 - at the Sverdlovsk Art School named after I.D. Shadra. A significant and cult personality for the city of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk region. Member of the Union of Artists of Russia. The works are in private and public collections.
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usafphantom2 · 5 months
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VIDEO: Ukrainian saboteurs set fire to Su-34 fighter bomber in eastern Russia
The Ukrainian intelligence board posted a video of a fire near the fuselage of the Su-34 jet.
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 04/01/2024 - 23:10in Military, War Zones
Saboters working for Ukrainian Intelligence set fire to a Su-34 bomber at the Shagol airfield in Chelyabinsk, 1,500 km inside Russia, in the east of the country.
The group of Ukrainians entered Russia, traveled the 1,500 kilometers to the Chelyabinsk air base in northern Kazakhstan, sneaked into the snow-covered runway under the cloak of darkness and set fire to a Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback bomber of the Russian Air Force.
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The approximate location of the Chelyabinsk-Shagol air base in Russia. (Photo: Google Maps)
The Chief Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) released images on YouTube of a Russian Su-34 tactical bomber being set on fire at the Chelyabinsk aviation camp on the night of January 4. Several Ukrainian media outlets released the video.
Citing the GUR, the reports reported that the aircraft belonged to the aviation regiment of the 21ª mixed aviation division of the aerospace forces of the Russian Armed Forces.
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The extent of the damage to the aircraft cannot be determined by the video, which shows only a small fire the size of a candle in the fuselage, near the engine compartment.
Near the end of the video, the flames inside the aircraft began to get more and more intense.
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The right air intake of the Su-34 fighter-bomber
Video images make it difficult to assess possible damage to the aircraft, but the high temperature may have deformed the fuselage.
The Su-34 supersonic fighter-bombers are among the best in the Russian air force - and the most active along the 1,000-km front line of Russia's broader war against Ukraine, which has already lasted 23 months.
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Russian Air Force Su-34 Fullback fighter. (Photo: Alex Beltyukov / Wikimedia Commons)
The Ukrainian forces are doing everything they can to shoot down all the Su-34s they can. Quickly repositioning long-range air defenses in southern Ukraine last month, the Ukrainian air force slashed four Su-34s in the space of a week. If the sabotaged jet leaves service, the Russians may be reduced to about 125 Su-34, in a pre-war fleet of no more than 150.
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A satellite view of the Chelyabinsk-Shagol air base dated May 17, 2023. In the close-up, a pair of Su-24, three Su-34s and a single Su-35 on the air base ramp. (Photo: Google Earth)
It is not the first act of sabotage committed by a Ukrainian agent within Russia, but it may be the most daring. And it may have cost the Russian Air Force another of its increasingly threatened Su-34s.
In October 2022, a Ukrainian sneaked into a Russian airfield near Pskov to blow up a Kamov Ka-52 attack helicopter. Pskov is 800 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.
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In September 2023, saboteurs blew up An-148 and Il-20 planes in an aviation field in the Moscow region, as well as a Mi-28N helicopter, which had previously been actively involved in the shooting down of attack drones in the Moscow region.
Previously, several parked long-range bombers would have been damaged in an aviation field near the border with Ukraine due to a drone attack launched from within Russia.
Tags: Military AviationSukhoi Su-34 FullbackWar Zones - Russia/Ukraine
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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herz-korper-seele · 4 months
00 – opening – date unknown – location unknown
I am not writing this as an admittance to guilt, or as a confession. I turn to you as nothing more than a dog with its tail between its legs. I’d say to call me a coward, depending on how you feel. I won’t bore you with name-calling. You already know who I am. My wife has fallen ill, my comrade has vanished, my work has disillusioned me. I have nowhere to turn, and so I offer you this.
Norishiya (Норішія) was first settled in 1939 after the discovery of oil pockets underneath the Laptev Sea; with a colony of convicts sent by The State to build structures and homes for future inhabitants, so that a population would be sure to sustain. Norishiya wasn’t on the regional map until after the war when the convicts had froze and empty families from the front shuffled in. Workers had been there since 1942.
They named the oil refinery “Azovka.” Azovka was one of three sister refineries that line east of the Ural mountains. Azovka up north, Vanzevat the middle child, and Limets south of Chelyabinsk. Azovka is the important sister for now, but I’m sure you will appreciate the introduction in whatever investigation you may or may not do. She finished construction after new years of ‘41, I believe The State demanded it be built first.
Laboratory No. 4 was built by the convicts. Mostly the shell, no interior. It was dug out underground to Azovka, which I’m not sure was smart.
I’m low on paper, so I’ll come forth. Most of this is unreliable, my comrade is not exactly forthcoming about information. The documents within this are
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mockva · 4 months
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Porn actress Sasha Gray wearing a Gzhel kokoshnik was placed in a village in the Chelyabinsk region right behind the education department building. Local authorities refused to change the drawing because they had already spent a lot of budget money on it.
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avril-evil-slastena · 2 years
Моя Родина – Южный Урал и Родину я никогда не придам🇷🇺
My homeland is the Southern Urals and I will never give my homeland🇷🇺
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Chelyabinsk a decade on: The sun's invisible asteroids No one saw the Chelyabinsk meteor of February 15, 2013 coming—the largest asteroid to strike Earth in over a century. Just after sunrise on a sunny winter's day, a 20-meter, 13,000-ton asteroid struck the atmosphere over the Ural Mountains in Russia at a speed of more than 18 km/s. The relatively small rock exploded in the atmosphere at an altitude of 30 km, releasing about half a megaton of energy (equivalent to 35 Hiroshima-sized bombs). Two minutes later, the shockwave reached the ground damaging thousands of buildings, breaking windows and injuring roughly 1500 people from flying shards of glass. Hidden in the glare of our sun are an unknown number of asteroids, on paths we do not know, many of which could be heading for Earth, and we just don't know it. "Asteroids the size of the Chelyabinsk meteor strike Earth roughly every 50-100 years," explains Richard Moissl, ESA's Head of Planetary Defence. "Injuries caused by airbursts or similar events could be prevented if people are informed of an oncoming impact and its predicted effects. With advance warning, local authorities would be able to advise the public to keep well away from windows and glass." Richard adds, "ESA's upcoming NEOMIR mission will detect asteroids like Chelyabinsk coming from the same region in the sky as the sun, filling a vital gap in our current abilities to predict and plan for hazardous impacts." Of course, there is also the risk of an even bigger asteroid impacting Earth from the dayside. Such a scenario is less likely, as the larger the asteroid the fewer there are in the Solar System and the easier they are to detect. In fact, almost all asteroids larger than 1 km have already been discovered. But as the dinosaurs would tell us, if they could, when a huge asteroid strikes it causes unimaginable damage. Fortunately, as NASA's DART impact has shown and ESA's Hera mission will build on, asteroid deflection is a real possibility. So, how do we make sure we are prepared? NEOMIR will be located at the L1 Lagrange point between Earth and the sun. Undisturbed by Earth's atmosphere, its infrared telescope will be able to spot asteroids 20 meters and larger currently lurking in the sunlight. With enough warning, an asteroid impact is the only natural disaster we can prevent.
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touromania · 2 years
Chelyabinsk - Why Should Visit This Wonderful City?
Chelyabinsk – Why Should Visit This Wonderful City?
Understanding the City BEST HOTEL DEALS IN CHELYABINSK Chelyabinsk is an industrial city that’s located in the Ural Mountains. Despite its industrial status, it still has plenty to offer. The city has a strong soviet feel, and its residents are known for their hospitality. However, during winter, the temperature ranges from -1 to +30 degrees Celsius. The fortress Chelyaba, which is its name,…
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unhonestlymirror · 3 months
In honour of today's teract in moscow, I want to share this 6-years-old ytp with English subs of mine, I believe it will be interesting for this American website:
A woman journalist (WJ): - Hello, Direct Line with Vladimir Putin is live. One more Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. There are no differences between this Line from previous ones.
A man journalist (MJ): - This all is so exhausting and annoying.
putler: - That's for sure. I couldn't agree more.
MJ: - When will the economic crisis end?
putler: - I could answer your question... but I won't do it because I'm lazy.
WJ: - We already have tens of thousands of calls from Chelyabinsk.
WJ: - People no longer demand anything supernatural. Just a ticket out of Chelyabinsk.
Speaker: - Vladimir Vladimirovich, how do you like the domestic industry?
putler: - You know, when I look at car production, tears come to my eyes. By finger tap-tap-tap-tap - done. Why did they do this? unclear.
WJ: - At the building of the new Platov airport, our colleague Anton Vernitsky.
Anton: - What is unique about this project? If other airports were improved and reconstructed, then this is just an open field in which the plane is lying. Why did we end up here? There's nothing here. Save our so- *no signal*
WJ: - Unfortunately, the connection was lost.
MJ: - Now our correspondent will die.
putler: - It is no longer possible to save him. Well, not really necessary, too.
Speaker: - Vladimir Vladimirovich, in recent years, my wife Tatyana has increased dramatically.
putler: - Your wife looks very strange. Greasy face, colossal ass. The ears stick out, teeth, I don’t remember exactly, but somewhere around eight or something?
Speaker: *nodding*
putler: - And what’s especially alarming is that her tits🫲🫱 are located at a fairly large distance from each other-
Speaker: *smiles*
putler: -but at the same time they are growing faster than the economy is growing. However, sometimes I do her... *claps hands slowly* Well, you know what I mean.
Speaker: - For this, my wife Tatyana asked me to thank you.
putler: - Convey my gratitude to her, too.
WJ: - I suggest we watch the video question sent to us by Dmitry Dudkin from Chelyabinsk.
Dmitry: - Good afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Anyway, this is the problem. I have four children, plus four more children, plus four more children. Anyway, we make children. We carry out government orders for children. I'm worried about where to put the children?
putler: - As for children, I eat them with pleasure. Every day in the morning. And today, too! Fresh or chilled.
MJ: - They really deserve it.
WJ: - Now another point where our colleagues work is Tula, which conducts unique experiments on humans.
Worker: - Good afternoon, Moscow! We are in a slave production workshop. Now I would like to give the floor to the plant's products. Please, Alexey.
Alexey: - Good afternoon, Vladimir Vladimirovich. I wanted to ask a question, but they cut off my nose, and now I don't want to.
putler: *smiles* - It happens.
WJ: - Well, now we have a direct connection with the Irkutsk region. Nobody remembered about it for 20 years, but today we’ll try to restore the connection.
putler: - This is your Irkutsk region, right?
A girl: - Yep. ^^
putler: - I am afraid of the Irkutsk region. What is happening in the Irkutsk region is unclear. Just now, I thought of something... that the Irkutsk region should not exist.
*missiles hit Irkutsk*
WJ: - What other enemies of Russia will our air forces strike? Maybe Voronezh?
putler: - Naturally.
MJ: - Now the city of Nyagan will contact us. Word to Anton Lyadov.
Anton: - The fact is that this is Russia. For example, Anastasia and her forty-year-old baby, a mouse is leaking from the tap, there has been no water for 30 years, and now we go to the toilet, there is someone’s skeleton there. *skeleton screaming*
MJ: - Don't you want to answer him?
putler: *puh* *puh puh puh puh*
putler: *in rap battle style* In your opinion, is the USA a normal country? There Satan became the mayor of one of the cities. And there, by the way, people lived even worse.
MJ: - They really deserved it.
putler: - but here in Russia it’s good, it’s nice! houses are collapsing! but very carefully. Whoever doesn’t like it, I’ll quickly find you personally. And... *slowly claps* You know what I mean.
putler: - ROUND!
WJ: - And a final question. Will there be another line with Vladimir Putin? Are we ready to live with Vladimir Putin for decades?
putler: - Naturally.
putler: - I still have the habit: I can not leave the post of President of the Russian Federation.
putler: - I ask you to forgive me if I could not answer all your questions. Your opinion is very important to me, but not really necessary. Thank you very much.
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russianprotesters · 3 months
 “I didn’t feel comfortable that someone would notice me (they definitely did), since the city is nuclear and obedience is required from citizens in everything. Including in political views (which does not correlate with the “Noon against Putin” campaign).  I am writing to you to document my actions and to let everyone know that even in such remote parts of the country there are people who are against the war and do not want to sit quietly with their hands folded.
- activist in the closed city of Trekhgorny, Chelyabinsk region, who put up flyers about Noon Against Putin
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