nanotide · 1 month
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While all the survivors of the Cava Nox gate collapse are effected by CNS, Cherika was one of the first to show symptoms due to all the meat moss she ate.
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thatoneconfusedgirl · 2 years
Will you have enough courage to share a portion of your hard earned work for free to someone else?
Imagine, you would have worked extremely hard over a period and that has been fruitful too, it paid off well. Now, will you have enough courage to give away or share a portion of it for free with someone else?
Well, if the answer is a BIG NO, then let me tell you, this is what is called as “Donation”
And not everyone will have that big of a heart to donate something which they have wade through upon day & night and have thought & prayed of nothing but to have a worthy result.
Even if you think, there is someone who can do this and has got such a big heart, I can bet this community will top it. And the community is none other than our own FARMERs.
Yes, our beloved Farmers who work hard throughout the season – sow, grow, guard, reap & harvest – so all of us can have a peaceful meal.
When you donate something from your heart it tells what a great soul you are! Or in simplest term it signifies Sharing & Caring.
In Chhattisgarh, every year we celebrate Annual Harvest Festival called “छेर छेरा”
Motive behind is to donate a part of produced grains so that no one goes hungry.
Cher Chera is a post-harvest festival dedicated to reaping the paddy crop and is celebrated every year on the full moon day of Pausha (पौष) month as per Hindu calendar “पञ्चाङ्ग” and so is also called as “छेर-छेरा पुन्नी”. It is a symbol of state’s glorious tradition of charity and social harmony.
On this day kids and adults, all go door to door and ask for food grains, singing
“छेर छेरा ! माई कोठी के धान ला हेर हेरा!!”
Ladies of the house donate handful of grains from storage to kids and till either of food grains, vegetables or fruits are given, kids don’t leave the door and keep singing
“अरन बरन कोदो दरन, जब्बे देबे तब्भे टरन ।
छेरिक छेरा, माई कोठी के धान ला हेरिक हेरा ।। “
Workspaces are supposed to be closed on this day and people usually don’t go out of their towns.
As it is believed that we should not let anyone go empty hand from our doors. On this day, begging is not looked down upon. In fact, whoever begs this day is treated as a Brahmin and the lady awarding grains is avatar of Shakambhari Devi.
The Lore of Cher Chera
There are many lores associated with Cher Chera. One of them is, once Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati got into an argument about the importance of Prakriti during assembly to which Shiva denied stressing on superiority of Purusha(male) over Prakriti(mother Nature). Enraged Parvati, in order to show Lord Shiva and world her importance, she disappeared saying she wants to see how world would survive without her. With Parvati’s disappearance the world was deprived of food and there occurred famine. The Nature came to standstill, there were no change in season. Everything became barren. The Lands became infertile. Nothing grew anymore. This led to severe drought & huge shortage of food.
When Shiva’s followers came to him asking for food. He looked for, but couldn’t find even a grain of food, fruit, a petal of flower or medicinal herb. Every creature on earth was getting deceived. Then God, humans & demons all kept praying for food. Goddess Parvati heard the prayers, and she couldn’t see her children perishing out of hunger. So, she took Shakambhari avatar and redeemed everyone out of hunger & famine. Shiva realised his mistake and he appeared before Goddess with a begging bowl in his hands. Shakambhari Devi offered her food as alms to Shiva and made him realize that as Brahmin Shiva might have outgrown his hunger, but his followers haven’t. She advised everyone not to hoard and help & support others whoever has got surplus.
As per ancient history, there was once a king Kalyan Saaya from Kaushal state (presently Bastar). He returned after taking his education on politics and martial arts from Mughal emperor Jehangir. He was away from his kingdom for almost 8 years. Upon hearing this news people of Kaushal were too excited and were celebrating their king’s return by singing and dancing. By seeing his people love for him, King ordered all his subordinates to celebrate that day every year as a festival of donating food and make sure no one goes empty handed.
It’s up to an individual to whichever story they want to believe in, but I personally love the thought of sharing and caring and what’s better than sharing & donating food.
And if you are in Chhattisgarh and hear छेर छेरा! माई कोठी के धान ला हेर हेरा!! at your doorstep on Pausha month’s full moon, don’t get surprised. Just join them in celebrating the auspicious harvest festival छेर छेरा by donating a handful of grains from your storage.
Meanwhile let me sing an age-old song sung by kids all over छत्तीसगढ़ during छेर छेरा
द्वार-द्वार मा डालबो डेरा,
गांव गली के करबो फेरा।
कन्धा मा झोला लटकाबो,
अऊ जोर से कईबो
छेर छेरा …
कोठी के धान ला हेर हेरा ||
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आप सबो मन ला छेर-छेरा के गाडा-गाडा बधाई ।।
जय जोहार, जय छत्तीसगढ़ ।। 
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kiraras-universe · 3 months
Made my friend's OC in sims so I had to make screenshots right away of course
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spookky-aint-spooky · 3 months
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Cerridwen: Kikumi’s Race
The name originates from the Celtic-Irish goddess of of the moon, magic, agriculture, poetry, music, art, and science. She was also the Keeper of the Cauldron. Her name means “chiding love.”
Racial Background:
Cerridwen (pronounced “see-ruhd-wen”, unlike its namesake pronunciation of “keh-ruhd-wen”) are an ancient race similar to that of Elves with a civilization built around nature and it's elements. While not fully advanced in the area of technology, they are profound in tuning in with their surroundings as well as the wildlife tied to their individual element, keeping a keen affinity towards their cultural upbringing and their abilities. They are known for their pointed, Elf-like ears, fluffy hair, and enhanced senses. The most common elements are water, earth, fire, and wind, with the exception of the Royal family being able to use derivatives of each element to some extent. Cerridwen claim silver as a prized mineral and have an almost regal or divine feeling that radiates from the race, even if it does not correspond to their individual personality. While not immortal, Cerridwen are known to have quite a long lifespan. They can live up to 3-times that of a human with a maximum age of 750-years. Due to this prolonged life, the Cerridwen culture is highly based upon agriculture and lunar philosophy. Most hold titles related to poetry, music, art, and scholarly teachings.
They inhabit lush forests and greenery, keeping in touch with nature as they live within their kingdom known as Salene (pronounced as "suh lean"). Their agriculture is rich and their biggest export and source of income is silver, a mineral claimed to have the ability to heal those who are pure at heart. While many Cerridwen live together in Salene, the kingdom is divided into sections to help better those with distinct elemental properties, with each having it's own God/Goddess to worship and cultural upbringing. This makes for Salene to be a multicultural kingdom. Those of each elemental faction dress according to their respective element, though they all share two common fashion traits - the wearing of soft, flowy fabrics and a touch of silver in their clothing. At the head of the kingdom lies the Royal Palace, home to the kingdom's rulers. The Cerridwen call it "The Palace of the Divine", believing that the Royal Family has deep ties to the Gods/Goddesses. The Royal Family is marked with the Brand of the Moon, an intricate design linked to their main Goddess, Cherika, who their race claim to be a spiritual embodiment of the moon itself. The Royal Family tend to dress in soft colors and long, cascading clothes. The fabric is the softest in the land and flows almost spiritually.
Appearance and Variations:
Each Cerridwen is unique, be it how they dress or their physical appearance. One can go from very pale skin and freckles to a lush tan and hair as white as snow. While each personality is different, they tend to tie into the element that they were born into. Those of Fire tend to have a more "heated" and "bold" personality, Water having a more "calm" and "thoughtful" demeanor, Wind being "free-spirited" and "breezy", and Earth being "caring" and "shy". The Royal Family are the only ones who defy this, as they tend to have a graceful and firm-but-gentle aspect to their personalities.
Within the elemental factions of the Cerridwen race, there also lies Divine-, High-, Mid-, and Low-Blood classes.
Those born into the Divine-Blood class consist only of the Royal Family, as it is said that their family line was blessed by Cherika, herself. Each have the Brand of the Moon, though it is in a unique place for each member of the family. One may have it on their upper arm while another could have it on their lower back.
Those of the High-Blood class consist of those with an attitude in which they believe they are above all classes (and in some cases, even Divine-Bloods). They tend to be closer to the way High Elves think about others, but won't outright claim to be above all else - instead, they'll simply think it and imply it by their actions. That is to say, however, it is possible for a High-Blood to not have this attitude; it's just very uncommon/rare. High-Bloods deal with teaching the elite and usually obtain the job of scholars and philosophy. Elements that are usually tied, but not limited, to this class are Fire and Water.
Those who are in the Mid-Blood class are the Cerridwen counterpart to Wood Elves and the Human working (middle) class. They are hard workers and strive to be above petty accusations, sticking to the ideal of being "honest and true." Mid-Bloods take care of the children and the animals, being the most connected to their surroundings. Mid-Bloods are usually seen keeping peace when not with animals or children. Elements that are usually tied, but not limited, to this class are Earth and Wind.
The Low-Blood class consists of either half or element-less Cerridwen and is the counterpart to Half-Elves and Drow/Dark Elves.
Those who are born into this class and still retain a curiosity for the Cerridwen culture are the Half-Cerridwen, also referred to as the Dwai. They're like their Mid-Blood brothers and sisters, but have a more rebellious streak to them due to their Human half.
Element-less Cerridwen, referred to as the Kehn, are full-blooded Cerridwen whose elemental abilities never took shape. They're very polite, though it has an almost sarcastic hint to it no matter what they do. This is why they are viewed as the Cerridwen counterpart to Drow/Dark Elves. Due to High-Bloods treating them lower than even the Dwai, this form of Low-Blood has begun to draw away from their traditional Gods/Goddesses and turn more towards what they call the "Divine Warriors", the most prominent being the Goddess Elli who believed that all have the potential to be strong throughout their years and is said to have struck down all those who opposed her. The Kehn usually take part in being palace guards and the royal army.
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drawingunicornsboi · 7 months
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Tumblr is kinda stupid and wouldn't let me put the wives together :(
Anywho, here's Cherika!
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rebeleden · 1 year
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arcpyne · 4 years
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more tea, vicar? - don’t mind if i do.
x-men first class screencap redraw but make it lesbians.
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jackyjango · 5 years
Do you have any recommendations for good genderbend Cherik fics where both of them are women? I think I need some Charlotte+Erika love in my life. Thanks!
Hello, Anon! 😬
We all need a little more Erika+Charlotte love in our life, don't we? Here are some of my favourite Erika/Charlotte fics. I hope you like them, too!
1. Never More Beautiful by helens78
Charlotte and Erika show off their abilities to Angel Salvadore, and when Erika finds out how Charlotte demonstrated hers, she's intrigued.
2. Pilfered Globes by helens78
Charlotte loves Erika's fingerless gloves, but Erika made those for herself, not Charlotte. And Charlotte does not look adorable in them. Really, she doesn't.
3. Gravitational Pull by heresie_irisee
It seems all she does these days is want, want, want.
4. First Impressions (the girl booty remix) by letosatie
“Oh no, she’s always like that,” Raven said, in response to something hushed Charlotte had said. “I doubt anyone can earn our esteemed Principal’s good opinion.”
“Well, you know the popular saying.” Charlotte didn’t bother to keep her voice down. “If at first you don’t impress, screw that cow!’’
5. Getting to know you by @ireneadonovan
Erika drives Mystique home in the rain, meets Mystique's sister, Charlotte...
6. The Timing's Never Right by 1848painist
A Roman Holiday AU
Charlotte is a telepath, a princess, and tired of her confined life as royalty. Erika is an American journalist in Rome who is not in the habit of inviting strange girls back to her apartment. When Charlotte escapes the palace and ends up on the streets of Rome under Erika's care, Erika realizes she might have the story of a lifetime.
7. Sweater Weather by MiriRainbowitz
Erika comes home to find Charlotte wearing one of her sweaters.
8. Suits Her Eyes by @amaranth42
Erika doesn't like Charlotte, especially how she wears those tight-fitting shorts that define her plump backside too well, and how she just swings her butt like no one's checking it out.
Erika snorts every time she sees Charlotte in those shorts so she trails behind, blocking the hungry gaze from other teenagers.
"You're just being possessive," Emma snickers.
Everyone knows they're in love except for themselves.
9. Collide Without A Sound by @bocje-ce-ustu
No one’s ever been able to stop Erika before, except for Schmidt. No one’s got even close.
This one’s got too close without even needing to speak a word, and now that she’s decided to, she looks at Erika like she doesn’t have secrets for her.
a.k.a. their first meeting in a First Class genderbend!AU no one asked for but I wrote anyway.
There's one where Erika helps Charlotte to pick out a dress (which is one of my faves and I'm not able to find anywhere!!!)
There's also a '50 shades of Gray' au by theapolis, but unfortunately, Thea has taken down all her works from the Archive.
A shameless plugin, but I've written a cherika fic if you're interested
10. The Green Apron (Greenhouse Remix) by me
Erika stops by the mansion with no intentions of talking politics. Lucky for her, she and Charlotte get hit with sex pollen
Hope you enjoy reading all of them as much as I did! 😬
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The ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ Killer of TikTok 
Krystal Cherika Scott, 19, of Kokomo, Indiana created sick 'animal crushing' videos and shared them on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under the name "Crazy Cat Lady". Her videos included her hanging, skinning and killing cats and dogs.
Scott is said to have obtained some of the animals she allegedly tortured and killed by responding to online ads from people looking to rehome their pets.
According to the Indiana U.S. Attorney’s Office, Scott has been accused of creating and sharing the videos and images on different social media platforms from around May 3rd 2020 until at least July 8th 2020.
Police were alerted to the videos after several people spotted them online and conducted their own investigation into who was behind them, before providing information to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.
When officers then searched Scott's home they found three live dogs, twelve live cats, and several lizards, as well as numerous animal parts, including skulls believed to belong to cats and dogs.
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nanotide · 2 years
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Meat Moss is a common plant that can be found in Cava Nox. The name is from it's meat-like texture, and that it consumes meat and other organic material. It is edible to the Sarborcoda and most commonly the Formless can be seen consuming it.
Meat Moss has a very fleshy structure, and is soft to the touch. It develops a moist film on it after it has fed, but will slowly dry out over time. It has roots that branch out extremely far to detect deceased organic matter, which the moss can feed off of. In some cases, it will physically move itself if it detects a location that is better suited for them to feed.
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fierytragcdy · 5 years
@holyborn1x1 based on x ( bullet point 5 )
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a night out was just what they needed after nathan had worked double shifts for the past week, trying to solve a case. a nice candlelit dinner at a nice restaurant and a few too many wines. it was exactly what the doctor ordered and they both felt a little better for it, nathan was sure of it. he was a little handsy on the walk from the cab to their front door and they were both giggling about it. it had been a really, really good night. and nathan didn’t really like to be negative, but walking up the steps to their front door to find a baby fast asleep in a car seat with a note attached was not really the ending to their evening he had been hoping for. “what the fuck?” nathan detaches himself from his wife, stepping a little closer to take the note. he can’t stop staring at the baby, though. can’t be more than a few weeks old and nathan’s heart aches for them. “who the fuck just dumps a baby on a doorstep?” he unfolds the note and scans over it quickly. then again. then a third time. “she doesn’t even have a name. they.. they said that they can no longer care for their baby for domestic reasons. but they hope that we’ll do a fantastic job. jesus fucking christ.”
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everythingstarstuff · 2 years
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The priest surveyed the forest, taking in the calm winds as he did his rounds. Leaves began to fall, a sign the fall would begin soon. The air was crisp, but not uncomfortable. His attention was diverted from his tasks, however, when he heard a twig snap behind him.
“Who goes?” He asked.
Across from him was a tall blonde, a stern look upon her face and axes in hand. “Youta.”
“Ah, Signy.” Youta said. “You startled me. Why are your weapons drawn? Is the celestial forest in danger?”
The warrior woman did not take her eyes off the holy man, her brow furrowed. “No, there is no danger. I need a word with you, and this is the only place in which I can catch you alone.”
“O-Oh?” Youta was puzzled. “W-What about?”
Signy took a step forward. While her weapons were drawn, they weren’t held in an offensive way. Perhaps it was for her own comfort, or perhaps it was for some other reason. The priest watched as the Nemain warrior made her way to him, closing the gap between them until there was maybe four feet between them. “I know what you are, priest.”
Youta tightened the grip he had on his staff, his body tensing. “What... do you mean? I’m the kingdom’s priest, nothing more and nothing less.”
“Don’t play dumb.” Signy responded, her tone stern. “You may have hidden it well from the elf and her maid, but you forget that I have a higher sense of smell than they do. I understand that they are aware of what that amulet you wear does, but have yet to know let alone see what exactly it has been hiding all this time.”
The priest furrowed his brow, his eyes narrowing at the woman before him. The last time his amulet failed, she had yet to even meet the Queen. How could she know what it was for? Suspicion rose in the man, the crisp air around him now feeling eerie and full of unease. “...If you think that I hide something, perhaps I do. But to the others, they are aware of the yokai that’s kept at bay. They do not need to see it, nor experience it. They need not be told about it’s true nature, either.”
“Tch... do you think me a fool, Youta?” Signy grunted. “What you hide isn’t a demon, this ‘yokai’ as you prefer to call it. You know that your only hiding another side of yourself, something that was natural and already born within you when Artio birthed your spirit onto the mortal world.”
Youta felt his jaw clench, now having to force himself to relax its muscles. “...Cherika. I devote myself to the goddess Cherika, of whom this kingdom worships. I do not know of Artio or their beliefs.”
Signy gritted her teeth at his words, holding back the urge to slap some sense into him. She close the gap between them further, now leaving a mere foot between them as she towered over the blonde advisor. “Don’t you dare discount your rightful spiritual guide, boy, lest you want some sense beaten into you.”
“Is that a threat?” The priest smirked as the words left him, knowing this woman would not do him harm unless she actually wanted to have the kingdom’s harsh opinions to be proven right, making their Queen look like a fool.
Signy growled in response, gripping her axes tight. It was taking quite a bit of inner restraint to not let her prideful nature take over with this man. “No. It is a challenge. Draw your staff as the weapon it is, priest. If you are intent on denying what you are, then surely you won’t be able to transform during battle. A sparring challenge will therefore be harmless.” Her words were cold, malicious even. She didn’t seem to have any ill will against Youta, though she did sound as though she wanted to test him in some way.
Youta looked the woman in the eye, a sudden cold nature coming over them. “If a sparring match is what you wish, I will not deny it as to do so would disrespect your culture. But know this, I do not take disrespect towards myself lightly, either. If doing this will prove to you that your words are untrue, then I accept.”
I know I left you all with a cliff hanger on this one, that was intentional. -w-
I want you guys to try and figure out what Signy is getting at, and what she means when she’s confronting Youta in this. Feel free to send me your guesses in my ask box, I encourage it even! I’d like to see what you come up with!
* * *
Signy (c) myself
Youta (c) mine, adopted from @strawberry-metal
SvSSAO | ObjectLuminous | HgDiffusion | Diffusion_7 | o_toProfileColor | o_SelfOverlay_Soft | Falling Leaves | FireInTheSkies | S5SkinShader_Lite | S5BaseShader
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drawingunicornsboi · 7 months
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Took a break from writing for a bit and drew some OCs of mine! Meet Zuva (Sun) And Cherika (Moon)!! They are known as the ruling Queens of Sanctum, and provide shelter and guidance to any who need it in the protection of their home, Tutela, which sits in the very center of the Multiverse.
Separately, they have their own titles; Zuva is Monarch of the Suns and Fires, and Cherika is Monarch of the Moons and Waters.
Yes, they are married!
I might do some doodles of them, to better flesh out their personalities and dynamics, but for now, here they are!
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theilustrado · 3 years
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Clinical Pharmacy thesis defense 2021: SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDED.
All is (well), /sometimes not fair/in love and war: The love for our profession and the war for the hopes of being better for what we love.
To my thesis mates Koko & Cherika, after all the sleepless nights, lots of prayers, and 2 AM heart-to-heart discussions, finally, we can all breathe. The thesis has been successfully defended.
Hearing the verdict from the chairman, Approved and “Congratulations, you passed with flying colors” for me means that I can eat the chicken I bought from 5 hours ago that I haven’t eaten because of takot and kaba before the defense. Pero, seryoso, hearing those words make me want to jump from my seat.
We thank all our panelists & chairman, and the Dean of UIC-Davao College of Pharmacy and Chemistry for recognizing our efforts and commending our presentation, saying “THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE DONE”.
We thank the Lord for hearing our prayers and sustaining us with wisdom and strength to finish the study. The reason why it is hard to finish this because of we're also working full-time. Especially sa last part ng mga revisions and oral defense prep, yung natitirang energy namin from working the whole day, sa-id na sa-id na so most of the time I had to stay till 4 or 5AM + then waking up before 9AM for most of our shift.
Lastly, we thank google docs for making it possible to do all the group work despite the long-distance and different time zone. Lol. Kung walang google docs, pano na?
Love, Yung tatlong late enrollees of the clinical pharmacy program
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