witandwhimsyskincare · 5 months
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Flawless Skin with no Breakages
0 notes
leanstooneside · 9 months
Double lifting DDT
• of the world
• with a struggle You
• on them
• unlike Plenty's horn
• of my family
• upon this couch there
• of yours
• at noon
• of Cold Boiled
• at the words
• of oysters redhot chestnuts cherrycheeked apples
• by Gain
• in words
• for his life
• for evermore
• about its neck
• by any artifice
• of Exchange
• in every sense
• from the parapets
• upon the stroke
• of the growing tree
0 notes
bryumka · 4 years
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chummywchimmy · 3 years
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PAIRING : Yan! Taehyung x Reader
SUMMARY : Your encounter with the campus bad boy was a disaster. All you wanted was to never see him again. But when have things ever gone your way?
WARNINGS : Mature language, yandere behavior, A LOT OF STARING.
Not edited.
I do not own BTS ( :((( ) My intention is not to glorify toxic behavior nor do I believe BTS member would ever act like this. It’s just a figment of my imagination. Know the difference. Please.
TAGLIST : @silversparkles11      @luvmingyu   @minshookie29     @cherrycheeks-btsbro@dearbambideer  @sassydepression  @sweettaeguk   @my-paradise-is@happyleepika@tenshi-shimura @waterdemon11@prettxgguk @snowyydayys@yuikitty @ungodlyjoon @angryheartkitten @annacroft23114 @mwitsmejk@eddyforthewin @benhardygalileo
Your only response is to blink at the boy in front of you.
Did you hear that right?
You do not know how to respond to this. Was this a cruel prank? Or did he want to go out with you to ensure that you don’t expose him? 
The line behind him keeps getting longer as he stares at your face, an eager expression on his face. His hands are gripping the counter, long fingers clenched on the ceramic.
After the long day at college and an even longer shift at the cafe, you can only give him a lame response.
“Well, I’m not on the menu, Taehyung. Order something or get out.” You look straight into his eyes with a carefully guarded expression upon your face.
You’re slightly surprised to see the his face fall. As soon as you glimpse the look in his eye, his expression hardens. His jaw clenched, he points to a hot chocolate on the menu.
You turn around, intent on preparing his order quickly so that you can be free from the confines of that heavy stare. Even now, the hair on the back of your neck prickle under the weight of his dark eyes.
Snatching the drink from your hands, he storms out of the cafe after paying.
Taehyung’s regular coffee shop visits dwindle after that incident. You refrain from informing Sam about that day. You still do not know what to make of it, leaning towards it being the part of another nefarious plan to humiliate you further.
“So where are you two going?” You ask Sam as the two of you sit down for your second lecture of the day.
“I don’t know. He says it’s a surprise. Let’s hope it isn’t anything weird. Although....as cute as he is, I don’t think I would mind even if he took me to his 4 years old nephew’s birthday party as a date.” Sam settles her chin upon her palm, a dreamy expression clouding her eyes.
“Damn, you’re down bad, huh.” You laugh, feeling a sense of happiness at seeing Sam being happy.
“Okay, maybe I would mind it.” She pretends to shiver in disgust.
She was finally going out with the cute boy from elective class aka Namjoon. Sam was ecstatic at being asked out by him and you approved. Even as the rest of the student body treated you like you were the plague, Namjoon openly asked out Sam in front of the entire class, a large smile upon his handsome face. 
You hoped that everything would go well for them.
After an hour long class that numbed your sleep-deprived brain, you stood up to move out of the large room. 
Suddenly, the crowd of students who were eager to get out, freeze in their tracks. A crowd forms around the entrance and you walk forward, itching to move out.
The horde of students give you wide-eyed looks, as if you were walking to your demise. After a bit of struggle to move through, you find yourself looking at the one person you did not want to see. Kim Taehyung.
He stood near the entrance, his tall figure being easy to distinguish from others. His black, slightly long hair sits in a stylish disarray, bangs falling messily over his forhead. A large hand pushes them back, revealing his forhead as he searches the crowd, looking for someone.
As his eyes fall on you, his frustrated face melts into one of recognition. The crowd notices this and consequently stiffens, remembering your previous confrontation.
His silver watch catches the light as he raises his hand and motions you forward. You give him an annoyed look and refuse to move. Some students discreetly pull out their phones, wanting to record the shitshow that was bound to go down.
At your clear refusal to move, he smirks. People give each other puzzled looks as he begins to walk forward, moving in your direction. His eyes stay locked on you as he walks. 
He stands in front of you and looks down, pursing his lips. The crowd seems to hold it’s breath. He opens his mouth to speak but is cut off the by the words of the girl standing beside you.
“What is your problem? We said we won’t leak your video.” Sam’s words are eaten up by the mass of students waiting for the drama to begin. It seems as if many more have joined the audience from the looks of the overwhelming amounts of people now lingering outside the door, pushing at each other to get a peek.
Taehyung’s relaxed face morphs into one of annoyance as he moves his head to look at Sam. His lips pull back in a sneer and he grates out,
“Did I say I’m here for that? I’m here to ask your dear friend out on a date. The last time I did, she scammed me into buying a hot chocolate and didn’t even give me an answer.” His words pull a collective gasp out of the crowd. Their eyes are wide, some are already typing furiously on their phones to update the unfortunate friends who are stuck in a class. 
His eyes are back upon you as he gives you a teasing smile, as if the two of you had been friends since you were in your diapers. As he looks at you, his face is relaxed again, eyes clear of any malice. Or maybe he was just a good actor. He was the son of a politician, after all.
“Is this some sort of a prank? Listen Taehyung, you’ve humiliated us enough. As it is, nobody even talks to us. We can’t even spread that video even if we want to. Please leave us alone.” Your voice is tired, exhaustion suddenly wrapping over you like a blanket. You were already tired and stressed, and this was only your first year of college.
By the time you finish speaking, his eyebrows pull over his eyes and his lips are drawn into a frown.
“No, this is absolutely not a prank. Do you think I go around asking people out as a joke?” He backs away from you and the sea of your fellow classmates part for him. He stands in the center and his voice booms,
“Everyone, have you ever seen me asking anyone out?” His baritone voice directs a question to the crowd, to which they respond with fervent denial. Throughout, his gaze stays glued to you and he raises an eyebrow as if to say, ‘see?’
As you clutch Sam’s wrist and step forward to go out, his begins to speak again.
“And what’s all this talk I hear about not being friendly with my girl? Huh?!” He shouts, looking around.
No one meets his eyes.
Safe to say, you are not amused.
“Yeah, thanks for intimidating people into being friends with me. So romantic of you.” You snidely comment.
He looks chastised. He licks his lips and stares into your eyes, as if not understanding your reaction. As if you were somehow in the wrong for not falling at his feet immediately.
You finally move, not wanting to be a part of this anymore. You were sure that this entire interaction was going to end up on your university’s very own social media site- GatSocial
He rushes towards you as you are leaving, a desperate look on his face.
“Well? When shall I pick you up?” 
That’s it. You lose it.
“Are you fucking with me right now?! Do you have memory loss? Or do you just choose to conveniently forget whatever doesn’t suit you? Go out with you, my ass! Apologize to Sam on your fucking knees in front of everyone and maybe I’ll look your way. Now get the fuck out of my sight.”
It seems as if you and Sam have switched souls because you just shouted at the son of the biggest politician in your country. You also belatedly feel that you might’ve been a little harsh. But words are like cannons. Once they’re released, you can’t take them back.
You expect him to storm out after calling you a few choice words. But to your, and everyone else’s, surprise a deep laughter booms out of his chest. He keeps laughing for a long time as everyone looks at him as if he’s lost his marbles.
“You’re so cute.” Giggles spill out of his mouth as he looks at you with a fond look in his eyes.
Giving him a disgusted look, you storm out, feeling his dark gaze on your back as you disappear into the crowd.
ah im sorry if this is too short but i just wanted to put sumn out regardless. let me know your feedback
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sporesgalaxy · 3 years
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More of the furry DND cinematic universe! Tina, Cherrycheeks, and Bimpy are an adventuring party. Griswold, Rat Scratch, and Necroshanks all work around the same graveyard and are friends
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Session 4
A few weeks late on the write-up, but session 4 was a doozie.  This really was a killer session ;)  ...but in the best way possible.  I was anxious to run this particular one, but stuck to the script, and boy howdy did it pay off.  Sessions like this one are the standard to which I hold all others.
Without any further ado...
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Read up on the best session I’ve run in recent history (maybe ever) beyond the cut!
From left to right:
Barton: Bugbear Barbarian
Dell Cherrycheeks: Halfling Monk
Sammel: Tiefling Ranger
Percival: Tabaxi Bard
Maiirien: Elven Sorceress
Malgath: Shadar-kai Cleric of the Raven Queen
Killgore: Triton Wizard
Malgath and Killgore’s players we late, but arrived just in time for the best part.
The session started off with the gang returning to the (proverbial) ghost town of Pike’s Retreat to continue looting exploring the place.  In their sights, they had the manor house on the east side of town.  The approached, weary of the fish-men that have been plaguing their expeditions, but things were quiet.  Before entering the manor, they decided to check out a carriage house adjacent.
Their caution allowed them to get the drop on a giant dire rat.  (Dire Wolf stats because actual dire rats are apparently weaksauce)  The giant rat summoned several rat swarms to their aide.
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A battle ensued, but our heroes quickly dispatched the rodents  As they rested and caught their breath, Malgath and Killgore, having left town late, caught up, and at 7 strong, began to scope out the manor house.
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(Drawing from my own notes of the hosue  notice the greenhouse on the left and the carriage house on the right.)
The center of the house was two stories, so Barton decided to hop up on a wing and try to get a good look through the window.  A 3 on the die for the roof strength and a natural 1 on investigation from Barton resulted decidedly in the roof collapsing under their feet.  They fell into a workroom on the north (left) side of the house, and summarily let the rest of the party in a side door.  Despite (or perhaps due to) their comically loud entrance, they party moved through the house with relative caution and quiet.
They moved from the workroom into the kitchen, and it was there that things started to get strange.  Dell could swear there was something behind her ... wait, no, there wasn’t anything there.  Try as she might, she could not shake the feeling that something was watching her.  And no amount of perception seemed to reveal a presence.  ...the rest of the party by contrast was absolutely certain that there was nothing amiss, but nonetheless took caution.
They discovered stairs into the basement, and resolved to explore that later. XD
Coming into the foyer, and a grisly sight was found.  The corpse of a half-elf woman, wearing ragged cloths, was stretched towards the door.  Her face and back were mangled, and one arm was missing.  The blood stairs led up the stairs towards the south side of the house, and about halfway up, her other arm (as well as a set of manacles) were found.  Malgath identified an arcane mark on the manacles as one of a variety commonly used within the Imperial penal system.
In a bout of bravery, the gang followed the trail.  And found their way to the master bedroom.  The room, as the rest of the house, was eerily silent.  They explored, and found naught but a small chest of gems, and a mundane mannequin.
Content that they had found all there was to find in the room, they began to make their way downstairs.   Maiirien, the last to leave, was attacked!  A horrific figure, not quite alive, but not quite dead, lunged from out of nowhere and stuck her in the back with a rusty cutlass.
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She was alive but just barely.  (thanks to some shitty rolls and a rules fuck up by yours truly)
A fight broke out on the stairs, and the Wendigo, the hate-fueled specter of the late Pike was dispatched.
The encounter was too easy in my opinion, for what I was hoping would be a climactic fight.  In hindsight, I wasted a perfectly good opportunity to break out the legendary action and lair action rules.  They would have been quite fitting for my vision of the boss, and would have set the challenge at the appropriate level for a party of 7.
As it was, the party, relatively uninjured, was willing to continue down ... into the basement.
...the basement was actually pretty small and plain, with nothing but a few dried out wine casks.
The players naturally didn’t buy this, and searched thoroughly. ...quiet thoroughly.  And a cool nat 20 from Sammel discovered a secret passage way in the back of a large cask...
They pushed the secret door open, and discovered a magical workshop....
Two workbenches, on one, various tools and ingredients, a leather bound book, and a shiny (silvered) cutlass.  The other, cleared, save for a rune-carved slate block, various incense, and a stone statuette of a skull with a tentacle crapping around it. (The statuette being correctly dismissed as a non-magical trinket.)
As the party took stock of the room, Killgore sat down with the journal.  In it, the unidentified writer detailed their saga of research.  They were seeking a means to save the town from its misfortune, and were certain that they had found a means of securing power:  A powerful ritual for enchanting an item.  They had even commissioned a gorgeous silvered cutlass for the occasion.  However, they had become uncertain due to an unspecified “great cost” to the ritual, and it seems that it had never been attempted.
A round of arcana checks, and the book for cross-reference, and the group was certain that the ritual was ready.
The question hung in the air: Would they attempt it?
The group was divided, and with the facts laid out, all I could do was sit back and smile while the debate raged on.  Character motivations were put to the test, and player curiosity weighed heavily.  Barton and Percival were having none of it.  Dell was a little curious, but anxious, Malgath was ambivalent.   Maiirien was curious, but relatively cautions. Sammel kept flip flopping, but eventually curiosity seemed to be getting the better of him.  Killgore was 100% in favor and chomping at the bit.  
Eventually, Barton and Percival went outside, and Malgath waited upstairs (in earshot, lest his services were needed)  Sammel and Dell took up defensive positions in the doorway with Maiirien, and Killgore began the ritual (on one of Sammel’s hand-axes per his request)
As the incense were lit, a darkness encompassed the room, and the house, and the porch.  Motes of of purple light floated in the air around the ritual.  After a minute, they coalesced into the axe, and all the players rolled a d20.
Sammel rolled the lowest.
The energy at the table was palpable.  After all of this build up, EVERYONE wanted to know what was going to happen next.  Naturally, I decided that this was an excellent time for a break. XD
...but not JUST because I’m a sadistic fucker who was enjoying the tension.  I also needed to take Sammel’s player outside and explain what was about to go down...
We stepped outside, and I told him, “Ok.  You’re dead.  Completely, totally, flatlined.  Sorry.  However!  Your soul has been sucked into the axe.  You are fully aware of this fact, and can perceive the area around it.  Moreover!  You can psychically communicate with anyone holding it.”
The player, to his massive credit, was LOVING this.  I could not have asked for a better victim, because he simply REVELED in the absurdity that we were about to unleash on his unsuspecting partymates.
We went inside, and the game resumed.  As the ritual finished, there was a dull thump, and in the doorway, Sammel collapsed to the ground.  Dell and Maiirien moved in to check on him, and no pulse was discovered.  As the full weight of what had happened hit them, Killgore moved in to pick up the sparkling new axe.
“Ok,” I said, “so two things happen simultaneously.”  Killgore’s player, who all night had been gleefully charging headlong into everything, stared at me excitedly.  He full well expected Something Bad, but was too busy having fun to care.  “First, you realize this is a NICE AXE now.  It possesses an unnatural balance, and almost hums in your hand.  You have no doubt that this is an incredible weapon to fight with.  Secondly...” and I turn to Sammel’s player who didn’t miss a beat.
“You hear just a string of cursing.” he says.
Looks of incredulity abounded, as the group realized with shock and horror what had happened.
The Sammel-axe was passed around, and many courses of action were proposed.  The ritual book gave no indication as to how this process could have been reversed.  ...or even how it happened.  One suggestion was to put Sammel’s corpse on the slab, but the characters, vaguely aware of the random nature of the ritual, were weary of unforseen consequences...
Malgath wanted to bury the body, so that proper dues could be paid, but this idea was (fortunately!) shot down in the hopes that this effect could be undone.
In the meantime, Sammel was thoroughly enjoying bossing around whoever happened to be their bearer. (And we were presented with a unique insight into how the personalities of sentient weapons come to be)
Eventually, the party decided to call it a day and return to town.  Someone told Barton, who was currently holding the axe, to throw it with the corpse while they lug it back to town and figure out what to do.  Barton, with a peculiar pragmatism, walked over and proceeded to bury the axe blade-first in the chest of Sammel’s corpse.  With a start, Sammel, now returned to their original (albeit bleeding from the chest) body sat bolt upright.  At first, the gang kind of wanted to just leave it there, for fear that tampering would kill him again, but when I suggested that this would result in a permanent docking of Sammel’s maximum hp (as might be expcted from keeping a gaping chest would open), they began to experiment.  Sammel himself removed it, and seemed to be fine, but once he put it down, collapsed dead once again.  Some belligerence from Barton (who coveted the powerful weapon) resulted in another axe wound (very nearly damaging Sammel’s tiefling body irreparably), but some experimentation was completed and the specifics of the magic became established:
So long as the axe is on Sammel’s person, he will feel, appear, and behave alive.  The instant it leaves his possession however, he will become mortician-certifiably D E A D ...and his soul will be back in the axe.  Currently, it has been identified as a +2 axe.  Powerful (insanely!) but perhaps worthwhile for something that is lethal if disarmed...
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houseoftwelve · 3 years
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Xybin Cherrycheeks, a halfling arcane trickster, is a violent and unfriendly mercenary working the Waterdeep underground. She recently scored herself the skin of a displacer beast, and bagged herself an arch-mage after surviving his deadly maze under the city. The mission took a few weeks so she’s anxious to get home. She’s planning on living up to her family name and drinking until her rosacea comes back. #cheesedoodle #dndart #dnd #dungeonsandsragons #dungeonsanddragonsart #madmage #dndcharacterart #fantasyart #digitalart #adobefresco (at Hoboken, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMA7VgQDM4U/?igshid=1afgi2fshbboh
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monshuart · 4 years
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Doing an art swap with a friend in my D&D group. This is her halfling ranger, June Cherrycheek!
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darlingsin · 7 years
spaceprism --> cherrycheeks
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coalstock · 5 years
Coalstock, Village [Permalink]
Population: 690, Size: 11 acres Wealth: 6,900 gp. Max value for sale: 228 gp. Max pawn value: 1,208 gp Demographics: Human (85%), Elf (10%), Half-Orc (1%), Half-Elf (1%), Dwarf (1%), Halfling (1%), Gnome (1%)
Coalstock is completely destitute and rundown, and is known for its mines and industry. The Village is ruled by a cabal who seized power. There is some tension between the races.
Tavern: The Striking Respite 2 Owner: Rosamund Addington, Female Human [Details]
Location: In the Market Quarter. The street outside has a pickpocket looking for marks.
Description: The tavern is a wooden structure, with a white tile roof and a small vegetable garden. It is well-lit by a few magical torches. It contains an old-looking telescope and cured meats and cheeses hanging from the ceiling.
Beef Casserole with Onion and a Coffee (5 sp)
Rabbit Stew with Sharp Cheese and a Tankard of Ale (5 sp)
Pheasant Soup with Oat Bread and a Tankard of Cider (5 sp)
         Other Patrons:
Rinn Iathrana, Female Elf [Details]
Theodoric Riley, Male Human [Details]
Eida Hogcollar, Female Halfling [Details]
Gwynnie Swiftwhistle, Female Halfling [Details]
Tavern: The Ghastly Cup 6 Owner: Hugh Emsworth, Male Human [Details]
Location: In a residential quarter known for its devout residents. The street outside has drunken revelers and is full of market stalls.
Description: The tavern is a log cabin, with a red tile roof and simple furniture. It contains an empty cage and a small stage for performers. Runs a fight club.
Chocolate Casserole with Potatoes and a Glass of Vodka (5 sp)
Ham Steamed Bun with Peas and a Mug of Perry (5 sp)
Eggs and Ham Ramen with Fries and a Tankard of Beer (5 sp)
Gorga Boleem, Female Half-Orc [Details]
Harriet Swiftwhistle, Female Halfling [Details]
Hubert Acton, Male Human [Details]
Alchemist: The Lover's Cure 5 Owner: Lewis Mitchell, Male Human [Details]
Location: In a temple ward. The street outside contains a heroic monument and ominously quiet and empty.
Description: The alchemist is a brick two-story building, with several shuttered windows and overgrown hedges. A number of hunting trophies line the walls. It contains an inviting hearth and a small serving area with glowing potions.
Potion of Poison (dmg 188) (99 gp)
Potion of Fire Breath (dmg 187) (145 gp)
Potion of Fire Breath (dmg 187) (148 gp)
Geoffrey Willoughby, Male Human [Details]
Carrin Siannodel, Male Elf [Details]
Jeweler: The Emerald Anklet 1 Owner: Callie Cherrycheeks, Female Halfling [Details]
Location: In a small alley. The street outside has a pickpocket looking for marks.
Description: The jeweler is a timber and brick large single story building, with several shuttered windows and well-made wooden furniture. It was once a barracks, and has a collection of arms and armor. It contains a large bookshelf filled with books and glass display cabinets with jewelry.
Exquisite Earrings (4 gp)
Exquisite Ring (3 gp)
Exquisite Earrings (4 gp)
Kelter Deephollow, Male Halfling [Details]
Blacksmith: The White Steelworks 4 Owner: Adelaide Myerscough, Female Human [Details]
Location: In the Harbor ward. The street outside is unusually full of carriages and has a pickpocket looking for marks.
Description: The blacksmith is a concrete large single storey building, with a reinforced wooden door and roughly hewn wooden furniture. Several battered shields hang on the walls. It contains large rugs on the floor and large pillars covered in weaponry.
Ammunition, +1 (dmg 150) (24 gp)
Ring Mail (phb 145) (27 gp)
Chain Shirt (phb 145) (45 gp)
Herleva Kimberly, Female Human [Details]
Roger Home, Male Human [Details]
Emeny Camden, Female Human [Details]
General Store: Cat Tail Cabinet 3 Owner: Sybil Charlton, Female Elf [Details]
Location: In between the Market Quarter and the Harbor Ward. The street outside is covered in fallen leaves and has a pickpocket looking for marks.
Description: The general store is a plaster large single storey building, with a small fenced yard and a big brick chimney. It contains religious paraphernalia on the walls and barrels full of bulk food. They're doing a sale or promotional event.
Clothes, Fine (phb 150) (15 gp)
Vial (phb 153) (1 gp)
Ink (1 ounce bottle) (phb 150) (10 gp)
Alchemist: Fate & Infusion 7 Owner: Cali Blyth, Female Human [Details]
Location: On the outside of the Market Quarter. The street outside is next to a large public square.
Description: The alchemist is a timber framed sprawling single storey building, with a small fenced yard. It contains a number of pots and misc supplies hanging from the ceiling and a number of distillers scattered about.
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (49 gp)
Potion of Healing (dmg 187) (49 gp)
Potion of Water Breathing (dmg 188) (171 gp)
Other Patrons:
Nicholas Carlisle, Male Human [Details]
Rosamund Colby, Female Human [Details]
0 notes
bryumka · 4 years
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chummywchimmy · 3 years
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PAIRING : Yan! Taehyung x Reader
SUMMARY : Your encounter with the campus bad boy was a disaster. All you wanted was to never see him again. But when have things ever gone your way?
WARNINGS : Mature language, A GUN, threatening behavior, eventual yandere
Not edited.
I do not own BTS ( :((( ) My intention is not to glorify toxic behavior nor do I believe BTS member would ever act like this. It’s just a figment of my imagination. Know the difference. Please.
TAGLIST : @silversparkles11      @luvmingyu   @minshookie29     @cherrycheeks-btsbro@dearbambideer  @sassydepression  @sweettaeguk   @my-paradise-is@happyleepika@tenshi-shimura @waterdemon11@prettxgguk @snowyydayys@yuikitty @ungodlyjoon @angryheartkitten
“Wanna have some ramen?” Agatha’s voice sounded muffled through the door of your small but tidy room. 
You looked up from your laptop and realized that your stomach was ,in fact, grumbling with hunger. The last meal you had eaten was in Min’s Cafe after you and Sam had come back from the Dean’s office. 
But before you could answer, your mother’s voice boomed throughout the house.
“Dinner’s about to be ready! Don’t ruin your appetite.”
You heard faint grumbling before the sound of Agatha’s padded feet moving away from your door reached your ears.
You shake your head. You had to focus on the task upon hand.
You were reading through forums that emphasized the importance of an unbiased media. Some user had listed the news channels that he frequently watched to get a true picture of the happenings in the country. Your country wasn’t exactly famous for being, uhm, democratic. Every country had their fair share of corrupt officials but yours was a real piece of work.
As much as you wanted to rush to the nearest news channel and shout to world of the nasty, and in this case, downright abusive behavior of the country’s most beloved politician, you were not stupid. Mr Kim had only been able to survive in the figurative pit of vipers for as long as he had for a reason.
You knew that you only had one chance. You had to take a leap of faith on one channel because once the news spread, you knew what was going to happen. 
But you had to do this.
As much as you wanted to convince yourself that it was purely out of your love for Sammy, you knew that wasn’t true. It was a huge part of your motive but a small part of you wanted to prove to yourself that you weren’t a scared coward. You wanted to demolish the wall of fear that constructed itself in your heart at any problem.
Your cursor moved over the listed links to send them to your email. As you copied the address of the shortlisted channels down, you were called for dinner.
You closed your laptop with a sigh. Working on an empty stomach won’t get you anywhere.
The blunt knife cut across the meat like blade through butter.
You place the bite in your mouth and moan. Your mom's roasted chicken really was the best.
The dinner table was quiet as everyone dug into their meals with gusto.
The shrill ringtone of your phone was the one that broke the silence. At any other time, you would have ignored it in favour of eating but this might be the call you were expecting from N25 Channel.
Your parents gave you a look as you stood up from your chair to attend the call.
The glass door closes with a swoosh behind you as you step out into the crisp, windy spring night. The moon hangs high in the sky and the air smells fresh. As fresh as it can be in a city that is in the heart of your bustling country, that is.
Your brows lower over your eyes as you look at your phone screen.
The call was from Nina.
This was a bit unexpected. Ever since the word of the incident had spread around the college, Sam and you had become ostracized from the rest of the student body. No one was being outright cruel to you but everyone acted as if you were just not there. Whenever you walked into class, no one would look your way. No one would sit with you except for that one class you had with Jungkook and even he seemed to be keeping his distance. You thought that you had broken the ice with him but apparently not. He only contacted you for the purpose of the project and even then your conversations were short and choppy. You couldn't really blame him since everyone seemed to believe that the moment anyone tried to acknowledge your existence, Taehyung would appear out of thin air and run over their dog.
And that included Nina.
Your senior-turned-friend-now-not-a-friend seemed to have forgotten your existence.
Your curiosity to find out why she was approaching you now won over your hesitance.
"Um, hi Y/N. Hope you haven't forgotten me." Nervous laughter rang out from the other side of the call.
"No, Nina. I haven't forgotten you but it seems like you might have forgotten me and Sam." You would forgive Nina if only she acknowledged her behaviour in the past couple of days. You didn't want to pretend as if it never happened.
"Ah no. It's not like that. I was just busy with assignments and you know how exams are coming up...." Her voice trailed off, seemingly realising how stupid her excuses sounded.
But you wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt. Atleast she was reaching out to you. You couldn't say that much for a lot of people.
"Alright, I guess. So what's up?" You inquired.
There was a pause before she spoke.
"Nothing much, really. Hey, by the way, I heard that you went to the Dean to report Taehyung. Is that true?"
You wondered if you should tell the truth but figured you might as well since you were going to be outing that asshole on national television the next day.
"Yeah. Not that it did much good." You grouched.
"That was the right thing to do" Her voice got slightly higher as she said this.
"Um, so what's the plan now?" She continued.
You spoke without thinking.
"Daddy Kim can buy out the Dean but we'll see what he can do when the news of his son's shenanigans are televised on the news."
The line went silent for so long that you took away the phone from your ear to check if the line was still alive. It was.
As soon as you put it back to your ear, Nina's voice fell upon your ears.
"Y-yeah, that's a good move. Anyway, I can't talk for long now. Just wanted to check up on you. Bye!" The stutter in her voice did not go unnoticed as the line went dead.
You were smart enough to understand that her purpose for calling was clearly not to check up on you or Sam. Maybe she just wanted some gossip.
Yeah. Maybe that was it.
The towering skyscraper prevented stinging rays of sunlight from irritating your eyes as you look up at the towering building.
The headquarter of 'Democratic News' is nestled in the industrial area of your city. Cars, flashy and otherwise, zoom past the pedestrians who rush to their offices, phones glued to their ears.
You held Sam's hand in your sweaty palm as the two of you quickly walked across the road. You enter the glass building and walk inside the tiled lobby. You had mailed the news channel's official mail ID and received a response scarily quick. Chalking it up to the high profile names in your scandal, you booked an appointment with the Director.
The two of you were rushed towards the elevator after you told the receptionist about your appointment. The ornate elevator and buzzing of elevator music provided a distraction. Both you and Sam had been quiet, stewing in your own thoughts.
You were nervous and wary. You had no delusions about the fact that you might be sent home without achieving your purpose today. But you didn't want to give up. Not yet.
The elevator pinged as the glass doors slid open to reveal the ostentatious 10th floor. The plain white walls were covered with various placards and awards. Picture frames of the news anchors with famous people such as actors, musicians, scientists, politicians lined the opposite wall.
Moving towards the Director's office, your gaze fell upon a picture of the director himself with none other than Mr Kim. Not letting it dissuade you, you kept moving. If this channel couldn't help you, none would.
The receptionist gestured the two of you towards a door at the end of the wide hallway. You are greeted by the sight of four very buff men in black uniform standing outside the door. Does a director of a news channel require this much security? Weird.
Nevertheless, you two move inside, expecting the see the old, paunchy man in the room.
He was in the room, alright.
But he wasn't alone.
Taehyung sat on the chair behind the large desk, with his feet resting comfortably on the said desk. His elbow, perched upon the armrest, was bent, raising his forearm up. What you saw next left a stutter in your breath.
In his tanned hand was a gun. A black, shiny gun that certainly was not a toy.
His face broke into a cocky smirk upon your entrance and dark eyes roved over your face as you struggled to maintain your composure.
You wanted to cry out. You were fucked.
The man you had actually come to meet stood on Taehyung's side, like a fucking butler ready to present his spoiled ass anything he asked for.
"You think you're smart hmm?" Taehyung's voice rang out into the small cabin, the deep baritone raising the hair on your arm and not in a good way.
He continued, clearly uncaring about your response or lackthereof.
"Got into Gatford and now you think you can fuck me over? Smart, courageous little girl?" He stood up from the rotating chair and came around the desk to stand in front of you, the gun still in his hand.
You clutched Sam's arm for strength. To reminding yourself of who you were doing this for.
"What you did was wrong. You deserve to pay for it." You spoke, anger lacing through your voice at his mocking tone.
He raised his eyebrows and stepped closer.
Sam and you simultaneously let out a gasp as he lazily put the gun to your forehead, giving you a smile. Psycho.
"Well, sweetheart, I'm about to do a lot worse. But the thing is, I wouldn't have to pay for it. Can't exactly testify in court when you're rotting in your grave, you know?" He spoke, still smiling.
"This is not a fucking joke. Put the gun down and then we can talk!" Sam ground out, fear for your life evident in her voice.
Tears sprang in your voice. All this and for what? Were you bound to just lose? Suffer degradation at the hands of bastards who were born with a silver spoon in their mouths?
Sam's tone did not sit well with him and suddenly the mouth of the gun, which was till now just a whisper against your skin, was now pressed tight against you. His face lost all hints of amusement and once again you were surprised by how prone he seemed to mood swings. His arm bulged in his black t-shirt as the tendons stood out, belying his fury.
"Shut up! You think you're the first one who thought it would be a good idea to rat me out? The last one ended up orphaned, you stupid girl. You think it's time for your widowed mother to join dear ole' daddy in the grave?" He spat out.
At this point, tears were streaming down both of your faces. You realized the mess you had gotten yourself in. The world was not fair. Justice was a privilege of the powerful and wealthy.
"Listen, we're sorry. We'll go back and never speak of it again. Please don't do anything, alright? Lower the gun-" Sam's pleading broke you.
"You think you're so brave and powerful. You're a coward. You think walking out with a gun and fucking bodyguards makes you powerful? Try walking out without those, son of a bitch! Damn you!" You shouted, uncaring if he shot you in the face then and there.
He looked stricken. However, the mask was quickly back in place as he stormed out of the room. Before leaving, he looked at your face as you sobbed on the ground. His intense stare stayed with you even as the sound of his footsteps faded gradually.
You hung your head in shame, the feeling of powerlessness plaguing you.
You wished you would never have to cross paths with him again.
let me know your feedback! also, the yandere shit is finally going to begin, yay!!!1
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sherylllown7 · 5 years
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Cherrycheek’s Twenty Minute Mouse http://bit.ly/2Zv9nuS
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nerdsetc · 4 years
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Calree is looking as impish as ever! She has her hat and her chicken and is ready to go pull pranks! Anyone who has listened to our podcast will be familiar with her work.
Another round of thanks to @ladyofworlds. If you didn’t see our first post, then you can find them on tumblr, artstation or instagram!
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dndfuckhouse · 6 years
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Race: Halfling
Gender: Female
Age: 18 years
Height: 3"/0.91m
Weight: 92lb/42kg
Class: Bard/College of Whispers
Born and raised in Sharden, the capital of Talornia, Mari comes from a well-known family of medicine makers and sellers. Although not a noble, Mari had a very rich upbringing, learning the violin from a young age, and especially taking interest in herbs and medicines after her parents, aiming to become a doctor. An unfortunate accident leaves her father and mother on trial for medical malpractice. Mari quickly learns any goodwill the family name had has gone down the drain, and has to tough it out on the streets. Not that that goes very well, and by the end of the month she is found starving on the road with her violin by Ash and Cin, who take pity on her and ~teach her the ways of living on your own~, until Vernalis comes along and Actually schools them. Together they aim to create the best band in the world... or something like that.
0 notes
Session 3.
A nearly killer session. ;)
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Today’s lineup (From left to right): 
Barton: Bugbear Barbarian
Dell Cherrycheeks, Halfling Monk
Sammel: Tiefling Ranger
Malgath: Shadar-kai Death Cleric of the Raven Queen (And card-carrying member of the Executioner’s Guild!)
Halifax: Aasimar Divine Soul Sorcerer
Kimahri: Goliath Samurai
Dairy King a.k.a. “Bag”: Ox
Deciding that they were not done exploring the ghost town of Pike’s retreat, they headed back!  
They cautiously swing wide past the church, and did some quick recon before returning to inspect the warehouse.  The church was seemingly abandoned.  It appeared that with the theft of their artifact, the fish men had decided to vacate the premise.
No such luck with the warehouse, and immediately upon beginning their approach, our heroes spotted opposition.  ...and it spotted them...
Barton and Dell quickly stealthed into the shadows of the side streets as three fish men approached down the road.  In the style of a classic western, a battle was fought in the street, but the fish men, fighting to the death, were quickly dispatched.
Unbeknownst to our protagonists, the fish men had willingly given their lives to buy their compatriots time, and as they approached the warehouse, could see their previous dear buddy the High Priest working on a summoning ritual with 3 other wizards and some guards!
A fight broke out!  The gang gradually began to realize that by attacking the casters, they could force concentration checks and potentially disrupt the ritual.  Alas, they did not react quick enough, and with a few juuuust good enough concentration checks by the “villains,” the ritual went off!
The summoning circle, a ring of glowing red runes carved into the warehouse floor had slowly been coalescing darkness.  Suddenly, the air became unnaturally still, the shadows solidified into a glossy black sheet, and the runes flared and went dark.
The blackness stretched, like saran wrap, finally tearing, as oily black tentacles emerged, and a horrible eldritch monstrosity of eyes, tentacles, and teeth emerged.
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Pictured: Barton flanked the High Priest, Sammel crept around taking shots into the hostiles, Dell took a straightforward approach, Malgath’s flank was foiled as Kimahri dragged a fish man guard through a window in a choke hold, and Halifax played it safe shooting from a doorway.
The fight immediately turned chaotic, as it became clear that the fish men had NO CONTROL over the abomination that they had summoned!  Those nearby could feel the psychic presence of the creature, the fish wizards, Dell, and Barton were caught in the affect, and for the moment were helpless.  Fortunately for our Good Guys, the abomination was content to lash out at the fish. ...and lash out he did, obliterating one of the wizards with damage numbers that ensured everyone at the table was awake and paying attention!
Eventually the wizards thinned out, and Barton shook of the mental onslaught and approaching the High Priest, only to be denied the killing blow as the gibbering tentacle monster lashed out ... and rolled a crit!
My party was terrified at the volume of dice I rolled (10d6 on the crit!) and while I was disappointed with a low roll of 26 (enough to instantly kill certain party members) the poor priest had no chance.  A tentacle whipped out, snapping like a wet towel at his midsection.  It caught him with enough force to blow his torso and spine CLEAN OUT.  Splattering Barton with gore as the bisected halves of my only recurring villain fell to the ground.
(DOOM has clearly been having its effect on my kill descriptions. ;) )
The gang circled up and laid on the hurt eventually putting down the horror!
They relaxed for a short while, caught their breath (hit level 2!) and searched the warehouse.  Interesting loot included the High Priest’s shillelagh (dark driftwood, mother of pearl, and a magical aura), and a Black Book with a pitch black wooden cover, charcoal pages, and odd silvery script.  Halifax sensed that with examination, the book would perhaps reveal its secrets to him, but opted instead to spend the time resting.
Feeling better, the group decided to head up to the manor house they had seen on the eastern side of town and see what they could find there.  Next to it, and in their path, was an overgrown greenhouse.  As they passed, Sammel spotted something glowing inside!  He approached, curiously, and peeked inside, but the glow seemed to have disappeared.
He went inside, and noticing a bit of metal on the ground, approached.  Only to be attacked out of nowhere by a shock of electricity that heralded the re-appearance of a small glowing orb.
The party was unimpressed by this new threat, and half of them continued to head towards the manor.  When it came the orb’s turn in initiative, it flared with orange light, and dozens of pinpricks of matching light appeared throughout the greenhouse as the plants came alive!
Suddenly, our beloved ranger, barbarian, and monk found themselves surrounded by no less than TEN ANIMATED SHRUBS!!!
The shrubs themselves were no threat, being each CR 0 (featuring a negative damage modified!  That’s right, they swung for a whopping 1d4-1!)  The orb however, which, unknown to the party, was a Will ‘o Wisp, was another matter entirely... and soon it had Sammel at 0hp.
It was at this point that I had to pause the action and have a belated session 0 chat with the party.  You see, the Will ‘o Wisp had a save-or-die ability that it could use on downed PCs, and frankly, I felt reeeeally uncomfortable using it on players.  Especially freshly minted level 2′s who had NO IDEA just how dangerous the dissociated tea light in front of them actually was.  We resolved that for the low levels, an “easier” game was befitting the VERY casual atmosphere that our game has had.  I agreed, and for a round, the Wisp merely loomed, until someone, (I think it was Malgath or Halifax) passed a knowledge check and I was like “yeah, that thing will go ahead and push you over the edge if you’re down.”
Barton, jumped into action, and dragged Sammel’s corpse out of the greenhouse.  (But not before Sammel DID get hit with Consume Life and thankfully passed his save!)  He was brought back up to health, and rolled out of combat as Barton began face-tanking the Wisp.  They went down and another Consume Life save was made!  ... with another pass!
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At this point, the party KNEW what they were up against, and with two healers, I felt comfortable playing the Wisp as intended.  (I had also realized that I could potentially do some fun stuff with a player death and perhaps had had a really awkward mid-fight conversation for nothing)
They triumphed though, eventually overcoming the Wisp’s high AC and HP, and BURNED THE GREENHOUSE TO THE GROUND.
They noticed that on the other side of the manor was a carriage house, featuring a generally intact carriage ... and something shiny!
But being exhausted, bloody, and freshly weary of the dangers here, they opted instead to return to town and rest....
Despite my own concerns over the Wisp, the session was still a huge success, with the multi-stage warehouse ritual battle being the high point of the campaign so far.
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