kadeuxhyeonju · 3 years
Kadeu, Heart Territory, The Red Dragon
18 August 2021, Midday
Pleasant chatter filled every corner of the Red Dragon’s interior—so unlike the sounds that once  filled each room. Despite a year and half since Nari assuming ownership of the Red Dragon and renovating it into a restaurant, Hyeonju still grew awed every time he crossed the threshold. Gone were the dirty floors and walls, replaced with sleek new material that didn’t leave an opening for anyone to think the establishment was anything less than reputable. Tables and booths with cozy chairs sat underneath soft lighting. It was elegant. Beautiful. Replacing any bad memories any of the former prostitutes—Hyeonju included—might have had if it didn’t look the way it did. If it wasn’t run by the person he was visiting today.
And once again, Hyeonju was filled with pride at the realization that Nari had built this from the ground up. All on her own. The Heart wasn’t one to feel sentimental, but there was always something about the thought of Nari standing on her own two feet and living the life she deserved that warmed Hyeonju’s insides. He secretly hoped the joyous feeling would never fade.
A server saw his approach and smiled with all the courtesy afforded a patron. Hyeonju returned it, flashing his canines, amber gold eyes curling with the grin. Before the server could lead him to a table, he spoke quickly but politely. “I’m here to see Nari. Is she in?”
The flash of recognition as they took in Hyeonju amused the hybrid greatly. Perhaps they’re new? He though idly to himself as the server scurried off to presumably let his dearest friend know he’d arrived for their usual get-together. He double-checked the medium-sized pack hanging off his hip to make sure the content within was safe before patiently waiting for his best friend to arrive.
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kadeukarma · 4 years
Tuesday, 18 August 2020; Evening. 
Backstage at The Secret Room you overhear a conversation between a group of your burlesque dancers. Apparently one of the lowrankers that works at The Red Dragon has caught the eye of Ace of Hearts Clan Leader Zuihuo Joui. One of your male dancers claims he attended the Fae’s Birthday Ball and saw the woman there - a Six. This dancer is also a shifter and seems to think she smelled rather fox-like.
As the Ace of Hearts usually seeks companions from your establishment, this news has come with more than a few narrowed eyes among your workers.
Karma sat in the darkened secret room adjacent to her office, feet propped up on the desk; ankles crossed, of course. Back to the door, the desk faced a massive wall of what appeared to be small cupboards, each with accompanying engraved nameplate labels and antique brass horns that curved downward, mimicking the shape of a bell.
Never before had a woman sat in this seat; atop this throne of power, and while she might not technically be a woman, her vessel certainly was. This was her place now, as it had been for several years, and despite being quite frivolous and uncaring in the past, Karma had to admit she was quite proud of the life she’d made for herself and the little minxes that worked for her.
Every night, she seated herself at this very desk and diligently made observations. Again, many men before her had done the same, but the intent couldn’t have differed more drastically. A watchful eye was absolutely necessary for the protection of her employees and while the wall in front of her appeared overwhelming at first glance, it had been painstakingly organized. 
Planned in depth all the way back from the building’s initial inception, the labyrinthine design hidden behind simple plaster and embossed wallpaper must’ve been someone’s crowning achievement. With the use of light, mirrors, and just a bit of magic, she could literally see and hear anywhere in the massive complex, simply by opening a little door.
As tempting as that sort of power was, Karma did her best not to abuse it...but she IS a demon, you know so, if there are expectations not being met, it’s really nobody’s fault but your own. 
During her ‘rounds’ tonight, she stumbled upon an interesting conversation in the dressing room. She had just been about to telekinetically slam the door when she heard mention of the Ace’s birthday party she’d been unwilling to attend. It wasn’t that she wasn’t fond of Joui. She actually adored him, and all the pretty, shiny coins in his gigantic vault. But as unfortunate as it was, her patience with explaining, repeatedly, that she was not ‘on the menu’ at her place of employment was apparently much lower than it needed to be for her to exist in a social setting for more than five minutes.
She’d been content RSVP’ing with the assumption that she and Joui had an understanding as to why it was difficult for her to make an appearance, but the more she listened, the further her eyebrows knitted together in concern. Before she realized it, she’d swung her legs off the desk and crawled up onto it, on her hands and knees as she peered into the illuminated box on the wall. He was seeing someone at The Red Dragon?! Her stomach flipped at the thought of losing all the pretty, shiny coins that stayed behind after he left her doors.
With an exasperated huff, she slammed the cubby, plunging the room back into dim moonlight and crawled off the desk, tugged her form fitting dress back into place. This simply would not do. She was determined to see what all this apparent fuss was about. She would take a look at this girl, this fox, and decide her fate after that, but one thing was for certain: little boys who get caught being naughty have their toys taken away.
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evaxsombra · 4 years
🀄 & 👑
🀄 — What is your favorite part of the holiday season?
I really love how everyone just seems to relax a bit more when the holidays come around. All the food, dancing, and gifts while being around people you care about just seems to keep everyone for fighting too much. At least for a few days, ya know? You just use that time to breathe and remember not everything is terrible. We need more time like that, I think.
👑 — What species have you dated?
OHHHHH Are you interested? I’m just messing with ya! Hmm, I’ve dated quite a few I think, though not because of their species. They were just people I really felt a connection to. But that’s not the answer you’re lookin’ for, I guess. Let’s see. There was that Kumiho I met at a club--total gentleman, but terrible at commitment. Then there was that Strongarm who tried to win me over by beating me in a one-on-one fight after every date--I’ll never understand what was going through her head. Oh! And that ritualist from Club who wanted to become a teacher at the Academy. Dated a couple humans who had an inferiority complex just ‘cause I was stronger than them, ya know? ‘Cause I’m a shifter. Never dated a Fae or Dwarf or Elementalist, or Demon, or Concubi?
I give people a chance as long as I think we mesh, ya know? Don’t really care what species you if you’re putting effort into the relationship.
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sullivanspade · 4 years
BAT — What species would you choose to be if you could?
FAE — Sullivan can’t help his curiosity when it comes to all things magical. Being born a weak and powerless individual, he has always been intensely jealous of those who possess mystical powers; especially those who wield magic. To Sullivan, Fae are the embodiment of magic and he would jump at the chance to be able to control powers as effortlessly and fluidly as Fae appear to.
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generalkwon · 4 years
📰 + 🎖
📰 Does your muse like to read the news?
Yes he does! Jihoon always reads the Deck cover to cover. Aside from figuring out if the current Palace play is worth seeing (it usually is) he also gets a good read on the city
🎖 Does your muse enjoy praise?
Yes and no. The General doesn’t hate praise but it also does little for him, especially from those he doesn’t know well. His opinion of himself is really the only thing that matters to him. And maybe Maxines opinion
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kadeu · 3 years
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Many things have changed in the city of Kadeu over the past three years. Below, you’ll find a list of major changes instituted by our members! Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to have things on this post added or amended.
Dream Dens, owned by the Zuihuo Cartel and operated predominantly by Fae, are lounge like recreation spots in Diamonds that sell Yurei. Decorated in calm pastels, with relaxed ambiance, these aesthetically pleasing establishments welcome citizens to try their wares safely and comfortably. 
The Golden Faerie has been rebranded Golden Dawn. This strip club is open to all ranks but is largely frequented by the low-ranked. While calling it dirty is a double entendre, it's also rather accurate, through no fault of the dancers. Well, through no fault of half the dancers.
The Red Dragon brothel has changed ownership! Now owned by @cherrykadeu, this establishment has been rebranded The Red Fox and is now a restaurant that welcomes every species and all ranks. However, Vulpes experience exclusive treatment as there’s a special menu for anyone who subtlety proves that they are one of the fox species to staff members - whether by flashing a smile that shows off their impressive set of teeth or by twitching a long fluffy tail.
Wing Theatrics. This small building in Diamonds, marble and granite adorned with the insignia of a soaring pegasus, is located near the ends of the theater district, and welcomes all walks of life that wish to harness the ways of acting from a master of the arts. With the wish to give those who deserve it a fair chance, Ace of Diamonds Moon Ara gives a priority to the low and mid ranked, thus her current class is mostly made up of those whose wrists indicate a 9 or lower. The studio focuses on training those with a clear passion, ensuring that they are given a fair chance during any audition with any of the theaters in the district.
Club @mallickshah​ has left the resistance as a leader and become a silent supporter
Club @phoenixkadeu​ has joined the resistance as a trader
The Club Council which is overseen by Ace of Clubs @mallickshah, welcomes members @hilo--keahi and @nihtegalc
Diamond @croupiex has been reassigned from the Koromo to the Kohaku
Spade @evaxsombra has been reassigned from administration to non-magical healing in the Triage Center
Club @nihtegalc​ has joined the Adventurer’s Guild as a rank D
Diamond @ara-kadeu​ advanced from Queen to Ace
Spade @shuliing advanced from Jack to Queen
Diamond @ara-kadeu and Club @hilo--keahi have married and welcomed female strongarm baby Lana into Kadeu
Diamond @croupiex and Diamond @lukef are no longer seeing one another. @croupiex is now involved with NPC Emmeline
Club @phoenixkadeu and Heart @passcridae have started dating and moved into Sparrow’s home together
Heart @zuihuojoui and Heart @saygeko have mated and welcomed male high-fae baby Izayoi
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kadeunpc · 3 years
Heard anything fun lately?
but have you heard....
Ace of Hearts @zuihuojoui has quiet of late because he’s trying to hide the fact both his girlfriends, @cherrykadeu and @saygeko, are pregnant! Happy father to be or are both these women going to go missing soon?
Ace of Spades @generalkwon has changed partners! @its-max-okay hasn’t been seen near him at all lately, and his visits to the training grounds have mysteriously increased. Perhaps newly appointed to a prime position @shuliing is the current recipient of his affection?
Starlet @ara-kadeu, who has recently risen to King, is planning to use her higher position as a buffer against retaliation when she sponsors lover @hilo--keahi to join the Diamonds
But will he join her? The two of Spades blacksmith has recently been spotted talking to a couple big movers in Club territory. Trouble in paradise?
Disgraced Academy Professor dumped by his student boyfriend? @lukef spotted drunk and crying wandering Diamond territory after-hours
Casino Dealer @croupiex spotted getting hands-on with @princxly outside his workplace. Immediately called into the Big Office, was it because @saygeko was jealous of her lover groping someone else? In front of her business of all places? 
Wait, if @saygeko is pregnant and seeing multiple people just like her partner @zuihuojoui, how do we know who the father is? Or the MOTHER EVEN- no wait. Nevermind.
@phoenixkadeu spotted back in the city after an extended absence. Where was he? Why was he crying in Aphrodite’s temple with some random guy? @passcridae Was it because of the breakup with @lukef? Does he feel bad after finding a new man so quickly?
Star Cafe on the brink of bankruptcy? Decreased traffic thanks to the corruption and the chaos in the city seems to have been exceptionally difficult on Downtown Diamond businesses.
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kadeupromo · 3 years
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Meeseong Geon is Meeseong Nari aka. Cherry’s older brother. He is four to five years older than her, making him 44 or 45. Cherry is a Club defector and is currently a member of the Hearts faction. Though the siblings are not attached at the hip, they are close enough to worry about and check in with one another.
Used to be an elite guard at the Armory in Club territory
Was on-duty when a manabeast broke through the outer wall in Kadeu and rampaged through the city. He was not terribly wounded during this encounter.
Was on-duty when the Resistance attacked the Armory. He betrayed his co-workers and fought alongside the Resistance, ending his career at the Armory.
Is now a known member of the resistance and is laying low in Club territory working for the resistance.
Contacting the mun is not required to apply but is strongly encouraged! @cherrykadeu
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its-max-okay · 4 years
Saturday 18 July 2020; 19:15
Heart territory; the Streets
Despite being a healer by race and profession, Max wasn’t exactly what you would refer to as the charitable sort. She didn’t hold office hours out of the goodness of her own heart, nor did she wander down the street curing everyone’s sundry sniffles. Tonight especially she was off the clock, taking a slow stroll through the Hearts district with all the cocksurety of a Spade daring someone to mess with her. She got that, sort of, but maybe not quite how she wanted.
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Max’s brow knit as she caught sight of a young woman approaching from the other direction, unsteady on her feet. She didn’t look drunk, or high, she just looked… exhausted, eyes downcast and limping. Not your problem, Zhang, Max warned herself. It almost worked, except at about four feet away the young Heart’s ankle gave up the ghost, and the girl stumbled.
On instinct, Max darted in to catch her by the arm before she could hit the hard stone. “Hey?” She blurted out first, then realized that didn’t make any sense and tried again. “Hey-- sweetheart, steady. You okay?” Right, so much for that whole not-being-the-charitable-sort bit.
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kadeuhq · 4 years
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   The Zuihuo Clan Invites You To Celebrate
     the six hundred and twenty sixth birth year of our clan leader
                           Zuihuo Joui
Saturday the Fifteenth of August Two Thousand and Twenty at Sunset. Menree House located at Fouteen Primrose Avenue in Heart Territory. High Formal Attire.
Delivered by a servant who arrived in a Zuihuo Clan Carriage. The letter is dressed in a golden envelope and sits atop a crystal tray. You open it to find the invitation inked on exquisite parchment, its edges framed in a delicate floral of gold foil.
@nerenth @generalkwon @kadeuxhyeonju @diabyeolical @kadeumilou @its-max-okay @cherrykadeu
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kadeuxhyeonju · 4 years
Kadeu, The Joker, Blue Moon Festival
31st October, 2020, 11PM
Hyeonju scanned the panicking crowd that filled the Joker, looking for a particular face and spotting her almost immediately. He made a beeline for her, nimbly weaving between naked drunkards who had stripped themselves bare in search of new tattoos. The Heart couldn’t burn away the image of looking down at his wrists and seeing the new brands etched into his skin—a Heart symbol above his Ten, a crossed out Spade sitting mockingly beside it, and a red and black bar sitting on the inside of his right wrist, 1/5 of the way full. No, he refused to think about it, lest he give in to the memories plaguing his mind, the weight of hate and sorrow.
“Nari!” Hyeonju called out as he reached her. He took a good look at her, making sure she wasn’t injured in this chaos. He tried to make his voice light for her sake, put on a smile that screamed confidence and exasperation. He might be having an internal fit, but the Kumiho didn’t need to. “Kadeu never ceases to amaze, does it?” He showed off the bar, discreetly keeping his Defection mark out of sight. “Seems to think we’re cattle instead of people here for a good time. How are you, my favorite little Kumiho, hm? Taking deep breaths?” Concern laced his voice as he watched her with careful eyes.
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generalkwon · 4 years
✿ + ϟ
✿ Would they ever trust dark or wicked magic?
Given the fact @sullivanspade lives in his house, I think it’s safe to say Jihoon doesn’t care much. More accurately, though, he believes beings are dark and evil, not their tools, magic included.
ϟ Have they ever gotten pleasure from causing others pain?
No, Jihoon is an emotionless fighter. When he fights he fights for his life and for the lives of his fellow Spades - he does not waste time with torture he simply kills people.
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kadeu · 4 years
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While the dregs gather in their lackluster attempts at festivity, high society does the season right! Expected in the colors of the season: red, gold and silver; highrankers gather at the Joker to show unity and charity during Yeon Nen. Faction issues are to be tossed aside while they dance within the fabricated crystal ballroom, heated and away from the cold. 
Only the lowranked pretend to be merry while shivering. 
Attendees are asked to bring gifts to add to the toy drive to show the deep consideration they have for Kadeu’s young and underprivileged. As this event is sponsored by The Deck, there is a bar as well as hors d’oeuvres being served by midrankers of every faction. The guest list, carefully curated to only include those ranked eight and above, also comes with a five gold entry fee that serves as a barrier to entry for most midrankers who aren’t serving.
While the first drink of the night is free, all after that must be paid for. In paltry silvers, but paid for none the less. 
A crystal ballroom has been erected at the joker. Guests can delight in seeing the snow fall as they dance within the pyramid shaped structure, safe and warmed. This event begins at 21:00 ( 9PM ) on 31 December 2020. It should be noted that while gifting to the toy drive isn’t explicitly required, the most common question at this event is ‘what gift did you bring’. Hearts in particular like to use their gifts as demonstrations of their wealth. 
If your muse is attending this event, please let an admin know so they can mark them down here!
@fromashanddust — attending.
@phoenixkadeu — attending.
@kadeuyongsun —
@saygeko —  attending.
@generalkwon — attending.
@kadeuxhyeonju — attending.
@cherrykadeu — attending.
@ara-kadeu — attending.
@lukef — attending.
@merirobin —
@shuliing — attending.
@scnreiis — attending.
@kadeu-kol — attending.
@its-max-okay — attending.
@zuihuojoui —  attending.
@passcridae — attending falseranked as a Jack.
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kadeunpc · 4 years
new gossip please and thank you
but have you heard...
@ara-kadeu seems to have peculiar tastes. First, her ongoing relationship with Two of Clubs @hilo--keahi and now she’s invited a married Dwarven couple into her home? I guess disabled blacksmiths and desperate refugees are what do it for her
It seems @duri-sawbones may be a spy planted by the Diamond Faction. How much do people really know about this guy anyway? He always looks a little off, maybe he’s been lying about his alternate forms 
@kadeukarma seems to be getting around these days. First, she was in Diamond Territory hovering around @nerenth and now she’s off in Club Territory with @mercykadeu? Seems she’s not as “off the menu” as she claims to be, but I guess a head whore is still a whore
@phoenixkadeu has been crazy suspicious lately. Could he perhaps be involved with the resistance? The guys obviously batshit crazy, would anyone really doubt his involvement with the bombing of the Academy?
Has @ujin-khaos lost his touch? First, he flips his lid attempting to make a Spade assault one of his other patrons, then he bans lowrankers from his club and now he’s playing favorites with @peachestpeachatkadeux? Whose the real concubus here, huh? It’s hard to tell whose got whom wrapped around their finger since they both can’t seem to keep them out of each other
@zuihuojoui seems to be keeping his hands full. @cherrykadeu, @saygeko, @acevalentina, the decapitated heads of his enemies. Just how much flesh can this fae juggle?
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kadeupromo · 3 years
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This character’s recommended faceclaim is Seo Kangjoon! This Gumiho is an Elite Male Guard at the Armory in the Clubs faction.
Meeseong Geon is Meeseong Nari aka. Cherry’s older brother. He is four to five years older than her, making him 44 or 45. He is a member of the resistance and a Club. Cherry is a Club defector and is currently a member of the Hearts faction. Though the siblings are not attached at the hip, they are close enough to worry about and check in with one another. He was also one of the Guards on-duty at the Armory when a manabeast broke through the outer wall in Kadeu and rampaged through the city. He was not terribly wounded during this encounter.
Contacting the mun is not required to apply but is strongly encouraged! @cherrykadeu
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kadeuhq · 4 years
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Welcome to Kadeu  —
Ace of Spades @spadejihoon
Ace of Diamonds @crookedsanha
Jack of Spades @its-max-okay
Seven of Clubs @junganton
Six of Hearts @cherrykadeu
I’m so excited we’re opening! Thank you all for your patience and deep dives into the lore, I loved reading each and every one of your applications! Personalized plot drops are coming to your inboxes soon, please make sure they’re open. Without further ado, let’s get plotting! 
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