#chesh answers
Hi! I'm visiting to celebrate Writeblr Summerfest. I have one question that I'm really hoping isn't a spoiler. What's the relationship dynamic between Natasa and Carina? Do the werewolf and werejaguar live in the same house?
hi, thanks for visiting!
the answer to that is that most of the time they do!
they're adopted sisters who've spent at least 8 years together, considering they're 16, and they did live in the same house.
however, due to the fact they were getting older and their werewolf/werejaguar natures respectively started to clash for reasons that are somewhat spoilery, they were split up in order to attend school in different places. they do still live together during certain holidays/breaks, however.
their dynamic is that they clash and argue a lot, but are still always there for each other when it counts.
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dillusionalgrins · 2 years
What does your muse smell like meme - trouble
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"My my I must smell quite good then~"
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Ace, Deuce, will be shocked by a sudden laugh but Roxas would just shakes his head with a light laugh before looking in the air with a smile on his face.
Roxas: Chesh, please stop scaring my friends.
The head of a cat with a very wide grin would appear, scaring them more.
Cheshire Cat: Oh, My Prince~ Why must you spoil my fun?
Roxas, folding his arms smiles at the Cheshire Cat: Not everyone reacts well to a suddenly voice appearing out of nowhere, my friend. Now, what brings you here, might I ask?
Cheshire Cat: Can't I just visit my friend and favorite prince?
Roxas: You can, just please don't scare my friends.
Cheshire Cat, smiling while chuckling: I shall try but I make no promises~ (Looks at Ace and Deuce) As for you, Little Card Soldiers, I might have the answer to your blight~ Come to the Prince's Dorm when class is over~ I shall see you then.
With that, the head and voice of the Cheshire Cat fade away.
Deuce: ...Was that a cat head?
Ace: Oh, good, You saw it too.
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mizusswordtip · 4 months
Down The Rabbit Hole ⚝ Killian Jones x Reader (4)
find the story on wattpad
summary: Alice's plan to overthrow the Queen of Hearts is thwarted by a dashing pirate with a hook. Years later, after the curse is broken, they reunite once again.
wc: 945
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I see Jefferson looking at me with an unimpressed raised brow. I look around at my surroundings, unsettled. “I told you, you’re not dreaming Alice. This is real I’m real.” He speaks passionately, grasping my shoulders once more.
I know I’m being difficult but I can’t help it. How can any of this be real? Just hours ago I was being proposed to and that was the craziest thing that had happened to me since my father’s death. The Queen taking my memories just seems too… convenient. Or maybe I just don’t want to believe. I swallow hard.
“Do you know why a raven is like a writing desk?” He asks nonsensically with an expectant expression, as if I’m supposed to know the answer. I shake my head with furrowed brows and he looks cresfallen. I give him an apologetic look.
“I do.” A different voice rings out, smooth and silky. I tear my eyes away from Jefferson and see a cat that seemingly materialized out of nowhere. Defiantly a dream.
“Who are you?” I ask curiously, happy for the distraction from Jefferson’s intense gaze.
“An old friend.” He says mysteriously before appearing behind Jefferson. “Do not worry Hatter, she will be Alice again, just give her time.” He tells Jefferson. I’m filled with indignation at his words. Not Alice? How can I not be Alice when I am Alice?
“What do you mean by that?” I ask with furrowed brows, tired of everyone acting like they know me better than I do.
Just as the strange cat is about to answer, there’s a loud howl from outside which causes him to disappear once more. The hair on the back of my neck stands up at the chilling sound. All the occupants at the table stand, looking like they are prepared for a fight. I stand up, going to see what’s outside when Jefferson grabs my arm to stop me.
I swiftly pull my arm away, tired of being dragged around. I go towards the door, the fear now gone and replaced by exasperation at the feeling of having no control over my own dream. Coming towards me is a large white beast with white spots. I ponder over whether or not it whether it’s a mix of a bear or a dalmation.
“Bandersnatch!” I hear McTwisp shout from somewhere behind me.
I feel my palms turn clammy but I refuse to move, entrusting that this dream will finally end. I close my eyes just as the banderthingy raises it’s large back to strike me but Jefferson pushes me out of the way, the beast only managing to scratch my arm. I lay on my back in shock, holding my wounded arm as I realize I still haven’t woke up. Pinching myself usually works so why wouldn’t this? My arm really hurts. Bad.
I watch, unable to do anything as the bandersack, or whatever it’s called, takes Jefferson’s foot in its mouth and drags him off to who knows where. Before I lose sight of him he shouts one last thing at me. “Don’t follow me!” And with that, he’s gone.
I get up, breathing heavily as a feeling of dread comes over me. Why would he do something like that for me? Does he truly believe that I’m capable of defeating the Queen? So much so that he’d be willing to sacrifice himself so I can? I steel myself, knowing what I have to do.
“Cat!” I shout at the air. In a moment the cat from before materializes in front of me, paying close attention to the three gashes on my arm.
“I can heal that for you, it needs purified so it doesn’t putrefy.” He says with his usual grin. I move away, sensing a strange, malicious energy radiating from him. I hold my arm protectively. “At least let me bind it for you.” He says, materializing a bandage. I nod my head hesitantly in consent and wince as he binds my arm gently.
When he’s done I take a step back and look at him with determination. “What’s your name?” I ask firmly.
“The Cheshire Cat. But you used to call me Chesh.” He says with a…well, you know what kind of grin.
“Where did that thing take Jefferson?” I then ask. The chesh-Chesh appears behind me.
“To the Queens palace of course.” He says, tilting his head to the side.
“We’re going to rescue him.” I state, leaving no room for argument.
“If I recall, did he not tell you to to not do exactly that?” He asks knowingly, appearing back in front of me and rolling to his back.
I let out a frustrated breath of air. “I don’t care what he said! He wouldn’t be there if it weren’t for me.” I say and then pause. “This may be a dream… but if it’s not.” I hesitate. “If it’s not then I must save him.” I finish.
“You must prepare-”
I feel a rush of anger run through me and I interrupt before he can finish. “From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I’ve been told what I must do and who I must be. I’ve been told I know all of you and I’ve been scratched by a wild beast but this is my dream! I’ll decide where it goes from here.” I finish, feeling more self assured than I have my entire life.
“If you diverge from the right path-”
“I decide what the right path is! I make the path! So either help me… or stay the hell out of my way.”
His smile becomes even bigger somehow.
“Now you are Alice.”
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hi chesh!!
List 5 things that make you happy, then send this to the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers! :) /np ofc!!
listening to my friends infodump
using my fountain pens
seeing my student succeed or draw connections
brainworm blorbo of the week
Thanks for your endless patience on these, im so sorry i take like 2 months to answer asks sometimes x'D
If you are seeing this and like askbox games, please leave a like/reply and I'll send it out o7
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hearts-of-cards · 10 months
Name: Cheshire/Chesh or Sassy
Pronouns: She/They/Her
Preference of communication: However is fine, use tumblr messages. My other methods of communication are reserved for people I am closer to.
Name of muses: I have several, but my current favorites of choice are Y.Marik (on another blog), Yuugi Mutou, Y. Bakura, Malik Ishtar.
Experience/How long (months/years): I've been writing off and on for at least 15+ years or more.
Platforms you've used: Facebook, forums, tumblr.
Best experience: Meeting my long running rp partner over some crack rp selfcest between two Y.Marik. We've been inseparable since then.
Rp pet peeves / Dealbreakers: Don't assume I am my muses, otherwise I am a very relaxed mun.
Fluff, angst, or smut: Depends. I am very selective about who I write smut with, but just about anything besides that is up for grabs.
Plots or memes: Both are fun. I'm not very good at plotting asides from just tossing ideas out, but I'm happy to discuss things or even answer random inbox interactions.
Long or short replies: I can write a lot, but no one ever has to feel the need to match that. I am completely fine with doing short replies it just depends upon the muse of both the character and the way the writing flows at the time.
Best time to write: Whenever, I usually prefer afternoons or evenings, since I have to do other things of a day.
Are you like your muses? I don't think so, but I do relate very much to both Malik and Yuugi in my own ways. I'm probably a lot more similar to Judai Yuuki though... :/
Tagged by: I stole it : 3
Tagging: If you see it? Feel free. You don't need my permission <3
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wildsecuritywolf · 1 year
[Hello, Chesh Kuro here~]
[Sorry I haven’t been using this blog for some time, just been busy with work life and barely get any sort of creative juice to help with replying back to some messages for some rps here and there. But I will do what I can to answer back as soon as I can.]
[That’s all, Chesh out~!]
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ofxscavengcrs · 6 months
@wvsteria || Cheshire & Jacen
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 .。.:*☆ "I really do think this is all fake, you know?" Chesh mused while traling one finger over the surface of the armor. for him, there was no real reason why a thing like this would stay in the Mall. Maybe decoration. Or someone stole it from the museum and placed it here as some sort of prank.
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"I mean, we did have them in Wonderland, and they did not feel so... cheap. Not like this one..." He trailed off, pondering. "Hey, what do you think - if I knock on the helmet, will someone answer me from the inside?"
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xilianx · 9 months
HAAAIIIII THIS IS THE USUAL USUAL ANON :333. I definitely didn't expect the fic to update now. The newest chapter is as wonderful as the others, even if it's on the shorter side. I really enjoy Viola's short but silly quips while she's fighting with Cheshire. "I got a fucking boom hammer!” sounds like something inappropriate to say in the moment but very in-character with Viola. The Diomedes bow is really sick too.
And I love how you incorporated traditional Chinese myths and weapons into the setting for the Elder. It's really fun to see it as someone who is really into Chinese myths and also using it in their own projects. I'd ask why you chose Kaiming Shou, but I have a feeling you'd answer it in the later chapters or the β2 fic you mentioned before.
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I'm glad you've enjoyed the latest chapter!!
I love writing Viola and Chesh being lil gremlins, getting into trouble n shit. Viola should NOT have gotten hands on that hammer, she is gonna be unstoppable lmao Also glad you liked the Diomedes ballista bit! I had so much fun writing that part.
I keep forgetting that I started a doc for the Beta2 fic, but I'm still so deep into Causality, I'm wondering if I'll ever start it 😭 on multi-chapter at a time, I suppose.
Thank you again for your kinda words and I'm glad you're still enjoying it!!
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cheshireartist · 4 years
God I feel like a creep, but I think I just followed all the ask blogs. They’re amazing and I like the flow of them. I just wanted to let you know how awesome they are.
Aw, don't feel like a creep. Thank you so much for following all of them and liking them so much!! It makes me really happy ; v ;
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
For the 5 headcanons game, if you're still playing it, please: the big showdown between AFO and All Might in Kamino was interrupted by the destruction triggering the quirk of a random civilian. Because of it, every heroes still on the scene (All Might, Endeavor, Kamui, Edgeshot and so on) + All for One is turned into a teenager for at least a month.
Yeah I'm gonna make this as chaotic as possible for you Chesh.
1. Ok, all the major heroes and villains are teenified. Dope. The stress of the fight and the blast turned Izuku's snow white. He blinks away the dust and finds himself face to face with what looks like... himself only in a too big suit. Confused, Shiggy grabs Izuku and runs while Shouto and Bakugou grab AFO.
2. Izuku is very confused why they think he's AFO (he hadnt registered that his doppleganger was AFO) but decides 'hey I'll use this opportunity to take down the LOV'. Luckily his intelligence and quirk analysis convinces most of the followers and Izuku just starts, casually dismantling the organization. Talks Tomura through his issues and gives him like, actual therapy. He's so happy, sensei has never been this nice before. Decides to stan this version forever.
3. AFO is at UA like 'what the hell just happened??' apparently they think he's his son. Oh look, there's All Might, young and healthy but without OFA he will use this opportunity for evil. Has to be subtle since he doesn't want people to realize he's not Izuku. He underestimates how Strong healthy Toshi is at baseline. Also stupidly lucky. Even using his quirks, AFO can't seem to kill his nemesis. Picks many fights with Bakugou hoping he'll die in a tragic accident. Classmates are glad Izuku is finally getting over his fear/awe of Bakugou even if he's a bit uh aggressive now.
4. Aizawa is still in charge of class bc like HELL is he leaving his kids after all that trauma. His voice keeps squeaking and he's so lanky and awkward no one really takes him seriously. Traumatized over going through puberty again with his stupid puppy love for Hizashi making things hard like please we've been married a decade can I stop blushing every 5 minutes?? Somethings up with Midoriya but its probably the effects of the quirk.
5. By the time the quirk wears off, Izuku does a great job of dismantling the LOV and getting them all support/therapy. Shiggy follows Izuku back to UA like a puppy. AFO could not, frustratingly enough, kill All might for increasingly ridiculous and hilarious reasons. He did manage to talk to a lot of the UA students and soon they're having very rebellious ideas about quirk reform and government overstepping. Nedzu and the HPSC feel a cold sweat run down their backs for reasons they don't know. Izuku and AFO both feel accomplished even if Izuku STILL has no idea why everyone thought he was AFO or who that weird doppleganger was. Oh well, doesn't matter.
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Summerfest question! Which character in your wip do you wish had a bigger part? 
thank for the ask!
the answer is tiras, because he's so much fun as a concept. like an incubus who just wants to chill in the form of a cat because he has no interest in sex? it's fun!
also he plots world domination as a hobby and likes to dress up and is just generally very snarky. he has salem from sabrina the teenage witch vibes and i love that.
(as an aside i think all of the familiar type characters should get a bigger part because they are a lot of fun. specifically spike because i like the duo of moira and spike.)
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dillusionalgrins · 1 year
"  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “ for chesh
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"Oh dear boy. What makes you think I wouldn't want to smash you, hmm? Is it something I don't have on my face?"
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argxntxm · 7 years
I got two asks about doing this for Prompto. 
favorite thing about them - I want to say everything. Because let’s be honest, I love a lot about him. But if I have to choose one I think it would be how he tries to keep spirits up. He tries so hard to keep harmony between everyone. He just wants things to work out among them all. 
least favorite thing about them - His crush on Cindy. It’s a bit...much. I think it needs to calm down a bit.
favorite line -  ‘Whoo! We’re alive! Let’s celebrate by eating something dead!’ 
brOTP -  Prompto/Ignis
OTP - Luna/Noctis/Prompto 
nOTP - Ardyn/Prompto 
random headcanon  - He checks his phone a lot to see if he’s got any missed calls or texts from his parents. He doesn't know if they made it out, if they are okay, or if they’re gone. He’s called them a few times but never got an answer but that could just mean they lost their phones. They were out a lot, so they could have survived the attack on the citadel and he tries to be positive about it as much as he knows they might be gone. (Sorry thought of this last night. I love angst and sad headcanons.)
unpopular opinion - Hm...I can’t think of any at the moment. 
song i associate with them - Living In The Eye Of The Storm - Trapt is a good one. It was the first one that came to mind. 
favorite picture of them - There are far too many. Please don’t make me pic one. I have so many saved...
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kermit-love · 4 years
also vibecheck 👁️👄👁️
Vibes: the last drops of rain racing down the window, a candle flickering the slight breeze, a whispered secret to be taken to the grave, the clasped hands of friends, and the creased edges of a pamphlet
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lachalaine · 4 years
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@secrecykept​ asked: 
If Jackie were to walk into her bedroom right now, she would see a large leopard splayed out on her bed. The feline was perfectly content in his sleep, a low purr rumbling from him. Poor thing was so exhausted! Of course it /was/ tiring being so damn nosy. The bedroom was in a bit of a mess, it had been quite a challenge for Chesh to /nosy/ through her belongings while in leopard form after all.
If Jackie were to walk into her bedroom right now, she was nearly certain of exactly the sight that she would see. The same sight that she’d had for years, her room the same as it ever was; no different from how she’d left it this morning, no different from how she’d walked into it last night.  
There wasn’t much to be said for a variation in said expectations, after all, considering the years and years of which she’d primarily lived alone. Apart from Lemon Drop, of course, who for all her haughtiness and arrogance, was not necessarily one to cause too much of a mess in her absence -- spare the few times she made it a point to toss down the odd vase or two, but that was only ever to see how fast she could make Jackie run over to catch it. 
Living with a cat, it’d seemed, wasn’t exactly the easiest arrangement, in hindsight. 
Now living with two however, with one being just a mite larger and a great deal more curious, and she was going to find out just exactly how much that statement rang true. 
For it’s with a slight push upon the door that the female quietly meanders her way in that afternoon, with attention preoccupied, her gaze distracted - focused only upon the mobile phone lit ever so brightly within her grasp. An idle musing on a possible response to a received text message, only for her attention to gradually shift when her bare foot suddenly catches on to something both stringy and soft, a lil’ thin scrap of fabric that draws the woman up short. 
And Jackie allows a passing moment of confusion to settle before she finally makes it a point to check, the idle lifting of her foot with a mild note of uncertainty, before her eyes finally manage to comprehend exactly what it is that she sees. 
Pale lilac. Thin Lace. A most conspicuous textile tossed onto the floor like last weeks laundry. 
Funny, considering how she was sure she hadn’t worn that particular piece for at least a month. She’d even remembered folding it after it’d been washed. 
Although --- now that she’d deigned to notice it, as mahogany hues slowly shifted to yet another piece of fabric on the floor, to another, and then another, and then one more --- 
Her whole closet was in dire need of a laundry hamper now, apparently. 
And who should she eventually find but the obvious culprit dozing away on her bed; the male having plainly taken no efforts at all to hide his involvement, as he lay buried beneath a good pile of cozy sweaters, with his claws gently clipped into the fabric of her most favorite jacket. 
The look on her face does not read pleased, even as her heart mildly melts at the sight. 
Oh gods. 
“Kit.” She exhales in soft exasperation, even as his ear seems to mildly twitch at the sound of her voice, an absent snuggle down into the fabric still curled tight beneath his maw, and gods forbid - but even knowing the extent of the mess he’d caused, even knowing that there might be actual claw marks laced into most her clothes now, not to mention her favorite hoodie -- oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.
He was so lucky he was cute. So lucky.
It doesn’t stop her from bonking him on the head with a pillow though. 
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