rosehsu · 4 months
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carneirodemercurio · 9 months
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Agasallos de Saturnalia:
Unha Lira: a lira restituíu a Eurídice ao seu bardo (Orfeo) pero perdeuna de novo pola súa falta de autocontrol e o seu amor demasiado impaciente.
Unha Candea: 'A fortuna deuche este servo da lámpada que, mantendo esperto, disipa as tebras'.
Figos. O figo Chian, como o viño vello de Setia, contén viño e sal.
Saturnalia gifts:
A Lyre: The lyre restored Eurydice to her bard (Orpheus); but he lost her again by his want of self-control & his too impatient love.
A Candle: 'Fortune has given you this servant of the lamp, which, by keeping awake, dispels darkness'.
Figs: The Chian fig, like old wine from Setia, contains within it both wine and salt.
Cithara: Reddidit Eurydicen vati, sed perdidit ipse, dum sibi non credit nec patienter amat.
Cicindela: 'Ancillam tibi sors dedit lucernae, Totas quae vigil exigit tenebras'.
Ficus Chiae: Chia seni similis Baccho, quem Setia misit, Ipsa merum secum portat et ipsa salem.
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n-the-mood4music · 6 years
Promise ~Chiae
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newleasemusic · 3 years
Watch Chiae's Striking Visuals For Track 'Cash Out'
Watch Chiae’s Striking Visuals For Track ‘Cash Out’
Atlanta’s R&B singer CHIAE (formerly known as Malachiae) returns with a lush and lavish new single, ‘Cash Out,” out today on Motown. The swirling instrumental produced by T-Minus (Drake, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd) is smooth yet vibrant, setting the tone for Chiae’s tales of romantic encounters in the lap of luxury. This new single follows a string of sensitive and colorful tracks from the…
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ovid-daily · 2 years
Join the Metamorphoses tomorrow to hear
the story of Acoetes the Etruscan first encountering Bacchus
forte petens Delum Chiae telluris ad oras
adplicor et dextris adducor litora remis
doque levis saltus udaeque inmittor harenae:
nox ibi consumpta est; aurora rubescere primo               600
coeperat: exsurgo laticesque inferre recentis
admoneo monstroque viam, quae ducat ad undas;
ipse quid aura mihi tumulo promittat ab alto
prospicio comitesque voco repetoque carinam.
“adsumus en” inquit sociorum primus Opheltes,               605
utque putat, praedam deserto nactus in agro,
virginea puerum ducit per litora forma.
ille mero somnoque gravis titubare videtur
vixque sequi; specto cultum faciemque gradumque:
nil ibi, quod credi posset mortale, videbam.      
"'It chanced that while making for Delos I was driven out of my course to the shore of Chios and made the land with well-skilled oars. Light leaping, we landed on the wet shore and spent the night. As soon as the eastern sky began to redden I rose and bade my men go for fresh water, showing them the way that led to the spring. For my own task, from a high hill I observed the direction of the wind; then called my comrades and started back on board. ‘Lo, here we are!’ cried Opheltes, first of all the men, bringing with him a prize (so he considered it) which he had found in a deserted field, a little boy with form beautiful as a girl’s. He seemed to stagger, as if o’ercome with wine and sleep, and could scarce follow him who led. I gazed on his garb, his face, his walk; and all I saw seemed more to me than mortal.'" (Transl. Miller 1915)
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toastyglaceon · 3 years
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TI found out that one of the best ways to figure out the dynamics between your characters is to draw them in memes or cartoon scenes, like those "Draw the Squad" memes.
I've done this this with my Legend of Zelda: BotW characters I'm trying to design here.
Aoba, Raleigh, and Bingo - Smudge the Cat meme
Tellini and Déjali - Showing Baby to a Supermarket Camera meme
Raleigh, Aoba, and Chiae - Original
Déjali and Chiae - My Neighbor Totoro
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vladdocs · 3 years
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One of the two portraits from Ambras, the first more successful, 1570-95, made in oil on canvas, 60 x 50 cm, the other is this work in oil on paper, 1570-95, with the inscription AVEIDA DVX WALA (CHIAE), dimensions are much smaller 13.5 x 10.5 cm and the quality is poor. RU: Один из двух портретов из Амбраса, первый более удачный, 1570-95, выполнен маслом на холсте, 60 x 50 см, другой – вот эта работа маслом на бумаге, 1570-95, с надписью AVEIDA DVX WALA(CHIAE), размеры значительно меньше 13,5 x 10,5 см,а качество оставляет желать лучшего.
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jaeneral · 7 years
@chiaes​ | moving on.
to describe him as a picky eater doesn’t even begin to encompass just how finicky he truly is. it takes just one quick glance and he can accurately asses whether he’s gonna like or dislike something that’s been thrown on his plate. and, god forbid, if it happens to be the second route, he won’t tolerate the said food anywhere near him, not even at gun point.
but this is chaeyoung’s money he’s actually criticizing, since she has insisted to pay for the meal and everything, as a chance for the two idols to hang out a little and catch up on work stuff and other personal matters. “well...”, he begins, clicking his pair of chopsticks together as he pokes the first piece of meat, “this looks too dry and like it’s made of grey matter. i can already feel all my taste buds dying just by looking at it. it’s so sad. who cooked it? anyways.” he goes on, moving the pair of chopsticks towards the second piece. “too much blood. too juicy. this... you know, just no.” and he’s onto the third piece, the chopsticks pressed into it, and for the first time since they’ve entered the restaurant, a glimpse of slight content beams on his face. “huh. this actually looks decent.”
he settles for that at last, eating in silence as the need to explain himself slowly arises. “i mean, i’m happy you bought this for me. don’t get me wrong, i appreciate it. but i feel like we’ve been given the worst meat they’ve had in their kitchen. we can do a rock, paper, scissors tho. however, the loser will have to order the one food they hate the most and eat it. i hate a lot, so if i lose, i’m gonna ruin my own night. but hey, who cares?”
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kaboommagazine · 3 years
Explosive Video: Chiae & T-Minus - "Cash Out"
Explosive Video: Chiae & T-Minus – “Cash Out”
Atlanta Chiae is climbing up the R&B ladder right now with his smooth looks and vocals. Best known for his hit song “Thank You Momma,” he flaunts his newfound success in the new single, titled “Cash Out.” Over the certifiable T-Minus (Drake) production laced with Drizzy-esque synthesizers and neon sub-bass, Chiae tells his love interest the world is their, all they have to do is take his hand,…
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djskewbeezy · 3 years
Chiae & T-Minus - "Cash Out" (Official Video)
Chiae & T-Minus – “Cash Out” (Official Video)
Atlanta Chiae is climbing up the R&B ladder right now with his smooth looks and vocals. Best known for his hit song “Thank You Momma,” he flaunts his newfound success in the new single, titled “Cash Out.” Over the certifiable T-Minus (Drake) production laced with Drizzy-esque synthesizers and neon sub-bass, Chiae tells his love interest the world is their, all they have to do is take his hand,…
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mrjellybeanz · 3 years
Chiae & T-Minus - "Cash Out" (Official Video)
Chiae & T-Minus – “Cash Out” (Official Video)
Atlanta Chiae is climbing up the R&B ladder right now with his smooth looks and vocals. Best known for his hit song “Thank You Momma,” he flaunts his newfound success in the new single, titled “Cash Out.” Over the certifiable T-Minus (Drake) production laced with Drizzy-esque synthesizers and neon sub-bass, Chiae tells his love interest the world is their, all they have to do is take his hand,…
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De ce toți au impresia că știu ce e mai bine pentru mine, pentru tine, pentru cei care suferim, toți dau sfaturi când însuși sufletul lor e frânt și nu găsesc leac pentru asta
Păi,sinceră să fiu și eu care abia exist sau cel puțin abia simt că exist,încerc să ajut Probabil și ceilalți fac la felȘi anumite persoane chiae trec peste anumite momente cu sfatul tău,cu tine,cu îmbrățișarea tadar alte persoane,de exemplu eu,nu mai pot fi ajutată,sunt aici doar pentru a ajuta,pentru că orice fac evit să vorbesc despre mine și ce mă apasă,mă urăsc și simt cu adevărat că am murit de mult ....și nu sunt singura ce simte asta.. persoanele ca mine au nevoie de prea multă răbdare și iubire,de prea mult calm,dar nu primesc asta,primesc doar dezamăgire după dezamăgire.
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newleasemusic · 3 years
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@chiae made his debut on the blog with striking visuals for latest track, Cash Out, which claims the #musicvideooftheweek top spot. Check it out sometime… . #music #toprelease #mustsee #musicvideo #rnb #lovesong #usa #indieartist #indiemusic #newleasemusic #musicblog https://www.instagram.com/p/CRgQPJQMQJp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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broadtube1 · 6 years
Beema Beatz + Chiae - Tricks
Beema Beatz + Chiae – Tricks
Beema Beatz + Chiae – Tricks
          Beema Beatz + Chiae – Tricks
        Beema Beatz + Chiae – Tricks
 Beema Beatz has become a prominent name in Hip-Hop, R&B, and Pop production. Because American rap music was becoming saturated with bland content, Beema sought to develop a different skill in music – beat-making. His interest in urban…
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toastyglaceon · 2 years
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So, here's kind of a sneak-peek of my Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild characters.
Raleigh - A goth Gerudo. Not on a quest to find a man, but just to go around and draw pictures Hyrule. She works as a scribe for Aoba, but she's also a great fighter.
Aoba - A Rito who is out on a mission to reveal the undiscovered secrets of the Ancient Shiekah technology and what led to their demise. He is unable to fly because of an injury from when he was young, but he's a skilled archer and very fast on his legs.
Tellini - Aoba's little sister, who wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She asks Link and Zelda to help look for Aoba when he runs away from home, but she secretly tags along with them.
Chiae - A Shieka from a Northern splinter tribe, long believed to have perished in search of a secret stronghold of Ancient Shiekah technology. She's works as Aoba's bodyguard, as she's an obscenely strong warrior.
Déjali - Currently the Goron's strongest warrior, who was brought over from the Snowhead region, when he was child. His annual journey to and from Termina makes him one of the few people who know how to traverse the secret path to the the Northern Wasteland.
Bingo - A sassy korok who acts as Aoba's "broker" as Aoba owes him and the Great Deku Tree some favors.
How the story goes so far, is that Link and Zelda are asked by Teba and Harth to find Harth's disabled nephew Aoba, who has gone off on secret mission to peruse his life-long hobby of studying the Ancient Shiekah technology. His younger sister Tellini accompanies them.l after the release of BotW2 because this is supposed to take place in between the two games.
How the story goes so far, is that Link and Zelda are asked by Teba to find Harth's disabled nephew Aoba, who has gone off on secret mission to peruse his life-long hobby of studying the Ancient Shiekah technology. His younger sister Tellini accompanies them. They find out Aoba's intention was to make a dangerous journey to the Northern Wasteland, where there's believed to be an undiscovered stronghold of Ancient Shiekah technology. Along the way, they find Aoba and the rest of his team. This leads to a much greater adventure of securing Hyrule's future by digging up the past, but perhaps some things should have stayed buried…
There's some other characters I have to design and draw, but those might take a while. I want to make these guys' proper ref sheets, beforehand. For now, I hope you enjoyed meeting my children! lol
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onclebobworld · 5 years
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