#chick anon 🐣
godsofhumanity · 1 year
Hathor: I'm happy I'm happy~
Hathor: To see my husband~
Hathor: 👁️👄👁️💖
Hathor: My adorable falcon (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)💕
horus is the chick in the relationship lmfaooooo
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squishyneet · 10 months
I know it's been a long time but . . . can I summon chick anon again?
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the-almighty-god · 7 months
*runs up at your door*
*arrives at your door*
*rings doorbell and knocks at your door*
*out of breath*
Hello, almighty god, sorry to disturb you and for being in such a rush but an Anon drooped this egg on my doorstep and I think it's about to hatch!!
Do you know a safe place for it?
*crackling sounds continue*
Oh, no, no-nono-no!
Also, I'm sorry, I forgot my whale because I was in such a hurry, I'll get it later once we fixed this issue, I'll promise!
Thank you for the chick, @creative-soul-22. It will be well cared for at a sanctuary for rescued farm animals.
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crownedtargaryen · 1 year
what do you mean anon hate? this is impossible!! chicks are in shock🐥🐥🐣 (they should behave, right, Spencer!!)
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YES!! i don’t know why they’re so harsh, but i truly hope they calm down. i’ll put them in the corner if they don’t quiet >:((
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baronessblixen · 1 year
Happy Easter Anika 🎀🐣 may your day be filled with cute bunnies and cute chicks and cute eggs ! 💟
Thank you so much, sweet anon! Wishing you the same!
Have not seen many cute things unfortunately, but it has been eggcellent.
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loaksbitch · 1 year
I've been so busy with college these past few days (maybe weeks?) and istg coming back here and re-reading all your works is just so healing, thank u sm for writing them, baby. AND I MISS U SM, GLAD UR ACCOUNT IS BACK 😩❤️ (I'm sorry I'm late af)
— 🐣
honestly babe it’s okay you got this and the way you use my works as a stress reliever is so fucking making me happy. I MISS U TOO CHICK ANON THANK YOU
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BABES YOURE ALL GOOD AND SAFE (even tho i wanted to reveal yourself 🙄)
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lqfiles · 14 days
today, may 27th, my birthday…
also i loved the chapter l
haechan humble yourseld 😐😐😐
- 🐣 anon
MY PRECIOUS CHICK ANON OMGGG HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY BAEEE I HOPE YOU HAD AN AMAZING DAY YESTERDAY i hope you ate lots of cake/nice food and spent time with your loved ones ^^ the chapter was dedicated to you then <3 haechan truly too full of himself but with his looks he’s allowed to ig.. maybe..
and thank you sooo much lovely you’re flattering me so much rn >.< i was kinda not satisfied w this writing bit but i’m glad you guys seemed to like it yayyy
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the-travelling-witch · 5 months
I’m Gonna eat the Chick 🐣 anon he looks so yummy
don’t eat my moots
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69misato69 · 1 year
Hihi hello, dear!! Two questions! First of all, do you write for Sayu, Dori, Klee, Qiqi, etc? I'm not saying in an nsfw way, but perhaps a one shot of Kaeya looking after a sick Klee when Albedo isn't around, for example? (This isn't a request in making, dear, just asking the question!)
Second of all, may I take the role of 🐣 anon?
Hope you're having a great day!!
hiii !!! yes i absolutely would. i really like kaebedo + klee and baizhu qiqi family fluff especially. and yes you are baby chick hatching from now on 🫡 nice to meet you have a good one <3
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ur-eddie · 1 year
EDDIIIEE EDIIEEEE can i be 🐣 anon?!
a little chick for my little chick x
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squishyneet · 2 years
Okie :3 I'm the anon who was just talking about your yandere fic and this hatching chick 🐣 shall be my sign :D
goodnight 4 now, 🐣.
Good night wash yo face sleep well! 💖💖
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kazewhara · 2 years
hi zuzu!!!! ive been a follower of yours for quite some time now and this is my first time chatting here hehe.. anyways i just came here to congratulate you for 2.6k followers!! (´ε` )♡ you always make time to talk to people in your tumblr community to the point you stay up late and you have AMAZING works!! you definetly deserved it :DD
OH OH and btw i saw you share a playlist something abt kazuha and (knowing myself being kazuha obsessed) i just had to CLICK THE LINK SO FAST. But instead I was met with ‘𝘈 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘧𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥.
… HOW AM I EVER GOING TO LISTEN TO THE PLAYLIST (。·́︿·̀。) and plus i heard someone said there was cigarattes after sex in the playlist.. Idk if its another playlist they’re talking abt but all i know is that I AM IN PAIN, GREEF, INTENSE SADNESS, BAWLING, WEEPING, CRYING, WAILING, BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WA—
- anonnnn…. (im too shy to pick what anon i want to be identified as hshshs)
hi hi! welcome to the ask box :D there should be some refreshments left in the corner over there ... unless i need to buy more.. but! thank you so much! 🥺💗 i always make time to talk here bc it's very comfy and home-y to me here and thankfully, there's a few people who agree (⺣◡⺣)♡*
about the playlist link... this isn't the first time someone's told me that a link i've posted hasn't worked... i wonder what it is i'm doing wrong :( i'll link it one more time here, but if that doesn't work, i'll try and figure smth out later, promise! but yes, there's cigarettes after sex in there and 😭 it's too perfect for him, it actually hurts 😭💔
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seoafin · 3 years
I saw anon thought Toji cheated and wanna throw in that maybe it's the sloppy translations but I think Toji might have been a good dad in the long run? 138 has Naobito's will saying that in the event that Gojo is dead or incapacitated, the written agreement made with TOJI means Megumi will be taken in by the Zenins and given full control over the armory. Idk if that was made before or after Toji went fuck them kids in the HI arc but Megumi was going to be cared for either by Gojo or Zenins 🐣
Tldr I think that means Toji might have taken up the star plasma vessel job to have a chance to take out Gojo (bc Zenins/others would benefit if the Gojo heir got ko'ed) AND give Megumi a better life in one go.. but when Gojo killed him, he used his last words to cuck Gojo into raising Megumi. All for Megumi's sake! Toji is a daddy thot but he isnt a total deadbeat dad 😭😫🐣 *more angst - his worm says 'daddy hold me' to geto.. and some ppl think it was copying baby Megumi...😭
honestly I think it’s a lil more nuanced than whether or not toji was a “good father” like to our/normal standards?? yeah...less than ideal imo but i do think considering the circumstances toji did his best. i think he was severely depressed after his wife died and didn’t know how to raise a child himself, esp considering the hostile and terrible environment he grew up in. either way, toji sacrificed his pride (the only thing he had in death) to tell gojo about his son. the entire fight with gojo was toji wanting to kill gojo because of his pride. even though he resolved to live without any by taking on jobs that involved killing others for other people (think about that dynamic) there’s no dignity in a job that requires you to kill for money, it's a lowly job. but that small part of him that he suppressed, his dignity, his pride that the zenin family beat out of him, wanted to kill gojo because he represented everything toji wasn’t. like i said b4 killing gojo would have been a way for him to reaffirm his existence.
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domjaehyun · 4 years
are you eating chicken 😭😭😭 - 🐣🐣
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thewonandonly · 5 years
I am a bit behind but has this ended..?BTW 🤩🤙MINHO IS SUCH A FINE MAN-🐣
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loaksbitch · 1 year
no it’s not, you’re my chick anon from now on!!
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