#chicken cookbook
misforgotten2 · 8 months
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Every aspic of this is terrible.
The Art of French Cooking - 1962
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glazedsnail · 7 days
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Can someone PLEASE draw Jas and Shane in the kitchen?? How incredibly cute is this blurb from the official cookbook? I'm dead.
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there are some things in the world that, when you attempt to make them yourself instead of buying canned or jarred, you wonder how the hell anyone figured out how to eat it in the first place.
artichokes are one such thing.
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afinickyguide · 4 months
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episode 145: chicken pocket pies 🍗🥘🥧
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bilbao-song · 1 year
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Wilton Yearbook of Cake Decorating, 1981.
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pagan-stitches · 17 days
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Apple Cider Chicken with Mushrooms from the Michaelmas chapter in Porters Seasonal Celebrations Cookbook.
Visit @portersposse to view the explorations of the cookbook @msgraveyarddirt and I had with friends for a year or two awhile back.
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savouryflavoury · 1 year
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Spicy Fried Chicken Burger
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Sooo I was asked about this, here it goes
I'm not a pro, and it's not the 'real' mockup KFC recipe but the one I adapted because I can't use all the spices or quantities because otherwise my dad and bro would cry.
You need:
Chicken (duh), I use breast filets that I then cut up in strips, but I guess as long as they're not too thick you can cut them however. Boneless chicken thighs might work too.
Rice flour. Why rice and not normal wheat? I have a slight intolerance to gluten so I try to cut down on it. And it also makes the chicken crunchier and less oily.
3 whisked eggs
Panko crumbs. Again, I use panko because it's crunchier and less oily.
Spices: garlic salt, black pepper, white pepper, paprika (sweet and spicy), ginger, thyme, basil, oregano, parsley
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A pan with oil, pipping hot. Remember to lower the temperature as you fry to make sure the chicken is done before the outside burns
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Coat the chicken in the flour, then in the egg, then in panko crumbs, and into the oil
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 month
Ya know, I said it offhandedly in the tags of the last post but I'm wondering what a Chica themed cookbook would include now. Pizza is the obvious one, same with cake and cupcakes. She has some canon stuff with something about chowder, Chica chug, Chica bites, uhhhh the uhhh skinny taco from Help Wanted 2, lemon Chicabars, the blendee, and whatever else she normally has I dunno. Her Fizzy Faz flavour is pink lemonade so there's that too...
She's then got the whole mazercise thing, so fruit smoothies and just general stuff with fruit is probably gonna work. Obviously she's a chicken, so there's that too.
Honestly, I can see her having a cake section where she tells the recipes to her friend's favourite cakes. So the obvious would be carrot cake for Bonnie then I dunno a lemon lime cheesecake for Monty or something?
I think the thing about a Chica cookbook is that it's just so easy to visualise and work with that it would be kind of hard to get it wrong, and yet, this isn't a real thing that exists for some reason??
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blood-and-pizza · 1 year
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They changed the contents for the FNAF Recipe Book, including (but not limited to) giving Roxanne's Fully Loaded Hotdog to Glamrock Freddy instead. I think the people behind the book saw Twitter's responses... what a shame!
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kiestrokes · 9 months
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🗝️Note: almost (actually) forgot to attach this to the touch starved crack hard hours. All the credit of this idea to @minttangerines
The BEST Chicken Noodle Soup
2 cups shredded or cubed chicken
2 bay leaves
Diced whole onion
2 TBSP minced garlic (or two cloves)
TSP dried thyme or 2 sprigs of fresh
1 ½ QTs Chicken stock
12 - 16 oz of egg noodles
3 finely diced celery stocks
2 large carrots (thin slice or small cubes)
TSP salt
½ TSP pepper
4 TBSP fresh chopped parsley
4 TBSP fresh chopped dill
2 TBSP olive oil
¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice
In the olive oil sauté garlic, onion, celery, carrots, salt and pepper until vegetables are softened.
Add in the stock, bay leaf, lemon juice, and thyme. Simmer with lid on for 15 - 20 minutes until carrots soften.
Add chicken and noodles and cook until the noodles are ready (20 minutes is average).
Turn off heat and stir in the dill and parsley.
DO NOT SKIP THE DILL. This is what sets apart this soup from tasting bland or too fatty.
Vegetarian or vegan friendly options are to start with king oyster mushrooms (they shred just like chicken) or pre-pressed and marinated tofu. Swap out the chicken stock for vegetable stock.
Read the soup smut here I guess?
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misforgotten2 · 1 year
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White chocolate coated chicken with cinnamon buns and briquets.
The Art of French Cooking   1962
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girlscience · 4 months
Okay. I know I have a lot of cooking mutuals, what do I need to do to make cooking enjoyable??? I am so fucking tired of eating canned soup and kraft mac n cheese and "concoction" (ground beef with whatever else I have that needs eaten and every spice I own). I know people say "if you don't like veggies try different ways of cooking them!" here the thing though, I hate veggie prep. So even changing how I cook them, everything else about veggies is an awful experience for me so I never want to do it. I know people talk about "15 minute meals!" and "one pan recipes!", but so far those have all been lies. People talk about experimenting and trying new things, but I straight up don't know how to do that. People say to listen to podcasts or audiobooks while prepping, but either I focus on the prep and hear none of the story or I focus on the story and struggle with the prep. I am not fast with prep, so meals that require prepping multiple things at once or prepping something while something else is cooking never fails to stress me out to a wild degree. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep everything from burning and keep things stirred and chop up everything and get the next ingredients out and clean as I work all at the same time. I do not enjoy picking out recipes or buying groceries (genuinely hate more than any other chore besides laundry), so meal prep is next to impossible for me. I forget to thaw meat nearly every time I want to cook something and so end up putting it off for days. I can never seem to get my roasted veggies to actually roast, somehow they just steam themselves in the oven. I do not want or like cooking gadgets, so I am doing everything with the very basic supplies. I am cooking for one person so leftovers are a constant issue (I have eaten so much left over food that I find genuinely sickening because I didn't want to waste it). And then I have to do this every day forever till I die. How do I make myself like this??? I am so fucking tired of eating gross food.
#the last time I cooked something myself I genuinely enjoyed was a pork tenderloin and the time before that was a soup#both were delicious and amazing#and both took well over several hours to complete.#I did nothing but cook those nights and didn't get to eat until like 8 or 9#in theory!!!! neither should have taken that long but I am not speedy!!!!#but anyway because they were so time consuming and messy and stressful I have never made them again#and it's been 2 years since the soup and probably almost 1 since the tenderloin#I tried other ways of cooking pork tenderloin and they were meh to actually gross and I was fighting my gag reflex#to force myself to eat the whole thing (homemade mustard for a crust without the correct ingredients is nasty fyi)#I have a handful of cookbooks some of which have recipes I would genuinely like to eat#but it's just so much#I don't know what to do#I ate some chicken strips and lettuce (both dipped in ranch) and cottage cheese last night#and I was actually forcing myself to eat every single bite because it was so gross feeling in my mouth and the taste was not good either#today I made some pilsbury cinnamon rolls and eating them was also just disappointing#I thought about making chicken and rice for dinner#I got a seasoning packet to try that my family said is super super good#but the chicken is frozen... I guess if I got it out now it would thaw#and the rice I have is eugh. it never cooks fully (tbh I'm not a huge rice person anyway)#and I don't have anything to eat with it? some frozen veggies but they don't feel like ones that would go#and I can never get frozen veggies to actually cook properly so I hate the way they feel when I eat them#I could make a muffin mix but I'm so tired of just eating carbs#I want to cry. I hate this
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clit-a-cola · 6 months
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It is with much excitement I say: Nan-ni shimasho-ka?
This shit SLAPS it's very filling and supremely flavorful and delicious!!! Excited to make it again some day cause god DAMN is it a treat. I bet it tastes better with actual duck tho ;o;
As I said before my mom and dad don't do duck so, since I was feeding the family, I had to use chicken instead. Still delicious and tbh garlic, ginger, and salt on pan seared chicken may be my new fave way to prepare chicken. Hope I can actually do the true to recipe duck someday soon tho
Accidentally used a whole onion instead of half. Think it gave it a bit more bite than intended but tried to balance out with more chicken broth. I think it's a testament to the recipe that it still came out good despite this mistake! Still curious to see what it tastes like when I do it right next time lol
Supremely lucky that we were able to find udon noodles and mirin where I live <3
Cutting the carrots lengthwise was new, but I think it's a better way to cut them and I didn't cut myself doing it so!!!!!
Got that freshly ground apothecary ass coriander as well
Took about 3 hours from prep to finish. Need to remember this so I'm not eating dinner at 9pm next time
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Do you have any specific cookbooks that you'd recommend? I've seen some recs from you here and there, but wondered if there are any specific favorites that you would recommend to anyone? My goal is to get through a cookbook this year and I find that I'm sadly lacking in good ones.
Personally, I am new to cookbooks and still figuring out what I want/what I'm looking for. That being said...I think what I enjoy most is a sense of experimentation---both Julia Child and America's Test Kitchen expound at length about xyz yielding better results than abc, because of Reasons, and I appreciate that sense of trial and error more than anything else.
Driven mostly by personal taste, I love America's Test Kitchen. The "Chicken Bible", "Vegetables Illustrated" and "The Savory Baker" have particularly stuck out to me---amazing roasted chicken parts, unexpectedly great salads, and a crispy chickpea flatbread I could eat constantly? Great. (The "Vegan For Everybody", "Cooking for One", and "Boards" books are less impressive---recipes I feel like I could have found elsewhere, without the rigorous testing and experimentation that make other ATK cookbooks valuable.)
If you're looking to master basics, I sincerely liked Julia Child's "The Way To Cook." Not as intimidating as her books on French cooking, but still focuses on the basics: eggs, chicken, whole roasts, sauces, etc. It has a lot of pictures and draws deliberate parallels between whole chicken and whole fish, how to think about cooking in a holistic way. And as I've mentioned before, Child has a very specific and delightful way of writing about food that clearly communicates how much she loves it---even if the recipes aren't as exciting or exotic as her decendants, it's worth it for prose alone.
Otherwise, I do still largely rely on websites! Right now I'm making savory gouda-and-smoked paprika shortbread based on a recipe I cribbed from Land O Lakes (....USian dairy producer, for those not in the know). I love Sally's Baking Addiction for sweets, and Kitchn for savory meals; I bounce between generic web compilations (allrecipes, tasteofhome) for the rest. I suppose that's why I appreciate the explicitly experimental cookbooks so much---if I wanted a recipe that seems right, but hasn't be verified? I have the whole internet for that.
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thcdoomed · 8 months
i come from a hairy family. / from kristen.
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the passion (1987) || accepting [🏹]
|| @torntruth
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Dronia almost chokes on her roasted cockatrice wing, it almost feels as if Kristen just said whatever she could think of to get a reaction out of Dronia. And it always seems to work. She lowers the wing, dabbing at her chin with her sleeve, and just stared at her, an incredulous look on her face. At least the time it takes her to finish chewing her food and swallowing it down gives her the time to think of what to even say in reply to that.
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"Do you just speak whatever you are thinking, Kristen?" She asks as if she doesn't already know the answer.
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