#chid custody
My friend is also in the wttt fandom as well as me, and we were talking, and they told me, "Texas and California have a love chid."
And I was like, "Who's the love child?"
And they said, "Austin is in the custody of Texas because Texas and California were married, and they fell apart. But now they've started rekindling that fire that once started."
I never thought about it like that
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Below is a writing based on this comic
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It was a normal day -with no shortness of horror John realized, a day with Timmy’s fingers stuck up his nose was indeed normal to him now- that the call came in.
“Unmarked ship calling,” Razh called out as he put the projection up on the big screen.
The anonymous icon fizzled away a muscular gray figure with pink hair and-
Clock eyes.
Or rather, clock eye. Somehow this klykolian was sporting a rather vicious scar over his right eye.
Silently everyone’s attention turned to the caller. Even Timmy paused his John tormenting to pay attention, a very clear indicator of the severity of the situation.
“Attention Mr. The Dealer and associated crew members,” he read from a piece of paper in a voice drowning in boredom. “By will of his Majesty Geserazichtnacht The Fourth - Which must be respected by intergalactic law under section 413 - you are hereby to surrender Tilimilinikitala Geserazichtnacht into the custody of the klykolian and Royal family. If you should surrender -“
The strangers droning was abruptly cut off by Elns barking and bitter laugh. “If you were looking for a surrender you have the wrong crew! This crazy mother fucker would sooner chop off his own face than let something like surrender taint his reputation!” He gestures to The Dealer who was suddenly standing very close to Razh and not at all listening to Eln
The bored and mildly professional expression of the caller vanished at his words, twisting into manic glee. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
Suddenly they were missing a wall.
The caller was now the intruder and Timmy’s hands were very tight on John’s shoulders.
“All this legal shit is so boring! I mean U.G.A. really just had to suck the fun out of everything. Plus you’ve seen their police force, they’re not even GOOD at enforcing their bullshit rules.” He stepped through his impromptu door with the same audacious casualty as a trust fund baby who knew he could do no wrong in his parents eyes. “But Kyle insisted, ‘you have to at least pretend to follow the rules’,” he mocked. “But now that that’s out of the way, who wants to get their ass kicked first? Awe who and I kidding, I can take all of you at once!”
“There’s no need for that,” The Dealers voice sounded through the room with a commanding but conversational tone. For once Monroe was not by his side. “The way I see it we have something you want and you have something we want. So how about a deal?”
The stranger faced The Dealer with a viciously smug look. A yawn overtook him right as Monroe’s shank severed his brain stem.
“Awe that’s cute, you’ve done your homework.” He chidded. In a blink Monroe’s body had been kicked through a different portion of the wall. In the next moment Razh activated the ships self defense and bullets rained down on the intruder. He faked another yawn, his bullet holes closing up as fast as he was getting them. “Really? Bullets? Not even lasers? How old school.”
He lunged faster than anyone could keep up with and punched a hole straight through Razh screen. In the same beat Eln pierced his skin, injecting him with a poison that he immediately vomited up onto Elns eye. The parasite ran away, and the dealer was nowhere to be found.
John stood petrified. Even if he wanted to run, Timmy’s grip on him was too tight.
The formidable stranger turned to them. Well, he turns towards Timmy, at this point John still seemed to be invisible to him. ”TilTil,” he said overly casually. It was a shortening of Timmy‘s name but John‘s translator picked up on it as meaning little little, connotatively associated with familiarity. “I can’t believe you ditched us for these losers. I mean, They’re so fragile it’s not even funny!” He swaggered over and before John even had the chance to think about running away a portal opened up underneath his feet and a flash blue green light he was standing next to The Dealer.
The Dealer stood in front of one of the control panels on the ship, a control panel gave him access to the coupling units of the ship. Next to him was a piece of paper with numbers hastily scratched into it. He was calculating the damage that had been done to the ship thus far. if it got to a certain point he would completely detached that section of the ship and let it resume the rest of its life as space trash. But for now, not wanting to be wasteful, he stood in front of a screen displaying the security footage of the room with the 2 klykolians in it and simply watched.
“Awe don’t want me touching your toy? Come on, you know I wouldn’t give it back!” He laughed viciously at his own joke. It was obvious he’d been close with Timmy before, but how? John thought he’d remembered someone saying Timmy showed up as a child, and no one recognized this new klykolian.
“Hey- hey! Remember that time-“ he continued only to be interrupted by Timmy bursting out laughing “yeeaah, I didn’t finish.” Timmy lobbed a wrench at his head.
Suddenly Timmy lunged at him, driving his shoulder into the other's gut. The stranger managed to hook his knee around Timmy’s leg and jerk him off balance enough to shove them to the ground. Timmy rolled away before he could get pinned, hopping up just enough to fall back down elbow first. Strangers stopped it with a grab and slammed their foreheads together.
Blood spurted from both of them and they laughed.
“I forgot I like to fight you!” Timmy noted.
“First of all, how dare you. Just cause Big-B banned us from throwing hands doesn’t mean you care forget how cool I am! Second of all since when did you get this big and strong? I mean seriously no one would guess I’m the older brother here.”
Oh that explains it.
The two klykolians stood casually in front of each other. The pink one attempted a secret handshake that either Timmy didn’t know or was purposely sabotaging. The whole thing fizzled out rather pathetically.
“So hey man, come back home.”
Timmy grinned ear to ear, like he’d found a long lost best friend, before flipping him off. “Go fuck yourself ♥️”
“… how did you do that with your mouth? Anyway it doesn’t matter, you have to come back. So like either-“
A portal opened up and the scorching flames of a nearby sun came blasting through onto the brother and the ceiling. The Dealer scratched down another number.
“Hey man portals are cheating and you know it! Stop copying me! Ugh I forgot how annoying you are!”
“Hey man portals are cheating and you know it! Stop copying me! Ugh I forgot how annoying you are!”
Timmy spoke in the exact same time and cadence as is brother only switching it up at the end to screech bloody murder and start laughing again.
Through the camera footage John noticed the floating eye balls were back. Truly he didn’t understand why the ship would need both Razh’s cameras and Elns extra eyes to keep track of stuff, but it was a big ship and they did fight a lot.
“Hey I have an idea!” Timmy shouted
“Oh lord have mercy,”
“Stay here. We get to fight stuff all the time here. Go lots of places, see many stuff and also things. Plus every once in a while Elns experiments will go wrong and a toxic gas will leak though the ship causing us to all have a near death experience!”
“Wow hard sell. Now you hear me out,” his brother ripped one of the exposed steal beams out off the wall. “You get on my ship. You stop playing around with these paper dolls, and put your ass back in the palace where it fucking belongs. You’re technically the fucking heir and yet your running around like a pyromaniatic headless chicken, you’re making the rest of us fucking look bad!!” A portal opened up next to him and before anything could pop out of it he gavalined the pipe through Timmy’s eye.
Timmy screamed. The other dashed forward with a roundhouse kick that never landed. Timmy ripped the pipe out of his eye and managed to use it to cut the other leg off. The leg had regenerated by the time he planted his foot for the punch that knocked a hole in Timmy’s chest. Rather than try and dislodge the arm Timmy shoves into it, grabbing his brother's head and biting his face off.
Suddenly there were crabs. A portal above them rains alien crustaceans. The brother ripped his own arm out to try and tear the pinching claws off his freshly regenerated face, while Timmy grabbed a low hanging macro cable and jump kicked both of his feet into the other's chest. A crab was thrown at Timmy, he swallowed it whole.
The stranger kicked a hunk of wall, knocking Timmy’s feet out from underneath him. Another hunk of wall was lobbed at his head as he used a portal to cut the giant cables and send them swinging down on his brother.
The brother burst out of the pile of cables like a raging bull chanting for timmy only to get smacked by a projectile flip flop. Half a second later Timmy jumped over him, slipping someone's shirt over his eyes and sending ocean water pouring down on his head. Even blind the brother still managed to kick timmy into a nearby table.
“AUGH ENOUGH!” The pink haired stranger ripped the stray shirt off his face and clutched his head. “I forgot how Nauseating it is to be around your unpredictable ass!! Only five seconds of future vision and there’s a million possibilities around you!” The table was thrown at him and he effortlessly lobbed it back at Timmy’s head.
“Fight me more!” Timmy shouted.
“Eat glass you psycho!”
“Kids choice awards!”
“What the fuck does that-“ green slime suddenly drenched the intruder. “You know what. I’m done. I’ve been chasing your ass for half a century what’s a couple more days. I’m gonna kick your ass so hard the next time I see you.” And just like that the stranger plodded away like an extremely grumpy bipedal snail.
A few moments of silence passed and Timmy log rolled across the flood and began licking the residual slime.
“Hey Timmy?” Razh’s voice sounded gently from the overhead speakers. “Who was that?”
“Oh that was my brother Mark! We’ve been playing tag for a while now. He's just really slow. I guess that means I’m it now,” he shrugged and picked up a stray crab to rub in the slime.
As per usual Timmy’s answer revealed nothing and left them with more questions than they’d started with.
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Fathers Can Also Seek Custody
In many cases, fathers are denied custody of their children by courts. The court's ruling is based on the presumption that mothers are better parents. The presumption is based on the idea that mothers are more nurturing and are better able to care for their children than fathers.
The courts often deny fathers custody in favor of mothers. This is despite the fact that fathers have a right to custody as well. The father's right to custody is recognized in the US Constitution and the laws of the state.
A father has the right to seek custody of his children in most states. A father can also petition the court to grant him custody if he believes it is in the best interest of the child. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. One of these exceptions is when the father has been convicted of a crime involving violence or sexual abuse. Another exception is when the mother is the primary caregiver.
When a father is denied custody, he may appeal the decision. He will have to show that the court made a mistake in its decision. The court may decide that the father is not fit to be a parent. It may also decide that the father is unfit because of financial problems. If the court does not grant the father custody, he may still try to gain custody through an adoption.
If you are the father of a child and you want to gain custody, you should contact a lawyer. Your lawyer will help you file your case. He or she will also help you during the hearing. During the hearing, your lawyer will represent you. You should hire a lawyer who specializes in family law.
If you are considering filing for custody, you should consider hiring an attorney. An attorney will help you make sure that you have all the necessary paperwork filed with the court. He or she will also make sure that the judge understands your case.
There are many reasons why a father might want to gain custody of his child. For example, he may have been the primary caregiver. He may have worked long hours so that he could provide for his child. He may have been abused by the mother or her partner. He may have lost his job due to downsizing. He may have a criminal record. He may have suffered from drug addiction.
Before you decide to file for custody, you should talk to a lawyer about your situation. He or she will explain the process of filing for custody and what you need to do. He or she will also explain what your chances are of winning custody.
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ylc1 · 6 years
I promise I won’t fall in love. Chapter 12
And here it is! Probably the last update for a while, but with any luck I’ll have something for next week ;)
Summary: After his parents’ passing, Mycroft Holmes is faced with a difficult decision. As stated in his parents’ will, he either has to marry or lose his brother’s custody. Finding himself an spouse isn’t the difficult part. Not giving his actual feelings away is a little more difficult.
Pairings: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade
Tags: Fake/Pretend Relationship/ Mutual Pining (because they’re both so silly)/ A little angst/ Some Humor (or my attempts of humor anyway)/ the Holmes parents were bad parents and nothing will convince me otherwise/ Mycroft is a good brother/ Sherlock is a good brother (or at least he tries)/ Greg and Mycroft are in their twenties/ Sherlock is a teenager
When Mycroft wakes up, the other side of the bed is cold.
He stretches out, absentmindedly searching for his phone to see what time is it. Judging by the light coming through the open curtains, it’s way past his usual wake up time, but he’s off work and surely he can indulge in a late lie in?
He wonders, briefly, where Gregory is, but he quickly dismisses the thought, figuring he must be helping his family with last minute preparations. His next thought goes to Sherlock, but the sound of barking and cheerful laughter coming through the window assures him his brother is perfectly fine.
He decidedly ignores a distant memory trying to come forward, of a much younger Sherlock and a little ball of fur that Mycroft had gifted to him for his fifth birthday. It’s the sort of memory that does little for his mood and the thing about the past is that you can’t change it, no matter how badly you might want to, so…
Busy as he is, keeping dark memories at bay, he fails to notice he’s no longer alone in the room. He looks up to find his soon to be father-in-law standing by the door, carrying a cup of cocoa with him, waiting.
“Oh, good morning,” Mycroft greets, blushing a little, running his fingers through his hair self consciously, wondering how much of a mess it is. “I’m sorry, I overslept and--”
“It’s fine,” Mr. Lestrade tells him, coming in and handing him the cup. “Leonor insists you and your brother are entirely too skinny, so she sent me to give you this.”
Something inside Mycroft warms at the gesture. His own mother often made jabs at his weight, always chidding him for indulging his sweet tooth. Rationally, he knew it was a bunch of bullshit, but the jabs still hurt and they made him terribly self conscious when it comes to his eating habits.
Continue reading on AO3
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timespakistan · 4 years
Sialkot court orders couple be jailed over 'abuse' of 14-year-old housemaid Sialkot couple sent to prison for alleged abuse of 14-year-oldMinor was employed as housemaid SIALKOT: A couple that allegedly abused a minor housemaid on “a daily basis” were ordered to be jailed by a local court in Sialkot on Monday. Geo News, which had highlighted the case that led to the 14-year-old’s recovery following a raid, reported that police had arrested the couple from Muradpur locality in Sialkot.  Today, the police presented the detained couple before a civil judge for allegedly physical abuse. The chid claimed the couple did not provide her a bed to sleep at night and forced her to eat food that “discarded and thrown into the garbage”. After hearing police complaint, the judge sent the couple to prison. A day earlier, the police said the couple would stay under custody until the medical reports are furnished. The minor had told authorities that her employers kept her at their home due to non-repayment of the money that her father had borrowed from them. Muradpur police station house officer (SHO) had said at the time the victim was under mental duress and was handed over to the Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CP&WB). Shehzad, the man accused of torturing the girl, denied the allegations against him and his wife, claiming the “girl is a relative”. https://timespakistan.com/sialkot-court-orders-couple-be-jailed-over-abuse-of-14-year-old-housemaid/8375/
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acelegalfirm · 4 years
In Transnational custody case mirror order makes a paradigm shift
Author- Devajyoti Barman, An advocate in High Court and Supreme Court, Arbitrator, Mediator, Columnist and Managing Partner of Ace Legal.
The principles in relation to the custody of a minor child are well settled. In determining the question as to who should be given custody of a minor child, the paramount consideration is the “welfare of the child” and not rights of the parents under a statute for the time being in force.
When the court is confronted with conflicting demands made by the parents, each time it has to justify the demands. The court has not only to look at the issue on legalistic basis, in such matters human angles are relevant for deciding those issues. The court then does not give emphasis on what the parties say, it has to exercise a jurisdiction which is aimed at the welfare of the minor. As observed recently in MausamiMoitraGanguli case [(2008) 7 SCC 673 : JT (2008) 6 SC 634] , the court has to give due weightage to the child's ordinary contentment, health, education, intellectual development and favourable surroundings but over and above physical comforts, the moral and ethical values have also to be noted. They are equal if not more important than the others.
 The leap forward-
This concept of welfare of the chid has engrossed the Civil lawyers and criminal lawyers and mostly those who deal with matrimonial law practice when the question of custody becomes the subject matter two different countries. The series of decisions passed by the Calcutta High Court and Supreme Court of India has created confusion when there is no guidelines with firmness to govern the transnational custody.
Then came the decision passed by the Supreme Court in Smriti Madan Kansagra   … Appellant Versus Perry Kansagra  … Respondent on 28.10.2020 creating a paradign shift bringing the concent of Mirror order.
 Mirror Order-
The Supreme Court has said in the said decision that  The use of mirror orders to safeguard against child abduction was first analysed by Singer J. In re P (A Child: Mirror Orders) . “   it   is   important   not   only   that   the parents should combine to contain the children butalso that the court systems in each jurisdiction shouldequally act in concert. Once the primary jurisdiction is established then mirror orders in the other and the effective use of the [Hague] Convention gives theopportunity  for  collaborative  judicial  function.  The Danish judge and the English judge should in anyfuture   proceedings   if   possible   be   in   direct communication.”The judgment of Singer J. was affirmed by a three judgebench comprising of Thorpe, Rimer and Stanley Burnton L JJ ofthe High Court of Justice, Court of Appeal, Civil Division In re W (Jurisdiction : Mirror Order).
The mirror order is precisely what it suggests, anorder that precisely reflects the protection ordered in theprimary jurisdiction. The order in the jurisdiction transiently involved is ancillary or auxiliary in charac
 The Supreme Court went on adding  Accordingly, we affirm the concurrent findings of the Courts below. (a) To safeguard the rights and interest of Smriti, we haveconsidered it necessary to direct Perry to obtain a mirror orderfrom the concerned court in Nairobi, which would reflect the directions contained in this Judgment.  (b) Given the large number of cases arising from transnational parental   abduction   in   inter­country   marriages,   the   English courts have issued protective measures which take the form ofundertakings, mirror orders, and safe habour orders, since thereis no accepted international mechanism to achieve protectivemeasures. Such orders are passed to safeguard the interest ofthe child who is in transit from one jurisdiction to another. Thecourts have found mirror orders to be the most effective way of achieving protective measures. (c) The primary jurisdiction is exercised by the court where thechild has been ordinarily residing for a substantial period oftime, and has conducted an elaborate enquiry on the issue ofcustody. The court may direct the parties to obtain a “mirrororder” from the court where the custody of the child is beingshifted. Such an order is ancillary or auxiliary in character, and supportive of the order passed by the court which has exercised
primary   jurisdiction   over   the   custody   of   the   child.   In international family law, it is necessary that jurisdiction isexercised by only one court at a time. It would avoid a situationwhere conflicting orders may be passed by courts in two differentjurisdictions on the same issue of custody of the minor child.These orders are passed keeping in mind the principle of comityof courts and public policy. The object of a mirror order is to safeguard the interest of the minor child in transit from one jurisdiction to another, and to ensure that both parents are equally protected.
The Supreme court has held that  mirror order is passed to ensure that the courts of the country where the child is being shifted are aware of thearrangements which were made in the country where he hadordinarily been residing. Such an order would also safeguard theinterest of the parent who is losing custody, so that the rights ofvisitation and temporary custody are not impaired.
The majoritydecision wherein Justice Hemant Gupta gave his dissenting considering the criminal antecedent and lack of home care for the child has no doubt opened a new vits when jurisdiction of two countries are involved s far welfare of the child is concerned and the Supreme Court has veru wisely refrained from passing any decision which may be considered as command upon a foreign court keeping the age old concept of ‘ amity and comity’ of courts. It would surely help civil lawyers and criminal lawyers in Kolkata or Law Firm in India and in other states to give justice to their clients.
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robbiwrites717 · 7 years
Chapters: 13/? Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, DaveKat Characters: Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Nepeta Leijon, Sollux Captor, Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley, Dirk Strider, Bro Strider, Jake English, Rose Lalonde, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker Additional Tags: College AU, Custody Battle, Mentions of Chid abuse/neglect, Foster Care, Dirk is a preschooler, Bro and Dirk are different people, Court hearings, Gaurdian Dave, Humanstuck, Slow Burn, Sibling Death (minor), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Swearing, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Underage Drinking Summary:
Karkat has had a shitty life and has had to bust his ass for everything he has. He has no patience for spoiled, delusional, lazy people and this is exactly what he thinks Dave Strider is. They get paired up together for a project in their college English class and when Karkat accidently learns that Dave is fighting to keep custody of his younger brother Dirk, he learns that he may have been completely wrong about Dave and shouldn’t have judged a book by it’s cover. A story of two damaged boys coming to each others rescue and growing as people. <3
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robbiwrites717 · 7 years
Chapters: 11/? Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, DaveKat Characters: Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Nepeta Leijon, Sollux Captor, Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley, Dirk Strider, Bro Strider, Jake English, Rose Lalonde, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker Additional Tags: College AU, Custody Battle, Mentions of Chid abuse/neglect, Foster Care, Dirk is a preschooler, Bro and Dirk are different people, Court hearings, Gaurdian Dave, Humanstuck, Slow Burn, Sibling Death (minor), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Swearing, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Underage Drinking Summary:
Karkat has had a shitty life and has had to bust his ass for everything he has. He has no patience for spoiled, delusional, lazy people and this is exactly what he thinks Dave Strider is. They get paired up together for a project in their college English class and when Karkat accidently learns that Dave is fighting to keep custody of his younger brother Dirk, he learns that he may have been completely wrong about Dave and shouldn't have judged a book by it's cover. A story of two damaged boys coming to each others rescue and growing as people. <3
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robbiwrites717 · 7 years
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, DaveKat Characters: Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Nepeta Leijon, Sollux Captor, Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley, Dirk Strider, Bro Strider, Jake English, Rose Lalonde, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker Additional Tags: College AU, Custody Battle, Mentions of Chid abuse/neglect, Foster Care, Dirk is a preschooler, Bro and Dirk are different people, Court hearings, Gaurdian Dave, Humanstuck, Slow Burn, Sibling Death (minor), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Swearing, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Underage Drinking, Panic Attacks Summary:
Karkat has had a shitty life and has had to bust his ass for everything he has. He has no patience for spoiled, delusional, lazy people and this is exactly what he thinks Dave Strider is. They get paired up together for a project in their college English class and when Karkat accidently learns that Dave is fighting to keep custody of his younger brother Dirk, he learns that he may have been completely wrong about Dave and shouldn't have judged a book by it's cover. A story of two damaged boys coming to each others rescue and growing as people. <3
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terragreen51-blog · 7 years
What Are actually The Problems Of Being Actually A Single Papa?
While children are actually currently thinking about sleeping in, messing around, participating in outside, and pretty much just about anything apart from school, their parents are actually questioning just what they will definitely do to prevent a meltdown in your home. The former are actually enjoying the complete rewards of being a caring & considerate moms and dad to their children. The U.S. Team of Education and learning problems government parent car loans -- called ADDITIONALLY financings, for parents from undergraduate students -- made to help loved ones spend for university. Too, the moms and dad companion is actually not able to acquire the reassurance and also reassuring that adults call for off a close connection. In the course of this time around emotional disputes are actually dealt with by at some point identifying with the same-sex moms and dad. And also I suspect my factor is actually even after having remained in the business for some time as a moms and dad from a chid star, that's still effortless to obtain a little star struck. There is actually no way from informing how sophisticated the indicators will be based upon the features of the moms and dad. Every single time any kind of creature was also near the plant, certainly not also in this, one or the different or each of the moms and dad Robins would certainly appear. I calculated TWENTY managers on the parent company's tax form gaining greater than $600,000, along with the greatest earner topping out at $2,685,000. Bad credit history torments our culture as well as most of that is actually considering that folks do not have the methods to settle, certainly not since they do not wish to pay. The maligned parent (along with the above Dos in thoughts) provides a calm, compassionate response that deals with false information without resorting to mud-slinging. The adolescent, feeling justified given that their moms and dad has actually taken" something of theirs, after that hits back at the parent. Dr. Schapira also specifies in his book, Fetus to Fifth Quality another correct example of perfection being actually the Miami Dolphins time in 1972 when they gained every video game featuring, obviously, the Super Bowl. English mama Holly Freeman supposedly states that day came when her child Poppy was only ten-weeks-old as well as thankfully she possessed the camera rolling only in the event something amazing occurred. The politician prefers that, the financier wants it. The parent wishes it, the young person wants it. Everybody wants electrical power to handle scenarios. The teen, believing warranted given that their moms and dad has swiped" something from theirs, after that hits back at the moms and dad. Permit the biological parent know if the kid is actually involved in any sort of sporting activities or additional curricular tasks, they might want to go to, and they should exist to support their youngster. This is actually mainly the responsibility of the biography parent to make certain that their brand-new companion is actually outfitted to deal with the task from step-parent. Investment The Excellent Parents Bad ParentingeBook as well as experience a whole brand new way of reliable parenting, less tension and also controllable. When that's not feasible, either considering that the family is physically or mentally dangerous, kids are actually much better off when the non-custodial parent pays for adequate, well-timed little one support. As it is actually hard to increase a youngster along with ADHD so you must make a little bit of extra attempt. When that happens to pressing all of them right into sports, moms and dads possess a primary impact on their little ones's lives and also it is significant to for a parent to understand their youngster. Web personal debt totaled $1 billion at quarter-end, of which $748 thousand is parent internet financial debt as well as $302 thousand more resources is actually MLP net financial obligation.
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alexbeyy · 7 years
Chapters: 21/? Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Dave Strider/Karkat Vantas, DaveKat Characters: Dave Strider, Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Nepeta Leijon, Sollux Captor, Grandma English | Alpha Jade Harley, Dirk Strider, Bro Strider, Jake English, Rose Lalonde, Roxy Lalonde, Jane Crocker Additional Tags: College AU, Custody Battle, Mentions of Chid abuse/neglect, Foster Care, Dirk is a preschooler, Bro and Dirk are different people, Court hearings, Gaurdian Dave, Humanstuck, Slow Burn, Sibling Death (minor), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Swearing, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Underage Drinking, Panic Attacks Summary:
Karkat has had a shitty life and has had to bust his ass for everything he has. He has no patience for spoiled, delusional, lazy people and this is exactly what he thinks Dave Strider is. They get paired up together for a project in their college English class and when Karkat accidently learns that Dave is fighting to keep custody of his younger brother Dirk, he learns that he may have been completely wrong about Dave and shouldn't have judged a book by it's cover. A story of two damaged boys coming to each others rescue and growing as people. <3
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phoenixlawyer · 7 years
Divorce and Family Law Attorney Phoenix, Scottsdale, Maricopa AZ
Divorce and Family Law Attorney Phoenix, Scottsdale, Maricopa AZ
Phoenix, Arizona Family Lawyers Divorce and Separation / Money and Property Issues / Children Issues / International Family Law: Collins & Collins, LLP offers a wide range of family law services and legal advice such as Divorce, Separation, Adoption, Child Support, Finance and Pensions, International Divorce, Cohabitation, Collaborative Law and Prenuptial and Postnuptial agreements. Our…
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cstesttaken · 7 years
Angelina Jolie Weight Loss: Looks Skinny After Divorce 2017
Angelina Jolie ventured out into Los Angeles on Monday and as she was seen shopping with her 13-year-old son Pax, she was reportedly sporting a “skinny” and “skeletal” frame.
On January 16, Angelia Jolie was said to be “wasting away” as she and Pax browsed items at the Fred Segal store in West Hollywood. The actress “stunned onlookers with her skin and bones appearance,” a Radar Onlinesource claimed.
Just days after her estranged husband, Brad Pitt, received a warm welcome as he presented an award at the 2017 Golden Globes, Angelina Jolie reportedly garnered attention with her “bizarre” shopping excursion with her second oldest chid. As Radar Online explained, Angelina Jolie was subdued in the store and didn’t say much of anything, aside from a few whispers to her son.
Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt parted ways in September after 2 years of marriage and six kids, Maddox, 15, Pax, 13, Zahara, 11, Shiloh, 10, and twins Vivienne and Knox, 8.
Angelina Jolie attends the ‘By The Sea’ premiere on November 5, 2015 [Image by Kevin Winter/Getty Images]
“[Angelina Jolie] was not really talking to anyone in the store but she was polite,” a source told Radar Online. “She was talking to her son, but she was whispering. I couldn’t hear at all what she was saying.”
Angelina Jolie and her kids have been living in Malibu, California since she and Pitt parted ways, but recently traveled to Crested Butte, Colorado to celebrate the New Year. During their trip to Crested Butte, Angelina Jolie and her children were seen enjoying ice creams and skiing down the snowy slopes of a nearby mountain.
Just days before Angelina Jolie reportedly garnered the attention of onlookers with her thin frame, her estranged husband was allegedly seen spending time with Courteney Cox, the best friend of his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston. Pitt also recently targeted Angelina Jolie in court documents after she allegedly made their kids’ private information accessible to the public.
“[Angelina Jolie] apparently has no self-regulating mechanism to preclude sensitive information from being placed in public record, or she has other motives pursuant to which she seeks to disseminate information in the proceedings,” read his court documents.
When Angelina Jolie filed for divorce, she requested full physical custody of her and Pitt’s children, while he is hoping to come to a joint custody agreement.
Angelina Jolie arrives at the ‘Unbroken’ premiere on November 17, 2014 [Image by Brendon Thorne/Getty Images]
Angelina Jolie has been targeted with accusations of being too thin many times in the past, but in the months since she filed for divorce, those rumors have seemingly been sent into overdrive. In fact, one outlet suggested the actress had dwindled down to just 76 pounds weeks into her divorce proceedings with Pitt.
“[Angelina Jolie]’s not coping at all,”a source toldRadar Online last November. “Her arms have become so bone-thin, they look like toothpicks! Her weight is plummeting.”
According to New York based internist Dr. Stuart Fischer, who has not worked with Angelina Jolie, said, “She’s gone past the point of safety!”
“Angelina’s tearing her hair out over this latest development,” said an additional source, who insisted that the actress was barely eating. “The fear is that she’ll end up in the hospital on a feeding tube!”
At the time, it was noted that Angelina Jolie’s alleged weight troubles had been antagonized by the child abuse case against her estranged husband being dropped.
“[Angelina Jolie] was furious when she was informed that authorities determined that Brad did not commit child abuse during an altercation with their son Maddox on a private jet. I think she expected them to throw the book at him!”
Dr. Gabe Mirkin, who has also not treated Angelina Jolie, said that if the actress continues to lose weight, she could be putting her life in jeopardy.
“If she keeps losing weight, she’s going to go into heart failure,” the doctor warned.
[Featured Image by Kevin Winter/Getty Image]
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