#chihiro best girl
regarding-stories · 8 months
Literally hard to finish: The World God Only Knows
There are some shows that are hard to finish for various reasons - you don't like where the plot is going, you don't like a twist, or the character arcs, or even the characters themselves; for some reason quality dropped, etc. But some shows are literally hard to finish - because you have to chase their content across multiple media to do so. Astoundingly, this is not always easier in the age of the internet!
This review will contain spoilers. The show aired ten years ago, but is still popular enough to be retained and recommended on Crunchyroll. (Or to have animated GIFs here on tumblr.)
The basic premise of the first two seasons is as following: There's a hell that keeps particularly bad souls in check. "Some" escaped. Keima is a guy who played a lot of dating sims, he's an over-the-top obsessed gamer known as "god of conquest" on the internet. One day a "demon" called Elshie "tricks" him into signing a contract that requires him to capture loose souls or lose his head.
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Over the course of the first two seasons Keima then "conquers" girls through his knowledge of dating sims - basically figuring out the central problem for each that "caused an emptiness in her heart" to appear to allow the "loose soul" in, and then finding a way to fill that heart with a romantic moment that helps them over that emptiness and drive the soul out for capture.
This sounds like the setup of a harem show, but the first two seasons avoid this through a tiny twist - once conquered, the girls don't remember the key part and that they fell in love with Keima Katsuragi in the first place. So each girl gets to stand on her own and gets her own story without there being a pre-determined "number one." Episodes don't match up with girls, instead each story unfolds at its own length and pace which works quite nicely. Side plots fill us in on the true extent of Katsuragi's gaming obsession, how New Hell works, and so on.
It's an enjoyable, light show, damn funny, good characters, and with a whiff of romance.
And then...
Let's Do The Time Warp Again
If you're very confused starting with season 3 you're not the only one. We finish season 2 with Keima having "conquered" 9 girls and us seeing a preview of five more characters to appear. At the beginning of season 3 we are informed that it's 14 now, and characters appear we haven't seen yet while the plot begins to focus on them. Also, you get flashbacks of conquests that haven't happened on-screen - what is going on?
The production of anime series in general used to be focused on promoting well-selling manga. Especially in light romance and similar genres you would usually get one season and that's it. This is gradually changing. But "The World God Only Knows" is an odd case. They basically skipped their original plans for season 3. So you'll only get to know what became of one of the girls "previewed" at the end of season 2.
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To make this even more confusing, the story unfolding in season 3 had already started with two OVA (direct-to-video) episodes not included on Crunchyroll. So you're starting in the middle of things, having to pierce things together. They simple cut an entire season's worth of content and the beginning.
And this creates even more problems. But we'll see that after we look at season 3.
Where We Go Off The Rails
So, let's review what this series was for 2 seasons: A light, episodic show where each installment can largely stand by itself and actions in one part have few consequences in others.
Season 3 throws this over board entirely. Childhood friend Tenri is host to a goddess named Diana, and Keima has to find 5 of her sisters among his previous conquests to protect them from a scheme by an evil organization trying to bring back Old Hell, appropriately and cringeworthily called "Vintage."
And girls that host goddesses remember the previous conquest, blowing the original setup out of the water. The start is Kanon, the idol girl, who publicly declares her love for Keima for all the school to know, acting as the inciting incident that allows the protagonist to spot the goddess hosts, as they're all kinda mad at him for neglecting them and getting confessed to by another, VERY popular girl.
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Quite frankly, this shows an ugly side of the protagonist. Yes, he tries to save everyone. But he comes across as even more calculating and manipulative across this season as he tries to balance finding and "conquering" four more girls among the possible candidates.
To further complicate things, two of them are friends, Ayumi and Chihiro. Really close. Like "I'm willing to stand aside for you and support you." Keima goes really far with Chihiro only to realize in the last moment that she doesn't remember the conquest. She is not a host! She just fell in love with him, a teenage crush.
This is a defining moment and a moral dilemma. What will Keima do? He doesn't take advantage of Chihiro's feelings, but he hurts her horribly to get her out of the way. He comes across as cruel and cold at this point, a culmination of the whole trying to act detached and just conquering girls for their own good.
At this point we can't see inside Keima. Even his thoughts are tightly guarded. What's even worse, in order to save the goddess inside Ayumi he has to enlist Chihiro's help. And she helps, but she also retaliates against Keima. But she stops short of making his job impossible. That establishes her character very effectively. She's hurting, but she's not consumed by jealousy or her hurt.
The whole season concludes by the goddesses stopping Vintage's plan for hell on earth. Chihiro actually notices the goddess wings that Keima's "love" brought out in her friends as she plays a concert with them on the school festival stage. She cries over her hurtful youth romance.
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And we see Keima crying over regretting what he did to Chihiro, the only girl he ever truly feels sorry for.
And then it all ends.
The fuck what??
Chasing The Wild Goose
The makers of the anime royally screwed up. They skipped an actual season 3 to make the season they probably thought had more potential. But. When they ended that, they were stuck with a series that hadn't finished yet. They never made another season. Though admittedly the manga itself finished half a year later, so maybe that's not the reason.
But if you know only the anime you have missed out on not only the content that season 3 points at, you also don't know how it ends. What's with Chihiro, dammit? That's all I wanted to know.
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This is where you have to turn to the manga. And there you have another problem. No electronic version. Yes, somehow this manga only sold as paperback. Can't find it on ebook sites.
Good luck scouring the used book market for old volumes. It's unclear why no ebook marketing took place, why they can't be had anywhere. But what's clear is that at this point you can't even get money to the author as used sales only shuffle money around between people that already bought the book and people who can't buy the book any other way. Isn't capitalism great?
How It Ends (Eventually)
Now, the goddess arc was... debatable. It infuses action elements and an ongoing plot and recontextualizes previous parts of the story in order to create a new story. Or you could say: It recycles the characters of one kind of story for a different story.
While that new story is okay, it's real redeeming quality for me is the potential "Chihiro ending" that's written on the wall during anime season 3. But before we can get to that, we have to wade through the content of a potential season 4 that never materialized, the final arc.
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What do you do if you beat the big bad? You reveal the bigger bad behind the lesser bad. And behind Vintage is Satyr. What unfolds next is a story that almost entirely leaves the world the series built before behind as Keima travels ten years to the past.
The main character of the final arc is the mind of 17 year old Keima in his own 7 year old body. Conveniently for the drama the goddesses didn't tell him why he was sent back. So he time-loops through some really unnecessary stuff so that we can learn why.
I think the final arc isn't that great. After all, it leaves the premise almost entirely behind, but it gives us peeks at some of our heroines at age 7 (Ayumi and Chihiro, of course), it also introduces some new characters. What unfolds, basically, is that Keima has to set up its own timeline in the past. So 17 year old Keima is, in a sense, his own grandfather. (No, he isn't. LOL.) Actually he's the instigator of events that lead to all the goddesses being in girls at his school that he will link up with in the future.
I still was a bit glad when it was over. I mean, after revealing that Elsie, the hapless demon, was secretly the personification of the Ultimate Weapon... Lord...
But we do get a decent enough happy end. Keima confesses to Chihiro who blows him off. But they end up together as she actually is in love with him - the only girl to fall for him before he even started his machinations.
There's also a sad note. All the goddess hosts retain their feelings and have to come to terms with them. This is hard on Tenri who not only loved him for ten years straight, but who hosts a goddess that's also crushing on Keima. So there's a bit of heartbreak. But somehow it all feels right.
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While the foreshadowing of the ending only truly started in season 3, the romance between Keima and Chihiro doesn't seem random. It doesn't feel like a last minute twist. It already started to feel a bit like this might happen during Chihiro's conquest in season 2. While Keima tried being her Cyrano to get the other boy, she just so naturally fell into the flow of talking to him instead. She felt like the only girl who doesn't entirely depend on a big, dramatic setup to just chat. Even more convincing, she does what some teenage girls do, though likely at a much younger age than 17. She teases her crush. Right from the start. Calls him dweeb and such.
So, looking back at the series, they have a satisfying dynamic. Unlike some series I know... As I said before, a romantic story needs to clue us in on who has feelings and chemistry with whom. Even if they don't end up together because of problems along the way. But romance is about the feelings you have and show but maybe not act on. It's not about surprise twist endings and off-screen character development. And on this count "The World God Only Knows" qualifies as a decent love story. We see our main couple clash and quarrel, but we can believe the ending.
Now, whether if the two final arcs were really good... They were decent. They lost most of the innocent charm and goodwill for the MC built in the first two seasons. They did build a grander story and expanded the setting, but arguably so late in the series (technically a season 4 and 5) that it wouldn't be surprising if part of the audience simply opted out. But they're done well and I enjoyed reading it enough to stick it through. Though admittedly, skipping to the very last chapter would have done, too.
There's one benefit to the time travel arc, though.
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Elsie/Elsea/Elshie gets to pick her own ending. The demon orphan that not only adores her "Nii-sama" older brother but also her adoptive mom reinvents herself in the time stream as the younger child of Keima's mom and dad, undoing the separation she caused between the parents to fit in as the illegitimate child. (Played for laughs, but oh boy...) As befitting a time travel story she's always been there and spent not only all her life at her brother's side, she will always remain his sister Eri and have a loving family. That must have been her one true desire, given that she became human for it. I mean, she spent 300 years in hell on cleaning duty before. (Immortality is not really that sweet deal for some.)
We also learn that their duo was the only hunter team to successfully employ love as means to fill gaps in hearts. And without relapses. So maybe our ditzy demon had the best intuition of them all as she made Keima her buddy in saving the world from loose souls.
Give this story a chance, it's among the better long manga. It overstays it's welcome a bit but it does end at a good point. It doesn't reset progress like "My Dress-Up Darling", or, worse, "Rent-A-Girlfriend". It changes what story it is but I don't think it stalled us unduly.
Be prepared to chase it around for the complete picture.
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moog-enthusiast · 1 year
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instagram told me who reminded them of me :)
call me crazy but i’m sensing a bit of a theme here…
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tb3300 · 6 months
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My favorite girl in the series. Made this as a meme, so why not post it?
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Could you do Chihiro x depressed reader that's really into exercise cause that's there relief outlet and I picture them training Chihiro. If not Chihiro then Ibuki please?
Ibuki and Chihiro with a depressed S/O who uses exercise as an outlet
Chihiro fujisaki
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•Was a little concerned when he found out that you suffered from depression, but was glad you had an outlet for relief from it
•He actually wants you to include him in your workout routine
•Partially because he wants to get fit but mostly because he wants to spend more time with you
•It's when he starts working out with you that he gets a bit concerned about you overdoing it
•Sometimes you have a habit of of exercising too much and not taking long enough breaks
•So thankfully chihiro also acts as your breaks so that you don't end up Injuring yourself
•So this new routine in your relationship ends up helping out both of you greatly and you both end up healthier and with a new sense of confidence
Ibuki mioda
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•Oh yeah, she's probably one of the best girls for you to date
•If you already didn’t know ibuki is already an exercise nut
•Except she didn't consider it exercise,she was just burning off energy
•Well that and she's looking for fun things to do, so she decided to include herself in your exercise routine
•Honestly she just wanted to spend more time with you so she decided she join(takeover) your routine
• So now you have the living embodiment of energy dragging you out on walks with her
•Sometimes you even go put and wander around town with her
•Though this actually works out since you have an excellent sense of direction so she no longer gets lost
•Or sometimes you go around climbing on random objects that look cool or strange. You've long since learned not to question ibuki's logic
•And throughout this you've got to keep an eye on your girlfriend cause she really likes to wander off
•Also to No one's surprise she has more energy than you thought she's really good at telling when you hit your limit and will force you to go home and rest
•Doesn't matter how much you like to exercise she's not letting you overwork yourself
•Really even if this did have downsides, the upsides outweigh them, so be thankful for having such an amazing girlfriend
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dangans-ur-ronpas · 7 months
Chapter 12
Some pre-chapter notes:
trying to move away from writing toko like chunsoft and adding more to her character (she's traumatized she wants to be loved but she's going about it in the worst way) but in the end none of her actions are condoned. she's fucked up still sorry but written in a more sympathetic light i hope?
syo WILL be in this fic but i do my best to make her hand-wavy explanation ambiguous (fuck whatever canon says about 'textbook split personality' btw)
@moonlighttogami and @tokiwigiwi :)
Content warning tags: implication of stalking/blackmail, Toko-expected creepiness, use of violence, character death
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He’s not sure how much time passes when the door opens again.
“Finally,” He huffs, not bothering to turn. “Took you long enough. Honestly, how long does it take-”
He halts, as the intruder steps into the room, and quickly clicks his handbook shut. These weren’t Makoto’s footsteps. And - he surreptitiously covers his nose - that wasn’t Makoto’s smell. But he knows whose it was.
“...Toko. What do you want.” He turns and glares at the girl who has intruded on his space. She fidgets where she stands, a thin shadow of dark purple. The smell of her has grown stronger over the past few weeks, and hangs around her like a miasma.
“M-master Byakuya…”
He feels a full-bodied shiver of disgust run over his skin. “Don’t call me that.”
She ignores him, and carries on. “A-about last night…”
Right. To be completely honest, he was hoping that he had scared her enough the night before to make her leave him alone entirely. But he’s not surprised either; if she had the nerve to blatantly try and look at his secret, it wasn’t surprising that she had the boldness to try and confront him like this.
“What about last night.” He says stiffly, and she jumps as if shocked.
“I-I know about your eyes!” She blurts at last. “A-and, I know Ch-Chihiro knows it too…I, I heard you t-talking about it i-in the b-bathhouse last night…”
He feels his lip curling, revolted. Of course she had eavesdropped; she was quickly proving to be one of the more annoying stalkers he’d ever had the displeasure of dealing with. The number of people who were aware of his condition was also rapidly increasing against his will. At this point he might as well do the same as Fujisaki and announce it out loud.
Fukawa continues in her irritating stutter. “A-and…y-your envelope…” He freezes immediately, suddenly latching on to her every word.
“What did it say?” He demands, and she flinches - shivers? - arms crossing over her torso.
“I-if I t-tell you, y-you won’t w-want anything to d-do with m-me anymore…” She mutters, seemingly to herself, and he feels another wave of revulsion roll over him.
“Out with it. I already want nothing to do with you, but if you don’t speak up now-” 
What will he do? He tries to come up with a threat that can hold actual weight, but they all sound pathetic, even to himself. If only Makoto were here, he could at least get him to chase her away…how long does it take to talk to three people, anyways?
Ironically, it’s Fukawa who saves him from having to think of something. “I-I know you’re r-really mad at m-me for r-reading your secret last night,” She continues, and she’s swaying slightly, as if drunk. “U-um, I-I promise n-not to t-tell anyone! About your eyes, o-or your envelope…a-and, I’ll t-tell you mine, t-too.”
“I’m not interested.” He says flatly. “Tell me what was written in my envelope. Now.”
She shakes her head instead. “I-I know th-there’s no way for you t-to have r-read yours yet, right? S-so only I know!” The light catches on her spectacles, and it gives the illusion of two, illuminated orbs on her face. “W-which makes me m-more special than M-Makoto, or Chihiro, right?”
She sounds deranged. Her voice is pitched with desperation, and she’s breathing heavily. She takes a step closer. “I-I know all your s-secrets, and once y-you know mine…s-so you can r-rely on me, m-more than Makoto, o-or Chihiro?” Another step, and the floorboard creaks. “I-I’ll do better than th-them! And, and I can accept you f-for all your secrets, s-so, you don’t n-need them, I promise!”
“Stay back.” He snaps, shifting backwards. The revulsion was curdling, mixing with fear, and crawling down his back like something physical, like the vile, unwanted sensation of fingernails, tickling over his skin. He hates this irrational panic - she was just a girl, and a pathetic one at that - but here he was, shying away anyways, unable to discern her next move, her intentions. “I’m warning you-”
She lurches forward, and he takes an inadvertent step back. His back meets the bookshelf; he was trapped. “S-so don’t get scared,” She says, though these words really only have the opposite effect on him. “D-do you remember the news, a few y-years back? A-about Genocider S-Syo?”
Genocider Syo? The name sounds familiar, but it takes him a moment to place where he’s heard it before. It was a few years before he enrolled at Hope’s Peak, while in transit to some social gathering or another; Pennyworth had left the car radio tuned to the local news. 
“The serial killer?” He asks aloud, as he subtly searches the shelves behind him, trying to find something to use as a weapon. The tip of his index finger catches on the spine of a large, plastic-bound copy of some textbook or another, and he leverages it slowly out of the shelf, feeling sweat beginning to slicken its cover.
She nods eagerly, her braids bouncing. “I-I knew you’d kn-know about it,” She sounds relieved, somehow, voice breathless. “Y-you know, th-the first place Syo turned up was the town w-where I was b-born…i-it was my f-first crush that was the f-first victim, y’know?”
It clicks together quickly for him. The radio announcer had described bloody and ugly scenes of murder, the displayed corpses of young men and boys, all attributed to a mysterious killer with a penchant for stabbing their victims. And now standing before him was a clearly-deranged, unwell girl, well-known for her romance novels, and apparently obsessed with him.
“I-it’s okay!” She says hurriedly, as he presses himself closer to the shelf. “Sh-she only c-comes out when I-I’m really t-tired, o-or if I see b-blood…b-but, I c-can control her! I am controlling her, I promise!” She steps forward again, and this close, he can see the sickly flush on her face, the shine of sweat - tears? - down her cheeks. “I’ve b-been working s-so hard, s-so she won’t h-hurt anyone again…so it’s o-okay! I c-can be good! See?” She hiccups slightly, she must be crying. He can’t imagine why. “S-so now we can be equal, r-right?!”
She staggers towards him again, and he reacts before he can even think twice about it, yanking the book from its shelf and swinging blindly. The edge catches her across the face, whipping it sharply to the side with a sickly crack and a squeal - there’s a crest of blood, splattering up the length of the book, he can feel a few warm drops splash his hand, the skin crawling where it landed - and she crashes against the shelves with a shriek, stumbling.
“Why?!” She wails, hands shooting to her face. She sounds genuinely distraught, and she shakes as she scrubs at her nose with her palms. “I-I told you m-my biggest secret, a-and I kn-know yours…w-why won’t you tr-trust me?!”
“Trust you?!” He laughs, mirthless and a little frenzied, pitched wildly with his thudding heart. “You repulse me.” He steps forward now, book still clutched in his shaking hand. “Why would I ever trust a murderer in a killing game?”
She flinches as if his words were more physical blows, stumbling away from him and knocking against the shelf. A few books rain down, thudding open on the floor. “I-It’s not me,” She babbles, clutching at her head. “S-Syo - she’s j-just s-someone else, she’s in m-me, b-but I can c-control her, I p-promise - sh-she’s not me, she’s not me, she’s not!”
It sounds vaguely like some dramatized description of a split personality, though Byakuya had never heard of any such disorder that matched Fukawa’s apparently extreme case. Whatever the girl had going on would probably warrant its own DSM volume, but he wasn’t particularly interested in that. “I don’t care if she’s a ghost that’s possessing you or a secret twin taking your place. I want nothing to do with either of you.”
“Get out.” He snarls, chest heaving. “If I hear anything - anything - on my condition, I will make you wish you were dead.” She doesn’t move, and he feels his teeth clench enough to creak. “I said, OUT.”
She darts, stumbling and stepping through one of the piles of boxes on the floor, completely breaking through the lid. Whatever was inside it stays looped around her ankle as she kicks the lid off, and clicks against the floor as she sprints away, her sobs fading as she goes.
For safety, he blocks off the door to the library with the chair, jamming it beneath the handles.
Then, he waits for Makoto, pacing, agitated. Really, how long could it take to accompany one person to talk to three people? His clock in his handbook stated that hardly an hour had passed since Makoto first left, and ten minutes since he sent Fukawa away. Surely, he had to be coming back eventually?
Not that there was anything keeping Byakuya in the library, other than his own uncertainty regarding his safety. Considering that he knew Fukawa’s alternate identity, and her apparent infatuation with him, it would be foolish to make the trek back to his room alone.
He stops pacing, frustration and restlessness boiling over. And returns to the files, shuffling through them, handbook held aloft to read the names printed on the edge of each folder, ignoring the ones that clatter to the ground after he shoves them haphazardly back. Finally, he comes across the one he's looking for, and slides it out of the shelf.
The front of it is stamped with the title in silver: ‘The Murder Cases of Genocider Syo: Top Secret’. He flips it open.
The text is interspersed with images of the victims before and after their unfortunate encounters with Fukawa. He can’t make much out about them, other than the fact that all the murder scenes seemed similar enough; photos of pale bodies, stretched out as if crucified, splattered with blood. Their faces, which must have been twisted with agony, are merely dark smudges.
“...As with the other cases, at the scene of the crime the word ‘BLOODLUST’ was written with the victim’s blood,” Alter Ego reads aloud. “The scissors used in the murder were apparently custom-made, with every pair left at each murder scene seeming to be of the same material and construction…”
How vile. He flips through the pages (one of which is annoyingly wrinkled, and furthermore, smudged with dirt), reading through the victim's descriptions. There was a sort of morbid curiosity that drew him to read further, even as his stomach turned with the knowledge that he could end up like one of these men; pinned like a butterfly for the killer to admire and laud over.
He snaps the file shut at last, feeling nauseous, and sinks down with his back against the shelf, suddenly exhausted - the adrenaline from Fukawa’s confrontation is gone, leaving behind a bone-deep fatigue. Sluggishly, he categorizes what he knows:
One: Fukawa was also Genocider Syo, a notorious serial killer who targeted young men.
Two: Fukawa both knew he was blind, and the contents of his envelope. He reaches into his pocket and feels for it, the paper now crinkled and warped. He still can’t bring himself to try and use Alter Ego to read its contents, but so long as Fukawa knew…there was little he could do about it.
That brought him to three: Fukawa was apparently obsessed with him. That was clear from the start, but he underestimated how dangerous her infatuation was. What she wanted from him was, apparently, some kind of romanticized relationship, if her mutterings about mutually sharing secrets and calling him ‘master’ was anything to go by, but nothing that could possibly be built on equal footing. Not if she was trying to leverage the envelope’s contents and his blindness against him.
He pauses at that. Did Fukawa know he was capable of using Alter Ego through his handbook to read? If she did, then there was no point in her trying to hold it over him. But then that meant she might try to manipulate him in other ways, the most simplest being blackmail. For that, he’d need to silence her…
And to do that, I would need to kill.
He drums his fingers against the hardwood floor. It’d be hard, but he could do it. She was already fixated on him, it should be easy enough to lure her somewhere and take care of her, either with a blunt-force weapon or strangulation - stabbing was too messy with the blood splatter - but the real difficulty then was how to conceal his tracks. 
He thinks for a moment of Maizono, and how she had swapped rooms with Makoto solely for this intention. He thought her foolish then, but in hindsight, it really was an impressive display of quick thinking…though, it wasn’t one that he could copy.
What if he did it in a shared space? In one of the empty classrooms? People hardly went into these rooms, and it’d be harder to pin down the culprit. But he’d have to be fast about it, and careful; anyone who sees him or Fukawa entering that space, or leaving it, could easily identify him as the suspect. It’d have to happen at night.
But, she’s also smarter than she looks… He rubs at his temples now, frowning. She might see the similarities between this and Maizono’s attempt, and realize it’s a trap. I can’t risk that. It’d be easier if I could easily pin it on someone, but the amount of people who might be stupid or willing enough to let themselves be used…
The list was very short. Makoto, who was already a non-option. Yamada, who was too closely allied with Celeste to be trusted. Hagakure, who was too paranoid to be easily led into anything anyways...
And Chihiro.
He’s suddenly struck with the realization that if he succeeds, the others die. It would not be just one person’s blood on his hands, it would be multiple, including those he chooses not to directly involve. He hesitates, for an instant - and then lowers his hands slowly, a sense of defeat settling over him.
He’s already failed before he even started. This game could only have one winner, and if he could not fully commit himself to that role and accept the consequences of it, then he was never a real competitor to begin with. Circles within circles. He was back to the start.
Frustration isn’t something he’s unfamiliar with, but it’s been a long time since he’s felt so overwhelmed with it, as he tilts his head back, knocking it against the shelf as he stares blankly at the brown fog of the ceiling. And then slams a fist against the floor, hissing venomous, ugly curses under his breath. If only he had his eyes, again - he wouldn’t need to be so concerned with such things, wouldn’t need to waver - and yet.
Where the hell is Makoto? He thinks numbly, exhausted with it all. He was sick of being left with nothing but his nerves, and how long did it take to talk to just three people anyways?
Thump, thump, thump.
A rhythmic banging snaps him out of his thoughts. For a moment, he thinks it’s coming from the door, and clumsily pushes himself up, while fumbling for something, anything, to use as a weapon - his hands find the hard, stiff cover of a case file, still on the floor - and stares down the door, waiting for someone to break through it-
But nothing. The chair that’s stuck under the doorknob hasn’t even budged, from what he can tell. The banging continues, and he realizes it sounds more like hammering than knocking. It wasn’t even against the library door.
Construction? Hagakure did mention hearing construction sounds earlier. Was Monokuma building something again?
The sound ends, replaced by footsteps approaching his door. He tenses, taking a step back, but a moment later, the footsteps patter down the hall and away, fading out of earshot. 
He stays where he is for a long moment, caught between terror and curiosity. Curiosity wins out, and he steps slowly to the door, hesitating once more with one hand on the chair.
But before he can even do anything, the air is pierced by a blood-curdling scream, and he throws the chair away, yanking the door open-
Only to be met with the sight of Chihiro Fujisaki’s corpse.
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le-agent-egg · 4 months
leon and sayaka save me
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I smoked this Danganronpa and it did unthinkable things to my mind and BODY/ref
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No he/him for Chihiro please
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cakesplice · 2 years
i was working on a chihiro chiaki piece with both of them in it but i got lazy..... maybe i will still post it this week if i feel like it :p
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mayushiis · 1 year
congratulations to yui goido on being the first and only cis female character to identify as a gay man, i wish her all the best in her new life
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simplyluunaa · 5 months
˙⊹ ੈ✰[Love Languages]✰ ੈ⊹˙
-ˏˋ. rules + masterlist ˊˎ-
Fandom: Danganronpa
Characters: Makoto Naegi, Aoi Asahina, Byakuya Togami, Celestia Ludenberg, Chihiro Fujisaki, Hifumi Yamada, Junko Enoshima, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Kyoko Kirigiri, Leon Kuwata, Mondo Owada, Mukuro Ikusaba, Sakura Ogami, Sayaka Maizono, Toko Fukawa, Genocider Syo, Yasuhiro Hagakure
Warnings: !!NOT SPOILER FREE!! Non-despair AU! Other than that, none!! Just fluff!
Other: Non-despair Junko, he/him pronouns for Chihiro, may have a few misspellings lol
A/N: First post!! Hello, people reading this!! Reblogs, likes, and follows are always appreciated! Constructive criticism is also welcome!! Also, I couldn’t decide if I wanted to make this established relationship or like a mutual crush thing, so I tried to make it so it could go either way. Plus this is like my first time writing ANY of these characters, so please excuse any mischaracterizations or anything, I tried my best!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Makoto Naegi 
His love language is Quality Time
I feel like he’d be big into conversation
Doesn’t matter about what this man just likes to yap
If you are also talkative the two of you annoy the fuck out of everyone else because do you two ever stop talking??
But even if you’re quieter, he will talk enough for the both of you
Likes to watch movies and shows with you!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Byakuya Togami
His love language is Giving Gifts
He wouldn't be that affectionate of a person side from this I fear
Plus he always brushes it off if you ask
But he was thinking about you!! <3
He’ll legit buy anything that reminds him of you or he thinks you may enjoy
Man is made of money ofc he’s gonna spoil you while also acting like he hates you
Just how he is I’m afraid
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Chihiro Fujisaki
His love language is Quality Time
I feel like he’d be very much into baking with you
Idk man feels like a baker
Also, he’d be the best person to talk to about your interests because he will listen and do his best to remember every detail!!
Do the same for him!!
May or may not install Alter Ego on one of your devices so you can spend time with them while he isn’t around
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Hifumi Yamada
His love language is Giving Gifts
If you like a game or anime…be prepared
He will buy you just so much merch
Figures, posters, shirts, hoodies, plushies, everything 
If you’re especially fond of a specific character he will draw them for you!!
Maybe even write a short Doujinshi with a favorite ship of yours if he has the time
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Kiyotaka Ishimaru
His love language is Acts of Service
He wants to be the Prime Minister, of course, he likes to help!
Like, I don’t know, I just have this thought like…
He’d so help you study, and like clean up your room for you
Also, I feel like if you have long hair he’d definitely brush it for you in the mornings
Maybe that’s just wishful thinking though idk
But also if you do something for him to lighten his workload??
He might cry, just sayin'
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Leon Kuwata
His love language is Physical Touch
I just know this man desperately needs to touch everyone around him all the time (no I’m not projecting hush)
Like, he’s always touching someone, like an arm around his friend's shoulder or playfully ruffling someone’s hair
He’s just that kinda guy
He’d also for sure put his arm around your waist or shoulder whenever you’re around
Also, he’d probably grab your face occasionally to just squish your cheeks and tease you
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mondo Owada
His love language is Acts of Service
He’s a big strong man!! Of course he’s gonna do everything he can for his partner!!
No, but for real, he will do anything you ask of him AND MORE
He’s just a big softie!! And a gentleman!!
Opens doors for you, pulls your seat out for you, if you two are close enough will let you wear his jacket if you get cold
Especially if you're a girl!!
Diya raised him right!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Yasuhiro Hagakure
His love language is Physical Touch
Ok, this one is probably gonna be short cause I do not know a whole lot about this man
I feel like he’d be laid back about it, like with Leon
He’s just a touchy person, even with his friends
So expect him to just grab you and pull you into a hug, or ruffle your hair, stuff like that
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Aoi Asahina
Her love language is Physical Touch
You cannot convince me she wouldn’t always greet you with a hug
Like I just know she’s always touching you in some way
Holding hands, or her arm around your waist or shoulder
Even if you two are for some reason not touching, she’d still be incredibly close to you
If you let her she will just stand behind you and rest her chin on your shoulder
She does not care who’s around!! She wants to cuddle you she will do so!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Celestia Ludenberg
Her love language is Giving Gifts
Celestia has made a whole lotta money from gambling, so you cannot tell me she wouldn’t spoil you.
You and her cat ofc, can’t forget about Grand Bois Chéri Ludenberg
Also, I’m split between thinking that every gift would be accompanied by a grand gesture, and thinking it wouldn’t be uncommon to just find wrapped gifts on your desk or something
She’s probably very nonchalant with giving gifts (most of the time) but if you get her anything unprompted?
She melts
Like it doesn’t matter if it's expensive or not, it's just the fact that you're giving it to her that makes her go kinda mushy
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Junko Enoshima
Her love language is Acts of Service
But like…in a very strange and roundabout way
Like even without the despair, she’s still…Junko, ya know?
She’ll trip people who are rude to you, help you cheat on homework, forge documents for you
Ya know, normal bestie things!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Kyoko Kirigiri
Her love language is Quality Time
I mean, it seems obvious, doesn’t it?
I think she wouldn’t want to push conversation, just being together is enough for her
She’d like to go on walks or drink tea together
A lot of long comfortable silences with her that’s for sure
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Mukuro Ikusaba
Her love language is Physical Touch
I feel like this is less about affection and more about wanting to keep you safe though
Like, she’d wanna be near you just in case someone (Junko) tries to hurt you.
Which opens up a lot of opportunities to touch you!!
She’d probably be kinda shy/indifferent to it at first, but after a while, she softens up and allows hugs and such
Would have her hand on the small of your back nearly at all times
Also is the kind to pull you out of danger/away from dangerous people
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Sakura Ogami
Her love language is Quality Time
Drink tea with this girl RIGHT NOW!!
She’d definitely want like an hour of just uninterrupted time with you every day
Also feel like she’d be big into taking long walks with you, maybe at night or when the sun is setting idk idk 
Also very much feel as if she’d want you to work out with her
But if you don’t work out, she may or may not bench press you sorry
Or like have you sit on her back while she does push-ups
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Sayaka Maizono
Her love language is Giving Gifts
Girlie makes a ton of money, she is SPOILING you!!
Buying you outfits, jewelry, expensive makeup, cute plushies!! Anything you want!
Would probably try and take you out on a shopping spree but doesn’t wanna be interrupted by fans
But she would give you her card and tell you to go crazy!! Maybe idk
If you give her a gift? Especially if it’s something you made?? Girl is melting.
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Toko Fukawa
Her love language is Acts of Service
She does stuff for you, but always vehemently denies it
Helps you clean up your room, just to say she was just looking for something
Or makes you food and just says she made too much 
If you're someone who tends to overwork yourself, she’ll stay near you while she writes to make sure you take breaks and eat and drink water and whatnot
Which probably also helps her to remember to do those things!!
Win-win scenario!!
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˚₊·—̳͟͞͞♡⟢Genocider Syo
Her love language is Physical Touch
Tries to make out with you in public
Will also grope you without warning
Sorry but if you want her to stop you gonna have to do something about it
However, even with all that she can also be really sweet at times
I feel like she’d thrive on cuddles
Even if she does feel you up while doing so
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paddockletters · 5 days
chihiro | trent alexander-arnold
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request:Can you please write something for Trent inspired by chihiro something angst when Trent becomes distant toward the reader (gf or wife ) and less attentive . But she still gives him all of her but soon realizes that it breaks her, and it breaks her more because he hasn't realized pairing: trent alexander-arnold x reader summary: You find yourself in a heart-wrenching struggle as Trent pulls away, leaving you to question your worth. Despite your devotion, his distance shatters your spirit. As you confront the painful truth, a life-changing decision awaits, forcing you to choose between love and self-preservation. warnings: angst, gaslighting author's note: i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you liked it, ... Well, as I always say... english is not my first language so sorry me if there are mistakes —feel free to tell me— and my requests are open!👀
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I’ve been feeling it for a while now—the distance, the way Trent pulls away without even realizing it. At first, I thought it was just me being too sensitive, that maybe I was expecting too much. But as the days went on, I couldn’t ignore it anymore. He was no longer the person who used to look at me like I was his entire world. Now, it felt like I was just... there.
I remember the early days, the way he used to hold me so tight, like he was afraid I’d disappear. I’d catch him staring at me with that boyish smile of his, and he’d say, "What? Can’t I look at my girl?" I’d laugh and tell him he was ridiculous, but I loved it. I loved the way he made me feel seen, loved, important. That version of Trent feels like a distant memory now.
Now? Now he barely looks at me.
The other night, I tried to talk to him—really talk. I had been holding it in for too long, trying to give him space, hoping he’d notice on his own that something was wrong. But he didn’t. So, I brought it up, carefully, not wanting to start a fight.
"Trent," I said, sitting on the couch while he scrolled through his phone, "I feel like we’re not… us anymore."
He glanced up, brow furrowing for a moment before looking back at his screen. "What do you mean?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to keep my voice steady. "I just… I miss you. I miss how we used to be. Lately, it feels like you’re a million miles away, even when you’re sitting right next to me."
He sighed, rubbing his eyes. "I’ve been busy. You know that."
"I know, but…" I hesitated. "It’s more than that, Trent. I feel like I’m losing you, and I don’t know how to fix it."
His response was so simple, so dismissive. "You’re overthinking it."
Overthinking it. That’s what he said. And maybe I was, but it didn’t change the fact that I felt like I was pouring everything I had into this relationship while he was barely giving me scraps in return.
I gave him a small, sad smile, hoping it would break through his detachment. "I’m not trying to push you away, I just want… I just want us to be close again."
Trent shifted uncomfortably, clearly not in the mood for a deep conversation. "We’re fine. I don’t know why you’re making a big deal out of this."
The silence that followed his words was suffocating. I remember how my chest tightened, and I had to fight back the tears threatening to spill over. Why couldn’t he see it? Why couldn’t he see that I was breaking right in front of him?
There was a time he would come home, exhausted from training, and still find the energy to cuddle up with me on the couch, kissing my forehead, telling me about his day. I remember one evening after a tough match, he had pulled me into his lap, wrapping his arms around me, and whispered, "You’re the best part of my day, you know that?"
But those days feel like they belong to a different lifetime now.
Another night, I cooked his favorite meal, hoping it would spark something between us—bring him back to me. He came home late, as usual, tired and distracted. He barely glanced at the dinner I’d spent hours preparing.
"Thanks," he muttered, barely looking at the table. He grabbed a plate and sat down, eyes glued to the TV, like I wasn’t even there.
I sat across from him, pushing my food around my plate, trying to find the courage to say something, but the words died in my throat. It wasn’t just that he was distant; it was like I had become invisible to him.
When did it get this bad? I wondered, feeling a heaviness in my chest. The love I had for him was still there, burning painfully bright, but it was slowly killing me to keep holding on when he wasn’t holding on to me.
And then came the night it all fell apart.
I couldn’t sleep. I had spent hours lying next to him, staring at the ceiling, my heart aching with the weight of everything left unsaid. I needed to say something, to make him understand, but I didn’t know how.
I slipped out of bed and went to the living room, sitting in the dark, hugging my knees to my chest. I must have been there for a while because, at some point, Trent came out, rubbing his eyes.
"Why are you out here?" His voice was groggy, but there was no concern in it. Just exhaustion.
I looked up at him, tears already spilling down my cheeks. "I can’t do this anymore, Trent."
He frowned, confused. "Do what?"
"This." I gestured between us. "Us. Whatever this has become. I can’t keep pretending that I’m okay when I’m not. I’m breaking, Trent, and you don’t even see it."
He ran a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. "What do you want me to say? I’m doing the best I can."
"But your best isn’t enough anymore," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I’ve given you everything—my love, my time, my heart—and I’m still left feeling like I’m not enough. Like I’m the only one fighting for us."
He sat down across from me, sighing heavily. "I don’t know what you want from me."
"I want you to care," I said, my voice breaking. "I want you to look at me the way you used to. I want to feel like I matter to you again."
There was a long silence. I stared at him, hoping—praying—that he would say something, anything, to make me feel like I hadn’t lost him completely. But all he did was look away, rubbing his face in frustration.
And that was it. That was the moment I knew. He didn’t have it in him anymore, and I couldn’t keep pouring my love into someone who wasn’t willing to do the same.
"I love you," I said, my voice barely a whisper. "But I can’t keep hurting like this."
He looked at me, his eyes finally softening, but it was too late. "I don’t want to lose you."
I smiled sadly through my tears. "You already have."
That night, after Trent and I sat in silence, I knew it wasn’t just a phase. It wasn’t going to change overnight or even at all. The weight of it all was too much, and I didn’t know how to carry it anymore. My hands were shaking as I reached for my phone, scrolling through my contacts. I needed to talk to someone—someone who might understand.
My thumb hovered over my best friend's name, Jess. I hadn’t told her much about what had been going on, mainly because I didn’t want to admit how bad things were. But now, it was like the dam had broken, and I needed to get it all out.
I hit call.
She picked up after a couple of rings, her voice groggy. "Hey, what’s up? It’s late, everything okay?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat, trying to steady my voice. "Not really."
Her tone shifted instantly, becoming more alert. "What happened? Is it Trent?"
I nodded, even though she couldn’t see me. "Yeah. I just… I don’t know what to do anymore, Jess. It’s like I don’t exist to him. I love him so much, but I feel like I’m losing myself in the process of holding on to him."
There was a pause on the other end. Jess wasn’t one to sugarcoat things, but she also wasn’t the type to push unless I was ready.
"Has he said anything about how he feels? Have you guys talked?" she asked cautiously.
"We tried. Well, I tried. It’s like he doesn’t even see the problem. He keeps saying I’m overthinking it, that I’m making a big deal out of nothing. But it’s not nothing, Jess. It’s killing me."
There was another silence, and then she let out a deep sigh. "Babe, you deserve someone who sees you, who cares enough to put in the effort. I know you love him, but if he’s not giving you anything to hold on to, what are you supposed to do?"
I leaned back against the couch, staring up at the ceiling. "I don’t know. I don’t know if I can keep doing this. I want to believe things will get better, but he’s so... distant. Like he’s already gone, and I’m the only one holding on."
Jess’s voice softened. "Have you thought about what would happen if you walked away?"
My breath caught in my throat. I had thought about it—many times. But actually doing it? The idea felt like ripping my own heart out. "Yeah. I’ve thought about it. But I don’t know if I’m strong enough to let him go."
“You are. You’re stronger than you think,” she said firmly. “But don’t make any decisions until you’re sure. Give it some time, see if he changes. But if he doesn’t... you deserve better, and you know that.”
The next day, I found myself dialing a number I hadn’t used in a while—Trent’s mom. She and I had always gotten along, and part of me wondered if she could help, if maybe she’d seen this side of him before.
"Hello?" Her warm, familiar voice answered, and for a moment, I felt a little less alone.
"Hey, it’s me," I said quietly.
"Oh, sweetheart, it’s so good to hear from you! How are you?"
I hesitated, my voice catching in my throat. "Not great, to be honest."
She paused, clearly sensing the heaviness in my tone. "Is everything okay with you and Trent?"
I let out a shaky breath, the tears I’d been holding back finally spilling over. "I don’t know. I feel like I’ve lost him. He’s been so distant, and I don’t know how to reach him. I don’t know what to do anymore."
She was silent for a moment, and then she sighed. "I’m so sorry, love. I’ve noticed he’s been a bit off lately, but I didn’t want to interfere. You know how he is—sometimes he gets so wrapped up in his own world that he doesn’t realize how it affects the people around him."
"Yeah," I whispered, wiping my eyes. "But I feel like I’m breaking, and he doesn’t even see it."
“Have you told him this? Really told him?” she asked gently.
"I tried. I told him how I felt, but he just brushes it off, like I’m overreacting."
There was a long pause before she spoke again, her voice soft. "I know he loves you. He may not show it the way you need right now, but I know he does. But if he’s not making you feel loved, if he’s not making you feel like you matter, you have to think about what’s best for you. You can’t keep giving and giving until there’s nothing left of yourself."
Her words hit me like a punch to the chest because they were the truth I hadn’t wanted to face. I couldn’t keep pouring everything I had into Trent if he wasn’t willing to meet me halfway.
"I don’t know what to do," I admitted, my voice breaking. "I don’t want to lose him, but I can’t keep living like this."
"No one can tell you what to do, love. Only you know what’s right for you. But whatever you decide, you deserve to be happy. Don’t settle for less than that."
That night, after talking to Trent’s mom, I lay in bed next to him, staring at the ceiling, feeling the weight of everything pressing down on my chest. The silence between us was louder than ever, and for the first time, I wondered if this was how it was always going to be. If I was going to spend the rest of my life feeling like a ghost in my own relationship.
I thought back to the last time we’d had a real conversation—weeks ago, maybe more. I had asked for space, told him I needed some time to clear my head, to figure things out for myself. I had been so overwhelmed by everything then, but I thought that maybe stepping away, even for a little while, would make me feel better.
"I need to be alone for a bit," I had said quietly, standing in the doorway of our bedroom, my hand still gripping the edge of the doorframe.
He’d looked at me, his face unreadable, but nodded. "Take your time."
It had been a relief at first. I had gone for a long walk, let my thoughts run wild as I tried to make sense of what had been happening between us. I’d told myself that once I came back, we could figure things out, rebuild what had been crumbling.
But when I returned that night, the house had felt different. Colder. Like something essential had disappeared. And Trent… he wasn’t there in the way I needed him to be. Physically, yes, he was there. But emotionally, mentally? It was like he had already checked out. I had walked back into the same room, into the same life, but somehow, I was the one who felt lost.
Now, as I lay beside him, I could still feel that same emptiness between us. I rolled over, my back to him, blinking back tears as I whispered, "I miss you."
He didn’t respond. I don’t even think he heard me.
And that’s when I knew—I had taken a break, hoping to come back to something familiar, something that we could still fix. But instead, I had returned to someone who was already gone.
Weeks passed after that night. The silence between us only grew, consuming every corner of our relationship. I kept hoping—foolishly—that maybe something would change, that Trent would look at me the way he used to, or that he would finally notice the cracks that had been widening for months. But nothing came. No words, no apologies, no acknowledgment of the distance that had turned us from lovers into strangers.
One morning, I woke up and knew. It was like the weight of everything had finally sunk deep enough for me to let go. I couldn’t do it anymore. I couldn’t keep waiting for him to realize how much this was breaking me. So, I packed my things in silence. The room felt eerily calm, like it knew what was coming before I did.
Trent was at training, and for the first time, I was glad he wasn’t there. I didn’t have the strength to explain myself again, to beg for him to see me, to see us—the version of us that once existed. I left him a note on the bed, my hand trembling as I wrote the words that had been festering inside me for weeks.
"I can’t do this anymore. I gave you everything I had, but somewhere along the way, you stopped giving me anything back. I love you, Trent, but I love myself too much to keep breaking for someone who doesn’t even realize I’m shattered. Take care of yourself. Goodbye."
I walked out the door, my chest tight with pain, but for the first time in months, there was also a small sense of relief. I hadn’t felt this light in ages, even if it was paired with heartbreak. The hardest part was over. I was leaving.
"I guess this is it," I had said, my voice barely a whisper.
Now, weeks later, I sat in my new apartment, staring out the window as the city buzzed below. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I could breathe. The space around me was mine, filled with my own choices, my own life. But the ache in my chest was still there, lingering like a bruise that hadn’t quite healed.
It took time—too much time—but I finally realized something that had been staring me in the face all along. I had been waiting for him to notice me, to care enough to fight for us, but Trent had already made his choice. He’d been gone long before I ever walked out that door.
And now, after everything, I was the one who was finally gone. And for the first time in weeks, I realized… I wasn’t going to come back.
Then, one evening, while scrolling through my phone, I saw a text from a number I almost didn’t recognize anymore. It was Trent.
"I didn’t realize until now. You were gone, and I didn’t even notice. I’m sorry… for everything."
I stared at the message for a long time, feeling the tears pool in my eyes, but I didn’t reply. Because now, it was too late.
He had finally realized. But I was already gone.
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neressma · 2 months
Danganronpa and the Paranormal
Danganronpa is extravagant, from it's deliciously unhinged plot to it's refreshing psycho-pop aesthetic. Ontop of all this, the series contains some paranormal elements, which some players tend to forget about. In this post, I'll go through every instance of paranormal happenings in the series; this includes the first two games¹, the spin-offs and novels.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
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Ghosts are a surprisingly reoccurrent theme in Danganronpa games. The most flagrant example is the revenant Komaru and Toko encounter in Ultra Despair girls: none other than Tokuichi Towa, the late father of Haiji and Monaca Towa. He appears and speaks to the girls, even revealing he has the ability to curse (though he refuses to do so, considering the act "lowly"). His death was caused by his own daughter, who ordered Monokumas to slash his throat after the man betrayed Junko. Tokuichi's soul is stuck in a tormentuous purgatory at the hands of Monaca, and thus, he begs the protagonists to stop the child (a feat which would probably lead to his soul being freed and moving on to the afterlife).
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One might think this is the only case of revenants appearing in Danganronpa, but the first game might contain some as well. When considering that spirits hold the power of possession, it becomes clear that Chihiro Fujisaki and Kiyotaka Ishimaru might be victims of possession themselves. Regarding Chihiro, it's rather curious how his Alter Ego program emulates human-like behaviours and emotions. While this might simply be due to Chihiro's talent as the ultimate programmer, it is possible that a part of his spirit went on to possess his program, albeit in a subtle, barely conscious manner. Much less subtle and dubitable is the possession of Kiyotaka Ishimaru, who is overtaken by the ghost of Mondo Owada after the latter's execution. Taka reacts to his best friend's death by becoming deeply traumatized and entering a near-catatonic state, rendering his spirit feeble. Shortly after, he becomes white-haired, and exhudes a powerful, radiant energy in the form of a glowing aura. His behaviour, mood and even speech patterns begin to ressemble Mondo's. Note however that it stays at that - a ressemblance. The ultimate moral compass keeps a certain amount of restraint, by not daring to actually curse for example. One could blame this on a form of psychosis, or - the more likely option, ironically - possession. The following official artwork suggests as much.
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One could argue that Hajime undergoes a comparable process at the end of the second game, when his spirit rejects that of Izuru Kamakura's, though this instance seems to be rather similar to an anime trope than something meant to be paranormal.
There's also a haunted grave at the Jabberwock Hospital in SDR2. However, since the island is apart of a simulation, it's likely that this is simply an addition of the Junko virus rather than a recreation of any "real" Jabberwock Island element.
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There are two types of superstitious forces in Danganronpa, the first being luck. As simple as it may be, it's a talent that proved itself to be a true function in the DR-verse. Makoto and Nagito both manage to use this "power" (though when it comes to Nagito, this tends to backfire at times). Both young men manage to have events unveil in their favor through the power of luck, despite not having any direct control over the talent. It's also known that Hope's Peak Academy's steering commitee even attempts to harvest this power through the Izuru Kamakura Project, in spite of scepticism surrounding the existence of luck. Regardless of such subjective opinions however, luck is undeniably real in the DR-verse.
Another superstition that's mostly present in the first game is clairvoyance. Yasuhiro Hagakure, the ultimate clairvoyant, is said to have a 30% success rate on his predictions. One turn out to be accurate (the first being about how Kiyotaka and Hifumi are the last victims of their killing game²) and the second is correct depending on the player's performance. In fact, if they fail at the last trial, they get the bad ending, which is a perfect display of a fate Hagakure predicted: him and Makoto fathering the children of the same woman (Aoi). Hiro's character is often portrayed as that of a shady con-man; these two true predictions however hint at the possibility of his powers being real.
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Not only is Yasuhiro Hagakure gifted with clairvoyance, he also had an encounter with an U.F.O. This U.F.O. (likely a flying saucer according to the artwork) flew to him one night, locked onto the hamburger he was eating with a ray of light, and then absorbed part of it before flying away. According to Hiro, whoever piloted the flying saucer wanted the beef from the burger (which aligns with the well-known trope of aliens stealing cows from fields). The scene is very much out-of-place and it's veracity is unconfirmed. It isn't the first or last time aliens appear in Danganronpa's universe.
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Back in Kirigirisou, a parallel ending introduces the player to Rhinogradentias. Those aliens also appear in the third Togami novel³. They come in different shades of brown, with various specimens possessing diverse features; some have tentacles, others have hands, etc. These creatures are based off rhinogrades, or snouters, which are actual real-life mammals known for the fact that they "walk" on their long snouts. The Rhinogradentia are introduced in Kirigirisou as "super galaxy level invaders". They wish to take over planet Earth and get rid of of humans, which they deem too destructive and polluting. However, their limited intellect restricts them. Like the aliens Yasuhiro saw, they fly in U.F.O.s. The third volume of the Togami novel hints at their existence being purely theoretical, without any further confirmation.
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Lastly, there is a group of aliens at the Jabberwock Hospital in SDR2, though this once again seems to be a gag set up by AI-Junko rather than any recreations from the real Jabberwock Island. They return in Danganronpa: Ultimate Summer Camp, once again as an easter-egg. The meaning of this scene, of these aliens standing next to an operating table, is very enigmatic.⁴
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Gundham Tanaka and his antics aren't included in this post, as he doesn't really have magic powers, but instead has Chūnibyō syndrome.
¹ I deliberately left out Killing Harmony, as it's parallel canon, and ontop of that it's events are confirmed to be in-game fiction. Hence, the paranormal events of V3 qualify as inauthentic.
² This first prediction concerns the 4th chapter. 4 is the number of death and bad luck in japanese numerology, fitting for the chapter with the most victims.
³ Kirigirisou's alternate endings are parallel canon. As for the Togami novels, whether or not they're canon is unconfirmed to this day.
⁴ I like to think there is some sort of hidden symbolism behind those aliens. In my opinion, it's related to Kamakura. There are 4 people in Monokuma masks, so perhaps they symbolize the steering commitee? I'm not sure what the aliens symbolize though. I like to think AI-Junko included the easter-egg as a nod to Hajime and his transformation.
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mirai-e-jump · 1 year
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Avataro Sentai Donbrothers: Final Live Tour Memorial Photo Report with Main Cast Farewell Messages ft. Special Contribution from Toshiki Inoue (pages and translations below)
Publication: September 2023
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"Memories of Donbrothers" from Toshiki Inoue
"Would you like to do next year's Sentai?"
In the Summer of 2021, I recieved a LINE from Toei's Producer Shirakura.
"Alright," I responded.
This is basically how it was decided that I would be working with Producer Shirakura on this. That might have seemed like a ridiculously easy decision, but it actually held unspoken implications. Ultimately, what Producer Shirakura meant was, "Hey, Inoue, give yourself to me for a year. I hope your skills haven't gotten rusty. Better not do anything that'll disappoint me." As for myself, I though, "Relax, do you not know who you're talking to?" Basically, a serious competition had already begun with the first exchange of LINES. We held our first meeting at a bar, along with Assistant Producer Minato. It may seem inappropriate to hold it at a bar, but in a way, it's a necessary ritual to share a year's worth of drinks.
It was there that I first learned of the title,
"Avataro Sentai Donbrothers."
I couldn't do anything about my rapidly declining excitement for the Sentai I hadn't seen in such a long time.
"Avataro? Donbro? Are you screwing with me? This some kind of bad joke?"
No, no, I began to rethink as I sipped my whiskey.
It's fine, isn't it? When you first hear such a title, you won't forget it, and most importantly, it gave me the determination to do something new. To be honest, at the time, I had already secretly made up my mind.
Okay, let's start off the first episode of Donbrothers with a high school girl. We'll have a slightly dysfunctional high school girl drag the story along.
As far as I know, this was a first for Sentai.
This is because it's long been a taboo for Sentai that has boys as its main target. This time, we'll challenge the taboo. All because it's Avataro Sentai Donbrothers.
After many general meetings, when I'd finished the first draft of the first episode, as expected, many staff members raised their concerns, or rather, they decided by going, "….."
Is this really ok? Is this really Sentai?
I wouldn't argue. I had confidence. If my manuscript had power, that power would persuade those in the lower ranks, no, the entire staff, to go along with it. Well, it sounded idealistic, but the truth is that time ran out, and filming began while everyone was still in doubt.
Donbrothers is a bizarre show, and by the time we got to the fifth episode, the lower ranks, no, the entire staff was lost. Moving past the question of whether this was really Sentai, the feeling was more, "What is this show even about?"
With the fifth episode, "The hide away dog," the TV station's Producer Inoue (Chihiro) said, "I don't know what this show is about, but it's interesting. this is good." with that, most people began to agree with him.
Finally, let me tell you of an episode that happened after the show ended.
One night, as is the usual case, I was drinking alone at the bar.
The bartender there was a weirdo who was a huge Donbrothers fan that would buy me a drink if I told him about the next story. Naturally, when I went to that bar, I drank for free.
He was generous enough to give me a bottle as a gift for writing the last episode.
Then, the patron next to me started talking to me.
Patron: "Is it possible, are you the screenwriter Inoue-san?"
Me: "Yes" (said in English)
Patron: "I'm a big fan of Donbrothers. My girlfriend recommended I watch it, and I became hooked."
Me: "What a wonderful girlfriend."
Patron: "Actually, I've been addicted to XX for a long time."
It would be best for me to not disclose what XX is.
But, I'll stop myself at saying that many of the customer's teeth were chipped to the point of looking like they were completely missing.
Patron: "You see, that's the thing. I've recovered from my XX addiction. After watching Donbrothers, I think I've got a positive outlook on life."
I opened the bottle that the bartender gave me. Then, I proceeded to drink with the patron until morning. _ Higuchi Kohei (Momoi Taro)
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After I graduated high school, I spent my time as a trainee player for a professional soccer team. I had no desire to join the entertainment industry at all. Ever since I was in elementary school, all I would think about was becoming a pro. During the Fall, at 19 years old, when I was told by my coach that I wouldn't be able to go pro, my face went pale and I shut down. There were times where I would wake up thinking it's 6 a.m., only to realize it was 9 p.m.
But, I wish I could tell myself this at the time:
"Three years from now, you'll become a hero. You'll be taking in amazing scenery."
Once again, I'd like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those that I'm most thankful for. To MORISAKI WIN-san. He sang wonderful songs for a whole year, songs that both gave me goose bumps every day, and that made really happy. And to the cast of eight who really supported me. I'd also like to say this to my old self: "You can make it with this cast. You're going to be truly blessed with such amazing members. Please be happy to be alive."
For the past year and a half of "Avataro Sentai Donbrothers," thank you all so, so much for your support! _ Beppu Yuuki (Shinichi Saruhara)
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First off, Let's all laugh, shall we? Donbrothers is a piece of work that's made me once again realize how much it's taught me. It's allowed me to grow alot.
For me, last summer I wasn't that confident with the character of Shinichi Saruhara, as I wasn't able to do what I wanted. I'm sorry to say this to all of you who love Donbrothers, but there was a time where I was on the verge of giving up. I don't understand what Shinichi Saruhara is thinking, he's alone all the time, and I don't get why he can't touch money. And yet, something about him made the people who watched smile.
At the time, what gave me the most support was the letters I received from everyone. Sending letters isn't that common these days, but everyone worked so hard to write me so, so many of them. Every single one of them really helped me.
Without this cast, I don't think Shinichi Saruhara would be standing so confidently here before you. Donbrothers is a piece of work that suits any emotion, whether you're experiencing something difficult or something happy. It's a work that I'll cherish for the rest of my life. I also met members whom I'll cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you all so very much. _ Shida Kohaku (Haruka Kito)
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For the support of Donbrothers over the past year, for coming to see us at the venue today, and to everyone who is watching the stream, thank you all so much.
Many things have happened over the past year, ofcourse there were fun times, but there were also times of hardship and alot of worrying. In the beginning, I sometimes expressed my complaints to my mother. However, I've been able to work very hard to get to this point thanks to everyone who came to these venues, my beloved members here who are like my big brothers and sister, and the staff who support me.
Donbrothers is loved by so many people. There has not been a single time that I've taken this love for granted. I will continue to cherish the love, courage, and energy that I've received from all of you, and will do my best to return as a bigger and better Donbrother. Thank you all very much again for the past year. I love you all so much. _ Totaro (Tsubasa Inuzuka)
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The past year and a half seemed like a long time, yet it was incredibly short. Tsubasa Inuzuka has been pursuing love, busy with love, conflicted with love…..That's the kind of year it's been. It was a year in which I also truly thought about love.
For the past year, many of you have loved Donbrothers and have been coming to the venues. The world is truly full of so much love. I really felt that Donbrothers was loved alot. As you can tell from everyone's speeches, the love for Donbrothers is very strong. It was a truly wonderful production, we talked about how we could've done it better, had alot of arguments, struggled alot, and we all shared the same moments together.
The past year and a half has truly been the most important time of my life. Because I really didn't want to leave the set, I didn't want to go home, I just wanted to keep watching everyone act. I felt that everyone worked hard, so thank you very much for the opportunity to perform in such a pleasant environment. And to everyone watching me here now, with this cast by my side, it was truly a wonderful experience. Thank you for all the happiness. _ Suzuki Hirofumi (Tsuyoshi Kijino)
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I've been an actor for alittle longer than the others, but I have no experience at all. I was never given a chance to perform in front of the cameras. In the few occasions where I would, I'd say a few words and that would be it. There was no need for the makeup artists to do me. So, I usually had to do my own makeup, travel to the site by myself, and prepare and bring my own costumes.
The wonderful, dedicated staff here worked from morning until night, and always put us first. I could've never imagined so many people coming to these venues to support us, or the support we've received behind the scenes. I've never experienced anything like this before, and I'm very pleased with the past year. I'm so grateful. There wasn't a day where I felt ungrateful.
For most of the past year, these eight people have been with me every day, more than my family, the members of my agency, and more than the teams I once belonged to. I love these eight people so much. When I look to my side, they're always there. I really, truly think that the faces of these eight will be the ones that I'll remember before I die. Thank you for letting me be apart of Donbrothers. And to everyone in this audience, to all the staff involved with the show, and to everyone behind the screen, for such a nobody like me, thank you for having me. As an actor who's graduated from Donbrothers, I'll live the rest of my life as an actor with pride. _ Ishikawa Raizou (Momotani Jiro)
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I was in the dark until Donbrothers began. Whatever I did, it wouldn't continue for too long. I had nothing where I could say, "I feel confident about this!"
I've been walking alone in the dark from a place where there was truly nothing, that was until the bright light of "Donbrothers" suddenly flashed before me. I though, "Wow, guess I have no choice but to go along with this!" but, I was really nervous in the beginning because I had the role of the additional warrior, a role that you take on around the middle of the show. Furthermore, Donbrothers takes place in a world where you don't know what's going on just by watching one or two episodes.
Even still, everyone in this cast is upbeat and has fun, they have an unbelievable amount of enthusiasm for this show. I love them all and Donbrothers so much. I've heard that people will sometimes meet together like this. I was also very excited about filming and had alot of fun. Donbrothers is the kind of show that made me imagine a new, slightly brighter future, even though I've been unable to see anything until now. I'd like to thank all of the fans, everyone here today, the staff, and all the performers of Donbrothers for making it possible for us to be here today. Thank you all so much. _ Tominaga Yuya (Sonoi)
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I've been crying so much that my head is alittle fuzzy, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep it together.
For the past year and a half, I've sincerely enjoyed my time here. Now, we, the cast, are going our separate ways. I'm more than sure that in the years and decades to come, you'll find something you love more than Donbrothers. For example, if it were Sonoza, he would become a manga editor, for Sonoi, she would run away with Tsubasa Inuzuka to know love, and Sonoi would meet up with Tarou and fall in love with oden together. The future is bright, because each of us can make our own decisions and find our own form of happiness. Just as I was able to become a member of Donbrothers because I continued to be an actor, the experience of working on Donbrothers has made me realize of the many possible opportunities ahead.
I will always love Donbrothers. Even if I quit acting or go down a different path, I'll never forget these bonds for the rest of my life. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. _ Miyazaki Amisa (Sononi)
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First of all, I'm happy to have been able to attend this farewell performance. This may be abit personal, but Donbrothers was my acting debut. In the beginning, I was always thinking about the negatives, like whether I could actually play Sononi or why I couldn't do it every time we'd start filming. There were many times when I wondered if I was even suited for the job, and times where I didn't want to go on set.
Even so, I received kind words of encouragement and support from everyone in the cast. Sonoi and Sonoza especially helped me out alot. Thank you both so much. Throughout Donbrothers run, I started to enjoy acting alot more, and I started to think that I would like to pursue this kind of career in the future.
I'm sure everyone has their own dreams and goals, and I truly hope that Donbrothers can support you in your journey. We hope to be a Sentai that is loved by everyone and that you will continue to think of even in the future. Thank you all so much. _ Takahashi Shinnosuke (Sonoza)
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I know I don't have enough time to express my gratitude, but there are still some people I haven't properly thanked. I've written a letter. I'd like to take this opportunity to quickly read it.
Donbrothers. As the name implies, it's always overwhelming with its disorderly rampages.
Even though I'm the Chief Editor, she'll cheerfully drag me along. Even though she's easygoing, she's the most considerate. Even though she's the youngest, I'm always touched by her serious attitude. There are also those who seem to be "soft" but actually support you from the shadows. There's someone who'll laugh with you from beginning to end. Or, someone who joined us late, but we admire the way they say they don't want to be outdone.
I love all of you.
And then there's these two Noto's, warriors who I've fought together with in the face of an uncertain future. You spoke passionately about your thoughts and feelings, and I was able to do my best because of it. You were "soft" but dangerous, and I saw you genuinely trying your best, and that in turn made me try my best too. I love you both so much.
Thank you for letting me be one of you. I was very happy to be with you guys.
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hestzhyen · 3 months
Already Waist-Deep
Hi internet void. Please allow me to kagura my bachi all over the place for a little bit. I've got a bad case of the brain worms about these boys that I haven't even had together for 20 chapters yet. Let me ramble a little bit about why they're already so compelling as not only a duo, but a ship.
First off, a caveat. Kagurabachi is a Weekly Shounen Jump (WSJ) action series. That means that if romance is ever addressed in the series itself, the protagonist is going to end up with a girl. Doesn't matter how underdeveloped or lackluster his relationship to her is, or how flat she is as a character. Invest lightly and come along for the ride without any expectations of m/m ships becoming canon. (That said, it might not be the worst thing in the world for our MC to end up with a girl in this case- more on that later.)
Second, I don't really ship that often. Not seriously at least. I need more than two guys being close with each other to start wanting them to be a pair, y'know? So I hope you understand the intensity of the material Hokazono-sensei has been giving us the past few chapters. I am on the brink of going all-in on HakuHiro/ChihiHaku in less than 20 chapters, it's that insane.
Third, I will be talking about current developments without marking potential spoilers. There are only 38 chapters out as of writing this, but there are at least two reveals that would be better appreciated going in blind. Spoilers for the oneshot Farewell! Cherry Boy are also a thing near the end.
Okay? Okay. Let's begin.
Who's Involved? First up is our protagonist Chihiro Rokuhira, an 18 year old boy and the son of a famous swordsmith. He was raised with genuine love and care by his father (no idea what happened to his mom yet), taking care of their day-to-day life while learning his father's trade. And from the very first chapter he is steeped in tragedy as he witnesses his father's murder and life's work being stolen. He then sets out on the long, fraught road of vengeance.
Sounds grim and not exactly compelling, right? Especially when this scene from the first chapter was making the rounds being memed to death:
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But there's much more to Chihiro than meets the eye. Flashbacks to his time growing up show him being a natural caretaker to his dad and their fish- cooking meals, keeping his dad on task, and so on. We see glimpses of underlying tenderness when he meets and rescues Char, a sweet little girl with her own tragic past. And we get some insight that he might not be quite as resolute as he's projecting himself to be when he faces off against Sojo, a fan of his father who worships a much different version of the man than Chihiro knew. And now the Rakuzaichi arc has definitively shown us that Chihiro isn't as collected as he seems. One of his father's killers easily cracks the mask and shows us Chihiro is really just a desperate kid with a heaping helping of trauma, while Tenri's pointless sacrifice shakes him to his core. But despite it all he's still doing determinator things in the most badass way possible. Chihiro has layers, man. A lot of them. And the best way to understand our protagonist right now is through his foil: Hakuri Sazanami.
Who is Hakuri? Another 18 year old boy with a special lineage, but he's a loser who needs to be saved from common thugs. A pathetic guy who latches on to Chihiro and doesn't take the hint when Chihiro literally runs away to ditch him. An utter failure to his family. A lost puppy looking for a samurai.
Hakuri Sazanami is one of the best goddamn foils I've seen in shounen manga yet.
Let me tell you all the ways I love the writing around this kid and Chihiro because MAN I can't even contain all these feels.
What's Going On? From the start, Hakuri looks like he's just another person for Chihiro to bail out. He witnesses Chihiro's awesomeness fighting Sojo in the streets and decides to imitate it, standing up for a little girl being kidnapped. Instead of winning out, though, he's captured and kicked around. Once he's coincidentally rescued by Chihiro he's immediately all-in on tagging along and keeping Chihiro in his life. Look at this pitiful guy:
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Chihiro decides to hear him out due to his connection to the Sazanamis, the Big Bads of the arc. He's initially put off by Hakuri's intensity but brings him along anyway, as Hakuri's insider information regarding the Sazanami family makes him useful. Then, as Chihiro wavers under Hiyuki's assault, Hakuri is truly useful for the first time:
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And it only gets better from here. We see Hakuri hanging off Chihiro's every word trying to be as useful as possible for his samurai, striving to do anything he can, though it ends up with him forcing Chihiro to give up his precious sword Enten in exchange for his life. (Yes, Chihiro "buys" Hakuri from Hakuri's own family.) Later on during the invasion of the auction is where things go into overdrive though. We see their character arcs start to invert and shape each other's as the action unfolds and Hakuri's own tragic past comes to light, eventually awakening him to his special abilities. Chihiro's bravery and strength help him pull this off and finally defeat the older brother that tortured him in the name of "love". Hakuri ascends to being the strongest Sazanami since the progenitor started their line centuries ago. He's the Special Boy!
All this to say that Hakuri Sazanami isn't just a deuteragonist or a foil…
He's the goddamn heroine.
Kagurabachi's Built Different What makes a shounen series heroine? Firstly, they support the main character without getting involved in most of the heavy fighting. A shounen heroine will usually at most have a fight against another girl while the Big Event is happening nearby, making sure the main character has the spotlight. Second, most of the value they bring to the protagonist's story is emotional. They encourage him, validate him, provide a bit of a refuge for him to safely let his guard down. They can get him to express softer emotions that he wouldn't normally show around others. Third… they're the love interest. Ochako, Orihime, Chichi, and now… Hakuri? Really?
We know the third one will not happen for HakuHiro in canon. But what about the first two? Well, let's recap what Hakuri has done for Chihiro so far.
Hakuri can defend himself now, but his most useful ability is access to an interdimensional storehouse. Given the way that his magic works -he needs to prioritize maintaining the storehouse or using Isou- he'll likely be the means of keeping the enchanted blades safe rather than a front-line fighter. Support-centric character that will still get some combat time against lesser opponents: check.
Hakuri's given Chihiro some much-needed direct emotional validation that he hasn't gotten from anyone else yet. ("You saved me." … "That katana suits you.") Hakuri's words fortify his resolve and Chihiro later pays it back by trading Enten, an incalculably precious sword and memento of his father, for Hakuri's life. He even uses the same phrase when asked why he'd do that for someone as worthless as Hakuri ("That guy… saved me."). He later reaffirms that Hakuri's encouragement gave him the courage to let go of Enten in the first place:
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We even see Chihiro open up to him for the first time just minutes after they met:
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Chihiro's been a stoic good guy with buried trauma up until this point. But somehow Hakuri is the first person he outright admits his fears to- not Shiba, not Hinao, but the freaky kid he just rescued. Emotional support pillar: check.
"Well that's not enough!" you say. "That's just taking some moments and doing that thing you said you didn't do- smushing boys together just because they're close!" OK but look at how Hakuri thinks about Chihiro:
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Chihiro has been his inspiration from the first time he saw him. It can be read as admiration and hero worship, but doesn't that feel like selling Hakuri's feelings short when remembering how devoted he's been since they first met?
And just look at Hakuri's face here, he's beaming when Chihiro busts in to save him just like he believed he would:
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Mostly, though, Chihiro is the one who gives Hakuri strength in the moment. The Ice Woman broke him free of his family's mentality, and now Chihiro gives Hakuri what he needs most: hope. Something he never had before, which doomed his relationship to the Ice Woman; he couldn't prove to her that there was more to life than despair because that was all he knew… but that completely changed once he met his samurai.
And that's been their thing through this arc. Each one is giving the other the vital thing they needed to grow and keep going. When Hakuri was struggling at the start, Chihiro was his guiding light towards a better future. And when Chihiro struggled in the aftermath of Tenri's cruel death, Hakuri pulled him along so they could finish the job. They're in perfect sync now as they take down the Rakuzaichi. Don't just take my word for it, check out Hokazono-sensei's color page for the most recent chapter (38): https://twitter.com/KaguraShiba/status/1804898273859445181 From Hella (KaguraShiba): >Kagurabachi Ch 38 JP Color Page 「阿吽の呼吸で薙ぎ払え」 "Two people dancing to the same beat, mowing down enemies" >阿吽の呼吸/"Aun no Kokyuu" Synchronized breathing >Or when people are the most in tune with each other >阿吽の呼吸/"Aun no Kokyuu" Is a Buddhist expression in Japanese meaning something close to "harmonizing in sync together" >"Aun" is also used to indicate an "Aun relationship", indicating an inherently harmonious relationship or nonverbal communication Yeesh. But holy shit it's paying off. In chapter 38 these boys are already in harmony- Hakuri registers Chihiro into his storehouse (yes they both "own" each other now) and sends him in to fight his father. During the fight Chihiro trusts Hakuri to interpret his intent and it works. Chihiro wordlessly tags a bunch of grenades with his spirit energy and Hakuri pulls them out into the real world to bomb the shit out of the Rakuzaichi audience. They didn't plan this beforehand- they had no idea Kyoura had fucking grenades laying around in there. But they're close enough to understand each other's thoughts already. Peak soulmate material right there!
What's got me most interested now, though, is how they will pull/push each other after this arc. Chihiro's going to be focused more than ever on tracking down his father's killer and the swords. But Hakuri, well… I think it would be very interesting if he starts to become a despair monster. A reflection of Chihiro's state at the very start of the manga where nothing mattered to him except exacting revenge. We're seeing shades of this in the most recent chapter (38) where he's slumped over and obviously depressed about how all this is turning out. He's going to end his family's cruel trade but at what cost to himself? Will Chihiro see some of himself in Hakuri and be able to help him out, or at least promise to find relief from the pain together? Obviously a Bad End where Hakuri takes himself out is in the cards given Hokazono-sensei's previous works but… on a meta level, I think his storehouse ability will keep him relevant. I mean yeah he could be used to slap Chihiro across the face by showing what a bad end for his revenge story could look like but I think (hope) that won't happen. [Note to future self: I give you permission to go batshit insane if Chihiro stops Hakuri from committing sudoku.]
And this is where my brain worms are coming from. In just under 20 chapters we have an extremely strong set up between them- so much room for them to teach each other; push to grow and pull back from the brink when tragedy strikes again.
But where's the real meat, you ask? The actual literary analysis in this gushing rant about how much I love these boys I barely know? Well, fine. Buckle up because it's time for some…
Daddy Issues The Rakuzaichi arc really digs into comparing Chihiro's affection for his dad to the Sazanami family structure. And I gotta talk about this because it's the key aspect that makes Hakuri such a brilliant foil.
First off, the similarities. Chihiro and the Sazanami kids are all intensely devoted to their fathers. All of them were raised with love while learning the intricacies of their family trade. We see the Sazanami kids getting praised for doing well, just like Chihiro. Hakuri and Tenri were even told they were special. During the arc, the Sazanami kids put their lives on the line to defend their dad and family legacy with zeal matched by Chihiro's intensity to avenge his dad. When he falls, Tenri's final words are apologizing to his father.
It's truly heartbreaking that the Sazanami's dad never loved them back.
You see, the Sazanamis are one of those families that put their lineage and craft over everything else. Every member of the family lives for ensuring the Rakuzaichi auction goes off without a hitch. One of the clan is chosen to inherit the storehouse and the rest are trained to defend it to the death. Kyoura, the current patriarch, has no compunctions about letting his son Tenri die just to delay Chihiro and the gang for a few more minutes. He had his kids put their lives on the line to defend a storehouse door that he had already broken in secret- making it completely useless. And he's equally cold when it comes to children who can't perform to standards like Hakuri. Once Hakuri (apparently) fails to manifest an ability for sorcery, Kyoura turns a willfully blind eye to the abuse his kid starts to suffer. He knowingly lets Hakuri be tortured by his older brother for years and does nothing, then disowns him once some "merchandise" kills herself in front of him. There's no love for children who can't be useful to the family's traditions. And any love that does exist between father and child is manipulated as seen here:
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What the fuck man.
So Hakuri is going into this arc firm in his conviction to end his family's evil ways. He's been abused physically and emotionally for at least six years straight; he knows his father doesn't love him. And even now when he's about to bring the whole place down with Chihiro he's still yearning for his dad's praise. Hakuri's family is fucked up bad and he needs a hell of a lot of healing after all is said and done.
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Meanwhile, every flashback with Chihiro shows us that he was truly loved and cared for like every kid deserves. His dad wasn't perfect but he was exactly what a parent should be- kind, understanding, and supportive. His goofy advice helps Chihiro to this day. Chihiro and his dad had a genuine father-son bond that was broken by tragedy and thus Chihiro's desire to do right by his father's memory is driven by grief, first and foremost. So when we see his expression after Tenri's death, we know why he's so badly shaken. They clashed out of love and duty for their fathers, supposedly prepared to pay the ultimate price. But the Sazanami version of "love" is a very different, much less wholesome version than the kind Chihiro knows… yet no less effective in terms of motivation.
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You can practically hear his heart breaking for Tenri. And his inner thoughts in the next chapter say it all: he was naive to think he could enact revenge while holding fast to the kindness he grew up with. Chihiro's kindness that he learned from his father is a liability to him in this situation. Meanwhile, Hakuri knew from the start that he had to finally give up the last of his familial affection. He hardened his heart and steeled his resolve to do whatever it took.
Both Chihiro and Hakuri knew what it was like to be loved. Hakuri's version might have been twisted, but it was still painful to have that bond suddenly broken. And now we've seen Edgy Revenge Man's inner softness hold him back while Silly Soft Guy has a heart colder than the arctic. I go absolutely feral comparing and contrasting their situation and how their positions have reversed. Yeah, Chihiro's going to be the action guy who saves the day but Hakuri's the reason he can do it. Hakuri's surprisingly strong core has pushed Chihiro to put his feelings aside to get things done. I can't fucking wait to see how this arc ends and where these boys end up. What will the the most important thing Chihiro takes away from Hakuri here? I hope it leads him to be a bit more openly compassionate and soft around his allies- Hakuri's situation being a lesson in not letting your family's bonds overtake everything else. For Hakuri, well… I think being around Chihiro, Char, and the rest will help him heal. But I hope it's Chihiro that keeps him stable as the person that can relate to him best.
Meta Ramblings Whew. Now then… Yo dumbass writing this, we're not even 40 chapters in yet. Don't you think it's a bit too soon to start getting hyped for a character that could be shelved as soon as the arc is done?
It's interesting to see the themes and characters Hokazono-sensei's reused in Kagurabachi. From the four one-shots available to read, it seems like he's is interested in writing about characters encountering tragedy through various kinds of love. I think it's intriguing that three out of the four end in despair, and the one that doesn't still involves a fair bit of sadness. It's a bit early to say about Hakuri's circumstances since this is only the second proper arc in the series, but given Hokazono-sensei's past works, I think Hakuri is here to stay. For one, Hokazono-sensei seems to love his color-coded foils (Chain, Enten, Roku no Meiyaku). Farewell! Cherry Boy also explores the circumstances of a blindly loyal boy who feels useless being given his first chance to prove himself… I think this is a theme that Hokazono-sensei is revisiting in a more in-depth fashion with Hakuri, so there's a good chance there's more planned.
And just for fun, if we want to look at his romance stories… Madogiwa de Amu is all about one person being the other's greatest hope, their reason to persevere in the face of hardship and seeing that reciprocated in turn. Complete with the weaker person becoming strong enough to protect the person who inspired them first. Hmm. (Hopefully it doesn't end the same way though 'cause man, I can see Hakuri doing something similar right now…) It's also not impossible for Kagurabachi to touch on love given we see Farewell! Cherry Boy incorporating love as the crux of the narrative, despite starting as a gangster story. The true MC is quite like Chihiro as well in terms of motivation and action plan.
I also think it's impossible to overstate how important it is for Chihiro to have a friendly peer to compare to, narratively speaking. Char is a woobie, Shiba's an uncle figure, and Hiyuki is set up to be the aggro rival/frenemy. Hinao could become more than a side character but it seems unlikely at this time. Chihiro needs someone his own age to just be himself with. And that, I am 99% sure, will be Hakuri. A guy who's suffered just as much as he has. Someone who knows what it's like to have a famous last name and lineage to protect. An equal who's unquestionably on his side, who will lift him up when he's down, will need some protection and care. So yes I think Hakuri will be sticking around to be Chihiro's foil. He might take a back seat at times as heroines do, but he'll still be there to support our sad boi through thick and thin.
Anyway that's why I'm ready to jump feet-first into this ship. It's got all the hallmarks of a wonderfully strong bond and I hope we get to see these boys comforting each other for years to come. If you read all this… thank you? Maybe get yourself checked for brain worms? And tell everyone you know to read this amazing action-packed tragedy laced with BL crack cocaine.
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conscbgb · 15 days
Episode 4 was HEAVY...and overwhelming for some parts...it was disturbing because it exposed what for many is an harsh everyday reality...to think that for some boys and girls...some children THAT is their reality is heartbreaking, it's something we KNOW it exists but we DON'T wanna see...
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It's easy to identify the "culprit" of Haoren's trauma in that abusive-violent client from the S&M club...but it's not so: the origin was a mother who never cared for the child SHE brought to this World, then Kaji who had in front of him a child and willingly decided that the "best work option" for him was being sold to a pedo-pimp (how can Haoren still be friend with him it's inexplicable to me), then the pimp who sells children's-teenager's body for a living and last but not least all the awful clients who dare to touch with their dirty fingers those poor souls
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And despite Haoren's huge trauma and Chihiro sad past they still wanna try, they still can have something good from their lives
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I need hope and care for them both! They have to experience what a "normal" life is!! They deserve to feel safe and loved!!!
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82mitsu · 4 months
{18Trip} The Homescreen Voice Lines Vault
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Collection of all the voice lines I have translated on my Twitter account. Uploading it on here for archival purposes.
Note: A lot of them were made to fit the Twitter character limit, sometimes they're a bit freestyled.
Mostly Raito oriented, with some others thrown in the mix.
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Chihiro: Raiting, you spend a lot of time watching vids, don'tcha~ What channels got you hooked?
Raito: Let me see, channels all about information over ramen and the occult stuff like Muu☆Tan's are vital to me.
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Raito: Kuguri, you can do what you want but, have you considered to stop sleeping naked from time to time? No doubt you'll catch a cold.
Kuguri: I'd prefer for you to leave me be. A certain Someone who can't properly wake up in the morning has no right to police others on how they sleep.
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Raito: According to this scripture of taboos that I procured on my own, it appears that Pandora's Box will open up again soon. The theory of hope remaining at the bottom is plausible but, let's just wait and see...
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Akuta: Uugh... I can't... I can't go on like this anymore.... Raito-san, please do the usual thing again tonight!!
Raito: A hopeless guy, aren't you... Got it, I'll take care of you. I will... feed you the best late night ramen that there is.
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Netaro: Raito~! Trouble's afoot! There's hearsay of a unfamiliar flickering luminant body appearing behind the dormitory~!
Raito: What!? An unidentified flying object, in other words!? We must unravel its true identity! Let's go right away, Netaro!
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Kuguri: Sometimes Nanaki looks at me cutely and pleads for advice on composing music. Well, my involvement is limited to hearing him out and giving a nudge, however.
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Kuguri: I don't disagree with your way of living, Ten... It smells sweet, exclusively so. How about we go on a drive together again sometime.
Ten: Aha, it's an honor to get invited by someone like Kuguri-san~ I don't mind the kinda relations where you stay outta each others affairs either.
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Chihiro: Geez~! Taotao, you play Anigun way too much! Didn't you like promise you'd go shopping with Chii today! And here I sat looking forward to it~!
Tao: Sorry. To think there'd be an event out of nowhere... I'll buy you some pudding as apology. So let's go shopping. Okay?
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Akuta: Like, during flower viewing... adults do /that/, right... Y'know... the thing... s- s- s- strip rock paper scissors....!
"yakyuuken" is a Japanese game on based rock paper scissors, where the loser ends up stripping.
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Akuta: Ten-san, I heard you talking to a woman on the phone earlier, but is she for real... wrapped around your finger!? Like both hands all over a beaut and...!
Ten: Aha, the hell man. Don't slander me. She's just a plain ol' friend. Maybe you're still too young for this though~?
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Akuta: That freakin' Kiroku, he put a kinda bracelet that girls would wear in his desk. Ah, wonder if he's like also doing the do with her...
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Ushio: Oi Stupidtake, record what I make all you want but don't snatch food while i'm not looking. You itching to get banned or something?
Akuta: Geh... got caught, huh... I regret my actions! Please spare me from being exiled! Oh great god from heavens above Ushio-samaaa~!
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Nanaki: Kugunii, come over whenever you feel like it again. I'm sure Dad, Mom and Big Bro all are eager to see you.
Kuguri: Perhaps so. ...I'll go if the mood strikes me.
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Nanaki: Spring is the season of encounters, huh... I already have crossed paths with my G.O.A.T though.
GOAT: Gen Z slang, means "Greatest Of All Time".
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Ushio: Listen Murakumo-san, I know you're fooling around, but can you please refrain from putting any weird ideas into the younger guys' heads?
Ten: Oh-hoh~ look at you sounding all cool there. Dunno what you mean with "weird ideas" though.
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Ushio: ....I curse the freaking guy who dared to use my shampoo without permission to go bald from losing 10 hairs every second...!
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Ryui: Toi, your hair's sticking out. Here, sit still. I'll fix it to make it pretty.
Toi: Wah... Thank you dearest Big Bro. My beloved Big Bro really is the coolest in the whole wide world... My heart's skipping a beat...
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Toi: A mature seductiveness like Yodaka-san's... How can i end up having that too? I'm jealous, you see.
Yodaka: Fufu, but Toi. Don't you have your own kind of charm that I lack. I admit I'm also envious on that front.
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