#children of haqim
nw-of-dark · 1 year
Vampire Clan: Banu Haqim
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The Clan of the Hunt, Assamites, Assassins, Mediators, Lawmen, Saracens, Children of Haqim (endonym), Judges
Based in their concealed stronghold of Alamut in the Middle East, the Banu Haqim have long been perceived by Western Kindred as perilous assassins and practitioners of diablerie. However, the reality is that they are actually protectors, fighters, and intellectuals striving to detach themselves from the incessant struggles of vampiric factions, commonly referred to as the Jyhad. Over the course of their existence, they have consistently maintained a self-reliant and autonomous clan, yet they have recently aligned themselves with the Camarilla.
Disciplines: Blood Sorcery, Celerity, Obfuscate
Bane - Blood Addiction: Banu Haqim are drawn to feed from those deserving punishment. This is especially true for vampire Blood, the very essence of transgression. When one of the Judges tastes the Blood of another Cainite, they find it very hard to stop.
The Laws of Haqim
The loyalists of the clan do not follow the Traditions as such, but instead a set of codes handed down from their founder.
The Law of Leadership
Honor the Eldest among you for he is to rule my House when I am absent.
The Law of Protection
Ward the mortals from Caine’s descendants and treat them with honor in all things.
The Law of Destruction
Slay not those of the Blood, for that Judgment is for the Eldest alone.
The Law of the Word
Deceive not those of the Blood, for my House is founded on Truth.
The Law of Judgment
Judge those of Caine’s blood and punish them should they be found wanting.
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modern--nights · 5 months
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In Cainite circles, many remain unaware of the true nature and intentions of the Assamites. To most, they appear as a new clan emerging from the East, bold in their stance amidst the nightly struggles of our kind. Only the elders and learned scholars among Cainites can recall a time when the Assamites were active members of our society, before they withdrew into their studies within Alamut, their sanctuary nestled in the Anatolian mountains.
Among European vampires, rare are those who interact with anyone beyond the Assamite envoys, the viziers, and a handful of sorcerers. The clan presents a united front, possessing an uncanny ability to communicate across vast distances and maintain ties with their brethren in Alamut.
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Though many Assamites hail from the lands now known as Persia, birthplace of their founder, their members come from across the Middle East. In recent times, a growing number of younger Assamites have embraced Islamic beliefs. Yet, their elders often regard this with disdain, seeing mortal religion as a distraction from their true purpose.
However, to the wider Cainite society, it is the younger Assamites they mostly encounter, and the name Assamite has become synonymous with Muslim, earning them the epithet Saracens. Yet, many elder Assamites are content to let others believe what they will, so long as it serves their own ends.
The Assamites themselves shun the label of Saracens, preferring instead to be known as the Children of Haqim, in honor of their progenitor. Haqim laid down a strict code for his descendants to follow. Cainites are perilous creatures who meddle too freely in mortal affairs. The Children of Haqim are tasked with honoring their elders, shielding mortals from the excesses of other Cainites, and meting out judgment (and punishment) upon their kindred.
Furthermore, the Children of Haqim are entrusted with reclaiming the blood of profligate Cainites, those who abuse mortals and ought not possess such gifts. This often leads the clan to engage in diablerie as a matter of principle, though few adhere strictly to this doctrine.
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The clan of the Children of Haqim operates as a cohesive unit, divided into three distinct sects that collaborate closely in pursuit of their shared goal of judgment. The sorcerers serve as the clan's backbone, facilitating communication among members and providing essential support from Alamut, the clan's stronghold. Warriors, on the other hand, wield the authority to pass judgment upon vampires and deliver punishment when deemed necessary. Meanwhile, the viziers assume the role of the clan's public representatives, gathering intelligence on political matters and current events to keep their brethren informed. Most Assamites residing within Cainite-controlled territories function as viziers, supported by a handful of sorcerers.
Dubbed as the Children of Haqim or Saracens, the appearance of Assamites is predominantly Middle Eastern, although some neonates have been embraced as far west as the Iberian Peninsula. Regardless of origin, all Assamites are obliged to spend time in Alamut following their embrace, adopting traditional Middle Eastern attire. Dress codes within the three sects vary based on functionality; sorcerers adhere strictly to traditional attire, warriors opt for comfort during extended travels, and viziers often adopt the garb of their current city of residence.
When selecting a haven, Assamites prioritize security over luxury, favoring easily defended dwellings secluded from mortal eyes, particularly in European domains. Many opt for residences located on the outskirts of cities, enabling them to monitor the activities of both vampires and mortals. However, practicality may sometimes yield to necessity; certain Assamite viziers may adorn their dwellings impressively to curry favor with mortal and Cainite courts when hosting visitors.
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In terms of character creation, Assamite viziers typically possess a blend of Social and Mental Attributes and Abilities, reflecting their roles as scholars and diplomats. Most Children of Haqim boast at least one dot in Mentor, often their sire, and some may possess dots in Generation acquired through the practice of diablerie upon those deemed unworthy. The majority adhere to the Road of Heaven or Humanity, with a select few following the Road of Kings. However, older warriors and traditionalists often align with the Road of Blood.
Clan Assamite possesses a distinctive set of Disciplines, including Auspex, Presence, and Quietus (Hematus). However, their rigorous nature is both a strength and a weakness. Assamite viziers are known for their unwavering dedication, yet each harbors an obsession with their highest intellectual or creative Ability, which manifests as a derangement. This obsession is visible through their glowing aura, offering clues to their true nature and the object of their fixation, discernible to users of Auspex. Additionally, as Assamites age, their skin gradually darkens to a matte onyx, a slow but unmistakable transformation.
Organization within Clan Assamite is intricate, owing to the adeptness of their sorcerers. The clan defers to the Eldest, typically the eldest of Haqim's progeny not in torpor. Each of the three sects within the clan has its own internal leader, collectively overseeing the night-to-night operations. The viziers perceive themselves as judges, tasked with evaluating Cainites and identifying those deemed unworthy of Caine's blood. Sorcerers dedicate themselves to research aimed at enhancing interactions with mortals and maintaining communication among the sects. Meanwhile, warriors act as enforcers, executing judgments and leading nomadic lives directed by their brethren.
Regarding stereotypes of other clans, Assamites hold varying views. They view Tremere with caution, wary of their meddling in unknown realms. Brujah are seen as passionate but lacking in true philosophical depth. Cappadocians are generally tolerated as long as their studies into death remain separate from mortal affairs. Gangrel are respected for their honor, with few deemed unworthy. However, Followers of Set are considered heretics, condemned for their debauchery and perceived evil.
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demifiendrsa · 8 months
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2 - Narrative & RPG Stream
Brujah Clan Reveal
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Brujah overview
The Learned Clan, Rabble, Punks, Hipsters, Prometheans, Rebels, Philosopher-Kings, Hellenes. Brujah is the learned clan, the clan of radicals, the clan commonly misjudged as punks looking for trouble, the Brujah are guided by passion and dedication to an ideal. And if they have the supernatural strength to back that passion up, who are you to argue? Rebellion unites their blood, whether that rebellion is of the subtle lend me your ears kind or the fists out, fire in the streets sack of Rome kind is down to the individual. Playing a Brujah in Bloodlines 2 If you’re a player who leaves the shadows to the cowards, knows the frontline is where the fun is and idealistically rebels against power, Brujah is your clan. In Bloodlines 2, Clan Brujah will offer a brutal melee playstyle with its abilities (in Vampire: The Masquerade, known as Disciplines) getting you into the fray and rewarding you for staying there. Exemplified in the video, our Brujah uses charge to gain a burst of momentum, grab an enemy, drag them with you and body slam them into a wall. Don’t assume you’re limited to charging just one enemy either. In early 2024, we’ll be back with a complete list of Brujah discipline powers you will be able to use in game.
Tremere Clan Reveal
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Tremere overview
Playing as a Tremere in Bloodlines 2 As a Tremere in Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines 2, you use your arcane powers to control your own Blood and that of your foes. The playstyle is rewarding when keeping your distance in combat, making enemies scream in agony as you boil their blood, shaping your own vitae into projectiles, or even ripping the blood from their veins.
Banu Haqim Clan Reveal
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Banu Haqim overview
The Clan of the Hunt, Assassins, Children of Haqim, Saracens, Mediators, Lawmen Cursed with a thirst for the Blood of other vampires, the Banu Haqim stalk the night as judges and lawbringers. To this end, most Banu Haqim adhere to a strict code of conduct - derived from law, faith, or personal ethics - sating their Hunger on those that breach these convictions.
Ventrue Clan Reveal
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The Clan of Kings, Blue Bloods, Tyrants, Warlords, Patricians, and Borgias
Ventrue vampires usually choose their progeny from mortals familiar with power, wealth and influence. Seeing themselves as the rightful leaders of vampire society, Kindred of clan Ventrue take up the mantle of leadership wherever possible, often in the form of high positions in Camarilla Courts.
Playing as a Ventrue
Ventrue are blue blooded tyrants who incite obedience in both their allies and their foes. Using the Disciplines of Presence and Dominate, they can mesmerize as well as awe their prey. Feeding builds up Fortitude, allowing the Ventrue to soak up more damage in case any enemy is powerful enough to resist their force of will.
Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 will launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC (Steam, Epic Games Store, and GOG) in Fall 2024.
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carpe-astra · 2 years
Clan Briefs
as written by Storm
The 13 clans:
Here is a list of the 7 clans who are part of the Camarilla (nerdy rule-followers):
-Banu Haqim: dagger dagger dagger. Formerly known as Assasmites, The Children of Haqim are a cult of assassins located in the mountain fortress of Alamut in the middle east. Descended from Caine's judge, the Assamites accept assassination contracts against vampires while fulfilling their clan's own (more obscure) goals. The Assamites are practically a sect unto themselves, with three castes, each of which has its own weakness.
-Malkavian: cheshire cat meets a clockwork orange. The Malkavians are a clan of Vampires with their ranks filled with those perceived to be mentally ill, afflicted with a strange madness which varies between individuals. This doesn't mean that they aren't also insightful and highly intelligent, but they are controlled by their own variant of madness from the moment of their Embrace, some showing signs of previous traumas from their life as Kine. -Nosferatu: if sewer rats had human forms. Nosferatu are hideously deformed by their Embrace and every Nosferatu is horrifyingly ugly. Eschewing other Vampires, they live in sewers and generally keep to themselves. Nosferatu are information brokers par excellence. Since the Gangrel left the Camarilla, the Nosferatu have shown that they are physically capable as enforcers and assassins in their place, cementing their place as invaluable. While they most are apart of a Camarilla on the whole, they put clan over sect, protecting non-Camarilla Nosferatu from threats that'd expose them and vice versa.
-Toreador: france. basically france. The Toreador are obsessed with art and beauty, and are the clan that spends the most time around humanity. Toreador tend to get lost in art, becoming enraptured by beautiful things. This love of beautiful things sometimes is their downfall as they become obsessive of their desired beauty including in some fatal cases, the sun itself.
-Tremere: blood. blood is good. no wait, that's too much blood. aaaaa help. The Tremere are a Hermetic order (magic dudes) who turned themselves into vampires to preserve their magic. It didn't quite work out as planned. Since the 11th century, the Tremere have risen from outcasts to one of the pillars of Camarilla society. Tremere are the most powerful practitioners of the Discipline of Thaumaturgy, but are also tightly bound to their highly organized and incredibly paranoid clan. Only the original house of Tremere remains loyal to the Camarilla with three other major houses appearing throughout the world. -Ventrue: bick dig energy. The Clan Of Kings. The Ventrue are the leaders of the Camarilla. They are businessmen, aristocrats, monarchs, captains of industry, crime leaders and tend to occupy any other position where control, social status and power are required. They are the clan from whom the majority of Princes come. Ventrue are careful to whom they Embrace and who they feed from: every Ventrue feeds exclusively from a specific type of prey.
-Lasombra: edgy edgelords of the edgiest vampire world. The former leaders of the Sabbat, the Lasombra slew their own Antediluvian during the Anarch Revolt and then led the Sabbat against the Camarilla. The Lasombra are elegant, powerful, cruel and predatory espousers of a social darwinist approach towards control and leadership. The Lasombra are also masters of shadow, able to manipulate darkness in bizarre fashions; this power has a cost, however, as Lasombra cast no reflections. In the mid 2010s they sought accord with the Camarilla and joined their ranks.
Sabbat Clans (freaky rule-breakers):
-Tzimisce: gross. Baby barf. The Tzimisce hail from Eastern Europe, and are the former absolute masters of their nightmare domains. The Tzimisce are the least human vampires, casually cruel and more than a little mad, and possessing the most potent shapeshifting powers of any Vampire. Tzimisce can shift not only their shape, but mold flesh and bone like it was clay. The Tzimisce crave stability - they cannot find peace at night without some of their grave earth. Lol losers.
Anarch Movement (cool rule-breakers):
-Brujah: wreck-it rafael. Originally warrior-philosophers, the Brujah are now petty rebels, roughnecks and political activists. The Brujah are powerful combatants and charismatic speakers, but are more prone to succumbing to frenzy. A notable number lead the Anarch movement but there are still those who cling to the Camarilla or are independent.
-The Ministry: i didn't even know this was a thing?? Formerly known as Followers of Set or Setites, the original Setites were a Gnostic cult dedicated to overthrowing the rule of the tyrant gods who oppress all creatures. Though in the Mid 2010s they re-branded into the Ministry, making it about religion of self with Set being said to exist inside each of his followers. They are still seen as creatures of Darkness, and light does even more damage to them. Fucking weird.
Independent Clans (anti-social weirdos):
-Giovanni: undead incest is not wincest. The Giovanni are a clan of Venetian businessmen and necromancers who entered the scene in the 15th century; originally an offset of the more sedate Cappadocians (old forgotten vampire clan obsessed with death/necromancy I think), Augustus Giovanni diablerized his sire and purged the clan of all Cappadocians. Since that time, the Giovanni have become a very rich, powerful and incestuously twisted family with tentacles throughout the world. The Giovanni do not feed lightly - Feeding is a nightmare for their Vessels, causing excess damage and intense pain as oppose to the erotic ecstasy of the Kiss. At the beginning of the second inquisition they were nearly slaughtered and forced to retreat to their homelands.
-Ravnos: don’t judge a book by its cover. unless the book doesn't exist. The Ravnos are Vampires from the Indian subcontinent, where they are engaged in a genocidal war with India's Cathayans (Cathayan is a term often employed by western vampires to refer to the Kuei-Jin, the so-called asian vampires. The word is borrowed from the classic name for China, "Cathay"). The first Ravnos seen in the west were Romani and were generally assumed to be charlatans and rogues; however, the Ravnos adhere to a complex philosophy of enlightenment through destroying Maya. Each Ravnos has a vice, from gambling to plagiarism. During the week of nightmares, they were nearly wiped out by their own Antediluvian. The few that remain stay hidden, even from other Kindred.
-Gangrel: the cool kids table. The Gangrel are nomadic vampires and the only ones who regularly travel outside of cities. The Gangrel are also shape-shifters with the Discipline of Protean, which has left them with a tendency to acquire animal features as they frenzy. Since the late 1990s, they've become largely independent though a number have joined the Anarchs and very few remained within the Camarilla's circles.
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avo-kat · 10 months
oh hey look bloodlines 2 dropped trailers with clan reveals, lets take a look---
Hanu Baqim?
i havent heard of that clan before, lets look it up!
"Based in their hidden fortress Alamut in the Middle East, they are traditionally seen by Western Kindred as dangerous assassins and diablerists,"
"The Clan called themselves the Banu Haqim, or Children of Haqim, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. Superior in numbers to the other bay't in the area, many of the Banu Haqim worked hand-in-hand with the Ashirra to keep the Europeans out, especially since the majority of the clan was Muslim."
"When the sentiments among the childer boiled up and the Anarch Revolt began, the Banu Haqim followed, slaying many Cainites and gaining their reputation as a clan of cannibalistic assassins"
"Assamites typically try to Embrace someone who will be "useful" to the clan as a whole. This most often means someone who is willing to fight and die for the clan's (or at least their sire's) goals."
"Classic: Though not a clan weakness as such, Banu Haqim of all castes and bloodlines grow darker with age.
The Warrior Caste suffers from an addiction to vampire vitae and an aura stained by diablerie. Even if they have never actually engaged in diablerie, their aura shows their blood lust clearly."
"Fifth Edition:
Blood Addiction: Banu Haqim are drawn to feed from those deserving punishment. This is especially true for vampire Blood, the very essence of transgression.
Judgment: Banu Haqim are compelled to punish anyone seen to transgress against their personal creed, taking their blood as just vengeance for the crime."
...............................maybe... surely the devs changed the clan for the new game, right???? right?????
oh, the trailer has a description, it says....
"Cursed with a thirst for the Blood of other vampires, the Banu Haqim stalk the night as judges and lawbringers. To this end, most Banu Haqim adhere to a strict code of conduct - derived from law, faith, or personal ethics - sating their Hunger on those that breach these convictions."
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✵ Before his transformation into a Kindred, Arthur, a legendary knight from House Dayne known as the Sword of the Morning. He was brought into the Banu Haqim clan traditionally seen by the rest of the Westerosi as dangerous assassins and diablerists,but in truth they are guardians, warriors, and scholars who seek to distance themselves from the violence and war between the other clans;
✵ An attractive, positive, quirky and upbeat being. He always tries to see the good in people, but doesn't let himself be blinded by that. He lives by a code of honour and morality that has been with him since he was a young man;
✵ Having learned to take care of his sister over the years and being naturally responsible, Arthur is described as unpredictable, overprotective and stubborn, but also very kind, intelligent, selfless, empathetic, compassionate, and friendly;
✵ Arthur’s bane is the curse of most Banu Haqim, the taste of being a judge is very intoxicating when one of the Judges tastes the Blood of another Cainite, one finds it very hard to stop;
✵ Also as most Banu Haqim, Arthur is compelled to judge people around him, as Kindred he is is compelled to punish anyone seen to transgress against his personal creed, taking their blood as just vengeance for the crime, which can be a double edge sword, because the people that wrong him are punished swiftly but when he does, or people he loves do something that his code says its wrong it can become a problem;
✵ Stern in adjudicators, Arthur is fiercely devoted to upholding his moral code, and embrace mortals capable of assessing and handling threats, enforcing laws and traditions, and punishing transgressors;
✵ Arthur is a man physically in his early 30s with short night black hair, darker violet eyes, he has a lanky, yet muscular stature his height being 5'11"(1,80m), he could be described as handsome man with dornish features, Arthur has two stiles of clothing, his traditional Banu Haqim garments of which he uses when he is doling out his punishment, clothes with vail and face covering, but also wearing more relax clothes when not in service of his creed, like jeans, t-shirt and coats, of varying colours but nothing too crazy;
✵ Coming from the warrior caste of his clan, he has extensive knowledge of how to work with different weapons, and also having being a very deadly swordsman in his human life, yet as a Kindred Arthur, works with swords and guns, but usually he prefers knifes;
✵ Arthur has more friends than most Kindreds have, but the person who is closest to who is not from his kin, was Rhaegar, he came to be friends with the Hecata clansman after they meet in the middle of one of the wars some years prior, he was pulled towards Rhaegar because of the valyrians code of honour, and shy demeanour;
✵ Arthur is called by many names: Arthur Dayne ( most people ), Sword of the Morning ( enemies ), Saracens ( enemies ), Desertman ( enemies ), Art ( friends );
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Kung’s Intro to Vampire: the Masquerade: Part II (Clans)
Welcome to Kung’s Intro to Vampire: the Masquerade! This is a deep dive where I’m going to go fully into explaining kindred society, told in eight parts. This is the second part, dealing with arguably the most important institution of kindred society, that being the Clans of the kindred. Those lineages are the lifeblood of kindred society, and few would disregard them as institutions. Of course, these each have different strengths and weaknesses, both from their Disciplines and Banes as well as their organization. 
As an important aside, some terminology will be presented that has not yet been explained. You may freely ignore this as you see fit if you are unsure, though this terminology will make sense later on.
The Banu Haqim
Once a clan which held itself apart from the others, the Banu Haqim were in ages past judges and scholars among the kindred, despite a historic disconnect between the other kindred and the Children of Haqim. In recent times, they have been drawn closer together, for the Banu Haqim have broken with their obsolete ways and sought to reconnect with their kin.
Prestige: Low Clan. Although the Banu Haqim do not consider themselves a Low Clan and their status is somewhat controversial, what is clear is that they were long mistrusted in Western domains due to association with kinslaying and their somewhat divergent moral system.
Sect: Camarilla. The Banu Haqim were originally apart from the Camarilla due to a traditional organization centered around the Fortress of Haqim, but in modern nights their organization had become aged and cumbersome, causing the Clan’s leadership to splinter, with the majority integrating into the Camarilla in a somewhat uneasy partnership.
Disciplines: Blood Sorcery, Celerity, Obfuscate. 
Bane: The Banu Haqim are cursed with severe lust for kindred vitae, which is addictive to them even moreso than normal. Those who taste kindred vitae often are forced into a hunger frenzy.
Themes: Justice, Traditions, Wrath
The Brujah
The vampires with the firmest devotion to their highest ideals are the Brujah, the ancient philosopher-kings of the night. Although much of their ancient prestige is mere history, they remain active participants in the society of the night, most notably among the Anarch Movement.
Prestige: High Clan. The Brujah may be full of righteous wrath, but their sheer charisma and force of personality, as well as their great ideals, often propels them them to higher status than other clans, with their historic prominence reaching great heights, especially in their strongest domains.
Sect: Anarchs. The Brujah chose to leave the Camarilla due to several factors, most notably that they felt their clan’s contributions were not being appreciated, as well as Brujah making up a large portion of the Anarch population regardless. Now, the Brujah’s greatest thinkers form the ideological core of the Anarchs, with the young ones as frontline revolutionaries.
Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence
Bane: The Brujah’s Beasts are stronger than those of normal kindred, which often puts them on edge. They are further driven to act on their conscience, lest their inner wrath destroy them. Brujah tend to have a harder time resisting frenzy than average kindred because of this.
Themes: Change, Violence, Innovation
The Gangrel
The Gangrel are the kindred furthest outside human society in many ways, often preferring to operate on their own rules as opposed to the will of others. Many developed a deep connection with the wild places of the world, with a common respect for the forests and mountains within them. With a strong attitude of autonomy and independence built into their culture, they were a natural fit for the Anarch Movement, finding haven among them early on. 
Prestige: Low Clan. The Gangrel’s desire for liberty was a double-edged sword early on, as while it allowed them to operate without interference, it also meant that many social rules that would have benefitted them were completely ignored, giving the clan an unreliable reputation.
Sect: Anarchs. The Gangrel were founding Camarilla members, but were the first to desert the organization, after their warning were blatantly ignored by an uncaring population of elders. Many Gangrel have nominal allegiance to the Anarchs, with a firm voice of their clan being present in all the sect’s meetings.
Disciplines: Animalism, Fortitude, Protean
Bane: The Gangrel Bane is one which involves their Beast, but it is very different from the Brujah’s wrathful inner demons. The Gangrel Beast is cunning and insidious, and in addition to subtly shaping the behaviors of the Gangrel, will often manifest outwardly when it is strong, resulting in dangerous mutations in one’s body, mind and soul.
Themes: Liberty, Beasts, Aloofness
The Hecata
The Clan of Death has risen and fallen throughout history, and has been known by many names, notably in a recent incident where their former leadership was destroyed in an event called the Family Reunion. They are divided internally between many bloodlines, most of which are part of a tenuous alliance among all branches of the clan as of late. Their focus on the ethereal and the dead is often alienating to other clans, but it has never stopped them from claiming their right of blood.
Prestige: High Clan. The Hecata were once represented by the Cappadocians, who were respected in the Dark Ages for their academic study of religion and keen knowledge of hidden lore. Now, they maintain that role, and have added generational wealth built by the Giovanni and their allied bloodlines, further cementing Hecata power.
Sect: Unaligned. The Hecata have never been formally aligned with any sect, at least according to modern divisions, but some individual members have joined the Camarilla, Anarchs or even Sabbat. To some extent, the Hecata are their own sect, with their member’s blood branching off into different subdivisions almost like the Clans of the Camarilla.
Disciplines: Auspex, Fortitude and Oblivion (Some members manifest slightly varied disciplines due to a high degree of mutation in Hecata bloodlines)
Bane: The Hecata have a flaw in their Kiss, which prevents it from being blissful like that of other kindred. A Hecata bite feels like torture, and is completely unsubtle as well. Many Hecata refuse to feed on humans normally, instead feeding on blood separated from mortals, or on corpses or animals.
Themes: Death, Family, Wealth
The Lasombra
The Lasombra are wicked elder nobility, once schemers who controlled faith and kingdom alike, now forgotten monarchs holding on to faded glory from a bygone age. Their dwelling in the shadows has given them some measure of control over the darkness, as well as hardened their hearts to the world around them- a connection which can only be repaired through deep and sincere passion.
Prestige: High Clan. The Lasombra curried favor with the nobility and the church in ancient times, and the power behind their name has not faded even in modern day, as despite their questionable decisions, debt is debt. Thus, even now the Lasombra retain their old status.
Sect: Camarilla. Although the Lasombra backed the Sabbat for a long time, in truth they were trying to pick the winning horse, and with most of the Sabbat now being scattered or gone entirely, the Lasombra have agreed to enter a deal with the Camarilla, where they are integrated on probation in return for disavowing the Sabbat.
Disciplines: Dominate, Oblivion, Potence
Bane: The obsolescence of the Lasombra is not mere political loss- they are plagued with an aura of entropy, which causes decline visible in their presence and possessions. The Lasombra have always been plagued with bad fortune, and as an extension of this, their tools often refuse to work, with metal instruments having always failed them and this being exacerbated with the advent of electronics.
Themes: Darkness, Ruthlessness, Conservation
The Malkavians
A clan cursed with torment from within, the Malkavians are often dismissed as useless flounders or harmless pranksters by members of other clans, but they possess insights that few can match. It was the Malkavians who predicted the downfall of many of their contemporaries, and it will be the Malkavians who are laughing when all others have been cast down.
Prestige: Low Clan. Despite their secret knowledge being valuable on occasion, the cost of this secret knowledge being their mental stability sealed their fate in terms of the respect (or lack thereof) given to their pedigree.
Sect: Camarilla. Although a comparatively large number of Malkavians joined the Anarchs, something within them compelled the majority to stay. Those who joined the Anarchs often report being disconnected from their kin, though why this is remains unclear.
Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Obfuscate
Bane: Most Malkavians have some degree of mental illness, whether it be codified by psychoanalysts or not. This is believed to be the result of a curse rather than a chemical imbalance, and cannot be cured by drugs or therapy as a result. 
In addition, some Camarilla Malkavians hear a voice in their head that they recognize, but surely that is simply a symptom of existing madness.
Themes: Madness, Chaos, Truth
The Ministry
Born in the depths and their history staying murky throughout their existence, the Ministry remain one of the most contradictory cases among the kindred. Bound to faith and sin, trust and deceit, nobility and corruption, the Ministry are liquid, with the ability to charge their ways ingrained into their core. The shapes of the Serpents are more than meet the eye.
Prestige: Low Clan. The Ministry were overshadowed by the Lasombra and Hecata in terms of spiritual influence, and many had concerns about the Church of Set from the beginning, hobbling the Ministry’s early influence. Although the Ministry was always present and dealing amongst the Low Clans, they were never able to attain the power they desired.
Sect: Anarchs. Originally maintaining neutrality, the Camarilla refused the Ministry entry after this became impractical, with the spurned Ministers choosing to align themselves with the more welcoming Anarchs instead. They have quickly become essential to the Anarchs, caring for the souls and hearts needs of the movement.
Disciplines: Obfuscate, Presence, Protean
Bane: Ministers are burned by sunlight more intensely, for it reveals the truth of their rotten souls, and even normal bright light often makes it difficult for them to operate effectively. This curse has many different explanations, but the most likely is that this is reflective of the dangers of revealing their true nature.
Themes: Deception, Faith, Transgression
The Nosferatu
Their visages marred through an ancient curse, the Nosferatu are a clan which lurk in the dark places of the world, never allowed to participate in full but always present. Their use as informants and their knowledge of survival is valued, but never appreciated, in one of the greatest tragedies of the Kindred.
Prestige: Low Clan. The archetypal lowlifes of the Kindred world, while individual Nosferatu have achieved some measure of prosperity it is rare for the clan as a whole to be accorded significant prominence. 
Sect: Camarilla. The Nosferatu were founding members of the organization, and surprisingly few of them deserted to the Anarchs. Although always prioritizing the influence of the Camarilla over the abstract notions of Anarchs, the Nosferatu have often teetered between loyalty and neutrality, often prizing their clan before their sect. Blood is thicker than ink, after all.
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Potence
Bane: The Nosferatu are all hideously ugly, regardless of their status as individuals. Although a few can pass for human, most of them are so badly deformed that their faces can be picked out from that of mortals easily. Most Nosferatu avoid interactions with mortals because of this, as there is too great a  risk of straining the Masquerade.
Themes: Secrets, Monstrosity, Occultation
The Ravnos
Outcasts among the kindred, hated and feared due to their fatalistic nature, the Ravnos are clan whose time ran out yesterday. An event known as the Week of Nightmares annihilated their founder and elders in a mass frenzy, resulting in the few remaining Ravnos in the world being cursed with an amplified version of their clan’s curse. Those few remaining are ticking time bombs outcast from kindred society, and it’s only a matter of time before they are all gone.
Prestige: Low Clan. Even before their explosion into rage and diablerie, the Ravnos were not trusted. Different explanations were given, but the two most credible is that their clan bane necessitated a nomadic lifestyle with no domains of their own, and that their often nihilistic outlook would unnerve all around them. Few missed them after the Week of Nightmares.
Sect: Anarchs. There are very few Ravnos of any political significance remaining, but of those that survived, the Anarchs took avid interest in protecting, resulting in a network of Ravnos smugglers transporting goods for the Anarchs. This is particularly appealing for the Anarchs, as a negligible amount of Ravnos were Camarilla members to begin with.
Disciplines: Animalism, Obfuscate, Presence
Bane: The Ravnos are doomed to wander forever, and in past times, they would be exhausted if they slept in the same place for seven days. In current nights, however, this will cause them to burn to ashes as if their blood was consumed by hate, resulting in an agonizing Final Death.
Themes: Journeys, Fate, Exile
The Salubri
Although the gentle Salubri were once the darlings of court, they were annihilated by the Tremere in a bid to usurp their clan’s status, being cast down into the annals of history. Although a few survived to modern nights, the Salubri are forgotten by the younger generation, with the Tremere having destroyed most traces of their real history.
Prestige: High Clan. The Salubri were well respected before the Tremere cleansed their ranks, and even now they have friends in high places. Although their work with mortals and the occult has been overshadowed in modern nights, they remain beloved by the few who remember their deeds.
Sect: Unaligned. The Salubri are actively hunted in domains with any large degree of Tremere influence, and the Anarchs have no interest in old fables about gentle kindred. The Sabbat Orthodoxy formerly had a small Salubri contingent, but most of the Salubri left after the Gehenna War to pursue their own path.
Disciplines: Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude
Bane: The Salubri each have a third eye upon their head, said to symbolize the wisdom of their clan, but this immediately marks them as a target. Furthermore, this third eye will weep blood when Disciplines are used, blood which tastes absolutely succulent to other kindred.
Themes: Isolation, Obsolescence, Mystery
The Toreador
Known in ancient times as the Clan of the Rose, the Toreador are devotees of beauty, with a stronger connection to human arts and passions then many other kindred. Although this is often deemed as frivolous, this has allowed them to get very close to humanity- something which has benefitted them greatly in modern nights.
Prestige: High Clan. The Toreador were always valued due to their noble pursuits of art, music and romance, resulting in a very positive reputation gained over time. Although many consider them a little flighty, most Toreador are valued by other kindred.
Sect: Camarilla. The Toreador were early founding members of the Tower, as relatively few joined the Sabbat early on. Although some younger ones were interested in the Anarchs, most establishment Toreador were content to remain loyal to their historic allies and patrons.
Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Presence
Bane: The Toreador are highly sensitive to their surroundings, with unpleasant situations making it difficult for them to call upon the full potential of their blood. Furthermore, many can be prone to obsession, as the dark side of connection to beauty is being unable to pull away.
Themes: Beauty, Limelight, Passion
The Tremere
Usurpers who gained their position after the death of the Antediluvian Saulot, the Tremere are perhaps the most controversial Clan, albeit having found broad acceptance in the modern nights. With their boundless ambition, these kindred constantly strive for perfect dominance, with their sorcery being their most useful asset.
Prestige: Low Clan. Deep down, other kindred are fully aware the Tremere are pretenders, regardless of whatever legitimacy the Tremere claim. Because of this, they never really gained enough approval to be considered equal to a Venture or Toreador, resulting in a deep-seated Napoleonic complex in the Pyramid’s leadership.
Sect: Camarilla. The Tremere latched onto the Camarilla promising utility as sorcerers, and although that utility remains contested (especially with the new arrival of the Banu Haqim) the Tremere remain deeply entrenched in Camarilla hierarchy.
Disciplines: Auspex, Blood Sorcery, Thaumaturgy.
Bane: Once, Tremere vitae was enchanted with rituals which enhanced the blood’s ability to bond. However, over time, Tremere blood has lost its vigor, and due to the collapse of the Pyramid and the inability to maintain those rites, their blood can no longer bond other kindred. For many elders, their blood can no longer bond at all, resulting in the inability to create effective ghouls.
Themes: Magic, Ambition, Power
The Tzimisce
The Dragons are one of the strongest clans in terms of the raw power and magnitude of their members, even if they are not the most numerous. With immense power in their traditional domains, the Tzimisce consider themselves links to the past, with their traditions mirroring the feudal lords of old. 
Prestige: High Clan. There is no Tzimisce who is humble, and with their vast domains, unbreakable honor and great monuments having been revered since the beginning, even with their decline having sent them spiraling the Tzimisce remain a measure of traditional importance.
Sect: Unaligned. The Sabbat is no longer a viable option for a support network, and the Tzimisce were always committed to the goals before their cohort. Of course, the Tzimisce keep grudges for hundreds of years so the Camarilla is something relatively few have interest in, and the Anarch’s reliance on trust and cooperation is something many Tzimisce cannot abide by. As a result, the Tzimisce stand alone, not by necessity but by choice.
Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Protean
Bane: The Tzimisce are bound to the things they rule over inextricably, with no choice but to stay with them. Many are bound to something such as their ancestral homeland, or their workplace, or their closest loved ones, but they must sleep during the day by this or some simulacrum of this every night.
Themes: Isolation, Greed, Honor
The Ventrue
The Ventrue are the clan most overtly reign over mortal society, drifting towards whatever trends are the most powerful. In the ancient times, they were tied to hereditary nobility, but nowadays their powerbase has diversified and expanded from everything to politics and business to media and militaries, with many adopting more novel pursuits in search of what the clan has always wanted: glory.
Prestige: High Clan. The Ventrue will claim to be the greatest clan in Kindred society if asked, and most members of the Low Clans agree that they are the highest of the High Clans. Of course, other High Clans will dispute this argument, but even they cannot deny Ventrue drive, ambition and control over mortal society.
Sect: Camarilla. The Ventrue are the architects of the Camarilla and while not every important position is occupied by Ventrue, they make up about 40% of all Camarilla Princes, with that being the highest amount of any single clan. Many Ventrue view the Camarilla as the perfect institution to operate in, fitting their talent for navigating complex power structures. While there are Ventrue members of other sects, their clan is inextricably tied to the Camarilla.
Disciplines: Dominate, Fortitude, Presence
Bane: Ventrue can only feed on one specific type of mortal, for instance, “people of Irish descent” or “Muslims” or “basketball players” or “women.” What decides these feeding restrictions are often deep-seated psychological factors, but at the end of the day there’s no way to be sure.
Themes: Institutions, Tradition, Dominance
The Caitiff
Some kindred are Embraced without a clan, often being both as unique and as transitory as stars in the sky. These kindred are usually cast adrift in the world, let loose without a second thought and being scapegoated as a political defense. Often, they are subject to intense discrimination and mistrust, though this varies based on the area. Although historically Caitiff did not have any degree of unity, many agreed to work together when rejected by others, with the term Caitiff, once a slur against them, becoming a symbol of their unity.
Prestige: Not applicable. Caitiff are considered to be lower than the Low Clans. 
Sect: Unaligned. The Caitiff are officially considered persona non grata in the vast majority of Camarilla domains, with even most Anarchs reluctant to take them in, as old biases die hard- or don’t die at all. 
Disciplines: Any. The one advantage to being Caitiff is that their blood reliably adapts to any Disciplines, though Blood Sorcery and Oblivion are rarely developed to any significant degree due to the difficulty of doing so.
Bane: The Caitiff do not have a Bane, though their status as outcasts is bane enough for most of them.
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Oh boy, Sins of the Sires wrecked me.
Like, it does the whole “you’re a monster, this is a World of Darkness” vibe really, really well. The absolute dread and utter futility you feel is pervasive throughout the whole thing. It’s something that Natalia Theodoridou also did really good in Rent-a-Vice.
Although, IMO it was a bit rushed after the first two demo chapters. No spoilers, but you jump to different locations quickly, juxtaposed by how the narrative is very deep and slow and I found myself kinda confused about where I was half the time. Also, you don’t really spend that much time w/ any of the minor characters to get to know them better, which felt weird when they are brought up towards the end of the game.
Summaries of my first three runs below the cut:
Note: I used my MC Joni Ioannou for all of these. Since I didn’t know what clan I wanted them to be or what stats I wanted them to have, I just changed it up every time. Some things I kept the same tho, like their look being “soft goth” and their hobby being getting tattoos.
1) Thin-Blood
Disciplines - Animalism, Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude
Background - PhD student
Mortal - Father (Andreas)
Stats - Learned, Tech, Composure (which all felt utterly useless imo tbh)
Convictions - Respect your elders, killing is wrong
Predator type - Sandman
No romance, but I made friends w/ Elias
Nearly ran away w/ Gor, but Kapriel showed up and killed him (also when I saw Gor’s head in my inventory, I nearly screamed)
Ending - working for Prince Peisistratos b/c Sophia’s coup failed
2) Banu Haqim
Disciplines - Celerity, Obfuscate, Auspex, Dominate
Background - Petty thief
Mortal - Mother (Marianne)
Stats - Stealth, Composure, Streetwise, Awareness
Conviction - Never be powerless
Predator type - Bagger
No romance, but made friends w/ Brother Isidoros (saved his life w/o making him a ghoul then chose the “Maybe I like you” option, which was hilarious)
Killed Gor and brought his head to Peisistratos - asked Peisistratos for permission to commit sanctioned diablerie on Kapriel
Failed to stop Selene from violating the Masquerade
Ending - Post-apocalyptic
3) Tremere
Disciplines - Auspex, Dominate, Fortitude, Obfuscate
Background - Minor con artist
Mortal - Daughter (Christina)
Stats - Persuasion, Composure, Streetwise, Awareness
Convictions - Children should be protected at all cost, killing is wrong
Predator type - Consensualist
Romanced Markos - then I fucked it up b/c I chose to go w/ Gor to make him trust me and Kapriel showed up, apparently after having diablerized Markos (I actually screamed this time wtf Natalia)
Ending - fled w/ Elias, and when he died, chose to bury myself next to him
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archbishoptiercel · 2 years
🧿 (from @thirstforvitae )
The Black Priest...hm. I am grateful to see another of the Catholic faith (it seems I am the only one besides he) but his ambitions are -plainly- obvious. An offer to learn Obtenebration from myself, a method which would require offering MY vitae to a BANU HAQIM? Hah, I would sooner trust the Tremere with such a thing before one of the Children of Haqim! If Cainites are as leeches, then what makes their kind? A leech of leeches? Parasite of a parasite. He is as a starved dog, cut off from sustenance, a creature of desperation and hunger. No amount of personal SKILL in the areas of assassination can hide what he TRULY is after. He may be "free" of the Sabbat (Hah! As if one CAN be!), but he will NEVER be freed from his hunger, his curse. And for that, I can only pity him.
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connorhasaknife · 2 years
i just realised that people might not understand a few terms in the door theory, just gonna clarify some terms hahaa
for @the-teapot-king specifically :)
Also what’s the deal with this Camarila they mention and who are all these nosferatus and tremeres and stuff? Different vampire clans right? How come they’re different if they’re all from Carmilla as the first vampire?
the entity is essentially the vatican's secret military force. they collaborated with other secret services in like, 2001, and realised "holy shit vampire exist?" before anyone else did. they're responsible for the purge of london in lore, which is why they were important to the theory. in recent nights they did disrupt the 2nd convention of prague, which, lol cammies eat shit
SPEAKING of cammies, the camarila is like, your main faction of vampires. theyre traditionally the biggest and the strongest, and definitely the most central and organised group. theyre pretty much awful, and responsible for the masquerade and enforcing it. the camarila are the reason pyotr didn't want to start a blood hunt, for instance. they like to pretend they're a lot older than they are, so the camarila mirrors medieval vampire society, but it's only been around for as long as the first inquisition. that isn't long, in vampire terms. it's lead by the inner circle, which we know nothing about, which is usually just an excuse for storytellers to flesh them out in sessions (because yes, wod/vtm is first and foremost a tabletop game). the prince we keep hearing about is the leader of the local area, and she most likely reports to someone higher up the literal food chain. diablerie is one of their biggest sins as well, lmao
when they talk about nosferatu and tremere and all that, they're referring to vampire bloodlines. the bloodline a vampire is depends on who sired them, essentially, so the most popular bloodlines are the camarila sponsored ones. this changes, though, like lasombra and banu haqim joined the camarila in like 2012 and the gangrel left in '99. the brujah left at the same time the lasombra and banu joined, but since the series takes place in 2001 none of that is really relevant. the main bloodlines in 2001 were ventrue, toreador, tremere (kevin), nosferatu (pyotr), gangrel (apeboy), malkavian, and brujah (shitbeard) if that gives you any idea about them
the first vampire is caine, like the biblical caine. he was cursed by god with vampirism and the world has been worse ever since. caines blood, or vitae, is what makes a vampire a vampire. the thickness of that blood is how removed a vampire is from caine, so when a vampire commits diablerie they make their blood more condensed like someone of a higher generation, making them more powerful. vampires become more powerful over time anyways, so vampires dont really need to be born a high generation. generations are also the number of steps removed from caine, so his children are generation 2 and the antediluvians are generation 3
speaking of antediluvians, they're the originators of each clan of vampires- think of them like more homicidal primarchs, if you watched tts. the relationship every bloodline has to its antediluvian is very very strained, because the antediluvians generally want to eat and/or inflict some horrible fate on their children
for example, the malkavian antediluvian (malkav) has literally become a network of madness inside the mind of every malkavian and intends to use them as a body to puppeteer whilst his body slumbers in jerusalem, for one example
luckly for every vampire in the world, these antediluvians are fast asleep. everyone wants to keep it that way, because when they wake up, they're going to be very hungry. and when you're at that level of power, the only way to keep that hunger sated is to eat your own kids. a lot of them. it's essentially vampire doomsday- actually, it literally is, considering that gehenna is a thing
(gehenna is prophecied vampire doomsday)
let me know if anyone has any more questions!
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ryttu3k · 3 years
728 tonight, 23,524 total! Hit the 23,456 mark which is very fun. Next milestones are 25k, 30k, and I suspect I’ll still be going for 34,567, haha.
Sebastian visits the Last Round. Interesting conversations are had.
Session quote:
"Do you think," he asks bluntly, meeting Sebastian's gaze straight on, "It could be an Antediluvian?"
Sebastian blinks. "There are no such thing as the Antediluvians," he says, wishing the words had come out more confidently, less hesitantly; the Camarilla party line is not the belief of a clan that still called themselves the Children of Haqim. "There has never been any proof of - of Antediluvians, or that the Book of Nod is anything other than a Sabbat propaganda piece."
"There are Noddists who have never been Sabbat," Skelter challenges, folding his arms. "And yeah, there's scholars like Beckett who are skeptics, but what about ones like Vykos? They were there when the Salubri were being hunted down. They met Tremere himself, and if he's real, why couldn't Saulot be?"
Hiding a wince (Olivier had mentioned the Salubri in wistful tones, once, a long-lost and noble clan fallen to the fangs of the Usurpers), Sebastian shakes his head. "We simply cannot know how much is truth and how much is propaganda. There have been many rumours and falsehoods spoken about the Tremere. That they owe their beginnings as a clan to the diablerie of someone as powerful as a supposed Antediluvian is... unlikely."
"And the Giovanni and the Cappadocians?"
"Again, heresy. We simply have no proof that there was any diablerie of any Antediluvian. One faction of a clan subsuming the rest - yes, that is documented history. The Antediluvians are not."
Skelter shakes his head. "It's propaganda on the Cammy side too," he says with a sigh, then straightens up. "Anyway. Sorry we can't help more, Prince LaCroix. When Nines is in, I'll get him up to speed."
I'm sorry, Sebastian wants to say, every fibre of his being vibrating with the need to apologise, to explain. Of course I believe in the Antediluvians. I am a Child of Haqim, and my clan orbits around the reverence and terror of our own founder like planets around a star. Could it be an Antediluvian? Could that be what the sarcophagus holds, could that be why the city exists in such terror? The very idea is both terrifying and plausible. Oh, God, what will we do if it is, if I am the architect of bringing such a monstrous being into the very heart of my Domain?
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big-fang-andrei · 3 years
May i be so bold as to ask your opinions on the other clans, my lord? Also, your opinions on diablerie
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My, that is quite the bold question indeed. But I have an even bolder answer. I’ll tell you what I think of the other clans but also of the other denizens of the night. So pull up your chair and open a new tab to drivethrurpg(I WISH THIS WAS A PAID PROMOTION), as uncle Andrei tells you of the World of Stank-Piss!
Assamites/Banu Haqim: they claim to be our judges yet they lack any form of self control when a drop of vitae hits the floor. It’s true, I’ve blood bonded several with this method.
Brujah: I’ve seen maggots in cum socks lead better revolutions than them. If I wanted to see a bunch idiots yell about their ideas on how to fix the government I’d go to twitter, thank you very much.
Followers of Set/The Ministry: Claim to be masters of darkness yet a night light scares the shit out of them.
Gangrel: Nomadic cowards that spend more time making stories for their OC’s than anything. I find it humorous when one tries to make peace with a lupine only to get torn into thirds.
Giovanni/Hecata: They fuck their sisters, dude.
Lasombra: Ah yes, our brothers in the Sword of Caine. While I do appreciate they’re bravery in the Anarch revolt I do not enjoy their constant reading of the scripture. And dear Caine, they’re so annoying with their dreadful sea shanties.
Malkavian: I once had to share an apartment with one during the 70’s. Malkavians by themselves are a constant overflowing dam with small cracks gushing forth the most insane and obtuse thoughts one shouldn’t be able to imagine. Couple that with his herd of never sober hippies and a philosophy class and that my childe is a recipe for becoming a quiet pair of pants.
Nosferatu: Many assume I despise the Sewer rats for aiding the camarilla, but if anything I pity them. They think they’re so clever hiding behind the skirt of the Ivory Tower when they know we’re the only ones that can help. Run little sewer rats, run all you want from the scary Nictuku, but the ivory tower will crumble long after the last of Absmilliard’s childer wipes the blood from her lips. What? Jealous? Why would I be jealous of their looks… WE work hard to look like this, those bastards get embraced and stay like that cursing over their beauty as if it were a curse. Ungrateful fucks...
Ravnos: I haven’t seen one since my trip to Vegas. Tricksters, liars but I gotta admit good dancers. In fact I haven’t seen much of any in a while. All of ours ended up diablerizing and slaughtering each other a while ago but that’s just another Tuesday around here.
Toreador: Silly, silly children the whole clan. They bore me with their constant slobbering of human art and sobbing of their humanity! It drives a motherfucker INSANE!
Tremere: If I could still shit I’d turn them into toilet paper. ‘Nuff said.
Ventrue: you spend your formative years sucking the dick of a king hard enough until he gives you some armor and a dull blade now you think living in massive sky scrapper with solid gold socks can make up for being a spineless tryhard.
Kuei-Jin: I’d tell you but I don’t want to get cancelled again.
Werewolves: If the Gangrels are the furrys that post their art and ask you to leave positive comments only, than lupines are the maniacs that eat roadkill off the street butt naked at night.
Mages: pah, charlatans with parlor tricks that tell you the secret of magic is to “believe in yourself”. What hog wash, real magic comes from that old gnarled up bastard Koldun.
Ghosts: I rarely have failed experiments but in some even rarer occasions, they result in a phantom. Sure it’s startling at first waking up and seeing something had broken all your windows, flooding your room with sunlight and the occasional threatening words drawing in blood on your living room, clashing with your own blood art. But all you have to do is call in a Nagaraja and those bastards eat ghosts like Papa Andrei eats blood ice cream.
Faeries: I tried to turn a kid into a bike chain once, until he pointed at me with the stick he held, declared it a hammer and smashed my watermelon sized testicles with the force of one. Not one of my finer moments.
Hunters: The Society of Leopold or the Second Inquisition are just as reckless, poorly organized and limp dicked as the Camarilla… but a month or so ago as I was buying some batteries for my custom all flesh furby, when a person behind me claimed to see past my disguise and tried to beat me to death with a flaming fortnite action figure before I twisted him like sausages. Funny thing was I wasn’t wearing a disguise. Hell that was a nude Tuesday for me, but whatever that “thing” was that it certainly piqued my interest.
Mummies: I had a mummy friend during the French Revolution, made me play salty cracker all the time. Not all dusty, covered in bandages or Tom cruise looking like in the movies but they seem ok, naive even. Still trying to save humanity by helping some crummy god.
Demons: In my short time in Mexico I’ve witnessed more things one could experience in two weeks than one could in a life time. A vampire lupine, a toreador glutton fat from vitae, vampires not of Caine or Kuei-Jin origin and a bootleg vhs of regreso al futuro. But in the Tremere Antitribu chantry, Universidad del Tercer Circulo de la Serpiente Dorada, I saw Goratrix preform an unholy ritual with the blood of a virgin and said bootleg vhs, unleashing a fallen Angel chained to the deepest bowels of hell that the Lasombra claim to be their domain. The devil looked upon us and cursed we childer of caine before Goratrix in his pansy Tremere nature banished the fiend back to the abyss. I fear no demon, but the Tremere are superstitious suckers. I left the country the next few days to return back to LA thinking nothing of my encounter until a week later I had heard something happened to the Tremere of the Sabbat. All members simply bursted into ash one night. If that isn’t a sign of Gehenna, then I don’t know what is. Orpheus: Who?
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robotslenderman · 3 years
Also here’s a nifty bit from the Reremouse code (specifically, the bit where Lettow compares Julian to a school shooter):
"You despicable little Assamite," Lettow says. "I'm the reason why the Children of Haqim joined the Ivory Tower, and what do they send into my domain? Not a vizier or a philosopher or one of their great warrior-scholars—a shifty little Chinese nerd with the intellectual depth of a school shooter." *comment Canon Note: Lettow has an inflated sense of his importance here. He was an important advocate for the Camarilla-Ashirra alliance but not its architect.
Yup, sounds about right for a Camarilla Prince.
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missn11 · 4 years
I was tagged by @badass-at-fandoming​ thanks so much! :D
I’m gonna tag @midnight-musings-at-venturetower​ and @nessynoname​
let’s see I think I’ll do my VTMB OCs: Gloria, Tuba and Barbara. I would do Taika but I’m currently writing a short story of her and LaCroix and I have no idea if I’m going to have LaCroix’s fate be the same as in the good ending of the Sabbat path or not...
Anyway, let’s start with Gloria, my Anarch Ventrue who had a complicated relationship with her sire Sebastian LaCroix before she gave him the key to his doom.
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still need to do a pic of her XD
✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Next is Tuba, my Banu Haqim (Assamite) who betrayed her own fellow Kindred as she had the belief that the Kuei-jin deserved to rule LA and fell in love with the Kuei-jin leader, Ming Xiao. 
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it���s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Annd finally Barbara, my low humanity Toreador Antitribu who ended up joining the Sabbat and much murder and sad things happened, especially to her former lover NInes Rodriguez! :(
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✖ FINANCIAL – wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✖ MEDICAL – fit / moderate  / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged
✖ CLASS OR CASTE – upper / lower / middle / working / unsure
✖ EDUCATION – qualified / unqualified / studying
✖ MARITAL STATUS – married, happily / married, unhappily / engaged  / partnered / divorced / widow or widower / separated / single / it’s complicated
✖ CHILDREN – has children / no children / wants children / adopted children
✖ FAMILY – close with sibling / not close with siblings / has no siblings / siblings are deceased / it’s complicated
✖ AFFILIATION – orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by both parents
✖ disorganized / organised / in between
✖ close-minded / open-minded / in between
✖ cautious / reckless / in between
✖ patient / impatient / in between
✖ outspoken / reserved / in between
✖ leader / follower / in between
✖ sympathetic / unsympathetic / in between
✖ optimistic / pessimistic / in between
✖ hardworking / lazy / in between
✖ cultured / uncultured / in between
✖ loyal / disloyal / in between
✖ faithful / unfaithful / in between
✖ SEXUALITY – heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / omnisexual / demisexual
✖ SEX – sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable
✖ ROMANCE – romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable
✖ SEXUALLY – sexually adventurous / sex experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / uninterested
✖ COMBAT SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ LITERACY SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ ARTISTIC SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✖ TECHNICAL SKILLS – excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
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sebastianshaw · 4 years
@themusespace- So I did World of Darkness versions for Rhia, and a shorter one for Catwoman! I’ve had it going little by little for awhile and finally got it done tonight! Under the cut for length:
RHIA So, you brought up Gangrel as a choice for Rhia and that’s a good one. Since you’ve already got that, I’ll cover some other options---Toreador, Brujah, and Banu Haqim. Toreador because, well, you can find a reason that a Torrie would Embrace ANYONE, really. Maybe hippie chic was really in one year and they selected Rhia as their new Bohemian muse, or any number of possibilities, really. In any case, I see as a Toreador who takes a less conventional route with what she finds artistic and beautiful, finding more aesthetic glory in the natural world than man’s creation. Perhaps she’s stuck in an ever-fruitless quest to try to capture said beauty in some form, going from one artistic medium to the next--painting, sculpture, even music---to try to convey in creativity what she finds in nature, or maybe she’s content to merely be enraptured by the natural world as it is without trying to emulate it. Either way, she’s surely at a great risk for getting caught in the sunrise! The Brujah option is because they’re as passionate as the Toreador, but with an emphasis that’s typically on freedom, justice, and rebellion. Theoretically, a Brujah can be passionate about anything (or nothing and just a rebel without a cause) so long as they’re radicals about it, but I find they’re most often pushing back against the status quo rather than zealously enforcing it, and that seems to have Rhia vibes to be. So if her style is more than skin-deep, I could see her having been Embraced by a Brujah who appreciated such views. If you wanted to go darker, there is, finally, the Banu Haqim aka the Assamites. I know it seems an odd pick but hear me out. I had NO interest in these guys for the longest time because I just knew them as the assassins of the vampire world. That was it, just “they kill people real good and really like diablerie” and that was just not interesting to me. Being able to be the best guy at murder/fighting/power/etc whatever in the room has never been an interesting character trait for me, and I figured they were just for RPers who wanted a heavy combat focus and to be the Most Badass for bragging points, so I was just...meh about them and regularly forgot that they existed.  Then, recently, I learned a bit more about them. The Children of Haqim are the judges of Kindred society, meting out punishments to vampires who deserve it, and more than that, are often asked by other vampires to act as impartial judges due to their unaligned nature. They have a great passion for justice, and are drawn to feed from those deserving punishment. This passion takes the form of the Clan Compulsion of Judgment, compelling them to punish anyone seen to transgress against their personal creed, taking their blood as just vengeance for the crime. Whether that person is friend or foe, they have to struggle against this urge greatly if they wish not to act on it. And they’re far more dangerous to other vampires than to humans---one of their laws is to protect mortals from vampires (though it is still acceptable to use them as a food source) and to treat humans with honor (though again, feeding is okay), and their clan flaw is an addiction to the blood of other vampires. This addiction, coupled with their laws about humans and their compulsion to punish those who transgress their codes of justice, makes it hard for them to fit into vampire society at large, but in recent nights, they’re become one of the Camarilla clans. Also in recent nights, they’ve started Embracing women and people who are not of Middle Eastern origin, which previously they did not. Speaking of who they Embrace, Assamites typically try to Embrace someone who will be "useful" to the clan as a whole. This most often means someone who be willing to fight and die for the clan's (or at least their sire's) goals. However, during the long period that the clan labored under the Tremere blood curse, people may also have been Embraced for knowledge in a specific (often obscure) area. Typically this had something to do with sorcery or medical research involving blood, but may also have included more obscure areas of research as well. Assamites typically choose people with somewhat obsessive personalities for the Embrace. As they are typically involved with either hunting down miscreants or conducting obscure research, they tend to be highly motivated individuals. This often results in Assamites picking individuals who are fanatically devoted to a cause, religion, theory, or activity. The various caste flaws and the training they undergo after the Embrace tends to accentuate this even more. Thus Assamites can be said to select childer that will be eager to chase down their prey no matter how long it takes or how far they must go. That prey may be a physical target, an obscure piece of knowledge, or even pursuing the perfection of an art form. So if Rhia is particularly driven regarding something that could be of interest to the Assamites/Banu Haqim, then that combined with a sense of justice and honor, if she could become devout and ruthless enough to kill for it, could make her a candidate for an Embrace. It would not be my first pick for her, but it’s a possibility if you wanted to go darker and edgier.  In addition to the Warrior caste that most people are familiar with, there is also the Sorcerer and Vizier castes, who play a greater focus on mental attributes. Viziers and Sorcerers are less focused on the physical skills of their childer, and thus more likely to Embrace women. The number of women Embraced waxed and waned based on the overall attitude towards educating women. In periods where women were rarely taught to read or write they naturally took fewer women. However, even in periods where few people were educated, a Vizier might take someone for their skill with art or social acumen, even if they were a total illiterate. Similarly, a Sorcerer might Embrace someone who showed some innate knack for magic, even if they could not write their own name. As for what they do, Sorcerers are pretty self-explanatory, being practioners of the clan’s version of Blood Magic.  Originally this magic was based off ancient Mesopotamian priestly rituals and the Persian cult of Mithras, but modern Sorcerers now incorporate the ecstatic Hindu devotion to Kali and Shiva, Chinese feng shui, and Islamic alchemy and astrology as well. Sorcerers usually need to send themselves into some sort of altered state of consciousness in order to focus their magics. This may involve consuming drugs, whirling themselves into a trance, ritually wounding themselves, or even more stranger methods. The Viziers are the scholars of the clan and are rather like the Toreadors, lusting after  knowledge or artistic perfection instead of magic, pursuing their chosen lore or art with the tenacity of a pit bull. While the Toreadors sink into hypnotized contemplation, the Viziers frenzy with their creative compulsion. So if either of those sound up Rhia’s alley---I don’t know if there’s a particular art or subject she’s passionate about, or if she’s magically inclined, but she seems like the type of person who COULD be--these seem likelier options than the Warrior caste. I would still go with Gangrel or Toreador first for her, and also they’re easier to understand, have less special hierarchy and history and other shit to keep up, etc.  Her tribe as a Garou (werewolf) is easy---Children of Gaia, one of my favorites, OR the Fianna.  The Children of Gaia are the most peaceful of the Garou, and work for understanding between the tribes in hopes of defeating the Wyrm through a unified front. Defending Gaia is far too important to lose sight of in constant skirmishes over differences! During the War of Rage, when other Garou were trying to wipe out all the non-wolf Changing Breeds, the Children of Gaia tried to stop their brethren from this and initially refused to fight their fellow Fera (wereanimals) and even accepted refugees who came to them seeking shelter. However, when the Fera started exploiting this by sending in agents who were in fact there to slaughter their would-be protectors, some Children of Gaia joined the other Garou in masacring the other Changing Breeds. Similiarly, when Europeans began to colonize the New World and the European Garou learned of the “Pure Tribes” in the Americas, the Children of Gaia advocated for an alliance with them, rather than mimicking the human colonizers by taking what these American Garou had from them or attacking them. They’ve also worked to try to ensure that the attrocities of WWI and WWII never repeat, and have historically been advocates of causes in the human world  such as free speech, civil rights, and women's rights, which reflects how their own culture as werewolves is FAR more egalitarian than almost any other tribe except perhaps the Bone Gnawers.  One major example of this egalitarianism is that the Children treat their metis well and in fact will take in the metis from other tribes who don’t want them. A metis is offspring of two Garou. It’s part of The Litany---which is Garou law---that Garou shall not mate with Garou, and instead must take their mates from among humans or wolves and hope that one of the offspring will be a Garou. The reason is because while the offspring of two werewolves will indeed always be a werewolf, they will also always be sterile, deformed, and stuck in Crinos form (wolfman/hybrid form) until they achieve their First Change (usually around puberty) and thus must be raised in secret away from human eyes. Metis, as living proof that two Garou have broken the Litany, are often looked down and shunned in other Packs, and have to struggle to prove their worth. The Children, however, believe that the child should not be judged for the sins of their parents, and will raise the metis of other tribes as their own. It’s also very common for Black Furies, who are all female, to give their male children to the Children of Gaia. Hence how they stay all female! As a note, having a lot of baby metis around also helps them discourage Garou/Garou matings--- any pup who's been looking too longingly at a packmate (same or opposite sex, it doesn't matter) often finds themselves babysitting a whirling, shrieking ball of claws and fur to teach them just what they’re in for if they give in to such incestuous (as it is seen in their culture) desires.  While the Children’s values are based around peace, mercy, and unity above all else, this doesn’t make them pushovers as some think. They may be pacifists, but they’re still werewolves, and they still have the Wyrm to fight, so they’re not absolute paficists, they’re WARRIOR pacifists. And when their Rage is roused, it is just as terrifying as that of any other Garou---perhaps more so because they keep it so pent up. A lot of people think that hippie werewolves are a stupid concept, but I disagree---real wolves aren’t inherently violent creatures and, like the Children, are only going to fuck up something, whether it’s prey or an intruder, if it’s a necessary thing. And SOMEBODY needs to provide a softer counterbalance to the numerous other extremely war-like tribes. The Fianna are a tribe of Celtic origins. Some come from Spain or France or the Balkans, but they’re most associated with places like Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. And there are plenty in the USA, having come there with Irish immigrants during the Great Potato Famine. The Fianna believe themselves to have originated from the union of a passionate Gaillard (I’ll explain what those are after I talk about the Fianna) and Danu, an aspect of Gaia which they see as the mother to both the Fianna and the Tuatha de Danaan, and they celebrate many Celtic Pagan religious holidays such as Beltane. They aided their Irish Kin against Cromwell, and many supported and even aided the IRA.  The Fianna are known as great partiers and great warriors both. They’re one of the most extroverted tribes, rarely turning down an invitation to let their hair down and indulge in their favorite pleasures. Creativity through music or craft is encouraged and prized among the Fianna, and they have created some of the most beautiful and fantastic treasures of the Garou. The Fianna are also hopeless romantics, always falling for humans and their fellow Garou alike. The latter creates metis, of course, but ironically the Fianna are particularly hard on metis as they view their deformed bodies to be a sign that their spirits are also twisted. The Fianna desire to live life freely, but that includes the desire to be free of flaws, and thus they reject those that are different or “flawed” like the poor metis. I’m not saying Rhia would have to think like that---especially since I see her a Lost Cub, which I’ll get too soon too---but that’s just their general culture.    So, each Garou has an Auspice. It’s what their role is, and defines a lot of who they are. Their Auspice is determined by the moon phase they were born under. So like the zodiac, but objectively very real. I think Rhia would be either a Theurge or a Galliard. Theurges were born under a crescent moon, and are the shamans and mystics of the Garou. All werewolves are part spirit and part flesh, but the Theurge in particular are attuned to the Umbra (spirit world) and have many Gifts and Rituals that only they can do, as well as being able to craft fetishes (as in magical objects and talismans, not sexual kinks) They emphasize wisdom, and in a battle, they are more likely to serve as support compared to other Garou, but it is worth noting that even the coolest, calmest Theurges are still Garou, and burn with Rage deep within. The Galliards, also called Moon Dancers, were born when the moon is gibbous, and they are the bards and lore-keepers of the Garou, serving as their keepers of oral history and performance artists. Besides acting as lorekeepers, historians, and prophets, they are also depended upon to act as a source of inspiration in times of desperate need, or for celebration in those rare and wonderful times of fortune. Given her being a bit of a rebel, from what I clean, she might also be a Ragabash. Ragabash are born under the new moon, and their role is to be a trickster and the questioner of the old ways, the wise fools who play the contrarian, always asking “but why is it this way?” and questioning tradition to ensure that it can still stand up as useful and just in the current times. act as a voice of dissent or devil's advocate with far less fear of punishment than the Garou of other Auspices. In a society as traditional and conservative as that of the Garou Nation, a free-thinking individual with the right to speak his or her mind is absolutely important, whether to encourage change or to reaffirm the current position through the challenges he or she provides. They have the least amount of Rage and thus are often cooler-headed than their packmates, but unlike the mystic Theurges, they show this by being playful, playing pranks not to be nuisance (though many are thought of as such) but impart lessons. Those of the new moon are often skilled scouts or assassins, as the "hidden moon" is associated with stealth and secrecy, and use this to help their packmates find their quarry, or to elude their pursuers. They may also use humor to lighten the mood or break up arguments, often acting as an "omega" to turn hostilities toward themselves. I think Rhia works well as a Homid and Lost Cub. A Homid is a Garou born in human form to a human mother or a Garou mother in her human form (as opposed to a Lupus, born in wolf form to a wolf mother or a Garou mother in her wolf form) and will grow up as human until their First Change. So, how is it that a human (or wolf) has a Garou child? Either one parent was a Garou, or one of their parents was a Kinfolk. Kinfolk are humans or wolves who have Garou blood. They are the USUAL result when a Garou has a child with a human or a wolf; they only get a Garou if they’re luckily. So like, maybe one Garou out of a litter or one Garou out of all the kids they have, if even that. The rest? Kinfolk. And the Kinfolk’s children (or pups) will be Kinfolk too, and so will their children, and so on. Most Garou keep careful track of their Kin, since mating with a Kinfolk produces a higher chance of a Garou child, but all too often, the family lines get lost, and you can get a bloodline of Kinfolk with no idea they’re Kinfolk, and then randomly one of their kids gets born a Garou, and they will also not know this until their First Chance. These are called Lost Cubs. So I could see Rhia as such, either a Lost Cub born to a family that has long forgotten a werewolf is a real thing, hence getting raised by her very strictly religious Grandmother.  ( You’ll notice I keep referring to Rage with a capital R. Rage  mystical wellspring of primal anger granted to the Garou and some of the other Changing Breeds by Luna, the moon spirit.  It allows them to move at great speed, shrug off mighty wounds, and change forms quickly, as well as powers some of their Gifts, which are basically like magic spells or extra abilities. A Garou without Rage cannot change shapes. But it’s a double-edged sword, as they also must beware their Rage overaking them in Frenzy, a violent and bloodthirsty uncontrollable outburst.) Finally, for her type as another Fera (Changing Breed, other wereanimals) I’d go with the Pumonca, the cougar Bastet (werecats) of the Americas. Most are Native American, but that’s a general trend, not a rule at all. The Pumonca, also called Stormwalkers,  are restless wanderers and guardians of the land, constantly on the move to protect their sacred home. They spend their entire lives traveling from place to place, looking for signs of Wyrm taint in the spaces in between. It is their task to meander, to take their time, and to notice the world around them. However, this is only restricted to the Americas, because no Pumonca would ever leave her continent---and it fact, they CAN’T. Each Bastet has three Yava, three secrets about their type, which can often be used against them by anyone who learns it. The Yava of the werepumas are: -A Pumonca is one with her land; if she leaves it for more than a full moon cycle, she will die. -The essence of poisoned land (toxic waste, radiation, sewage) is deadly to a puma. Immerse him in its toxins and he will quickly perish. -All beasts fear the puma. No horse will bear her, no dog will follow her. The great cats are her Kin and they befriend her, but no other animal can approach without terror. Due to their history with the Wars of Rage, in which the Garou tried to wipe out all non-wolf wereanimals,  many modern Pumonca are bitter, confused, and angry, and most are looking for a way to serve Gaia that lets them keep their pride and dignity intact. The lucky ones forge ties with other groups, but most just wander aimlessly, fighting the Banes of the Wyrm however they can so long as no one wounds their pride too terribly. Pumonca have a penchant for spreading stories and lore wherever they go. In the past, these were typically tales of great deeds, whether of Garou or Pumonca or anyone else who tickled their fancy that were shared at the camp fires with those who where interested. Nowadays, however, these stories are often bitter tales, because of the aforementioned history, and their anger can make them difficult for some to work with. As independent nomads, they have no organization as a group either. I can see Rhia as a wanderer with a sad ancestral history who is just trying to do her best with what she has left and also take in all the beauty and wonder that the continent has to offer. 
CATWOMAN So, my first thought for her is Ravnos, and that’s unfortunate because the Ravnos have some very problematic origins that I can’t get past. The Ravnos are tricksters, traveling hucksters and charalatans who specialize in deception and theft, with their clan’s trademark discipline being Chimerstry , the creation of illusions. Their clan weakness is that every Ravnos is a criminal, every one has some kind of vice they can’t resist when the opportunity is presented, which could be being a jewel thief for Catwoman. Since being a thief is Catwoman’s primary trait, the sole consistent thing across all her incarnations, of course she should be a member of the clan who is all about thievery. The reason I say the Ravnos are problematic is that they’re also meant to be of Roma origin. So, yeah, White Wolf based an entire clan on all the shittiest stereotypes about Roma people as being thieves and criminals. I think that later editions have fixed them---the company sincerely has been trying to clean up the shitty stuff of previous decades, from what I understand---and cut the Roma association entirely from them, at least I hope they have, but the Ravnos beginning as walking racial stereotypes just personally leaves such a bad taste in my mouth I personally avoid them altogether. But just because I would never make one, does not mean it doesn’t fit Selina, it absolutely does. Especially since one of their other clan disciplines is Animalism, which lets her keep the cat theme too, she could have a whole army of kitty accomplices doing her bidding! And that is pretty cool, I can’t deny. If I were going to find an alternative to being a Ravnos for her, I think a Toreador would be a wonderful fit. Anything can be an art, including thievery, and Selina’s particular brand of cat burglary is DEFINITELY an art. Like she’s not a common thief, she goes after extremely valuable, extremely well-protected gems and jewelry, often with a feline theme, there’s beauty in what she targets and artfulness in how she manages to do it---which is always with STYLE. Her obsession with jewels and cats both work for a Toreador who admires beautiful things, and her graceful, acrobatic style works well with the Toreador discipline of Celerity, which grants a vampire supernatural speed and reflexes; heck, even just the lowest level gives her something appropriately called “Cat’s Grace”  that lets her  automatically keep her balance. And being a Toreador could also be why her on again off again romance with Batman, her attraction to the dangerous Dark Knight despite being on opposite sides of the law, etc. That kind of dramatic, conflicted love story sounds like total Torrie bait to me. She logically should be SOME kind of Bastet, I just can’t specifically think of what!
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coteriesrp · 4 years
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The Judges of the BANU HAQIM are torn between their hereditary thirst and their passion for justice. The Judges have long set themselves apart from Kindred society to better deliver their soul stealing capital punishments. That is about to change. A schism divides the clan between followers of the newly awoken methuselah, Ur-Shulgi, and the Islamic Warriors and Viziers embraced long after the clan abandoned their merciless blood worship. Alamut — the Children's hidden base of operations somewhere in Afghanistan — has fallen entirely to the blood cultists, who prepare to deliver their judgement on their kin, and most sensible Haqimites are now exiles fleeing their old home. The majority of these have joined the faithful sect of Muslim Kindred — the Ashirra — or are seeking asylum and full membership in the sect’s western counterpart — the Camarilla.
Whether they are cultists or warriors for justice, all Children of Haqim adhere to a strict code of some kind, be it Ur-Shulgi’s blood laws, a personal vendetta, the American constitution, some obscure variant of Islamic law or even postmodern  theories of oppression.But no vampire is free of self-interest. The uncomfortable truth is that the Children hide their uncontrollable lust for diablerie behind a strict idea of right and wrong. To the Judges someone is always guilty. And the guilty must be punished, their souls sucked out through their arteries to make the Judge stronger in preparation for the next justified murder.
The Banu Haqim include a diverse array of hunters, judges, and killers. Though the clan’s focus on judgement frequently manifests in the act of dealing death, the mortals Embraced into the clan are as often qadis, strategists, and law students as they are bounty hunters, soldiers, police officers and trained assassins. The clan’s geographical ties likewise make most of the members embraced between 600 C.E. and the early 20th century of one of the  denominations of Islamic belief. Older Banu Haqim tend to worship the Blood over any mortal faith. Young members of the clan hail from any place or culture in the world, and while some convert to Islam after their death, most modern Haqimites keep the faith of their breathing days and are respected for it.
In modern nights, Banu Haqim target mortals capable of assessing and handling threats, enforcing law and tradition through force of personality or skill, and of course, killers who would contribute to the clan’s aims. The Banu Haqim keep a look out for war veterans, especially those disgraced or wounded in war. They offer them immortality, a chance at redemption, and purpose. Such mortals  become prized neonates.
The Banu Haqim are more than a clan of murderers descended from al-Ḥashāshīn, though they have adopted many practices from that mortal sect. The Viziers and Warriors of the clan descend from different broods of Haqim. Each feels compelled to Embrace different mortals, with the Warriors tending toward the martially inclined, while the Viziers drain and turn those with political and legal power. The connection between the two is law. Banu Haqim within the Ashirra and Camarilla strive to maintain and enforce law, making their choice of prospective fledglings critical.
THE BANU HAQIM BANE is that they are drawn to feed from those deserving punishent, and this is especially true for vampire Blood, the very essence of transgression. When one of the Judges tastes the Blood of another Cainite, they find it very hard to stop; this presents many problems as the Banu Haqim integrate with the Camarilla, who tend to see diablerie as anathema.
banu haqim archetypes.
The Banu Haqim value understanding of law and tradition, frequently Embracing legal experts to help modernise (or at least make relatable) the clan’s expectations of all Kindred. This Child of Haqim was still studying law when turned into a vampire, and suddenly the boundaries changed. No longer restricted to 21st century versions of mortal law, they are now an expert in Kindred law. Such a Child of Haqim commands respect among the Viziers.
Knowing when to put feet to the streets, when to arm and take down the man, and when to hold back and simply refuse to aid a tyrant sets this Child of Haqim apart from the stereotypical law abiding members of their clan. The Union Chief came from a background where knowing legal loopholes and how to encourage others into action was integral to their success.
This Child of Haqim may have been a Sheriff in life or in undeath. In some way, they were an enforcer of judgement, perhaps holding a position of moral power such as priest, imam, or community leader in a small town or commune. Their ability to wield laws led to the eventual Embrace.
In their mortal days, this Child of Haqim was a killer, plain and simple. Perhaps with a military, law enforcement, or security background, but just as likely to be an individual with murderous urges. At least one lethal act drew the attention of a Banu Haqim sire. Now this character continues to live by the gun, or the knife, the poison, or the severe beating, but with all the legitimacy of a hired mercenary.
The Banu Haqim are known for their obscure blood magic and reverence of the vitae, but this vampire was a blood scholar before the Embrace. Whether a member of a Sufi study group, a cultist in a fringe religion, or a ghoul in the service to a thaumaturge, this mortal’s activities drew the Banu Haqim’s attentions, and they were put to work interpreting the will of the Blood, along with ways to subvert it.
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