vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
Ancano has a cat allergy but he loves his spouse. poor guy can’t make out with them unless he’s willing to sit in bed sick for three days after that
One morning, a few weeks after Ran'ik becomes Arch Mage
"Ani! Ani where did you go?" Ran'ik called.
"I just have to step outside for a moment, I'll be achoo fine!"
"What in the world..." Ran'ik muttered. She had noticed, even when he was only giving her magic lessons, that afterwards he would have to go take walks. Even if it was snowing. She had assumed he was just taking care of stuff, but after spending the night together? Where was he going?
Ran'ik pulled herself from the bed and put on her robes. She went up the stairs Ancano did to the roof, notseeing him in the stairwell. She walked out the door and didnt see him on the roof. But she heard him. achoo, achoo, achoo. "Ancano? Are you ok?" She called
"Achoo I'm just fine!" Ancano called back, sniffling. Achoo
"You are obviously not fine!" She said. Ran'ik starts walking around the roof, looking around. "Now where are you?" She heard more sniffling and turned around another stairwell. Ancano was sitting there, with cloth held up to his nose. He was red faces and his eyes were watering, and he looked so uncomfortable.
"I'm fine! I promise, I'm just... sick." Ancano stuttered. Achoo
Ran'ik stared at him, deadpan. "Right. You're sick. So why are you hiding out here?"
"I didnt want to sniffle get you sick...?"
"You are so lucky I love you. Now what's wrong."
"I may or may not be allergic to cats... and that may include Khajiit."
Ran'ik pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "And how, my dear intelligent elf love, did you plan on keeping this hidden from me?"
"I may or may not have thought that through..."
"Clearly. Now come inside. I'll see if I can get any sort of vegetable soup in the kitchens and see if there is some sort of spell or potion for allergies."
"I've looked, there arent any."
"There have been relations with the Khajiit for a long time. Are you trying to tell me that no one but you in history has been allergic? I assure you, there is somewhere."
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daggerfall · 5 years
im trying to be optimistic and cling on to the very very very extremely tiny chance that lorkon will actually be good but i swear if MK shows up i declare it to be an absolute failure no matter how well-planned everything else might turn out in the end
i can only hope the mk impersonator saying slurs in the discord pissed off lady N enough to convince her husband to not attend
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bastianhallix · 5 years
you can do it!!! there’s nothing nicer than seeing a blog who can alternate between Efforted fanfic and shitposts
anndnsdnsj thanks
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snowberry-pie · 4 years
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tentacle-explosion · 5 years
that engagement ring looks super badass 👀
Thank you! I’m probably gonna commission that same artist to make a suitable matching wedding ring. 💖
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dilfstrahd · 4 years
Literally good Friday has no meaning for me except 1) do NOT under any circumstance dig in the dirt and 2) let's bake something shaped like a lamb. I forgot about Jesus until today when I was reminded by a post on how in the Philippines they crucify people non-lethally
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so apparently i’ve been pronouncing vivec city wrong all this time, who knew
anyway here’s my attempt at singing a post i made earlier
if the rest of tesblr wants to join in this ridiculous enterprise, feel free
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theangstyargonian · 5 years
Tumblr media
For @chim-zalabim <3
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boethiah · 5 years
tagged by @nehti and @chim-zalabim and @theangstyargonain and probably someone else at this point i’ve lost track. 20 questions
Name: maria
Nicknames: ayem
Zodiac sign: sagittarius sun gemini moon leo rising 
Height: 5′4
Languages spoken: english only :( i used to speak japanese at basic conversation level in hs but i lost it 
Nationality: australian (but born in the u.s.) 
Favourite season: summer in temperate zones, ‘winter’/dry season in the tropics (basically the season you can comfortably go camping in) 
Favourite flower: frangipani! 
Favourite scent: mangoes, yeast, cooking eggs with onions and jalapenos, that really specific sawdusty smell of a cold garage 
Favourite colour: lavender or olive green
Favourite animal: octopuses
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee!!
Average sleep hours: seven-eight? 
Dog or cat person: dogs bc they make me feel safe against robbers
Number of blankets you sleep with: one, i’m not decadent
Dream trip: either a horseback tour of mongolia or a pilgrimmage across europe where i visit every museum that has a venus statuette and maybe some prehistoric archeology sites in person. would include the english white horse and the orkney islands for the fuck of it. OH also i want to visit iceland and see the rift valley. 
Blog established: this particular blog has been running since 2015 but i’ve been on tungl since... 2011... 
Followers: 2,774
Random fact: every time i get drunk i end up really strongly imploring my loved ones to read caliban and the witch by silvia federici 
I tag, should they choose to accept: i'm not tagging anyone bc i’m shy :( 
Tagging: -
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tesruinedmylife · 5 years
Tagged by: @nostalgic-breton-girl, thank you so so much!!
Rules: answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better
Name: Weronika
Nicknames: I usually go by Ver on the internet, and irl people mostly call me shortcuts of my name
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Height: 5'2", definitely not the shortest one out there but my tall friends bully me for it
Languages spoken: Polish (native), English (been studying it for nearly all my life so I like to think I'm rather advanced for a non-native speaker) and Russian (this one I started learning 1,5 years ago so I'm a beginner), I also used to study German but I truly remember only the basics
Nationality: Polish
Favourite season: winter, I love snow and the sports and all the holidays and pretty much everything about it (besides the cold maybe, but I still prefer it to heat)
Favourite flower: tough question, I'm allergic to nearly every possible blossoming plant so I'm not much of a flower person, but I really like the looks of gardenias!
Favourite scent: the woods nearby the sea
Favourite colour: hm, maybe red? Or pastel-ish blue? Hard to decide
Favourite animal: I have a weak spot for sparrows
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: am allergic to chocolate so it's excluded right away, then it's a close tie between the other two but I'm gonna go with coffee
Average sleep hours: man that's hard to say, on week days it's mostly 5-7 hours and then on weekends it's sometimes even 12 hours
Dog or cat person: cat person, though it's a one-sided love because I'm allergic to them (as you probably realised already I'm allergic to many things lol)
Number of blankets you sleep with: one duvet, on cold nights I might get an additional blanket but it's rare
Dream trip: I'd love to visit so so many places but my dream tip for now is going to Germany to meet with one of my online friends, and then the two of us going to Greece to meet with our another online friend,,,,
Blog estabilished: uhhhhh December 2019? I've been playing TES games for some time already before making this blog and only decided to make it once i realised the majority of things I reblog to my main are TES related lol
Followers: 19 and I love each one of them dearly
Random fact: just general or about me? Well one about me may be that in the city where I live there is a huge medieval castle and it was the thing that mostly shaped my interest in history
I tag, should they choose to accept: @martin-lachance, @chim-zalabim, @rainbow-wyvern, @auriellian, @micahed, @obsidianhusk aaaand i have no idea who else to tag! Ofc you guys don't have to do it if you don't wanna 💙
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c4tto626 · 5 years
was tagged by @chim-zalabim! thank you!!
Bold what you prefer:
honey and lemon or milk and sugar // musicals or plays // lemonade or iced tea // strawberries or raspberries // winter or summer // beaches or forests // diners or cafés // unicorns or dragons // gemstones or crystals // hummingbirds or owls // fireworks or sparklers // brunch or happy hour // sweet or sour // Rome or Amsterdam // classic or modern art // sushi or ramen // sun or moon // polka dots or stripes // macarons or croissants // glitter or matte // Degas or Seurat // aquariums or planetariums // road trip or camping trip // colouring books or water colour // fairy lights or candles
tagging: @horsyunicorn @pastelghostbro @ilostar @sheyshen @tishinada @pillowymanbossums @mandogirl93 @vinterskald @sassyfahliil @thegrayfox @experimental-nirnroot and anyone else who sees this if they like! :D
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
💗 rrrravis
The man froze, and pointed at himself. “Me? Not anyone else? Well, I do question your judgement. But... if you insist...” He stood up and took your hand. “I have so many ideas, but of course you can choose! We can go spend a day at Lake Illinata, with a lakeside picnic! Or, we can spend the night wandering throughout Whiteruns market district! If we want to wait a week, there will be a festival in the fields outside of Whiterun, as a celebration for one of the Aedra (Kynareth I think?). Of course, if aedra worship if your thing. Oh, and 2 days from now, one of the traveling troupes from the Bard’s College will be in town, if you want to listen to that. Of course, if you have any ideas, I’d be happy to go with them!”
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bastianhallix · 5 years
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
calm, cupcake, doll for the ask thing
calm; favorite scent?
cupcake; favorite flower/plant?
doll; how do you like to dress?
Oooo, I really like lavender and raspberry. Oh, and vanilla!
I honestly really love roses. I love, love, love white roses so much. Oh, and I also love Snapdragons!
Uhhh, so I’m trans so I look like a blog with long hair because I haven’t cut it. BUt my ideal look is like, m a n
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
dragonborn asks: 31, 16, 17 for lyandra and/or ravis
31. VERY IMPORTANT BONUS QUESTION: In their opinion, who is the best dog in all Skyrim?
16. Where did they choose to live and what drew them there? Does it really feel like home?
17. What’s their style- do they tend to wear armour and if so, what sort? Otherwise what’s their average day-to-day clothing?
luckily for you i like answering questions for both of them so i'll do both
31. She adopts Bran from the Dawnguard! She took him on her adventures during Dawnguard, and couldn’t bear to part with him after Harkon was defeated.
16. She has a... well, massive house in the Pale. She bought the land there because of the snow and solitude. It reminds her of her old home, before she was forced to hide at the Chantry for so long. It doesn’t replace her old home, but she loves it there all the same, surrounded by friends and those she loves.
17. She wore a set of Glass armor after she left the Thalmor to do Dragonborn business. It was a parting gift from Elenwen. After that, she joins the Dawnguard and switches it out for a set of the Light Dawnguard armor (she hates the weight of heavy armor.) In her daily, no-killing clothes, she likes to wear loose fitting shirts and comfy/loose fitting pants. She only wears shoes if she knows she’s doing a lot of walking, otherwise she’s barefoot.
31. The half wolf mutt he rescues while adventuring! He found it in the cage of a bandit camp he was clearing. The poor thing was half blind and nearly staved, but he and Kaidan were able to nurse her back to health. They named her Star due to the way her blind eye looks.
16. He has 2 houses. One in Whiterun, only because he needs a place to stay when he’s dealing with Companions. His other home is in the Rift. A smaller sized cabin, Kaidan was the one who chose it out. Ravis really loves it, due to how quiet it is and how it’s surrounded by color. 
17. Ravis normally wears a set of Companions Armor, and it doesn’t change for most of his story. When he isn’t out adventuring, and is just home lounging around, he’s normally wears pants. Just pants, no shirt unless he doesn’t want anything messing with his back scar.  
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vampire-kaelthas · 5 years
at first it was 😫 but like it’s definitely 😃 as well now (you’re still cool tho like that hasn’t changed)
🥺🥺 kikay I 💖💖
(Also as like, a PSA, you can always dm me and interact with my posts I dont bite and is lonely so-)
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