i am begging for more law of talos, endzone, escape from nevara moots please I AM NICE OKAAAY IM A NICE LADYYYY PLS BE FRIENDZ WITH MEEE i will treat u rlly good i promizeee AND AND PLEASE REBLOG OR FOLLOW ME PLEASE, ITLL MEAN THE WHOLE WORLD TO SUPPORT A BEGINNER TUMBLR ACCOUNT HERE!! TY FOR UR TIMEEE
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okiii time to sleep cya’ll byew2ful peeps. :2
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holy shite just browsin thru old art, have this
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Is it just me or I just drool over my own ocs??? no? okay.......
A funny little angry porn addict ghost-demon guardian goober. Andy Rolsstein
i cant believe ive been dead for so long
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Doodles of the day
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drew myself in whiteboard fox cuz why noooot
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and another fan favorite oct contestanf of mine.. ELLIPSIS FROM MY FAVORITE DUDE CAILEN CROW every handsome and charming man he is
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heres him meeting my persona/oct oc
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Look at these mfs im selling in the blackmarket.. only for 20 robux fr :smiling_imp:
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AAHHH CLIMBER IS ALREADY BOUGHT.. ALREADY.. AFTER I JUST MADE IT :SOB: i kidnapped them and made them stuck inside a canvas THEY CAN NEVER ESCAPE EVER
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Cloudoob: Me.. Obsessed with SPOILER?!
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Cloudoob: Hehe, YES. Yes I am. Anon: BUT IM NOT SPOILER..
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uh oh,,,,
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i think its going well...?
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IM NEW TO TUMBLR WOOHOO!! Expect some art and my ocs, their lore/ lore comics about them or maybe chimbley pics or me explaining how i love him soooo juz call me Chelle or relly!!!!! yipee!!!
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hhi guys im looking for a silly irish friend to have! DW IM NICE!! any other people who wants to be my friend, sure you can!
Nicknames are: Relly, Chelle, Ell, or Arella
My hobbies are DEFINITELY art, music, and animation
Oh? Did you know I also play instruments? (Violin, flute recorder, lyre, ukelele and a bit of the piano!)
turning 14 this december 14th.
OFF (The game)
Law of Talos
Escape from Nevara/Infractus Fatality
Samurai Duelers League 
Pokemon fan 100%!!!!
Kubz Scouts
pls any Irish peeps n British peeps, interact w/ me!! :3 
Oh yeah, if you want my dc, feel free to message me :)
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final duet...
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best 5 hrs of my LIFE.
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its been so long... IM SORRY FOR BEING OFFLINE TEEHEE feeds you with art of course, my persona appreciation first ..
the silly chelle (on aggie!!)
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I drew myself/my sona as a warmup practice in draw in laptop... i love you medibang.... IM STILL A BEGINNER PC ARTIST, IM MORE USED IN PHONEEEE Chelle in her casual clothes
“ You look quite divine tonight~!”
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MY SONA, ME! Relly “Chelle” Orchids: A young feminine lad who plays the violin. Joined the Depths of Scrolls Tournament which to fight for a ‘special’ prize and Agreement of Odds which were filled with tourney fighters of any race, humans, monsters, gods, creatures of any thing. Their group was formed in the AoO era. She works by a 5-Star bar at night time after her shift of killing in the tournament finishes. The bar holds performances for Chelle to participate in. Every contestant can join in no riot nor discord, literally. It’s only in morning they fight.She’s sweet, a darling, a gentle, polite, and innocent lady to talk to and meet. The way she dresses defines her, an elegant woman of fashion. The very first man she met was a sailor.. A zombie sailor. They formed an alliance to become independent and meet knew people along the way. The sailor was with a cyborg teen. They fought with eachother throughout the tourney and had eachother’s backs no matter what. She always has this cherry blossom perfume.. And oh! Chelle is rich, she gets paid good. She has a large white mansion. Chelle has a gardening/flower/plant and plushie addiction, so expect to see those in her home. Just saying, this lady is very talented and polite. Other than the violin, she can play the lyre, ukelele, piano, guitar, and flute, but she only mainly uses her violin since it her favorite instrument. She can also sing, of course! Everytime she’s outside, she always wields her violin case and her large black parasol with her! Her little Nintendo looking robot always trails behind her, irritated as it was. It’s name was Beepzkii. An assistant who’s intelligent and gullible.
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Her way of fighting goes like this: She might seem calm when attacked, then she opens her parasol infront of the enemy's eyes, blinding them. The tip of her large black parasol was VERY sharp, so it DOES cause pain to people. After that, the enemy might mistake her still being behind the parasol, but noooo! She's gone! Well, actually, she jumped really high on the air. She jumps, raising her skirt up to exchange her violin case to her beloved sniper. The weapon was strapped onto her thigh real tight, hoping it wont really fall and she'd make fun of herself out in the tourney.  Her knee-high socks secretly have some ammo an bullets in them if she loses any, so she just reloads her sniper mid air. Then after that silliness, she does a spin in the air, preparing to shoot and aiming for either the head or the chest, or just any part just hoping it'll injure them in some other way. Even if she lands, she doesnt care if her skirt was still raised up and her underwear could be seen because of the wind and the motion of falling, to her its a live or death situation. She was smart for her tactics, only planning it herself! She WOULD use her violin to fight too, just depends!
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The zombified sailor, The Mariner: A charming, handsome, and flirtatious zombie sailorman.. Well, it’s quite hard to tell if he was a zombie. He was very pale white, his right arm having a scar. He and his crew got eaten by a whale in one of his expeditions and as a revenge to his opposing enemy, his father. The crew was eaten alive, yet him and his father were left, he killed him as to avenge his mother’s task and quest for the young boy after being a street urchin for so long. (He was starving, so he ate his father.) Surprisingly, after 1,220 years (he was 23 that time), the whale died and exploded in the ocean, him arriving to the island of the tourney, a tournament for humans, mythical creatures, creatures, and anything, the Agreement of Odds. He was insane and handsome for a man like him. He looks the same age to when he died, a charming young man he is. He’s talented himself, he can sing really good and can compose a song for any woman he loves. After a breakup with his Ex-gf after finding out she cheated on him and stole his unreleased music and singing it to the man that the girl was cheating on, he was ballistic. He was mad and pissed, as if he wasted a lot of time on writing love songs for her, A LOT of love songs. He can woo any woman and play with their feelings if he wanted to, yet chose not too since he knew what it felt to be played around. He can write poems and sonnets under a span of 1 minute if you asked him to, he dedicates his heart to what he writes. When he was walking the streets after the breakup, he meets this woman with long spiky raven hair and a white turtleneck with long black skirt. He was still pissed, but after walking and chatting with her, he figures they were both going to the same place, a bar by the block. He learnt that she works as a special musician there which amazed him and they talk about collaborating in singing. After some weeks, he never saw her again which led him to missing her, yet going on to do the quest he was tasked by his mother. Who knows he’ll meet her again, the sweet lady he met last time. This happened before the whale incident, which indicates he was still a human when she met this mysterious lady. He’s a professional mariner and sailor by the sea. He can only play the guitar after learning how to play it when he was still a human. Most of the women loved and had a crush on him in the town he once lived before at even if he was poor. He was making money by singing and all, and by cleaning the church at night.  After joining the tournament and getting washed over by the sea of the tourney island, he meets this cyborg girl who was cocky and hyper. To him, she was very annoying. Once they got along and agreed to make an alliance, they were walking on the streets at night not until he spots someone who looked familiar to him.. This pretty lady who was holding a violin case and a closed parasol. They walked up to her and she was quite nice, he likes it.. Again, he felt familiar, her scent, her smile, and her face, yet he couldn’t wrap a finger on who it was. He just shrugged it off and became allies with her, developing a small crush on her as time went on. His way of fighting: He uses his slick words to woo the person, man or woman, whatever. Or maybe he also uses the appeal of him just a ‘weak and mere’ human being, appearing as weak and revealing as a zombie. He fights them with a large rusty machete which was meant for him and was brought with him inside the whale, and an oldschool revolver he uses. He’s skilled and can come up with a fighting strategy on spot.
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Pvt. General Ivan “Eva” His statue was dedicated for a real general who used to rule the island where the tournament was always held at. He took part in everything and won every fight and war he went through with a straight and stoic face. It was slightly poorly made, the statue being officially finished made in 1932. 7 months and 3 days was all it took. Gathering of resources was hard to do, because, again, the island was poor before. Well, not until someone had to revise and recreate the islet to become better and successful and lose the title of poverty in their name. He died in the age of 31 as a human in war and in sacrifice. The living statue roams the streets and takes care of the city by night time. His soul was trapped in that special statue dedicated to him. Yes, he can move at daylight, but just stays at the stage he was supposed to be at. Despite his pale skin and military attire, he's tall and his hair color was just like that when he was born, a pale blonde color. He ruled the place with bravery and pure leadership. A historic figure the island couldn't ever forget no matter what. He joined the tourney to avenge some old soldiers he was bestfriends with, that explains his cold personality. Yes, he’s still a bachelor, no wife, no girlfriends, nothing. Just his job in patrolling and defending the island was his main thing in life. He used to be carefree and sweet, yet it all changed after this one specific war, a planned massacre from a different country. He was traumatized, so he bottled everything up to himself as time went by. He was a true gentleman himself, respecting women. He used to do those sweet ball dancing with a woman he used to love before, yet hearing the news she died had made him very lonely. As he was patrolling, he sees a group of 3. He was suspicious of them so he told the three to halt. They were pleading him to join their alliance, he just scoffs and rolls his eyes. He didnt want to join, yet their group had potential in succeeding together in battle, so he just joined. He felt irritated for the first day, but as the weeks pass by, he softened up to them and accepted them just like how they accepted him as he was welcomed as the 4th group member. He was very close to Chelle and Mariner, seeing them as new bestfriends in his life which he was happy about. His way of fighting: Well, hes the first one to approach the person who he’s going to fight. His stature and aura would make ANYONE feel uneasy. Even if he was a statue, he was quick and flexible, almost as if he was human. He can either fight with his gun or hand to hand. His fists are incredibly hard and heavy, saying that if he hits you in the head, your head will immediately bleed because of it.. Interesting..
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Cloudoob “Hex” Viper: An insane hyperactive teen who’s website lover. She’s the type to love vibrant colors and the 2000′s style. She AGAIN used to be human. She was tortured and scientists took lab tests on here that were painful. They removed her ears and replaced it with some designed ones that looked like headphones, I mean, the replaced one was better, it can hear anything, even a whisper. She can adjust the volume in her head. She was also added with a USB tail, containing EVERY memory she had, pictured and videos. You can access these memories if she allows you to plug it in a laptop, yet you have to gain her trust. In her human times, age of 5,, she used to have straight black hair and she used to be calm and collected, unlike her short sharp hot pink hair and her snarky smug attitude now, Online, she’s known as a fangirl. Her green goggles are very hi-tech and can detect anything. She came with a LARGE hammer which was named HammerBot, but to her, she calls it Bottie. Bottie is the opposite of Cloud. Bottie’s a he, he was programmed to have a male AI voice which glitches. The first person she met was the Mariner and agreed to have an alliance with him after begging for God knows how much. Her whining was very annoying for Mariner, so he just gave in. IMAGE OF BOTTIE:
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He can have hissy fits sometimes if Cloud does something insane or stupid. He’s mature and is the upper hand in their friendship. He is a digital hammer, the scientists who took tests on her were the ones who made it specially for her. The stickers and the designs were soon then added by Cloudoob since it fits her. Surprisingly, Bottie allowed her to do it after losing a bet they made.He can hover around and float. Her way of fighting: It comes in different ways and different tactics. Since Bottie can float, he can be of ambush to the enemy while Cloud distracts them with her annoying personality which mostly works. When she wields Bottie, she becomes stronger. They’re both digital, Cloudoob being a cyborg. The waves of energy and internet comes in between them and Cloud can be much more faster and crazier. The hit of Bottie is very painful and heavy, so becareful in pissing him off or making Cloudoob angry!
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The Streetsweeper: Ah yes. Little German boy. This boy is 11 and is a HUGE ALCOHOLIC. He prefers beer a lot. His accent is very heavy. He was in poverty ever since he was 3. He knows how to defend himself, infact, hes very independent and responsible. He earns little money everyday after serving his whole soul everyday just to sweep the streets and MAN. IT’S VERY CLEAN, almost like he was born to sweep the streets. Oh yeah, since he’s a heavy drinker, he rarely gets drunk because he’s VERYYYY VERYYYYY used to it. Yep. He sometimes smokes, but he prefers drinking to keep himself stable. Sometimes, he also cleans people’s windows and resell milk from his supplier. He really is trying his best to gain money. The boy needs SOAP IN HIS MOUTH!! He cusses most of the time, mostly in his language. He knows a little of English, but he mixes English with German words and phrases. He can also sew, after learning how to do so when he was 7. He is skilled and hardworking if you do ask me. He really loves his country with full heart and would kick ass in the tourney for it. He doesn’t trust anyone after his parents died, he really doesnt. Not until he meets this one girl who was 12. She always encounters the German boy as she passes through the streets to wander to the nearest famous library. Every time he sees her wave and smile, he would snicker and mumble something bad about her under his breath then taking a sip from his beer and then going back to sweeping. The Streetsweeper then gained the courage and shouted at her for always waving and being nice to him for no reason. She just replies with a sentence that says that she just did it because it was her then she walked away. He was shocked and pretty much felt bad and decided to apologize to the girl by his age with glasses. The next day came and he gifted her 2 fresh roses he saw as he was working. He was very shy and rough when he said his sorry, it was because he wasnt used to it EVER. She forgave him and then they’d hang out. The boy was gaining a crush on her as months came. She introduced him to their group filled with contestants. He didnt trust them and still was being mad angry and pissed no matter what, but he warmed up to them soon. His way of fighting: He uses his LARGE ASS BROOM to fight. His hits are hard to dodge, he was training for this moment. He can take a ton of hits at the enemy and knocking them fainted, yet not killing him. The poor boy would just flee once they’re fainted, never to be seen ever again by the contestant who dared to fight the little German alcoholic.
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Chellby Orchids: The younger sister of Chelle, 12 years old. She is observant and smart. She likes reading books, especially novels. She usually gets permission from Chelle if she could go to the local library and she was allowed. The necklace which had a heart on it was given by her mother, (WHOS STILL ALIVE), to remember as she was keeping watch of her older sister if she was doing all right. She always sends letters to her mom every month and tell what’s happening to the both of them. She’s a spectator, not a competitor. As she was walking, she always sees this streetsweeper with a bottle of beer on his hands all the time. She always gives him a small wave and smile, then continuing on to walking to the library. This encounter happens almost everyday, and the German decided to approach her and yell, her responding to him with a specific sentence to which made him shock. The next day came and she saw him again. Chellby asked what’s wrong and he immediately shoved 2 roses in her face and said sorry in German. He was flustered, yet still mad. She accepted it and always met up with the poor boy. She introduced him to the crew and she made him join. The boy she met now felt welcomed, and deep inside her, she was developing feelings for him yet chose not to say it to anyone, not even her sister.
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Mr. Calamity: The wonky and silly magician! Powerful, a wizard he was. He has this company named ‘CALAMITY ENTERTAINMENT’. Yes, he was also a comedian. Well, he’s not really insane despite how he looks. He’s a goofy guy whose limbs stretch to the fullest extent and his head can fall off. Yes, you heard me right. He works a part time job in his little show company of his and killing. Hes the 50/50 of dumb and smart. He’s pretty innocent, and can sometimes be teasing. His teasing can be seen as charming to people, yet he just doesnt know what he was actually saying, like, he doesnt get it. He carries a large ass magician wand to perform tricks which he memorized from this one book which was as thick as a whole story novel and a dictionary. It’s really impressive to how he memorized some spells which were both strong and dangerous. He is a charming tall and lanky man of his age, a young man indeed. When he was walking and humming to himself, a charming sweet lady saw him and recognized him, same for the magician. They both recognized eachother since they were both famous as hell. They decided to be friends and the lady asked him if he wanted to join their squad, and he said HELL YEAHH!! Why not?  His way of fighting: He first makes his opponent see him as some spectator or staff, trying to confuse them even if the enemy knows he was lying. He tries to start a talking argument, yet he DOES have something in his sleeve, meaning he knows what he was doing. And with his hands behind his back, he performs a magic trick of whatever to the person, duelling them mid-talk.
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Me x chimbley
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poorly drawn and..
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gfdsbnkdghgfuidjoksld spoilerrrrrrrr....... chimbley...... eric pockets..... ellipsis....... karl...... shrikeeee.......... hhhhhhhhh they’re so NEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
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Young Love: The Bookworm and The Streetsweeper
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Ah, the two young lovebirds. EXTRA:
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