corehopeart · 2 months
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Kimeramon BT8-084 by GOSSAN from BT-08 Booster New Awakening
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
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the perfect partner for me
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VS Chimeramon (02x20)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 20. Image 1: A back shot showing the kids on their armor digimon as they face Chimeramon in Ken's base. (2) A side shot of the armor digimon as they leap towards Chimeramon. End ID]
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digimon02goofs · 1 year
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Last minute goof!
Edit: Changed the font on Wormmons' pic
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gyooza · 3 months
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I've been so delighted with chaperomon since it debuted that I thought I'd finally post my personal partner evolution chart (chaperomon is an alt perfect form)
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skydigiblogs · 5 months
chat i think we're gonna need some Fs in the notes for chimeramon
(i lost my VB today at work with the digimon i'd had on it since getting it in 2022)
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supermacaquecool · 1 year
Ultimate chaosdramon is my fav overdesigned digimon
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digitalgate02 · 1 year
Like I said, it's Advverse ONLY. Also please don't hijack this to add Takato into the discussion. I love Takato and Guilmon, but it's no good hijacking Adv/02 conversation like that. (i'm talking about people hijacking this same discussion in the past. Don't do that.)
Edit: In case people are wondering if i meant "done better" as "executed the task perfectly" or "made the most dA-like monster on MS paint", the answer is interpret it as you want to!! Because it's funnier this way.
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thebladeblaster · 2 months
Digimon Survive-esque evolutions for some of the spinoff protags
With the idea of the SMT characters fighting alongside their Digimon, they evolve based on the main attack type you have been using since their last form. These also correspond to the vaccine, data, virus trio of types.
The DS duo
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Honestly I started with Manticoremon then went backwards. It’s both demonic and angelic which I thought worked well. I liked the idea of going with a chimera route considering he absorbs the other Bels. Machinedramon is a combination of a bunch of ultimate Digimon. Shakamon is a jogress here. I didn’t use Chimeramon mostly because I used Milleniumon for another character.
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I kinda already used Lunamon😅. So I used Apollomon’s line instead. I didn’t use Gargomon because it felt very-dex. Of course I had to use Baihumon because of the anime.
DDS (I didn’t know what to do with Sera😅)
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Seraph’s starting element is ice so I went with that. I kinda wanted to use Shivamon but I couldn’t think of any way to transition it to that well. So I did a route focusing on the more demonic side to his character. I wish there were more IceDevimon related evolutions. There’s just not a lot of demonic ice Digimon. The white sprite is Omnimon Merciful Mode who I can’t explain for spoilery reasons.
The Persona trio (Sorry I haven’t played the first two)
I decided to have them represent data-vaccine-virus. I didn’t think the other way would work with persona really so I made it more like survive and based on if you make positive dialogue choices and do social links. I imagine the more you choose asshole options and act anti-social you would get the negative ones which is ironically just like Survive.
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The idea with going with Dorumon is because it has a death evolution where it evolves through dying. For obvious reasons I thought this was thematic (with death being a big part of P3). Its attacks are also fire based. The first white sprite is Jesmon GX and the other is Death X mon.
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I gave him Pulsemon because he becomes a lightning god. Yeah, it’s that simple. Unfortunately that led to me having to reuse some Digimon but it’s kinda unavoidable in some cases wherein there’s not many alternatives especially when it comes to the Ultras. As for going with AxeKnightmon it was more based on his personality in Xros Wars. I feel like the dark version of a persona protagonist would be a lot like him. Also I think the Pulsemon dark evo is best saved for a certain someone. I’m imagining Marie has Fenrirloogamon which he jogresses his Digimon with.
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I had to use Jokermon my hands were tied. I thought Beezlemon fits well because he’s also edgy and likes using guns. Also despite being a demon lord it’s often used as an anti-hero and has a big rebel vibe. Lucemon isn’t really an ultra. In this case it’s acting as Satanel with being his true mega. Considering Satan mode is supposed to be uncontrollable I thought that fit more for the negative one. The negative one was very hard to do.
For mainline:
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beginningobserver · 2 months
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Rui: Ugh, headache... [sighs]
Ken: Hm, it must be because of some bug or something.
Ken: Hmm...
Ken: Here, drink this. It's tea.
Rui: H-huh? Thanks...?
※ Rui's body is still organic so a digital being's eye is not entirely compatible with it. ※ It's chamomile tea, which is good for headaches!!
Yeah, I'm still thinking about Ken slowly regaining his kindness by just trying to help Rui in his own way.
Yes, this is about that AU, √02. I've decided that's the little change that happens between the Chimeramon arcs. Where it's the arc where Ken starts to realize that something is wrong, even though he's still in full denial?
I've noticed in my rewatches over the past few years that Ken's eyes start to get drawn bigger towards the end of the Kaiser arc, as if it's a visual signal that he's starting regain his kind heart.
[ignore the typos in text from the doodles]
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Tamers - Episode 34
What the fuuuuuuck? Whelp, I got the darkness I've been waiting for and I didn't really care for it to be honest. Don't get me wrong, I'm still excited for this show to get edgy, but this episode just felt jarring and the animation was kinda questionable.
Btw you've all been very courteous in the replies not spoiling anything, so thank you for that. Please continue to not spoil things haha :) I feel a little bad sharing this photoset because even the episode's title is spoilerific, but I'll make sure to tag it properly so at least the people that blacklist spoilers don't see it. (Then again, maybe I'm the only one in 2023 who still hasn't seen this show lol).
Because I made the mistake of googling Culumon's gender a few episodes back, I did get spoiled that they're not really a digimon. Still, this raises many questions. What are they? Where did they get the name Culumon? What was their original form and how did they get their current form? etc. etc. I guess them not being a digimon lines up with them being partner-less and having a weird digivolution enhancing power.
This episode felt weird because it was basically (other than a brief, relaxed bit) one loooong battle scene filled with misery and rage. It sort of felt like one of those really abrupt surprise horror things like Doki Doki Literature Club because the tone shift was so jarring. Normally I like that sort of thing, but I don't know that it was executed well here.
I think the main flaw that this episode had for me is that the focus was on Leomon dying and Juri breaking down over his death. I do not care enough about those characters for that to have an impact on me. I don't feel like there was enough time spent developing their tamer-partner relationship. Even in this very episode when Leomon is questioned as to why he became Juri's tamer he's just like "fate I guess" which is a pretty lukewarm response. Also, Leomon dying is like a meme in Digimon lore, so that was another blow against this moment.
It felt a little off to me that Kyubimon got so beaten up but Ruki just panicked on the sidelines instead of running to comfort her. I get that that was probably a self-preservation response, but it seemed a little cold.
First Juri's digivice (arc, whatever) blue screens and then Takato's shatters!? Now that's intriguing...
I was hype to get a new "bad" digivolution since that hasn't happened since SkullGreymon (unless you count abominations like Chimeramon). It was a little upsetting to see Takato flip out. I wonder if his mixed emotions about Guilmon "just being data" played into his accidental abuse. The evil digivolution is cool looking but maybe has too many colors going on
Daaaaamn, poor Shiuchon just GOT here and now she's going through all this trauma. Not fair...
That was quite the cliffhanger ending, I feel like the follow-up to the chaos will be more interesting than the chaos itself...
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digi-lov · 1 year
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Kimeramon BT8-084 Alternative Art by sasasi from BT-08 Booster New Awakening
Judging by the tentacles in the background and the harpoon in the foreground, we can assume Kimeramon is fighting MarinChimairamon!
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reliablejoukido · 11 months
All of Digimon’s lore is weird and needlessly vague (love it though) but 02 especially is. Intriguing. In case you haven’t heard Ken’s backstory is tied up heavily in the Japanese Wonderswan games… and at least in my opinion, there’s a whole unseen enemy pulling the strings in 02 (Milleniumon) but he fails at the end of the Kaiser arc. Long story short, the point of infecting Ken with the dark seed was probably to get him to recreate Chimeramon so Milleniumon could be revived, but of course Oikawa/BelialVamdemon/02’s 20 other onscreen baddies also found a way to make its effects useful. Of course none of this is ever explained or even explicitly referenced in the actual series but it’s A Thing.
Oh that's fascinating thank you for your insight!
I am very much unaware of content outside of the main series. The vagueness of Digimon can be a challenge for someone like me who wants to write fanfic but doesn't have a grasp on everything. So I'm glad to have people telling me about this stuff, whether it be fact, unseen lore, or opinion.
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VS Chimeramon (02x19)
[ID: A gifset from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 19 showing: (1) Chimeramon approaches Holsmon and Nefertimon. Holsmon attacks, but it does no damage. (2) Nefertimon attacks, but Chimeramon dodges and flies around behind them. Hikari and Miyako glance back in fear. (3) Chimeramon swoops between them as they barely dodge out of his way. As he passes by, Chimeramon smacks Holsmon with his tail and knocks him out of the air. Holsmon plummets toward the ocean below, and only recovers at rhe last moment. (4) Chimeramon tries to grab Hikari and Nefertimon with three of his different claws. They dodge the first two, but are smacked by the last one. (5) Tentomon dodges several of Chimeramon's lasers. The last one burns the outside of Ken's base. (6) Hikari and Miyako, left on an island with Iori, Digmon, and the Digimon they rescued, waves as Nefertimon and Holsmon fly back into the battle alone. (7) Holsmon and Nefertimon both attack Chimeramon together, but again it does no damage. (8) Holsmon flies upward, but Chimeramon smacks him out of the air, and he crash-lands on Ken's base. Chimeramon approaches, but Nefertimon swoops in and pushes him out of the way before Chimeramon's laser attack hits him. (9) Visible from inside Ken's base through the laser hole, Chimeramon flies by with Holsmon and Nefertimon in his hands. (10) A close up pan of Chimeramon holding the two digimon. (11) Pegasmon attacks Chimeramon's hands, releasing Nefertimon and Holsmon, who fly up to him. Takeru and Pegasmon angle themselves, ready to leave. End ID]
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
On Dokugamon's debut: It was used in the videogames before its anime debut, in the wonderswan version of the V-Pet. So did the Snimon that will appear in a few episodes, and Chimeramon, Golemon and Musyamon from 02 (as well as Asuramon, but that one won't appear in the anime until Frontier). The Digital Monster Ver. Wonderswan and Digital Monster Ver. S (for the Sega Saturn) are among the first videogames from the franchise, and, like Digimon World, predate the anime and are adaptions of the V-Pets, although Digimon World is the one that has a gameplay loop beyond being a fancy V-Pet. A few 'mons from the Adventures, if not in the V-Pet or Pendulum, will most likely have debuted in those!
Ooh, good to know. Thank you.
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