s-4pphics · 1 year
(warning; bunny being the most oddest child ever)
1. when i got mad at the kids taking forever to go down the slide, i’d push them down so they’d land in the chipwood grounds
2. do u know those folding trays? ok so one time my brother was laying near under one, and i purposely closed it and made sure it landed on his face
3. there was this day when i shoved so much paper up my nose that it started to lowkey block out my breathing, and my mom had to rush me to the ER and they had to do surgery get it all out
4. i swallowed a penny and screamed at my sister for it like it was her fault JAHDJDBNF
5. i use to snort water into my nose from the cap when i poked a hole in it
6. i was about like six when my grandma made me read this fuckin big ass autobiography about abraham lincoln, and i proceeded to ask her if she was born in the same as his wife.
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ishouldfindarealjob · 2 months
Please, tell me what to do
I feel like I’ve “lost at life.” I can’t find the right, fulfilling direction, and it’s been troubling me. In my 20s, I traveled around Europe, living in various places and meeting people from all over the world. I had no money and no plan, and while it was sometimes stressful, I was generally happy with my lifestyle. I wasn’t deeply happy, but I was content with where I was at that time.
However, as my travels continued, I met more and more people who seemed strange, detached, and irresponsible. Initially, this added to the adventure, but eventually, it started to wear on me. I felt increasingly out of place in that transient community. The constant movement and lack of stability, once liberating, began to feel isolating. I started craving a real career and the stability that comes with it.
The decision to leave that lifestyle wasn’t easy. It was a rocky and long journey, filled with uncertainties and self-doubt. But in June of 2019, I finally came back home. This marked a significant shift, ending an era of exploration and beginning a new chapter focused on building a stable, fulfilling life. The transition was challenging, but it felt necessary for finding the direction I’d been searching for.
Because I am a spoiled, privileged child, I got the opportunity to join a small business and turn it into a family business. Everything looked good; the economy was strong. There was no “slow season” in our industry anymore, and we always had a bit more work than we could handle. I officially bought my part of the company in January 2020. Even though I am a spoiled little brat, I had to take out a massive loan to buy out the previous co-owner. But hey, everything looked perfect. We had plenty of orders, society was getting richer, and new apartments were being built all the time. What bad could happen, right? RIGHT??
So, it was all perfect for about three months. Then the lockdown came, and with the lockdown came uncertainty. Will they close us as well? But they didn’t... we could still work.
While everyone was enjoying their first weeks of lockdown holidays, we were working super hard. All of you guys, well, the majority of you, while sitting at home and getting your money, started to buy a lot of stuff, including furniture. It was crazy how much cash flooded the market at some point. I was certain it all had to collapse. Anyways, cash was flowing, and the pace of work was crazy. Yet, there was always this anxiety: what if someone gets sick at work and it gets really bad? What if they get sick and die, or someone from their family dies?
It felt like a relief that the government didn’t close us, but on the other hand, I felt that responsibility—that if something happens to somebody, it will be, in some part, because of my greed.
The year goes by, then another, and we arrive at 2022. We all need a little break; we are tired of this work marathon. But we did not expect SUCH a big break. At the beginning of 2022, Russia invades Ukraine, and all hell breaks loose. I live close to the border with Belarus, so we are not directly affected by the conflict, but we get hit by the ricochet. Energy and gas prices skyrocket. The electricity bill doubles, gas goes up 800%, the border with Belarus closes, and many companies that relied on goods exchange with the East slowly start dying.
All the suppliers raised the prices of their products, explaining it by the growing gas and electricity costs. It later turned out they quadrupled their income that year. Chipwood prices went up 100% from December 2021 to August 2022. Inflation in my country was dangerously high, finally reaching 18%. People were out of money, barely able to afford food. No one was thinking about investing thousands into furniture. Everything stopped. The government spent all the money to help hotels and restaurants during lockdowns, so we couldn’t count on any help. If anything, they raised the taxes. Small companies that we knew and that had been in the market for 20-plus years were closing. We spent our last savings on salaries and property taxes, which also went up over 50%. I didn’t have money for salaries or to pay suppliers. I broke down. It was way too much stress. We were constantly counting on European Union money that was supposed to help us recover after the 2020 disaster, but our government was too stubborn and not complying with European laws, so no European money was coming to our country.
Letting people go wasn’t enough; we needed to rent out half of our production property. And with that, my dream of changing the company profile vanished. By the end of 2023, I was a total wreck. I wasn’t even functioning on autopilot; I was just a zombie. I gained a lot of weight, my face started to look 10 years older, and my memory went to shit. I felt like I had no brain.
2024 came, and I just woke up in this post-apocalyptic world that has changed so much and is still changing. I was so occupied with something else that I lost my grasp. In 2020, I wanted to buy new machinery and divide the company into two—one would continue making custom-made furniture, and the second would produce a self-assembly, ready-to-ship collection. But then all the money disappeared, and the furniture industry fell into a massive crisis that it still can’t overcome.
I am burnt out, I have no money, and the worst part is... I honestly don’t know what to do or how to change it. Production in Europe is dying. The costs of running a business are extremely high, and now it feels more like a hobby than a business. I want to make a ready product, but there are already so many of them online. Literally thousands, so cheap that I don’t even know how they cover the cost of materials. The worst thing is, the Chinese are getting better and better, their quality is improving, but they don’t have to deal with all the regulations that we have in the EU.
Should I wait some more? Am I being impatient? Will it slowly go back to normal? Or is there no going back? Is production in Europe dying, and should I think about some other job? I signed up for a massage course—not only relaxation but also medical massage. Society is getting older, and I think it has a future. But on the other hand, we can’t all be in the service industry. How many hairdressers and nail artists can you have? How many online stores that sell the same products you can get on AliExpress? How many influencers selling T-shirts and coffee?
I get it, it is a natural process. Some professions die, life changes. But... what do you do? Where do you work, guys? I feel lost. Nothing seems like a good solution, nothing feels right. Nothing feels stable. I decided to come back home to feel some stability, and there has been nothing stable about my life since I came back. I feel like a failure. I am a failure. A waste of oxygen.
My journey over the past few years has been a rollercoaster of emotions and challenges. The initial optimism of turning our business into a thriving family enterprise was killed by global crises and economic hardships. Now, in 2024, I am faced with an uncertain future agaim. The overwhelming feeling of failure and instability looms large, and I struggle to finding a sense of purpose in a world that has drastically changed.
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Morkiddie is Water/Dark
Gravepool is Water/Ghost
Catbouy is Pure Water
Lildray, Dracotus, and Floradrago are all Dragon/Grass
Cavyrn is Ground/Dragon
Pomereon is a Normal Type Eeveelution
Luclover is an offensive Chancey split evo
Crowsiter is a pure Flying type regional bird and Crowbard is its Flying/Dark evolution
Chipwood and Squiree are the regional rodents and are pure Grass and Grass/Fire respectively
Obsian Spinarak is Bug/Ghost
Obsian Pinsir is Rock/Normal
My friend, @norathemediocre , designed stats and abilities for the first two!!
In her own words;
Abilities: Cursed Body / Water Absorb / Intimidate
HP: 80
Attack: 30
Defense: 40
Sp. Atk: 60
Sp. Def: 65
Speed: 25
Total: 300
Abilities: Cursed Body / Wave Pool* / Intimidate
HP: 120
Attack: 45
Defense: 65
Sp. Atk: 105
Sp. Def: 125
Speed: 40
Total: 500
The new signature ability Wave Pool traps targets that make contact with the user in the effects of Whirlpool for 2 turns (or 5, if the user holds a Grip Claw)
If you want a signature move, I’d go with a variation of Scald with a chance to poison instead of burn - it fits the archetype of Bulky Water, and works thematically with the vengeful spirits as well as the… unsanitary conditions in some of Action Park’s attractions.
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rigidind1 · 2 years
Fine Furnishings: Work space Furniture
While thinking about fine furnishings, especially as for workspace furniture, you are not considering little spaces with adequate space for a table and a seat, nor are you considering the modest printed plastic-covered chipwood PC work areas and screw-in legs. Fine furniture includes strong wood and a painstakingly paired facade, finished to a wonderful completion however with space for the cutting-edge gear of the cutting-edge office.
Consider oak, pecan, cherry, and myrtle facade, painstakingly applied to a strong wood base with the normal wood designs coordinated, blending structure and capability into with old world plan addressing the requirements of the new world office. Polished, yet useful and down to earth, offering a delightfully paired mix of the old and the new, fine workspace furniture offers an office of which you can be glad.
In the cutting-edge world, the workspace is a fundamental piece of the residing space. However, the capability will generally prevail upon the plan when there is no requirement for this opposition. It is completely plausible to have a very planned workspace with great cowhide furniture that is agreeable to sit on while doing your work. Your work area need not be a shaky production of pressed wood and spindly legs, yet a show-stopper, made from strong hardwood with a fine cherry facade, set off with some traditional embellishing equipment.
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Delightful calfskin furniture is dependably in style, never watching awkwardly amid any type of fine furnishings. A strong wood veneered work area wouldn't look right without an exquisite cowhide upholstered seat to go with it. You could likewise have a library framework introduced along one wall, designed to suit your requirements, including space for books, in addition to a cutting-edge sound framework or diversion focus.
Your strong wood and veneered workspace furniture can remain on a rug fitting your personal preference, or maybe a wooden floor: not the flimsy covers that many appear to utilize nowadays, yet strong wood parquet blocks, set up similarly as you need them. If you are planning your workspace with delightful fine furnishings, the goods and ground surface ought to be of equivalent quality. As a matter of fact, many favor their ground surface to be parquet with a rug square to diminish a portion of the commotion that a wooden floor can cause, or even a rug square with felt encompass is well known with many individuals.
You additionally have your drapery textures to consider and the wall covering, and these too ought to suit the plan of your workspace furniture. You have a huge scope of each to browse, and among your embellishments are plans of tickers, wall workmanship, lighting like a ceiling fixture, understanding light, and table beautifications. Then again, present-day spotlights wouldn't watch awkwardly.
While considering the plan and format of your workspace furniture, it is by and large fitting to have a specialist come to your home and examine it with you after seeing the space you have accessible. Specialists can inform you of the best plan concerning the furniture to meet your requirements in regard to usefulness and the best sort of lighting and delicate decorations. They can likewise assist with coordinating the wooden fine furniture with the wall and floor covering. Most great furniture stores will offer this assistance.
While considering fine furnishings, especially fine workspace furniture and cowhide furniture, you need to think about the nature of the pieces and their cost. Normally you need all that quality you can get at the value you are ready to pay, and you will probably be astounded at exactly how reasonable numerous great plans are.
Before settling on your workspace furniture needs you ought to initially take note of the workplace hardware you have. PC, printer, scanner, etc, phone, and maybe file organizers. The file organizers can be veneered in wood like that utilized for the principal furniture: the work area and cabinet or library units, for instance. Printers, etc can be put away out of the site regardless to stay practical, while you have a decision on phone plans to suit the plan of the workplace.
Your administrative work can be put away in a customary wooden department or in work area drawers and pantries that can likewise be utilized as little recording frameworks. Truth be told, your necessities can be all coordinated into your workspace furniture plan and design. Cowhide furniture, like couches and seats, is accessible would it be a good idea if you want it and you have an extensive variety of fine furniture reasonable for use in a conventional style of workspace which is infinitely better than the chipboard and plastic utilized in most present-day workplaces.
Click Here For More Information:-
office furniture near me
shoe racks
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Junkspace Workshop- This week i partook in Kate Macleod’s Junkspace Plaster Workshop. I thought it would be beneficial to me to choose this workshop as it would give me a base to work with for my cat tree and allow for me to make some spontaneous work. It’s unlike me to not have a fully planned piece before going into the process but this was very eye-opening and loose. We used found objects, scrap wood and plaster to make sculptures. I picked a piece of chipwood countertop and some planks and got to work. The learning curve on working with the plaster and skrim was a good exercise as it taught me to actually be patient and work with my mediums rather than not using them correctly and hoping for the best. In the end, i walked away with a new skill and the base for my cat tree.
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In conjunction with the Junkspace workshop i also did a bronze casting induction. We made sand moulds, i chose to carve a breast plate into the sand so my piece would still be on theme. I discovered a love for the foundry this day, from sculpting into the sand, watching the bronze be poured, sandblasting, patenating, the works. This new skill is a skill for life, Roddy also gave us some sculpting wax to use in lost wax casting. I might try to make a Canopic jar, but also might make an ankh depending on how easy the wax is to work with.
I also took to looking at monster Chetwynd and Alastair Maclennan this week because Chetwynd makes Lo-fi sculptures and performances with found objects, this would be good for figuring out what i can use to build onto my cat tree. Maclennan is more intentional with his objects, this is something to keep in mind when thinking about if the cat is actually going to play on the tree.
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Riggs, C. (2020)
Thinking about sculpting again, this is an interesting sculpt.
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lemooria · 7 years
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Making my new kitchen #furniture #saw #tablesaw #chipwood #carpentry #workshop #wood #chipboard #carpenter #making #meble #płytawiórowa #drewno #stolarstwo #stolarz #kuchnia #produkcja #piła #pilarka #pilarkaformatowa #woodworking #job (w: Pogorzel, Warszawa, Poland)
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wynnposts · 7 years
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Collab with @mistermead for the Thematic Thursday event.
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📸: @chipwoodsphotography Location: Chihanga Shule Ya Msingi (Chihanga Primary School), Chihanga, Dodoma, Tanzania Date: June 5, 2018
So grateful to work with these 230-240 students at Chihanga Shule Ya Msingi (Swahili for Chihanga Primary School).  There are approximately 500-600 students at the school, and these kids are so sweet. Their joy and love is infectious.
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nokturngasse-blog · 7 years
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countryporch · 2 years
Natural Wood Chip Woodchip Chipwood Country Tray Basket 8 x 6 x 3
Natural Wood Chip Woodchip Chipwood Country Tray Basket 8" x 6" x 3" from Darice.
source https://www.thecountryporch.com/darice/view.asp?item=2848-16
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nycdane · 2 years
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Bolder Chair by Destroyers Builders Made From Chipwood & Textile Composite #bolderchair #destroyersbuilders #chairdesign #sculpture #furnituredesign #interiordesign (at Copenhagen) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcIIZk-sdye/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vision360tours · 2 years
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Home for Sale - 45 Chipwood Crescent, Brampton, ON L6V 2E5 Virtual Tour: http://tours.vision360tours.ca/45-chipwood-crescent-brampton-l6v-2e5/
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savemaxca · 3 years
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What A Stunner! Modern High End Front Door, New Stamped Concrete In 2021, Roof Top Entertainers Deck W/Gas Hook-Up/Hydro & Cable, Shed In Rear Yard W/Hydro, 3+1 Bedrooms, Vinyl Plank Flooring, Double Insulated Attic, 2 Renovated Bathrooms, The Garage Is Finished W/Ceramic Floors/Loft For Storage And Beautiful Curb Appeal! This Classy Home Is Close To Transit And Hwys' For Easier Work Commute, Shopping, Schools & Parks. location: Semi-Detached, 45 Chipwood Cres, Brampton, L6V2E4
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broketimetraveler · 6 years
update: DIY bike camper
So I did a lot of research about the diy bike/moped caravan:
As far as I understand, it is totally legal to build and operate a custom build trailer on a small moped without the need for a inspection.
Coroplast 🙄
I didn't found any german retailer for coroplast material. Also no a resellers for used coroplast signs. People in Germany use old fashioned paper signs for their election campaign signs...
If you have any hint or clue, where I can find a decent amount of coroplast from zero to less money, I would be grateful...
Otherwise I would have to use chipwood which is rather expensive in comparison.
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inarustyle · 4 years
I just added this listing on Poshmark: Decorative Veneer Chipwood Basket with Handles.
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dctuk · 4 years
DCTUK lingo for dummies
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Over the years us flooring fanatics seem to have developed a whole other language of our own, and we know how easy it can be to baffle the old brainbox when faced with an attack of phrases that make about as much sense as saying knock-knock once you’ve already entered the room.
So we thought it was time that we explained some of the industries most popular terms.
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Let’s start out very simple
Carpet tiles Carpet tiles are a type of flooring that can be used as an alternative to carpet rolls. Often cut into squares of 50cm x 50cm or 25cm x 100cm, the tiles then fit together like a jigsaw to make up a carpet! Carpet tiles have numerous benefits, they are often highly cost-effective, easy to install, produce less waste than carpet rolls and they offer endless design possibilities.
LVT = Luxury Vinyl Tiles Luxury vinyl tiles, believe it or not, are again a type of flooring! They are vinyl tiles (duh) that come in all shapes and sizes. Luxury vinyl tiles often replicate a wooden, stone or ceramic floor but leave behind the hefty price tag. They are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative to wood or stone flooring as they are simple to install and super easy to maintain.
Sheet Vinyl Sheet vinyl is, you guessed it, a type of flooring. However vinyl comes in large, continuous and flexible sheets rather than tiles. It provides anti-slip qualities and is particularly suited for areas such as canteens, toilets, hospital wards, swimming pools and changing rooms and schools.
DCTUK’s specification explained
Size Pretty self explanatory, size is the size of the individual tile. The majority of tiles you’ll find on DCTUK will be the standard size of 50cm x 50cm or plank size 100cm x 25cm. However some like to be different, mainly those pesky LVT’s, but we will make it clear if this is the case.
Construction Construction = the action of building something. AKA a fancy schmancy way of saying how the carpet tile is made. Who knew there were so many different ways carpet tiles could be made?!
Composition Again, this is just a posh way of saying what the tile is made out of. It is the yarn fabric and backing material that makes up a carpet tiles composition.
Total thickness Time to put your GCSE maths to good use, don’t worry, we’ll keep it simple. The total thickness of a carpet tile = the height of the yarns + the thickness of the backing. Got it?
Pile height The pile height is the total height of the carpet tile’s visible fibres. It’s whats on the surface that counts here, not any of that inside nonsense.
Wear layer Wear layer is specific to LVT’s, the products wear layer lies directly underneath the surface and is one of the first lines of defence against scratches and everyday wear and tear.
Castor chair rating We all love a swivel chair and it is essential that you can continue gliding. I completely get you. If you see ‘pass’ or ‘continuous use’ here then you have permission to swivel to your heart’s desire.
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Bonus round
Stainsafe© Stainsafe© products (funnily enough) provide complete protection against stains! The fibres don’t absorb any moisture whatsoever so any stubborn spillages or whoops-a-daisy moments that might have previously posed a big problem become no biggie at all. Read more about stainsafe© here!
Nouveau Nouveau is DCTUK’s exclusive range of carpet tiles. Budget friendly but high in quality, there is no better way to stylishly kit out your space than with Nouveau carpet tiles
Heavy contract use Even if a herd of elephants and a gaggle of geese came trampling through your door, your carpet tiles will survive the chaos. Basically, the carpet tile is suitable for high traffic areas with lots of footfall.
Entry level tiles Let’s just say if a herd of elephants came trampling through this door, the survival rate is slightly reduced. Entry level tiles are more suited to where footfall is moderate.
Adhesive The sticky stuff that holds your flooring in place.
Underlay Underlay is a barrier that sits beneath your flooring. It ensures that your flooring is being fitted onto a clean and level surface, with the added bonus of acoustic protection, for a super professional finish.
ECONYL If you see this word, it’s a good thing. The material that makes up an ECONYL based carpet tile was once polluting our beautiful oceans. The clever cloggs at Aquafil group found a way to fish some of the plastic out of our oceans and make use of it. Read more about it here!
Subfloor   The floor you’re laying your carpet tiles on top of. Simples!
Tackifier   A type of adhesive commonly used when fitting carpet tiles in a large area. Tackifier is suitable for use with a whole host of subfloors, from concrete and cement screed to sand and chipwood, available in either 5L or 25L tubs.
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Fitting Terms
Uplift  Our fitters will remove any of your existing flooring and dispose of it accordingly, meaning you don’t have to life a finger, or a toe.
Straight lay  Fairly straight forwards, our fitters lay your tiles in a straight pattern. Simples.
Subfloor preparation  Some floors need a bit of TLC before your new tiles can be laid on top. Our fitters will carry out any of the necessary preparations to get your subfloor spick and span and ready to go.
Cap and cove  Specific for vinyl. Cap and cove is the process of turning up sheet vinyl at the perimeter to allow a continuous surface between the floor and the wall. Most commonly used in commercial buildings, hospitals and schools and especially in areas where hygiene is important or watertight seal is necessary.
Oh did you know we offered fitting? Check it out HERE!
Stick around for round 2 to learn all things carpet tile constructions, composition & more!
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