#chishiya is my little meow meow
gxilds · 2 years
the second chapter of pwrr has been sitting in my docs for probably a year and I feel like I have some sort of motivation to finish it now that the second season is out and that I have so many opinions on s2 chishiya … 😭😭
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duckflyfly · 2 years
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"Run, Chishiya!"
the way we care about his life more than Chishiya himself
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cupofcappuccino · 2 years
bunny chishiya to start out the new year 🐇
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crudemoon · 2 years
chishiya: *gives a complicated explanation for how he’s figured out a game
me: 🙂 “that’s my little meow meow”
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oseathepebble · 2 years
chishiya is my little meow meow
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tama1313 · 3 years
Asking you to do Alice in Borderland for the newest send me a fandom thing, mostly because Im curious :D
blorbo Tatta, do I need to say more? Not only because he is my highest kin, but also because in general I think he is a great character and truly unappreciate. N/ragi? Chishiya? This man litterally fixed all the cars, allowing his friends to run safely in the Borderlands. Screw you chapter 41!! You killed the best characters ever!
Second best characters are Kuina and Kyuuma. I love this girlboss so much and Kyuma best citizen ever!
scrunkly Doudo! This baby has been throught a lot! Mostly because he is the youngest one of the group but also because (like all the survivors) he went so much that is probably traumatized for life. Please, give at least an hug to this boy!
scrimblo bimblo Again, Tatta (for the reason I already said in Blorbo)
glup shitto Honestly I have no idea for AIB. It's a tie between Mahiru and Kutzuryuu?? (Kutzuryuu only because, if I don't recall badly, has such a shorter chapter to tell his backstory than Kyuuma's and Shirabi's). I think Mahiru was interesting overall and I wish he was a bit more frequent.
poor little meow meow Gotta be honest and say it's Chishiya. He is a very interesting and well written villain, and his character developmen is also very good. I appreciated the fact that the author didn't give him a too tragic backstory, making him still being a villain in a not too gray area.
horse plinko Again, Chishiya. Or Niragi. Sorry Niragi's fans, but this character was too mean to be a survivor at the end. While he works perfecty as one of those unsimpathetic villains (yes, He was bullied, but hey, I was bullied too! and this very vague and not too tragic backstory comfirm again what I say about him). So I'd gladly torment him >:)
eeby deeby Niragi for sure! And the old man in Kyuuma's group (I don't remember his name anymore)
Just a note to AIB fans! I only read the manga! I didn't watched the Netflix series!
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Ok, either Kuina teaching Chishiya how to roller skate or Chishiya teaching Kuina how to roller skate 💖
Roller skating Besties [Pre-borderland AU]
[AIB Masterlist]
Characters: Chishiya Shuntaro,Kuina Hikari, Takeru Danma, Aguni Morizono, Arisu Ryohei (briefly,he's there! Just wait~)
Summary: Chishiya is at his college,studying medical health care and other med student things,Kuina came to visit him and asked him if they could hang out together.
Warning!: none
Genre: Fluff,Crack. just two besties roller skating :3
Word count: 2.1K
Tag's: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit hope you like it girl!
I'm sorry this took so long!, I had to write other fics and the request on my wattpad account 😖
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It's a normal day in medical school,Chishiya is at his college's lab studying on things with the other people who are in the same class as him. This time their learning about how to: Cut open a person's chest/stomach for surgeries only 101-.
I'm serious "Now beneath this white sheet,there is a dummy that you need to cut open with this small knife here..but we're not in to that step yet,the first step is to..get use to the smell of someone's corpse...without your medical masks on" His professor said,as he take's out his hand to all of them,signaling to hand their masks over to him. Everyone reached into their pockets and took out their masks,handing them over to the professor.
"Everyone ready?" The professor asked,everyone shook their head confidently while Chishiya just smirks. The professor took off the white sheet that was covering the dummy now not covering it.The smell of a corpse was fresh coming from the dummy,everyone puked and some of them holding their breath and passing out as Chishiya closes his eyes calmly as he inhaled the scent of the corpse,smirking like the Cheshire he is "Everyone failed...except for you Chishiya,you passed..now cut it open" His professor said smirking back at him "Gladly professor~" He said,as he grabbed the knife and went to the dummy.
He stood right next to it "Where do you want me to cut it open professor?" He asked,looking at his professor "The most scent able part...the stomach" His professor replied. Chishiya nodding as he brought his left hand up to the dummy's chest as his right hand cuts open the stomach of it, the scent of the dummy's stomach now filling the air, everyone once again puked and passed out in the floor and holding their breath,Chishiya? No he inhaled the scent again "Good job Chishiya!, I'm very proud that ONE of my students will TRULY become a doctor" His professor said,mentioning to the other students who failed.
It is now lunch time,Chishiya sitting in the cafeteria alone eating his vegetables...specifically peas. He got out his phone,seeing a bunch of text messages from Arisu and four from Kuina. He read through the text's that were from Arisu. Arisu was talking about a medical game that he just brought that included doctor's injecting some needles into zombies to cure them back into human, Chishiya just chuckled and went into Kuina's messages.
QUEEN-Na: Hey! Hey Chishiya!,ya still in school?
QUEEN-Na: guess you are. So I was hoping maybe we could go like hang out together??,Oh! Maybe we could go to a cat Cafe.
QUEEN-Na: and after we go to the cat Cafe...wait for ittt.....WE'RE GOING ROLLER SKATING BESTIE!
Doctor Cheshire: after I finish my peas we'll go.
QUEEN-Na: HECK YEAH!,I knew it you could agree!
Doctor Cheshire: yes yes now I want to enjoy peas,thank you very much.
After the chat ended Chishiya continued to chew on his peas,while looking at the window that was beside his table where he ate..he then realized...he didn't know how to skate-.
He just shrugs the thought off of his mind as he continues to eat his peas.
Chishiya waited for Kuina outside his college. Kuina told him that she's going to pick him up with her car, so he waited with his hand's inside the pockets of his white jacket that the zipper was loose and revealed his black and white striped shirt,he wore black jeans and a backpack that had cat ears on them...that was given by Kuina of course for his birthday. He heard a honk of a car. He looks up to see the girl inside the car on the right driver's seat, Chishiya smirks as he walked towards her car and got in the passenger seat that is right next to her "Welcome aboard Doctor Cheshire" Kuina said smiling at him starting the car "Thank you for welcoming me..Miss Sexy butterfly girl" Chishiya said as he turned on the radio to hear some music.
Kuina began to drive "So what did you learn this time?" "Why do you want to know?,are you my mom now?" He asked,looking at her by the corner of his eyes "As if!, she's a cruel Bish! You don't deserve to be forced to do anything ya know?"
Kuina said,keeping her eyes on the road "Yeah..we're going to the cat cafe first right?" He asked her. Kuina just smiles and nods "Yup! After that we're roller skating" She said with a wide grin on her face now. Chishiya just lay's his head back into his chair as he closed his eyes.
They both finally made it to the Cat Cafe. Kuina shaking Chishiya's body lightly "We're here doc" She said sarcastically "I can see that clearly sexy butterfly" He said, looking at the Cat Cafe through the passenger's seat window "Well,time to get out!" She said,getting out of her car. Chishiya following her as they both got into the Cat Cafe to be greeted by so many cats "Look at all these little cuties!" Kuina squealed, as she grabbed a yellow munchkin cat "Look how teensy his leggies are!!" She said, holding the cat up to Chishiya's face "Are you mocking me?" Chishiya asked "Mocking?, how am I mocking you! Look at him!!! He's so cute!!!" She chirps again.
They both finally found a place to sit and ordered their food and drinks "So Chishi, do you know how to skate?" Kuina asked him while petting the yellow munchkin cat that's on her lap "Well..for someone like me that is likely to have a GOOD childhood...no" He said stroking a cat that was laying right next to him,showing it's belly demanding belly rubs which Chishiya did do.
The cat meows and purred at his touch "True,true..Oh! Maybe I could teach you how to!?" Kuina said excitedly "Sure..i would love to" Chishiya said, as the waiter put their two puddings on the table and one iced coffee for kuina. Chishiya got himself a black coffee which he is now sipping calmly while still stroking the cat beside him.
They chatted for awhile. Saying about how their doing and how work is going for Kuina and how college was going for Chishiya "Everyone didn't like the smell of the dummy..me? I liked it. I felt really at ease when I inhaled the scent of the fake corpse-" "Now you're making me want barf.. But at least it sound cool" Kuina said cutting Chishiya's sentence while sipping at her iced coffee "How is work at the shop going for you?" "Well,customer's come by and go. Buy some clothes ask if there any available size's for it, they buy it and leave" Kuina explains, swaying her spoon while explaining "Like always then?"Chishiya asked and she nods.
After the chat, they played rock papers scissors to see who would pay for their meal. Apparently, Kuina won and Chishiya lost, but Chishiya didn't care because he is wealth of money thanks to his dad. They both got out of the Cafe and went inside Kuina's car again "Next stop!, the mall!" Kuina said starting the car "So the roller skating rink is at the mall?" Chishiya asked "Yup!, I can't find any that was close in this city and your college,only the mall" She said while driving"That sucks...i hate the mall" Chishiya replies "Why?, because you don't like people surrounding you while you're walking?" Kuina asked "More like I don't like places that are crowded by..peasants.." Chishiya continues as he had a Cheshire like smirk on his face "That's the same thing but in Chishiya language" Kuina said while chuckling.
They both made it at the mall. Kuina parks her car and gets out,Chishiya following. They got into the big building "I haven't seen the mall since...last month" Chishiya said, while looking at the ceiling of the mall "What!?,you haven't gone to the mall that much before...never mind I just remembered on what you said in the car" She said. Both of them spend their time keeping each other company, both of them walking side by side. They didn't go straight to the roller skating rink no, they stopped at a hat shop that was in the mall, checking out some of the cool hats in the shop "These are some hats" Kuina said, grabbing a top hat and putting it on Chishiya's head "You look good with a top hat Chishiya" Kuina comments "Thank you..and yes I do love top hats. I really want one ever since when I was kid..my father won't let me have on cause-" "Let's not talk about that old man of yours right now, we're here in a hat shop. You live alone in an elegant apartment by yourself, you could buy the top hat if you want to!" "And the young woman is correct!" Someone said after Kuina finished her sentence "Allow me to introduce Myself, I'm Danma Takeru..also known as Hatter and the owner of this fine shop you may say" Hatter said, grinning widely "Nice hat you got there Mister Hatter" Kuina said, pointing at his hat "Why thank you!, my father gave it to me" He replies with a smile.
The shops bell rings, revealing a tall buff man with no hair. He looks like a tired dad "Ah! Mori Chan!, welcome" Hatter greets the man "This my friend, is Aguni Morizono. He's my best friend!" Hatter explains with a grin. Chishiya and Kuina nodding "So what brings the both of you here at the mall?" Aguni asked "We're here to roller skate!,and I'm teaching this kid how to do it properly" Kuina said, mentioning to Chishiya "Well that sounds fun!, maybe we could join in? It's okay if you don't want us to be there" "Sure..as long as you don't get too close to me" Chishiya finally spoke "Great!, what do you think Aguni? Would you like to?" Aguni nods "Sure" He said.
After that the four of them said their good bye's, Hatter and Aguni said that they will catch up when their both done taking care of the shop "Those two were nice" Kuina smiles as she looks down at Chishiya that was still wearing the top hat on his head, Hatter gave it to him  for free. Hatter heard Chishiya's story of life and felt horrible so he decided to just give the natural blonde headed cat a gift, which was the Top hat that he likes so much.
"Ah!, and here we are!" Kuina said. Chishiya looking up to see a sign that had roller skates on it "Let's go in" Kuina said, as she opens the door "After you" Kuina mentioning to the open door for Chishiya to enter. Chishiya did enter and Kuina did the same.
The room inside was filled with neon lights and...peasants Chishiya say's. Everyone was on the rink, laughing and having fun "Doesn't this look great?" Kuina looking down at Chishiya that had a disgusted look on his face "Look at all of these peasants" Chishiya say's pointing at one of them "C'mon now, don't get your Cat attitude out!, let's go" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand and dragged him to the main counter.
They both got in the locker room to pick out their roller skates that were their foot size "Chishiya!,look at this one!" Kuina said excitedly. Chishiya looks at her and saw that she's holding two pair of roller skates that is black and had cat faces all over it "Huh..interesting" Chishiya said, while grabbing the roller skates that Kuina held "I knew it you would like them" Kuina grins as she grabbed a pair of blue roller skates that had white and yellow and pink flowers on them. They both put on their roller skates as they walked to the rink.
Kuina holding Chishiya's hand, guiding him to the rink. They both stepped in, Chishiya wobbling a bit "Keep your balance, it's okay. I told you I'll teach you right?" Kuina grabbed Chishiya's hand as she started to move. She let's go Chishiya's hand,leaving Chishiya at his will "okay, the first thing you have to do is walking. Just like normal" Chishiya took Kuina's advice and started taking little steps "Like this?" "Yes!, keep going...aaaand stop. Okay the next step is to balance yourself, don't panic and stay completely calm" Chishiya stayed still, balancing himself "Good! Just like that, now push your upper body to the front while lifting up your right feet and dragging it" Chishiya then did exactly that...and he did it "I- I can't believe I'm roller skating" He said, skating across the rink until he fell on his butt. Kuina trying so badly to hold her laughter as she went towards him to help him get up to his feet.
Chishiya grabbing his top hat and cleaned the dust out of it as he put's it on top of his head again "I hate this." Chishiya mumbles as he stood up again "Oh come on!, you just fell like..once" Kuina crossing her arms, looking down at the short blonde figure that was wearing a top head "Fine..i'll try again" He grumbles, Kuina smiling widely while cheering "Heck yeah!" She said as they both continued skating.
The end-
[Meanwhile Hatter and Aguni]
The two men are now skating happily together with happy faces "Isn't this fun Mori?" Hatter said, smiling at his friend that is skating behind him "Quiet so" "Oh come on!, I don't see a smile on your face" Hatter said pointing at Aguni's emotionless face "No..i am happy..this is my happy face" He said "Well whatever you say" After that Hatter didn't looked where he was going and bumped into a ln angry Chishiya.
The end~
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Pancake Day, but Better
Characters: Niragi Suguru, Dori Sakurada, Last Boss, Cabot, Aguni Morizono, Chishiya Shuntaro, Hatter
Genre: Crack Part 2, now with pancakes.
1.9k words
Prompt: Can you do like a sequel for that dori and niragi crack,cause i want to see dori in pancake day and introducing himself to chishiya,last boss(and catbot)aguni,and hatter. And i have an urge that maybe hatter would like him because how he dresses himself how hatter likes it to be,also chishiya would just go up to niragi and say" Wow, he's actually even more better then you niragi. Maybe he's smarter then you too" As he walks away leaving a a angry niragi - @a-simp-20
(Counts as a Part 2 to this)
*Rubs hands together* Heck yeah, more gentle chaos. Time to gently bully this giraffe lizard man again.
Now with the added addition of pancakes! Fun times for all!
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Despite the laws of the Borderlands and the highly likely chance that nobody knows the actual date that passes by, people still managed to produce what someone offhandedly referred to as the 'Borderlands Holy Day'.
Now, what pray tell was the Borderlands Holy Day? Was it a religion?
Despite the fact that it had 'Holy' in its name, no. It wasn't a religion. Although if someone tried hard enough it could become almost like a cult. Wouldn't be the first time.
So what was it?
Well, obviously.....
It was Pancake Friday. The greatest day of the century. The premise was simple enough: Every Friday everyone gets a pancake. A single pancake. Want more? Well, you better bet and compete for other people's pancakes. The only thing more exhilarating to the members of the Beach than winning games and living another day to party and do fuck-all was Pancake Day.
So, of course, when Friday rolled around, people weren't thinking of anything except the spoils of little bets and competitions over the week, thick fluffy pancakes topped with whatever they pleased and whatever the Beach had in stock at the time. Even Niragi was thinking about pancakes, because what's better than bragging about how many pancakes you got that week?
Nothing, that's what.
Pancake Day was great.
Niragi walks down the corridor with the strut of a man that knew he was feared, and he heads to the dining area where the pancakes would inevitably be given out. People were already there, a few making last minute bets in an attempt to win just a little extra amount for the day. Niragi found it almost amusing. Such a pitiful sight. Niragi himself had already gained a total of four whole pancakes, two of which he won off of some idiot who just thought he was really pretty.
" There's a lot of people here. It must be really important, right?" A smooth voice pipes up from just a little behind him, and Niragi is reminded quite forcefully that he didn't come here alone.
" Of course it's important, it's Pancake Day! Haven't you ever heard of it?" Niragi spat, Sakurada merely shrugging and walking away to talk to other members of the Beach. Niragi scoffs and storms away. At least he didn't have to think about the other him anymore, no matter how neat he looked.
He ends up finding Last Boss standing in the corner by himself, watching everyone else with a self made distance, leaning against his katana. His cat was chilling right besides his foot, apparently having her snack before the pancakes came out and making quiet eating noises. Niragi made sure not to accidentally step on her, which wasn't that hard to do. Niragi stares at Last Boss almost expectantly, waiting for even the slightest hint of a greeting, but all the other man does is stare ahead, lost in his own thought.
So, like a completely normal person would do to a guy ignoring the other, Niragi starts poking Last Boss in the side with his sniper rifle.
" Hey. Hey. Hey. You awake?"
Last Boss just continues to ignore him, and Niragi's pokes get a little harder the more he gets ignored. " Hey! Why are you ignoring me! Come on!"
Last Boss finally looks in his direction, and Niragi grins in victory, Last Boss just staring at him blankly. " Fucking finally, you were ignoring me."
Last Boss just continues to remain silent, but Niragi didn't care, instead putting his rifle back to balance on his shoulder as he looks out among the people still puttering about. Niragi could barely make out that Sakurada guy, who was talking to some random nobodies, Niragi scoffing to himself. He points him out to Last Boss, whose gaze follows the direction of Niragi's slender finger.
" See that one? Yeah, that one busted into my room and kept spraying me with water, the nerve of that guy."
Last Boss mutters something under his breath, Niragi not picking it up properly. He glances at Last Boss suspiciously, Last Boss just continuing to stare off at Sakurada without any sign of emotion on his tattooed face. Niragi groans, and he looks back in the direction of Sakurada, only to see that somehow the bastard has disappeared. Niragi frowns and looks around from where he stood to see whether he could see him again, but no dice.
The area was getting more and more full the longer Niragi tried looking, to the point that he gave up even trying. At some point Last Boss' cat had finished her snack, and he could feel Cabot rubbing her body across his legs as well just for the hell of it. He looks down at the feline, Cabot just doing her own thing like she usually did.
" Hey you little fuck. What's up." Niragi mutters down at the cat, Cabot just continuing on her little rub spree before going over to Last Boss and meowing loudly until Last Boss bent down and picked her up, Cabot resting happily with her butt in the crook of Last Boss' arm and her head and front paws draped over his shoulder.
Niragi rolls his eyes at the sight, and finally the time had come, Hatter walking in with the utmost grace, people cheering him like they do every time they see the man, with Aguni not that far behind. Niragi and Last Boss head towards the little stage Hatter insisted needed to be built for Pancake Day, standing in position as Aguni joins them, Hatter going up to the Pancake Podium.
" Greetings everyone! Today is the glorious and absolutely magnificent Pancake Day! I hope all of you have worked hard to acquire your pancakes!" Hatter shouts with arms outstretched like a bird's, people cheering and whooping excitedly. " I, for one, have a total of five whole pancakes, as throughout the week I have worked hard to get them from my loyal and beautiful members, and that one person who sadly perished in a game and bequeathed their pancakes to me for many months to come! May their soul be at rest, the courage of them~" Hatter announces, the crowd going wild.
" Now, may the pancakes commence!"
People scattered to tables near immediately, and the kitchen doors open as the designated chefs come out with the freshly made pancakes on carts. Niragi and Last Boss end up following Aguni and the rest of the executives plus Hatter to what was apparently the special table, used only by them.
Niragi grins as he leans back in his chair. At least Sakurada would stay away for now-
" Oh, there you are!"
Speak of the devil. Niragi shuts his eyes in annoyance as his clone comes over. Several pairs of eyes shoot to him, and despite his eyes being closed, Niragi could still feel the smug and interested smile Chishiya was giving off.
" Oh? And who are you, you splendid looking being?" Hatter's voice rings out. " Your outfit is immaculate, but I have never seen you before. No, wait...... I have seen you! Except less fancier. And usually with a hat. Who is sitting right there."
Niragi wanted to shoot this man so bad.
"My name is Sakurada Dori, it is very nice to meet you." Sakurada greets them.
Niragi finally bothers to open his eyes as Hatter stands up, and apparently does a quick check over of Sakurada, nodding to himself. " Yes, you are absolutely stunning. I love what you've done!"
" Are you the one that made Niragi take off his hat?" Aguni asks, low and stoic as always. Niragi rolls his eyes at that. He didn't intend to get rid of his hat, Sakurada just kind of yeeted it outside his window without even asking. The nerve of this guy.
Sakurada quickly nods. " I will get him another hat eventually, as I promised, but only as long as he shoots his gun responsibly!"
" Is that so...." Aguni mutters, and just kind of nods like a sort of proud dad.
Hatter grins even wider, and claps Sakurada across the back. " Now that's some courage! Hey, what say you, would you like one of Niragi's pancakes? As a sign of strength!"
" What?!" Niragi shouts, and he stands up, slamming the table. Aguni watches him quietly, as does Last Boss, the latter just staring more than a tired gaze like Aguni was sporting at the moment. " You can't do that!"
" But I can! I'm the leader after all, I can say what I want, and what I want is practically law here, Niragi. Remember who your boss is." Hatter smiles at Niragi in that sort of way that Niragi hated, but a firm tap on his arm by Aguni made him relent, Niragi angrily muttering to himself as he sat back down.
" Ah, thank you very much, but I don't need to take his-"
" Nonsense, you deserve it! Besides, Niragi already gets... how many?"
" Well I had four, but apparently not anymore."
" Three is plenty for you! Anyways, so that means you get two pancakes, you funky little ball of glory!" Hatter states.
" Are you sure? Is that alright with you Niragi?" Sakurada looks to the man, Niragi just grumbling some more.
" Don't worry about him, he'll get over it." Chishiya mentions, and Niragi quickly glares at him, Chishiya casually looking back with that damn smug ass smile on his lips.
" Fucking undercooked egg white." Niragi mutters under his breath, Chishiya just continuing to smirk.
Still, the pancakes arrive to their table, Hatter inviting Sakurada to sit with them for the day so he could talk about fashion, mainly about what kinds of hats the other liked, Sakurada easily falling into conversation with him. Niragi just drowns his now three pancakes in maple sauce, grumbling under his breath.
Last Boss was watching Niragi just nearby, eating his single pancake as Cabot got to treat herself to two whole cat-specified pancakes like she deserved, and goes to whisper to his cat, Cabot flicking her tail a little at whatever Last Boss muttered.
" You have a very nice cat there! It must be enjoying everything since it appears to be very well cared for and happy." Sakurada mentions at one point, Last Boss staring at Sakurada silently. Sakurada just politely smiles back, and Last Boss just slowly blinks, then nods.
" Thank.... you." Last Boss says, and Cabot looks up finally, and bumps her body against Last Boss, the man quietly petting her as Sakurada watches with a happy expression at how sweet the sight was. Sakurada makes small clicking nosies in an attempt to beckon the cat over to him, Cabot meowing and wandering over curiously, sniffing at Sakurada's fingers before letting herself get pet by the man softly. " She seems to like me already!" Sakurada says happily, Last Boss slowly nodding.
" That's good. She likes being pet gently." Last Boss mutters, and even Hatter tried to get in on the cat patting session.
" Hey Niragi." Chishiya's voice catches Niragi's attention, and he looks up at him, already despising of what he was about to spew out from his lips. The limestone fox man just smiles at him, pancakes already gone from his plate.
" The fuck do you want now."
" Your clone is actually way better than you. Perhaps even smarter than whatever half brain you have up there." Chishiya remarks, and with that he stands up and walks away from the table, immediately sliding himself into a group of people leaving and disappearing from his sight.
" YOU LITTLE FUC-" He whips out his gun, ready to chase Chishiya down and kill him like he always wanted to.
Water gets immediately sprayed on his face the second he stands up again, Niragi sputtering. " No. Bad Niragi."
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you know what i can handle my meow meow as an affectionate term for chishiya but i draw the line at “sweet little kitten” HE WILL KILL YOU
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gxilds · 2 years
Lines from my WIPS
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TGP c2
 “Logan Walker was a man of the people, Parker knew this well. She had been there to bare witness of Rorke having to strip down the mans love for other people. He still did care for others, that was the funny thing, but when it was their side of the fight then no one complained.”
Why do you cry?
“He cried numerous of times, something that he would never admit out loud. He was  never sure why and he was a firm believer that he didn’t even deserve to cry.”
 “to which she was correct, everyone around you seemed so drunk and happy but everyone who stood in that room earlier was so quiet and analytical - something you had assumed wouldn’t benefit you later if you got into deep shit. If. “
also on Tumblr
 “She shouldn’t be here, it felt borderline disrespectful but it served as a reminder of her place for the past few months, or what she assumed to be months as she lost track of time.”
I’d rather die
“Multiple times had this man put other people on the line for the sake of survival and while they could understand the circumstance to some extent, his seeming lack of compassion was alone enough to warrant distaste. So to see the man’s face on the board in front of them, a teammate of theirs…that was hellish.”
If you can’t hang
 “It was confusing, really, the whole world alone didn’t make sense and to be left with a new complex layer was alone enough to make anyone cry - so when you’re met with anti-tank bullets and cars getting destroyed around you, you all begin to freak out.”
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gxilds · 2 years
Hey. You asked for chishiya request and I have come to give you just that well kinda. Doubt chishiya would have any relationship experience so what happens when he likes someone. He realises he is out of his depth and his ego goes down the drain. Awkward and embarrassed. Like very confused as to why he feels this way. Like can you imagine chishiya being all cute trying to tell you he likes you. Or trying to get the courage to kiss you. Maybe this will give you some inspiration to write a story. 💜
Chishiya and liking someone | AIB
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A/n: this is written with a gn!reader but anyone can read it! I also tried 3rd person and it’s safe to say I suck at it when it comes to cc/reader so I went back and changed it 😭. I also completely skipped over the confession part let’s honest but I got a wee bit excited and practically skipped to the end. anywho anon you are a god send and now I have the motivation to go and write everything else so take this little drabble blurb thing (do not ask me the difference) while I finish my 12 hour LOTR marathon of all the directors cuts.
pairing: chishiya x gn!reader
warnings: Niragi should be a warning of his own. The back half is a situation that takes place in the manga so take this warning. Guns/people getting shot.
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Chishiya wasn’t sure when he realized he liked you. Maybe it was when Kuina would poke at him and he finally stopped finding ways to refuse it. Maybe it was the time that he felt a form of anger at seeing you come out injured in a game. Maybe, just maybe, it was when you stood right in front of him and he could finally look into your eyes.
“You seem to favor (y/n).” It was a simple yet snide comment that rang from Niragi and it really shouldn’t have been something that bugged Chishiya but he couldn’t help but give Niragi the side eye, something that would make Niragi laugh. Niragi always caught on to more than what he would let people believe.
“You seem to favor (y/n).” It was a simple yet snide comment that rang from Niragi and it really shouldn’t have been something that bugged Chishiya but he couldn’t help but give Niragi the side eye, something that would make Niragi laugh. Niragi always caught on to more than what he would let people believe.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” Chishiya spoke up after a few brief moments that were only filled with the sounds of bustling and usual yelling in the hallways of the beach.
Niragi let out a chuckle and finally looked down at Chishiya who looked back at him, “I think you are in denial.”
Chishiya didn’t know how to respond externally but on the inside he was ripping Niragi to shreds in his mind as he walked away. How could someone see into his mind? How did they know how he felt about someone? What right did they have to tell him how he felt? it was all so stupid.
He liked you…but was it the same for him?
Chishiya would let time fly normally. Who was he to confront anyone about his feelings?
of course this was until you started to notice something. Chishiya would never be outright about his feelings but when you stumbled in a game it was always a shock to see Chishiya be the one to pick you up, to tell you to get up and keep going. It was a small yet obvious difference to how Chishiya treated everyone else. in his eyes everyone else would manage but you needed to live. whether you picked up on this or not is something he didn’t want to know.
It's not until after the beach he confronts his feelings and how soon after that is a bit dodgy. He does see you after that but as soon as games are over it seems that you’re missing before he can catch another glance at you. This is also partially on him, as soon as the games are over it seems like he’s already gone. No one can blame each other though, you have to do what you have to do to survive in the borderlands; especially considering anything that wasn’t a game was still a game.
It was an unestablished relationship when it finally did happen though. There were no labels attached, just trust in each other which is frankly all Chishiya needed. Granted, Chishiya has some ego issues. His father left him with the sense that no one can truly love him so he’s overly conscious about the affection that's spread in the relationship. Each touch to him is counted and acknowledged and while Chishiya doesn’t show his outward appreciation he really does find every fleeting touch to be worth it.
For a man like him a kiss could only be shared in a moment of increasing danger. You hadn’t appreciated Niragi’s ambush on what would be a peaceful reunion for you, Chishiya and Arisu but Chishiya took the new wound with a bitter sense of humor.
“Chishiya??!!” His name rang from both you and Arisu and before you knew it your legs carried over to a chuckling Chishiya.
“you purposely missed my vitals…” He looked over to Niragi and you couldn’t help but want to rub the smug look off of Chishiya’s face.
After more bustling between the party of people and sounds of gunshots there was a sudden silence followed by a gunshot that was quickly replaced by sounds of concern for your lover.
your feet carried you faster than you could recall and it was after the conversation you caught the back half of that you kissed chishiya.
He was willing to accept the kiss but was awkward about it, which wasn’t any different to Arisu and Usagi who had to watch. The two stood, met eyes and seemed almost clueless on how to react to your display of affection. Chishiya could sympathize, he didn’t know how to react personally.
“If you die I’m going to kill you.”
All Chishiya could do was laugh.
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gxilds · 3 years
chishiya headcanons
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a collection of my posts about chishiya where I ramble about my headcanons for him
a relationship with him after the borderlands
chishiya and music (my favorite)
competitive chishiya
Chishiya and his weird ass moral compass
chishiya w/ an optimistic person
chishiya and his job before/after the borderlands
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gxilds · 3 years
chishiya’s is unnecessarily competitive so when you two are both top of your class he’ll try to do anything to knock you off of your game.
cruel? yeah…
but totally worth it to try and see you ask for his help because you weren’t paying attention in class.
chishiya doesn’t take notes, though, so there’s a bit of a predicament when you ask to borrow them. nonetheless he offers to study with you because he would feel so bad seeing someone so smart fail a test because of his doing.
“I’m sorry I asked to borrow your notes, I’m usually more on top of everything.”
“No need to thank me. It just means you’re in my debt.”
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gxilds · 3 years
the first time i saw chishiya i complained and said “he’s so shady bro” and now i rewatch aib and say shit like “he’s my little meow meow” I am fucking crazy
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gxilds · 3 years
i’m back with more chishiya music bullshit.
I already talked about how chishiya would love classical music but outside of that what artists or genres would he like?
I would assume some softer rock and roll or punk, nothing metal. so i could see him absolutely tuning into songs like the man who sold the world by bowie or literally anything the clash has made.
when it comes to pop music i don’t think chishiya would be totally opposed so if it’s playing around him he doesn’t mind but on his own he wouldn’t listen to it much.
anywhere here’s my chishiya playlist cause i want to be spotify famous 😍
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aceofspadegrass · 3 years
Hey, so…I’m…
My pet isn’t feeling ok and has to go to the emergency vet early in the morning.
Could you maybe please draw or write something for me to look at? I’m probably not going to sleep too well and it sure would help if I wake up with worry 🥺
Cat Cuddle Party
Characters Niragi Suguru, Last Boss, Cabot, Chishiya Shuntaro
Genre: Fluff. It's a Cat Cuddle Party. :D
1k words
Have a little pet fic then! A little comfort in the form of cats. A lot of cats. I hope your pet will be alright. Give them space pats courtesy of me. :(
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Niragi wakes up to the sound of something shuffling about in the darkness of his room with only the sunrise filtering through the window to grant him any form of vision, and something bumping against his leg right beneath the blanket that covered him. He grumbles, sliding his hand down to see if he could locate what was possibly nudging him. Skin meets fur, and a gentle nuzzle against his hand, Niragi yawning and shifting his body downwards to cup his hand around the body, carefully pulling them out into the open.
Cabot meows, and pads up to Niragi’s face, pawing at his cheek. Niragi didn’t have the time or the mental ability to react fast enough when Cabot decided his face was a great place to plop her body on top of, Niragi letting out a slight huff, pushing the cat off of his nose and mouth. She remains on his eyes on forehead, almost spilling over, but she purrs in content despite it all.
“ Good morning, Cabot. Why are you in here.” Cabot says nothing, continuing to purr in content. There was movement below Niragi, off to his left, Niragi focusing on it as the noise quiets before he feels a rather hefty weight suddenly plop onto his legs, Niragi tensing and nearly kicking it off if he didn’t recognize the soft yet absolutely hilarious noise of his own cat Catra alerting him to her presence.
“ Morning to you too, Catra.” Niragi mutters, cat on both his face and covering his legs. Catra was not that heavy, so Niragi could handle her making his legs her personal couch. He didn’t feel like getting up at the moment, and the warmth both cats were emitting were almost enough to make him fall back asleep.
Well, he almost did, if he didn’t hear the door to his room opening. Niragi sits up, Cabot flopping off like a pancake dropped off a table. Niragi quietly mutters an apology to her, Cabot meowing and getting comfortable back on top of Niragi, just now on his lap rather than his head. The black bean waffle in the room looks over at the door, and standing there was Last Boss, in complete silence, staring back at Niragi.
Niragi squints with one eye and lightly tilts his head, Last Boss slowly blinking and shutting the door behind him. “ You here for your cat?” Niragi lightly taps the top of Cabot’s head, Cabot taking it in stride as she was squished. Last Boss only shakes his head, coming closer to Niragi. Now that he was closer, Niragi notices the blanket he was dragging behind him, a simple black one. Niragi says nothing as he watches Last Boss shuffle into his room, past the edge of his bed, and over to the other side. His eyebrow raises as Last Boss simply stands there on the opposite side of his bed, staring directly at him without a single word uttered out of the chocolate swirl ice cream man.
“…. What the fuck do you want.”
No response. Last Boss stands there with blanket in hand, Cabot staring at her owner but not relenting her spot on Niragi, making biscuits on his leg. Niragi was slowly getting more and more confused on what the heck was even going on, but he wasn’t really caring at the moment, laying back down without care of a person in his room for reasons unknown to him. Well, reasons unknown until suddenly his bed dips, and Niragi turns his attention back to a now horizontal birch wood of a man on his bed, Last Boss facing the ceiling. Niragi isn’t actually sure if Last Boss blinked the entire time he’s been here, but then again he thought Last Boss always looked like he’s seen some shit at all hours of the day.
He might’ve. Niragi has no idea what Last Boss does when Niragi doesn’t hang out with him. Maybe he tries to win staring contests in his off time.
Back to now though. Niragi nudges Last Boss, and he looks at the humanoid coal man, Niragi staring at Last Boss with narrowed eyes.
“ The hell do you think you’re doing.”
“…. Laying down.” “ Well obviously, you fucking bar of soap. I’m asking why.”
Last Boss blinks slowly, then points past Niragi. “ He said it was a cat party in your room.” “ What-“ Niragi starts, but he is cut off then another weight plops onto his body, more so on his stomach than the legs where Catra remains, and it wasn’t Cabot either, who had hopped off to again lay closer to Niragi’s head. No, this one was heavier, and way longer, Niragi turning his head back to the front only to see Chishiya laying across him, torso to torso, his face planted into the crevice just between Niragi and Last Boss. “ Oi, what the hell are you doing here, you fuck?! How did you get in?!” Niragi demands, and Chishiya very slowly lifts his head up, and again lethargically turning his udon body so he could stare at Niragi with a blank smile.
“ Laying on you because it seems you make a good source of heat.” Chishiya tilts his head in the direction of Catra, then over in Cabot’s direction.
“ Get the hell out of my room!” Chishiya only hums, then resettles himself on top of Niragi comfortably, letting out a short sigh. Niragi couldn’t kick him away, as Catra had his legs locked down, and even a few pushes by his hands didn’t duo the trick either, Chishiya stubbornly laying on him like a poorly constructed two person Jenga.
Niragi huffs in mild annoyance, but the gentle purrs of Cabot and the odd noise from Catra calms him by a little, Niragi swinging an arm to cover his eyes.
“ Fine. Whatever. I’m going back to sleep, it’s only sunrise and I’m still too tired to deal with this.” The only response he gets is more purrs, a slight hum of acknowledgement, and what sounded like Last Boss lightly snoring from besides him.
A weird start to his day, really. But Niragi didn’t want to dwell on it right now. Later on he can get Chishiya back for whatever the heck this was. Last Boss too, just because Niragi was feeling like it. Right now? Cat cuddle party.
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