goldengirlchrissy · 1 year
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munsontm · 1 year
❛ why did you wake me? ❜
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@chivalrites / meme / ACCEPTING
Eyes wide, his pupils blown to smithereens from the acid they did earlier that night. Eddie hovered over Jeff's bed, looking down at him with an expression that could only be described as disturbed by how his gaze darted to and fro and how he bit at his bottom lip more furiously than usual. Then suddenly, he reached down, cradling Jeff's face with his slender hands, and tugged him close until their noses were almost touching. "We are going to fucking die tonight." That was probably one of the worse things he'd ever said to his friend. "Michael Myers is in your fucking kitchen, dude. Michael fucking Myers!" It was almost a whisper caught in a laugh until Eddie's voice cracked on the your. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can't find Gareth. I think he's dead!" If he were sober, Gareth not being present would have made for an ideal culprit for their midnight kitchen guest. Eddie whimpered pretty pathetically. All too convinced that a fictional movie character wanted him dead.
"We can still get outta here!" Surprisingly quick on his feet for once. Eddie sprinted to the bedroom window and threw it open. "All we have to do is run forever because that heavy breathing bastard never gives up." He said, throwing his arms up manically, as if his plan made complete and utter sense, and that they could genuinely live by running forever.
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moltolavoro · 1 year
@chivalrites | [ SHELTER ]  for one muse to lean into the other’s side or hug them to seek comfort from a crowd or individual while in public.  | eddie & jeff
eddie fucking loves a party, is the thing. always has. loves getting lost in the crowds for a little while, loves snagging drinks and stealing cigs and the way people loosen up and hang out when they're a little high, a little drunk.
but he gets this thing, sometimes. this -- this overwhelming sort of thing, like everything's too big and too much and too loud. and maybe it doesn't help that he's a little bit high and a little bit drunk and a little bit out of it himself. where he was halfway graceful getting himself through people before, now he's clumsy ; bumps into people and rocks between groups and he can't focus on anyone or anything until --
like some kind of saving grace, jeff comes into focus, sprawled out on the couch and eddie doesn't say anything. climbs onto the couch next to him and tucks himself in close to jeff's side. tries, desperately, to play it off by snagging jeff's drink, taking a sip like his hands aren't shaking. he's okay. they're okay. jeff's here so he's okay.
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lcveblossomed · 1 year
@chivalrites asked: hang on for me, all right? don't leave me. please don't go. /// for pepper
Being pulled into this mess the first time was an unfortunate accident. Joyce Byers didn’t know that falling in love with Bob Newby would end in his untimely demise and his child seeing it. Something about that night had put a tether on Pepper and no matter what she did or where she went she was always pulled back. She was pulled back at the mall and the first time that Vecna came pulled in given no choice if she would fight or not. Even after it was all over and the town rebuilt itself she could feel Vecna in the back of her mind a lingering force burrowing into the back of her mind waiting for an opportune time to strike again. No distraction, no great job or even an epic love like she had could push away that fear that knowing of the inevitable.
She had hoped she would have more time; she wanted to start a family with Jeff to write more and to grow old with him. It wasn’t fair she had spent so much time after her dad died wanting to die but now when she wanted to live it happened. She’d fought to live, she'd done everything she could but Vecna’s grip was tight and no amount of fighting was going to save her this time. Pulled back in again and again until finally it took her for good.
Now here she was held close by Jeff she wasn’t ready she wanted more time. Nothing hurt so she couldn’t focus on pain she couldn’t see anything even though she desperately wanted to look at his face. She can’t let him know any of that; she can’t have those last moments be bad for him. While the pain of seeing her father die lingered she always remembered his last smile she needed to give Jeff that. She could do that she could try because if that was all she could leave him with then she would do just that. “Shh shh- it’s okay. It’s okay, I'm okay.” She wasn’t okay, she was dying and it was finally going to get her. “I love you. I love you so much, Jeff. I love you so much.”
She says it until her lungs burn until her throat is sore. She says it until she can’t speak anymore. She loves him, she loves him, she loves him. He has to hear it, he has to know it. He had to know how much brighter he made her dreary life, how much he made her smile when she was sure she’d never be happy again. How he had become her family, a family who she had fought so hard to stay alive for. She says it until she’s dead in his arms. I love you.
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crawledoutofmordor · 1 year
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@chivalrites asked; ❛  i don't know what you mean.  ❜
"Hmm..." Eddie scrunched his face up in visible thought, "I dunno maybe I imagined it," he said with a small laugh, he had been attempting to describe some sort of weird radio he was sure existed, but was starting to realise he may have dreamed it up.
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kissmedcadly · 11 months
"sometimes your brain will lie to you and tell you bad stuff, but it's not true. it's never as bad as it seems."
"pretty sure it's exactly as bad as it seems a solid like... fifty percent of the time, dude." maybe she's biased as the person currently experiencing the bad thoughts and someone with a history of catastrophizing, but she can't help it. she's never really gotten a hang of the positive thinking thing.
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she wishes she could turn it off - the anxiety, the constant, underlying worry that her parents were right about every horrible thing they'd ever said. "can't make it go away."
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solarsought · 2 years
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“I have brought the two newest members of Corroded Coffin.” Eddie announces holding up  the two car seats where the twins were still fast asleep. How they slept through the entire drive was beyond him though it probably had to do with how carefully he was driving now that they were his passengers. “Do you want one? I mean I’ve got kids to spare here and I’m sure they’d love some time with Uncle Jeff.”
@chivalrites​ // uncle jeff totally not the favorite uncle.... ;)
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ebbiemunson · 2 years
“What are you doing in my room?”
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"Jeff," Eddie choked, his hand trembling over a spot in his abdomen. His clothes were soaked in his blood, and Eddie could barely keep himself standing. He felt like he was going to pass out... again. God he'd been sure he was going to die. His friends were sure he was dead. They wouldn't have left him behind otherwise, right? But Eddie could feel his mind swirling, and his body threatening to give.
"I need help," he choked. It wasn't like any other time Eddie had snuck into his friend's houses. He'd always been either too high, too drunk, or just didn't want to go home. Usually he was quiet, and crashed easily without disturbing home life. But here he was, bleeding on Jeff's floor, torn mostly apart, and barely conscious, accused of murder.
"Please," he choked out.
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strangerdiper · 2 years
@chivalrites​ gets a starter ! 
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❛ Tons of people act like they’re not into me. But they are. ❜
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goldengirlchrissy · 1 year
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@chivalrites​ sent 👫for four headcanons about our muses relationship
Jeff is the first one to say I love you to Chrissy, but only by a minute. He says it in the hospital after Chrissy and Eddie come back from the Upside Down. He and Gareth never left her bedside and cried the moment she woke up. Through the tears, Jeff tells her he loves her and she weakly says “I know” with a smile and then tells him she loves him too.
Chrissy spends a lot of time at Jeff and Frank’s house once Jeff starts dating Gareth and Chrissy. It’s not unusual to find Chrissy there before Jeff gets home, chatting to Mr Quince about everything from school to her plans with Jeff and Gareth. Frank adores Chrissy and is so happy his son is dating such a wonderful girl.
Jeff and Chrissy have in fact fucked in Jeff’s car. Multiple times. Jeff refuses to let Chrissy go down on him while he’s driving because “that’s unsafe babe and if i wanted unsafe driving, we would be driving with eddie”
When Chrissy and Gareth get married, Jeff walks her down the aisle. It made the most sense since legally, Chrissy couldn’t marry both of them and she and Gareth have been together longer. Eventually, the three of them have a small unofficial ceremony to symbolically get married.
Winnie, Chrissy and Gareth’s daughter, calls Jeff Papa or Papa Jeff to show the fact that she has two dads. Even though she isn’t biologically Jeff’s daughter, she is in his heart.
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munsontm · 1 year
☀ What's your rp pet peeve?
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the salty af munday meme / ACCEPTING / @chivalrites
As someone who has been here 9383832 years since the days of large gif RPS lmao. I know I'm not talking shit when i say that people, not all people, are very biased towards blogs with fancy graphics and aesthetics. We like to preach that it's the writing that matters, and it is. But that really is utter bs to some people. There is a shallowness in the Tumblr rpc that wasn't always so prominent. And I see people so obsessed with making their blogs more presentable to their followers that they then get frustrated at not being able to balance writing with making things look nicer. It's sad tbh.
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mvnsons · 2 years
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Send in 📜 and I’ll use this incorrect quotes generator using your muse and my muse. (Please specify how many muses//which muses for multimuse blogs!!)
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lcveblossomed · 1 year
@chivalrites asked: Ⓐ do one for pepper
repulsive || hideous || ugly || not attractive || unappealing || not unattractive || meh || no preference || ok || mildly attractive || nice looking || cute || adorable || attractive || pleasant on the eyes || good looking || hot || sexy || beautiful || gorgeous || hot damn || would tap that || perfect || godlike || holy fuck there are no words
grating || irritating || frustrating || boring || confusing at best || awkward || unreasonable || psychotic || disturbing || interesting || engaging || affectionate || aggressive || ambitious || anxious || artistic || bad tempered || bossy || charismatic || appealing || unappealing || creative || courageous || dependable || unreliable || unpredictable || predictable || devious || dim || extroverted || introverted ||  egotistical || gregarious || fabulous || impulsive || intelligent || sympathetic || talkative || up beat || peaceful || calming || badass || flexible
How likely they would have sex with them:
not if they were the last person on earth and the world was ending || fuck no! || never || no way || not likely || not sure || indifferent || I’m asexual || maybe || probably || it depends || fairly likely || likely || yeah sure || yes || would tap that || hell yes || fuck yes! || wishing that could happen right now || as many times as possible || we are already having sex
Level of Friendship:
never in a million years || worst of enemies || enemies || rivals || indifferent || neutral || acquaintance || friendly toward each other || casual friends || friends || good friends || best friends || fuck buddies || bosom buddies || practically the same person || would die for them || true friends || my only friend ||
First impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
Current impression of them:
I hate them so much || I don’t like them || I don’t trust them || they annoy me || they’re weird || I’m indifferent || meh || they seem alright || they’re growing on me || truce || I think I like them || I like them || I’m not sure if I trust them || I trust them || they’re cool || they’re genuine || I think we’re going to get along || I really like them || I think I’m in love || oh fuck they’re hot || I love them
How good of a kisser:
worst kisser ever || terrible || bad || awkward || just okay || alright || pretty good || good || makes me moan || excellent || exciting || oh god they’re good || I dream about it || fucking amazing || absolute perfection || we haven’t kissed
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codecracked · 2 years
META   + books?
send  META  +  a  word / topic  and  i’ll  write  a  headcanon !
okay  yes  let’s  go.   so  robin  is  a  big  reader.   she  loves  books.   it’s  that  typical  lonely  kid  turned  book  lover  as  a  form  of  escapism  thing,  you  know?   she’s  been  a  reading  fiend  since  elementary  school,  and  though  band  and  extra - curriculars  keep  her  a  bit  busier,  she  still  reads  every  single  night  before  bed  if  she  can  help  it.
i  like  to  imagine  that  robin  frequents  not  only  the  library,  but  whatever  used  bookstore  hawkins  happens  to  have.   i  think  robin  is  totally  into  used  books,  ones  that  have  life  instilled  into  them,  when  you  can  tell  they’ve  been  read  and  loved  before  time  and  time  again.   i  also  like  to  imagine  she  kind  of  has  a  deal  with  the  employees  at  the  used  bookstore  and  that  she  has  them  set  aside  any  out  of  the  ordinary  titles,  or  books  in  foreign  languages.
because  that’s  another  thing!   in  rebel  robin,  we  find  out  that  robin  has  made  it  a  mission  to  read  books  in  their  original  languages.   so  she  has  copies  of  the  inferno  in  italian,  and  the  phantom  of  the  opera  in  french,  etc  etc  etc.   and  she  truly  does  just  read  them  for  fun.   i  think  she  also  wants  to  experience  these  foreign  language  classics  in  their  purest  form,  to  really  understand  what  the  authors  were  talking  about  when  they  wrote  them.
robin  has  bookshelves,  but  they’re  pretty  small,  so  most  of  her  books  remain  in  stacks  laying  around  her  room.   there  are  to  be  read  stacks,  already  read  stacks,  she  has  some  categorized.   it  looks  pretty  messy  tbh.
and  finally,  robin’s  favorite  books  are  frankenstein  by  mary  shelley,  we  have  always  lived  in  the  castle  by  shirley  jackson,  and  zami  by  audre  lord.
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binghvm · 2 years
META   +  corroded coffin?
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eden honestly thinks corroded coffin FUCKS -- i bet she likes teases the boys that it’s the only thing she actually likes about them. eden’s always been into punk and metal, although definitely not even close to the way they most likely do. i bet she would go to shows to be supportive and would open up the pit for them :’) if there is one thing she would die to be a part of, it would probably be corroded coffin. if they ever need a fill in bass / drummer, hit a girl up. she is probs their number 4 fan. can’t be TOO eager.
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unheald · 2 years
continued for @chivalrites​
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    Jeff still has that subdued AIR OF DISBELIEF to him that some people acquire in the wake of a tragedy, it feels as though he’s standing in the eye of a hurricane without any shelter to run towards. That silence before it all GOES TO HELL again. He’s TIRED of walking around the town in circles helping Uncle Wayne put up signs for Eddie. TIRED of calling the hospital to ask whether Gareth has woken up from surgery. TIRED of looking for his friends in the crowds of displaced people that muddled about in the high school and outside the town hall. It’s a small miracle Dustin found him.
    ❝ Yeah. SURE. ❞ He studies Dustin with wary eyes, trying to brace himself for whatever he’s about to hear. ❝ Why are you limping? What the hell happened to you? ❞
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he’d seen jeff around with mr munson. helping with the posters. while it was good to see that not everyone had been hurt in everything that had happened, there was also heavy GUILT resting in the pit of dustin’s stomach. he’d already pulled mr munson to one side and broken the news to him -- he did not want to leave the man living in hope that eddie was simply missing and would return one day, not when he knew that wasn’t the case. now he needed to tell jeff. someone else who he knew had thought a lot of eddie. who had known the REAL eddie. 
at the question about his limp, head dipped for a moment as gaze shifted to his injury before back up to the other, brows furrowed sadly.  “ uh... it’s nothing. “  he brushed off the concern about himself. he didn’t want it. not when he was the one who’d made it out alive.  “ it’s... it’s about eddie. uhm... “  he could already feel his eyes filling up again. sure, this wasn’t the first time dustin had been through all of this upside down stuff, but losing eddie had hit him hard, still was. he’d looked up to him like he did with steve, and it was hard accepting that he was just gone now.  “ he uhm... he’s not MISSING. i... i was with him. “ 
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