#chloric acid
Every time I see/read/hear someone go “I don’t want chemicals in my food” I am just like, “Is anyone going to tell them?”
Science illiteracy is a major problem.
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sachlo · 2 years
2023 and chemical manufacturing companies Saudi Arabia
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harukowitch · 7 months
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More artwork from the fic by @meesterblu called “The Boy With the Moon on his Chest, and Other Tales”
I had to draw Reiju’s encounter with Enel. Her hiding the nitro chloric acid to ruin his ship was genius! (>ヮ<) I was going to make a puddle of that at her feet but I don’t think I could have made it come out how I wanted. I also couldn’t help myself by referencing Sanji’s shirts from Skypiea just because it was fun.
I also love the ‘dream’ sequence that comes from this. How each of her brothers uniquely interacted with her, also like how this attack might have helped jump start reversing her upgrades? Things are looking interesting and I’m having fun
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crazysodomite · 5 months
my oc names would be like this:
Chloric Acid
Metalloplastic Insulated Pipe (Red)
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namesetc · 2 years
Yello !!! Perchance could vi ask for hazardous/toxin related names? Maybe with a sprinkle of tech? Thank you in advance, and apologies in advance if you’ve done these before and vi missed it!
heres a list off the top of our head of some toxic/corrosive/hazardous and tech related names. if you would like more feel free to request again
Bio (Biotoxin)
Dia - Diacet - Diacetyl
Forma - Formald - Malde - Formaldehyde - Hyde
Hydra - Hydro - Hydrochloric - Chloric
Inva - Invent
Neuro (Neurotoxin)
Net / Nett
Oxide (Hydroxide)
Paralyc - Paralytic
Perox (Peroxide)
Sodia (Sodium)
Toxic - Toxica - Toxina - Toxin
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doctordragon · 1 year
Those videos about "ABsuRdLy StrONg AciDs" have got to stop. No, flouroglockenspielicbullshit acid isn't the strongest acid in the world. It's not even a strong acid! It's a weak acid!
The only strong acids are hydrochloric, nitric, hydroiodic, perchloric, sulfuric, hydrobromic, and chloric. That's it! All other acids are weak.
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deltaponline · 4 months
Achema 24: New mobile drum pump with battery drive
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  Equipped with a brushless 320 watts DC motor, the B3 Battery-powered drum pump has a delivery rate of up to 180 litres per minute and a delivery head of 11.8 metres water column. “In developing the new B3 Battery, we have succeeded for the first time in making the performance of a battery-operated drum pump comparable to that of cable-connected versions,” says Takumi Nasu, Head of Development at Lutz Pumpen GmbH. One battery charge is enough to empty a 200-litre drum 14 times in around 15 minutes. At a lower speed, a 1000 litre IBC container can be pumped out 5.8 times in just under 51 minutes. Lutz Pumpen opted for a modular design in order to enable deployment of the B3 to pump as many different liquid media as possible. This modularity enables combination of a range of individual components: a 1.2 kg motor with removable battery, a pump tube that can be screwed on via a handwheel, a hose and a dosing gun. For example, the pump tube is available in several versions. Whilst models made of polypropylene (PP) are suitable for low-viscosity acids, sodium hydroxide and ammonia water, those constructed from polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) are deployed with concentrated alkali solutions and acids such as chloric acid and sulphuric acid. Aluminium models on the other hand are used in conjunction with diesel, heating oil and hydraulic oil; our FDA-compliant stainless steel model is deployed with liquids in the food industry. The maximum viscosity of the pumped media is 700 millipascal-seconds (mPas). The pump tubes are manufactured for use in canisters, drums or containers in the standard immersion depths of 500 mm, 700 mm, 1,000 mm and 1,200 mm. On customer request, Lutz Pumpen also produces lengths between 300 mm and 3,000 mm for special containers and pump sumps. Achema 2024 Halle 8, Stand K86 www.lutz-pumpen.de   Read the full article
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zoyalannister · 1 year
Kit too, doesnt he take after his dad? Than he would end up being also tall and slim, Grace will be happy
I absolutely agree, indeed this is from the 1st chapter of How (not) to end a feud:
“By the way, I am serious,” Matt said, leaning towards him so that only Christopher could hear what he had to say. “Do you remember the chloric acid accident?”
“Hydrochloric acid,” Christopher corrected him.
He remembered it perfectly: the flask had broken in his hands and he’d had to strip out of his clothes as fast as he could before the dangerous acid could reach his skin. After that, when he’d made sure that no damage had been done, he’d gone upstairs to ask Matt to lend him a pair of trousers and a shirt.
“Yes, whatever,” Matt said. “My point is that I have seen you without clothes, and I can assure you that you have no reason to be embarrassed at all. Indeed, any lady you want to spend the night with is a very lucky woman.”
Since then, it's a recurring thing in my fanfics. It's also funny to write because Kit isn’t the Alpha man who wants his girlfriend to compliment his size, but he gets embarrassed every time Grace makes a (pleased) comment about it.
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jaffre · 2 years
why did they HAVE to pick 2 ways to say some of these names WHY do i have to learn that chloric acid is the same thing as hydrogen chlorate
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remediesone · 2 years
5 Benefits of Drinking Warm Lemon Water Every Morning Lemons have numerous medical advantages that have been known for a really long time. Lemons have numerous medical advantages that we've known about for quite a long time. The two principal ones are its strong antibacterial and antiviral power and its capacity to animate the invulnerable framework excitement. Lemon juice is likewise referred to for its utilization as a guide in weight reduction since it is a stomach related and it likewise purges the liver. Warm lemon water each day is an incredible method for adding lemon to your eating routine and work on your wellbeing. The present video will talk about 10 Advantages of Drinking Warm Lemon Water Each day. 1. Assists You With processing Lemon juice disposes of undesirable materials and poisons from the body. Because of nuclear creation is like spit and the chloric corrosive of stomach related juices, it helps the liver produce bile, a corrosive that is expected for absorption. Lemons are likewise plentiful in minerals and nutrients and assist with slackening poisons in the gastrointestinal system. 2. Purges Your Framework As a Diuretic Lemon juice dispenses with undesirable materials since lemons increment the pace of pee in the body. Subsequently, when you drink lemon water each day, poisons are delivered at a quicker rate, which assists you with keeping your urinary parcel sound. Also, the citrus extract in lemons boosts the capability of the catalyst, which animates the liver and helps in detoxification. 3. Animates Your Safe Framework Lemons are plentiful in L-ascorbic acid, which is great for battling colds. Also, they are wealthy in potassium, which animates the cerebrum and sensory system. Potassium likewise assists control with blooding pressure. The ascorbic corrosive (L-ascorbic acid) that is found in lemons makes mitigating impacts and is utilized as extra assistance for asthma and other respiratory side effects. 4. Assists You With shedding pounds Lemon's properties for thinning down are very notable and esteemed. It is a phenomenal detoxifier and irritation minimizer. It has lots of L-ascorbic acid with cell reinforcement properties. Lemons are wealthy in gelatin fiber, which helps battle desires. Studies have shown that individuals that have a more soluble eating regimen will generally get in shape quicker. 5. Purifies Skin The L-ascorbic acid part, as well as different cancer prevention agents, decreases kinks and dull spots and battle free revolutionaries. L-ascorbic acid is indispensable for solid and brilliant skin since its antacid nature kills particular kinds of microbes known to cause skin break out. What is your take on Drinking Warm Lemon Water Each day, let me in on in our remark area beneath. #lemonwaterbenefits #lemonwater #cleanseyourbody #remediesone FOR MORE DETAILS: ------------------------------------------- CONNECT WITH US: ► Like us at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/remediesone ► Tweet us at Twitter https://twitter.com/remediesone ► Subscribe us at Youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjYqyEHJ8m9s-4swpaYn9mw ► Read Blog at Blogspot http://remediesone.blogspot.com/ ------------------------------------------ Don't forget to check out our YouTube Channel and click the link below to subscribe to our channel and get informed when we add new content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjYqyEHJ8m9s-4swpaYn9mw?sub_confirmation=1 -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Medical Disclaimer:- https://pastebin.com/DGqupzHt by Remedies One
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sachlo · 2 years
Scope of hydrochloric acid in steel pickling
Hydrochloric acid is used in steel pickling, it has a huge industrial demand. Sachlo is a leading chemical company in Saudi Arabia since 2005. Sachlo is a leading Hydrochloric acid supplier Saudi Arabia.
The purpose of steel pickling and oiling is to remove surface impurities from hot rolled carbon steel, such as rust and carbon scale. Steel is submerged in pickle liquor, a solution of hydrogen chloride acid, to remove impurities. Hydrochloric acid is used for pickling carbon steel with an alloy content of less than 6%.
Using hydrochloric acid in steel pickling has various advantages. It is a more involved method to remove scale. Additionally, there is less iron salt buildup on the pickled surface and less hydrogen penetration by diffusion.  As the pickling solutions are employed at ambient temperature, the use of hydrochloric acid lowers the heating expense.
Sachlo is Hydro Chloric Acid Manufacturer Saudi Arabia
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but-a-dust · 2 years
90' Sherlock canon in which Sherlock, after feiging his death, temporarily works in a chemistry laboratory. There's a radio in there and it's practically always turned on.
On the anniversary of his "death", Sherlock happens to be working alone in the laboratory. Radio's still on and the presenters play Wish You Were Here per request of a certain John from London. Sherlock's co-workers never found out why, when they entered, he was standing motionlessly, holding filled test tube in his hand, and his tears were dropping into the chloric acid.
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theevill · 2 years
Stefan cannot stand his brother ( @hestroll ), but he swears to whatever power there is if you hurt Damon he will peel your skin off your body and drop you in a tank of hydro chloric acid.
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astroyongie · 4 years
hiii, i loved you 5 type of signs series, can you please do a capricorn one? 🥺💖
Note: there you go love ❤️ let me know which Capricorn you are !
5 Types Of Capricorn
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Workaholic Capricorn
They are very attached to their work and responsibilities
Get bored very easily
People are usually jealous of them
Actually need reassurance
Burnout ? Burnout.
Forget their password every month
The Asshat Capricorn
They are ?? So sassy ??
Very mean when angry
Yet they have a great heart for the ones they love
Can solve problems easily and proceed to call others stupid for being slow
Strangely stubborn
Will 100% fight you don’t try them
I Swear To God Capricorn
Lmao will fight you too
“You ain’t using curse words on this house of god, got it ?” *something happens * “ FOR FUCK SAKES”
Good at house chores
Practical, they think things through before acting. Everything has an explanation
Doesn’t believe in ghosts yet are scared of the dark
Emotions ? Killed that
I Am Failing Capricorn
Wonders what the hell is going on
99,9% lazy
Will still check their Instagram while people are fighting next to him
Highkey intelligent but thinking demands too much effort
Manage to pass classes without even knowing how
Pour their heart on what they love
I Have Everything Under Control *Panic Laugher* Capricorn
Stressed 26/24
Very mom like
Very well mannered and friendly
But loses their temper as soon as someone goes out of line
Love kids but also want to drown them in chloric acid
Probably has an agenda
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meremortalhim · 3 years
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Anxiety holds hands with the hydro chloric acid in my stomach and chews me inside out
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trippydooda · 5 years
hello yes i am alive i’ve just been working on the Tangled AU fic that’s being updated on AO3. but because i am a Trashcan™ i started writing a self indulgent Taegi fic so here is a lil preview of it. i’ll post the full one on here and probably AO3 after the Tangled fic is done but until then here we go for another sinfest uwu
Fandom: BTS
Pairing: Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi
Rating: M
Word Count: 881
If you asked Yoongi a month ago if he ever thought about fucking his classmate, he would have laughed in your face and probably tossed some formic acid in your face for added insult.
This is exactly how he doesn’t fucking know when he started watching his lab partner’s hands with sharp inhales when he does something as menial as grabbing a fucking graduated cylinder. In all honesty it’s probably really incredibly dangerous considering they’re working with chloric acid today and Yoongi’s become quite fond of his skin, thank you. It doesn’t stop him, though, and he’s definitely been staring too hard since he barely even hears his partner say his name.
“Are you even listening?” Taehyung says, annoyance thinly hidden under his tone. 
Yup, that’s the asshole’s name. Taehyung, or “Taetae” as his friends call him, which Yoongi refuses to acknowledge as cute. Also, no, he really wasn’t listening. “Something about acid?” He coyly asks instead and prays his face isn’t red. It sure as shit feels red.
Taehyung rolls his eyes, “You’re gunna get us killed, Min.” Yoongi grits his teeth. The kid refuses to call him by his first name, says it’s more formal if he just uses his family name and it pisses Yoongi off more than anything. Taehyung, the little shit, can probably sense that too. “Just stand there and look mysterious and brooding, yeah?”
It’s Yoongi who rolls his eyes now. He grabs the lab instructions as he says, “The professor will bitch at me if I do that, and you know it. At least let me hold something, make it look like I’m doing something.”
Taehyung shrugs and slides over a barely full flask with his stupidly long, slender fingers. Yoongi absolutely ignores how soft they are when they barely brush by Yoongi’s heavily calloused ones, and wills himself to remember skin looks a lot nicer when its cellular matrix is still intact. 
Yoongi is fully able to realise he’s being gross. That it’s probably not a good idea to try and jack off with his roommate just in the other room, but this is why he got an apartment. So he wasn’t in grad school quite yet, but Seokjin had just made up some small lie and they let Yoongi live here well enough. All Seokjin really needs to do is smile and bat his eyelashes and it always has the girls scrambling to do his every will. Guys too, actually. 
Except Yoongi is definitely not thinking about his roommate when he wraps his hand around his stupidly hard cock. In some absolutely ridiculous train of thought, looking at Taehyung’s impeccably neat handwriting on their lab shit had started in Yoongi’s mind a whole swath of erotic situations that just so happened to include his lab partner who always smelled like cinnamon somehow. And Yoongi hates cinnamon, can’t understand why Seokjin puts it in his porridge, in his coffee. It tastes like sugar that’s trying to be spicy, and Yoongi hates it.
He also hates how his breath shudders when he makes the smallest of pumps. In order to get this over with and not entirely hate himself tomorrow when he sees Taehyung in class, he didn’t even bother to grab any lube. He really didn’t need to anyway, what with the embarrassing amount of pre-come leaking out of him already. As he increases speed, he screws his eyes shut and tries to imagine softer hands around him, a long finger circling the head before it barely slips into his slit. It works, partially, when all he can do is buck into his own touch, but he moans both from pleasure and the fact that it’s still his hand and not Taehyung’s. 
He imagines those lips that are probably just as soft curling around Yoongi’s cock, tan cheeks hollowing out and a deep hum filling the space. Because of course Taehyung would be good at giving head, there’s no way he couldn’t be. He always wears ridiculously tight jeans with what Yoongi swears are fucking Gucci loafers, always has them paired with a loose shirt that screams he doesn’t give a fuck. Maybe Yoongi could take it, maybe, but the soft silver hair and stupid fucking earrings that hang delicately from his ears just fucking makes Yoongi lose it. He’s always had it out for pretty boys, and Christ was Taehyung pretty. He wasn’t just pretty, he was gorgeous and hot and everything that Yoongi wants to tear apart right now.
The image of that tall and slender body underneath him as he fucks it thoroughly is what makes Yoongi come. It hits him hard, he actually probably breaks the skin on his lip to avoid making too much noise (even though he probably has already), and he’s left being able to feel his heartbeat in his temples. He stares at the ceiling, unwilling to come to terms with the fact that he’s just jerked off to the image of his fucking classmate, someone he barely knows outside of finding the molar mass of dihydrogen sulfide, begging for release. Yoongi tries to attribute it to the fact that’s it’s been too long since he’s had a good fuck, and that’s what still goes through his mind when he finally moves to clean up.
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