#chocolat symphonia
tosrcountdown · 2 years
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🌠 28 Days Left! 🌠
Our last piece for today is by @thornbriar featuring the chocolate pun-named family behind the Palmacosta shop, Marble's! A younger Chocolat helps both Cacao and Marble set their wares up to promote the upcoming remaster!
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thornbriar · 2 years
Been meaning to make this post: I had the awesome opportunity to take part in the Tales of Symphonia Remaster Countdown which has now passed. I wanted to make a master post on all the works I did:
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Going from top to bottom:
The piece I did for the countdown itself of Marble Chocolat and Cacao running the shop Marble’s
Then all the chibi’s I did for the collaboration on launch day:
Started with Shadow finished with Maxwell and the chibi fever I had in between
Alicia, Kate, Cacao and then the two overworld monster mods which I’ve named their files Blobby and Leg Day respectively
This was awesome and I hope to get to take part in similar events like this in the future
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dany36 · 2 years
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yooooo chocolat and her mom are here!! AND their shop was rebuilt! Cooool! I totally didn’t remember cacao being in the sequel but that’s awesome, chocolat didn’t lose her mom when the giant tree went crazy and she doesn’t hate lloyd. Everyone wins! 😄
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TOS Replay Stray Thoughts #3 (Palmacosta Pt. 1)
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(dang that GIF is a mood, ANYWAY...)
-The Church of Martel was founded by Spiritua...how long ago was that, again? Clearly I'm behind on my TOS lore, 'cause I think I assumed it just popped up thousands of years ago or w/e
-lol I never read the chalkboard signs at the Palmacosta Academy. "Today's Recommendation: Today is just no good"
-what kind of a name is mighty
-or dorr
-or chocolat
-or marble
-you see my point about palmacosta now??? place is weird.
-It's interesting Genis's theme only ever plays in sidequests...and like two times at that. You could say "Secret from the blue sky" is his serious theme.
-Dean: Come back to join our academy when the journey is over
*Party leaves, then reenters room*
-I think Lloyd's "If one sword has a power of 100, then using two will make it 200, right?" logic could've been really funny if it was voiced. Imagine Kratos's exasperation.
-There's a wide imbalance of unvoiced scenes, isn't there? You'd tihnk this wouldn't be a big deal, but at the same time...
A) Even with the use of cel-shading, Tales of Symphonia already looked dated by 2003/2004 standards and the limited animations/pantomiming can't carry themselves without the ranged emotions of voiced dialogue doing the heavy lifting.
B) Whether it's the localization or the original script (maybe both), there's a distinct discrepancy in writing quality between both -- not that the ENG voiced scenes don't have their issues with wordiness/delivery, but the silent scenes slip into basic/juvenile dialogue more often than not. Perhaps because the scriptwriters knew the actors wouldn't be saying unnatural dialogue out loud?
-Again, I'm not the biggest fan of Colette's ditziness even if makes sense thematically (she's lived a very sheltered life raised on nothing but religious propaganda, so it's hardly surprising common knowledge flies over her head), but I find her approach to Sheena very endearing -- she knows her heart isn't into it and wants to know what makes her tick. Lloyd's exasperated, sure, but it's clear he senses the same and I like to think that scene at the House of Salvation is him following Colette's example.
(Going back to femslash, it's very fun to imagine Sheena being disarmed by Colette's sunshine disposition -- to her assassin, of all people! -- to the extent she grows a crush. I'm so attached to Colloyd that pairing them with anyone else feels like cheating, but that may be one I'd like to give a shot.)
-While we're on the topic of the House of Salvation, love the dude who freaks out over Lloyd having the same hairstyle LOL. Little details like this make TOS the best.
-"Are the things lying here things that people don't want anymore?"
...is Koton that bad at preserving his collection? Or do people just toss shit onto his lawn outta spite?
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-...you know, while the "Raine smacking Genis" scenes are still funny, I dunno if they'd fly today. I often envision what a Tales of Symphonia remake would be like and while that'd be an acceptable omission, in considering everything from the bloated, protracted trials and tribulations of modern game development to each successive TOS remaster being worse than the last, I only foresee a monkey's paw just waiting to curl its cruel fingers.
-"This is going to be an arduous battle."
Raine, they're ladybugs.
yeah whatever let me sleep at the inn kthx -Everything about that Magnius scene is just silly. The dude just strutting onto the scene with his mega-cartoonish dreads, the guy standing there spouting exposition while Magnius marches towards him, his crushed neck emitting the tinniest "crushed can" sound effect possible, the rock-throwing kid fleeing by just casually walking away, the first appearance of the out-of-place cutscene Demon Fang...it's a lot.
-"You! You're wanted criminal #0074...Lloyd Irving!"
Hmm, just 73? You'd think more people would run afoul of the Desians' totalitarian rule. Sure, Palmacosta has that Dorr conspiracy going on, and most other towns seem to know to keep their heads down, but how callous they are I'd imagine they're not above "framing" innocent civilians for made-up crimes. At any rate, I wanna know what their story is. (Psst, fanfic peeps -- that's your time to shine!)
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fontasticcrablettes · 2 years
Because there are a lot fewer female party members who are over 18 and female primary antagonists, I think I will open the preliminary voting to major characters, as well. So, the qualifications to be on the roster for the preliminary voting will be: "Female Tales characters over the age of 18 who are either party members, the primary antagonist, or a major supporting character, from a mothership Tales game."
This is where I need your help! For the games I'm familiar with (Symphonia, Abyss, Graces, Vesperia, Xillias, Zestiria, Berseria, Arise, and sort of Legendia) I know who the characters are. For the other games, I'd appreciate if people send me an ask (or reply here) to let me know who the major supporting women are in the other games.
For an example of what I mean:
Symphonia: Pronyma and Martel, not Kate or Chocolat
Abyss: Legretta, not Nephry
Xillia: Muzet and Presa, not Driselle or Karla Outway
Those side characters can still be written-in on the actual survey! I'm just not looking for their names right now. I'm just trying to flesh out the roster with 1 or 2 more characters per game since the guys' poll had an average of 3 party party members + final boss per game.
So let me know which 1 or 2 woman you would suggest for the other mothership titles. You can also suggest names for the games I'm familiar with, because I may be forgetting people.
Also: does Fractured Milla get her own listing?
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crush3dmary · 1 year
9, 10 and 21!
Again, this is for the "choose violence" ask game, I'm just really late responding. I'll do these for symphonia since we share that fandom. Let's get mad!
9. worst part of canon
I think with symphonia specifically they tried to fit "too much" in but because of the restraints of the platform they couldn't follow up on a lot of it. I would have liked to see more of the villains and side characters - more grand cardinals, Kate, Chocolat, Marble, etc and I do wish we could see this game remade with Miyajima's full vision.
10. worst part of fanon
People in their 30s who perpetuate ship wars in the year of our lord 2023. If you know you know.
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
Kratos. I really should love Kratos because I have a thing for sad bois but I honestly find his character to be overhyped and not particularly interesting to me.
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frayed-symphony · 3 years
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Idol Colloyd AU based on an idea with @likes-words-and-shrimp​ !
Lloyd Irving went from Youtube star playing covers on video to going live on the big stage. He’s from out in the country and feels a little lost in the glittering world of showbiz. 
Colette Brunel on the other hand has finally moved on from her pop-idol group to more freely sing what she wants and is right at home in the big city where she tours and promotes her new album as a solo artist.
A closer look at their instagram posts since I spent a lot of time on these;
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You can read the start of their story here!
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ottos-art-stash · 2 years
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Thus the Marble Trauma Spiral™ continues
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lloydart · 3 years
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Close-ups of my Colette Brunel fake social media posts for idol AU
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brave-symphonia · 3 years
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I get the feeling even with Genis fully explaining Chocolat still would’ve made the same choice. Magnius isn’t helping the situation though.
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That said, I always found this decision weird. Like it’s fine to be mad at Lloyd, but maybe at least escape first? I guess she is dealing with a lot right at this moment. There’s also the fact that this plotline is wrapped up too neatly. Next time Lloyd meets her she’s already forgiven him.
I think they could have had Lloyd meet her in the Iselia ranch and then maybe there’s a few scenes where she is shown warming up to him. I’m not entirely sure.
I think this scene is somewhat good still on its own. I just feel like it fails a little bit on their next meeting.
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tosrcountdown · 2 years
TOSR Countdown Compilation & Navigation
With the Tales of Symphonia Remastered Countdown fully completed, we’ve made a small navigation post of all creations made for fans to look through! These include all 31 days, with each day having multiple entries. You can check out the links below under the “Keep Reading” for each day and the works that were made for it. These have also been divided into characters and fanwork types! (This may be updated in the future).
Also, we will be reblogging posts from our contributors that they made for the countdown in the coming days. Please be sure to give them support! Thank you all again for a great Symphonia event!
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Release Day!
Fanwork Type
Fan Music
Main Party Characters
Lloyd Irving
Colette Brunel
Genis Sage
Raine Sage
Kratos Aurion
Zelos Wilder
Sheena Fujibayashi
Presea Combatir
Regal Bryant
Major Side Characters
Yuan Ka-Fai
Martel Yggdrasill
Mithos Yggdrasill
Seles Wilder
Alicia Combatir
The Grand Cardinals (Pronyma, Rodyle, Kvar, Magnius, Forcystus)
Minor Characters and NPCs
Wonder Chef
Frank Brunel
The Renegades/Desians
Anna Irving
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lostherlemons · 7 years
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i’ve never really seen much fanart for the minor characters, but i’ve always really loved their backstories and roles in the story, however minor they might have been.
so.. i’ve taken it upon myself to give my favorite symphonia npcs some of the love and attention they deserve!!!! (•̀ᴗ•́)و 
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goron-king-darunia · 3 years
Annon-Guy: How different would the original Symphonia's story go if Emil/Ratatosk, Marta and Richter were part of the group back than, helping them against the Desians and Mithos?
Honestly, this is a really hard thing to answer. They existed during the Symphonia timeline, they just didn't participate in the main story. So we honestly have every reason to believe not much if anything would have changed except with the possibility of Ratatosk since, well, no one knew where to look for him at that time and I don't imagine Aster speed running that discovery since the only reason they started looking was because the climate was weird when the planet came back together all jumbled. If they had somehow stumbled upon Ratatosk their own way, either we would have gotten a redemption speedrun because Lloyd and Colette have plot armor and would have been able to keep him under control or we would have gotten some, like, devastating calamity way earlier because someone "important" would have died. Or they would have had to invent another underappreciated redshirt like Aster to take the bullet. I think if we saw DotNW's cast in Symphonia, we likely would have gotten mostly side-character reference and not much else because I think trying to involve them would not only have made the DotNW we got impossible (i.e. Marta couldn't have a reason to hate Colette if she was there with Colette when the tree went rampant. She would know how and why it happened. Emil would have to be the Real Emil Castagnier and it would remove some of the suspense and mystery from DotNW because if the changed appearance didn't give it away the unjustified hatred for Lloyd would because in non-game material I think we got to see the real Emil's journal and he made one last entry when the Blood Purge began and he seemed really confused that Lloyd, a guy he knew as a hero, would be terrorizing town. If DotNW had followed Real Emil, I think he would have been more confused and sad than angry after the blood purge. It would be more "Why would Lloyd attack Palmacosta and kill my parents? That doesn't make sense for such a hero. What made him change, and why did he attack MY parents?" Since Ratatosk/Emil didn't know Lloyd the way the Real Emil did, he had no framework for what a hero Lloyd was before. He has no attachment to the heroic image of Lloyd. That's part of why DotNW's Emil is so easily able to just hate Lloyd. He's not conflicted. He only knows Lloyd as "The person who killed my parents but everyone treats as a hero." and not "Lloyd, the former hero, who for some reason went out of his way to kill my parents." Richter I can't see as having a role in Symphonia 1 given how the half-elves are still either running human ranches and making everyone terrified or subjugated and exploited basement scientists under the thumb of Sybak Research Academy. If Richter had any role at all, it would probably be something akin to Kate's role. Helping the party but ultimately being a side character of little note. Which honestly would rob from his presence in DotNW or at least not add to it. Most people's favorite character from Symphonia isn't Kate or Chocolat or even Marble, even though they all have roles to play. Most people barely remember Virginia Sage is alive because she's so easy to miss and forget about. So anyone who did remember Richter, would probably be like "This guy is the villain now? Why? Why does this dude get the spotlight, he didn't do anything in the last game." Aster would probably end up being the same way. I doubt Aster would leave Richter all alone to go galavanting around Sylvarant with the heroes. And if he did, honestly he'd probably just end up being another Colette since they have similar sunny personalities and I doubt Symphonia would be able to do much with him since he doesn't have any special battle skills that would look cool and doesn't fill a role that Sheena, Zelos, or Regal aren't already fulfilling. Marta could theoretically fit but like I said it would get in the way of her character motivation in DotNW. But I'm not sure what she has that's unique that she could contribute since Raine is already a healer and the Vanguard isn't a thing yet, so a lot of her insight that was helpful in DotNW doesn't exist
yet. As a whole, I think putting the DotNW cast in Symphonia wouldn't work all that well because, well, it's not their story. Similar to how the Symphonia cast doesn't add much to the DotNW story because, again, it's mostly not their story. Now that doesn't mean it wouldn't have been AWESOME to see them interract. Richter as a broody young man getting carted around with his best bud Aster because he and Aster somehow have some special knowlege of, like, the history of Kharlan or something? That could be fun, but that requires a whole new thing added to the main story. Marta getting to join up because she knows a lot about the ancient history of the Sylvarant Dynasty? That could be neat. Emil being brought into the fold because as a native of a fishing village he's just, like, ridiculously good at fishing? That would be awesome. But these are all things that wouldn't necessarily be integral to the main game. Lloyd is the hero. He's just always right by virtue of optimism and plot armor. He has to be there. His dad is a smith and his other dad is an angel, so both those connections also help. Colette is necessary because she's Lloyd's motivation. She's sympathetic and gives the player someone to want to save. Her luck and power as the chosen and an angel and a pure maiden are all benefits to the party. Raine is a healer, is smart, and has extensive knowledge of ruins and can work most of the tech in the game. Her memory of the otherworldly gate is useful and contextualizes a gameplay element for the player. Genis is a best friend support type, a magic user, a half-elf, and sympathetic to Marble and later to Mithos. He not only affirms Lloyd's belief that everyone is worth saving and keeps Lloyd grounded and motivated but he's also useful for understanding the motivations of the bad guys. Sheena is a summoner, and the summon spirits are very important to the story and saving the world, but she also represents the anxieties of Tethe'alla, worried about the end of their prosperity. Zelos has power he never asked for, a testament to the broken system of Chosens and their purpose. He has connections as a political and spiritual leader as he has connections to the King and to the Pope. Regal has monetary connections, knows what it means to sacrifice, is unbelievably strong, but honestly, he's probably the least special person in the group. Presea knows her way around charms, sneaks the party into places they have to get to even before she regains her senses, and is basically living proof of why Mithos's misguided attempt to create a race of lifeless beings is stupid. Kratos has connections to basically everything, even if he's a betrayer, and is ultimately the reason Lloyd is even able to pact with Origin which is one of the final keys in the game. I feel like you could work fishing master Emil, historian Richter, scientist Aster, and distant heir to a dead dynasty Marta in to Symphonia, but a lot of Symphonia was written around the specific characters it needed for the story. So not only do I think it robs them of their rightful places as centerpieces of their own stories in DotNW, but it's also just trying to cram too much extra into Symphonia. Aster, Richter, and Colette being friends would be great though. (And Rilena too, honestly.) I think their personalities would play off Richter nicely and just... 3 blonds all dragging a grumpy redhead around and he'll never admit he likes it even though he absolutely does is, like, very wholesome. Marta, Colette, and Presea just being animal nerd geeks would be great too. Emil I'm not sure on because DotNW Emil isn't real Emil and IDK enough about what real Emil likes to know who he'd be friends with. But Ratatosk getting a defaut support system and getting to actually confront Mithos? Holy hell. That would be a game, man. But I don't think it could happen since the only reason Aster went looking for Ratatosk was because of the messed up climate and I'm not sure if Ratatosk could even be awake with the planet separated. But boy howdy that would be interesting. So while I
don't think there is any one answer and while I don't think it's entirely possible to put the DotNW cast we know and love into Symphonia without changing a lot, it IS fun to think about. But I honestly think it would not only make the first game too crowded and messy but would take away some of how special it was to meet Richter, Emil, Ratatosk, Marta and the rest of the DotNW cast in DotNW. Besides, it sucked enough to see Genis have to struggle with fighting against a fellow half-elf. Imagine teen angst Richter having to do it too.
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thisominousblog · 6 years
lets do the obvious Tales of Symphonia for series meme
Bless and Thank
Favorite character: Regal Bryant and Zelos Wilder (The Wonder Chef!!!)
Worst character: Chocolat
OTP: ngl I get highly passionate about a lot of the ships in this game, and that could be a long, long conversation on its own
NOTP: Regal/Raine or Regal/Presea tbh
Greatest emotional moment: “When it comes down to it, my body starts shaking... I don't want you to see me looking pathetic in the end...”“Farewell, my shadow.”
Most excitable moment: I found the skit of Regal and Cookie after I’d developed how I thought Regal would handle being hit on. I was hyped af to see I’d gotten it right. So I go insane every time about that.
Favorite series trope: Everyone critizing Yuan for being old fashioned despite the fact that he probably started every trend they’re laughing at him for using. (Beach outfits!!!!!!!!)
Series pet peeve: Do not like Alicia looking like a child and the associated foolish opinions people form about Regal.
Opinion on the writing: I think they had a really strong story and compelling characters. I feel like more insight into the Grand Cardinals would really be excellent. I know there is some good stuff about them out of the game, but it would’ve strengthened a lot.
Overall review of series: Symphonia is my Tales game and because of how I was introduced, the way the fandom was when I started RPing, and the friends I’ve had for years because of it, it’s one of my favorite video games and one of the most important works of fiction to me.
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acekatherineplumber · 8 years
Can’t sleep, time for get to know the blogger (aka Elphie)!
Angelic Pretty Questions
Sugary Carnival: Have you ever been considered popular? HAHAHAHAHAHAHANO. More like the opposite where nobody liked me and everyone teased me. Still happens to a degree, especially with the first part. Milky Planet: Besides earth, what planet would you come from?  HD 189733b. It rains glass there. Rose Toilette: Your signature perfume?  I have this raspberry perfume oil from The Body Shop that I really like. I don’t know if I would call it signature though. Whimsical Vanilla-chan: What pets do you have/want to have? I have three cats at home, but I want 5 of my own later. Marine Kingdom: Favourite undersea creature? Mythical? Kraken. Proven to exist? Octopus. Dreamy Dollhouse: Describe your room with just 5 words. Lonely, cozy, bright, book-filled, neat (I live in a single dorm room) Melty Chocolate: Favourite type of chocolate? Dark, although I don’t eat a lot of chocolate Sugar Dream Dome: What do you like most about Winter? Christmas and cute scarves Milky Berry: What do you like most about Summer? No SAD, easier to see people Happy Garden: What types of things would you plant in a garden? Mint, strawberries, irises, and sunflowers! Magical Étoile:  Favourite attraction at a carnival? I don’t really like carnivals all that much. I’ll go, but there are other things that I’d rather do. Toy Parade: What toys did you play with as a child? Barbies and toy kitchen stuff. I read more than I did that though. Holy Lantern: Describe the darker side to your personality. Angry (it takes a lot for the real anger to come out), manipulative, spiteful, impatient, and selfish Melody Doll: What types of music do you listen to? Broadway, Disney, heavy metal, etc.  Wonder Party: Favourite type of tea? Pretty much everything but rooibos. I like pomegranate raspberry and herbal mint the most if we’re talking flavors. Glass Bottle of Tears: What, without fail, makes you cry? My friends getting hurt Cinema Doll: What makes a movie really enjoyable for you? No unnecessary romance Memorial Cake: What is your ideal romantic experience? Ew. None. Star Night Theatre: If life was viewed as a theatre stage, what role would you play? Stage manager. You don’t see them, but they run the show. Cotton Candy Shop: If you had your own shop, what things would you sell? Allergy free-baked goods! Decoration Dream: Favourite way to decorate a cake? Icing flowers! Big ones! Fancy Box: What gift(s) did you get for your birthday last year? Honestly, I don’t actually remember. The only thing I really remember is that @lovethefutureisthine bought me a cupcake. I do remember that I actually bought her a stuffed bat. Misty Sky: What is your favourite type of weather? Either rainy or 75 degrees and sunny. No inbetween. Dreamy Horoscope: What is your zodiac sign, and do you relate to it? I was supposed to be born under Virgo, but I was actually born under Leo. I find that different traits from each correspond to my personality. Symphonia of Birds: Favourite type of bird? FLAMINGO. Day Dream Carnival: What do you daydream about the most?  I try not to daydream. Daydreams distract from making dreams a reality Royal Cards: Name a game you are really good at. Gin. It’s my favorite card game. Milky Cross: Are you a religious person? Nope. Atheist. Cream Cookie: What kinds of snacks do you munch on? Soy yogurt, apples and peanut butter, carrots, kale, etc. Drained Cherry: What emotionally exhausts you? Large parties. Fancy Paper Dolls: What accessories would come with a doll version of you? Travel mug, laptop, ear buds, and a copy of Les Mis Holy Night Story: Favourite thing to do when it’s night time? Listen to podcasts. Candy Treat: Favourite type of candy? Starbursts, watermelon Jolly Ranchers, Heath Bars Fantastic Dolly: What cosmetics do you use? Maybelline, Covergirl, Besame, and Urban Decay Drink Me: Favourite drink/beverage? Tea Merry Making Party: Describe the biggest party you’ve ever been to. Lots of parties thrown by my parents’ friends. No one my age. Full of old people. Country of Sweets: What countries would you like to visit? France, England, Germany, Italy, Japan Fruits Parlour: Favourite fruit? ALL OF THEM. Okay, probably kiwi?  Dream Sky: Have you ever seen a shooting star? Yes! Soap Bubbles: How do you like to bathe/shower? Lots of nice smelling scrubs and soap and hair stuff! Jewelry Jelly: Name 3 of your favourite jewellery pieces. My Les Mis cockade, ace ring, and a butterfly necklace from my best friend. I don’t wear jewelry a lot. I’m picky about jewelry and it gets in the way. Dream Fantasy: What is your wildest fantasy?   I don’t really have one. Going to Paris, maybe? Milky-chan the Fawn: Favourite forest animal? Bats!  Honey Cake: What do you normally eat for breakfast? I don’t have time for breakfast, but some mornings my school makes chia seed pudding and that’s really good. Dreamy Baby Room: The most childish part of your personality? I’m impatient and selfish. I also like to color and watch old kid movies. Chess Chocolate: What piece would you be on a chess board? Queen. Calculating, moving around in any way I need to, but not openly attacking until the time is right. French Cafe: Favourite thing to eat at a patisserie? Pain au chocolat! Sugar Hearts: How is your love life right now? Romantic? Ew. No. Platonic? Uhh no comment? Wonder Story: What types of things do you like to read about? People who are emotonally strong, princesses, adventurers, books with queer protagonists where the plot isn’t about them coming out or having to hide. Twinkle Mermaid: Favourite type of fantasy creature? Dragon or mermaid. I also like fairies. Gloria: Name a very rare item that you would love to own. I’d like a signed Harry Potter book one day. Hopefully Order of the Phoenix because it’s my favorite, but I’ll take any of them.
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frayed-symphony · 4 years
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Sketches of the Symphonia cast for something fun that I’m still planning out
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