#choi jiann
hanakotsugumi · 2 years
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I miss you (
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gh0stbra1nz · 4 years
jiann x male reader
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request: You're a K-Pop-centred Youtuber who occassionally does collaboration videos with idols. During the promotion period of Newkidd's latest release, Come, Jaewoo and you are set to do a video together during which you'll do one another's make-up.
note: hey bud. first of all, thanks for being my first request! i don't know newkidd super well and i don't know a thing about make-up but i did some research and tried my best lol. i hope it's alright!
word count: 2.6k
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Room tidied, filming set-up prepared, lighting adjusted; [Y/N] had readied everything for the arrival of Newkidd's member Choi Jaewoo, also known as Jiann, and yet he was still fidgeting with the unbuttoned sleeve-edges of his baby blue shirt.
It was a typical video, that which he would be filming that day. He had done it a handful of times already, once his Youtube channel had really begun to grow in popularity and his offers to small entertainment companies for collaborations were accepted. [Y/N] had done this before, but nonetheless, the idea of meeting Jaewoo in person was something that brought upon him a strong sense of giddiness.
[Y/N] had been following Newkidd's activities as a rookie group for some months already and had quickly developed a low simmering crush on the very member he'd be filming with that day.
It was therefore on that high of utter excitement and nervousness that once Jaewoo himself had finally arrived, naturally glowing and somehow even more handsome than [Y/N] remembered, that the youtuber's behaviour morphed into one of a skittish hyper-activity, desperately trying to come off as calm whilst they introduced themselves.
Not much time was allowed to trickle by with their minimal conversation before [Y/N] had to get to work and the camera beeped to show it had begun filming.
Jaewoo gave his second small bow to [Y/N] prior to sitting, a broad yet somewhat awkward smile on his face. [Y/N] was determined, however, for this to not be a negative experience for the young idol.
Sloppily rolling up his sleeves, [Y/N] went to stand behind Jaewoo's chair, bare lips pulled into a happy smile and hands softly clapping down onto the other man's shoulders, mildly startling him.
"Hi!" [Y/N] cheerfully greeted his eventual audience, sight directed into the camera.
At his exclamation, Jaewoo curiously peered up at him, a baffled grin adorning his face.
"Oh, we're filming?"
His voice itself was melodic, [Y/N] came to realise, somehow a blend of soft and deep. That thought in itself though, also made him realise how much he was blindly infatuated by the man.
"Yeah," [Y/N] confirmed, cutting off his own wonderings, "We're going straight into it! Introduce yourself to the viewers."
Jaewoo nodded, quickly facing forward and flashing a winning smile.
"Hello, I'm Newkidd's Choi Jiann!"
"Mhm, and you guys know I'm [Y/N], your local mess of a fanboy!" He took the opportunity to lightly squeeze Jaewoo's shoulders, prior to letting his hands drag as he moved to instead stand abreast the idol, "You know what we'll be doing today, right Jiann?"
The black-head's lips momentarily pursed, his expression playfully twisting into one of pondering.
"Something related to make-up?"
[Y/N] chuckled, tilting his head in agreement.
"Well my desk is, in fact, currently covered by palettes and brushes, so that was a calculated guess," He allowed himself a quick glance down at the man, finding him to be already gazing up with a keen smile. [Y/N]'s heart skipped a beat.
"Today will be really fun, and quite possibly a disaster, because after I do your make-up you'll be doing mine!" He paused, squatting slightly so that he and Jaewoo were at the same height, eyes locking at what [Y/N] decided to call a safe-risky distance. "Have you ever done make-up before?"
Jaewoo belatedly shook his head, a light laugh bubbling past his lips.
"Never, I'm afraid."
[Y/N] offered an almost timid smirk.
"Honoured to be your first," He cheekily replied, tossing in a wink for good measure, prior to straightening himself and already reaching for some wipes.
The idol seemingly had no qualms about the joke, merely chuckling as the tips of his ears very faintly dusted pink.
"Alright, so, let's get started and in the meantime you can tell us about yourself or whatever else you like."
[Y/N] got to work with wiping the other's minimal make-up off, being careful to be gentle but to also let his touch linger across the expanse of his cheeks and wide chin. Jaewoo spoke rather stiffly at first, giving a status-quo introduction of himself as a member of Newkidd whilst continuously peeking at the youtuber, wanting to take a glance at the look of concentration that had settled upon the younger's face.
"Your skin is gorgeous," [Y/N] stated once Jaewoo had briefly paused, and the compliment brought on a stronger blush than the previous one, now possibly a shade of pink on his ears that could be evidently seen on video.
"Thank you," He gingerly murmured, and [Y/N] couldn't help but admire the way Jaewoo looked up at him with a bashful smile.
"I'm thinking - since you have black hair - we should go for a sultry type of look," [Y/N] eventually states, pulling away and setting down his wipes, "Smokey eyes, red-tinted lips, that kind of stuff. What do you think?"
Jaewoo simply nodded, more than willing to go along with [Y/N]'s plan as the other must have certainly known what he was doing, considering the following he'd been informed the youtuber had. Then again, perhaps it was also due to the fact that [Y/N] looked really cute with his blue shirt and ruffled [h/c] hair and Jaewoo would most likely agree to anything should it leave the younger's mouth.
"Perfect. So I'll apply some toner, which helps with any dry patches you might have," [Y/N] squeezed some into his palm, "This is more out of habit though, seeing as how your skin is literally as beautiful as the rest of you."
Jaewoo didn't get the chance to reply before delicate hands were patting and rubbing along the curves of his face, making his breath catch in his throat and his dark eyes lock with those already staring back at him. [Y/N] offered a warm smile.
"Next, I'll put on just a bit of lotion and we can get to work on your look."
Jaewoo thickly swallowed, head tilted up at a better angle for the artist to work. "Okay," He said, to show he was listening.
"Right, so you guys had a comeback a couple weeks ago, didn't you?" [Y/N] asked, instigating a conversation for while he did what he needed to. Jaewoo quickly caught on, humming.
"Yeah, on the 28th," He replied, then briefly looking to the camera, "It's called Come. Please support it a lot."
[Y/N] nodded, "You really should check it out, the song's a banger and they all looked super great in the video."
Jaewoo dipped his head that was liberated from [Y/N]'s hands as he wiped them clean. "Thank you," he spoke and proceeded to watch as said male fiddled around with his boxes, intrigued.
"Apart from your own," [Y/N] had turned to show he held a square box of sorts in one hand and a brush in the other, "have there been other comebacks you liked? Ah, and this is just some foundation I'll be applying now."
"Oh, there are lots of talented senior artists with really good music this month, like Got7's You Calling My Name and EXO's Obsession," Jaewoo answered, attempting to ease his pulse that repeatedly quickened whenever [Y/N] dipped in particularly close.
It was strange, because Jaewoo had had his make-up done countless of times and his body had never reacted such a way. Perhaps this was different because [Y/N] was a guy, who just so happened to be very attractive.
[Y/N] let out a sound of agreement, startling Jaewoo from his thoughts about him.
"Yeah, those were awesome," He brought the brush along Jaewoo's left cheek, gently dragging it straight down then to blend in the powder, "Even Jessi and Victon delivered this month." He lifted his gaze to that of the idol's that was intent on him, and he quirked a playful brow when he saw Jaewoo to be dazed enough to answer in delay.
Giving the final strokes, [Y/N] leaned away again and changed the box with another, clicking it open and analysing the colour for an instant before swapping it for a different one.
"Now I'll be applying some light blush mixed with highlighter, just to give some colour to your face."
After having said so, [Y/N] proceeded to mix the two, tapping his brush to bring the excess to fall into the lid. Of the hand that held the box, he freed his index finger to gently nudge Jaewoo's head upwards by his chin, their faces once more closer than necessary and causing a spark to continuously flow in the air between them.
"We'll put some on your cheeks, nose and chin so as to better define your facial structure," [Y/N] murmured in explanation, pulling his eyes away to focus on the way the soft bristles of his brush swept over Jaewoo's smooth skin.
"So, Jiann, what do you like to do in your free time?"
The question seemingly caught the idol off-guard for he rapidly blinked himself awake from his unfocused state, sight momentarily dropping to [Y/N]'s hands that had since closed the box and begun grazing over his desk, clearly in search of a specific palette.
"I play the piano sometimes and listen to music, but other than that I spend a lot of time with my members."
[Y/N] hummed, eyes directed upon the box he'd picked up, studying the colours.
"I didn't know you played," He said, and Jaewoo was oddly happy to see that the youtuber had finally looked to him again, "I'd love to hear you one day."
Jaewoo instantly smiled, quickly nodding, "I'll make it that you do."
The eager response made [Y/N] chuckle, a fond upturn to his own lips as he adjusted his grip on the fine brush he held.
"You can't go back on your word now, it's on camera!"
"I promise, [Y/N], I'll play for you."
A pregnant pause ensued, Jaewoo's flush returning at full strength after he processed what he'd said, and [Y/N]'s heart beat wildly against his ribs.
"I'll look forward to it then," He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip, briefly biting on it before smiling.
"Okay, now I'll begin doing your eyes. We're going for a dark look: black eyeshadow blended into deep purple at the end, with a fine liner along your top lids and at the edges of your bottom ones."
Jaewoo nodded, raising his head without needing to be told to, and [Y/N] mumbled a quick "Thanks," before leaning in and beginning his work.
They stayed silent for a while, but Jaewoo didn't mind. He took the chance to watch the male from up close when he could and obediently shut his eyes when he had to. There was something careful and precise about the way [Y/N] did his make-up that was different from how the staff his group had usually did.
"Alright, open," [Y/N] ordered, "I need to work on the bottom."
Doing as told, Jaewoo allowed his lids to part and flutter open, [Y/N]'s [e/c] eyes glimmering with focus as they bore into the idol's own. He sharply inhaled.
The remaining minute seemed to be a time of stand-still, both passing too quickly and too slowly, their close proximity bringing the two males to shyness.
"We're almost done," [Y/N] quietly stated, in a way akin to a warning, "I'll put some red balm on the inner parts of your lips and blend it out with gloss."
Jaewoo mutedly nodded, heart still thrumming in his ears even after [Y/N] had momentarily distanced himself.
He blinked and the warm hold of [Y/N]'s index and thumb was back on his chin, holding his head and forcing their gazes to meet.
"Part your lips a bit."
And Jaewoo did, watched as the other carefully applied the colour to his mouth and held his breath until it was over.
"All done!" [Y/N] eventually announced, beaming, "I didn't think you could look any hotter and yet, here you are."
Jaewoo dipped his head, attempting to ward off his flattered smile and flustered blush.
"Here's a mirror," [Y/N] said, handing him a circular one prior to stepping aside, allowing him to properly look at the artist's work, "Thoughts?"
The idol spent a few seconds taking in his new appearance, a look he hadn't really tried out yet, and found that the heavier make-up suited him more than he'd initially expected.
"It looks great, thank you," He told [Y/N], looking up at him with a fondness in his eyes that made the younger's chest warm.
"Well, I didn't have to do much, you're naturally good-looking," [Y/N] set a hand upon the man's shoulder, a gleeful smile stretching across his face, "Now that you like your look though, you have to promise to make mine just as good!"
Jaewoo chuckled, playfully shrugging as his left hand went to rub at the nape of his neck.
"No promises, but I'll do my best."
With the timid affirmation, [Y/N] went ahead and fetched a wide headband to push back his [h/c] hair and make it easier for the idol - temporarily-turned-rookie-make-up-artist - to do his work.
Swapping seats, [Y/N] allowed himself to sink into the padded chair and peered up at Jaewoo, smiling. Jaewoo couldn't help but think that he looked adorable with his mussed up hair and supple cheeks.
"You don't have to do the skincare part," [Y/N] stated, vaguely gesticulating towards where he'd left the toner and lotion, on a corner of his desk, "Do you have an idea for a look in mind?"
Jaewoo paused, contemplated, because no, he hadn't thought of anything because he was too distracted by [Y/N]. He looked at the younger's pale shirt and grey jeans, and an idea came to mind.
"Maybe peach or pink colours?"
He was afraid the suggestion was a stupid one, he wasn't experienced after all, but [Y/N] bobbed his head in agreement, lips still smiling.
"Sounds good!" He leaned forward, found palettes of colours that fit the spectrum Jaewoo wanted, and set them in front of the idol, "Here's everything you'll need. Do your best, Jiann!"
The idol quickly got to work, spending more time than most simply to choose the shades he wanted and even more so being perplexed about which brushes were best to use.
At his confused pout accompanied by a frown, [Y/N] chuckled, finally lifting a hand to point at one of the finer brushes.
"This will be the easiest to use."
Jaewoo gave a grateful nod, too shy to speak as he came to realise that he must have appeared to be a fish out of water.
"You don't have too worry too much," [Y/N] said, attempting to put the man at ease, "I trust you'll do just fine."
With nervous hands and a speeding pulse, Jaewoo immersed himself into his work, making sure to do as well as he could and even mimic what he could recall [Y/N] having done on him. The youtuber found it endearing how seriously the idol was taking such a playful task and didn't want to disturb him in any way, only scarcely speaking up.
By the end of it, Jaewoo had given [Y/N]'s eyes a peach-coloured tone, his lips a light pink gloss, and his cheeks a dust of rose; he even went as far as carefully adding glitter along the high curves of [Y/N]'s cheekbones.
He took a step back and smiled, meeting the younger's eyes with somewhat pride and admiration.
"It's not as great as your work, but you still look really handsome, [Y/N]."
i had no fucking idea how to end it and i was afraid it would get too long so i trimmed the end down a bit. i'm sorry if it wasn't all that great, i'll do my best to improve.
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me-evil-never · 4 years
Jflo: upload a post for seungchans bd
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neo-crackhead-tech · 4 years
Idol Mistreatment Alert: Newkidd vs J-FLO Entertainment
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Newkidd is a rookie group which debued in 2019 with their single “Tu Eres” and had a comeback with another single, “Come.” So I just found out that J-FLO Entertainent has been mistreating/overworking their idols and 3 of 7 members of Newkidd have been hospitalized for months now. One of those members is none other than Ji Hansol, famous former SM Entertainment/SM Rookies trainee, who almost debued with NCT. The other members are Choi Jiann, and Kang Seungchan. This is a serious matter and should not be taken lightly. I mean they have been inactive/missing for MONTHS. I know Ji Hansol did not escape the clutches of SM Entertainment just to join a shitter company that mistreats/overworks their idols to the point of hospitalization. Now if you have any respect for idols as a Kpop fan, if you stan Newkidd, heck even if you knew of or liked Hansol from his SM Rookies days, then please spread awareness and wish for the boys’ safety and health.
Check out the article below for more details:
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09lumiere · 5 years
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♡➴ ji hansol color layouts. ♡ ˎˊ˗
♡ ┊ like or reblog if you save/use
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kpopmultifan · 5 years
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Rookie boy group NewKidd has released individual teaser images of Hwi, Choi Jiann, & Kang Seungchan for their upcoming 2nd single album “Come.”
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fuvyvyuuyvuvv · 5 years
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NewKidd released individual teaser images of each member for their upcoming 2nd single album “Come.”
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shin-woochul · 5 years
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kpoptimeout · 5 years
Rookie boy group Newkidd debuts in the unique sounding “Tu eres” MV!
Are you glad to finally see former SMROOKIE Ji Hansol debuting?
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caelari · 5 years
so i've made a point of sitting down and listening to some of the recent debuts, and i really like 1team's vibe and newkidd's tu eres and bvndit's hocus pocus so like...... y'all should check them out and give them some love if you haven't already
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hanakotsugumi · 4 years
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Jiann: Have you seen my son Hwi? He's about this short, clearly gay, but we haven't had the talk yet
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boygroupinsta · 6 years
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181219 / jflo_newkidd: 오늘 뉴키드 '겨울의 찻집' 일일 바리스타 변신!!! 함께 해주셔서 정말 즐겁고 행복했어요😊💓 . #Newkidd #뉴키드 #Jihansol #지한솔#Jinkwon #진권 #Yunmin #윤민 #Woochul#우철 #Hwi #휘 #Choijiann #최지안 #겨울의찻집 #Cafe #릴리앤폴 #바리스타 #커피
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shy-nee-universe · 5 years
Newkidd 뉴키드 [Tu eres (뚜에레스)] MV
I didn't know this group. I like this song and the MV. It's nice ^^
Thanks YT and their recommandation ;)
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kimmoonkwon · 6 years
Newkidd fic requests
I'll take any requests for any member (x reader or x member)
I can do full novelas, drabbles, or imagines, etc
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newkiddupdates · 6 years
BOYBOYBOY: Newkidd 2nd Preview Album | 180725 Release
title: left hand artist: newkidd02 album: boyboyboy
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