#choi san hogwarts au
lilacmingi · 6 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Slytherin!San x Slytherin!fem reader
Word count: 6,000
Note: Brief cameo from Jooyeon (Xdinary Heroes) <3 Reminder that this is an imagine from my Wattpad from 2023 so there will not be extra parts or continuations
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You and your friends started heading off the quidditch field, walking back towards the school when a voice called out to you.
"Hey, Y/n!"
Knowing who the voice belonged to, you turned expectantly to the dimpled Slytherin standing a few feet away wearing his quidditch uniform proudly.
"What is it, San?"
"Did you see me play today?" He questioned breathlessly.
"I did."
"I was pretty good, wasn't I?"
"You were sub-par."
"Sub-par?" He echoed with a scoff. "I'm the seeker, that's like one of the most important roles on the team. I control the whole game."
"For a seeker, you sure aren't finding much."
San's jaw dropped. "I played very well today."
"But you didn't catch the snitch." You pointed out.
"I-" He paused. "I was having a rough day."
"Right." You nodded and turned to leave.
"Hey!" He called to you, making you stop once more. "You know, the championship game is coming up next week. If we win it, will you go on a date with me then?"
The air between the both of you was quiet for a moment until an idea popped into your head and you smirked, deciding to humor him and play along.
"Tell you what, if you catch the golden snitch, I'll go on a date with you."
You could see a look of determination on his face as his shoulders straightened, his eyes sparkling. "Alright."
"Alright." You respond with finality before turning around and leaving the quidditch field.
You weren't concerned in the slightest about your little bargain with San, you knew he wouldn't catch the snitch so you had nothing to worry about.
San on the other hand, took your bet very seriously and planned to work as hard as he could to make sure the quidditch cup trophy belonged to Slytherin.
7 days until quidditch championship
Your textbook landed with a heavy thud on your desk as you set it down, dropping into your seat with a heavy sigh. The empty chair beside you was soon filled by a bright-eyed San who seemed far too upbeat for someone who was up at 9 AM.
"Morning, Y/n."
"Morning, San." You greeted with less enthusiasm than him.
"I'm gonna go to the quidditch field after school to practice. You wanna come watch?"
"No thank you."
San's nonstop efforts to win you over were incredibly annoying, not to mention futile. No matter how much disinterest you showed, it was never enough to push him away.
"Your loss." He sighed, leaning back in his seat and propping his feet on the desk. "I'm going to practice as much as I can. I plan to catch that golden snitch. Just you wait."
"Mr. Choi, feet off the desk." The professor scolded as she strode into the classroom.
"Sorry." He murmured.
You didn't actually think he was going to succeed, not that you thought he was incapable but because catching the golden snitch is a hard task no matter how good of a player you are, so the chances were fairly low.
"You know, there are plenty of empty seats in this classroom." You pointed out.
"Yeah, but I wanted to sit next to you."
"Of course you did." You mumbled under your breath.
To your relief, class began shortly so you wouldn't have to worry about San bothering you for at least three hours. Normally, you'd be upset about having double hours, which is for students in higher grades, but considering this three hour class will keep you from being pestered by San, you're thankful for it, at least for today.
5 days until quidditch championship
Your quill moved smoothly across your parchment as you scribbled down notes for potions class, listing the ingredients for the Blemish Blitzer and Calming Draught potions as your professor spoke. He was talking about all sorts of different potions, telling everyone what they were used for and what was needed to make each potion. You were listening intently, finding some of them to be very useful. There was a potion for calming anxiety, alleviating coughs, and even one to make the drinker drowsy; that last one might come in handy on nights when you can't sleep.
As you jotted down notes, a paper crane flew over and landed in front of you, pulling your attention away from your messily-written list of ingredients. Your gaze lifted to find the teacher's back turned to the class before you unfolded the paper, a note written inside.
Favorite flower?
Your eyes moved over to the only person who could be responsible for sending such a note. Choi San.
The culprit sat a few desks over with a small smile on his face, his cheek resting on his palm as he waited for your answer. Instead of writing a response, you wadded it up and tossed it into your cauldron without breaking eye contact, seeing a small plume of smoke in your peripherals as the bubbling potion incinerated the paper in the blink of an eye. You only did this when the teacher wasn't looking and once he turned around the smoke had dissipated.
San pressed his lips together, visibly sighing before going back to his work.
The day went on as normal and you found yourself sitting in charms class. Your professor was showing you the wand movement for a particularly difficult spell, your wrist flicking and twisting as you tried to get the movement down. Your brows pulled together, your tongue poking the inside of your cheek in mild frustration.
"One more time." Your teacher instructed, his eyes scanning the classroom to get a look at everyone's movements.
"Now, practice saying the incantation." He directed before saying it aloud, the class repeating it.
You echoed the incantation once again with the rest of the group. It was a mouthful, but you felt like you got it.
"Alright. Does everyone understand?"
Your eyes shifted around the room, noticing everyone nodding their heads. To be honest, you didn't quite feel like you got the wand movements down, but no one else seemed to have any problems so you decided to keep it to yourself.
San, who was sitting diagonally from you in the next row over, noticed you struggling. Even though he couldn't see your face too well, he could tell you were unsure when you tried to copy the professor's movements.
Later that day, you were headed down the stone-paved halls towards the Slytherin dorms when you heard a crackling sound of sorts that grabbed your attention. You turned your head towards the strange noise which seemed to be coming from a wall decorated with intricate concrete swirls. You took a step back, watching as the sculpted piece slowly began turning black, a doorway appearing seconds later.
Before you could do anything, a hand shot out, pulling you inside the darkness as the door closed. You began thrashing around until a voice spoke up.
"It's just me."
"San?" You spoke his name harshly due to his unorthodox way of announcing himself. "What's going on?"
Just as you asked the question, the room slowly lit as the lanterns sitting about grew brighter.
"It's a training room." He said with a smile.
"You seemed to be having trouble in charms class today. I thought I could help you."
You tried to hide the surprise on your face as you responded. "I don't need help."
"Alright. Show me the spell, then." He countered, crossing his arms.
"I will." You then proceeded to repeat the incantation after taking a few seconds to recall it.
"Now show me the wand movements." He instructed.
You were hesitant and San picked up on that.
"Go on." He prompted.
Heaving a sigh, you withdrew your wand and did the motions in a swift manner in hopes that he wouldn't notice any errors you made.
"Slower." He instructed.
Biting your bottom lip you slowed the movements down, San's eyes lingering on your hand.
"That's wrong."
Your arm dropped in defeat. "Okay, I don't quite understand the wand movement, so what?"
"You need help and you didn't ask for it today."
"I..." You trailed off, the rest of your sentence getting stuck in your throat. "I was embarrassed."
San's perfect brows raised. "Embarrassed? For needing help?"
"It's stupid, I know."
"It's not." He shook his head. "I get it."
You looked over at him, noticing the sincerity in his eyes.
"If you need help, I'm offering it. I know you'd rather it not be me, but if you're desperate enough for assistance then you'll take what you can get."
He was right. You silently cursed him for being so perceptive.
A pleased smile settled onto San's features at your answer.
"Alright, then. Try it one more time, but do it like this." He demonstrated the movements with his own wand, watching you repeat it.
For the next fifteen minutes or so, you practiced the spell until you had it perfect.
Despite how you felt about San, you thanked him for helping you. You weren't above being grateful when it mattered, even if the person that helped was someone that got on your nerves.
"We can meet up at our place whenever you need help." San offered while you both went on your way to your dormitory.
Your brows raised. "Our place?"
"Yeah." He grinned. "The training room."
"It's not our place."
He seemed to deflate a bit at that but was quick to brush it off, changing the subject.
"The sun doesn't go down for another hour and a half, I was thinking of practicing at the quidditch field again. You wanna come watch?"
"I'll pass."
He had been asking you every day if you wanted to watch him practice and you had no interest in doing so.
"I assumed as much." He gave a dry, half smile. "There's no harm in trying though."
3 days until quidditch championship
Your shoes brushed against the grass as you walked through it, the blades making a soft shiff sound in response to your feet moving past. Classes were done for the day and you decided to take a walk around the school grounds, enjoying the refreshing weather. Your brief journey led you to the quidditch field, your eyes unconsciously taking a glance towards it, catching sight of San flying around as one of his teammates, Jooyeon, watched from he ground. Based on the lack of players, it appeared San was doing a solo practice. Without realizing, you came to a stop watching the way San dodged the bludgers coming at him, whizzing through the air with ease. Moving closer to the arena's entrance you stood and observed, making sure you were hidden as your eyes followed San's figure zooming around the field on his broom.
As annoying as he sometimes was, he was a good quidditch player, that much you would admit. Not just that, but his determination to improve was somewhat admirable—you'd never say it out loud though.
All of a sudden, one of the bludgers rammed into him and nearly knocked him off his broom, his once solid form wavering. You recoiled, hissing slightly at the sight as you imagined how bad it must have hurt. He tried to recover, but appeared to be losing control of his broom, unable to get himself back on track, this causing him to tumble to the ground, rolling a few times before stopping, his body a lump on the grass.
"San!" You gasped, rushing out onto the field without giving it a second thought.
He winced as he rolled onto his back.
A feeling of guilt washed over you as you took in San's pained expression, part of you felt like you were to blame for this. You made that stupid deal with him and now he had pushed himself too far and gotten injured.
"Y/n?" San peeled one of his eyes open to look up at you before a cheeky smirk pulled at his lips. "So you did decide to come and watch."
"Don't be delusional. I was only passing by."
"Sure you were." He rolled his eyes with a sideways grin.
"Do you want help or not?" You asked, losing your patience.
"I'm fine." He assured you, pushing himself into a sitting position. "It's nothing a quick trip to the nurse won't fix."
"You need to be careful."
"I need to catch the snitch." He said, meeting your gaze, his sharp eyes full of determination.
It was in that moment you worried he would actually win.
"San! You alright?" Jooyeon ran over with a worried expression, his distressed gaze scanning over his older teammate, searching him for injuries.
"Yeah, I just hit the ground really hard." He responded, rubbing his shoulder.
"We need to get you to the hospital wing."
"Y/n can take me." San insisted.
"No. I have somewhere to be." You lied.
"Not anymore you don't."
Without a choice or a say in the matter, you pulled San's right arm over your shoulder and helped him up, noticing the way his face twisted as he got to his feet. Escorting San to the hospital wing was not how you planned to spend your afternoon.
He was quick to asses the fact that he hit his left shoulder pretty hard on the ground when he fell off his broom, hard enough for it to cause him pain when he moved it. The injury, though minor and easy to fix, was preventing him from getting the rest of his afternoon practice in which agitated him.
The only sound heard was two pairs of feet moving through the grass and the light breeze that blew past the trees on the school grounds, rustling their leaves.
"That was a nasty fall." You commented, needing to break the deafening silence that loomed in the air.
"Yeah. That bludger hit me pretty good. Usually I'm able to recover without any issues, but for some reason I couldn't this time. I guess you're a bad luck charm."
"Bad luck charm? Really?" You sarcastically responded.
"I mean, it happened when you were watching me. You never showed up to my other practices and I never had any accidents then."
"Then I'll be sure to watch you real good during the championship game."
Your jab meant nothing to him, in fact it made him laugh.
Once you dropped San off at the hospital wing, you allowed the nurse to take things from there and turned to leave.
"Where are you going?" San asked.
Truthfully, you weren't sure.
"To the dormitory." You answered.
"Could you stay?"
Something in your gut told you to listen to him and for some odd reason the idea wasn't completely appalling.
"Alright." You caved, moving to sit on an empty bed beside the one San was occupying.
"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked him.
"I fell off my broom during quidditch practice. I hit the ground pretty hard and I think I may have injured my shoulder."
"Let's see." She began removing his gear, leaving him in his uniform pants and a black shirt.
She gingerly touched his shoulder, seeing if he reacted. When he didn't, she started moving it which is when San's face twisted in discomfort. After a moment, she nodded her head as if she figured out what the problem was.
"It seems you may have just bruised your shoulder, maybe even pulled a muscle during your fall. That's no problem, though. I'll heal it up right away."
You watched as she cast a spell, immediately healing his injured shoulder.
"Move your arm around for me, please." She requested.
San did as he was told, his eyes lighting up.
"All better." He smiled.
The whole visit took no time at all, you wondered why San even asked you to stay in the first place. Though, some part of you was glad he did. The thought of leaving him alone didn't quite feel right.
Once the nurse walked away, San jumped to his feet, rolling his shoulder to test it.
"Thank goodness it was just rough fall and a pulled muscle. If it were something more serious she might not have been able to heal it and then I couldn't play in the championship game." He went to grab his gear, sliding it back on.
"What do you think you're doing?" You asked.
"Going back out to practice."
"You just injured yourself."
"I'm all better. Everything is fine now." He paused, a smirk tugging at his lips. "You don't want me to practice because you don't want me to win the game. Is that it?"
"No. I just don't see why you're going back out there after getting healed. You should take it easy."
"Ah. So you're worried about me?"
"I never said that."
"You didn't have to." He grinned, sauntering out of the hospital ward.
As much as you wanted to try and stop him, you knew you couldn't. He was determined to get back out on that quidditch field and finish practice no matter what.
Later that night you lied in your canopy bed, staring at the green fabric draped over the wooden frame above. One thing you loved about the dormitories was how everyone got a canopy bed with curtains that could be drawn for privacy. During your spare time you'd sometimes come up to the bedrooms and lie down for a quick nap or just sit with the curtains pulled together while you wrote letters or did homework. The partial privacy the canopy beds gave you made you feel protected.
Tonight, however, your curtain-covered safe haven wasn't proving to give much solace as  thoughts of San swirled in your head, he was plaguing you and you hated it. You couldn't stop thinking about the way your heart clenched when you saw him fall off his broom earlier that day, the scene replaying in your head. You didn't say this aloud, but you were relieved he only pulled a muscle. If he'd gotten seriously injured you don't know what you would have done.
You paused, eyes going wide at your own thoughts. Why did you run out on that field? It's strange. You went out there without even thinking. As soon as San hit the ground you bolted towards him.
"No." You whispered out under your breath.
There's no way you were entertaining the idea of actually liking San. He got hurt, you were worried. That's all. This was just concern masquerading as attraction, you were sure of it.
1 day until quidditch championship
The light gray clouds hung low in the sky, moving languidly across your vision as you lounged in the courtyard. It was an overcast day which was fairly common here at Hogwarts. You didn't mind it.
Your eyelids slid closed as a long relaxing breath was let out through your nostrils, the comfortably cool breeze caressing your cheeks.
A few blissful moments passed before you heard someone walking through the grass, the sound seeming to be close by. However, you decided not to open your eyes, until you heard someone clear their throat, that is.
You peeled one of your eyes open, finding San standing over you, very clearly holding something behind his back.
"What is it?" You asked with a sigh, mildly annoyed that he disrupted your leisure time.
"Sorry to bother you." He apologized, seeming to be aware of your irritation. "I got these for you."
He held out a bouquet of red roses, his eyes staying glued to the blades of grass below as he avoided eye contact, waiting for you to take them.
The sudden gift made you scramble to your feet to get a closer look at the blooms.
"I hope roses are alright. You never told me what your favorite flower was and these are the default."
"Where'd you get these?" You asked.
"It doesn't matter." He responded, still avoiding eye contact.
You'd never seen San act this way before. Usually he was boisterous, overly-confident, and obnoxious. Now, he was shy, almost nervous and much quieter than usual.
Carefully, you took the flowers from him, turning the cluster of blooms in your hands, seeing the way they were tied together by twine, the stems appearing to be thorn-free.
San nervously fiddled with his hands, that's when you could see scratches across his knuckles and the tops of his hands, a couple bandages wrapped around his fingers.
Your expression softened as did your heart.
You cleared your throat, murmuring a quiet thank you under your breath.
"Yeah. You're welcome." He rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner. "Well, I'm gonna stop intruding on your alone time now."
With that, he turned around and started walking away. You almost called out for him, asking for him to stop and maybe even join you, but your words were stuck and died on your tongue before you could utter them.
You stood amongst your fellow housemates, watching the field below. Some students around you had signs with players' numbers on it while others had little pompoms with the Slytherin house colors on it, shaking them excitedly. It was a big day and the entire school was buzzing with energy. You on the other hand were nervous. Not only was this the championship game in which you and San's little deal depended on, but one that was between the houses with the longest running rivalry; Slytherin vs Gryffindor. Of course, you wanted your house to win, but if they did that meant you had to go on a date with San and you still weren't keen on the idea.
The players stepped out onto the field sporting their respective house colors, gathering around the referee and taking their places. The quaffle was tossed into the air and the game began. One of the players on the Slytherin team was quick to grab it, zooming towards Gryffindor's goal, but it wasn't that easy. A bludger was hit towards the Slytherin player by someone on the opposing team, but he was quick to dodge it as Slytherin's beater, Jooyeon, came in and hit it back towards Gryffindor at the last second.
It was when you saw a small golden sphere whiz by that your breath hitched. Your eyes followed it as San flew after it.
No, no, no. You thought to yourself.
He reached his hand out for it, but was hit in the side by Gryffindor's seeker.
You breathed a silent sigh of relief.
The game went on and both teams were doing incredibly well, the score staying close the entire time. Your upper body leaned over the wooden railing of the stands, watching anxiously as Gryffindor's seeker and San were side-by-side chasing after the snitch. The latter appeared to be ahead by a hair, his fingers almost touching the golden sphere.
"Go San!" You shouted impulsively.
You were quick to silence yourself. Why were you cheering? If San caught the snitch you would have to go on a date with him.
It was at that moment the snitch darted to the side, disappearing from San and the Gryffindor player's sight, which brought you a little relief.
He won't catch it. You thought. It's too difficult.
But he's been practicing a lot. You noted just a second later.
That little revelation was enough to have you worried all over again. That feeling multipled tenfold when San found the golden snitch and was hot on its trail once again. Even from your vantage point you could see the spark of determination in his eyes and that terrified you.
When he was close enough, he extended his hand, reaching towards the golden snitch while he tried to keep his broom steady with the other hand. You caught sight of Gryffindor's seeker coming up behind San, your nails unconsciously digging into the wooden railing. Moving your gaze back to San, you saw how focused he was, a feeling of dread washing over you. He whizzed all over the field, dodging bludgers and other players, sharp eyes fixed on the snitch. In the blink of an eye, San snatched the flying sphere from the air and the game was over.
"Choi San has just caught the golden snitch! Slytherin wins!" The announcer exclaimed causing the entire section to erupt in cheers.
Your heart dropped to your feet. He caught it.
San caught the golden snitch. Slytherin won the quidditch cup. The students around you screamed and cheered in celebration while you stood frozen and unmoving, your mind processing what had just happened.
You were only humoring him when you made that stupid deal, you didn't think he'd actually win. But now that it had happened, you realized you had to keep your end of the bargain.
You left the stands, keeping your eyes down hoping that you could slip out of the stadium without being noticed.
"Well, well, well." San smirked, walking towards you triumphantly.
"Don't rub it in."
"As bad as I want to, I won't."
"You know, I didn't even want to do this."
"I know, which is why I've decided something. You keep your end of the deal and go on a date with me, then afterwards if you really don't feel anything for me I'll leave you alone."
Your brows raised slightly.
"You're serious?"
"Okay." You nodded. "That's fair."
"Great. Meet me outside the school's entrance tomorrow at noon."
A vague feeling of dread creeped up on you as you stepped outside the school, hoping you wouldn't regret your decision to keep your word.
"You're right on time."
San was standing not too far from where you were, giving a friendly wave as you approached him.
"Alright. What's the plan?" You asked, noticing the broom in his hand.
"I'm glad you asked." He grinned while he straddled the handle. "Get on."
You hesitantly slung your leg over, standing behind San.
"You'll have to get closer than that."
You stepped forward, chest pressing against his back.
"Have you ever ridden a broom before, pretty?" He asked.
You ignored the way the nickname made your stomach flip and answered his question.
"Only once during first year when we were learning how to use them."
"Hold on tight."
You barely had time to wrap your arms around his waist before the broom lifted off the ground. San angled the stick upwards, lifting the both of you higher into the air making your anxiety skyrocket.
Your hold on his slim midriff tightened as he flew around the school, your face pressing closer to his back as you fought the urge to squeeze your eyes shut and shield yourself from the heart-stopping view below.
"There's no need to be scared, Y/n." He told you. "You're safe with me."
You hoped that was true.
Lifting your head, you peered over San's shoulder, looking out at the view of the lake sitting below Hogwarts. The outlook from above was incredible and helped distract you from being so nervous.
"It's pretty, isn't it?"
"Yeah." You breathed. "It is."
"See? This isn't so bad."
"I guess not."
After making his way around the castle, San landed on a flat area on the roof of the school, which you were partially relived about, thankful to be on solid ground again.
"The roof?" You questioned, glancing around at the empty area while San set his broom aside.
"Just wait." He grinned excitedly, moving over and grabbing something that you clearly couldn't see.
He pulled back on the unseen object, revealing a picnic setup.
"Ta-da." He beamed, gesturing to the arrangement.
"You had an invisibility cloak? How did you manage to get your hands on that?"
"I have connections." He shrugged. "C'mon. Have a seat."
Obliging, you made yourself comfortable on the blanket he had laid out, getting a look at all the snacks he prepared.
A small array of fresh fruit, sandwiches, and small desserts were spread out before you, even a couple bottles of fizzy sodas. You didn't want to say it aloud, but you were impressed. He really went all out for this.
"Would you like one?" San offered you a plate of small sandwiches.
You obliged, plucking one from the saucer and having a taste. Your brows raised in astonishment.
"Where did you get these?"
"I got permission from the kitchen staff to prepare all of this."
"You made these?"
He nodded, mentally fist pumping in celebration, thanking Wooyoung for teaching him how to prepare the sandwiches.
His dedication was, in a way, endearing and made you feel warm and fuzzy inside, your heart fluttering slightly.
"Is there anything you'd like? I can fix you a plate." He offered.
You accepted his offer and told him what you'd like, watching as he piled the plate with food. He handed you your platter with a smile, grabbing a bottle of soda.
"A drink for the lady."
Either he was really turning up the charm for this date, or he was actually a nice person and you severely misjudged him—you feared it was the latter.
"Thank you for agreeing to this." San gave you a dimpled grin, his cheeks painted a light shade of pink.
"Yeah, you're welcome." You spoke quietly, popping the top on your drink using a simple spell. "It's nicer than I expected."
"I'll take that as a compliment."
The both of you sat in silence for a few moments as you quietly snacked on fruit and took a sip of your drink.
"Thanks for the flowers." You spoke up suddenly. "And also for removing the thorns."
San appeared stunned at your words.
"You picked them yourself, didn't you?"
"How'd you know?" He asked.
"I saw your scraped knuckles and bandaged fingers."
He pressed his lips together, unconsciously fiddling with his fingers that were still healing.
"You're welcome. I hope roses were alright."
"They were. I really liked them, actually."
"You did?"
You nodded. "They're in a vase beside my bed."
Hearing that made San's heart soar. You'd always shown so much disinterest in him, but knowing you kept the roses he picked for you, in a vase no less, made him giddy. Maybe you didn't dislike him as much as he originally assumed.
"Would you like dessert?"
"Did you make this stuff too?" You questioned, reaching for one of the confectionery treats.
"Unfortunately no, just the sandwiches. I'm sure that makes all of this less impressive."
"It doesn't." You responded, taking one of the tiny sweets from the plate San had offered you.
San packed up the empty plates and other leftovers placing them into a basket, casting a spell to make it compact and easy to carry.
"We have to get back down and there's only one way." He stated, picking up his broom.
You peered over the edge of the roof, looking down at the ground below.
"You're not scared, are you?" San asked almost teasingly.
"No." You denied. "I can handle it."
"Get on, then."
You took your place behind him on the broomstick once again, this time feeling more comfortable wrapping your arms around him, the closeness making butterflies erupt in your stomach.
The descent from the roof to the ground wasn't as terrifying as you expected it to be. As soon as you landed, both you and San headed back towards the school, though a part of you didn't want the date to end.
"I have a confession." You spoke up.
San's gaze landed on you upon hearing the word confession, giving you his undivided attention.
"The date was..." You hesitated.
San's eyebrows raised.
"I enjoyed it." You finally admitted. "I was impressed with everything."
His eyes softened as a gentle smile spread across his lips, thought his heart was doing flips. "I was hoping you'd say that. So, what's the verdict?"
"Verdict?" You echoed.
"Yeah. How do you feel about me?"
The question alone put you on edge. How did you feel about San? He was so charming during the date and you couldn't deny that you had some sort of attraction towards him.
"Well, I don't dislike you." Was what you decided to say.
That made San chuckle. "So that means you like me?"
"I suppose it does."
"The real question is, do you like me enough to want to go on another date?"
It only took a couple seconds for you to answer.
"Can I escort you back to the dorms?"
"I'd like that."
The walk back inside the school was a quiet one, assumably because you were both feeling a bit shy after your confession. Truthfully, you were kicking yourself for constantly brushing him off, wondering why you hadn't given San the time of day sooner. He wasn't nearly as obnoxious as you originally thought he was.
You were so lost in thought, you didn't realize you'd already arrived at the Slytherin dorms until you heard San speak the password to get inside. He escorted you through the common room to where the girls' dorms were located, standing awkwardly outside the door, his face red. You turned to him, waiting to see what it was he had to say.
"Is it okay if I give you a kiss on the cheek?" He finally asked.
He leaned in and pressed his lips to your cheek in a gentle manner, the moment not lasting long enough. When he pulled away he was unable to hold eye contact, bidding you a shy farewell before scurrying away.
Your eyes scanned the hallway warily as the secret entrance to the training room slid open. Giving one last glance to your surroundings, you stepped inside, the already dim room shrouding in darkness as the entrance closed.
Your back immediately hit the wall as a pair of lips landed on yours, a set of hands squeezing your waist, keeping you pinned to the brick wall. Knowing exactly who it was, you welcomed the display of affection and kissed back. Your fingers tangled themselves in San's black hair, tugging at the strands any time his teeth latched onto your bottom lip, eliciting a string of blissful sighs from you. His actions made your mind foggy and your face hot, his kisses feverish and desperate.
You tugged his robe off, hands groping his arms, feeling his strong biceps under the fabric of his school uniform.
San parted ways, giving you only a few seconds to catch your breath before taking it away again by reattaching his lips to your neck. He pressed open-mouthed kisses to your sensitive skin, sending a wave of chills down your spine. Your fingers unconsciously curled at the base of his neck. The feeling of your nails dragging against San's scalp elicited a low groan from him, the sound vibrating against your skin and making your eyelids flutter slightly.
When he finally pulled away, you noticed the lanterns inside the secret training room had lit up, wondering when that happened. San rested his forehead with yours, gazing at you with half-lidded eyes.
"I wasn't sure you'd show." He said breathlessly, his chest moving up and down with each huff.
"Why? You asked me to meet you here. Plus, this is our spot, isn't it?"
His eyes widened as a bright grin broke out across his face.
"You called it our place."
"Yeah, I know." You lightly rolled your eyes, huffing out a chuckle.
San had a game in an hour, so you were glad you got to spend some time with him prior, but part of you was selfish and wanted to spend the rest of the day with him.
"Good luck at your quidditch game today." You told San, cupping his cheek. "You're gonna need it."
"I don't need luck."
"I don't know." You trailed off. "Ever since we started dating you haven't been practicing as hard since there's nothing to win."
He smirked, pulling you flush against him. "That's because I've already got my prize."
Hongjoong ⟡ Seonghwa ⟡ Yunho ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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Masterlist ᝰ — enjoyed this imagine? reblogs & comments are very much appreciated!
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dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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in the quiet places (fav, FLUFFY FLUFF, smut)
no smut
kill them with kindness (angstish, fluff, TENSIONS)
chicken noodle soup (fluff)
classics (smut)
filthy lips, loving touch (smut, fluff)
it's sweatpants season! oh my! (smut)
sweet farmer (smut)
save a horse, ride a cowboy (smut, cowboy!au)
knots (smut, masseur!au)
soft san (smut)
a lesser man (smut, fighter!au, boxer!au)
kalla (smut, BDSM)
i see red (smut)
dilf (smut)
roommate (smut, roommate!au (duh))
handy (smut, handyman!au)
his princess (smut, badboy!au)
howling to your moon (smut)
better late than never (smut, husband!au)
give a little pow pow on the baby maker (smut)
after all, you're my wife (smut, mafia!au)
stay focused (smut, office!au, university!au)
at your mercy (smut)
the hidden pleasure (smut)
pussy slapping (smut)
inexperienced (smut)
i hate how bad i want you part.2 (smut, CEO!au)
be my americano (smut)
workout (smut)
san as your boyfriend (fluff, smut)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
limitless (smut, fluff, angst, knight!au, royal!au)
warrior (smut, historical!au, shifter!au, werewolf!au, royal!au)
let me protect you (smut, angst, victorian era!au)
demon cat boy (smut, catboy!au)
shut up and drive (smut, mafia!au)
imp!san (smut, imp!au)
hollow's eve (smut, demon!au)
vaya con dios (smut, religious!au, photographer!au)
*739 (smut, sex worker!au)
kinkuary day 1 (smut, royal!au)
underwater (smut, greek mythology!au)
the big bad wolf (smut, fluff, angstish, hybrid!au)
catch me if you can (fluff, hogwarts!au)
the champion (fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
from the shadows (fluff, hogwarts!au)
darling, his darling (smut, angstish, royal!au)
incubus: coming of age (incubus!san, smut)
to taint your soul (smut, incubus!san)
with another member
heists and celebration x wooyoung (smut, thiefs!au)
slow it down x wooyoung (smut, mafia!au, boxer!au)
crazy form x wooyoung (smut)
descend to depravity x seonghwa (smut, demon!au)
morally gray (and tw)
an imprisoned nighttale (pirate ateez, kidnapping!au, angst)
twisted (smut, stalker!au)
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softsan · 4 months
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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✉️ ・ 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓 ・ ᝰ
˚ ☁️ ⊹ broken wings. — park seonghwa 10k ; 🤍 , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , dark fae au, high fantasy, synopsis - your parents never dwelled very much on the topic of your aunt. the subject too sore, too painful to retell. however, you wished they had bestowed you with a little of the knowledge they beheld, as one dreary day by enchanted forest, a group of elfish men kidnapped you, mistaking you as your aunt. you a brought to the mystical city of charming and are gifted to the infamous dark fairy prince seonghwa. - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ you're the one. — park seonghwa 10k ; 🤍 , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , nine-tailed fox au  synopsis - . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ lilipad. — kim hongjoong 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , single dad au synopsis - . - read here
˚ ☁️ ⊹ so cold, yet so sweet. — jeong yunho 10k ; 🤍 , 🍶 , 🍚 , 📨 , royality au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ city of lights. — choi san 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 📨 , celebrity marriage au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ ☁️ ⊹ love bite. — jung wooyoung jung wooyoung - coming soon ; angst, suggestive, outsider au 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 📨 , outsider au, 80's setting, synopsis - . - read here.
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✉️ ・ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ・ ᝰ
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ mafia au. — ateez 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 🎧 , mafia au synopsis - dive into the dark, devious, devilish mafia universe. where one rejoices in deadly past times, and indluges in sin. - read here.
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ pirate king au.  — ateez 10k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🍶 , 🍚 , 🎧 , pirate king au synopsis - join the new era of pirates in the pirate king universe. cross the treacherous waters, and devour the devilish fruits of the sea. - read here.
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ werewolf au.  — ateez 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 🥛 , 🍚 , 🎧 , werewolf au synopsis - howl alongside the werewolf universe. come across the likes of moon beast, wolf bites, and other wicked and wild things. - read here.
˚ 🌨️ ⊹ hogwarts au. — ateez 5k ;  🤍 , 🖇️ , 🎧 , hogwarts au synopsis - step into the hogwarts universe. a magical world, of wonder, wands, and wishful enchantments. - read here.
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˚ 🌩️ ⊹ hongjoong. [9:45 am]  [3:52 pm] [4:56 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ seonghwa. [8:26 am] [9:43 am] [11:03 am] [5:01 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ yunho. [3:15 pm] [11:42 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ yeosang. [6:23 am] [11:52 am] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ san. [8:39 am] [12:45 pm] [2:12 pm] [8:45 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ mingi. [3:29 am] [11:48 am] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ wooyoung. [4:56 pm] [11:43 pm] 
˚ 🌩️ ⊹ jongho. [8:15 pm] [11:02 pm] 
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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ao3feed-ateez · 3 months
Lions and Snakes Wolves and Graves
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Uz4JIfw by Caelestria The year is 1977, and war with the Death Eaters is inevitable. Following an unprecedented attack on Gryffindor Tower, the proud and courageous students are forced to bunk with the other Hogwarts Houses. Jackson Wang, a half-blood, is randomly assigned to Slytherin’s dungeons, in a room with pureblood Mark Tuan. While strange rumours of Jackson being a werewolf spread, an unexpected bond emerges amidst the backdrop of shifting alliances and impending conflict. However, what is true peace when even the side of light does not want freedom and justice for all? GOT7 fic in a semi-canon universe with the Harry Potter cast (Marauders’ Era) and ATEEZ Words: 3285, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: GOT7, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Mark Tuan, Jackson Wang, Lim Jaebeom | Jay B, Park Jinyoung (GOT7), James Potter, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Choi Youngjae (GOT7), BamBam Kunpimook Bhuwakul, Kim Yugyeom, Choi San (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Sirius Black Relationships: Mark Tuan/Jackson Wang Additional Tags: markson, Harry Potter AU, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), wolfstar, Woosan, jjp, Hogwarts Seventh Year, Werewolves, Lore-specific/canon backstories, lots of skinship, lots of banter, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Uz4JIfw
0 notes
dairyminki · 3 years
From The Shadows | c.s
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↬ pairing: choi san x fem!oc (slytherin!san x ravenclaw!oc)
↬ summary: when the whole school is out, interesting things betide between you and slytherin's infamous troublemaker.
↬ genre: fluff, hogwarts au, enemies to friends, enemies to lovers (?)
↬ warning: light swearing
↬ wc: 7k+
"DUDE, she'll melt."
"Shut up, Woo." San snaps at his black-haired friend, tearing his gaze away from the Ravenclaw table in the process.
"What? I'm just telling the truth! You've been staring at her since like, what? Since we came here? It's been hours since we've entered the Great Hall, San."
"Yeah. In fact, it surprises me that you're now putting less effort on being discreet." His other friend, Yeosang, butts in.
"What the heck does that even mean, Yeo?" San asks, looking at him quizzically, not having a single idea on what the blonde just said.
"Sometimes I can't believe how dense you are to your own self. Or...are you just...feigning innocence?" Wooyoung leans forward, raising an eyebrow at him.
However, San was quick to shove him back to his seat, heaving a deep sigh and rolling his eyes at the same time.
"Look, I don't really understand what you two are saying. For real."
"Or~! He's just really plain stupid~" Yeosang counters in a sing-song, and then he happily munches on his chicken drumstick. Only for San to cut his happiness short by slapping his hand that was holding the precious drumstick, making him lose his grip on it  — the piece of food ending up falling on the floor.
"What the heck?!" Yeosang shouts, clearly not expecting for that to happen.
Meanwhile, Wooyoung just laughs at the side, not daring to speak as not to rile San up further and end up sharing Yeosang's misfortune.
"That's for calling me stupid, stupid." San hisses.
She's still hesitating on whether to leave you to spend your Christmas holiday all by yourself here in Hogwarts, or bringing you along with her to her hometown — so you could spend the holidays with her family. Her family, which already knew of you and has treated you like their own daughter.
  "Will you be okay, here? All alone?" Sara Lovegood, your friend asks.
It was quite tempting, really. But you know you can't just possibly ruin their usual Christmas tradition as a family with you being there. Even if they already treat you like a part of them, even if you've grown quite fond of them. Still, you think, you shouldn't.
"It's fine. I'll be fine, really." You say cheerfully, in an attempt to reassure her fully. But it seems like she's not buying it.
"You know it would be really more reassuring if I know you at least have a single soul to accompany you here in the whole week that I'll be gone- more like, the entire school gone. I think even the professors will be out, and you'll be left with whom- the house elves? The whole school will be deserted, Ari! How do you think I'll be able to leave you, knowing this?"
At this, you quickly stood up from your bed to hug your pouting friend. "I don't know what you're so worried for, but I can definitely handle myself, thank you. And if you're pointing out that I'll be damn bored, then you thought wrong." You say, crossing your arms. Then, you quickly spun on your heel and twirled towards your bookshelves that are full of books arranged in order and their respective genres, just the way you like it.
"See these? I have them to accompany me." You say, gesturing to your book collection with a proud smile. Your books are literally, your babies. Your most prized possessions. Well, it's given, because you're a Ravenclaw - you love, love books.
After you said that, a tiny mewl was heard from under your bed, making you and Sara turn your heads.
"Niki! What the heck are you doing under there?" You squeaked and rushed to the black feline, immediately scooping him in your arms.
Niki purrs in pure delight at you brushing his fur, that it made you giggle. Then you turn to Sara.
"Well? That makes two right? My books, and then Niki here will be accompanying me and spare me from loneliness and boredom. Please, tell me it's reassuring enough."
Hearing you, Sara finally lets out a sigh and nods her head. Then she walks over to you and starts petting the black cat too.
"I guess, Niki here, would serve as a great company to Ari, won't he?" Sara baby talks to the cat playfully, making you roll your eyes and smile after.
Niki who hears this, meows in return, and then he snuggles back to your chest.
"He said yes, of course, absolutely. Now shoo!" You giggle as you push Sara with your free hand. Wanting her to move quickly, or she'll be late to the trains.
"Are you that desperate to get rid of me?" She asks, frowning, only for you to push her again in order to get going.
"Oh, please! Spare me your dramatic self or I'll literally kick you out of here."
"See, you really are trying to get rid of me!"
WORST holiday ever.
By now, he should be already on a ski lift, waiting for his ass to be dropped on a snow-covered peak and then, dash his way down, afterwards. But no, unlike his friends who already left yesterday for the holidays - he's stuck here.
Stuck inside Hogwarts, wandering through the hallways by himself. All alone. With literally no one, okay maybe except for the house elves. Seeing as, even the professors and house ghosts all ditched the dimly-lit school for a warm spot by the fireplace, drinking hot-cocoa while snow falls down the roof of their houses.
This sucks. Void of fun.
If only his father didn't have to fuck things again, then he…then he would've been home by now, enjoying his mother's cooking or maybe having fun with his younger brother.
It sucks that he has to have a prideful and a total jerk of a father, who couldn't even at least try to give in for his wife. Instead, he lets the small problem turn into a big one. San doesn't know what problem arose in their household again, but he's sure it was enough for his parents to not be on speaking terms.
Now, who wants to spend their holidays like that? Definitely, not San. That's why he preferred he'll just stay at school.
He might be all alone, but at least he could get a peace of mind.
But that's what he thought.
With an audible gasp, the Slytherin boy halts in his steps when he sees he wasn't the only person inside the Great Hall.
Because there inside, was her. Arin Bramwell. The Ravenclaw girl that his friends were cryptically teasing him about the other day. Who's now mirroring the same look on his face. Probably also thinking that she's the only one left in the school.
As if sensing that he was about to step out, turn around, and head back to the dungeon, where the Slytherin common room is, the girl speaks.
"Please, if you want to eat here, don't let my presence stop you. I was leaving anyway." Arin told him aloud, but still soft in a way that had San surprised.
It was his first time hearing her speak to him and seeing her up close.
Perhaps, San's face was heating up now, but we don't speak about that.
"A-Alright." Was the only thing he was able to say before he looked away and made his way to his usual spot on the Slytherin table.
He hasn't even fully seated yet, but he already heard the faint clicking noise of shoes coming in contact with the hard floor. When he turns his head around, he spots Arin leaving the hall already.
She didn't lie when she said she's leaving. San thought, and maybe, just maybe, he was a little bit disappointed.
Nevertheless, he started eating, in silence,
With your heart pacing and your mind racing, you were panting when you arrived inside the Ravenclaw common room.
You were even close to cursing the eagle for asking a ridiculously difficult riddle at such crucial times. Your head constantly whipped around, just trying to make sure Choi San hasn't followed or caught up to you.
What's with him that's got you all worked up, you say?
First of all, everybody knows him. Who wouldn't? When he's a Pure-blooded Slytherin. Not only that, but you've heard stories of him. That although you haven't spoken to him nor interacted with him, not until earlier at the Great Hall, you knew of the tricks and curses he's pulled at every student his eyes land on. So that leads to the second point;
Choi San, is nothing but trouble. If trouble was a person, it would've been him.
But he certainly wasn't like that at the hall earlier though… he looked...flustered.
And so? What if it was an act? You know all the things people say about him. And it only spells one word - trouble. The little devil in you counters, making you sigh.
Now that you know you'll not be the only soul roaming Hogwarts for a good whole week, you think it's best to just stay in your room and read a book until the holidays are over.
Yeah, that's what you're going to do.
HE'S been praying to the heavens above that you didn't notice him.
"Am I really that good at hiding and making my presence unknown or is she just plain flat ignoring me…?" San frowns, finally asking himself the questions that endlessly bugged him.
It's been three days since he's been doing this — sneakily following you around after his encounter with you in the Great Hall and after knowing that there's another student left with him in this enormous school — he felt less lonely.
San didn't want to appear as a creep, he totally didn't want to. And he's been hoping that you didn't notice him silently trailing after you all along and therefore creating that same assumption-him being a creep, inside your pretty little head.
Let's just say, you had piqued his interest.
Well, you have been since the first time you walked through the doors of Hogwarts, dressed in your robe and uniform, old-looking glasses perched on the bridge of your nose and your slightly curly hair tied up in pigtails.
That was the first time the young Slytherin saw you.
San remembered how tiny you were and he kept wondering how a tiny person like you would fit in with the 2nd years like him.
From that day on, his eyes never left yours, as well as you never left his mind.
San didn't know what it is with you that has grabbed his attention fully. Was it the way you looked so lost in the crowd of students, that he wanted to step up from the shadows, introduce himself to you and become your friend? Or was it the way your eyes seemed to sparkle every time you got a hold of one of your books?
Was it to be called a small infatuation? A crush? A puppy love? Or was it just his mere curiosity over you?
San doesn't know how to properly call it. All he knows is that his eyes are on you since day one.
And maybe, just maybe — his friends had caught on too. No, his friends definitely had caught on to him and the frequent stares and glances he'll steal from you.
Yeosang was right, he's not being discreet as he was before.
Who knows, maybe one of these days, his secret will eventually come out, and the rest of the school will know of the girl that had caught the eyes of Hogwarts' so-called notorious trickster.
And perhaps, his heart too?
"I'm going...I'm not going. I'm going...I'm not...I'm going- urgh!"
You fall back on the bed with a groan after the last petal of your blue daisy was plucked.
Pouting, you turn your head to your cat, Niki, who straight up stared at you with a blank face. The feline, as if sensing that you're going to rant on him and ask for his opinion, turn his body away from you and proceed to casually lick his paws.
If Niki can talk, he'll probably be saying that he doesn't have the time to deal with your shit ass problems and therefore you have no choice but to deal with it on your own.
But he doesn't talk, so you proceed to rant on him anyway.
"I just want to peacefully grab the next volume of the book I'm reading- but! He'll be there! And I just know he'll be staring at me for god knows how long." You cry. Niki who was beside you just stays silent and continues licking his paws.
"Why is he even staring? Is he like, I don't know, plotting in his mind whatever trick he'll play on me? Niki, should I be scared?!"
Prior to your original plan, which you didn't end up following — just staying inside your room and reading a book until the end of the week — you end up going back and forth to the library after that one visit you did.
You were just going to check if the library had the continuation to the series you were reading and, oh god did they have it. And so, you've been cooped up inside that place for three straight afternoons.
But, not alone.
Choi San was there too.
Yes, that Slytherin and his frequent glances at you. Yes, you noticed it. And yes, it bothered you. Slightly.
Anyway, Choi San would find a seat at the corner opposite you, his dark hair and figure clad in black blending in with the shadows, that you didn't even notice him at first. Not when you heard him let out a tiny sneeze, which he thought you didn't hear since he had his face hidden by a book, but you obviously did.
Since then, you didn't fail to notice the stares he'll give you and the rich smell of his perfume, that by now you're sure you'll notice his scent right away wherever you go.
Today's a Thursday and you have just finished another book of the series and you're supposed to go to the library and read it straight away, but then, you remember San.
He'll be there again.
And you don't know if you'll be able to take it. Three days under his gaze and three days with his scent filling your nose that got your head spinning — can you still manage a fourth?
You have no choice. You just swore earlier that you'll let the little blue daisy flower decide your fate for this afternoon.
And it said, yes, you're going out.
You are going out to head to the library to read that book.
Fuck it.
But is that really the only reason you're going out, or is there something else?
Dressed in your favorite light blue sweater, tucked in one of your dark jeans, you head to the library, Niki comfortably nestled in your arms.
Once you stepped inside, you sighed internally. You weren't wrong. Choi San was here, early.
So unlike the previous days, you figured you've had enough.
Why even is he hiding from you? It's not like you'll eat him alive. No, you don't bite. If you'd ask yourself, it actually might be the opposite.
"You can quit hiding now please." You voiced out, loud and clear. From the corner of your eye, you saw him visibly flinch, but he remained still in his place.
"Choi San, I know that's you. And for your information, I've noticed you since Monday..." You softly continued as you plopped down on your usual seat at the corner opposite of him, but this time you have Niki with you.
With that mentioned, the black feline jumps out of your arms and walks to the shadows where San was.
When the Slytherin male notices an extra bump of shadow forming on the table and moving closer to him, he shrieks. Only to realize later that it was a black cat - your cat, Niki.
Embarrassed, San was quick to clear his throat. He throws you a glance first, and when he sees you already staring back at him, he looks away, his face heating up.
"You scared me y'know." San scolds Niki in a whisper, who just meows in return. Then, the cat inches closer to him and lifts its right paw, tapping it on the male's arm.
San, having enough experiences with cats, as their family has one, immediately complies to its request. Stretching out his hand, he places it gently on Niki's head, his fingers threading the cat's black fur.
Niki purrs in delight. And you looked at both of them with wide eyes.
"How?" You voiced out this time, eyes incredulously big in shock and maybe, amazement?
Because Niki doesn't like strangers. Heck, he even hisses when someone touches him - except for you and Sara. But what did you just see? Niki asking someone to pet him? For Choi San, to pet him? A stranger at that?
The content smile on San's face falters as he looks up at you with a slight frown, asking, "What do you mean by how?"
Walking towards the table he's at, you puffed out air from your mouth, your lips curling upwards after to form a smile of disbelief.
"This!" You blurt out, gesturing your hands exaggeratingly to his form and the cat that's currently enjoying his touch as he continues to pet it. "How?? Niki doesn't let any people touch him that easily! So like how?"
Then your hands flew to your mouth, gasping loudly when you realized something.
"You casted a spell on him didn't you?! Oh my god, I can't believe you!"
"What are you talking about? I didn't!" San shouts back, his eyebrows furrowing deep. He was now standing on his feet, hands now already off of Niki, much to the cat's dismay.
"Yes you di-"
"I didn't." San growls, making you still on the spot. You were too busy shouting at him that you didn't even notice when he walked towards you.
And now, he's a breath away from your face, eyes sharp and his body, now out of the shadows and instead, looming over your much smaller form.
Seeing him right in front of you made your breath hitch. You weren't able to form any words right out of your mouth as you continued to stare up at him.
His cat-like eyes, his sharp nose, jelly-like pink lips - and are those freckles on the side of his neck?
Choi San was stunningly gorgeous, and it's almost bewitching.
It's like he's casting a spell on you. Was this what he did with Niki too?
No wonder your cat was immediately drawn to him.
"I'm sorry if I scared you." A voice snaps you out from your bubbling thoughts. You shook your head lightly and when you looked back at San, his lips were now formed into a light frown as he stepped back.
"Huh?" You say, not quite processing what was happening.
"For coming so close to you and probably making you uncomfortable? And, I swear — I didn't cast a spell on your cat or anything! I didn't!"
"I'm not sure if I can trust you on that…" You mutter, biting your lower lip as you look away.
"Why not?"
You wanted to answer, 'How can I trust someone who does tricks on others as a hobby? And Slytherin's famous trickster at that?' But it seems like the male in front of you has caught up with your thoughts.
"Right." San mutters and presses his lips in a tight smile. Then he walks back to the table, his hands finding purchase in Niki's soft black fur, once again.
"I didn't take you as one who relies on other people's beliefs, though."
"What do you mean?" You were now the one stepping closer.
Without raising his head and looking you in the eye, San continues. "Would you believe me if I said that I also have a cat back in our home, and maybe that's why I'm good with them too? Maybe why Niki opened up to me so easily?"
"I-I guess…? I mean, yes." You quickly corrected yourself. Why are you even stuttering?
San pouts. "You're scared of me, aren't you?" This time, he finally looks at you.
"What makes you think so?" You threw back at him, lifting your head much higher as you tried to not falter under the intense gaze he's giving you now.
The next thing he does surprises you. San throws his head back and ends up in a fit of laughter. And when he recovers, he bore his gaze back at you, lips twitching into a full smirk.
"It's obvious by the way you take one tiny step at a time, darling. I can sense you're trying to be cautious around me."
"You know I can't help it, especially everyone knows what you're capable of-"
"Of what? Of playing small tricks on students? Doing a little spell to put them in their places? C'mon, now. It's all just fun and stuff. No serious harm done." He says, raising both of his hands in the air while he lightly shakes his head.
"That's still trouble. You're still trouble."
San fakes a hurt expression. And you were about to shout at him, thinking that he'll run off when he suddenly scooped Niki in his arms. But you stop and close your mouth when he trudges towards you instead.
"I know you're smart. Pretty smart, if you ask me." He starts off. "So why don't you take the sweet little time of getting to know me, hmm? No pressure, though. But maybe through that, you'll see that I'm not one you should be scared of." Then he pauses and hands Niki to you.
"But trouble, I guess that's what I am, and we can't change that now, can't we, darling?"
And with one last smirk, he was gone.
Long gone was the mousy San you've met in the span of three days. Just, the San that everyone knows.
"Mmm, five more minutes."
Soon enough, you feel something wet on the side of your face, but because you're still dead tired, you do nothing but roll on your back, your body turning to face the other side.
Sleep wasn't granted back to you though, when you hear a loud sound, alerting you up.
When you rub your eyes open, that's when you spot Niki directly perched in front of your face. It also seemed like the loud sound came from him - or was him, rather, seeing that he continues to cry out while he taps his paws repeatedly on your face.
That was also the time you realized he was shivering.
"Oh my god, Niki, what's wrong?" You asked, almost frantically, as you cradled the animal like a baby. As you do so, Niki nuzzles his face at the crook of your neck and basks himself in the blanket that was wrapped loosely around your frame.
However, even you started to feel cold too. When you looked around, you almost wanted to curse yourself at the fact of you forgetting what Sara had told you before she left.
'Oh make sure to fix the window later okay? I kind of crashed it down when I was practicing for Quidditch…'
How could you forget?
Sighing, you lift yourself up from and out of the bed. But before you fix the hollowed-out window, you make sure to tuck Niki under your blanket, making sure that he's feeling warm enough and comfortable before you leave his side. When you hear his light purr, that was your cue that he was slowly trying to fall asleep.
Now, the window.
"What spell was it, again?" You bit your lip, trying to think hard so you could grab your wand from the nightstand and fix the problem immediately and go back to the warmth of your bed. But it seems like the heavens had different plans for you.
"What the fuck?!" You cursed out loud when a freezingly cold snowball landed straight in your face.
What, it's raining snowballs now?!
Feeling frustrated, you opted to look out the window to check if it indeed was raining snowballs. But when you did, another one smacked you in the face, and when you dusted it off of you, you caught sight of a moving dark figure below, and when you squinted your eyes to see it clearer, you internally screamed.
Due to frustration and the fact that you were robbed off of your deserved sleep, you clenched your fists tight as you grit your teeth.
"Fucking, Choi San, what in the hell are you doing at such an ungodly hour?!" You whisper shouted, loud enough for him to hear at least.
And he did hear, as he stops in his tracks and looks up at you with a playful grin, showcasing his set of pearly white teeth.
"You're awake, at last. Took you long enough, though." San pouts, and you swear to the heavens above, that if only you had snow in your room, you would've landed a snowball in his goddamn face. But no, you didn't, and you were supposed to fix the fucking window! Yet, here he is - living up to his name and playing stupid tricks at you.
"What do you fucking want Choi? And seriously? Throwing snowballs? What are you, a kid?" You were pissed.
"Maybe." He responds with a light teasing tone, making your blood boil even more. But you refused to burst at him and remained calm instead.
But then something else caught your attention.
"Why are you wearing flip flops? It's snowing, for goodness' sake!" You shout back at him. Is he crazy?
"Aww, are you worried about me?"
"I hope you freeze to death, then."
"Now, that's not nice. Take it back!"
One second he was an annoying trickster, and now he's acting like a child.
Your thread of patience was thinning.
"I would take it back if you stop throwing snowballs and scram."
"Definitely not." He scoffs. "You see, I came here for a reason." San smiles in mischief.
"And that reason would be?"
"That reason….I'll tell you, if you jump down and join me here outside."
Your eyebrows furrowed as your mouth drops open in shock.
He wants you to what now?
"San, quit playing around and go to sleep." You hissed at him.
"I will, once you jump." And then he grins like a cheshire-cat. You don't even know what goes on in his mind anymore.
"San, what makes you think I'll do that?"
"If you won't, I'll make you my target and pick on you for the rest of the school year."
When you were about to say no thanks  and ignore him because you still have a window to fix, he speaks up again.
"I'm not kidding." His tone was dark.
Wanting this to end already, you sighed heavily. "Just fucking make sure you use the right spell on me or I'll swear-"
"Huh, what spell? Are you saying you won't jump and prefer being my target, instead?" He looks up at you puzzledly.
"No! You said you want me to join you there right? So I assumed you'll be using magic to bring me down from here, unless you want me to actually jump?"
"That….that's kinda what I said…"
Your eyes went wide in disbelief. Then you let out a dry chuckle as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Choi San, do you secretly want me dead?!" Your voice was a bit louder this time and you actually had to look back just to check if it somehow woken Niki up. Luckily, it didn't.
"Do you even have a plan?!" You continued furiously, albeit, disappointed. Disappointed at him for wasting your time and disappointed at yourself for letting him actually stop and distract you.
All of this because you were trying to fix a broken window.
Should you blame Sara too? Because she was the one who broke it in the first place?
"Look, I'll come up with a plan after you jump!"
"Choi San!!"
Your night was something out of the ordinary. After your feet landed on the cold snow, San wasted no time and immediately sprung into action.
With his hand tightly encircling your wrist, he's dragged you first into the Hogwarts kitchen to steal some food which made your heart nearly jump right out of your chest due to the intense worry you had that the house elves might catch the both of you. Then after getting yourselves full, he dragged you back outside in the freezing cold. And that's how you end up lying beside him in the snow, making snow angels.
"You were always inclined with constant trouble, y'know? And now you've dragged me to it with you." You spoke after a short moment of silence, both your hands and feet coming to work with the snow, San doing the same beside you.
"Well, it's not really trouble if you don't get caught."
And then, silence.
"What do you think of me now?" San asks, voice not more than a whisper. Tone, almost pleading.
"Hmm...I guess, you're not that bad after all…" You whispered back, eyes fixated at the dark sky above you, no stars in sight.
San scoffs lightly and props himself up on his elbow, looking at you incredulously. "You guess?"
You shook your head in slight amusement. "Fine, you're not bad yourself, Choi."
Just when you thought he was going to finally shut his mouth, he doesn't.
At the mention of your name, your head quickly turned to him. You raised your eyebrows, movements in the snow coming to a halt as you waited for his next words.
"Nothing, I just realized I never addressed you by your name."
And there was it, you felt like words were stuck in your throat as your heart paced a tad bit faster.
You just also realized that, that, was in fact the first time you've heard the Slytherin utter your name.
"Your point?" You asked nonchalantly, masking up the fact that you were flustered for a bit there.
San stares at you for a little longer before his mouth opens, words pouring out without him realizing and he might regret a little later, or not.
"Pretty. Your name is pretty. And so are you."
You stared at him with wide eyes, your cheeks beginning to be filled with warmth at his statement.
When San sees your reaction, he tilts his head, brows furrowed, and then he asks. "Arin? Why are you red? Are you perhaps cold- wait, shit." It was now his turn to stare at you with wide eyes. Realizing that he just said that, he looks away from you and covers his face with his hands.
Then he screams.
Meanwhile, you just sat there, blinking dumbly. Your mind, lost in space.
Your name is pretty.
And so are you.
Your name is pretty.
And so are you.
Your name is pretty.
And so are you—
His words repeating like some sort of mantra inside your head stops as you hear someone clearing their throat.
"L-look.." San stammers, turning your attention back at him.
"Do you...do you like me?" You asked in a faint whisper, your hands tightly gripping the hem of your sweater as you wait for his reply.
San heaves a sigh and then he bites his lips. Then he settles for, "Yes? I do? Maybe? I don't know." as an answer.
Which only made you more confused than you are.
So you sit up, and he does the same.
You expected him to be silent, but he tells his story, instead.
"You were so small...and innocent. I thought you were cute too, to be honest. I wanted to be your friend, you know?" He says, smiling at the memory of the first time he saw you, young Arin Bramwell coming into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, looking like a lost child in a marketplace.
"But, I couldn't. I didn't know how to approach you."
"So you didn't." You say.
"Yeah, I didn't."
"Coward." You whispered to yourself, secretly rolling your eyes.
"But then — you met your friend. Sara, was it?" You nod your head, not really knowing where this conversation is headed to.
"That was the first time I saw you smile." San smiles fondly. "And maybe...the time I realized I liked you, but of course, I just realized it now."
"What was that?" You ask, not hearing him well. But San just shook his head.
"Nothing. Don't you think it's getting colder now? Should we head inside?"
You narrowed your eyes at him, but then you eventually sigh and nod your head. You let him pull you up from the ground, and then the two of you walked back inside.
"SO…" San speaks when the both of you stopped at the corridor that leads to the Ravenclaw common room.
"Goodnight, San." You speak softly, giving him a small smile. San returns it.
"Goodnight, Arin." You nod your head.
Not knowing what to say anymore, you opted for a small wave and was about to brush past him when you remembered throughout the night, he was just in his flip-flops.
He must've been cold.
And the Slytherin common room is a long walk to go too.
Oh, so you're worried about him? The little voice in your head asks.
Is it wrong if I am? You counter.
Fuck it.
"San, doyouwanttocomeinside?" You said in a rush, making him jolt in place and look at you quizzically.
"Pardon me?"
You don't say anything. You just grabbed his hand without a word and dragged him with you.
"Arin? Where are you taking me?"
"Just shut up, we have to get you warm."
"Sooo...you were worried about me?"
"Was not."
"You are!"
"Am not."
"Sure, you're not."
"Am I even allowed here?" San asks when you went silent.
"Technically, you aren't. But there's no professors in sight, so you're okay, San. Stop being such a worrywart." You told him as you searched for a spare cozy blanket inside one of the many drawers your common room has.
When you finally find one, you turn on your heel to go back to San, only to find him pouting.
"Stop pouting, you like a duck."
"Excuse me?!"
"What? Ducks are cute, aren't they?"
"So, you're saying, I'm cute?"
San scoffs. When you neared him, you tossed the blanket at him and sat beside his now, warming body.
You had dragged him with you inside the Ravenclaw common room. The both of you are now sitting in front of the fireplace. Warmth engulfing the both of you, totally opposite of the feeling the white snow gave you back there outside.
You inched closer to him, trying to make the blanket fit the both of you. After you successfully did, you turned your head to the side, only to see San staring at you.
"What?" You ask, raising your eyebrow.
"Are we...friends now?"
You still for a second before you replied to him.
"I mean, yeah, sure. If that's what you want us to be…" You say, pulling up your knees to your chest, your gaze fixated at the fire dancing in front of you.
"What if I want us to be more.."
"What was that?" You asked when you heard him mumbling. San just shook his head.
Moments later, you feel a weight on your left shoulder. When you whip your head slowly to the side, you see San starting to doze off on you. His head was on your shoulder, eyes closed and soft breaths came out of his slightly parted mouth.
"San, do you want to move to one of the rooms? I'm sure you could stay here for the ni-"
"No." He mumbles. "You are a perfect headrest, you know." He added cheekily, chuckling after.
You rolled your eyes. "So that's what I am now? A friend and a headrest?"
This time you don't receive any response from him, except the little snores he let out and it was enough to convince you that maybe he has fallen asleep.
And you should too.
Sighing, you let your head fall on top of his and closed your eyes letting slumber consume you bit by bit.
NEXT week came, and everything was back into place. Except for the fact that you and San had gotten a lot closer, the following days after he dozed off on you.
You could say you two were close enough to be considered as friends. Even Niki and him. That sometimes you'd frown at how it seems like Niki's been more fond of him lately, than you, his owner.
You've also already gotten used to his antics and how he naturally switches from his playful side to his somewhat  — child-like side.
And just like what you said before, he's actually not that bad, as what others tell him to be.
He's just... annoying.
You were currently in your Potions class with Professor Park. Sara, sitting in front of you as both of you waited for class to start.
"So, tell me, did you really spend your holidays just reading books and taking care of Niki?" Sara asks you, her face resting on top of her hand as she leaned on the table.
"I most likely did. Yeah." You respond, half truthfully, not that she would've noticed.
"I'm not even surprised it didn't bore you."
"When did books ever bore m-"
"Oh, shit, is that Jung Wooyoung?" Sara squeaks, nearly falling off her chair. Before you could ask her what's the matter with her, her face turns red as she blushes furiously.
The next thing you know, she has her head down on the table as she tries to suppress a light squeal.
Finding her behavior weird, you decide to look around, your eyes immediately stopping to a familiar Slytherin male.
The infamous Jung Wooyoung, except that his hair was now silver.
Your eyes don't linger on him though, as your gaze landed on the black-haired male beside him, whose eyes immediately turn into crescents as he flashes you a smile when he sees you looking at him. You smiled back.
The subtle exchange comes to a stop when you hear Sara speak up.
“He’s so pretty I think I’m gonna faint.” She says, both of her hands fanning her still red face.
"I knew you have a crush on him, but I certainly didn't expect you to react this way after not seeing him for only a week, Sara." You told her, because you do believe that she might really faint any minute now.
"I know, me neither! But how can I not when he decided to dye his hair silver!" Sara squeals yet again, burying her face back on the table.
You just sat there staring at your somewhat hopeless friend, wondering when her squeals would stop.
Meanwhile, San settles down with his two friends at a table at the far back of the classroom, his eyes glued to a particular someone.
Ohoh, this time he wasn't really being discreet, at all.
“Is there a reason you’re blushing like that?” Wooyoung's voice snaps him out of his little daze, his eyes automatically looking away from your spot.
"Uh, no? I'm just...feeling hot?" San answers, not really being able to maintain eye contact with his best friend as he breaks into a sweat.
"Liar!" Yeosang exclaims, making both males turn their attention to him. One wide-eyed, and the other, squinting.
"What do you mean, Yeo?" Wooyoung asks the blonde.
"What I mean is that, I just saw him exchange a smile with Arin Bramwell."
At that information, Wooyoung gasps, his left hand over his mouth as he looks back at San, who was now sending daggers to Yeosang.
"You little snitch." San snarls, about to hit him with a book, but the latter was quick to avoid it. "How did you even manage to see that, huh?"
"Not my fault if I have sharp eyes!" Yeosang defends.
"Oh my god, so it is true?!" Wooyoung shrieks, gaining the attention of the other students in the room, even you, that San had to put a hand to his mouth to shut him up. But Wooyoung refuses to.
"So you finally made a move on her? When Yeosang and I were out? When everyone was out? When the whole school was out?"
"Yeah? And what if I did?" San answers back, making Wooyoung squeal this time, that even Yeosang had to cover his ears at the sound.
"No way? Okay, so maybe I didn’t see that coming. At all.” The silver-haired male muses, finding it very amusing that one of his friends is close to having his own lovelife, that even when Professor Park entered the room, he still kept on pestering San.
"Sooo, when will you introduce us to her?"
"Oh, shut up, Woo!" San shushes him up and fortunately, he does it successfully this time when he sees his friend now focused on Professor Park, upfront.
Sure, San does the same, but his mind was definitely drifting somewhere - someone, rather.
To say that he was feeling joyous, was an understatement.
The fact that he no longer has to look at you from the shadows without you knowing, has made his heart leap up in content and perhaps, made him charged and euphoric, especially when your eyes met his' for the second time this day. Both of your lips, stretching into a full smile, you, rolling your eyes after as you caught sight of his dimples appearing on both sides of his cheeks.
That might just be your new weakness.
Then, when you look away, San shakes his head at himself, muttering, "I might just fall deeper."
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cracking-the-code · 3 years
✦Ateez Hogwarts Au✦
▰ Kim HongJoong, Ravenclaw.
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Aspen wood with a Dragon Heartstring core, 12 ¾" and Surprisingly Swishy.
Fennec Fox
Tonkinese Cat
He skips class to go painting at the Astronomy tower. -and passes the class anyway-
Expert player of Wizard's Chess. -WooYoung used Yeosang to beat him, they didn't make it.-
He joined the Quidditch team at the request of Professor Flitwick. -ended up being the seeker of the Ravenclaws Quidditch team-
He found the room of requirements during the Christmas holidays.
▰ Park SeongHwa, Gryffindor.
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Alder wood with a Phoenix Tail Feather core, 12 ¾" and Quite Fexible.
Barn Owl
Chaser of the Gryffindors Quidditch team.
Head Boy.
Famous among all houses -he steal glances here and there-
He mastered non-verbal spells faster than his classmates.
Always gets Outstanding in Defence Against The Dark Arts.
▰ Jeong YunHo, Gryffindor.
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Rowan wood with a Peacock Tail Feather core, 12 ½" and Very Flexible.
Golden Retriever
English Lop Rabbit
Keeper and captain of the Gryffindors Quidditch team.
Quick learner.
A skilled duelist -Flitwick loves him-
Loves Chocolate Frogs. -He's determined to collect all of the cards.-
Excels in Charms class.
▰ Kang YeoSang, Gryffindor.
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Elm wood with a Augurey Tail Feather core, 12 ½" and Solid Flexibility.
Three Toed Tree Toad
He convinced JongHo to join the Frog Choir with him.
Almost beat HongJoong on Wizard's Chess once.
Often be asked why he's not a Ravenclaw. *Proceeds to fight WooYoung* "Oh well..."
Excels in Transfiguration -and uses it for no good.-
▰ Choi San, Slytherin.
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Willow wood with a Unicorn Hair core, 12 ¾" and Pliant Flexibility.
Persian Longhair Cat
Chaser of the Slytherins Quidditch team.
He loves to play Gobstone with WooYoung or YunHo. -although he lose most of the time-
He got scolded for sneaking into the Gryffindor common room -multiple times-
Took Care of Magical Creatures classes with Mingi.
▰ Song MinGi, Ravenclaw.
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Hornbeam wood with a Augurey Tail Feather core, 12" and Supple Flexibility.
Scottish Fold Cat
Loves Divination class. -convinced everyone that he has the Sight-
Loves Care of Magical Creatures class too. -a Niffler stole all his Sickles once.-
He sneaks YunHo into the Ravenclaws common room. "I just wanted to show him around."
Excels in Astronomy class.
▰ Jung WooYoung, Gryffindor.
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Dogwood with a Phoenix Tail Feather core, 13 ¾" and Solid Flexibility.
Mexican Gray Wolf
Maine Coon Cat [Half Kneazle]
Chaser of the Gryffindors Quidditch team.
He has been scolded for the size of his pet. "He's still a cat tho."
He has burned his cape several times on the fireplace -still dries it there-
He loves Potions class, says it's like cooking. -Snape's least favorite student and curiously the most competent.-
He takes responsibility for sneaking San in the common room. -got also scolded-
▰ Choi JongHo, Gryffindor.
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Cherry wood with a Dragon Heartstring core, 13 ¾" and Unyielding Flexibility.
European Bison
Gargoyle Gecko
Beater of the Gryffindors Quidditch team.
Join the Frog Choir with YeoSang as a joke, but he ended up liking it.
Respected and feared among quidditch players for his strength. -He has knocked a few players off their broom and feels bad about it later-
Usually sleeps during History of Magic lessons.
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itsnotworkinguys · 4 years
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No thoughts head empty
183 notes · View notes
kpophogwartsaus · 4 years
How about something with Slytherin!seeker!San and Gryffindor!seeker!reader? ❤️💚❤️💚
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𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓶𝓮 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓬𝓪𝓷
Pairing: Slytherin!Choi San x (Gender Neutral)Gryffindor!Reader
Wordcount: 5.6K
Warnings: Reader and San bickering A LOT
A/N: soo I’m not dead lol! I know it’s pretty shitty of me to just disappear for a few months but balancing school and work while trying to write takes a lot, but I’m still sorry. I don’t know if anyone will even like this, it feels poorly written but I guess we’ll see. Don’t forget to follow your government’s instructions and help reduce the spreading so that we can go back to living normally as soon as possible. And most importantly, don’t forget to take care of yourself❤️
𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚍𝚘 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚝 ! ♡
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"Oi, L/n! You would think that you don't even know how to ride a broom properly when you never move from that spot!" San laughed as he passed you on his brand new broom. 
Had it not been for the fact that it was against the rules in Quidditch, you would've thrown a jinx right at his face. You gritted your teeth and tried to keep your focus. It wasn't a real match. It was just a practice round, just for fun and exercise. "Just for fun" my ass, you thought as you watched him fly around the pitch as if he owned it. A gold flash was visible from the corner of your eye. You immediately turned your head only to realize that it had just been one of your teammates' uniforms. San suddenly entered your vision. 
"What's with you today, L/n? You haven't even tried to insult me." There was a smug smirk on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest, awaiting your answer. He was dangling his feet through the air, a child-like act that made your blood boil. 
"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate." You told him off curtly. San held up his hands in mock surrender. 
"Well, well, well. Someone woke up on the wrong side today." You rolled your eyes when they suddenly caught the glimpse of something small hovering over San's head. It was the snitch. 
You began to think. You couldn't just charge towards him, that would make him figure out that the snitch was there. Deciding that the best strategy was approaching him slowly you fired back at his comment.
"I don't care which side you think I woke up on, Choi San.-" You leaned forward so that you flew closer to him, making it seem like you were just getting closer to fight with him. 
"-Frankly, when it comes to you, I'm always on the wrong side because you never have anything remotely intelligent coming from your mouth." You smirked. 
"That's some big words, L/n." He smirked back. "Are you sure you mean all of that?" He asked, an excessive pout plastered on his lips.
You were so close to him now, just a few more centimetres and you would be able to grab the snitch right in front of his eyes. When you didn't answer he sighed. 
"Very well," He brought up his arm and grabbed the snitch while maintaining eye contact with you the whole time. "I'm looking forward to our next practice together." He gave you a flirtatious wink before descending and shouting that the game was over. 
You followed him down to the ground. You saw your captain, Suh Johnny, shaking hands with Park Seonghwa, the Slytherin captain. Sighing in frustration, you turned your back to them and walked into the Gryffindor locker room.
When you entered you immediately found yourself sitting on one of the benches, holding your head in your hands. Johnny walked in a few seconds later. He was a great captain. He was always looking out for you and the rest of the team, like a big brother. Johnny sighed when he saw your defeated state and sat down next to you, rubbing your back comfortingly. 
"What's on your mind?" He simply asked. It was all he needed to say before you spilt everything. 
"I can't even do my ONE job in the game as soon as he is playing. I was trying to focus and I was SO close to catching it but I failed." You slumped your shoulders and looked at the floor. 
"Hey, relax. It was just a practice round, Y/n. You are a great seeker, never doubt that." He said and laid an arm across your shoulders. 
"We have a real game against Slytherin next month. What if I make us lose again?" You turned to look at Johnny. He smiled at you warmly. 
"Winning is a team effort, Y/n. The fate of the match is on all of us. It's never only your fault. We win together and we lose together." He said before the arm around your shoulders suddenly turned into a chokehold and his free hand began to mess up your hair. You immediately began to laugh and struggle against his iron grip. The rest of the team began to pile into the room. 
"Did you see how that brat sent a bulger right at my face?! My beautiful face!" Kim Seokjin, one of the chasers complained loudly while Johnny released you from the grip, slowly turning his attention to the others.
"Jin, that's literally Jungkook's job as a beater." Lisa, one of the beaters, said while smiling in amusement.
"Excuse you! My face is a national treasure!" Seokjin turned to Lisa.
The rest of the team, including you, began to laugh at his antics. The Quidditch team felt like a second family to you. You left the Quidditch Pitch that night in a considerably better mood than when you first arrived there. 
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"I hate him and his stupid face." You grumbled as you watched him perform the charm flawlessly.  
"Sure you do." Your friend, Taeyong, muttered sarcastically from your left. You whipped your head around and looked at her furiously. 
"I do!" You answered defensively. 
"Listen here, you don't have time to hate him at the very moment. You need to focus on performing your charm correctly." Taeyong rolled his eyes at your childish behaviour and you narrowed your eyes in response. 
"Listen here,-" You mimicked him. "-what I don't need is your motherly nagging." You said and picked up your wand with a pout. 
"Look at that pout, motherly nagging is exactly what you need, child." He said with a triumphant smile. You only grumbled incoherently in response and tried to perform the charm again. 
Nonverbal Charms were the hardest to perform in your opinion. You needed the words if anything were to happen. Now you were just sitting here and glaring at the quill in front of you, trying to make it levitate or move, at least. You sighed impatiently and angrily put down your wand, leaning back in your seat with crossed arms. 
"I give up!" You announced. 
"It's been five seconds." Taeyong pointed out but you couldn't care less. 
"I can't do it." You responded. You watched in jealousy as San simply pointed his wand at his feather wordlessly and made it levitate. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of catching you staring at him, you pretended to take notes. 
When Professor Flitwick announced that the class was coming to an end you almost cheered out loud but ultimately decided to keep your unsuitable happiness. You picked up your stuff, trying to look as neutral as possible before dashing out of the classroom. Taeyong trailed behind you, trying to keep up with your fast pace. 
"Slow down," Taeyong whined as he caught up with. 
"No, I'm trying to escape." You said. 
"I'm sure he wouldn't call you out when we're in the middle of a corridor-" Before you had time to react to Taeyong's words someone stole your attention.
"L/n!" You searched the big crowd, looking for an arrogant smile and perfectly styled black hair. It wasn't hard to find. Only mere seconds after his call were you glaring directly at him. 
"How was class?" He teased, not caring what your answer was. 
"You seemed to experience a tad bit trouble in my eyes." He was walking closer. With each step, you felt your blood boil.
"What's it to you, dickhead?" You asked. San's eyes widened slightly at the insult but his smirk remained. If anything, it too, grew in size. 
"Oh you know, it would be such a shame if someone were banned from the next Quidditch match if they failed next week's Charm's test." He said while taking slow steps towards you, hands stuffed proudly in the front pockets of his black pants.
"Oh yeah?" You said cockily. "Wanna bet?" You asked. If there was one thing that neither a Gryffindor nor a Slytherin would ever back away from, it was a bet.
As soon as the words left your mouth. You saw San's eyebrow twitch slightly, a sign that he was intrigued by your words. You smirked when you realised that you had caught his interest. 
"Ah," You said in realisation and smiled sweetly at him. "You do want to bet." You said, faking your surprise. San narrowed his eyes at you. 
"Don't pretend you're surprised, what is the bet?" He demanded. 
"If Gryffindor wins the Quidditch match you have to..." You trailed off, trying to come up with something. "...grant me any wish of my choice." You said. San gave you a pointed look.
"A wish?" He asked sceptically. 
"What? Are you scared?" You challenged him, knowing it would make him agree on the bet. 
"And if I win?" He asked.
"If you win-" You were cut off. "Which I will," San said. "-which you won't. I have to grant a wish for you." You finished, making sure to throw him a nasty glare for cutting you off. San looked like he was deep in thought. Knowing him, he was probably weighing the pros and cons against each other. After a few seconds, he sighed and raised his right hand.
"Deal." He said simply, awaiting your handshake. 
"Deal." You answered. shaking his hand firmly. 
"How do I know you won't try to back out when Gryffindor loses?" He asked arrogantly. 
"If Gryffindor loses, I won't back out. You have someone who witnessed the bet being made." You said and gestured towards San's Slytherin classmate that was waiting for him to finish his conversation with you behind him. 
"Same goes for you if you try to back out. I'll have Taeyong tell the whole school that you were too much of a coward to stand your ground." You smirked devilishly at him. "If that turns out to be the case." You added. 
"Fine. Be prepared for my wish, L/n." He said. 
"You wish." You winked at him before walking past him. 
"That bet was so unnecessary, Y/n," Taeyong commented. 
"I know." You answered. 
"Then why did you do it?" He asked. 
"What else could I have done?" You asked, giving him a confused stare. 
"Just ignored him," Taeyong stated. 
"And let him have power over me? Are you even a Gryffindor, Lee Taeyong?" You asked. 
"It just would have saved you a lot of stress. You have to study and practice even harder now." He said. 
"So?" You shrugged your shoulders, unbothered by his words. 
"So? You'll do anything to beat him?" He asked. 
"Yes." You answered without hesitation. You didn't say it out loud but you would rather die than let Choi San prove you wrong. 
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"I can't believe I'm doing this." You groaned quietly. 
"Studying?" Taeyong asked in confusion. He looked up from the page he was reading and gave you a sceptical stare. 
"Yes," You sighed and leaned your head back, it hit the backrest of the armchair you were sitting in. "I can't believe you have the energy to do this every day."
"And I can't believe you have the energy to fly around on a broom and look for a small, flying ball every day." Taeyong retorted without looking at you. 
"Touché." You shrugged your shoulders before returning to reading the book on nonverbal charms.
It didn't take long for you to get bored and stop comprehending the words you were reading. You decided to take a short break and started to observe the library quietly. A few tables to your right sat a group of Ravenclaw students. They were whispering amongst each other excitedly, you were curious about what they were talking about. After only a few seconds you could read the word "Astronomy" on a book that one of them picked up and pointed at for the rest of them to read the page. You smiled in amusement and continued your observation of the big library.
Also sitting in a group was a few Hufflepuff students that were quietly studying. Nothing interesting seemed to be happening so you moved on. 
You suddenly spotted a familiar-looking face a few tables to your left. You narrowed your eyes. Choi San was hunched over the table he was sitting at, palm holding up his head as he was reading. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and a strand of the perfectly styled, black hair was sticking out, hitting his forehead softly. It was as if he had felt your stare when he suddenly looked up from his book and straight at you. You scoffed and looked down at the page you had been reading, acting as if San didn't just catch you staring at him. 
After a few seconds of pretending to read your book, you looked up just to make sure he had gone back to his work. Sure enough, when you looked up he was writing something down on a piece of parchment. You let out a small sigh of relief before you decided to read your book for real. You managed to focus on reading a few paragraphs until your concentration was broken by something landing on the page you were reading. It was an origami swan. You picked up the swan carefully, afraid that you would damage the fragile paper. When you examined the bird in your hands you noticed that something was written on it. You took a look around the big room, trying to make eye contact with the person who had sent it. When no one met your eyes you sighed and unfolded the paper swan delicately. 
"You're looking pretty cute over there, L/n ;)" was scribbled on the paper. You immediately knew who had sent it when you read the words. You smiled and looked up at San only to find him already staring at you. He winked at you playfully and you couldn't help but smile wider. In an attempt to hide your smile you shook your head and looked down again. 
You hesitated before grabbing your quill from the table in front of you. Taeyong looked up at you and gave you a proud smile, probably thinking that you were going to write down notes, before returning to his book. You turned the paper and began to write on the other side of it. 
"Whatever, idiot :D". You read the phrase before folding it into a simple paper plane. You aimed right at his face before you threw it. You were about to say the spell that was meant to keep your paper plane flying out loud before you remembered that you were in the library. Deciding that you didn't want to face the wrath of Madam Pince, you figured that it could be worth a shot. You raised your wand quietly, and without uttering a word, you shot the spell. Your face lit up in joy when you saw the gradually descending paper plane shot up into the air and fly straight towards San. 
When the paper plane hit him square in the nose you had to muffle your laughter by covering your mouth with your hand. San looked up at you in surprise but the facial expression quickly changed to a scowl when he noticed your shoulders shaking in laughter. He unfolded the paper plane and you watched as he read the words. He smiled softly while shaking his head and looking at you. You winked in response before returning to your studying, having found new motivation after performing a nonverbal spell. 
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When it finally was time for the test, you became a nervous wreck. You wanted to pass, especially with the bet you had made. You were certain that you would never hear the end of it if you failed. While walking into the classroom you were visibly shaking. At least, enough to make Profesor Flitwick walk up to you and ask if you were doing okay. You gave him a nod and an unconvincing smile that made him squint his eyes in suspicion.  However, he didn't question you further and returned to the front of the classroom. You barely listened to the instructions and only snapped out of your racing thoughts when Professor Flitwick left a test sheet on your desk. 
If you were completely honest, you blacked out after reading the first question. You knew that you had managed to at least answer all the questions but what you had answered was a complete blur. You were amongst the last to leave the classroom, that told you that you probably thought the questions through. But still, you weren't sure. When classes were over for the day you couldn't help but pace around the Gryffindor common room, biting your nails subconsciously as you tried to recall what you had answered. After a few minutes or so, Taeyong sighed and looked at you disapprovingly. 
"Y/n, relax!" He exclaimed suddenly, snapping you out of your anxiety-filled thoughts.
"You wrote more than I've ever seen you do on a test. You'll definitely pass." Taeyong smiled encouragingly. You tried to smile back in appreciation but you were sure that it looked like an awkward school photo smile. 
"I need to blow off some stress." You muttered before sprinting towards your dorm room. 
You practically jumped up the stairs before you walked into your room. The second that the door closed behind you, you began to change out of your Hogwarts robes and into your comfortable Quidditch sweater and pants. You grabbed your Firebolt before walking down the stairs. You passed Johnny who gave you a proud smile and thumbs up before returning to his assignment.
You made a b-line for the Quidditch Pitch, arriving in only mere minutes. You unlocked the closet with practice equipment, grabbing a quaffle before mounting your broom. You flew a few laps around the field before you began to throw the quaffle through the hoops, trying to catch them before they hit the ground. You felt free up here in the air, practising during the sundown. After a few minutes, you took a breather so that you could admire the colours of the sky. 
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Someone suddenly said, making you jump and turn your head 90° to the left. San smiled mischievously at your reaction. You placed a hand over your heart and breathed out deeply. 
"Choi San if you ever scare me like that again, expect a fist to the face." You threatened.
"Noted," San said, chuckling slightly. Silence fell over the pitch once again. Surprisingly, the silence wasn't awkward even though it should be. You and San weren't friends, this silence should be awkward but it wasn't. It was a pleasant silence that fell between you as you both admired the beauty of nightfall. 
"It kinda looks like cotton candy," You whispered, mostly to yourself. San looked at you in confusion but didn't say anything. 
"Cotton candy skies." You said, turning to him with a smile. The look that San gave you made your heart flutter the slightest. It was a look of wonder and awe. His lips were parted slightly and his eyes were watching you softly. 
"What?" You asked, trying to sound annoyed. San shook his head. 
"Cotton candy skies? Really, L/n?" He asked the signature smirk plastered on his face. "I didn't know you were such a softie." He said. 
"Well-" You began to put your broom in motion, San following you. "-I'd expect you didn't, with me beating you at everything." You said confidently, throwing him the quaffle, which he caught. 
"Hey!-" He threw the quaffle back to you. "-May I remind you of your grades in Potions." He smiled. 
"Whatever, nerd. I don't care about making dumb, complicated cocktails." You giggled and threw the quaffle through the middle hoop. The two of you watched as it sailed through perfectly. 
"You'd make a decent chaser, L/n," San said, eyebrows raised in surprise. 
"Oh please. I'd make an amazing chaser." You retorted looking at him with a confident smirk. "I am a seeker for the sole reason of beating you at that too." You shrugged before racing towards the quaffle on the ground. San followed behind you closely, racing towards the quaffle. 
You managed to snatch the quaffle just before San had the chance to grab it. You cheered for yourself loudly before stopping in mid-air. 
"See? I am the superior Quidditch-" You turned around and your words were cut off when you realised the proximity of San. "-player." You finished, trying to seem nonchalant about the distance between you despite the burning sensation on your cheeks. San rolled his eyes with a smile. 
"Yeah right, good luck next week. We'll see then who is the superior Quidditch player." He answered. 
"Good luck to you too.-" You tossed him the quaffle that he caught with ease. "-Hope you can handle it." You smirked before flying towards the castle, brushing against his arm while flying past him. 
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After your little meeting on the Quidditch pitch, you found your eyes wandering towards San more often than usual. You found yourself watching him with soft eyes and the shadow of a smile playing at your lips. At first, you didn't acknowledge these small signs but it didn't take long for Taeyong to pick up on the subtle change in your behaviour. 
"You're totally crushing on him!" Taeyong couldn't contain his smile. You looked at him in horror. 
"Am not!" You hissed, trying to contain the conversation on the down-low. "Are you nuts? Why are you saying that?" You looked around the Gryffindor table, making sure that no one was listening.
"You're literally staring at him with lovey-dovey eyes right this second!" He argued. "And you have for the last 20 minutes." You watched him in disbelief before realisation hit you.
"Fuck, you're right." You admitted, slamming your head down on the table.
"Hey, you better be nice. He helped you pass the test." Taeyong teased and you narrowed your eyes at him. 
"How exactly did he help me?" You practically squinted at him. 
"Well, as far as I know, you weren't able to perform a nonverbal spell until you sent that paper plane at him in the library." You groaned. You were positive that Taeyong had been too absorbed in his book to notice.
"I'm not listening to you." You muttered with a pout as Taeyong laughed at your childish behaviour.  
 After your new-found crush, you found it harder to compete with him. You still thought that he was stupid. While you were trying to keep your feelings in check, you had noticed how flirtatious your rivalry was. The smirks and winks that you usually would brush off as him trying to annoy you made your cheeks burn and your stomach flutter uncomfortably. His presence made it harder to concentrate properly, which affected both your schoolwork and your performance at the Quidditch practices. A few days before the match, Johnny had enough and pulled you aside after practice is over. 
"Are you okay, Y/n?" He asked.
"No," You said looking down. Johnny leaned his head sideways, waiting for you to answer. "I just realised that I have a crush on Choi San." You muttered in embarrassment. 
"Oh, okay. Then you're officially the last person to figure it out." Johnny shook his head with a smile. Your head darted up in shock.
"W-Wait, what do you mean?" You stuttered in confusion. 
"The whole school has known ever since the two of you started competing in the first year." He said. "You really didn't know, did you?" He asked. You shook your head no. 
"Everyone knew?" You asked and Johnny nodded in response. "Even San?" You pressed, worried that he was going to tease you. 
"I have no idea whether San is aware of your crush on him or not. I would, however, bet the Quidditch Cup that he has a crush on you." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. You smiled and looked at your feet, heart fluttering slightly.
"Speaking of the Quidditch Cup, will you be able to play properly on Saturday?" He asked. 
"Oh, I have a bet with San that I do not intend on loosing." You smirked. 
"Good." Johnny gave you a nod of approval and a matching smirk before he offered to train a little extra before curfew. 
When Saturday finally rolled around, you woke up with a nervous feeling in your stomach. There was still a few hours left before the match started. You decided to leave your bed and wander down to the common room. You hadn't been the only one with that thought. Sitting in front of the warm fire was some of the other players from the team; Seokjin, Lisa and Jackson. You plopped down next to Jackson who immediately offered you a blanket that you accepted. 
"Nervous?" Seokjin asked, eyeing you like a concerned mother. You snorted.
"Obviously, you?" You answered looking at the three of them. They nodded in response. 
"We have to win this thing," You stated. "Or else I will lose against Choi San." You shuddered at the thought of him winning over you. The three of the shared knowing smirks but didn't say anything. A few minutes later, Johnny walked down, his face lit up when he saw the four of you sitting there. 
"Great! Now we just have to wake the others and we can arrange a morning practice before the match." He sprinted up the stairs. The four of you groaned before reluctantly following your captain. 
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"I don't wanna hear any complaining. Do you think the Slytherin sleeps?" Johnny was walking towards the Quidditch Pitch with rapid steps, the team barely keeping up with his long legs. 
"Uh yeah? They're humans, Johnny." You rolled your eyes. 
"Wrong, they're psychopaths that could skip a whole night of sleeping just to beat us." Johnny practically jumped down the stairs. When you got near the Quidditch Pitch you could see green cloaked figures zooming through the air. Johnny gave you a pointed look. 
"I stand corrected." You retorted, shrugging your shoulders slightly.
When the Gryffindor team walked towards the edge of the Pitch the green figures' movements slowed down and they began nudging each other and pointing in your direction. Slowly but surely they began to descend towards your team with Seonghwa in the front. He was dressed in his green Quidditch robes and his face was adorned with a cocky smirk, very similarly to San who was standing behind his captain. Out of habit, you raised your eyebrows and narrowed your eyes the slightest, giving your face a sceptical expression. 
"I see you're taking the opportunity to sleep in today, L/n," San said, still wearing that dumb smirk that made your heart skip a beat. 
"It's 6 am." You answered, without missing a beat, despite the fluttering feeling in your stomach. San only shrugged his shoulders arrogantly in response.
"Good luck today," Seonghwa said simply. Johnny nodded reluctantly. 
"Likewise." He said, avoiding speaking too much with the rivalling captain.
Your team left quickly, walking towards the changing rooms to change into your uniforms.
 The room was completely silent as you and some of your teammates changed into your Quidditch robes. You felt the familiarly soft, scarlet red fabric against your arms as your mind was lost in thought. The thought of losing to Slytherin made your heart rate pick up in fear. You wouldn't be able to bear the disappointment on Johnny's face if you lost. You shuddered as you remembered the bet you had made with San, what kind of sick wish was he going to force you to do? You tied your shoelaces slowly, still thinking about the worst possible outcomes. 
"Hey, Y/n!" The sudden call made you jump. You turned around to see Johnny in the opening to the changing room. 
"We're waiting for you." He said simply, you nodded in response before grabbing your broom. 
If it hadn't been for the immense roar of the crowd, you wouldn't have been surprised if someone told you that they could hear your heartbeat from the other side of the pitch. The practice didn't go as well as you would've liked but there was no stopping the match that was about to begin. You felt the blood rushing through your entire body, the sound of your heartbeat overpowered the cheering. It always felt like this, those few but agonisingly long minutes before Madam Hooch blew her whistle to start the match. You watched as she walked onto the pitch, towards the middle where you and the rest of the players were gathered. No one talked, it was one of the side effects of the raging performance anxiety. Madam Hooch placed the big, brown box of the Quidditch equipment on the green grass before looking at every player with a slightly threatening expression, as she always did.
"I will not tolerate any rule-breaking. You stick to your equipment. Is that understood?" She asked strictly. Everyone nodded. 
"I asked if you understood?" She repeated, to which everyone immediately answered in unison with "yes". 
"Well then, good luck out there, Slytherin." She nodded towards Seonghwa. "Good luck, Gryffindor." She nodded towards Johnny. 
Madam Hooch put her silver whistle between her lips before she began to open the box. She undid the chains around the two bludgers that immediately shot up into the air the second the chains became loose. You dodged slightly to the right, narrowly avoiding being hit by one of them on their way up into the air. After the two bludgers had taken off she released the golden snitch. The small ball circled up into the air before disappearing. Lastly, Madam Hooch grabbed the big, burgundy ball and prepared to start the match. Everyone got into their formations. 
The first seconds of a Quidditch match is always a blur. It's just a massive, floating pile of bodies and brooms diving towards the same target. You, as a seeker, wasn't after the quaffle. You were just aiding your teammates by trying to create a disturbance for the Slytherin team. When the pile finally disappeared you searched the pitch to see who had the quaffle. You quickly spotted someone in emerald robes being followed by the rest of the chasers. You quickly waved at Lisa, catching her attention. You pointed at the green blur that was approaching the Gryffindor goals quickly. She gave you a mischievous smirk before saluting. Lisa caught up with the nearest bludger, swinging her arm back before whirling her bat into the bludger with an intense force. The bludger immediately changed its direction, almost knocking the Slytherin chaser off their broom. 
Seokjin took advantage of the Slytherin's lack of balance and quickly took the quaffle from him. You cheered loudly along with the crowd as the Gryffindor chasers approached the Slytherin hoops rapidly. Seokjin threw the quaffle towards the right hoop, the Slytherin Keeper immediately reacted and placed himself in front of it. Johnny flew forward and grabbed the quaffle in mid-air, swinging it in the direction of the left hoop.  The quaffle sailed through the air and despite the Slytherin Keeper's quick reaction, the quaffle soared right through the hoop. 
The crowd erupted into loud cheers and you heard the familiar ding that informed everyone that points were made. You held up both your hands for Johnny and Seokjin as they flew past. The two of them high fived you before continuing the game. 
Deciding that it was probably best to look for the snitch, you started to scan the arena. The only time you would ever complain about the Gryffindor Quidditch robes was during a match. The gold details on the uniform flashed in the sunlight in a way that was not, at all, unlike the snitch. 
"Hard time keeping up with me, L/n?" You didn't have to turn around to know who was talking with you. The voice and the familiar fluttering in your stomach told you enough. Still, you turned around. 
"Do I make you this nervous, San?" You smirked. "Nervous enough for you to try to patronise me during a match?" You saw a pink dusting on his cheeks when you used his first name while addressing him. 
"Whatever floats your boat, Y/n." He replied while subtly drifting closer to you. You saw him frequently glance at a spot over your head. Oh, this is too good. 
"Actually, I think I'm right.-" You smiled at him. "-Do you know what I'm also right about?" You asked. 
"What?" He was still approaching you. 
"I'm going to catch the snitch before you and win this match." You said. 
"Oh really now, you think so?" He smirked mischievously. Without missing a beat, you reached up a hand and grabbed the golf-sized, golden ball that was floating over your head. 
"I'm certain." You smiled victoriously at his defeated face. 
The ending signal echoed through the pitch and Madam Hooch announced Gryffindor's victory as the crowd erupted in another round of cheers. 
"Well, you won fair and square. What's your wish?" He asked cheesily. You rolled your eyes. 
"Come here you absolute bafoon." You boldly grabbed the collar of San's robed with your free hand and pulled him close to you. Your lips collided with his roughly. After a few seconds, the kiss softened and the crowd exploded in cheers. Something that also exploded was the fluttering in your stomach. It felt like your whole body tingled and you couldn't help but smile into the kiss. The two of you broke the kiss after a few seconds. You rolled your eyes when you saw the expression on San's face. You had expected either a disgusted or heartfelt expression but you were met with a knowing smile. 
"You wanted exactly this to happen, didn't you?" You asked. 
"Maybe." He replied mischievously. 
"So you made your whole team lose to Gryffindor?" You asked, raising your eyebrows while smiling. San paused.
"Don't tell Seonghwa." Was the only thing he said before pulling you into a kiss himself. 
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© — kpophogwartsaus on tumblr, do not plagiarise, repost or recreate in anyway!
476 notes · View notes
daybreakx · 4 years
➵ harry potter au, death eater!/snatcher San x  chosen one! reader.
➵warnings: magic inaccuracies, angst, mentions of blood, death, etc. please remember this is fanfiction and it is inaccurate to the actual development in Harry Potter books/movies.
➵ word count: 4.7k
➵requested. I got a couple requests for Death Eater San and they took me so long I’m sorry, still I hope you enjoy!
a/n: Please send me some feedback, I’ve been super absent from writing so please bear with me I tried my best uwu.
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It wasn’t often that San was met with choices. 
It certainly hadn’t been a choice for him to become a Death Eater, and if that hadn’t been a decision he’d taken, his current ‘job’ was certainly not something he agreed with either. Becoming a Snatcher was the way he and his family were getting even more humiliated by the Dark Lord after being sent back to Azkaban, and since San was the only one out of the hole, he was going to be the one suffering the consequences.
Everyone knew being a Snatcher meant that you were on the lowest point of the Dark Wizard chain, and for someone who came from the Choi legacy, it was twice as humiliating. Still, San knew he had to get the job done, catching mudbloods and blood-traitors wasn’t too special, but he knew he had to catch one particular half-blood if he wanted his status back, he had to deliver The Chosen One.
Things weren’t looking up for him if they could have looked up at all at some point. San thought he should have known it was a bad idea to team up with other Snatchers, after all, he was more comfortable working alone in a position like this. Plus, coming from a family of Death Eaters made him a target for more than just mockery over the downfall his family had taken. This was another thing he had to learn the hard way, as he felt his surroundings fading away with his life, all that he felt was the wetness of his own blood in the puddle forming under him, and the pinching of failure on the back of his neck, he was a disaster.
“Have you lost your mind?” someone said close to him, “You do realize who he is, right?”
“He could die!” another one added, “He is dying, can’t you see?”
“Wooyoung, don’t be like this! He’s just a kid, like us.”
“We could die, he won’t hesitate to do it, y/n!”
“I’m not leaving him like this,” you insisted, it would haunt you if you let him all by himself in the woods bleeding to death. Although you were aware Choi San wasn’t an admirable character and in fact, he was an ally of the person who wanted you dead more than anyone else in the world, you couldn’t let someone so young die. “Help me or stay out of the way.”
“Yunho, could you try to speak some sense into them?” Wooyoung pointed at the taller male, “Please?”
Instead, not without a grimace, Yunho helped you lean over San to examine him properly. His wounds were worse than you thought, but you were hoping they could be cured, you at least had to try. 
“Why don’t you install the camp, Wooyoung?” Yunho suggested, trying his best to avoid another fight. He wasn’t sure about your idea of saving a Death Eater, but he also knew it would be wrong to simply let him die. 
Still pissed, Wooyoung agreed silently and started casting protective spells around the four of you, glancing back at Yunho and you every now and then and shaking his head.
You really felt the need to save everyone. 
It was a little stupid how shocked San felt about being alive. Every single bone in his body hurt, but part of him was grateful for every pang of pain that he felt, that was until he opened his eyes and found Yunho in front of him and you, by Yunho’s side. “What the hell are you two doing?”
“Thank you would have sufficed,” you replied with a shrug.
“Where am I?” San continued, glaring at you and then letting his gaze wander around him, the tent he was settled in, and the ties around his hands that kept them to his sides on the makeshift bed in which he laid. This was even more humiliating than anything that had happened to him, and that was saying a lot.
“Exactly where you were last time you were awake,” you talked instead of Yunho, whose eyes were fixed on the Dark Mark on San’s arm “You know... when you were dying.”
“Where’s my wand?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you squinted at him, your eyes following Yunho’s and settling in San’s tattoo.
Pulling his arms against the strains, San groaned, making Yunho take a step back. “Am I your prisoner now?”
“Believe it or not, we’re not like you,” Yunho finally spoke, “We’re trying to help you.”
“Then don’t,”
“As you wish,” you gestured for Yunho to follow you out of the tent, leaving San calling you all sorts of names until he started coughing from the effort.
“So what’s the plan now, genius?” Wooyoung met you outside, arms crossed above his chest. 
“I guess I didn’t think it through properly,” 
“You think so? The moment he touches that ridiculous tattoo on his arm we’re doomed, and guess what? That’s exactly what he’s going to do as soon as he gets rid of your oh so helpful ties,”
“Then we let him go and we leave, we still have a lot of Horcruxes to find.”
“Shh!” Yunho waved his arms, “Keep talking and he’s going to run to You-Know-Who and spill all of our plans, idiots.”
“The only solution was to let him die” Wooyoung spat, “And you know it,”
“Stop speaking like that, Wooyoung,” you sighed “Enough blood has been spilled for this.”
“Not enough pure blood, don’t you think?” Wooyoung hissed before turning around and walking into the woods.
───── ◈ ───── 
“He has to stop wearing that thing,” you whispered at Yunho rubbing your eyes, “It’s clouding his judgment.”
“He refuses to take the thing off, you know it y/n.”
You huffed, “I just wish it didn’t make him act like a jerk,”
“That’s just who Wooyoung is,” Yunho joked, taking the locket between his fingers. You two had technically had to rip it off Wooyoung. “We just have to take turns and we’ll be fine,”
“We should have destroyed that thing by now,” you sighed, “Things are definitely not looking up, are they?”
“They could be worse, I guess,” Yunho shrugged, his next words were interrupted by a loud noise inside the tent, reminding you of the unwanted guest you kept in there. 
“You really had to say it,” you huffed.
As you ran back into the tent, you found San lying on the floor, stomach down as he struggled with the ties on his wrists, new blood staining his clothes from opening his unhealed wounds. With a groan, Yunho helped him back up, pushing him a little too harsh on the bed, and warning him to stay down. 
“What is that?” San questioned, eyes fixed on the locket that Yunho had thrown around his neck before running inside the tent. Yunho put it inside his shirt, giving you a side look.
“It’s nothing,” you replied, shaking your head, “Now what the hell are you doing?”
“I am tired of being restrained,” San replied, using a tone you’d heard from him a thousand times before, during classes in Hogwarts when he wanted to be a smartass. “You’d be tired too if you were in my place.”
“Well, luckily I’m not,” you retorted, sighing at the vision of the fresh stains of blood in his already caked clothes. Without another word, you grabbed what you needed to heal him again, knowing it would be a one person job just like the first time. Yunho stayed there for a few moments but then decided to leave and find Wooyoung, knowing he’d still be pissed at the current situation, though Yunho couldn’t say he was exactly happy either.
───── ◈ ───── 
“He’s only holding us back, we can’t spend anymore time in these woods!” Wooyoung groaned, “We haven’t even gotten rid of that thing,” he pointed at the necklace, it was your turn to wear it but you were certain it wasn’t the curse of the locket that was making you so angry at Wooyoung. 
“Did you really think we’d find them every other day? Destroy two per week and have a long vacation after?” you spat, gripping the locket, “Is this not living up to your expectations, Wooyoung?”
He scoffed, “You’re not doing anything for things to work out either, are you? All you care about is that scum that you rescued like a lost puppy,”
“Stop it,” you warned between gritted teeth.
“I should have known it is about you and your stupid crush on him since we were in school. Well, look at what he became, he would kill you himself if he had the energy to do it, which thanks to your care he’ll probably do in the next couple of days.”
It was true that during your days at Hogwarts you paid a little more attention to San than you did to the average classmates, although you knew that he was on the way to become a Death Eater. Some part of you thought that maybe he would smart enough to stay out of it, but the mark on his arm proved you wrong, not to mention the rumors of him participating in torture to muggle-borns.
“It’s not like that, Wooyoung. You’re acting crazy,”
“You know what? I’m not staying here to see that, if you want to get killed before accomplishing anything real it’s your problem, you’re The Chosen One after all, to hell with us, right?”
“Wooyoung...” Yunho spoke for the first time, “Please.”
“Then go!” you yelled “I don’t care what you do, if that’s the way you’re saving yourself fine, I don’t care.” you stormed back into the tent, leaving Wooyoung still yelling at Yunho who tried to convince him to stay, but by the time dawn broke in the sky, Wooyoung was gone.
San had heard everything. And although he had no idea of what exactly you were meaning to seek or destroy he knew once he found out, it was his way to redemption with The Dark Lord. He’d deliver you, and your plans, and he’d be back in his rightful place. 
Of course, he had to win your trust first.
“Everything okay?” he questioned, looking at you from his corner inside the tent, slumping to ease the pain on his back.
With bloodshot eyes, you glared at him, “You need to go,”
“I have nowhere to go,” San replied, “You do realize that, right?”
“That is not my problem, or Yunho’s,” rubbing your eyes, you got up, “I’m sure your kind will welcome you with open arms, though. Isn’t that what you do with Death Eaters?”
San felt wrath make his stomach turn, but he made an effort to keep it together. “If they did they wouldn’t have tried to kill me.”
“Like I said, that’s your problem after all,”
“Then why did you save me? To leave me for dead like them?”
“We saved your life, now just be grateful for once in your life and let it go, pretend like you didn’t see us at all. I’m sure you could find a way to do that. But you’ll run to your master and tell him everything. People like you know nothing about gratitude or loyalty.”
“You don’t know where my loyalty lies,”
“Do you?”
───── ◈ ───── 
Even though Wooyoung had been right and you had to get moving, you couldn’t. You had no idea of where to go next or what to do, you were nearly as lost as you had been when you first started the quest for Horcruxes, and time was running out for you.
“I think this could give us a clue,” you insisted, pointing down at the book on your lap.
“It’s just a drawing, what clue would it give you now?” Yunho sighed, “But if that’s what you want then fine, where do you want to start?”
San came out of the tent, a slight limp making his steps slower as he approached you two, looking over your shoulder he saw the symbol you were pointing at. “The Deathly Hallows?”
Yunho and you both looked up at him and then at each other. “What do you know?”
“It’s a children’s book,” San shrugged “And there are crazy people, like Xenophilius Lovegood who think they’re an actual thing.”
“I told you!” 
“Fine, then I guess we should go to Xenophilius, then,” Yunho nodded, and then his features changed, glancing at San he thought he shouldn’t have said anything. 
“I can help,” San added, “I want to help, in whatever you’re doing.”
“I don’t think so,” you shook your head, “You’re setting us up.”
“Let’s just obliviate him and go,” Yunho suggested, “We can still take his wand, I think he will manage to get another one, won’t you?”
San bit his tongue, resisting the impulse to call him a mudblood. “I want to go with you,” he stared at you for a long moment. “I am not going back to them, I can’t and I won’t. They wanted me dead.”
“Well, that makes three of us they want to kill,” you looked at his tattoo wondering if you should really trust him or follow Yunho’s plan, which was the most logical thing to do but then again, you always thought people deserved a chance, especially someone who was as lost as San. “You don’t get a wand, and you have to keep that thing covered. And the first thing that makes us suspicious is going to lead you to have your mind wiped, you won’t even remember your name.”
San had practically begged for the past days every time he saw you, insisting on the fact that he had changed ever since they tried to kill him, he couldn’t go back and he would never betray the person who’d saved his life, it’d have him cursed (though that last part was the most blatant lie out of all the ones he had told) but it was working. He was starting to shape his own path into your mind, although he couldn’t say you trusted him, at least you’d let him stick around which was more than he had expected. 
“We’ll leave tomorrow morning,” you said before going back inside the tent.
“If we’re leaving in the morning you should probably get some sleep,” San said, looking at you sitting in front of the fire. 
“So should you,” you replied absentmindedly.
“I’ll be fine,” he shrugged “Can I ask you something?”
“Is it true, what Wooyoung said the other night?” San questioned, it was the first time in days anyone mentioned Wooyoung. 
“About what?”
“About how you liked me back in school,” there was a hint of a smug smirk playing in the corner of his lips, but his gaze remained on the dacing flames.
“Oh, don’t feel so special,” you rolled your eyes, “I guess some stupid part of me thought you were actually smart enough.”
“Smart enough for what?”
“To build your own path and not be another pureblood sheep for a Dark Wizard, but I clearly thought wrong.”
San remained quiet, was there really a person out there who thought he wouldn’t follow into his family’s steps? 
His laugh sounded more like a scoff, “You really think it is a choice?”
“We all have choices, San. Even me and you, although it sometimes doesn’t seem like that. I made a choice with you, opposing my two best friend’s opinions, see where that got me with Wooyoung. So don’t make me regret it.”
“You just have too much faith,”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing” you smiled, “Sometimes faith is all we have left, and we have to put it somewhere, especially in people who need someone to have faith in them.”
San fell silent again, looking at the orange gleam that lightened your face but even after a few moments, he couldn’t find the words to say. 
“There’s always a choice,” you said before deciding on actually going to get some rest.
───── ◈ ───── 
The trip to see Xenophilius Lovegood wasn’t turning out too great, he seemed anxious and distracted, and although he was explaining what the Deathly Hallows were, he also couldn’t keep his eyes from drifting to San, for obvious reasons. 
“We have to go, I’m not drinking anymore of that disgusting tea,” San gagged as soon as Xenophilius left the room.
“Don’t be rude, he’s trying to be nice,” you said, but still you picked your stuff from the floor. 
“There’s something wrong,” Yunho added, looking down the staircase, “I am with San on this.”
“Fine,” you consented “Let’s just thank him and leave.”
“Mr. Lovegood,” Yunho started, “We really have to get going but–”
“NO!” Xenophilius smashed a teapot on the ground, “You can’t go!” his eyes drifted to San again, “Where is she? I know you know where she is!”
San took a step back, “I don’t–”
“They took Luna, your people took Luna,” he continued frantically and then, he looked at you, “They want you, I’ll give you and I’ll have her back.”
“Sir...” Yunho grabbed your hand, and a little unsure, he extended the other towards San who did try to reach for it, but it was late.
“Lord Voldemort wants you, y/n!” Xenophilius cried before the explosions started. San knew exactly what was coming as the shadows started flying outside the house, he would have been summoned himself had he not been thrown out of the elite. 
The three of you threw yourselves to the ground, Yunho still holding you by the arm. You looked for San, who seemed to be having a struggle within himself for a minute as he looked around the room and tightened his fist, on the side where his Dark Mark was. He shut his eyes and grabbed your hand right before Yunho made you disapparate.
“Well, that turned out just great!” San groaned, looking as you were back in the woods. 
“He just wanted his daughter back,” you huffed, shaking your head and rubbing your scraped knees.
“Let’s not start on whose fault it was,” Yunho added, giving San a brief glare.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You know exactly what that means,” the taller boy growled, “If it weren’t for–”
“SHH!” you scanned around, your soul leaving your body when you saw the man standing a few feet away from you. You knew his name was Scabior and he was definitely bad news for you and your friends. Your eyes recognized little by little the rest of the shadows standing in line behind him, Snatchers, a whole group of them.
Scabior’s smile only faltered a bit when he saw San, but the smirk returned immediately and wider than before. He’d really hit the jackpot. “What are you waiting for? Snatch them!” he cackled before the men took off running after you.
You ran behind San, as fast as you could but without being able to locate Yunho, your wand already in your hand, casting spells every few steps, some of which actually hit the Snatchers, but there was no way you’d be able to escape this time. The hit against the ground left you breathless, your foot was stuck on a log and your wand flew off your hand. San turned around, and as he reached for you, he looked back at how the dark wizards were already grouping up, instead of helping you get up, he grabbed your wand and pointed it at your face. 
“San, please,” you breathed with a wince, trying to pull your foot free.
“Have a little faith,” you heard him whisper before you felt like your face was on fire. You heard the dry leaves shuffle as San took off running again, leaving you there breathless, full of pain, and at the mercy of the Snatchers.
You couldn’t remember how many times you’d repeated the same fake name that you’d heard on the radio, when they listed all the missing half-bloods. Still, the Snatchers insisted that wasn’t you, and given the fact that at that moment you didn’t look like yourself, they had to take you with someone who would make sure you were The Chosen One they already bragged about capturing. They dragged you next to Yunho, who whispered a ‘what happened to your face?’ before one of the Snatchers hit him to make him shut up, then you overheard where they were taking you, the house of Kim Hongjoong’s family sounded like a place you’d never leave alive.
───── ◈ ───── 
“What made your face so ugly?” one of the Death Eaters grabbed your bloated cheeks, pulling you towards her harshly, “Where’s Hongjoong?” she questioned, pushing you back to the floor.
“Apparently he’s over at the Ministry, he’ll be back soon,” another one answered.
The first one turned to the Snatchers, “And what did you say about seeing Choi San with these mudbloods?”
“He was there ma’am, I swear,” one of them said, “But he fled, left these two behind.”
As if he had been summoned, San came into the room, your wand in one hand and the other gripping Wooyoung by the neck of his shirt. “Of course I fled,” he said, “I had to retrieve all of them”.
You had been a total fool to trust him, you were going to die, and worst of all you were going to get your two best friends killed. You wondered how he was able to find Wooyoung so fast when you’d been captured barely an hour ago, but that didn’t matter, not when they had the three of you now and the locket was between your stuff. 
San threw Wooyoung to the floor, earning a dirty look and then asked what exactly was going on, what were they waiting for to get rid of ‘these bunch of mudbloods’. You looked at him from across the room and he held your gaze for a second, but then focused on someone else. 
“Maybe the other one will talk, since this one won’t,” the female Death Eater said again, “We’re going to find out, one way or another,” she laughed as she grabbed you again and pushed you towards San. “Get the other one and leave these two on the basement.”
San half-smiled, “My pleasure,” he said, pulling Wooyoung back up and then grabbed you by the neck as well, pulling you out of the room to the same place they’d taken Yunho. You struggled against his grip, but he held you tighter. As he opened the door to the basement he pointed at you with your own wand, yelling at Yunho to come out. “Don’t do anything stupid,” he urged in a whispered, before going back upstairs.
Although you were certain he hated you now, you threw your arms around Wooyoung as soon as San disappeared. “I’m so sorry!” you sobbed.
Wooyoung returned the hug and then held you by the shoulders taking a good look at you. “So he did make you hideous,”
Wooyoung sighed and sat down away from the door, “I know it was him who did that to you, he told me,”
“How did he find you?” you questioned in a whisper, sitting next to him.
“It was actually me who found him,” Wooyoung got a small cylinder out of his pocket, the Deluminator he’d been gifted a while ago. “With this. It’s... a long story, but somehow I knew something was wrong and this thing led me to him, he said you’d just been taken but he had a plan.”
You sighed, closing your eyes. “And now he delivered you too,”
“I was his way into the house, so far it’s working. He told me to have a little faith.”
Your eyes shot open at his words, they were the same ones he had used with you. “Maybe we shouldn’t, I shouldn’t have...”
“I have a good feeling about this, y/n,” Wooyoung patted your leg “I hope I’m not wrong.”
So did you.
You had covered your ears to muffle Yunho’s screams, but it was useless. You didn’t want to know what they were doing to him to cause such howls, but you knew it was your fault. After a while they went to get you and Wooyoung again, to take you upstairs, the first thing you saw was Yunho on the ground and then San standing in the back of the room, arms crossed above his chest. The rest of the Death Eaters left the room. 
They shoved you in front of someone’s feet, you looked at this hand first, holding Salazar Slytherin’s locket, and then your eyes went up to his face, Hongjoong squinted your features, stopping on the scar in the middle of your forehead, but instead of saying anything, he looked back at San. “What were you doing with them?” he questioned. 
San held Hongjoong’s gaze and walked towards him, “It’s all business, you know that. Especially for me.”
“Why didn’t you turn them in before?” Hongjoong continued, his hand took a hold of your shirt and dragged you back to where Wooyoung and Yunho were, “San?”
“I’ve got plans of my own, Hongjoong, I need my prestige back. Do you think bringing them in would have been enough? I had to find what they were up to,”
“And they let you? Mudbloods can be so fucking stupid,” he mocked, his thumb ran the shape of your scar and the smiled “I know who you are.”
“You know? I think purebloods can be pretty stupid too,” San chuckled, making his friend look back at him before ripping the locket off his hands and shoving him away. The stunning spell was strong enough, since he’d finally recovered his wand, and left Hongjoong unconscious on the other side of the room.
“For a second there I really thought you were going to let him take us,” Wooyoung said as he wrangled with the ties on his hands. San glared at him before untying you, echoes of ‘What was that?’ could be heard outside followed by rushed steps. You didn’t say anything, turning to Yunho to untie him and make sure he was as okay as someone who’d just been tortured could be.
“What are you doing?!” the female Death Eater screamed as she saw the scene.
“Hurry up!” Wooyoung urged, holding on to Yunho and extending his hand to you.
You looked at San, his wand pointing at the Death Eater and the other one with the necklace  tied around the palm, he threw it at you a few seconds later. San didn’t seem to be willing to disapparate with you, but you couldn’t leave him, they would kill him the moment you were gone. 
“Let’s go!” you dug your nails into his shoulder and closed your eyes. There was a scream, and the pull from the Apparition spell pulled on the pit of your stomach. Images flashed in front of your eyes, a house, the woods, and finally a beach, where you fell face-first.
Your hands were stained with blood but you were completely fine, the locket was still wrapped around your fingers.
“She grabbed him, I didn’t know what to do!” Wooyoung yelled, his own hands glowing scarlet. “He–”
There was a gash on San’s shoulder, or more like the missing part of his shoulder. You threw the locket at Wooyoung and approached San, his eyes were open and he was holding the side of his body that resulted damaged, but he still tried to smile at you.
“A little faith?” he battled to get the words out, the pain taking over him.
Your eyes filled with tears, as you looked at him and then at the cottage at the end of the beach, “We need to take him there, right now!” 
Although shaken, Yunho helped you pull San up as he started to lose consciousness, Wooyoung followed close, making sure no one was behind you.
As Fleur laid him down on a bed, yelling for you to get the Dittany and a lot of other stuff to heal him, San hoped that you knew he had made a choice and that now he knew where his loyalty lied: With you, the only person who had faith in him.
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redgitanako · 4 years
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Couple illustrations for wonderful ATEEZ Hogwarts!AU (When Ghosts Cry by joongz on Ao3) <3
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cherrysandae · 4 years
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Ateez members made with this!
Part 2- in order; San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and Jongho.
Part 1
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jjmorelikeotp · 4 years
Idgaf that San is a Slytherin he's giving me A LOT of Sirius Black vibes fr
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dalivanmagritte · 1 year
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Because why not and i love hp so kpop x hp is the only good answer 🫶
amortentia (masterlist, ongoing serie)
gryffondor captain! seungcheol
deskmates to lovers? slytherin!jeonghan
honeydukes lovers hufflepuff!joshua
take responsibility, choi! (gryffondor!seungcheol, fluff)
smells like you later! (gryffondor!seungcheol, fluff)
gentle sexy (hufflepuff!joshua, fluff)
nct dream and hogwarts (serie finished, smut)
a hogwarts collection (serie finished, 00's line, smut, fluff, angst)
hogwarts dreams at night (almost finished, 00's line, smut)
not so charming (gryffondor!jaehyun, fluff)
head over broomsticks (gryffondor!jaehyun, fluff, suggestive)
lion boy (gryffondor!mark, fluff)
limit (gryffonder!mark, smut)
amortentia and quidditch (gryffondor!mark, fluff)
my sunset is yours (gryffondor!jeno, fluff)
transfiguration spell (gryffondor!jeno, fluff, smut, angstish)
helping hand (hufflepuff!jeno, fluff)
better than words (slytherin!haechan, fluff)
i will not vanish (demon/gryffondor!haechan, fluff, smut)
scent (slytherin!haechan, fluff)
hufflepuff!jaemin at hogwarts (fluff)
dedication (slytherin!jaemin, fluff)
what do you desire? (slytherin!jaemin, fluff)
chill kill (slytherin!jaemin, smut)
desire pt.1 (slytherin!haechan, smut)
from the shadows (slytherin!san, fluff)
the champion (slytherin!san, angst)
catch me if you can (slytherin!san, fluff)
(in hope to be updated)
amour (a hogwarts au series) jaemin
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softsan · 4 months
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key: fluff 🤍 , angst 🖇️ , suggestive 🍶 , smut 🥛 , adult themes 🍚 , coming soon 📨 , in progress 🎧 , completed 📑 , requests 📁 .
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˚ 🫧 ⊹ patronus & potions. — kim hongjoong 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ twilight & transfiguration. — park seonghwa 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ bounty & broomsticks. — jeong yunho 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ cauldron & charms. — kang yeosang 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ heartstring & hellfire. — choi san 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ polyjuice & parchment. — song mingi 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ divination & deviance. — jung wooyoung 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
˚ 🫧 ⊹ quidditch & quills. — choi jongho 5k ; 🤍 , 🖇️ , 📨 , hogwarts au synopsis - . - read here.
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© softsan - all rights reserved. please do not repost on any social media sites, translate, or modify any of my works.
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ao3feed-ateez · 3 months
Stardust Srenade
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0hAHLBM by Sangie_Fluff In the heart of Hogwarts, where magic whispered through every stone and friendships bloomed beneath the vast expanse of the night sky, Hufflepuff's gentle giant San found himself inexplicably drawn to the spirited Gryffindor, Yeosang. Their story unfolded gradually, like the turning of pages in an enchanted book. It began one crisp autumn afternoon in the bustling corridors of Hogwarts. San, with his warm smile and easygoing nature, noticed Yeosang across the Great Hall during lunch. The Gryffindor was seated with friends, his dark eyes flickering with quiet intensity as he listened to a lively debate about magical creatures. Words: 1596, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Choi San (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang Relationships: Choi San/Kang Yeosang Additional Tags: hufflepuff san, That is not a tag??, Gryffindor Yeosang, WE NEED MORE ATEEZ HARRY POTTER AU!!!1, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Slice of Life, Long-Term Relationship(s), We all need love in our life fr!! read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/0hAHLBM
0 notes
wonhosbuttflower · 5 years
The Quidditch Aftermath
Pairing: Gryffindor San x Slytherin Reader (gender neutral)
Genre: Fluff (with an argument in the middle, though I don't think you could call it angst)
Words: 2.9k
Summary: After a Quidditch match gone wrong, you and San end up arguing about it.
A/N: Okay, so this is my first time writing this kinda of thing, so please bare with me :)
I'm really nervous about actually posting something I've written, but I had so much fun writing this that I just wanted to put it out there and maybe someone else will have fun reading it too ^^
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'I'm glad he's okay.', Jongho lets out in low, dragged voice as the four of you make your way out of the Hospital Wing.
'Heey, c'mon, man. It's not your fault. Even he recognises that.', Wooyoung assures him, putting his arm around his friend.
'Of course he's okay, Jong... The fall wasn't even that bad. Besides, Woo is right, it wasn't your fault.', it's your turn to assure your friend now. You put your own arm over Wooyoung's resting over Jongho's shoulders.
'It's not like you meant to hurt him... You did your job well, Jones was just... kind of dumb... trying to avoid the Bludger.', you add almost in whisper. Wooyoung lets out a loud laugh. Seonghwa gives you a somewhat disapproving look.
'What? I'm sorry but it's true! I mean, I'm not saying he's dumb in general... I'm just saying he made a dumb choice.', you try to defend yourself. Wooyoung laughs harder. You can see a shadow of a smile creeping up on Jongho's face, which makes you happy and a little proud of yourself.
'Fair enough.', Seonghwa says, shrugging his shoulders and smirking. 'I guess it was kind of dumb of him... He could've avoided that ridiculous fall.', he adds.
'You really think so?', Jongho asks him, hopeful.
'Of course, Jong. Y/N/N and Wooyoung are right... This wasn't your fault. Even Jones told you that.', Seonghwa tells him.
'You can't blame yourself for this. You even came here to apologise to him, which is more than most people would do. These accidents happen all the time in Quidditch... You know that better than anyone. Remember when you hit that post and had to stay in the Hospital Wing for like three days?', you let out.
'Outch. Yes, still hurts to think about that.', Jongho says, lost in his thoughts.
'Right, but you didn't blame Adams for it... Even though he was the one who sent that Bludger your way.', you add.
'Well, of course not. I mean, Adams is cool... I know he didn't mean to hurt me, he just had to stop me.', he agrees.
'Exactly!', you and Seonghwa let out at the same time. You punch Jongho's shoulders lightly, in an affectionate way.
'Oh. Yeah, you have a point. And Jones didn't seem too upset about it, honestly... Which is a good sign, I guess.', Jongho says.
'Dude, it was barely even a fall okay? He doesn't even have to spend the night there. I've had worse injuries from classes, Jong. Honestly, don't even worry about it.', Wooyoung says.
'He does have a point... I mean, remember the explosion during Potions?', you ask, making everyone start laughing at the memory.
Of course, you and Wooyoung were in the same class, so you were there to witness the moment. Neither Seonghwa nor Jongho were your classmates though, since the first one was in the year above yours, and the latter in the year below. But the four of you became close friends through being in the Quidditch Team together, so they knew the story all too well. You were all together laughing in the corridor when you notice someone moving your way.
'Oh, there's Choi... Do you think he's too upset about losing?', Wooyoung teases using a low enough volume so that the newcomer can't hear his comment all the way from where he is. They are friends, after all. You and your teammates share a playful smile.
'Y/L/N!', San shouts from his place.
'Oh, he doesn't sound too happy, that's for sure.', Seonghwa comments, giving you a smirk.
'Hey, Choi. Great catch during the game, by the way.', Jongho greets San once he's standing next to your group.
'Yeah, it really was... Shame it didn't really change anything in the end.', Wooyoung says ironically, taunting San. You can't help the smirk that forms on your face. It's nothing new, really... You always tease each other about Quidditch, but you're all still friends despite your differences. But, friends or not, San shoots daggers at Wooyoung after his comment, and then at you, probably noticing your amusement at the remark.
'Don't mind Wooyoung... He's just teasing you.', Seonghwa intervenes. 'You did play really great, Choi, congrats.', he adds, genuinely.
He's not wrong. Gryffindor did loose against you, but it was because the Chasers were rubbish and the Keeper was too easy for you and your friends to beat... But despite that, San really was an amazing Quidditch player. By far the best on his team, and all the games they did win were thanks to him. He was also the best Seeker in school, even better than your own... But Slytherin was lucky enough to have really strong players in the other positions, making yours the best team. No one could argue that. Even though you had had enough points in advance to win today's match, San had still caught the Snitch, and in a spectacular move too.
'At least we don't need to knock other players off to win.', San lets out.
'San!', you cry out his name. You can't believe he said that. He knows Jongho... He knows he didn't do it on purpose and that he must feel bad for it. You can see Jongho looking hurt and you blame San for throwing him back down after you three had just barely gotten him back up. 'Shut up!', you add almost right away.
'I guess that's why you never win, then.', Wooyoung shoots back at San, annoyed at his comment. You can't help but agree with Woo, San had this one coming his way.
'That's enough, Wooyoung.', Seonghwa steps in, warning his friend. 'Hmm, I guess we should go now, before someone says something else they'll regret.', he adds. You also agree with him.
'Fine. We have a victory party to prepare anyway...', Wooyoung lets out in a teasing tone, looking straight into San's eyes with an angry and defiant expression. 'C'mon, Jongho.', he says, pulling his friend along.
'Goodbye, Choi. And I'm sorry for Jones, I really am.', you hear Jongho say as he gets dragged away by Wooyoung. San just stares at them, not saying anything, not reacting. And for some reason that just makes you more mad at him.
'C'mon, Y/N.', Wooyoung calls out for you to follow them.
'You guys go ahead... I'll meet you back at the Common Room. I need to have a word with this one first.', you tell them, gesturing towards San with your head. You don't even bother looking at him.
'Are you sure? We can wait, if you want.', Seonghwa asks you.
'I'm sure... Thanks, Hwa.', you assure him.
'Okay, we'll see you later, then, Y/N.', he says before starting to make his way down the corridor with the other two. You turn to face San, giving him an angry look.
'Now, us. What the hell was that all about? Why would you say that in front of Jongho? You know damn well he didn't do it on purpose! He feels terrible about it and we had just gotten him to see that it wasn't his fault... And you ruined that, you made him feel even worse!', you let out all at once, angrily.
'But it was his fault. He knocked Jones off of his broom!', he lets out.
'No... He sent a Bludger at Jones, and Jones is the one who got all clumsy and flew straight into the Bludger's trajectory!', you set him straight. 'Jongho is a Beater... He was just doing his job. It's not his fault Jones was an idiot.', you add.
'The guy is in the Hospital Wing, for Merlin's beard!', he lets out.
'So what? We've all been there after matches or practices... That's Quidditch for you, it's not exactly an easy, friendly sport, it's fast and it can be quite violent sometimes, that's just how it is. Besides, he wasn't even that hurt... He said so himself. You know, just now when we came to check up on him and Jongho apologised to him for the accident. Which is exactly what it was, an accident.', you tell him.
'Maybe he's not that bad but he could've been seriously hurt!', San lets out impatiently.
'But he wasn't, was he? So why are you going around being a jerk to Jongho for something that could have happened, but didn't?', you accuse him.
'I... I didn't...', he starts but you cut him off.
'Why do you even care anyways? You don't even like Jones that much... You're always going on about annoying he is.', you shoot at him.
'Well, that doesn't really matter, does it? He's still my teammate.'
'Whatever... Are you even actually mad about Jones? Because I think this isn't about that, I think you're just mad because even though you caught the Snitch, you guys still lost to us.', you let him know.
'I don't care about that, Y/N.'
'Okay, now you're just straight up lying. We both know you wanted to win as bad as I did. It's not really your fault the rest of your team sucks.'
'Well, of course I wanted to win... Everybody likes to win but that's not what I meant. I'm not mad that you won, I'm mad at how you won.', he exclaims.
'I don't care why you're mad, San, that's not an excuse... You had no right to speak to Jongho like that. It's one thing to tease playfully, like we always do... It's another thing to be actually mean and hurtful just for the sake of being.', you tell him, still hurt.
'Hey, I wasn't the only one being mean now, was I?', he tries to defend himself.
'And Seonghwa told Wooyoung to shut the hell up, did he not?', you argue. 'But in his defence, you were the one who started it. You came straight up after Jongho and that was a jerk move. You know that. You actually hurt him and he did not deserve that. He's your friend! Hell, he's my friend and I hate seeing him get pushed down.'
'Why are you only defending him, then? You didn't defend me in front of Wooyoung, did you? And I'm your friend too!', he lets out with a hurt look.
'Wooyoung wouldn't have said that if you hadn't attacked Jongho like that. Besides, Jong did nothing wrong to begin with... He only did his job. You would have done the exact same thing if you were in his place... If you were a Beater, you would knock Bludgers at any one of us and you know it.', you tell him.
'I could never do that...', he lets out.
'I could never risk doing that to you, Y/N.', he almost whispers.
'Well, I guess that's why Slytherin will always win over Gryffindor then... Because we can separate our personal relationships from what happens on the pitch. It's a game and the fact that your friends are on the opposing team shouldn't stop you from doing what you need to do to win.', you say, maybe a little too coldly.
You didn't mean to attack him, it just came out like that. You can see he looks lost in thoughts and you wonder how to deescalate this whole thing. You have to try to say something to lighten up the mood.
'Well, that and... you know... our team is obviously better.', you add almost instantly in a much softer tone, flashing him a playful smirk.
'I guess I can't really argue with that.', he agrees, smiling slightly. 'I'm sorry... I didn't mean to be a jerk. I'll talk to them later and apologise to Jongho, okay? But I really don't want us to be mad over this.', he adds.
'Good... You should do that.', you tell him. 'And you know I can't actually stay mad at you. Also, I would punch Wooyoung if he ever actually hurt you. Or anyone else for that matter.', you add, smiling.
'I believe you!', he chuckles.
'So... do you want to tell me what this whole thing was really about or what? Because I know you and I'm pretty sure you're not actually mad at Jongho, or Wooyoung, or me.'
'I... I think I was just worried, honestly.'
'Worried? Worried about what, San?, you ask him.
'I don't know... I just don't like seeing you play. I saw Jones falling off his broom and all I could think of was that it could have been you.', he lets out in a low voice, his eyes stuck on the floor under his feet.
'You... were worried about me?', you let out, stepping closer to him to stand right in front of him.
Of course he worries about you, you're one of his good friends. You know that's what he means by that. If only he knew how you always worried about him, thought about him, cared about him. You didn't want him to know how you felt, you didn't want to ruin your friendship.
'Of course I worry about you... I could never stand to see you get hurt. I... I like you, Y/N.', San lets out in almost a whisper, looking up to you only after he finishes talking. You hope to Merlin he doesn't notice the flush of red warming up your cheeks.
'I understand, San... I couldn't see you get hurt either. We're friends so, you know, of course I like you too.', you say with a shy smile, hoping he doesn't see through your expression what you actually mean. 'I would hate to see something like that happening to you. But, you know, we all knew what we were getting ourselves into when we signed up for Quidditch Team, didn't we?', you add.
'What?', he asks, confused. He sighs deeply. 'No, Y/N. You don't get it... I actually like you.', he says. You freeze in your place.
'Wha... What?... What do you mean?', you stutter. He takes a deep breath before stepping forward, his face only a few inches away from yours. One of his hands cups your face, his thumb grazing your chin while his other hand rests on your back, just above your waist. You feel unable to move, holding your breath, your hearts about to beat its way out of your chest.
'This is what I mean.', he simply states before pressing his soft lips against yours. It's a sweet, quick kiss... One that leaves you wanting more. You don't know what to think or say. You just know you've never felt this way before. It's all so new and exciting.
'San...', his name escapes your mouth like a sigh. A good one. He smiles, still holding you tight, your chest against his. You can't help but smile as you notice how his eyes disappear and his cute dimples show up on his cheeks.
'I'll take that smile as a sign that you do get what I mean now. And... I suppose I can try that again...?', he half states, half asks. You nod slightly, agreeing with him.
He kisses you again, this time for longer. It's a more urgent and passionate kiss this time, as if the two of you melt into each other, trying to create something new. You smile into the kiss, as does him.
'Wow... I've been waiting for so damn long to do that.', he simply says when the moment finally stops, still smiling. You can't stop smiling yourself.
'So have I. Wish you had done it sooner.', you let out, making him laugh.
'Well, you could've done it too, no? You didn't have to wait for me to do it.', he jokes.
'Well, last time I checked, you're the Gryffindor, not me... You are supposed to be the brave one here!', you tease back and you both laugh. The hand he had cupping your face lets go of it and he reaches down to take you hand. You intertwine your fingers with his.
'Fair enough.', he agrees. 'Sorry I took so long.', he adds, placing a soft kiss on the back of your hand.
'Hmm... San?'
'Yes, Y/N?'
'You know this doesn't change anything, right?', you question him, looking innocent. He raises his eyebrows at you, worried.
'What do you mean? Do you... not want to be with me?', he asks, genuinely scared that he read the situation wrong.
'No, no, no! That's not it... I do! I want that very much. I... I really, really like you, San.', you quickly assure him, smiling. He sighs slightly, relieved. 'But us... you know... being together... It doesn't change anything. I'll still keep kicking you pretty little ass at Quidditch.', you explain. He lets out the loudest laugh.
'So... You think my ass is pretty, uh?', he teases. You roll your eyes at him, laughing.
'Don't get full of yourself, okay? It's not a bad butt... But I've seen better.', you tease back.
'No, you haven't.', he tightens his grip around you, moving his free hand from your back to your waist.
'Okay, fine... maybe I haven't. But you still won't be able to distract me, Choi. We'll just keep winning.'
'I believe that, Y/L/N.', he says with a smile while his thumb rubs circles on the back of your hand. 'As long as you don't get hurt doing it, I think I don't even mind losing to you that much.', he tells you sweetly.
'Well, that makes winning over you less fun, then.', you pout at him overdramatically.
'Hey, I didn't say I'd go easy on you. I still want to win.', he defends himself with a chuckle.
'Now that's better. Well, I'm a Chaser, so I won't exactly knock you off your broom... But I can't make any promises about Jongho, so you better be careful on the pitch. I'd really hate to have to visit you in the Hospital Wing.', you joke. 'Don't... Oh, please, don't tell him I said that. I was joking. It really was an accident.', you quickly add, making San laugh at your awkwardness.
'Don't worry... It'll be our little secret.', he says, kissing your forehead.
A/N: As this is my first "work" of this kind, I would really appreciate any thoughts and critiques you would like to share with me because I really wish to improve my stories and writing, so all opinions all more than welcome and my dms are always open ^^
Thank you so much for reading this little story and I honestly really, really hope you enjoyed it :)
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